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    1. What des the wman ffer?
    A. A laptp.
    B. An address.
    C. A phne number.
    2. What will the man prbably give the wman?
    A. A different frk.
    B. A different knife.
    C. Extra steak sauce.
    3. When will the speakers meet?
    A. At 11: 00 a.m.
    B.At 9:00 a.m.
    C.At 1:00 p.m.
    4. What can the speakers definitely agree n?
    A. What they want t eat.
    B. When they need t g t sleep.
    C. Which scary mvie they will watch.
    5. What is the man prbably ding?
    A. Playing ftball.
    B. Playing glf.
    C. Playing tennis.
    6. Hw will the wman give the lucky mney t William?
    A. She'll send it n WeChat.
    B. She'll give him a red envelpe.
    C. She'll send it t his US accunt.
    7. Why can't the man jin the family celebratin?
    A. He has t attend classes.
    B. He is in a different city.
    C. He is busy traveling the US.
    8. What might be the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student.
    B. Classmates.
    C. C-wrkers.
    9. What des the wman suggest?
    A. Explring different types f bks.
    B. Fcusing nly n classic American nvels.
    C. Reading histry bks and traditinal nvels.
    10. When did the speakers last see each ther?更多优质支援请 嘉 威鑫 MXSJ663 更多优质滋源请 家 威杏 MXSJ663 A. During middle schl.
    B. During high schl.
    C. During cllege.
    11. Wh did the man see at the grcery stre?
    A. A new principal.
    B. A frmer teacher.
    C. An ld classmate.
    12. Hw did the wman feel abut their ld gym class?
    A. Frightened.
    B. Interested.
    13. Where are the speakers?
    A. In the wds.
    B. At their hme.
    C. In the classrm.
    14. What is the wman lking fr?
    B. Mushrms.
    C. Bamb grass.
    15. What des the wman want t d with what she finds?
    A. Take pictures.
    B. Ck a meal.
    C. D a drawing.
    16. Hw are mushrms and bamb grass similar?
    A. They are bth nutritius.
    B. They have a single rt system.
    C. They grw all ver the grund.
    17. Which TV shw is Vila mstly knwn fr?
    A. Central Falls.
    B. Everybdy's Ruby.
    C. Hw t Get Away with Murder.
    18. When did Vila receive her first majr award?
    A.In 1993.
    B.In 1999.
    C. In 2001.
    19. Which film earned Vila an academy award?
    B. Dubt.
    C. King Hedley II.
    20. What have Vila and her husband dne recently?
    A. They have run their wn firm.
    B. They have acted tgether in a mvie.
    C. They have shwed up in a ceremny.
    Fur Bks abut Curius Creatures
    In these brilliant bks find ut abut fleas, fxes and sme unexpected friendships.
    Animal Sidekicks
    by Macken Murphy.
    Illustrated by Dragan Krdic
    This illustrated bk explres the idea f symbisis-animals that frm amazing relatinships t help each ther. Yu'll learn abut clwnfish living peacefully with pisnus sea anemne, the frg that lives with a tarantula, and lts mre.
    The Secret Life f Fxes
    by Chle Petrylak.
    Have yu ever sptted a fx n the streets f yur twn at night r even in yur back garden? Wildlife enthusiasts will lve finding ut mre abut the mysterius lives f fxes. As well as lts f interesting infrmatin, this bk includes great ideas fr ways t help fxes near yu.
    Please Dn't Bite Me
    by Nazzy Pakpur.
    Illustrated by Owen Davey
    Did yu knw that wasps can build nests as much as five metres wide? Or that fleas can jump 150 times their wn height? Hw d msquites track yu dwn? This interesting illustrated bk digs ut the surprising lives f sme f the buzzing, biting and stinging insects that are all arund.
    Stne age beasts
    by BenLerwill.
    Illustrated by Grahame Baker-Smith
    Travel back in time t meet incredible creatures in this beautiful bk. It features many f the prehistric animals that ur human ancestrs wuld have met face-t-face in the Stne Age. Learn abut the wlly mammth, the sabre-tthed cat, and the six-metre snake that nce slithered alng the frest flr.
