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    听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)
    1.(1分)Who's Allen's favourite star?

    2.(1分)Which TV programme is Henry's favourite?

    3.(1分)What does the boy see?

    4.(1分)How did the boy's mother feel?

    5.(1分)What does the murderer look like?
    A.He is tall.
    B.He has long hair.
    C.He has short hair.
    6.(1分)What does the man think of the speech?
    A.It's boring.
    B.It's really nice.
    C.He doesn't enjoy it.
    7.(1分)What will happen if the man keeps singing loudly?
    A.He will get tired.
    B.He will catch a cold.
    C.He will lose his voice.
    8.(1分)What does Andy think of Spud Webb?
    9.(1分)How much is the scarf now?
    A.10 dollars.
    B.16 dollars.
    C.26 dollars.
    10.(1分)What can we learn from the dialogue?
    A.Tim was out with his dog.
    B.The man locked all the doors.
    C.The man only locked the back door.
    11.(2分)(1)Where will the woman stay during her trip?
    A.At a friend's home.
    B.At a hotel.
    C.At a university.
    (2)Which of the following is TRUE?
    A.She was born in that country.
    B.Her parents are on the same trip.
    C.She enjoys travelling to different countries.
    Why do people like jogging?
    Reason 1
    • healthy and relaxing
    • good exercise without(1)   
    Reason 2
    • simple and cheap
    • what you need to do:wear a pair of(2)   and a smile on your face
    Reason 3
    • help you get away from your(3)   
    • make you have a clear mind and be confident
    (3)A.bad habits
    B.daily stress
    C.strange feelings
    13.(5分)(1)What's the date today?
    A.January 4th.
    B.January 5th.
    C.January 6th.
    (2)What was stolen last night?
    A.A black shirt.
    B.A school computer.
    C.A set of Beats earphones.
    (3)Who saw the tall man at 11:00 last night?
    A.A student.
    B.A policeman.
    C.A taxi driver.
    (4)What will open at 9:30 tomorrow morning?
    A.The new sports center.
    B.The new shopping center.
    C.The new community center.
    (5)When will the swimming match begin tomorrow afternoon?
    A.At 2:30 p.m..
    B.At 3:00 p.m..
    C.At 3:30 p.m..
    单项填空 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    14.(1分)From the notice,we know that Miss Smith__________.(  )

    A.doesn't use the handbag often
    B.paid 80 dollars for the handbag
    C.has had the handbag for 3 years
    D.would like to get a new handbag
    15.(1分)Zoe likes the car very much,but its price goes ________ her ability to pay.(  )
    A.among B.against C.below D.beyond
    16.(1分)We asked Tony and Neo a simple question,but__________of them could answer it.(  )
    A.both B.none C.either D.neither
    17.(1分)The drama series A Lifelong Journey hit screens in 2022 and many people thought__________of the acting of all the actors inside.(  )
    A.mostly B.hardly C.highly D.wisely
    18.(1分)At the end of each term,Mr.Wu usually keeps a __________ of every student's progress carefully.(  )
    A.reply B.record C.resource D.research
    19.(1分)He seemed to be a__________gentleman while he was a poor artist indeed.(  )
    A.warm B.wealthy C.patient D.practical
    20.(1分)Jane Austen,the writer of Pride and Prejudice,wrote many stories of love.But she______single all her life.
    A.reminded B.remained C.realized D.required
    21.(1分)Students__________be too careful when they do science research in the lab.(  )
    A.can't B.needn't C.mustn't D.shouldn't
    22.(1分)It's hard for you to have a better view of the village__________ you reach the top of the hill.(  )
    A.as B.if C.unless D.because
    23.(1分)Andy likes__________.He tells everyone that he has got a new computer.(  )
    A.giving up B.staying out
    C.showing off D.turning around
    24.(1分)The 2024 Paris Olympic Games are__________events that we all wait in hope.(  )
    A.so great B.great so C.great such D.such great
    25.(1分)Readers around the world will not forget Anne Frank__________wrote her thoughts,her feelings and her hopes in the diary during World War II.(  )
    A.who B.when C.what D.which
    26.(1分)Many top students in Grade 9 don't know how to__________stress from heavy schoolwork and become very worried.(  )
    A.deal with B.begin with
    C.fight with D.connect with
    27.(1分)—Could you tell me ________?
    —Go along Kaichuang Road and turn left.Then you will see it.(  )
    A.where is Wuyue Square
    B.which is the way to Wuyue Square
    C.where Wuyue Square was
    D.how can I get to Wuyue Square
    28.(1分)—Can you go and visit Nanjing City Wall Museum with me this Saturday?
    —__________.I have to prepare for my English test.(  )
    A.Don't mention it B.I'm afraid not
    C.I can't agree more D.In your dreams
    完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
    29.(10分)The sweetest memory of my childhood is about a round table.When I was still little,my whole family would get together on(1)    every traditional festival to have dinner.While the grown﹣ups were(2)   something that we were not interested in,we kids would be talking with each other or playing hide﹣and﹣seek under the table.
    When I got a little older,my aunt got married and she brought back her(3)   .Then my grandma would cheerfully add another seat to the round table for him.It was a little more crowded (拥挤的),but we all felt(4)   to this new family member.
    When I was fifteen,my grandma passed away because of cancer.Since then,there has often been a touch of sadness in our(5)    whenever we mention her.But when the big family got together once again,we all(6)    that her chair,her bowl and her chopsticks should keep the same,even though her seat was empty.We felt like that she had never left us.
    We all have a table like this in our homes.It is a symbol of getting together with our family members.In fact,in China,it seems that(7)    can't be solved over a round table.The marriage vows(誓言) between a loving couple,the mourning(哀悼) for the dead,the talks between business partners can all happen on a round table.(8)    I start to wonder what this round table is to us,what it has done to us,and its true importance starts to come out in front of me.The food on the table may change with time,the people sitting beside it may come and go,the reasons why we come together seem to be different,but the true meaning(9)    it keeps the same year after year.And that is the tolerance(包容) of different people,different cultures and different art forms.Moreover,we(10)    our love,care and respect not only for our family,but also for a community,our nation or even the whole world on the round table.


    阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    30.(3分)Ladies and gentlemen,
    Do you enjoy walking?If your answer is "Yes",please join us for our walk.Starting in Central Park,you and your friends can choose to walk for 10,20 or 30 kilometers.Please read the information below carefully.
    See you on Saturday May 21st.
    ☆STARTING TIMES:30 km:8:00 a.m.﹣9:00 a.m.20 km:9:00 a.m.﹣10:00 a.m.10 km:10:00 a.m.﹣11:00 a.m.CLOTHING should be taken according to the weather.It is better to wear shoes that are old,instead of new ones.
    ☆ROAD MAPS will be offered from the starting point.If you need help along the way,please tell the volunteers.
    ☆BUSES will be waiting at Guangming Square to take walkers back to Central Park.
    Park.The buses will leave every 30 minutes starting from 11:30 a.m..The service is free.
    (1)If Peter wants to start the walk at 10:30 a.m.,he can walk for    .
    A.10 km
    B.20 km
    C.30 km
    D.40 km
    (2)According to the passage,walkers can    .
    A.ask for help from doctors if necessary
    B.start the walk from Guangming Square
    C.take free buses to go back to Central Park
    D.wear new shoes to protect themselves better
    (3)We can read the information above from a    .
    A.safety guide
    B.music magazine
    C.traffic notice
    D.local newspaper
    31.(3分)Friendship is based on mutual (相互的) respect,common interests and laughter.Studying doesn't usually happen on the list of shared activities.So why are more and more students meeting with their friends after class to do homework and prepare for exams?
    Having a study buddy is good for us in many ways.Here are several reasons.
    You get the material faster than alone.
    Having a study buddy can help you learn faster.Let's face it:two brains are always better than one.What's more,you can learn some new study methods from your study buddy.
    New information is easier to understand.
    When you have someone to discuss the new information with,learning becomes more possible.Also,you can teach each other and understand something if one of you isn't very sure.
    Study buddies can test each other.
    You can teach each other,and you can also learn from testing each other.Testing before the exam can help both of you to find out areas that need more attention.
    Learning becomes organized and fun.
    Finally,it can be enjoyable to share your study journey with another person.Long evenings in the library will become less lonely if you're with a friend.Also,it is nice to relax yourselves once in a while.It will turn learning into a fun and organized thing.

    (1)Friendship is based on the following things except    .
    (2)If you have a study buddy,he or she can    .
    ①help you learn new study methods
    ②discuss new information with you
    ③finish your homework alone quickly
    ④study with you together more happily
    A. ①②③
    B. ①②④
    C. ①③④
    D. ②③④
    (3)The main idea of this passage is    .
    A.what the true friendship means
    B.how we can find a study buddy
    C.when we will prepare for exams
    D.why we should find a study buddy

    32.(4分)A survey on "Generation (一代人) Z bullet﹣screen (弹幕) review culture" has been carried out among 1,976 college students across our country.Generation Z often refers to the generation that was born between 1996 and 2010.
    The survey results showed that 61.34% of the college students often choose to read the bullet﹣screen reviews when watching videos.They prefer the real﹣time ( 实时 的 ) communication with other people.However,38.66% prefer not to,and the main reason is that these reviews may cover the pictures on the screen and influence TV viewing experience.
    Huang Xiaobei,a college student in South China first came into contact with bullet﹣screen reviews when she was watching a movie. "I couldn't close the reviews on the web page,so I had to watch them," Huang remembered.
    However,after this experience,Huang Xiaobei has changed from "hating the reviews,being bored of them" to "believing this form of communication to be very interesting".Huang Xiaobei says that bullet﹣screen reviews are like "popcorns" (爆米花).Like popcorns,they are not healthy,but sweet,delicious and suitable for relieving bored feelings.
    At the same time,according to the survey,67.27% of the young people think that bullet﹣screen reviews are a good way to show their thoughts,63.05% of them believe that the reviews make the video content rich and colourful and 53.19% of them say that bullet﹣screen reviews help them find like﹣minded people around the world.
    "Now bullet﹣screen reviews have been used for video programs on all major websites,and they have become a way of real﹣time communication accepted by the public," says Professor Ma Zhonghong from Southeast University,adding that the reviews have changed from a simple tool to a kind of special culture.

    (1)From the passage,some college students dislike bullet﹣screen reviews,because they may make    .
    A.watching videos quite difficult
    B.real﹣time communication boring
    C.the video content not so colourful
    D.TV viewing experience not pleasant
    (2)What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "relieving"?    
    (3)Around    of young people think that bullet﹣screen reviews help them find people with similar ideas all over the world.
    C.one quarter
    D.three quarters
    (4)The passage is mainly about    .
    A.a survey on bullet﹣screen reviews
    B.the history of bullet﹣screen reviews
    C.the changes of bullet﹣screen reviews
    D.the advantages (优点) of bullet﹣screen reviews
    33.(5分)A new study has shown how the colour of a bowl can influence the taste of the food it holds.
    Although it is hard to say what a picky eater ( 挑 食的 人 ) is like,the type may include people who have a limited diet,who have strong likes or dislikes for certain food,who require food to be prepared in a special way,who isn't willing to accept new food,or who show signs of all these features.
    According to this new study,food was put into two groups in red,blue,or white bowls.While the colour made no difference in taste for non﹣picky eaters,the picky eaters reported changes in their taste senses based on the colour of the bowl being used.Snacks in red and blue bowls were thought to have more salt than those in white bowls,while snacks in red bowls were less pleasant than those in the other bowls.
    "This knowledge can be useful for those who want to try more kinds of foods," says Lorenzo Stafford,a psychologist from the University of Portsmouth in the UK. "For example,if you want to encourage a picky eater to try some bitter ( 苦 的 ) vegetables,you can try to put them on a pink plate or in a yellow bowl,because this can give him or her a sweet feeling."
    At first it may seem strange that a bowl colour can influence the taste of food,but the research before has shown how light and music can influence eating habits.
    All of our senses are connected,including taste.
    "This new study can help in treating food neophobia—the unwillingness to try new food," the team of the study says,and further studies will be required to find out more relationships between colours and foods.
    "Through further studies,maybe we can decide ways to help actively influence a person's diet,and as a result,their health in mind and body," says Stafford.

    (1)Who ISN'T a picky eater according to the passage?    
    Tom has special likes for fast food.
    Lucy is able to accept new food happily.
    Mary needs food to be prepared specially.
    Sigmund has strong dislikes for sweet food.
    (2)If you want a picky eater to try some bitter vegetables,you should    .
    A.give more kinds of foods on the plates
    B.try to add some sugar to the vegetables
    C.offer them in yellow bowls or on pink plates
    D.put them in bowls with less pleasant colours like red
    (3)Which of the following about the study is TRUE according to the passage?    
    A.Light and music can influence how people eat and act.
    B.The colour of a bowl can decide the taste of the food it holds.
    C.Snacks in red bowls were more pleasant than those in the other bowls.
    D.Snacks in white bowls were thought to have more salt than those in blue bowls.
    (4)The new research is helpful to    .
    A.encourage people to try some sweet food
    B.make picky eaters try much healthier food
    C.decide ways to make people eat more food
    D.treat people's unwillingness to try new food
    (5)Where can we find this passage?    
    A.In a story book.
    B.In a history book.
    C.In a comic book.
    D.In a science book.

