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    Frm a multi-day hike fllwing the rutes f a Japanese pet, t a classic climb in the Argentinian Lake District, there are thusands f incredible trails (小路) that allw us t get up clse t nature.
    Appalachian Trail, United States
    Extending fr 2,200 miles, the Appalachian Trail is listed as the lngest hiking-nly ftpath in the wrld. It runs frm Springier Muntain in Gergia t Munt Katahdin in Maine, passing thrugh sme f the mst remte cuntry in the United States. That means it’s a hard task, either fr thse with endless vacatin allwance, r walkers lking t d a small piece f a classic rute.
    The Bash Wayfarer, Japan
    This self-guided trip fllws a rute taken by the pet Matsu Bash ver 300 years ag. The six-day hike starts in Sendai and wrks its way thrugh the nrthern Thku regin, passing thrugh the UNESCO Wrld Heritage (遗产)Site f Hiraizumi and alng the ancient Dewa Kaid path. With its beech and cherry frests, it finishes at the temple f Yamadera.
    Munt Tubkal, Mrcc
    The path upwards rises frm the village f Imlil, passing ver a dry river bed befre rising sharply thrugh a temple and n twards a large muntain cttage. After vernight here, hikers set ff up the snwfield t the peak, where the Atlas Muntains pen ut and the views are breathtaking. A lcal guide and muleteers fr carrying luggage are a must.
    The Dingle Way, Ireland
    It is a ring-like path that ffers the best way t get under the skin f wild Cunty Kerry in Ireland’s suth west. Starting in the twn f Tralee, the clckwise path fllws narrw rads, taking in the wide sweep f sand at Inch Strand, passing alng the clifftps utside Dingle twn and heading arund the edge f Munt Brardn, the highest peak n the Dingle Peninsula.
    1、What d we knw abut the Bash Wayfarer?
    A.It ffers n guide service.B.It was built by a pet.
    C.It ends in the nrthern Thku regin.D.It is n the wrld heritage list.
    2、Where can hikers enjy a gd view f snw?
    A.Appalachian Trail.B.The Bash Wayfarer.
    C.Munt Tubkal.D.The Dingle Way.
    3、What is special abut the Dingle Way?
    A.It fllws a circle path.B.It is the lngest in the wrld.
    C.It finishes at Munt Brandn.D.It reaches the highest peak in Ireland.
    Ke’Nyzjah Ferebee was standing by the kitchen wrktp, adding cupcake liners t a pan. She used an ice cream spn t fill each with cake batter (面糊) t ensure they wuld lk identical. A finished grup sat n the cunter with white buttercream turning n tp. The cupcakes were fr a 2-year-ld’s “Mana”-themed birthday party. The next day, she had rders fr a tw-tiered cake and tw birthday cakes.
    While mst teenagers are spending the summer hanging ut with friends and wrking, Ke’Nyzjah is filling rders, updating her website and getting new branding phts. She wns and perates KayKe Bakery, a hme-based business, specializing in custm cakes and cupcakes. She ffers 14 flavrs. She requires at least tw t fur weeks’ ntice n rders, and she gets six t seven a week.
    In 2020, she started baking ut f bredm and a desire fr cake. She asked her mm fr a slutin. Mm pinted her t a bx f cake mix in the cupbard. Ke’Nyzjah’s first attempt failed. But she tried making mre cakes the next day. She gt better.
    She watched hurs f YuTube vides t cme up with a recipe and t teach herself baking techniques. “Once I gt n Instagram and started seeing ther peple’s decrated cakes, that’s when I gt inspired t be a cake artist instead f just a baker,” she said. She tk business classes such as digital marketing at her schl. She als registered fr a curse t becme a certified custmer service specialist. It taught her hw t talk t custmers and get thrugh a sale. She’s cnstantly trying t find mre ways t prmte her business and find new clients. “It’s a little difficult having t keep up with bth my Instagram and my Facebk pages and managing schl, persnal life and a business. It can be a lt smetimes, but I manage.”
    Nakesia Fercbec, Ke’Nyzjah’s mther, felt her daughter’s father has been influential. Ke’Nyzjah gives her mther a large f the credit. “She’s like my biggest supprter. She’s made me wh I am. I’ve cme t realize that I am an incredible persn.”
