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    Thugh many peple think f summer as a time t slw dwn and enjy a vacatin, it can als be the perfect time t make mney r get experience. Here are sme gd summer jbs fr yu.
    Survey-taking is a way t make mney during yur summer hliday, especially if yu live in an area that desn’t have many chances. With a cmputer r smartphne, yu can sit n yur sfa and search fr survey sites such as Surveys On The G, InbxDllars r Swagbucks. Withut much effrt, yu can start making mney fr yur pinins. Hwever, the ease f use cmes with a lw earning ptential.
    Fd Delivery(递送)
    If yu enjy driving, yu can use yur car t deliver fd. Yu can sign up t deliver fd frm restaurants with services such as Uber Eats, DrDash and Grubhub. Anther chice is delivering daily used gds with services such as Pstmates, Shipt and Instacart. The earning ptential fr delivery can be higher than fr ther jbs because custmers ften give tips. The disadvantage is that these jbs require yu t put in mre time.
    Pht Applicatins
    If yu g t the mall, yu can use an app such as Field Agent r Gigwalk t make mney by taking pictures f prducts in stres. See any help-wanted signs in the stre windws? Take a picture and get paid fr each ne yu find.
    Huse Sitting and Pet Care
    Summer is a time when peple take vacatins and may need smene t lk after their hmes r pets. Services such as HuseSitter and MindMyHuse cnnect hmewners with prper huse sitters(看房人). Fr animal lvers wh wuld rather care fr smene’s pet while they are away, yu can turn t services like Rver.
    1、What d we knw abut making mney thrugh Survey-Taking?
    A.It’s interesting.B.It requires little effrt.
    C.It takes much time.D.It requires special knwledge.
    2、Why is the earning ptential fr Fd Delivery higher than fr ther jbs?
    A.Yu can get sme extra reward.B.Yu wrk lnger hurs.
    C.Yu need t drive yur wn car.D.Yu deliver fd fr many peple.
    3、Which app shuld yu use if yu enjy lking after animals?
    A.Swagbucks.B.Uber Eats.C.HuseSitter.D.Rver.
    Last summer, my husband, Kevin, and I accepted an invitatin t a camping trip. Camping sites were difficult t bk. Thinking f the need fr physical distance, a paddling (用桨划船) camping trip seemed great. We chse a three-night trip t Crtch Lake which is in Ontari’s Nrth Frntenac Parklands.
    Our grup f 15 lived in fur sites. Mst peple were experienced wilderness campers, but this was my first real paddling camping trip. The mst difficult part fr me was the planning, trying t put everything we needed int a cane (独木舟), and being mindful f fd and weather. Meal planning was quite tiring.
    We put the cane int the water near Ompah, a village at the nrth end f the lake. Paddling n the pen water was unbelievable! As we mved, sme campers n shre (岸) waved, as if welcming us int the cmmunity. Nearly tw hurs passed by the time we reached ur site, which Kevin and I shared with tw friends. The surrunding (周围的) area f land is cvered with a lt f trees. As a result, there was n chance fr any walks. On the ther side, this frced us t take mre time t relax and enjy ur surrundings.
    We chse different places t have fun each day. First, we paddled t the Whitefish Rapids, where the Mississippi River rushes int the lake. On the secnd day, we tk a 13-kilmeter rund trip t the lake’s dam. And n ur final mrning, we snaked thrugh the Crtch Lake Cnservatin Reserve, an area where there are many small islands. Being n the lake allwed us t scialize as a grup while enjying nature’s fferings.
    The trip gave me a chance t immerse myself in nature. Crtch Lake was a trip I wuld enjy repeating. When everyday life gets busy, memries such as this ne make me relax. I can’t wait t trade my desk fr a cane and take ff n anther trip with friends.
    4、What did the authr think was the mst difficult part fr her?
    A. Learning t paddle.B. Preparing fr the trip.
    C. Picking a great campsite.D. Inviting her friends t jin in.
    5、What stpped the authr frm mving thrugh the area quickly?
    A. Her tired bdy.B. The thick frest.
    C. The brken cane.D. Her friends’ warning.
    6、What des the authr want t share in paragraph 4?
    A. Hw the trip was rganized.B. What the trip meant t her.
    C. Her wrries abut the islands.D. The difficulty she met during the trip.
    7、Hw did the authr feel abut her trip?
    A. It encuraged her t start a new adventure alne.
    B. It reminded her hw wnderful city life was.
    C. It gave her a chance t fcus n family life.
    D. It was enjyable and wrth it.
    Last Friday, a special thing tk place at the Natinal Theater f Krea. A rbt called EveR 6 led an rchestra (管弦乐队) in a perfrmance f Krean music. Rbts have led rchestras in ther cuntries, but this was the first time ever in Krea.