    填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    34.(1分)The boss likes him because he always works to high    (标准).
    35.(1分)Yuan Longping's work is of great    (价值) to people around the world.
    36.(1分)The number of the wild animals will probably rise in the    (即将来临的) years.
    37.(1分)When they came to the main road,both were breathing    (猛烈地) from their run.
    38.(1分)We planned to meet for dinner but had to    (取消) it at the last minute because of the bad weather.
    39.(1分)Cuju is    (consider) as one of the ancient games in Chinese history.
    40.(1分)The ancient Chinese soccer first    (appear) in the Warring States period.
    41.(1分)Liu Che,Emperor Wu of Han,made a    (decide) to use cuju as a way of training his army.
    42.(1分)Up to the Tang Dynasty,women enjoyed playing cuju games and then cuju was not    (simple) a game but was used as a way for fun.
    43.(1分)Now,as one part of traditional culture,cuju is    (know) for its special charm in China.
    Asian all﹣time local colour a number of turned out
    The World Cup is one of the(1)    international competitions in the world.It takes place every four years.When the World Cup comes,(2)    football fans will stay up late to enjoy the most exciting moment.
    In fact,the first World Cup event was held in 1930 and in the history of football,it wasn't held in 1942 and 1946 because of the second World War.Now,the World Cup has (3)    to be the most exciting sporting event in the world.This year,in 2022,the host country was the State of Qatar.It is only the second time that a(an)(4)    country hosts the competition.
    This year's World Cup has strong(5)    which catches people's eyes.The mascot ( 吉祥物) La'eeb,represents a characteristic of the host country.It means super﹣skilled player in Arabic and its purpose is to encourage everyone to believe in themselves!
    阅读填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分;满分 20 分)
    45.(10分)Have you ever found it difficult to get up early on cold mornings?We often feel tired and sleepy when we wake up.It really needs strong courage to get up in winter.Here are some tips for you to make "getting up on cold mornings" easy.
    Get as much natural light as you can
    Enough bright light will help you get up early,says Jennifer Martin,doctor from American University of Sleep Medicine.That's because light influences melatonin (褪黑激素),which plays an important role in sleep.As a result,when you wake up,taking a walk or enjoying coffee outside will be good.Some people prefer to use curtains or wear eye masks to create a dark sleeping environment,but that will be a bad idea if you want to get up early the next day.
    Form the fixed early rising habit
    There are two ways to help you get up early.First,you can force yourself to get up at a fixed time.It must be difficult in the beginning but after a few weeks,you will not feel hard.Martin recommends people can try another way.You can get up ten minutes earlier than usual on the first day.After a few days,you can get up another ten minutes earlier.Finally,you will get used to the new habit.
    Go to bed early in the evening
    A fixed bedtime is also important to make sure you're getting enough sleep.Most people should have at least seven hours of sleep.So you'll probably need to go to bed early if you want to change your habit.Research shows that we should make sure we are not in the bright light for at least an hour before we sleep.Bright light will influence our abilities to fall asleep.Listening to soft music or doing some reading may be helpful before you sleep.
    Plan something to look forward to
    To encourage you to get out of bed,Martin suggests treating yourself to something special you can enjoy.Go to buy your favourite coffee or pick up some delicious breakfast.Start a day with something nice,and you will find getting up early on cold mornings is not difficult.

    How to get up early(1)   on cold mornings
    Most people have(2)    getting up early on cold mornings.It does need strong courage to get up in winter.
    Get as much natural light as(3)   
    (4)   for a walk or enjoy coffee outside.
    Avoid using curtains or wearing eye masks to (5)   a dark sleeping environment.
    Form the fixed early rising habit
    (6)   yourself to get up at a fixed time at first.
    Form the fixed habit step by step and then get used to it.
    Go to bed early in the evening
    Make sure you can get (7)   sleep—at least seven hours.
    Try soft music and books because they may be of some(8)   
    Plan something that you(9)   
    Give yourself something special as a(10)    to encourage yourself to get up.
    46.(10分)Some Chinese words are very hot on the Internet these days.They have caught people's attention overnight recently.The first one is tangping,which (1)m     lying down totally.The word(2)s     an inactive attitude (态度) towards social competitions,heavy life stress or daily problems.It is said that some young people (3)f     the problems like high housing prices and someone once wrote, "I don't (4)c     too much about how high the housing prices are.I have lain down." In short,being sick and tired of the endless competitions,some young people have become inactive or hopeless(5)w     they face challenges in life.
    Another hot word which is (6)p     among the youth is neijuan,which means rat race (激烈竞争) or challenging social competitions.Many young people have to take part in the social competitions and they have no(7)c     but to climb the social ladder even though they may lose everything or get few achievements.For example,many parents make their children learn more knowledge (8)w     thinking about their thoughts.In their opinions,hard work is the key to success and much extra homework is necessary.
    However,these two attitudes are not worth taking.When facing problems in our life,we shouldn't get away from them. (9)I    ,we should not only take an active attitude towards the challenges in life,but also remember to keep a balance between work and(10)r    .Stop to enjoy the beauty of the world,learn to relax in the busy life and maybe you will find a better self!
    书面表达(满分 15 分)
    47.(15分)请根据你校校刊 YOUTH 中 YOUR IDEA 栏目的征稿内容,用英语写一篇短文,表达你的想法。
    As we all know,art plays an important role in our life.So this week,we want to know your ideas about the topic "My favourite art form".
    • What types of art forms do you know?
    • Which is your favourite art form?Do you have any stories about it?
    • What do you think of this art form?
    We are sure you have a lot to say.We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
    (3)词数 80 左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。
    My favourite art form
    Art is an important part of our life.__________

    听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)

    单项填空 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    14.(1分)From the notice,we know that Miss Smith__________.(  )