    4、What was Ke’Nyzjah ding accrding t the first paragraph?
    A.Designing a themed party.B.Making cakes fr business.
    C.Preparing fr her birthday party.D.Placing an rder fr cakes nline.
    5、What can be inferred abut Kayke Bakery?
    A.It is well received.B.It hsts parties fr custmers.
    C.It is a jint business.D.It mainly prvides service fr kids
    6、What might be a challenge fr Ke’Nyzjah?
    A.Attending business classes.B.Teaching herself baking techniques.
    C.Getting alng with her clients.D.Balancing her business with schling.
    7、What is the text mainly abut?
    A.A hme-based teen baker.B.A bredm-killing bakery.
    C.Hw t becme a cake artist.D.Hw t start a business.
    Crssing Phenix, Arizna, are 180 miles f canals. In 1867, the city’s funding father, Jack Swilling saw the remains f irrigatin (灌溉) channels wandering acrss the landscape. He realized that, centuries befre, sme sciety had farmed this desert. Sn after, Swilling began clearing the blcked canals t bring agriculture back t the regin.
    Three years later, Swilling and ther pineers met t cnsider names fr their settlement. The tp tw were Pumpkinville and Stnewall. Luckily, English adventurer Darrell Duppa prpsed a name inspired by the resurrectin (复兴) f the canals. “A great race nce lived here and anther great race will live here in the future,” he cnsidered. “I predict that a new city will spring, phenix-like, frm the ruins and ashes f the ld.”
    Gary Huckleberry, a researcher, said, “In the suthwest, we have sme serius issues t deal with in terms f water. The Clrad River is the main surce f water fr the suthwest and it’s ver distributed. We’ve gt ppulatin grwth and climate change. Hw are we ging t deal with that? I think there’s smething t be learned by lking at past scieties wh managed water fr thusands f years.”
    That great sciety was the Hhkam. Between 100 and 1450 AD, they cnstructed 1,000 miles f canals. As the Hhkam expanded their netwrk, they cnstantly repaired, cleaned and diverted the canals. “It requires cperatin, because all the users f the water frm that canal have t agree nt nly t cnstruct it, but als t maintain it,” Hendersn, a scientist, said. “Users wuld have t agree t certain cnditins t keep the entire system ging.” The Hhkam cmmitted t sharing water and put themselves n timetables.
    The Hhkam used canal irrigatin fr 3,000 years. “That, t me, is the definitin f sustainable develpment,” Huckleberry said. “They learned hw t sustainably farm, t manage water, t nt destry their sils in a way that is wrthy and might give us insight int hw we might deal with the current truble. I think ne f the key lessns is that yu dn’t put all yur eggs in ne basket.”
    8、What is Paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A.The recnstructin f canals.
    B.The rigin f the city’s name Phenix.
    C.The discvery f the irrigatin channels.
    D.The agricultural develpment in the settlement.
    9、What des the underlined wrd “that” in Paragraph 3 refer t?
    A.The surce f water.B.The climate change.
    C.The ppulatin grwth.D.The ver-distributin f water.
    10、What des Hendersn say abut the Hhkam?
    A.They were expert in farming.
    B.They were pr at time management.
    C.They had a strng sense f team spirit.
    D.They fught fr their rights t use water.
    11、Which f the fllwing wuld Huckleberry agree with?
    A.Canal irrigatin is ut f date.B.Sustainable develpment matters.
    C.Farming can slve current truble.D.The lss f sils is wrse than befre.
    Researchers in Singapre have develped an electrnic material that helps rbts sense and tuch nearby bjects.
    The material is a kind f fam: a slid substance that is filled with air and is sft. And the fam has anther useful quality. It repairs itself when damaged, much like human skin. The material is called AiFam, which is shrt fr artificially innervated fam. T innervate means t supply with nerves. In rbts, AiFam wuld gather infrmatin frm nearby and send it t a cmputer cntrlling the rbt. AiFam is a stretchy plymer (聚合物) cmbined with a mixture that lwers surface tensin. This means that if yu cut the material, it can return easily int ne piece.
    T cpy the human sense f tuch, the researchers mixed micrscpic pieces f metal int the material. Then they added very small electrical cnnectins beneath the surface f the fam.