    EveR 6 is a rbt built by the Krea Institute f Industrial Technlgy (KITECH). It’s abut as tall as a persn, and has a human-like face that can shw feelings. EveR 6 has jints (关节) in its neck, shulders, etc. As a result, it can mve its arms quickly in many different directins.
    But EveR 6 desn’t think n its wn like sme Artificial Intelligence prgrams. Instead, it has a limited grup f mvements that it has been trained t perfrm. T make these mvements as natural as pssible, EveR 6’s mvements are learnt frm real human cnductrs.
    When EveR 6 mved its batn (指挥棒) fr the first time, a piece f music rang ut. Every mvement f the rbt’s arms brught mre instruments int the mix, and the rchestra’s music grew luder and mre exciting. Mr White, a human cnductr, was impressed with the way EveR 6 mved. “The rbt was able t present such difficult mves much better than I had imagined,” he said.
    But the rbt still is nt nearly ready t supersede a human cnductr. Mr White says the rbt’s greatest weakness is that it can’t hear. “Sme peple think that cnducting is just abut hand waving and keeping the beat,” says Mr White. But a gd cnductr needs t listen t the rchestra, s that he r she can crrect and encurage the rchestra as it plays.
    Mr White desn’t think rbts are likely t replace human cnductrs. But he believes rbts culd be helpful in situatins like practice parts where the same thing needs t be dne many times.
    8、What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. The effect f EveR 6.B. The advantage f EveR 6.
    C. The imprtance f EveR 6.D. The basic infrmatin f EveR 6.
    9、What des the underlined wrd “supersede” in paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Lk frward t.B. Shw interest in.
    C. Take the place f.D. Make an impressin n.
    10、Which f the fllwing may Mr White agree with?
    A. Rbts’ rle as a cnductr will be verlked.
    B. Rbts culd wrk in sme fields f cnductrs’ wrk.
    C. Rbts are useless in practice parts f a cnductr.
    D. Rbts will replace human cnductrs.
    11、In which sectin f a newspaper may this text appear?
    A. Science.B. Sprts.C. Health.D. Educatin.
    In ur daily lives, we spend a lt mre time typing n a keybard than writing with pencil and pen, s des handwriting still ffer anything useful?
    Researchers tasked 42 adult vlunteers with learning the Arabic letters frm beginning: Sme thrugh writing it ut n paper, sme thrugh typing it ut n a keybard, and sme thrugh watching and respnding t vide instructins. Thse in the handwriting grup nt nly learned the unfamiliar letters mre quickly, but they were als better able t apply their new knwledge in ther areas—by using the letters t make new wrds and t recgnize wrds they hadn’t seen befre, fr example.
    The real questin is: Are there ther benefits t handwriting that have t d with reading and spelling and understanding?
    While writing, typing, and visual learning were effective at teaching participants t recgnize Arabic letters—learners made very few mistakes after six exercise sessins—n average, the writing grup needed fewer sessins t get t a gd standard.
    Researchers then tested the grups t see hw the learning culd be generalized. In every fllw-up test, using skills they hadn’t been trained n, the writing grup perfrmed the best: naming letters, writing letters, spelling wrds, and reading wrds.
    While 42 peple isn’t a huge sample size fr a study f this type, the trends reprted by the study indicate that pen and paper still have an imprtant rle t play in learning, even as digital frmats(格式) have cme t cntrl ur cmmunicatins. And althugh adults were used in this particular experiment, the researchers say their findings shuld have relevance t children t. Several previus studies have als highlighted the advantages f cpying as an aid t learning.
    Tday pupils in schls spend far less time than they used t n handwriting skills and practice, fr bvius reasns—but based n what this study shws, it wuldn’t be wise t put away the pens and pencils permanently. Because with writing, yu’re getting a strnger representatin in yur mind that lets yu supprt ther types f tasks that dn’t in any way invlve handwriting.
    12、Hw did the researchers get the cnclusin?
    A.By making cmparisn.B.By studying dcument.
    C.By asking vlunteers.D.By watching vides.
    13、In which part handwriting perfrms the best?
    A.Cmmunicating with thers.B.Reviewing the previus skills.
    C.Learning a new language.D.Setting an example t kids.
    14、Why d pupils spend less time than they used t n handwriting skills?
    A.They dn't like pencils and paper.
    B.The digital tls are mre pwerful tday.
    C.Handwriting has nthing t d with study.
    D.Nbdy frces them t practice handwriting skills.
    15、What might be the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A.Put dwn yur keybard.B.Pen will replace cmputers.
    C.Handwriting is ut f time nw.D.Handwriting is better in learning.
    16、Mst peple want t be healthier, but they d nt knw t d this r think that they d nt have the time. ①__________ Here are sme science-backed tips n health and fitness fr busy peple.
    Use smaller bwls and plates, but taller glasses. ②__________ The reasn why this happens is that ur brain thinks that we are eating the same amunt f fd, but in reality, we are eating a smaller prtin (一份).Crnell University als fund the larger the plate, the mre likely that yu were t verlad it.
