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    A new game is becming ppular with yung peple: tens r even hundreds f peple cme tgether, chse t be “cats” r “mice”, share lcatins n their phne, and then play hide-and-seek in a big pen-air space.
    Yung peple said 1 this game nt nly gets peple t exercise but als thrw 2 int the jys f childhd memries. It helps with stress and turns running int a fun scial game.
    On September 24th, I went t experience the activity with Patrick McCarthy, a writer fr Teens, at the Olympic Frest Parkin Beijing. There were arund 30 peple. Mst f us didn’t knw each ther. The game had 3 runds(轮). In the first rund, five peple were “cats” and the rest were “mice”. With five minutes fr “mice” t run and hide, the “cats” fund them by 4 the lcatins they share n a map app. The secnd rund was grup cmpetitin.
    We all played hide-and-seek when we were little. When I invited McCarthy, he wndered, “What’s the pint f playing this game as a grwn-up?”
    It turned ut t be a jyful experience fr him. The use f GPS made this childhd game 5 mre fun. “It was a creative way f bringing smething new 6 ld games with technlgy.” said McCarthy. “It is a gd way 7 new peple and even make friends, as ne needs t wrk tgether with new peple.”
    Fr me, it’s gd that this activity gt me mving as I am nt s 8 in wrking ut in my daily life. Hwever, I culd have had mre fun if the park wasn’t s big. When I saw the “mice” were s far away frm me, I just wanted t 9 . On 10 hand, when it made it difficult fr me t get caught, I felt less excited.
    1. A. whether B. that C. what
    2. A. it B. him C. them
    3. A. ne B. tw C. three
    4. A. using B. used C. uses
    5. A. many B. much C. sme
    6. A. t B. fr C. with
    7. A. meeting B. meets C. t meet
    8. A. well B. interested C. able
    9. A. take up B. lk up C. give up
    10. A. ther B. an ther C. the ther
    A yung man went t an expert n gems(宝石)and said he wanted t becme a gemlgist(宝石学家).
    The expert didn’t want t talk t him because he thught the yung man wuld nt have the 11 t learn. The yung man 12 a chance again and again. Finally, the expert agreed and tld the yung man, “Be here 13 .” The next mrning, the expert put a jade stne(玉石)in the man’s hand and tld him, “Hld it!” The expert then said nthing and went abut his business. The by felt a bit 14 , but he said nthing. He just sat quietly and waited.
    The fllwing mrning, the expert again 15 the jade stne in the yung man’s hand and tld him t hld it. On the third, furth, and fifth days, the expert did the same thing. On the sixth day, the yung man held the jade stne 16 but culd n lnger stand the 17 . “Sir,” he said, “when am I ging t learn smething?” “Yu’ll learn.” the expert 18 and went abut his business. The yung man had t keep sitting quietly and waiting with the jade stne in his hand. Several mre days went by and the yung man felt mre and mre 19 .
    One mrning, as the expert came and asked him t hld ut his hand, he was abut t burst ut(大喊)that he culd n lnger g n. But as the expert placed the stne in the yung man’s hand, he shuted withut 20 his hand, “This is nt the same jade stne!”
    “Yu have begun t learn.” the expert said with a smile.
    11. A. curage B. ability C. patience D. chice
    12. A. fught fr B. asked fr C. cared fr D. paid fr
    13. A. next week B. next mnth C. tnight D. tmrrw
    14. A. strange B. pleased C. annyed D. frightened
    15. A. hid B. placed C. dug D. turned
    16. A. at present B. in time C. as usual D. n time
    17. A. silence B. nise C. embarrassment D. pressure
    18. A. reprted B. replied C. recmmended D. reminded
    19. A. satisfied B. amazed C. interested D. disappinted
    20. A. turning ver B. hlding ut C. lking at D. putting up
    21. Yu can call _______ if yu want yur dg t be taken care f while yu leave fr a week.
    A. Huse fr Rent B. Fresh Flwer Market
    C. Old Friend Restaurant D. Happy Pet Huse
    22. The fresh flwers are sld in Fresh Flwer Market nly ______.
    A. frm 11:00 t 12:00 am. B. frm 4:00 t 7:00 pm.
    C. in the mrning D. in the afternn
    23. The Old Friend Restaurant is a gd place t _______.
    A. taste farm fd B. lk after the pet
    C. live cmfrtably D. g shpping
    24. Yu can call _______ if yu want a huse fr yur parents.
    A. 516-2289 B. 516-6672 C. 516-9876 D. 516-4345
    25. If yu pay a year’s rent at a time, yu can save _______ than paying nce a mnth.
    A. $200 B. $300 C. $400 D. $500
    By drawing beautiful patterns n the surface f a cup f tea, Chabaixi, an ancient Chinese tea trick shwn in the recent TV drama, has gne viral fr its similarity with mdern latte art(咖啡拉花艺术). Zhang Zhifeng, an artist f Chabaixi, was glad t see the TV drama brught the technique t peple’s attentin.