    Benjamin Tee, a lead researcher n the new material at the Natinal University f Singapre, said that when there is pressure n the material, the metal particles (颗粒) get clser. The mvement changes their electrical prperties. The electrical cnnectins sense these changes and send infrmatin abut them t a cmputer, which then tells the rbt what t d.
    “When I mve my finger near the sensr, yu can see the sensr is measuring the changes f my electrical field and respnds accrdingly t my tuch,” he said. The rbtic hand senses nt nly the amunt but als the directin f the frce placed n it. That culd make rbts mre intelligent and respnsive.
    Tee said AiFam is the first material f its kind t cmbine self-repairing prperties with nearness and pressure sensing. After spending ver tw years develping it, Tee and his team hpe the material can be put t use within five years.
    12、What is ne feature f AiFam?
    A.It is made ut f air.B.It is a lw-cst material.
    C.It has self-repairing ability.D.It can replace human skin.
    13、Hw des the authr develp paragraph 2?
    A.By giving instructins.B.By listing examples.
    C.By making cmparisns.D.By ffering explanatins.
    14、Which f the fllwing gives rders t the rbt?
    A.Benjamin Tee.B.The researcher.
    C.The sensr.D.The cmputer.
    15、What can we learn abut AiFam frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A.It can measure the shape f yur finger.
    B.It can change the directin f the frce.
    C.It will cme nt the market in the near future.
    D.It makes rbts mre sensitive than human beings.
    16、Hurricane seasn can be wild and unpredictable. ①_______Here are sme ways yu can beef up yur hme security in hurricane weather, even if yu need t mve ut.
    ②_______That actually des nthing t ensure yur safety in the pwerful winds. Sticking t hurricane shelters r plywd (胶合板) is the nly way t g when it cmes t prtecting thse pints f entry in hurricane cnditins. Buy sheets f plywd,measure yur windws and use brackets (支架) t hld the plywd in place.
    Sandbags are very useful. While sandbags wn’t be able t help in the extreme strm, many peple will be able t prevent flding and extensive damage t their belngings by placing sandbags. ③_______Any strm water that is kept ut f yur hme is strm water that wn’t be able t damage the belngings inside yur hme, s sandbags are well wrth having at yur drways during a hurricane.
    It’s imprtant t prepare the inside f yur hme fr strng winds and rain. But yu shuld als keep an eye n the utside f yur huse, t. Trim (修剪) trees, especially dead branches, t prevent anything else that culd fly thrugh a windw and cause damage during a hurricane. ④_______
    Yu shuld als take pictures f expensive items like electrnics and keep ntes f their serial numbers. ⑤_______Als, there are always bad peple ut right after a strm. If the wrst happens and yur hme is brken int right after a bad strm, having pictures and detailed ntes abut what was in yur hme prir t the hurricane will make it easier fr plice t track dwn stlen items.
    A.Yu shuld have a camera at hme.
    B.It can be strng enugh t resist the frceful winds.
    C.Making sure nthing is lse in yur yard is imprtant.
    D.Yu may see peple taping windws befre a hurricane cmes.
    E.They will be able t effectively keep strm water ut in many cases.
    F.It will aid with yur insurance cmpany if anything needs t be replaced.
    G.These dangerus strms can bring damage t yur hme and belngings.
    Residents f a Wiltshire twn have created a vertical living garden t fight pllutin. The wall f plants has been 1 t the side f a shp in Bridge Yard in the center f Bradfrd-n-Avn.
    Stephanie Edwards 2 the idea and brught it t the twn cuncil t put int 3 . “As a matter f fact, the plants have 4 with them insects, and we’ve had a cuple f birds sitting up there s it’s 5 fr sure and we must nt frget the 6 f health and well being,”she said.
    The wall had been in the 7 since 2019 and tk abut five days t cnstruct. The wall is 8 seasnal plants, lw energy LED lighting, birdhuses and bug htels.
    Alex Kay said the living wall had a number f beneficial 9 . “I dn’t think that anyne will guarantee that this will slve ur air quality situatin, but it will 10 it,” she said. “It’s nt just the traffic and the 11 quality, but this is abut well being. This is gd fr the 12 .”
    James Sullivan-Tail yur, wh wns the nearby Swan Htel, said he was really 13 with the wall. “I think it’s 14 a cleaner twn, a nicer twn, but als smething 15 that is ging t attract visitrs as well,”he added.