    21. In which bk can yu find the fish that help clean sharks' teeth?
    A. Animal Sidekicks.
    B. The Secret Life f Fxes.
    C. Please Dn't Bite Me.
    D. Stne Age Beasts.
    22. Hw is the bk The Secret Life f Fxes different frm thers?
    A. It deals with a curius creature.
    B. It has n illustratins in the bk.
    C. It nly attracts wildlife enthusiasts.
    D. It desn't mentin relatinships f creatures.
    23. What kind f creatures are mentined in the bk Stne Age Beasts?
    A. Amazing and giant cean life.
    B. Mysterius and fascinating birds.
    C. Interesting and surprising insects.
    D. Unbelievable and ancient animals.
    Frm the time he was a yung by, Jim Haskins always had a bk in his hand. While ther kids were utside playing ball, Jim was usually reading. He culd be fund in ne f his favrite places: curled up underneath the kitchen table r up in the tree that grew in his frnt yard.
    Jim was brn in Demplis, Alabama, during the time f segregatin (隔离). Because Jim was Black, he was nt allwed t check ut a single bk at the public library. Libraries were fr whites nly. The laws f segregatin separated Jim frm all the bks he lnged t read. But Jim was determined. He cnvinced a teacher at schl t lend him bks f her wn. He even managed t get sme public library bks thrugh a white wman whm his mm wrked fr ding laundry.
    When Jim was a teenager, Black Americans' struggle fr equal rights was becming the civil rights mvement. Many brave peple were taking risks by refusing t fllw unfair segregatin laws. Jim went t Mntgmery, Alabama, and jined a civil rights grup. The grup was headed by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Jim believed in King's nnvilent apprach t change. Once, during a peaceful march, Jim was arrested. Because f that, his cllege expelled him.
    He did graduate frm anther cllege. Afterward, he went n t teach schl in Harlem, a part f New Yrk City. As a teacher, he had truble finding bks that interested his Black students. S he decided t write his wn bks abut successful Black Americans. Thrugh his writing, he met and interviewed many f the peple he admired, including Rsa Parks.
    Tday, libraries have mre than ne hundred bks written by Jim Haskins, the by wh lved t read, and tday, children f all races can walk thrugh the drs f any public library and find interesting bks that infrm, entertain, and inspire them.
    24. What can we learn frm the descriptin in paragraph 1?
    A. Jim Haskins studied harder than ther kids.
    B. Jim Haskins had n interest in playing ball.
    C. Jim Haskins was enthusiastic abut reading.
    D. Jim Haskins preferred t read under the table.
    25. What des the underlined wrd "expelled" in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Dismissed. B. Prmted. C.Praised. D. Mnitred.
    26. Why was Jim Haskins determined t write his wn bks?
    A. T rise t be a famus writer.
    B. T put an end t segregatin.
    C. T appeal t Black students.
    D. T intrduce the peple he admired.
    27. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Pathways int the Library
    B. Anxiety fr Knwledge
    C. Struggle fr Equal Rights
    D. Prtest against Segregatin
    Sme talk f building settlements n the mn r mars t help make sure humanity survives lng int the future. Others have their sights set clser t hme: n future cities under the cean.
    "Technlgically speaking, it is abslutely pssible t clnize the bttm f the sea," says Fabien Custeau, a well-knwn cean explrer wh nce spent 31 days living in what is nw the wrld's nly functining undersea habitat, Aquarius. It's abut the size f a schl bus and lcated 62 feet belw the cean surface ff the Flrida Keys.
    Just as astrnauts test what it wuld be like t live in space, aquanauts try ut undersea living with an eye n the future. Escaping frm disasters such as climate change, wars, r pandemics is ne reasn t live under the sea. Others include studying, explring, r appreciating the cean. It's cstly and expensive t cnstantly keep up an cean habitat which must pump in r make its wn air, electricity, and fresh water. Inhabitants have t deal with high pressure. And infectins can develp rapidly due t high humidity.
    Despite the challenges, several new cean habitats and cities are under cnstructin. A series f space statin-like undersea living quarters fr aquanauts called Prteus are scheduled t be cmpleted by 2025 ff Curaca, an island nrth f Venezuela in Suth America. An undersea clny called Ven Base Alpha will be built near a hydrthermal vent, which wuld supply it with energy. Meanwhile, an undersea city called Ocean Spiral in Japan wuld link its surface t the deep sea, using the difference in pressure t generate energy and prduce fresh water. This sunds amazing, but it wuld be extremely expensive and remains just a design.