    ③________ Peple need t drink enugh water every day. But sugary drinks are linked t besity and diabetes (糖尿病). S plain water is the best chice. If yu aren’t a fan f plain water, add flavr with slices f range, lemn, lime, watermeln, r cucumber.
    Wrk ut during the cmmercials. N ne likes cmmercials, s yu might as well d smething healthy when they are playing. Every time thse cmmercials are playing, yu can d push-ups, sit-ups, r wall sits. ④__________
    Being healthy and fit nly takes a shrt amunt f time per day. ⑤__________ Science has prven that yu can be healthy withut hurs f wrking ut per day.
    A. Have a healthy diet.
    B. S being busy is really n excuse any mre.
    C. Drink plenty f water.
    D. The lnger that yu watch TV, the mre that yu need t wrk ut.
    E. They tested this thery with a self-service restaurant with tw sizes f plates.
    F. A study fund that by using smaller dishes, yu can eat up t 29% less calries per day.
    G. The truth is that it des nt have t take that lng r need huge life changes t be healthy.
    A by aged 11 wh let his hair grw t almst a ft and a half lng, finally gt a haircut after mre than three years.
    The kid, Kilian, is nt sprting a new hairstyle t imprve his ____1____, but t help children in their ____2____with cancer. “He didn’t expect anything ____3____. He was abut t d smething _____4_____ ,” his mther said.
    Despite the misunderstandings frm thers and the ____5____hair braiding (编织) that almst made him give up, Kilian was willing t help strangers. After ____6____it cst a lt t make a wig (假发), he was ____7____ t d mre than prvide the hair. He started t ____8____ mney and ended up raising $2,125.
    Befre leaving the saln, Kilian received a call frm Jeffrey, the funder f Wigs fr Kids, wh heard abut his ____9____. “I knw a little girl, wh ____10____t be right in ur neighbrhd, culd wear that hair. Kilian, yu ____11____have a heart f gld!” Jeffrey ____12____t set up a meeting between Kilian and the girl wh wuld receive the wig frm his ____13____hair. And he als____14____the tuching stry n Facebk, hping Kilian’s ____15____in the last three years will inspire thers t act.
    17、A. appearanceB. gradeC. healthD. skill
    18、A. encunterB. struggleC. experimentD. test
    19、A. in returnB. in additinC. in timeD. in turn
    20、A. reasnableB. fashinableC. meaningfulD. traditinal
    21、A. impssibleB. infrmalC. unusualD. uncmfrtable
    22、A. explringB. understandingC. assumingD. discvering
    23、A. carefulB. ashamedC. determinedD. talented
    24、A. spendB. cllectC. cuntD. exchange
    25、A. kindnessB. inspiratinC. patienceD. hnesty
    26、A. agreesB. happensC. intendsD. tends
    27、A. bviuslyB. typicallyC. graduallyD. extremely
    28、A. preferredB. refusedC. prmisedD. frgt
    29、A. designedB. decratedC. dnatedD. clred
    30、A. exchangedB. publishedC. prvedD. psted
    31、A. habitB. jurneyC. creativityD. energy
    32、Nwadays, ①_________ increasing number f peple begin t learn Chinese. They appeared as bamb shts after the spring rain.
    Mary, 15, frm a city in America, ②__________ (study) Chinese at schl fr ver 3 years. Her mther says, “I hpe it can help my daughter in sme way in the future, like finding jbs. China has becme the secnd ③__________ (big) ecnmy nw and is hpeful t be number ne.”
    An educatin system, knwn ④__________ the Cnfucius Institute, may als play a rle in the develpment f Chinese language. ⑤__________ (spread) Chinese language and culture, it was ⑥__________ (fficial) started in 2004 by China. There are ver 500 Cnfucius Institutes all ver the wrld nw, ⑦__________ (ffer) language classes and culture travels t the public. They greatly help freigners understand ⑧__________ the Chinese histry is like.
    Plus, students ⑨__________ (draw) t Chinese because it is the mst ppular language in the wrld nw. They cnsider it a tl t cmmunicate with a billin mre peple ⑩__________ speak it.
    33、假如你是李华, 你的英国笔友Lily发来邮件, 提到她最近为了保持身材在节食减肥。请你针对这一情况用英文给她回复邮件, 内容包括:
    注意:1. 词数80词左右;
    2. 可适当加入细节, 以使行文连贯。
    Dear Lily,
    Li Hua
    34、阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一个完整的短文。
    It was an early winter mrning. Jan was sleeping sundly when the phne rang in the living rm. She glanced at the clck n the wall—it was already nine ’clck. Every weekend mrning, her mther had t wrk part-time in the cafe. Because her brther Mike was sleeping like a lg. She quietly went ver t the living rm and picked up the receiver. “Gd mrning, my Dear!” Recgnizing the vice frm her father, Jan was immediately surrunded by a sense f jy.