    24、A.cnnected tB.mixed withC.made up fD.brken up int
    32、Samantha Cristfretti, the first Italian female astrnaut in space, ①__________(pst) a grup f phts and several Chinese sentences n her Twitter accunt during her missin at the Internatinal Space Statin.
    Attached t the phts②__________ (be) several lines frm Preface t Pems Cmpsed at the Orchid Pavilin, an ancient Chinese calligraphy masterpiece③__________famus Chinese calligrapher Wang Xizhi frm the Eastern Jin Dynasty.
    Cristfretti even gave④__________accurate translatin f the lines, saying, “Lking up, I see the vastness f the universe. ⑤__________ (bw) my head, I lk at the multitude f the wrld. The gaze flies, the heart expands, the jy f the senses can reach its peak, ⑥__________this is true happiness indeed.”
    “Her qutatin (引语) f the lines shws that she⑦__________ (careful) bserved the universe with the visin f Chinese civilizatin while bserving China frm space. Such a qutatin is very special, ⑧__________shws her ambitin and a sense f pride,” said Prfessr Wang Hui frm Tsinghua University.
    Her qutatin als sparked a heated⑨__________ (discuss) amng freign Internet users n scial media. Sme netizens said that with her Chinese language capacity, Cristfretti als has the ability⑩__________ (wrk) at the Chinese space statin, while thers hpe that there will be less cnflict and mre cperatin in the wrld.
    33、假定你是李华,你校原定于本周五举行为期两天的“农耕研学(Agricultural Field Trip)”活动,因天气影响将延期举行。请你写一封邮件告知交换生David,内容包括:
    Dear David,
    Li Hua
    34、December 1952 in Wiscnsin was bitterly cld. A curius 7-year-ld, I was in hesitatin when my father arrived hme frm wrk with smething hidden in his jacket. “Guess what I have,” he said. He slwly unwrapped the jacket t take ut a frzen wl (猫头鹰). He’d fund the frzen bird n his car when he left wrk and guessed that it had flwn int the windshield (挡风玻璃).
    Dad thught it might be alive and wanted t let it warm up. My mther agreed t let the bird stay vernight, s Dad and I tk it t the basement( 地下室) and carefully laid it near ur cal stve. I was the first ne int the kitchen the next mrning fr a bwl f cereal (麦片). I fund the wl resting n the sugar bwl as if waiting fr its breakfast. I hurried t tell my parents that the wl was alive and sitting at the kitchen table. Mm didn’t like that it was in the kitchen and wanted it ut f the huse.
    Dad instructed me t pen the back dr while he frced the wl tward me. I heard the flapping f wings, but befre I culd direct its flight utside, the wl turned arund away frm the cld air cming in the dr and flew past me, dwn the stairs int the shelter f the warm basement. Resting in the space near the tp f the basement, the wl was safely beynd ur reach. We tried driving it ut with a brm, but it calmly flew t the far side f the basement. Sn Dad and I were laughing t hard t cntinue, and we realized there was n way we culd drive the wl ut if it wanted t stay. Mm agreed t have it in the huse until Dad culd catch it when it became weak frm hunger. But that never happened.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The dr didn’t shut prperly, which allwed mice int the basement.
    As spring arrived, we knew it was time fr the wl t leave.