    Nt everyne agrees that building hmes in the cean is a gd idea. This type f develpment culd place even mre strain n ecsystems that are already struggling with pllutin and climate change. It's imprtant t make sure that any cnstructin is dne carefully, says Susanne Menden-Deuer, an ceangrapher at the University f Rhde Island. Wild undersea habitats shuld be treated as "the precius, irreplaceable resurce that they are," she says.
    28. What d we knw abut Aquarius?
    A. It is still under cnstructin.
    B. It functins as an undersea schl bus.
    C. It is the nly cean habitat in peratin.
    D. It nly allws a persn t live there fr 31 days.
    29. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The present and future f living under the sea.
    B. The reasns and challenges f living under the sea.
    C. The purpse and cst f building undersea settlements.
    D. The prblems and findings f building undersea settlements.
    30. What wuld be the result f building hmes in the cean accrding t the text?
    A. Rapid develpment f undersea habitats.
    B. Prtectin f irreplaceable cean resurce.
    C. Negative impacts n undersea ecsystems.
    D. Struggles with pllutin and climate change.
    31. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A textbk.
    B. An exam paper.
    C. An academic article.
    D. A science magazine.
    Far, far belw yur feet lies a surce f nearly endless energy. Earth's cre is abut as ht as the surface f the Sun, s ht that it melts the rcky layers abve it int magma, r liquid rck. Wuldn't it be great if we culd tap int all that energy? In sme places, we d!
    The Geysers is an area nrth f San Francisc in Califrnia where magma's heat turns a reservir f undergrund water int steam. This regin is hme t 18 gethermal pwer plants. The steam rises up thrugh spaces between the rcks undergrund, a bit like hw steam purs frm a teakettle biling n a stve. The pwer plant has pipelines that send the steam int the turbines (涡轮机) where electricity flw is generated. Once the steam leaves the turbine, it ges int a cling twer where it turns back int liquid. Then it's piped back int the reservir t be reheated again. Other kinds f gethermal pwer plants pump ht grundwater int the pwer plant. Then the pressure is reduced, causing the liquid t flash int steam that turns the turbine and generates electricity flw. Once the steam cls and turns back int liquid, it's pumped back dwn int the reservir t begin the cycle again.
    S why dn't we all heat ur hmes with free steam frm the earth? First, the heat has t be clse enugh t the surface fr us t reach it. Next, there has t be plenty f undergrund water t be heated. Finally, there has t be a layer f rck that water r steam can flw thrugh. S in places where all three f thse things cme tgether, gethermal energy can be a pwerful renewable energy surce. Besides, when a gethermal plant returns water back int the ht rcks f a reservir, it makes the rck crack a bit, which can cause small earthquakes. There's anther danger that cmes with drilling near magma-pipes and ther equipment might melt if they hit a pcket f magma r are caught in`an eruptin. One gethermal plant in Hawaii was partially buried by lava in 2018. But engineers are hpeful that the repaired plant will generate even mre pwer. Gethermal energy isn't the answer fr everywhere, but it's a piece f the puzzle t help slw climate change.
    32. In which part f pwer plants is the electricity made?
    A.The turbine. B. The reservir.
    C. The pipeline. D. The twer.
    33. What prevents free steam frm being widely develped accrding t paragraph 3?
    A. Hard surface and pssible earthquakes.
    B. Changeable climate and unqualified equipment.
    C. Limited undergrund water and thin layers f rck.
    D. Unsuitable gelgical cnditins and ptential dangers.
    34. Why is the buried gethermal plant in Hawaii mentined?
    A. T demnstrate the great effrt that engineers made.
    B. T shw the pwer that the repaired plant can generate.
    C. T illustrate the danger caused by drilling near magma.
    D. T praise the engineers wh repaired the generate plant.
    35. What is the authr's attitude twards gethermal energy?
    A. Uncncerned. B. Unclear. C. Dubtful. D. Apprving.
    Tips fr Freign Students in China
    China is a very ppular destinatin fr freign students tday. __36__ At this pint, the mst ppular chices fr study are management and technical curses, thugh the interest in ther disciplines is grwing every minute. Here is a shrt list f sme great tips fr yu if yu want t study in China.
    Learn the culture
    China has a histry f ver five thusand years. Depending n where yu cme frm, yu might find it hard t fit in. This is the rule that applies t any transfer yu make in the wrld. __37__ The mre yu learn, the sner yu'll make friends.
    Learn the language
    Even when travelling fr a shrt time, it's always wise t learn the basic phrases f the language peple speak in yur target cuntry. __38__ This will help yu cnnect better with the peple and shw that yu've made an effrt.