    A.doesn't use the handbag often
    B.paid 80 dollars for the handbag
    C.has had the handbag for 3 years
    D.would like to get a new handbag
    【解答】根据文中提到She hardly uses it ,so it's as good as new.(她几乎不用它,所以它像新的一样)可知,她不经常用这个包。
    15.(1分)Zoe likes the car very much,but its price goes ________ her ability to pay.(  )
    A.among B.against C.below D.beyond
    【解答】among在......之中(三者以上);against反对;below在下面;beyond超过。根据"但它的价格......她的支付能力。"可知,go beyond"超出"动词短语。
    16.(1分)We asked Tony and Neo a simple question,but__________of them could answer it.(  )
    A.both B.none C.either D.neither
    【解答】both两者都,none三者或三者以上都不,either两者中任意一个,neither两者中任意一个不。根据本句Tony and Neo这里指的是两个人都不使用neither。
    17.(1分)The drama series A Lifelong Journey hit screens in 2022 and many people thought__________of the acting of all the actors inside.(  )
    A.mostly B.hardly C.highly D.wisely
    【解答】mostly一般;hardly几乎不;highly高地;wisely明智地。根据The drama series A Lifelong Journey hit screens in 2022 (电视剧《人世间》在2022年席卷屏幕)可知,人们对演员的演技评价很好,think highly of高度评价。
    18.(1分)At the end of each term,Mr.Wu usually keeps a __________ of every student's progress carefully.(  )
    A.reply B.record C.resource D.research
    【解答】A回复;B记录;C资源;D研究;根据所给的名词词义以及句意:吴老师通常会仔细记录每个学生的进步。此时:keep a record of sth.意思是"记录某事"。
    19.(1分)He seemed to be a__________gentleman while he was a poor artist indeed.(  )
    A.warm B.wealthy C.patient D.practical
    20.(1分)Jane Austen,the writer of Pride and Prejudice,wrote many stories of love.But she______single all her life.
    A.reminded B.remained C.realized D.required
    【分析】简•奥斯丁是"骄傲和偏见"的作者,写了许多爱情故事. 但是她一生单身.
    【解答】答案: B
    考查词意辨析,A. reminded 提醒,B. remained 仍然是,连系动词,后面跟形容词作表语.C. realized 意识到,D. required 要求. 根据句意,可知选B.
    21.(1分)Students__________be too careful when they do science research in the lab.(  )
    A.can't B.needn't C.mustn't D.shouldn't
    【解答】A.不能;B.不必;C.禁止;D.不应该;can 't +be+too+形容词......再也......不为过,固定用法。
    22.(1分)It's hard for you to have a better view of the village__________ you reach the top of the hill.(  )
    A.as B.if C.unless D.because
    23.(1分)Andy likes__________.He tells everyone that he has got a new computer.(  )
    A.giving up B.staying out
    C.showing off D.turning around
    【解答】A放弃;B远离;C炫耀;D转身。根据He tells everyone that he has got a new computer.(他告诉每个人他有一台新电脑。)可知他喜欢炫耀。
    24.(1分)The 2024 Paris Olympic Games are__________events that we all wait in hope.(  )
    A.so great B.great so C.great such D.such great
    【解答】so great如此大;great so错误表达;great such错误表达;such great如此大的。通过分析句子可知,考查"如此...以致于..."这个句型,前半句修饰的中心词是events(事件),是个名词,所以用such来修饰。
    25.(1分)Readers around the world will not forget Anne Frank__________wrote her thoughts,her feelings and her hopes in the diary during World War II.(  )
    A.who B.when C.what D.which
    【解答】定语从句中who先行词为人,在从句中作主语或宾语,when先行词为时间,在从句中作状语,what不引导定语从句,which先行词为物,在从句中作主语或宾语,题目中现行词为Anne Frank,因此用关系代词who。
    26.(1分)Many top students in Grade 9 don't know how to__________stress from heavy schoolwork and become very worried.(  )
    A.deal with B.begin with
    C.fight with D.connect with
    【解答】A应对;B以......开始;C和......争斗;D与....连接。根据Many top students in Grade 9 don't know how to__________stress from heavy schoolwork and become very worried可知,许多九年级的优等生不知道如何应对繁重的课业压力,变得非常担心。
    27.(1分)—Could you tell me ________?
    —Go along Kaichuang Road and turn left.Then you will see it.(  )
    A.where is Wuyue Square
    B.which is the way to Wuyue Square
    C.where Wuyue Square was
    D.how can I get to Wuyue Square
    【解答】根据题干可知,空处是宾语从句,应用陈述句语序;选项A系动词在主语之前,选项D情态动词在主语之前,是疑问句语序,故排除。根据句意可知,是在问路,应用一般现在时,故排除C;选项C中,疑问词which代替主语,系动词is,表语the way,是陈述句语序。
    28.(1分)—Can you go and visit Nanjing City Wall Museum with me this Saturday?
    —__________.I have to prepare for my English test.(  )
    A.Don't mention it B.I'm afraid not
    C.I can't agree more D.In your dreams
    【解答】Don't mention it别客气;I'm afraid not恐怕不行;I can't agree more我完全同意;In your dreams做梦吧。根据I have to prepare for my English test.(我得准备英语考试了。)可知,我去不了。选项B"恐怕不行"符合语境。
    完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
    29.(10分)The sweetest memory of my childhood is about a round table.When I was still little,my whole family would get together on(1) C  every traditional festival to have dinner.While the grown﹣ups were(2) D something that we were not interested in,we kids would be talking with each other or playing hide﹣and﹣seek under the table.
    When I got a little older,my aunt got married and she brought back her(3) C .Then my grandma would cheerfully add another seat to the round table for him.It was a little more crowded (拥挤的),but we all felt(4) B to this new family member.
    When I was fifteen,my grandma passed away because of cancer.Since then,there has often been a touch of sadness in our(5) A  whenever we mention her.But when the big family got together once again,we all(6) A  that her chair,her bowl and her chopsticks should keep the same,even though her seat was empty.We felt like that she had never left us.
    We all have a table like this in our homes.It is a symbol of getting together with our family members.In fact,in China,it seems that(7) A  can't be solved over a round table.The marriage vows(誓言) between a loving couple,the mourning(哀悼) for the dead,the talks between business partners can all happen on a round table.(8) C  I start to wonder what this round table is to us,what it has done to us,and its true importance starts to come out in front of me.The food on the table may change with time,the people sitting beside it may come and go,the reasons why we come together seem to be different,but the true meaning(9) C  it keeps the same year after year.And that is the tolerance(包容) of different people,different cultures and different art forms.Moreover,we(10) B  our love,care and respect not only for our family,but also for a community,our nation or even the whole world on the round table.