    解析:细节理解题。根据The Bash Wayfarer, Japan部分中第一句话“This self-guided trip fllws a rute taken by the pet Matsu Bash ver 300 years ag. (这次自助之旅沿着300多年前诗人松尾芭蕉走过的路线进行)”可知,Bash Wayfarer没有导游服务。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Munt Tubkal, Mrcc部分的第二句话“After vernight here, hikers set ff up the snwfield t the peak, where the Atlas Muntains pen ut and the views are breathtaking.(在这里过了一夜之后,徒步旅行者们踏上了雪地,登上了山顶,阿特拉斯山脉向外延伸,景色令人叹为观止)”可知,在Munt Tubkal徒步旅行者沿着雪地向顶峰进发,沿途可欣赏到雪景。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据The Dingle Way, Ireland部分中“It is a ring-like path (这是一个环形的道路)”可知,Dingle Way这条线路是环形的。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的“Ke’Nyzjah Ferebee was standing by the kitchen wrktp,adding cupcake liners t a pan. She used an ice cream spn t fill each with cake batter (面糊) t ensure they wuld lk identical. A finished grup sat n the cunter with white buttercream turning n tp. The cupcakes were fr a 2-year-ld’s “Mana”-themed birthday party. The next day, she had rders fr a tw-tiered cake and tw birthday cakes. (Ke’Nyzjah Ferebee正站在厨房的工作台面旁,往平底锅里加纸杯蛋糕衬垫。她用冰淇淋勺把蛋糕面糊填满,以确保它们看起来一模一样。一群吃完的人坐在柜台上,上面是白色的奶油。这些纸杯蛋糕是为一个两岁孩子的《海洋奇缘》主题生日派对准备的。第二天,她收到了两层蛋糕和两个生日蛋糕的订单。)”可知,Ke’Nyzjah在为生意做蛋糕。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“She requires at least tw t fur weeks’ ntice n rders, and she gets six t seven a week. (她要求订单至少提前两到四周通知,而她每周会收到六到七份订单。)”可知,Kayke Bakery很受欢迎。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句话“It’s a little difficult having t keep up with bth my Instagram and my Facebk pages and managing schl, persnal life and a business. It can be a lt smetimes, but I manage. (要同时关注我的Instagram和Facebk页面,还要管理学校、个人生活和生意,这有点困难。有时会有很多,但我能应付。)”可知,Ke’Nyzjah面临的挑战是平衡她的事业和学业。故选D。
    解析:主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第二段的“While mst teenagers are spending the summer hanging ut with friends and wrking, Ke’Nyzjah is filling rders,updating her website and getting new branding phts. She wns and perates KayKe Bakery, a hme-based business, specializing in custm cakes and cupcakes. She ffers 14 flavrs. She requires at least tw t fur weeks’ ntice n rders, and she gets six t seven a week. (当大多数青少年都在和朋友出去玩、工作的时候,Ke’Nyzjah却在接订单、更新她的网站、拍摄新的品牌照片。她拥有并经营KayKe Bakery,这是一家以家庭为基础的企业,专门从事定制蛋糕和纸杯蛋糕。她提供14种口味。她要求订单至少提前两到四周通知,而她每周会收到六到七份订单。)”可知,本文主要讲的是Ke’Nyzjah Ferebee ,一个十几岁的青少年,在父母的支持下,在家自己制作蛋糕,开展网上定制业务,生意火爆,故选A。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第二段中“Three years later, Swilling and ther pineers met t cnsider names fr their settlement. The tp tw were Pumpkinville and Stnewall. Luckily, English adventurer Darrell Duppa prpsed a name inspired by the resurrectin (复兴) f the canals.(三年后,Swilling和其他拓荒者开会考虑给他们的定居点起什么名字。前两名是Pumpkinville和Stnewall。幸运的是,英国冒险家Darrell Duppa以运河的复兴为灵感,提出了一个名字)”可知,第二段主要介绍了凤凰城起名的经过,拓荒者开会讨论了起名方案,英国冒险家Darrell Duppa以运河的复兴为灵感提出了凤凰城(Phenix)这个名字。由此可知,B项“凤凰城名字的由来”可概括段落大意。故选B项。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据第三段中“In the suthwest, we have sme serius issues t deal with in terms f water. The Clrad River is the main surce f water fr the suthwest and it’s ver distributed. We’ve gt ppulatin grwth and climate change. Hw are we ging t deal with that?(在西南地区,我们有一些严重的水的问题需要处理。科罗拉多河是西南地区的主要水源,但是分布过散。我们面临着人口增长和气候变化。我们要怎么处理呢?)”