    Jan’s father was a seaman, wh rarely came back. Brn in a nt-rich family, Jan and Mike felt the stress f life but they were happy t enjy the family atmsphere. At schl, they were straight-A students and actively invlved in schl activities. They became the pride f the schl and the envy f the students.
    “Gd mrning, Dad, what’s up?” Jan said in an easy tne. “I have been very nice recently, my baby. Tday is yur mther’s birthday, and I have rdered her a cake nline and it shuld cme t the huse in ne and half an hur. D remember t take the cake.”
    Hearing her father’s wrds, Jan felt a little ashamed. Hw she culd frget Mum’s birthday! She tk a lk at the dirty clthes n the sfa and the ily flr that hadn’t been mpped (拖地) fr a few days. There was tw hurs befre her mther came back. S she planned t prepare a surprise fr Mum.
    Thinking f this, she felt full f excitement. “Well, Dad, nw I’m ging t wake Mike up. We will give Mum a surprise !”
    Jan hung up the phne with Dad, and hurriedly went t Mike’s rm t share her Big Cleaning plan with Mike. After listening t Jan, Mike readily accepted her idea.
    注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2. 开头已给出。
    Paragraph 1:
    The Big Cleaning plan began.
    Paragraph 2:
    With the cake placed n the table, Mum came in.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Survey-taking中“Withut much effrt, yu can start making mney fr yur pinins.(不需要太多努力, 你就可以开始为自己的观点赚钱了。)”可知, Survey-taking不需要太多努力。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Fd Delivery(递送)中“The earning ptential fr delivery can be higher than fr ther jbs because custmers ften give tips.(因为顾客经常会给小费,所以送货的潜在收入要高于其他工作。)”可知,因为美食配送可以得到额外的报酬,所以收入比其他工作高。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“Fr animal lvers wh wuld rather care fr smene’s pet while they are away, yu can turn t services like Rver.(对于喜欢动物的人来说,他们更愿意在主人不在的时候帮忙照顾宠物,你可以求助于Rver这样的服务。)”可知,如果你喜欢照顾动物,你可以使用Rver软件。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The mst difficult part fr me was the planning, trying t put everything we needed int a cane (独木舟), and being mindful f fd and weather. Meal planning was quite tiring.(对我来说, 最困难的部分是计划, 试图把我们需要的一切都放进独木舟, 还要注意食物和天气。膳食计划是相当累人的)”可知在作者看来准备和注意旅行所需要的一切是野营旅行中最为困难的部分。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Nearly tw hurs passed by the time we reached ur site, which Kevin and I shared with tw friends. The surrunding (周围的) area f land is cvered with a lt f trees. As a result, there was n chance fr any walks.(将近两个小时过去了, 我们到达了我们的目的地, 凯文和我同两个朋友分享了这个地方。周围的土地被大量的树木覆盖。结果, 没有任何散步的机会)”可知因为森林里的众多树木所以作者不能快速穿过这个地区。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第四段“We chse different places t have fun each day. First, we paddled t the Whitefish Rapids, where the Mississippi River rushes int the lake. On the secnd day, we tk a 13-kilmeter rund trip t the lake’s dam. And n ur final mrning, we snaked thrugh the Crtch Lake Cnservatin Reserve, an area where there are many small islands. Being n the lake allwed us t scialize as a grup while enjying nature’s fferings.(我们每天选择不同的地方去玩。首先, 我们划到了the Whitefish Rapids, 密西西比河在这里汇入湖中。第二天, 我们绕了13公里, 来到了堰塞湖的大坝。在我们的最后一个早晨, 我们蜿蜒穿过了有许多小岛的Crtch湖自然保护区。在湖上, 我们可以在享受大自然馈赠的同时进行集体社交)”可知第四段主要讲的是作者和朋友们野营的具体细节, 所以作者想要分享的是他们是如何组织野营活动的。