    【解答】(1)副词辨析。句意:当我还小的时候,几乎每个传统节日我们全家都会聚在一起吃晚饭。A.非常,B.几乎不,C.几乎,D.已经,根据It is a symbol of getting together with our family members.(它是我们与家人团聚的象征。)可知几乎每个传统节日全家都会聚在一起。故选C。
    (3)名词辨析。句意:当我长大一点的时候,我姑姑结婚了,她把她的丈夫带回来了。A.妻子,B.姐妹,C.丈夫,D.女儿,结合下文Then my grandma would cheerfully add another seat to the round table for him(然后,我奶奶会很高兴地在圆桌上给他加一个座位。)可知她把她的丈夫带回来了。故选C。
    (6)动词辨析。句意:但是当这个大家庭再次聚在一起时,我们都同意她的椅子、碗和筷子应该保持不变,即使她的座位是空的。A.同意,B.获得,C.支付得起,D.宣布,结合下文We felt like that she had never left us.(我们觉得她好像从未离开过我们。)可知都同意她的椅子、碗和筷子应该保持不变。故选A。
    (8)连词辨析。句意:我开始思考这个圆桌对我们来说是什么,它对我们做了什么,它真正的重要性开始显现在我面前。A.或者,B.所以,C.而且,D.但是,结合上文The marriage vows(誓言) between a loving couple,the mourning(哀悼) for the dead,the talks between business partners can all happen on a round table.(一对恩爱夫妻的结婚誓言,对死者的哀悼,商业伙伴之间的谈话都可以在圆桌上进行。)可知表示顺承。故选C。
    (10)动词辨析。句意:此外,我们在圆桌上不仅表达对我们家庭的爱、关心和尊重,而且表达对一个社区、我们的国家甚至整个世界的爱、关心和尊重。A.劳驾,B.表达,C.解释,D.鼓励,根据our love,care and respect not only for our family,but also for a community,our nation or even the whole world(对我们家庭的爱、关心和尊重,而且表达对一个社区、我们的国家甚至整个世界的爱。)可知是表达。故选B。
    阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    30.(3分)Ladies and gentlemen,
    Do you enjoy walking?If your answer is "Yes",please join us for our walk.Starting in Central Park,you and your friends can choose to walk for 10,20 or 30 kilometers.Please read the information below carefully.
    See you on Saturday May 21st.
    ☆STARTING TIMES:30 km:8:00 a.m.﹣9:00 a.m.20 km:9:00 a.m.﹣10:00 a.m.10 km:10:00 a.m.﹣11:00 a.m.CLOTHING should be taken according to the weather.It is better to wear shoes that are old,instead of new ones.
    ☆ROAD MAPS will be offered from the starting point.If you need help along the way,please tell the volunteers.
    ☆BUSES will be waiting at Guangming Square to take walkers back to Central Park.
    Park.The buses will leave every 30 minutes starting from 11:30 a.m..The service is free.
    (1)If Peter wants to start the walk at 10:30 a.m.,he can walk for  A .
    A.10 km
    B.20 km
    C.30 km
    D.40 km
    (2)According to the passage,walkers can  C .
    A.ask for help from doctors if necessary
    B.start the walk from Guangming Square
    C.take free buses to go back to Central Park
    D.wear new shoes to protect themselves better
    (3)We can read the information above from a  D .
    A.safety guide
    B.music magazine
    C.traffic notice
    D.local newspaper
    【解答】(1)细理解题。根据表格30 km:8:00 a.m.﹣9:00 a.m.20 km:9:00 a.m.﹣10:00 a.m.10 km:10:00 a.m.﹣11:00 a.m.(30公里:上午8:00 ﹣9:00,20公里:上午9:00 ﹣10:00,10公里:上午10:00 ﹣11:00)可知,如果彼得想在上午10点半开始徒步,他可以走10公里的。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据表格BUSES will be waiting at Guangming Square to take walkers back to Central(公共汽车将在光明广场等候,把徒步者送回中央公园。)以及The service is free.(服务是免费的。)可知,徒步者可以乘坐免费的公共汽车回到中央公园。故选C。
    31.(3分)Friendship is based on mutual (相互的) respect,common interests and laughter.Studying doesn't usually happen on the list of shared activities.So why are more and more students meeting with their friends after class to do homework and prepare for exams?
    Having a study buddy is good for us in many ways.Here are several reasons.
    You get the material faster than alone.
    Having a study buddy can help you learn faster.Let's face it:two brains are always better than one.What's more,you can learn some new study methods from your study buddy.
    New information is easier to understand.
    When you have someone to discuss the new information with,learning becomes more possible.Also,you can teach each other and understand something if one of you isn't very sure.
    Study buddies can test each other.
    You can teach each other,and you can also learn from testing each other.Testing before the exam can help both of you to find out areas that need more attention.
    Learning becomes organized and fun.
    Finally,it can be enjoyable to share your study journey with another person.Long evenings in the library will become less lonely if you're with a friend.Also,it is nice to relax yourselves once in a while.It will turn learning into a fun and organized thing.

    (1)Friendship is based on the following things except  C .
    (2)If you have a study buddy,he or she can  B .
    ①help you learn new study methods
    ②discuss new information with you
    ③finish your homework alone quickly
    ④study with you together more happily
    A. ①②③
    B. ①②④
    C. ①③④
    D. ②③④
    (3)The main idea of this passage is  D .
    A.what the true friendship means
    B.how we can find a study buddy
    C.when we will prepare for exams
    D.why we should find a study buddy

    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据原文第一段Friendship is based on mutual (相互的) respect,common interests and laughter. (友谊是建立在相互尊重、共同兴趣和欢笑的基础上的。)可知友谊是建立在相互尊重、共同兴趣和欢笑的基础上的,并不是建立在家庭作业上。故选:C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据原文第四段What's more,you can learn some new study methods from your study buddy.(更重要的是,你可以从你的学习伙伴那里学到一些新的学习方法。)以及末段Finally,it can be enjoyable to share your study journey with another person. (最后,与他人分享你的学习之旅是很愉快的。)以及It will turn learning into a fun and organized thing.(它会把学习变成一件有趣而有条理的事情。)可知①②④符合题意。故选:B。
    (3)主旨大意题。根据原文第一段主旨句So why are more and more students meeting with their friends after class to do homework and prepare for exams?(那么为什么越来越多的学生课后和他们的朋友见面做作业和准备考试呢?)可知文章告诉读者为什么我们应该找一个学习伙伴。故选:D。
    32.(4分)A survey on "Generation (一代人) Z bullet﹣screen (弹幕) review culture" has been carried out among 1,976 college students across our country.Generation Z often refers to the generation that was born between 1996 and 2010.
    The survey results showed that 61.34% of the college students often choose to read the bullet﹣screen reviews when watching videos.They prefer the real﹣time ( 实时 的 ) communication with other people.However,38.66% prefer not to,and the main reason is that these reviews may cover the pictures on the screen and influence TV viewing experience.
    Huang Xiaobei,a college student in South China first came into contact with bullet﹣screen reviews when she was watching a movie. "I couldn't close the reviews on the web page,so I had to watch them," Huang remembered.
    However,after this experience,Huang Xiaobei has changed from "hating the reviews,being bored of them" to "believing this form of communication to be very interesting".Huang Xiaobei says that bullet﹣screen reviews are like "popcorns" (爆米花).Like popcorns,they are not healthy,but sweet,delicious and suitable for relieving bored feelings.
    At the same time,according to the survey,67.27% of the young people think that bullet﹣screen reviews are a good way to show their thoughts,63.05% of them believe that the reviews make the video content rich and colourful and 53.19% of them say that bullet﹣screen reviews help them find like﹣minded people around the world.
    "Now bullet﹣screen reviews have been used for video programs on all major websites,and they have become a way of real﹣time communication accepted by the public," says Professor Ma Zhonghong from Southeast University,adding that the reviews have changed from a simple tool to a kind of special culture.