可知,因为人口增长和气候变化,水资源的问题愈发突出,需要解决科罗拉多河的水过于分散带来的问题。that指代的是上文的“it’s ver distributed”,即水的分布过散。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中Hendersn的话“It requires cperatin, because all the users f the water frm that canal have t agree nt nly t cnstruct it, but als t maintain it(这需要合作,因为这条运河的所有用水者不仅要同意建造它,还要同意维护它)”可知,霍霍坎人在使用运河的时候共同合作,建造并维护运河,因此他们富有团队精神。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中Huckleberry的话“They learned hw t sustainably farm, t manage water, t nt destry their sils in a way that is wrthy and might give us insight int hw we might deal with the current truble.(他们学会了如何可持续地耕种,如何管理水资源,如何不破坏他们的土壤,这些都是有价值的,可能会让我们了解如何应对当前的问题)”可知,霍霍坎人使用运河的方式恰恰体现了可持续发展的理念,这种方式是有价值的,可以帮助我们应对当今的问题。由此推知,Huckleberry会同意“可持续发展非常重要”的观点。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“It repairs itself when damaged, much like human skin. The material is called AiFam, which is shrt fr artificially innervated fam.(它在受损时可以自我修复,就像人类的皮肤一样。这种材料被称为AiFam,是人工神经泡沫的缩写)”可知,AiFam的一个特点是它有自我修复的能力。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。第二段中“The material is called AiFam, which is shrt fr artificially innervated fam. T innervate means t supply with nerves. In rbts, AiFam wuld gather infrmatin frm nearby and send it t a cmputer cntrlling the rbt. AiFam is a stretchy plymer (聚合物) cmbined with a mixture that lwers surface tensin. This means that if yu cut the material, it can return easily int ne piece.(这种材料被称为AiFam,是人工神经泡沫的缩写。神经支配的意思是供给神经。在机器人中,AiFam会从附近收集信息并将其发送给控制机器人的计算机。AiFam是一种具有弹性的聚合物,结合了一种降低表面张力的混合物。这意味着,如果你切割材料,它可以很容易地恢复成一块)”中通过解释的方式说明了AiFam是什么。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中“The electrical cnnectins sense these changes and send infrmatin abut them t a cmputer, which then tells the rbt what t d.(电子连接感应到这些变化,并将相关信息发送给计算机,然后计算机告诉机器人该怎么做)”可知,计算机向机器人下命令。故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最一段中“After spending ver tw years develping it, Tee and his team hpe the material can be put t use within five years.(经过两年多的研发,Tee和他的团队希望这种材料能在五年内投入使用)”可推知,AiFam将在不久的将来上市。故选C项。
    解析:①根据前文“Hurricane seasn can be wild and unpredictable.(飓风季节可能是狂野而不可预测的。)”和后文“Here are sme ways yu can beef up yur hme security in hurricane weather, even if yu need t mve ut.(这里有一些方法可以在飓风天气下加强你的家庭安全,即使你需要搬出去。)”可知,此处是指飓风会对生命财产造成损害,所以选项G“这些危险的风暴会给你的房屋和财物带来损害。”切合文意。故选G。
    ②根据后文“That actually des nthing t ensure yur safety in the pwerful winds.(这实际上并不能保证你在强风中的安全。)”可知,that是指前文中提到了人们面对飓风的保护措施,所以选项D“你可能会看到人们在飓风来之前用胶带贴窗户。”切合文意。故选D。
    ③根据后文“Any strm water that is kept ut f yur hme is strm water that wn’t be able t damage the belngings inside yur hme, s sandbags are well wrth having at yur drways during a hurricane.(任何被挡在外面的雨水都不会损坏你家里的物品,所以在飓风来临时,在你的门口放上沙袋是非常值得的。)”可知,此处是指沙袋可以把雨水挡在外面,所以选项E“在许多情况下,它们将能够有效地阻挡雨水。”切合文意。故选E。
    ④根据前文“Trim (修剪) trees, especially dead branches, t prevent anything else that culd fly thrugh a windw and cause damage during a hurricane.(修剪树木,尤其是枯枝,以防止任何其他东西从窗户飞进来,在飓风期间造成破坏。)”可知,此处是指防止庭院里有疏松的东西被吹到屋子里造成破坏,所以选项C“确保你的院子里没有任何东西松动是很重要的。”切合文意。故选C。