故选A项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“The trip gave me a chance t immerse myself in nature. Crtch Lake was a trip I wuld enjy repeating. When everyday life gets busy, memries such as this ne make me relax. I can’t wait t trade my desk fr a cane and take ff n anther trip with friends.(这次旅行给了我一个沉浸在大自然中的机会。Crtch Lake之旅我很乐意重复。当日常生活变得忙碌时, 像这样的回忆让我放松。我迫不及待地想把办公桌换成独木舟, 和朋友们再去旅行一次)”可知在作者看来Crtch Lake之旅让自己的身心都得到了放松以至于总想着能够再去一次。由此可以推出这次旅行对于作者来说是愉快的同时也是值得的。故选D项。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第二段中的“EveR 6 is a rbt built by the Krea Institute f Industrial Technlgy (KITECH). It’s abut as tall as a persn, and has a human-like face that can shw feelings. EveR 6 has jints (关节) in its neck, shulders, etc.(EveR 6是由韩国产业技术研究院(KITECH)制造的机器人。它和人一样高, 有一张像人一样的脸, 可以表达感情。EveR 6的脖子、肩膀等部位都有关节)”可知, 本段介绍了EveR 6的制造商, 它的身高, 有一张像人一样的脸, 它的脖子、肩膀等部位还有关节, 由此可知, 本段介绍的是EveR 6的基本信息。故选D项。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据划线单词后的“Mr White says the rbt’s greatest weakness is that it can’t hear.(怀特先生说, 这个机器人最大的弱点是它听不到声音)”以及“But a gd cnductr needs t listen t the rchestra, s that he r she can crrect and encurage the rchestra as it plays.(但是一个好的指挥需要倾听乐队, 这样他或她才能在乐队演奏时纠正和鼓励乐队)”可知, EveR 6最大的弱点是它也听不到声音, 但是, 一个好的指挥需要倾听乐队, 所以这个机器人远未准备好取代人类指挥, 由此可知, 该单词的意思应与“取代”意义接近。故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据尾段中的“Mr White desn’t think rbts are likely t replace human cnductrs. But he believes rbts culd be helpful in situatins like practice parts where the same thing needs t be dne many times.(怀特先生认为机器人不太可能取代人类指挥。但他认为, 在需要多次做同一件事的练习部分等情况下, 机器人可能会有所帮助)”可知, 怀特先生认为机器人不会取代人类指挥, 但可以在需要重复训练的情况中会有帮助, 由此可知, 怀特先生应该赞成“机器人可以从事某些领域的指挥工作”。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据首段中的“Last Friday, a special thing tk place at the Natinal Theater f Krea. A rbt called EveR 6 led an rchestra (管弦乐队) in a perfrmance f Krean music. Rbts have led rchestras in ther cuntries, but this was the first time ever in Krea.(上周五, 韩国国家剧院发生了一件特别的事情。一个名为EveR 6的机器人在一场韩国音乐表演中指挥了一个管弦乐队。机器人指挥管弦乐队在其他国家也有过, 但这是韩国有史以来的第一次)”可知, 一个名为EveR 6的机器人在一场音乐表演中指挥一个管弦乐队, 这在韩国尚属首次, 由此可知, 本文介绍的是担任音乐指挥的机器人, 由此可知, 文章可能出自报纸中的科学部分。故选A项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段内容"Researchers tasked 42 adult vlunteers with learning the Arabic letters frm beginning: Sme thrugh writing it ut n paper, sme thrugh typing it ut n a keybard, and sme thrugh watching and respnding t vide instructins. Thse in the handwriting grup nt nly learned the unfamiliar letters mre quickly, but they were als better able t apply their new knwledge in ther areas—by using the letters t make new wrds and t recgnize wrds they hadn’t seen befre, fr example."(研究人员让42名成年志愿者从一开始就学习阿拉伯语字母:一些人通过在纸上书写,一些人通过在键盘上打字,还有一些人通过观看和响应视频指令。手写组的人不仅更快地学会了不熟悉的字母,而且他们还能够更好地将新知识应用到其他领域,例如,利用这些字母造出新词,识别出他们以前从未见过的单词。)可知,研究人员通过将42名成年志愿者分成三组来学习阿拉伯语字母,一些人通过在纸上书写,一些人通过在键盘上打字,还有一些人通过观看和响应视频指令,然后对比三组的学习成果,发现手写组的人能更快地学会不熟悉的字母,由此可推断出,研究人员是通过比较得出结论的。故选A项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段关键句"Thse in the handwriting grup nt nly learned the unfamiliar letters mre quickly, but they were als better able t apply their new knwledge in ther areas—by using the letters t make new wrds and t recgnize wrds they hadn’t seen befre, fr example."(手写组的人不仅更快地学会了不熟悉的字母,而且他们还能够更好地将新知识应用到其他领域,例如,利用这些字母造出新词,识别出他们以前从未见过的单词。)和第五段关键句"In every fllw-up test, using skills they hadn't been trained n, the writing grup perfrmed the best: naming letters, writing letters, spelling wrds, and reading wrds."