    (1)From the passage,some college students dislike bullet﹣screen reviews,because they may make  D .
    A.watching videos quite difficult
    B.real﹣time communication boring
    C.the video content not so colourful
    D.TV viewing experience not pleasant
    (2)What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "relieving"?  C 
    (3)Around  B of young people think that bullet﹣screen reviews help them find people with similar ideas all over the world.
    C.one quarter
    D.three quarters
    (4)The passage is mainly about  A .
    A.a survey on bullet﹣screen reviews
    B.the history of bullet﹣screen reviews
    C.the changes of bullet﹣screen reviews
    D.the advantages (优点) of bullet﹣screen reviews
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段They prefer the real﹣time communication with other people.However,38.66% prefer not to,and the main reason is that these reviews may cover the pictures on the screen and influence TV viewing experience.(他们更喜欢与他人进行实时交流。然而,38.66%的人不喜欢,主要原因是这些评论可能会覆盖屏幕上的图片,影响电视观看体验。)可知,他们更喜欢与他人进行实时交流。然而,38.66%的人不喜欢,主要原因是这些评论可能会覆盖屏幕上的图片,影响电视观看体验。故选D。
    (2)词义猜测题。根据第四段Like popcorns,they are not healthy,but sweet,delicious and suitable for relieving bored feelings.(就像爆米花一样,它们不健康,但又甜又美味,适合缓解无聊的感觉。)可知,relieving是减轻的意思。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段At the same time,according to the survey,67.27% of the young people think that bullet﹣screen reviews are a good way to show their thoughts,63.05% of them believe that the reviews make the video content rich and colourful and 53.19% of them say that bullet﹣screen reviews help them find like﹣minded people around the world.(同时,调查显示,67.27%的年轻人认为弹幕评论是表达自己想法的好方法,63.05%的年轻人相信弹幕评论使视频内容丰富多彩,53.19%的年轻人表示弹幕评论有助于他们在世界各地找到志同道合的人。)可知,53.19%即大约一半的年轻人认为弹幕可以帮他们在世界各地找到志同道合的人。故选B。
    (4)主旨大意题。根据第一段A survey on "Generation Z bullet﹣screen review culture" has been carried out among 1,976 college students across our country.(对我国1976名大学生进行了"Z世代弹幕评论文化"调查。)结合全文内容,主要介绍了一项关于弹幕的调查。故选A。
    33.(5分)A new study has shown how the colour of a bowl can influence the taste of the food it holds.
    Although it is hard to say what a picky eater ( 挑 食的 人 ) is like,the type may include people who have a limited diet,who have strong likes or dislikes for certain food,who require food to be prepared in a special way,who isn't willing to accept new food,or who show signs of all these features.
    According to this new study,food was put into two groups in red,blue,or white bowls.While the colour made no difference in taste for non﹣picky eaters,the picky eaters reported changes in their taste senses based on the colour of the bowl being used.Snacks in red and blue bowls were thought to have more salt than those in white bowls,while snacks in red bowls were less pleasant than those in the other bowls.
    "This knowledge can be useful for those who want to try more kinds of foods," says Lorenzo Stafford,a psychologist from the University of Portsmouth in the UK. "For example,if you want to encourage a picky eater to try some bitter ( 苦 的 ) vegetables,you can try to put them on a pink plate or in a yellow bowl,because this can give him or her a sweet feeling."
    At first it may seem strange that a bowl colour can influence the taste of food,but the research before has shown how light and music can influence eating habits.
    All of our senses are connected,including taste.
    "This new study can help in treating food neophobia—the unwillingness to try new food," the team of the study says,and further studies will be required to find out more relationships between colours and foods.
    "Through further studies,maybe we can decide ways to help actively influence a person's diet,and as a result,their health in mind and body," says Stafford.

    (1)Who ISN'T a picky eater according to the passage?  B 
    Tom has special likes for fast food.
    Lucy is able to accept new food happily.
    Mary needs food to be prepared specially.
    Sigmund has strong dislikes for sweet food.
    (2)If you want a picky eater to try some bitter vegetables,you should  C .
    A.give more kinds of foods on the plates
    B.try to add some sugar to the vegetables
    C.offer them in yellow bowls or on pink plates
    D.put them in bowls with less pleasant colours like red
    (3)Which of the following about the study is TRUE according to the passage?  A 
    A.Light and music can influence how people eat and act.
    B.The colour of a bowl can decide the taste of the food it holds.
    C.Snacks in red bowls were more pleasant than those in the other bowls.
    D.Snacks in white bowls were thought to have more salt than those in blue bowls.
    (4)The new research is helpful to  D .
    A.encourage people to try some sweet food
    B.make picky eaters try much healthier food
    C.decide ways to make people eat more food
    D.treat people's unwillingness to try new food
    (5)Where can we find this passage?  D 
    A.In a story book.
    B.In a history book.
    C.In a comic book.
    D.In a science book.