    Knw yur budge
    Wherever yu g, yu need t set yur budget befre yu depart. This is extremely imprtant if yu plan t live n a budget fr a certain perid f time. Befre yu leave fr China t study, check the csts in yur selected city r area and plan yur budget accrdingly. __39__
    Dn't limit yurself
    Mving acrss the wrld t study in a place yu dn't knw with peple yu have never seen can seem daunting. __40__ Dn't limit yurself. G all in.
    A. Get a Chinese phrasebk and learn the must-knws.
    B. Then, make sure t keep track f it and fllw yur plan.
    C. Once yu chse the prgram, arrange the rest f the details.
    D. If yu're mving t a place with a different culture, learn a bit befre yu g.
    E. The clleges and universities are knwn fr their excellence and high standards.
    F. Studying abrad is a big step, but als ne f the best experiences students get t live tday.
    G. Hwever, students wh have gne t China t study always regret nt spending mre time there.
    I'm Hayley. I graduated frm YCIS Shanghai in 2021, and I'm nw __41__ cmputer engineering and ecnmics at Jhns Hpkins University in America. This autumn, I will __42__ my third year.
    In the summer tw years ag, I remember being extremely excited yet nervus, as I was abut t begin my university __43__. I was als quite __44__ at the idea f being away frm hme fr s lng fr the first time in my life. As I said gdbye t my parents at the airprt, I felt a mix f __45__ and upset. I was travelling t a different cntinent by myself, with tw suitcases beside me, and the __46__ t have an unfrgettable cllege experience.
    At schl, there might be challenging times. What if I dn't make any friends? What if my classes get __47__? Hw will I d my laundry? Yes, I've been there t, and __48__ these questins. Dn't wrry; yu'll make friends. Just learn t __49__ the right peple.
    Classes will, mst __50__, becme intense, especially twards midterms and exams. But it's all right; we all can __51__. Yu will have a lt f peple arund yu wh can help.
    It's __52__ t wrry abut things like these. Yu'll slwly __53__ that yu'll take n these __54__ as yu g, and that they wn't be as terrifying as yu had __55__.
    B.studying C.explaining D.testing
    B.miss C.avid D.start
    B. turnament C.jurney D.vacatin
    B. anxius C.disappinted D.shcked
    B.hate C. respect D.fear
    B. patience C. determinatin D.freedm
    B. stressful C. meaningful D.peaceful
    48. A. cmmented n B. escaped frm C. thught abut D. brught back
    B.pick C. interview D.appint
    50. A. frequently B. encuragingly C.likely D. imprtantly
    B.relax C.enjy D.survive
    B. interesting C. nrmal D. unusual
    B.realize C.prmise D.regret
    54.A. challenges B. activities C. respnsibilities D.jbs
    B. advertised C. highlighted D. imagined
    Tens f thusands f Chinese __56__ (sciety) media users have backed calls frm the cuntry's state media t have its artwrks __57__ (current) kept in the British Museum returned.
    The tpic "The British Museum please return Chinese antiquities (古董)" was in respnse __58__ a piece published by Chinese state media Glbal Times that called fr all cultural relics in the British Museum __59__ (return)free f charge".
    The British Museum has been under pressure after arund 2,000 items were reprted “missing, __60__ (steal) r damaged" tw weeks ag, __61__ (lead) t accusatins that it was failing t fulfil its duty f care.
    The calls fllw a piece published by the Glbal Times __62__ argued, "The wrld-renwned British museum __63__ (fail) t take gd care f 'cultural prperty belnging t ther cuntries' up t these years."
    The British Museum lks after 23,000 Chinese bjects, frm the Nelithic (新石器) age t the present day. It is ne f the largest __64__ (cllectin) f Chinese antiquities in the West. The cllectin includes __65__ large range f precius items such as paintings, prints, jade and brnzes.
    Dear Philip,
    Li Hua
    Andy's finger traced the lines n a blank United States map, each state represented by a number. He whispered t himself, "New Jersey is eating Pennsylvania, and Ohi is a chicken nugget." Beside him lay anther paper with numbers 1-50 written dwn. Despite 20 minutes f intense cncentratin, all Andy had t shw fr his effrts were thse numbers.
    "OK, and Utah is the washing machine. N, Mntana is the washing machine. Or Nrth Dakta? Gah! They're all washing machines!" Andy was caught in his cnfusin.