(一次后续测试中,使用未经训练的技能,手写组表现最好:命名字母、书写字母、拼写单词和阅读单词。)可知,手写组的人能更快地学会不熟悉的字母,并且在命名字母、书写字母、拼写单词和阅读单词方面表现得最好,而学习字母和拼写单词等方面都是学习语言的相关技巧,由此可推断出,手写组在学习一门新语言方面表现得最好。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段关键句"While 42 peple isn’t a huge sample size fr a study f this type, the trends reprted by the study indicate that pen and paper still have an imprtant rle t play in learning, even as digital frmats(格式) have cme t cntrl ur cmmunicatins."(虽然42人并不是这类研究的巨大样本量,但研究报告的趋势表明,笔和纸在学习中仍然发挥着重要作用,即使数字格式已经开始控制我们的交流。)可知,因为数字工具的功能更加强大,已经开始控制我们的交流,所以我们在学习中使用笔和纸的频率降低了。再根据最后一段关键句"Tday pupils in schls spend far less time than they used t n handwriting skills and practice, fr bvius reasns—but based n what this study shws, it wuldn’t be wise t put away the pens and pencils permanently"(今天,学校里的学生花在书写技能和练习上的时间比过去少得多,原因显而易见,但根据这项研究的结果,永久性地把钢笔和铅笔扔掉是不明智的。)可知,句中"bvius reasns"指代的就是数字工具在学习中的使用,由此可推断出,学生花在书写技能上的时间比过去少了是因为如今,数字工具的功能更加强大了。故选B项。
    解析:主旨大意题。通读文章,结合倒数第二段关键句"While 42 peple isn’t a huge sample size fr a study f this type, the trends reprted by the study indicate that pen and paper still have an imprtant rle t play in learning, even as digital frmats(格式) have cme t cntrl ur cmmunicatins."(虽然42人并不是这类研究的巨大样本量,但研究报告的趋势表明,笔和纸在学习中仍然发挥看重要作用,即使数字格式已经开始控制我们的交流。)可知,文章主要通过展示研究成果告诉我们,手写在学习中依然重要,甚至比应用数字设备学习效果更好,"Handwriting is better in learning."意为"手写在学习中更好。"选项能够概括文章主要内容。故选D项。
    解析:①根据上文“Mst peple want t be healthier, but they d nt knw t d this r think that they d nt have the time(大多数人都想变得更健康, 但是他们不知道这样做, 或者认为他们没有时间。)”可知, 此处说明人们想健康苦于没有时间和方法, G项“The truth is that it des nt have t take that lng r need huge life changes t be healthy.(事实是, 不需要那么长的时间, 也不需要巨大的生活变化就能保持健康。)”承接上文, 说明不用那么长时间, 不用那么多生活变化也能保持健康, 引出下文“Here are sme science-backed tips n health and fitness fr busy peple.(以下是一些有科学依据的关于忙碌人群健康和健身的小贴士)”。 选项中be healthy和上文be healthier以及下文n health and fitness语义一致。故选G。
    ②根据上文“Use smaller bwls and plates, but taller glasses.(使用较小的碗和盘子, 但更高的玻璃杯。)”说明要想健康, 需要少餐多饮, 选项F“A study fund that by using smaller dishes, yu can eat up t 29% less calries per day.(一项研究发现, 通过使用较小的菜碟, 你可以每天少摄入高达29% 的卡路里。)”承接上文, 解释上文中“使用较小碗和盘子”说明使用较小菜碟, 少吃些, 少摄入热量。选项中smaller dishes和上文smaller bwls and plates语义一致。故选F。
    ③根据下文“Peple need t drink enugh water every day.(人们每天需要喝足够的水。)”可知本段强调每天都需要和足够的水。C项“Drink plenty f water.(多喝水)”适合本段标题。点明本段主题。选项中water和后文中的water描述对象一致。故选C。
    ④根据上文“Wrk ut during the cmmercials. N ne likes cmmercials, s yu might as well d smething healthy when they are playing.Every time thse cmmercials are playing, yu can d push-ups, sit-ups, r wall sits.(在广告时间锻炼身体。没有人喜欢广告, 所以你不妨在广告播放的时候做些健康的事情。每次播放这些广告的时候, 你可以做俯卧撑、仰卧起坐或者背靠墙直角坐。)”说明本段讲述在播放广告时, 是个锻炼的好机会, 是谈论看电视与锻炼的联系, 选项D“The lnger that yu watch TV, the mre that yu need t wrk ut.(你看电视的时间越长, 你需要锻炼的就越多。)”作为段落结尾, 进一步说明看电视和锻炼之间的关系。故选D。
    ⑤根据上文“Being healthy and fit nly takes a shrt amunt f time per day.(保持健康每天只需要很短的时间。)”可知, 此处说明保持健康并不需要那么长时间。选项B“S being busy is really n excuse any mre. (所以忙碌真的不再是借口了。)”承接上文, 进一步说明为了保持健康, 不要再以“忙碌(没时间)”为借口了。选项中being busy和上文nly takes a shrt amunt f time per day语义相关。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个名叫Kilian的孩子换新发型并不是为了改善自己的形象, 而是为了帮助那些身患癌症的孩子们。A. appearance外表;B. grade年级, 成绩;C. health健康;D. skill技巧。根据后文“but t help children in their ________ with cancer.”可知, Kilian换发型并不是为了改善自己的外表形象。故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个名叫Kilian的孩子换新发型并不是为了改善自己的形象, 而是为了帮助那些身患癌症的孩子们。A. encunter偶遇;B. struggle斗争;C. experiment实验;D. test测试。根据下文“with cancer”可知, 此处表示和癌症作斗争的孩子们。故选B。