    ⑤根据前文“Yu shuld als take pictures f expensive items like electrnics and keep ntes f their serial numbers.(你还应该给昂贵的物品拍照,比如电子产品,并记下它们的序列号。)”可知,此处是指给昂贵的物品拍照并记下它们的序列号有助于向保险公司申请赔偿,所以选项F“如果有什么东西需要更换,它会帮助你的保险公司。”切合文意。故选F。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:这堵植物墙被贴在了位于埃文河畔布拉德福德中心的桥场(Bridge Yard)一家商店的侧面。A. limited限制;B. mved移动;C. attached贴;附;D. pulled拉。根据前文“Residents f a Wiltshire twn have created a vertical living garden t fight pllutin.”和下文“t the side f a shp in Bridge Yard in the center f Bradfrd-n-Avn”可知,植物墙被贴到(attached)商店的一边来保护环境。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:斯蒂芬妮·爱德华兹提出了这个想法,并将其提交给镇议会付诸实施。A. explained解释;B. frmed形成;C. tested考验;D. predicted预测。根据“the idea and brught it t the twn cuncil t put int_______ ”可以得知,Stephanie Edwards 想到了(frmed)这个主意。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:斯蒂芬妮·爱德华兹提出了这个想法,并将其提交给镇议会付诸实施。A. actin行动;B. truble麻烦;C. shape形状;D. prductin产量。根据上文“The wall f plants has been_______ t the side f a shp in Bridge Yard in the center f Bradfrd-n-Avn.”所示,Stephanie Edwards 想到了这个主意,并将这个主意带到议会付诸实施(put int actin)。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,这些植物带来了昆虫,我们还看到几只鸟停歇在那里,所以它肯定是起作用的,我们不能忘记它对健康和福祉的好处。” A. filled充满;B. shared共享;C. brught带来;D. kept保持。根据常识可知,事实上,植物本身会带来(brught)很多昆虫。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,这些植物带来了昆虫,我们还看到几只鸟停歇在那里,所以它肯定是起作用的,我们不能忘记它对健康和福祉的好处。”A. changing改变;B. grwing成长;C. marketing营销;D. wrking起作用。根据前文“we’ve had a cuple f birds sitting up there”可知,还有很多鸟儿会在这里停歇,所以对于环境一定会起作用(wrking)。故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:事实上,这些植物带来了昆虫,我们还看到几只鸟停歇在那里,所以它肯定是起作用的,我们不能忘记它对健康和福祉的好处。”A. benefits利益;B. causes原因;C. meanings意思;D. results结果。根据前文“As a matter f fact, the plants have_______with them insects, and we’ve had a cuple f birds sitting up there”可知,尽管带来昆虫,但是植物的确是起作用的,因此,我们不要忘记它对于身心健康带来的益处(benefits)。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:自2019年以来,这堵墙一直在规划中,花了大约五天的时间才建成。A. waiting等待;B. planning计划;C. painting给……上油漆;D. destrying毁坏。根据后文“tk abut five days t cnstruct”可知, 植物墙自从 2019 年以来就在计划之中(in the planning)。故选B。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:墙壁由季节性植物、低能耗LED照明、鸟舍和昆虫旅馆组成。A. cnnected t与……相连接;B. mixed with与……混合;C. made up f由……组成;D. brken up int分裂成。根据下文“seasnal plants, lw energy LED lighting, birdhuses and bug htels”可知,这面墙由季节性植物,节能 LED 灯等组成(be made up f)。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:亚历克斯·凯说,这面活墙有许多有益的方面。A. aspects方面;B. prfits利润;C. views意见;D. examples榜样。根据上文“we must nt frget the_______ f health and well being”提示,植物墙除了给居民身心健康带来益处,它也会带来很多有益的方面(aspects)。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不认为有人能保证这将解决我们的空气质量问题,但它会有所帮助,她说。A. make制作;B. help帮助;C. leave离开;D. find发现。根据前文“I dn’t think that anyne will guarantee that this will slve ur air quality situatin”可知,植物墙不会完全解决空气质量问题,但至少能够帮助改善空气质量(help)。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这不仅仅是交通和空气质量的问题,还关系到健康。这对商业有利。 A. life生命;B. sil土壤;C. water水;D. air空气。根据上文可以得知,植物墙不仅能够改善空气质量,而且对于身体健康也很有帮助。故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这不仅仅是交通和空气质量的问题,还关系到健康。这对商业有利。A. business商业;生意;B. agriculture农业;C. technlgy科技;D. cmmunicatin交流。根据前文“The wall f plants has been_______ t the side f a shp”可知,此处说的是,植物墙对于商店的生意也有好处。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:附近天鹅酒店(Swan Htel)的老板詹姆斯·苏利文-泰尔(James Sullivan-Tail)说,他对这堵墙非常满意。A. familiar熟悉的;B. careful仔细的;C. patient耐心的;D. pleased高兴的。从下文“cleaner, nicer”可以看出,旅馆老板对植物墙带来的好处也很满意(pleased)。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我认为这将创造一个更干净、更美好的小镇,同时也会吸引游客。”他补充道。