    Chabaixi can create endless patterns such as bambs and muntains r even Chinese characters. Hw can it be made? There are ver a dzen steps, frm grinding(磨碎)tea fr fine pwder t puring biled water, stirring the mixture fr thick frth(泡沫), and finally drawing the patterns. It is different frm making latte because peple use clear water as the bject t put int the cup instead f milk. When the water tuches the surface, it turns int white clr and disappears in 20 minutes. The prcess befre the drawing is knwn as the tea-making technique, diancha. The quality f diancha is extremely imprtant t whether patterns can be successfully prduced later.
    “Chabaixi is ne f the cuntless frms f tea-making techniques in China. This technique is nt nly unique in the wrld, but als it gives us a windw int peple’s lifestyle in the Sng Dynasty, a perid f time when free-time activities in sme ways were like what we have nw.” Zhang said.
    Befre Chabaixi was discvered by TV audiences, the technique was n the List f Intangible Culture Heritage(非物质文化遗产名录)f Fujian Prvince in 2017, after it was recvered by Zhang Zhifeng. He started researching Chabaixi in the 1980s and brught the technique back in 2009 after decades f practice.
    Nw with Zhang’s better skills in tea making, he is als perfrming and teaching Chabaixi in vcatinal schl acrss China. Abut ten years ag, this special technique was clse t disappearing cmpletely. Hwever, it is imprtant t the tea culture and it wuld be a shame t let it fade. It is my duty t pass it n t the next generatin.
    26. What d the underline wrds “gne viral” in Paragraph 1 prbably mean?
    A. Disappeared suddenly. B. Became ppular quickly.
    C. Received gd prtectin. D. Remained highly cmpetitive.
    27. What d we knw abut Chabaixi?
    A. It is painted with whipped milk. B. It develps based n latte art.
    C. It mainly describes beautiful scenery. D. It includes cmplicated tea-making skills.
    28. When was the mst ppular time fr Chabaixi?
    A. The Sng Dynasty. B. The Tang Dynasty.
    C. In the year 2017. D. Nearly 30 years ag.
    29. What is the third paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The beginning f Chabaixi. B. The special quality f Chabaixi.
    C. The imprtance f Chabaixi. D. The develpment f Chabaixi.
    30. What is true abut Zhang Zhifeng?
    A. He teaches peple the tea culture f the Sng Dynasty.
    B. He makes the best Chabaixi in the whle natin.
    C. He encurages peple t pass n the technique f Chabaixi.
    D. He wants t develp Chabaixi thrugh media.
    36. D yu knw hw t ______ ______(处理)the prblem?
    37. I wrk hard everyday s that all wh lve me will be ______ ______(骄傲)me.
    38. It seems that he reads a lt f bks.(同义句转换)
    =He seems ______ ______ a lt f bks.
    39. He ______(建议) ______ t the dctr at nce when he knew she was ill.
    40. We use this knwledge t help peple eat mre healthily.(句型转换)
    =This knwledge ______ used t ______ peple eat mre healthily.
    Sme children were playing in their playgrund ne day, when a herald(传令官)rde thrugh the twn, crying alud, “The King will 41 by this rad tday. Make ready fr the King!” The children stpped and 42 at ne anther.
    “Did yu hear that?” they said. “The King is cming. He may lk ver the wall and see ur playgrund. We must put it in rder.” The playgrund was dirty, and in the crners were 43 tys, fr these were careless children. They wrked hard, 44 all was clean and tidy.
    They waited all day fr the cming f the King, but he never came. Only a man with a kind, tired face passed alng the rad, and stpped t lk ver the wall. “ 45 a pleasant place!” said the man. “May I cme in and rest, dear children?” The children brught him in gladly. “It is ur playgrund!” they said. “We made it pretty 46 the King, but he didn’t cme, and nw we want t keep it s fr urselves” “That is gd!” said the man. “Because we think pretty and clean is 47 than ugly and dirty!” said anther. “That is better!” said the man. “And fr peple t rest in!” said the littlest ne. “That is best f all!” said the man. He 48 fr a cup f water, and they brught it t him in the best cup. He thanked the children, and went n his way.
    The children std 49 the wall and watched the man as he went slwly alng. “He lks s 50 .” said ne f the children. “But he was s kind!” said anther. “See!” said the littlest ne. “Hw the sun shines n his hair! it lks like a crwn f gld.”
    Yu may have seen the 29-year-ld actr Chen Duling in many TV shws lately. In My Jurney t Yu(《云之羽》), she played a mther. In West ut f the Yumen(《西出玉门》), she played a painter and nly shwed up in a few secnds. In Till the End f the Mn(《长月烬明》), she played three different characters.