    【分析】这篇文章介绍了一项新研究,研究表明碗的颜色会影响食物的味道。对于挑食的人来说,碗的颜色会对他们的味觉产生影响,红色和蓝色碗里的零食被认为比白色碗里的更咸,而红色碗里的零食则不如其他颜色的碗里的好吃。心理学家Lorenzo Stafford表示,这项研究的结果可以帮助那些想尝试更多食物的人,比如,如果你想鼓励一个挑食的人尝试一些苦味蔬菜,可以将它们放在粉色的盘子或黄色的碗里,因为这会让他们感到甜味。此外,研究还指出,光线和音乐也会影响人们的饮食习惯。最后,研究团队表示,进一步的研究将有助于治疗食物新恐惧症,找出颜色和食物之间更多的关系,以帮助人们积极影响他们的饮食习惯和身心健康。
    【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段Although it is hard to say what a picky eater is like,the type may include people who have a limited diet,who have strong likes or dislikes for certain food,who require food to be prepared in a special way,who isn't willing to accept new food,or who show signs of all these features.(虽然很难说什么是挑食者,但这种类型可能包括饮食有限的人,对某些食物有强烈的喜欢或不喜欢,要求以特殊的方式准备食物的人,不愿意接受新食物的人,或者表现出所有这些特征的人。)可知,挑食者饮食有限、对某些食物有强烈的喜欢或不喜欢、要求以特殊的方式准备食物、不愿意接受新食物等。选项中Lucy is able to accept new food happily.(露西能愉快地接受新食物。)说明她不是一个挑食者。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第四段"For example,if you want to encourage a picky eater to try some bitter vegetables,you can try to put them on a pink plate or in a yellow bowl,because this can give him or her a sweet feeling."("例如,如果你想鼓励一个挑食的人尝试一些苦味的蔬菜,你可以试着把它们放在粉红色的盘子里或黄色的碗里,因为这会给他或她一种甜味的感觉。")可知,如果想尝试苦的蔬菜,可以把它们放在粉红色的盘子或黄色的碗里。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据倒数第四段At first it may seem strange that a bowl colour can influence the taste of food,but the research before has shown how light and music can influence eating habits.(乍一看,碗的颜色会影响食物的味道,这似乎很奇怪,但之前的研究表明,光线和音乐是如何影响饮食习惯的。)可知,灯光和音乐可以影响人们的饮食和行为。故选A。
    (4)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段"This new study can help in treating food neophobia—the unwillingness to try new food," the team of the study says,and further studies will be required to find out more relationships between colours and foods.(这项新研究可以帮助治疗食物恐惧症——不愿尝试新食物,"研究小组说,还需要进一步的研究来发现颜色和食物之间的更多关系。)可知,这项新研究有助于治疗不愿意尝试新食物的新食物恐惧症。故选D。
    (5)推理判断题。根据第一段A new study has shown how the colour of a bowl can influence the taste of the food it holds.(一项新的研究表明,碗的颜色会影响碗里食物的味道。)以及通读全文可知,本文介绍了一项新的研究结果——碗的颜色会影响碗里食物的味道。由此可推断,本文可能选自科学类书籍。故选D。
    填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    34.(1分)The boss likes him because he always works to high  standards (标准).
    35.(1分)Yuan Longping's work is of great  value (价值) to people around the world.
    36.(1分)The number of the wild animals will probably rise in the  upcoming (即将来临的) years.
    37.(1分)When they came to the main road,both were breathing  heavily (猛烈地) from their run.
    38.(1分)We planned to meet for dinner but had to  cancel (取消) it at the last minute because of the bad weather.
    【解答】根据提示"取消"可知,是动词cancel。这里had to后跟动词原形。
    39.(1分)Cuju is  considered (consider) as one of the ancient games in Chinese history.
    【解答】consider考虑,动词原形。be considered as"被认为"固定搭配,填过去分词。
    40.(1分)The ancient Chinese soccer first  appeared (appear) in the Warring States period.
    【解答】根据in the Warring States period.可知句子是一般过去时,所以用appear的过去式appeared。
    41.(1分)Liu Che,Emperor Wu of Han,made a  decision (decide) to use cuju as a way of training his army.
    【解答】decide决定,动词。make a decision"做决定",固定短语。
    42.(1分)Up to the Tang Dynasty,women enjoyed playing cuju games and then cuju was not  simply (simple) a game but was used as a way for fun.
    43.(1分)Now,as one part of traditional culture,cuju is  known (know) for its special charm in China.
    【解答】know知道,动词。be known for..."以......而闻名"固定短语。
    Asian all﹣time local colour a number of turned out
    The World Cup is one of the(1) all﹣time  international competitions in the world.It takes place every four years.When the World Cup comes,(2) a number of  football fans will stay up late to enjoy the most exciting moment.
    In fact,the first World Cup event was held in 1930 and in the history of football,it wasn't held in 1942 and 1946 because of the second World War.Now,the World Cup has (3) turned out  to be the most exciting sporting event in the world.This year,in 2022,the host country was the State of Qatar.It is only the second time that a(an)(4) Asian  country hosts the competition.
    This year's World Cup has strong(5) local colour  which catches people's eyes.The mascot ( 吉祥物) La'eeb,represents a characteristic of the host country.It means super﹣skilled player in Arabic and its purpose is to encourage everyone to believe in themselves!
    【解答】(1)考查形容词。句意:世界杯是世界上最重要的国际比赛之一。all﹣time:空前的,一向的。此处作定语修饰international competitions,故填all﹣time。
    (2)考查短语。句意:当世界杯来临时,许多球迷会熬夜享受最激动人心的时刻。a number of:许多。接可数名词复数football fans。故填a number of。
    (3)考查短语。句意:现在,世界杯已经成为世界上最激动人心的体育赛事。turned out:成为。故填turned out。
    (5)考查短语。句意:今年的世界杯具有浓厚的地方色彩,吸引了人们的眼球。结合句意,可知是"local colour地方色彩"作宾语。故填local colour。
    阅读填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分;满分 20 分)
    45.(10分)Have you ever found it difficult to get up early on cold mornings?We often feel tired and sleepy when we wake up.It really needs strong courage to get up in winter.Here are some tips for you to make "getting up on cold mornings" easy.
    Get as much natural light as you can
    Enough bright light will help you get up early,says Jennifer Martin,doctor from American University of Sleep Medicine.That's because light influences melatonin (褪黑激素),which plays an important role in sleep.As a result,when you wake up,taking a walk or enjoying coffee outside will be good.Some people prefer to use curtains or wear eye masks to create a dark sleeping environment,but that will be a bad idea if you want to get up early the next day.
    Form the fixed early rising habit
    There are two ways to help you get up early.First,you can force yourself to get up at a fixed time.It must be difficult in the beginning but after a few weeks,you will not feel hard.Martin recommends people can try another way.You can get up ten minutes earlier than usual on the first day.After a few days,you can get up another ten minutes earlier.Finally,you will get used to the new habit.
    Go to bed early in the evening
    A fixed bedtime is also important to make sure you're getting enough sleep.Most people should have at least seven hours of sleep.So you'll probably need to go to bed early if you want to change your habit.Research shows that we should make sure we are not in the bright light for at least an hour before we sleep.Bright light will influence our abilities to fall asleep.Listening to soft music or doing some reading may be helpful before you sleep.
    Plan something to look forward to
    To encourage you to get out of bed,Martin suggests treating yourself to something special you can enjoy.Go to buy your favourite coffee or pick up some delicious breakfast.Start a day with something nice,and you will find getting up early on cold mornings is not difficult.