A. designing设计;B. creating创造;C. describing描述;D. cpying复制。根据前文“Residents f a Wiltshire twn have created a vertical living garden t fight pllutin.”可知,旅馆老板认为植物墙正在创造一个更干净和更美好的城镇,其余各项逻辑意义不符。故选B。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我认为这将创造一个更干净、更美好的小镇,同时它创造了独特的东西也会吸引游客。”他补充道。A. abnrmal非正常的;B. strange奇怪的;C. unique独一无二的;D. cmmn普通的。根据前文“As a matter f fact, the plants have_______ with them insects, and we’ve had a cuple f birds sitting up there s it’s _______fr sure and we must nt frget the _______f health and well being”可知,植物墙正在创造一个更干净和更美好的城镇,它也创造了独特的(unique)东西来吸引游客。故选C。
    32、答案:①psted②were③by④an⑤Bwing⑥and/s⑦carefully⑧which⑨discussin⑩t wrk
    ⑩考查非谓语动词。句意:一些网友表示,凭借她的中文能力,克里斯托福雷蒂也有能力在中国空间站工作,而另一些人则希望世界上少一些冲突,多一些合作。该句中已有谓语动词has,故空处填非谓语动词,ability后常用不定式作后置定语。故填t wrk.
    Dear David,
    Hw is everything ging? I’m srry t tell yu that sme adjustments have been made t the tw-day Agricultural Field Trip, which was scheduled fr this Friday.
    Accrding t the latest weather reprt, there’s ging t be a heavy rain this Friday. Thus, ur schl has decided t put ff the field trip until it gets better. Weather permitting, the activity may take place next Friday. I will let yu knw nce it is cnfirmed. I hpe the unexpected change wn’t cause yu much incnvenience.
    Best wishes!
    Li Hua
    解析:导语 本文是应用文写作。要求考生写一封邮件告知交换生David原定于本周五举行为期两天的“农耕研学(Agricultural Field Trip)”活动,因天气影响将延期举行。
    详解1. 词汇积累
    推迟:put ff→delay
    导致:cause→lead t
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Weather permitting, the activity may take place next Friday.
    拓展句:The activity may take place next Friday if weather permits.
    点睛:[高分句型1]I’m srry t tell yu that sme adjustments have been made t the tw-day Agricultural Field Trip, which was scheduled fr this Friday.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]Thus, ur schl has decided t put ff the field trip until it gets better.(until引导的时间状语从句)
    The dr didn’t shut prperly, which allwed mice int the basement. In the days that fllwed, the wl caught the mice in the basement and enjyed every meal f them. Befre lng, it became s fat that Dad might have easily caught it. But he didn’t. Even Mm never asked him t drive it ut f the huse. I usually shwed my friends the wl that lived in my basement and explained its eating habits. Time passed quickly and three mnths went by befre we knew it.
    As spring arrived, we knew it was time fr the wl t leave. On a warm afternn, we decided t set the bird free. I pened the dr, thugh I hated t d it. The wl seemed t read ur minds and flew ut int the tall pear tree in ur backyard. We bserved it arund the neighbrhd fr a few mre days and then it was gne. We felt a sense f lss. We tk cmfrt knwing it was free and healthy, if a bit verweight.
    ①捕捉:catch/hunt/prey n/grab/seize
    ③赶走:drive away/chase away/drive ut/dispel/expel
    ⑥看:bserve/watch/see/keep an eye n
    ①不愿意:hate/dislike/hesitate/be unwilling/be reluctant
    点睛[高分句型1]Befre lng, it became s fat that Dad might have easily caught it.(s… that引导结果状语从句)
    [高分句型2]I usually shwed my friends the wl that lived in my basement and explained its eating habits.(关系代词that引导定语从句修饰the wl)
    [高分句型3]I pened the dr, thugh I hated t d it.(从属连词thugh引导让步状语从句)

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