    Mst f these are small rles, and Chen desn’t have many lines. But she acted well. It seems that playing different supprting rles is her way f becming a better actr.
    It is said that she read many bnks abut acting. She wrte dwn what her characters needed t d in each part f the stry, and she acted in as many shws as pssible. These are gd habits that she had when she was a student in schl and finally made her a tp student. That is why many peple think these helped her.
    “The main character r a supprting ne, it desn’t really matter t me.” Chen tld the media. If a rle makes her feel smething special, she’ll give life t it n screen.
    51. Hw ld is Chen Duling?
    52. Did Chen Duling have many lines in these TV shws?
    53. What is Chen Duling’s way f becming a better actr?
    54. Hw many gd habits did it mentin in the passage?
    55. Which des Chen Duling prefer? A main character r a supprting ne?
    成长是一场必经的旅行,每一次改变都是沿途的回忆,回首两年多的初中时光,你在学习和生活中一定有或多或少的变化。请你以“Great Changes in My Grwth”为题。谈谈自己成长过程中的转变和收获,并谈一谈对未来的打算。
    Great Changes in My Grwth
    Time ges by, and peple sure change.
    1—5 BCBAB 6—10 ACBCC
    11—15 CBDAB 6—20 CABDC
    21—25 DCACA 26—30 BDACC 31—35 ECAFG
    36. deal with 37. prud f 38. t read 39. suggested/advised ging 40. is help
    41. pass 42. lked 43. brken 44. till 45. What 46. fr 47. nicer 48. asked 49. by 50. tired
    51. 29
    52. N, she didn’t.
    53. Playing different supprting rles is her way f becming a better actr.
    54. 3
    55. She desn’t mind. /It desn’t matter t her.
    ·2022年11月,中国传统制茶技艺及其相关习俗正式列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录.(秒懂百科了解更多)Old Friend Restaurant
    Cme and enjy yurself at Old Friend Restaurant. We ffer rms f different sizes accrding t the number f guests. Here yu can taste green and farm fd frm 11:00 am. t 12:00 pm.
    Tel: 516-2289 Add: N. 367 Huanshan Rad
    Fresh Flwer Market
    We have different kinds f flwers and the lwest prices in ur city. They are all picked freshly n the farms in Yunman Prvince and sent here by plane. We nly sell them frm 4:00 t 7:00 in the early mrning every day.
    Tel: 516-6672 Add: N. 67 Dengcheng Rad
    Happy Pet Huse
    The best place fr yu pets. The pets can learn many things here. We can give yur pets a bath nce a week. It’s als a nice hme fr yur pets when yu are away fr several days.
    Tel: 516-4345 Add: N. 9 Nrth Street
    Huse fr Rent
    Huse with tw bedrms, a living rm, a kitchen and bathrm. It’s next t a schl. The envirnment is gd and quiet. $300 a mnth r $3400 a year.
    Please call Lucy Green at 516-9876.
    31. Linda, frm Africa, takes a great interest in seafd especially the “pickle shrimps(腌虾仁)”.
    32. Lily is an Indian. She is eager t try sme dishes with the natural taste and the artistic presentatin f them.
    33. David is nw n business in a Chinese city. He suffers frm a tthache a lt, s he wants t drink sme delicius sup.
    34. Steve is in China nw but he desn’t adapt t(适应)the wet weather. He wants t try sme lcal fd t deal with that.
    35. Richard can never frget the taste f rast duck in China that he tried years ag. He wuld als like t try mre rast fd this time.
    A. Sups are imprtant in Shandng dishes. Clear sup lks clear and fresh while milk sup seems thick and taste strng, bth f which are delicius.
    B. An hui fd pays mre attentin t the taste clr f dishes and the temperature t ck them. It is famus fr its chices f cking ingredients and it strict cntrl f the cking prcess.
    C. Fd in Guangdng brings ut he natural taste f vegetables and meats. Guangdng cks als pay much attentin t the artistic presentatin f dishes.
    D. The taste f Huai yang fd is light and fresh. Withut t many seasnings, Huai yang fd presents the fresh taste f the ingredients thrugh sme cking skills.
    E. Fujian fd is famus fr its seafd, beautiful clr and magic taste f sweet, sur and salty. One f the mst special characters is their “pickled taste”.
    F. Hunan cking is characterized by its thick smell and strng taste. Hunan is wet, s lcal peple here always eat ht peppers.
    G. Zhejiang cking is best represented by Hangzhu dishes, including Hangzhu rast chicken, Dngp prk, westlake fish, etc.
    what, fr, nice, tire, lk, hw, pass, till, ask, break, by, t

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