    How to get up early(1) easily on cold mornings
    Most people have(2) difficulty  getting up early on cold mornings.It does need strong courage to get up in winter.
    Get as much natural light as(3) possible 
    (4) Go for a walk or enjoy coffee outside.
    Avoid using curtains or wearing eye masks to (5) create a dark sleeping environment.
    Form the fixed early rising habit
    (6) Force yourself to get up at a fixed time at first.
    Form the fixed habit step by step and then get used to it.
    Go to bed early in the evening
    Make sure you can get (7) enough sleep—at least seven hours.
    Try soft music and books because they may be of some(8) help 
    Plan something that you(9) expect 
    Give yourself something special as a(10) reward  to encourage yourself to get up.
    【解答】(1)考查副词。句意:如何在寒冷的早晨轻松地早起。根据第一段Here are some tips for you to make "getting up on cold mornings" easy.(这里有一些小贴士可以让你在寒冷的早晨轻松起床),可知,是轻松地起床,空格处在句中修饰动词get,所以应填副词,easily"容易地"符合题意。故填easily。
    (2)考查名词。句意:大多数人在寒冷的早晨早起很难。根据第一段Have you ever found it difficult to get up early on cold mornings?(你是否曾发现在寒冷的早晨很难早起?)可知,是冬天早起很难,have difficulty doing sth."做某事有困难",difficulty"困难"是不可数名词。故填difficulty。
    (3)考查形容词。句意:获得尽可能多的自然光。根据第二段Get as much natural light as you can(尽可能多地吸收自然光)可知,此处表示"尽可能",as possible"尽可能",固定短语。故填possible。
    (4)考查动词。句意:去外面散步或享受咖啡。根据第三段As a result,when you wake up,taking a walk or enjoying coffee outside will be good.(因此,当你醒来时,出去散步或在外面喝杯咖啡会很好。)可知,此处指"散步"。go for a walk"去散步",固定短语。or连接两个并列的短语,结合空后的enjoy可知,go用原形,句首首字母大写。故填Go。
    (5)考查动词。句意:避免使用窗帘或眼罩来营造黑暗的睡眠环境。根据第三段Some Some people prefer to use curtains or wear eye masks to create a dark sleeping environment,but that will be a bad idea if you want to get up early the next day.(有些人喜欢用窗帘或戴眼罩来创造一个黑暗的睡眠环境,但如果你想第二天早起,这将是一个坏主意。)可知,这里是创造的意思,create"创造",这里用不定式表目的。故填create。
    (6)考查动词。句意:首先,强迫自己在固定的时间起床。根据第五段.First,you can force yourself to get up at a fixed time.(首先,你可以强迫自己在固定的时间起床。)可知,此处指"强迫",force"强迫",动词。此句是祈使句,动词用原形,句首首字母大写。故填Force。
    (7)考查形容词。句意:晚上早点睡觉确保你有足够的睡眠——至少七个小时。根据第七段A fixed bedtime is also important to make sure you're getting enough sleep.(固定的就寝时间对确保睡眠充足也很重要。)可知,应该是足够的睡眠,enough"足够的"符合题意。故填enough。
    (8)考查名词。句意:尝试轻柔的音乐和书籍,因为它们可能会有所帮助。根据第七段Listening to soft music or doing some reading may be helpful before you sleep.(睡前听听轻音乐或读点书可能会有帮助。)可知,是有帮助,help"帮助",不可数名词。故填help。
    (9)考查动词。句意:计划一些你期待的事情。根据倒数第二段Plan something to look forward to(计划一些值得期待的事情)可知,这里应是expect"期待",此句是一般现在时态,主语you是第二人称,所以expect用原形。故填expect。
    (10)考查名词。句意:给自己一些特别的奖励,鼓励自己站起来。根据最后一段To encourage you to get out of bed,Martin suggests treating yourself to something special you can enjoy.(为了鼓励你起床,马丁建议给自己一些你喜欢的特别的东西。)可知,此处指"奖励",reward"奖励",可数名词单数,结合空前的不定冠词a可知,此处填名词单数形式。故填reward。
    46.(10分)Some Chinese words are very hot on the Internet these days.They have caught people's attention overnight recently.The first one is tangping,which (1)m  eans  lying down totally.The word(2)s  hows  an inactive attitude (态度) towards social competitions,heavy life stress or daily problems.It is said that some young people (3)f  ace  the problems like high housing prices and someone once wrote, "I don't (4)c  are  too much about how high the housing prices are.I have lain down." In short,being sick and tired of the endless competitions,some young people have become inactive or hopeless(5)w  hen  they face challenges in life.
    Another hot word which is (6)p  opular  among the youth is neijuan,which means rat race (激烈竞争) or challenging social competitions.Many young people have to take part in the social competitions and they have no(7)c  hoice  but to climb the social ladder even though they may lose everything or get few achievements.For example,many parents make their children learn more knowledge (8)w  ithout  thinking about their thoughts.In their opinions,hard work is the key to success and much extra homework is necessary.
    However,these two attitudes are not worth taking.When facing problems in our life,we shouldn't get away from them. (9)I  nstead ,we should not only take an active attitude towards the challenges in life,but also remember to keep a balance between work and(10)r  est .Stop to enjoy the beauty of the world,learn to relax in the busy life and maybe you will find a better self!
    【解答】(1)考查动词。句意:第一个是tangping,意思是完全躺下。该句是定语从句,which 指代的是前文tangping,该句是一般现在时,mean:意味着。故填means。
    (2)考查动词。句意:这个词对社会竞争、沉重的生活压力或日常问题表现出消极的态度。主语是The word为单数,该句是一般现在时,show:展示,表现。故填shows。
    (3)考查动词。句意:据说一些年轻人面临着像高房价这样的问题,有人曾经写道:"我不太关心房价有多高。该句是一般现在时,some young people 为主语,谓语动词是"face:面临"用动词原形。故填face。
    (4)考查动词。句意:据说一些年轻人面临着像高房价这样的问题,有人曾经写道:"我不太关心房价有多高。don't 接动词原形。care:关心。故填care。
    (6)考查形容词。句意:另一个在年轻人中流行的热词是"neijuan",意思是激烈的竞争或具有挑战性的社会竞争。be popular among:在……中受欢迎。故填popular。
    (7)考查名词。句意:许多年轻人不得不参加社会竞争,他们别无选择,只能爬上社会阶梯,即使他们可能失去一切或取得一些成就。短语have no choice but to do:别无选择,只能。故填choice。
    书面表达(满分 15 分)
    47.(15分)请根据你校校刊 YOUTH 中 YOUR IDEA 栏目的征稿内容,用英语写一篇短文,表达你的想法。
    As we all know,art plays an important role in our life.So this week,we want to know your ideas about the topic "My favourite art form".
    • What types of art forms do you know?
    • Which is your favourite art form?Do you have any stories about it?
    • What do you think of this art form?
    We are sure you have a lot to say.We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
    (3)词数 80 左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。
    My favourite art form
    Art is an important part of our life.__________

    However,I once did not like singing because I felt nervous when singing or speaking in front of many people.然而,我曾经不喜欢唱歌,因为我在很多人面前唱歌或说话时感到紧张。when引导的时间状语从句。
    I became interested in singing when I was ten years old.我十岁时开始对唱歌感兴趣。when引导的时间状语从句。
    My favourite art form
    Art is an important part of our life.Around us,there are many art forms,such as singing,paper﹣cutting,dancing and so on.(有哪些艺术形式)Of all the things that make me happy,I like singing best.(喜欢艺术)Many of my friends praise me when they hear me singing.However,I once did not like singing because I felt nervous when singing or speaking in front of many people.【高分句型一】
    I became interested in singing when I was ten years old.【高分句型二】(形式)One day,my friends and I were celebrating my tenth birthday.My friends wanted me to sing a song for them.I had never sung in front of many people and was not brave enough to sing.But all my friends encouraged me.I finally sang a song and all my friends cheered me for my singing.They said that I had a real gift for singing.Since then,I have been crazy about singing songs.(背后的故事和得到了什么)
    I often sing when I feel relaxed.Sometimes I also sing for my family.I enjoy myself in the world of songs every time I sing.(看法)


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