    解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:他不期待任何回报。A. in return作为回报;B. in additin另外;C. in time及时;D. in turn轮流, 依次。根据上文“expect anything”可知, 此处表示“他不期待任何回报”。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他要做一件有意义的事。A. reasnable合理的;B. fashinable时髦的;C. meaningful有意义的;D. traditinal传统的。根据下文“he was ________ t d mre than prvide the hair. He started t ________ mney and ended up raising $2,125.”可知, Kilian捐赠自己的头发并且为身患癌症的孩子们筹钱, 因此句子表示“他要做一件有意义的事”。故选C。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管有来自他人的误解和不舒服的辫子差点让他放弃, Kilian还是决心帮助陌生人。A. impssible不可能的;B. infrmal不正式的;C. unusual不寻常的;D. uncmfrtable不舒服的。根据下文“hair braiding (编织) that almst made him give up”可知, 男孩编个辫子会不舒服。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在发现制作假发的成本很高之后, 他决定做更多的事情, 而不仅仅是提供头发。A. explring探索;B. understanding理解;C. assuming设想;D. discvering发现。根据下文“it cst a lt t make a wig”可知, 制作假发的成本很高, 这是他发现的客观事实。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. careful小心的;B. ashamed羞愧的;C. determined坚决的;D. talented有天赋的。根据“t d mre than prvide the hair”可知, 他决定做更多的事情, 而不仅仅是提供头发。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他开始筹款, 最终筹集了2125美元。A. spend花费;B. cllect筹集;C. cunt数, 依赖;D. exchange交换。根据“ended up raising $2,125.”可知, 男孩开始筹钱, 最终筹集了2125美元。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在离开美发沙龙之前, Kilian接到了“Wigs fr Kids”的创始人Jeffrey的电话, 他听说了他的善良。A. kindness善良;B. inspiratin灵感;C. patience耐心;D. hnesty诚实。根据上文“he was ________ t d mre than prvide the hair. He started t ________ mney and ended up raising $2,125.”可知, 此处表示Jeffrey认为Kilian肯把自己的头发剪下来给别人当假发, 这是善良的举动。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我认识一个小女孩, 她碰巧住在我们附近, 她可以留着那种头发。A. agrees同意;B. happens碰巧;C. intends打算;D. tends倾向于。根据下文“t be right in ur neighbrhd”可知, 句子表示“我认识一个小女孩, 她正好住在我们附近”, happen t d意为“碰巧做某事”。故选B。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:Kilian, 你显然有一颗金子般的心!A. bviusly显然;B. typically通常;C. gradually逐渐;D. extremely尤其地。根据下文“have a heart f gld”和他留长头发来提供给别人做假发可知, Kilian显然有一颗金子般的心。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:Jeffrey答应在Kilian和女孩之间安排一次会面, 女孩将从他捐赠的头发中获得假发。A. preferred偏爱;B. refused拒绝;C. prmised答应;D. frgt忘记。根据下文“t set up a meeting between Kilian and the girl wh wuld receive the wig”可知, Jeffrey答应在Kilian和女孩之间安排一次会面。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:Jeffrey答应在Kilian和女孩之间安排一次会面, 女孩将从他捐赠的头发中获得假发。A. designed设计;B. decrated装饰;C. dnated捐赠;D. clred为…着色。根据上文“he was ________ t d mre than prvide the hair.”可知, 女孩将从他捐赠的头发中获得假发。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他还在Facebk上发布了这个感人的故事, 希望Kilian过去三年的经历能激励其他人采取行动。A. exchanged交换;B. published出版;C. prved证明;D. psted发帖子。根据下文“n Facebk”可知, 他还在Facebk上发布了这个感人的故事。故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:他还在Facebk上发布了这个感人的故事, 希望Kilian过去三年的经历能激励其他人采取行动。A. habit习惯;B. jurney历程;C. creativity创造力;D. energy能量。根据上文“A by aged 11 wh let his hair grw t almst a ft and a half lng, finally gt a haircut after mre than three years.”和下文“in the last three years”可知, 句子表示“希望Kilian过去三年的历程能激励其他人采取行动”。故选B。
    32、答案:an;has studied ;biggest;as ;T spread ;fficially;ffering; what; are drawn ;that/wh
    解析:①考查冠词。句意:如今, 越来越多的人开始学习汉语。分析句子, 句中a number f为固定短语, 意为“大量的”, number前面的修饰词increasing首字母发音为元音音素。故填an。