    This wasn't the first time his memry had failed him during a test. N matter hw hard he studied, nthing seemed t stay in his brain fr lng. He had tried memry tricks, even spending nights examining an ld paper map in his bedrm. It had given him a glimmer f hpe, but nw that hpe felt distant.
    The time was up, and Mr. Crane began cllecting the answer sheets. Andy quickly stuffed his blank test int the pile, wanting t frget abut it. Unfrtunately, his brain seemed t remember nly the things it shuld frget. During lunch, Andy stared at a map, frustrated that he had handed in a blank sheet f paper.
    Andy's friend Aarn shrugged. "Yu nly need a 70 t pass."
    "Yeah, well it's hard t get a 70 when yu hand in a blank sheet f paper," Andy mumbled, frwning.
    Aarn ppped a grape int his muth. "Well, Mr. Crane will let yu retake(补考) it tmrrw."
    Andy was the nly ne standing at Mr. Crane's desk after schl. He aplgized quickly, head drping. But instead f sclding him, Mr. Crane patted his shulder, saying, "I think yu are trying, but yu might learn better by being active. Just practice mre!"
    Andy lked int Mr. Crane's eyes, finding cmfrt in the teacher's understanding gaze. Mr. Crane invited Andy t help him rganize a pile f magnets (磁铁), each with the name f a state n it. On the wall hung a large magnetic map - part f a review game the class had been playing.
    As Andy arranged the magnets, an idea suddenly came int his mind.
    When ding hmewrk, Andy was tld he scred an 88 n the retake.
    1-5 CBAAC 6-10CACAC 11-15 BAABC 16 -20 BCBAA
    21 -23 ABD 24-27 CACA 28-31 CBCD 32-35 ADCD
    36-40 EDABG
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    41-45 BDCBD 46-50 CBCBC 51-55 DCBAD
    56. scial57. currently58. t59. t be returned60. stlen
    61. leading62. that/which63. has failed 64. cllectins65. a
    Dear Philip,
    I'm really srry fr nt being able t meet up with yu this Sunday mrning as planned t wrk n the English speech draft.
    Recently, I was given an unexpected pprtunity t interview runners as a reprter fr the upcming 2023 Hangzhu Marathn. It's a great hnr fr me, and I believe it will be a valuable experience fr my future career. Hwever, the interview is scheduled fr the same time as ur meeting, and I cannt reschedule it. I wuld appreciate it if yu allw me t rearrange ur meeting t next Sunday mrning. If yu are available that time, please let me knw.
    I aplgize fr any incnvenience caused and appreciate yur understanding. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    As Andy arranged the magnets, an idea suddenly came t his mind. He placed Utah crrectly and then prceeded t fix New Jersey and Pennsylvania. A surge f cnfidence washed ver him as he lked at the map. Inspired, he slapped the Mntana magnet in place, declaring it as an ld man with a beard. The wrds flwed effrtlessly frm his mind, each state taking n a unique identity. Mr. Crane, wh had quietly bserved Andy's prgress, praised him fr cmbining memry tricks with the physical act f mving pieces arund the bard. Encuraged by Mr. Crane, Andy practiced again. This time, everything seemed t stick in his brain. Then he tk the retake the next day. Feeling mre prepared than ever, he finished the test sn.
    When ding hmewrk, Andy was tld he scred an 88 n the retake. His eyes widened, and fr a mment, he culdn't find the wrds t express his emtins. A grin spread acrss his face, stretching frm ear t ear. He had dne it! The hard wrk and persistence had paid ff. Then, fr a lng time, the whle class was filled with his ear-splitting cries and his classmates' cheers, whps and applause cngratulating him n his incredible pass. Andy culdn’t wait t express his thanks t Mr. Crane fr his supprt and guidance. As he walked ut f the classrm, a weight seemed t have lifted ff his shulders. The sun shne brighter, and he nticed the vibrant clrs f the wrld arund him. The nce daunting rad ahead nw seemed filled with endless pssibilities. Andy's cnfidence sared, and he realized that the key t success was nt just passively memrizing facts but truly understanding and cnnecting with the material.

    2023-2024学年浙江省湖州丽水衢州三市高三上学期11月期中教学质量检测考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年浙江省湖州丽水衢州三市高三上学期11月期中教学质量检测考试英语试题含答案,共15页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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