    ②考查动词。句意:玛丽, 15岁, 来自美国的一个城市, 已经在学校学习了3年多的中文。分析句子, 设空处使用动词作谓语, 句中fr ver 3 years为现在完成时时间标志。故填has studied。
    ③考查形容词。句意:中国现在已经成为第二大经济体, 并有望成为第一。分析句子, 设空处使用形容词作定语, 此处表示“世界上第二大”应该使用形容词big的最高级。故填biggest。
    ④考查介词。句意:被称为孔子学院的教育系统也可能在汉语的发展中发挥作用。句中be knwn as为固定短语, 意为“作为……而出名”。故填as。
    ⑤考查非谓语动词。句意:为了传播中国语言和文化, 中国于2004年正式地启动了这项活动。分析句子, 句中was started为谓语动词, 设空处使用非谓语动词, 此处表示目的作状语, 故使用不定式结构。同时该空置于句首, 开头单词首字母大写。故填T spread。
    ⑥考查副词。句意:同上。分析句子, 设空处使用fficial的副词fficially作状语, 修饰动词started, 意为“官方地, 正式地”。故填fficially。
    ⑦考查非谓语动词。句意:目前, 全球有500多所孔子学院, 为公众提供语言课程和文化之旅。分析句子, 句中are为谓语动词, 设空处使用非谓语动词, 此处500 Cnfucius Institutes与ffer之间是主动关系, 故使用现在分词作状语, 故填ffering。
    ⑧考查宾语从句。句意:他们极大地帮助外国人了解中国的历史是什么样的。分析句子, 设空处引导宾语从句, 引导词在从句中作like的宾语, 意为“什么”用what。故填what。
    ⑨考查动词。句意:此外, 学生们被中文所吸引, 因为它是现在世界上最流行的语言。分析句子, 设空处使用动词作谓语, 根据后文的is以及句意可知, 句子表述客观事实, 故使用一般现在时, 同时students与draw之间是被动关系, 表示“被吸引”, 故使用一般现在时的被动语态。故填are drawn。
    ⑩考查定语从句。句意:他们认为这是一种与十亿多说英语的人交流的工具。分析句子, 设空处引导的是定语从句, 引导词在从句中作主语, 修饰先行词peple, 为人故用that或者wh。故填wh或者that。
    33、答案:Dear Lily,
    I hpe this email finds yu well. I understand that yu are trying t lse weight by dieting. Hwever, I want t express my cncern abut the negative effects that extreme dieting culd bring t yur health.
    Instead f dieting, I suggest that yu adpt a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Yu can try incrprating mre exercise and physical activities int yur daily rutine. Als, eating a variety f nutrient-rich fds rich in prtein, fiber, and whle grains culd help yu maintain a healthy weight.
    Take care f yurself!
    Li Hua
    知道:understand → be aware
    尝试做:try ding → make an attempt t d
    建议:suggest → recmmend
    各种各样的:a variety f→ diverse
    原句:Yu can try incrprating mre exercise and physical activities int yur daily rutine.
    拓展句:Yu can try incrprating mre exercise and physical activities int yur daily rutine, which is greatly beneficial t yu.
    The Big Cleaning plan began. Jan cllected the clthes frm sfa and then put them in the water f a basin. After puring in sme washing liquids, she began t wash them by hand. Realizing the clthes were clean enugh, Jan gently squeezed water ut and hung them t dry. Meanwhile, Mike was busy mpping the flr back and frth with all his strength, really aware f what hard wrk his Mum had at hme! They had just finished the cleaning when the express by came t the dr.
    With the cake placed n the table, Mum came in. “Happy birthday, Mum!”, they greeted in chrus. Cnfused and surprised, Mum std frzen. When Mum realized what had happened, a warm current rse in her heart. Staring at the clean flr and the washed clthes, she culd hardly cntain her excitement and hugged them tightly, “It is the best birthday gift I have ever had!” Mum said emtinally. Just then Jan tk ut her smartphne and tk a happy vide named Mum’s Birthday and sent it t Dad.
    ①由第一段首句内容“大扫除计划开始了。”可知, 第一段可描写Jan和弟弟是如何大扫除的。
    ②由第二段首句内容“蛋糕放在桌上, 妈妈走了进来。”可知, 第二段可描写妈妈看到Jan和弟弟大扫除以及收到蛋糕后的心理感受。
    2.续写线索:Jan和弟弟在周末的早晨熟睡—Jan接到爸爸的电话, 得知今天是妈妈的生日—Jan决定和弟弟一起给妈妈一个惊喜—Jan和弟弟将家里进行了大扫除—妈妈回来后看到这一切很感动, 觉得这是最好的生日礼物

    浙江省杭州市“六县九校”联盟高一上学期11月期中英语试题: 这是一份浙江省杭州市“六县九校”联盟高一上学期11月期中英语试题,文件包含浙江省杭州“六县九校”联盟高一上学期期中联考英语学科试题笔试部分答案docx、浙江省杭州“六县九校”联盟高一上学期期中联考英语学科试题笔试部分docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。

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