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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Here is a shortened list of books planned by TIME and TIME for Kids that are suitable for elementary schoolers. To make the list, we asked for submissions from climate and education experts. We then considered how age-appropriate the material was, and whether the tone and story line left the reader feeling engaged and empowered-rather than anxious or overwhelmed.
    By Carole Lindstrom; illustrated by Michaela Goade
    A tribute (致敬) to native tribes that are protecting the planet, this book metaphorically shows the harms of oil pipelines. Kids will see the value of community action, while adults will recognize the story of the Standing Rock Sioux’s fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline.
    By William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer; illustrated by Elizabeth Zunon
    The picture-book edition of this memoir recounts the author’s teenage experience building a windmill from scrap materials during an extreme drought - an inspiring tale for future clean-energy engineers.
    By Dr. Seuss
    Thanks to its rhyme and fanciful illustrations, this classic tale is suitable for young children who can grasp the scarcity of natural resources, and also older kids who can see a danger in valuing profits over long-term environmental harm.
    By David Miles; illustrated by Albert Pinilla
    Every left page defines a climate-change issue while every right page features a spin wheel, giving kids the “choice”of how we can either address the problem or worsen it.
    1. Whose book will you prefer if you want to be a wind energy engineer?
    A. Bryan Mealer. B. David Miles. C. Michaela Goade. D. Dr. Seuss.
    2. Which book guides readers to make options about enviornment protection?
    3. What do the four books have in common?
    A. They are intended for kids in the kindergarten.
    B The plots are mysterious and get the readers involved.
    C. Their materials are edited by climate and education experts.
    D. They are about environment protection and have pictures attached.
    【答案】1. A 2. D 3. D
    细节理解题。根据THE BOY WHO HARNESSED THE WIND部分中“By William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer; illustrated by Elizabeth Zunon(William Kamkwamba和Bryan Mealer著;Elizabeth Zunon绘制)”以及 “The picture-book edition of this memoir recounts the author’s teenage experience building a windmill from scrap materials during an extreme drought - an inspiring tale for future clean-energy engineers.(这本回忆录的图画书版本讲述了作者十几岁时在极端干旱期间用废料建造风车的经历——这对未来的清洁能源工程师来说是一个鼓舞人心的故事)”可知,如果你想成为一名风能工程师,你会更喜欢Bryan Mealer的书。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据CLIMATE CHANGE, THE CHOICE IS OURS部分中“Every left page defines a climate-change issue while every right page features a spin wheel, giving kids the “choice” of how we can either address the problem or worsen it.(每一页左边都定义了一个气候变化问题,而每一页右边都有一个转轮,让孩子们“选择”我们是解决问题还是恶化问题)”可知,CLIMATE CHANGE, THE CHOICE IS OURS引导读者对环境保护做出选择。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“To make the list, we asked for submissions from climate and education experts.(为了制作这份榜单,我们征求了气候和教育专家的意见)”;第一部分“illustrated by Michaela Goade(Michaela Goade插图)”;第二部分“illustrated by Elizabeth Zunon(插图Elizabeth Zunon)”;第三部分“Thanks to its rhyme and fanciful illustrations, this classic tale is suitable for young children who can grasp the scarcity of natural resources, and also older kids who can see a danger in valuing profits over long-term environmental harm.(由于它的韵律和奇特的插图,这个经典的故事适合年幼的孩子,他们可以理解自然资源的稀缺性,也适合大一点的孩子,他们可以看到利润比长期环境危害更重要的危险)”以及第四部分“illustrated by Albert Pinilla(Albert Pinilla插图)”可知,这四本书的共同点是它们是关于环境保护的,并附有图片。故选D。
    On a tram smoothly pulling into the heart of Luxembourg City, Marck gives a smile and takes a look at the fabric of the seat next to him. For him, the city’s trams are more than just transport. More even than the focus of his job. They are about transforming his country and, perhaps, changing the world.
    Marck is the director general of Luxtram, Luxembourg’s modern trams. It first started running services two years ago. Next year, Luxembourg will become the world’s only country to get rid of fares on all its forms of public transport. Luxembourg’s traffic problems come from its army of workers. The population of the capital city almost doubles during the working day, when more than 110,000 people travel in and out.
    After three decades when its roads have become so crowded, Luxembourg is going to do something remarkable. Free fares, and a plan to persuade people to switch from cars to trams or trains. Marck, along with many others, is excited to see what happens next. “The fact that this is free means that everyone can use it — young or old, rich or poor,” he said. “Everyone can say to themselves it’s better to leave the car at home. We must continue to improve and extend the network. It must always be comfortable, well-connected, efficient.”
    Lydie Polfer, the city’s mayor, says she hopes to reach the point where more than a third of people come into the city using public transport — at the moment, it’s less than one in five. She said, “It’s not practical to ban cars because some people, like the elderly, need them. But everyone has to be aware that he or she can do something to improve the situation. There is an expression in German — you are not in the traffic jam — you are the traffic jam, and that is true. I think that making it free will be the biggest arguments for people to use public transport. ”
    4. Why does Marck think the city’s trams are more than just transport?
    A The trams are his goal that he strives for.
    B. There are more means of transportation than trams.
    C. City’s trams bring more changes beyond transport.
    D. The trams are the heart of Luxembourg City transport system.
    5. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
    A. The cause of the traffic problems. B. The means of public transport.
    C. The development of running services. D. The increase of working population.
    6. What concerns people most when using the public transport?
    A. The convenience. B. The fare. C. The comfort. D. The efficiency.
    7. What can be inferred from what Lydie Polfer said?
    A. The elderly needn’t use public transport.
    B. It’s possible to persuade most people to use the trams.
    C. Everyone can do his part to improve transport situation.
    D. Those who don’t take public transport cause traffic jams.
    【答案】4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段“For him, the city’s trams are more than just transport. More even than the focus of his job. They are about transforming his country and, perhaps, changing the world.(对他来说,这座城市的有轨电车不仅仅是交通工具。甚至超过了他工作的重心。它们改变他的国家,也许改变世界)”可知,Marck认为城市的有轨电车不仅仅是交通工具,也带来了超越交通的更多地改变。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第二段“Luxembourg’s traffic problems come from its army of workers. The population of the capital city almost doubles during the working day, when more than 110,000 people travel in and out.( 卢森堡的交通问题来自于它的工人大军。首都的人口在工作日几乎翻倍,每天有超过11万人进出)”可知,第二段主要讲了交通问题的原因。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段的“I think that making it free will be the biggest arguments for people to use public transport.(我认为免费使用它将是人们使用公共交通工具的最大理由。)”可知,人们在使用公共交通工具时最关心的是车费。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段Lydie Polfer 说的“But everyone has to be aware that he or she can do something to improve the situation. There is an expression in German — you are not in the traffic jam — you are the traffic jam, and that is true.(但每个人都必须意识到,他或她可以做些什么来改善这种情况。德语中有句话——你不在交通堵塞中——你就是交通堵塞,这是真的)”可推知,Lydie Polfer 认为每个人都可以尽自己的一份力量来改善交通状况。故选C。
    Have you ever wished you could be better organised or more sociable? Perhaps you’re a constant worrier, and you’d prefer to be a little more carefree?
    Many surveys show that at least two-thirds of people would like to change some elements of their personality. In the past, such desires appeared to be unachievable. Like the proverbial leopard that could never change its spots, our virtues and flaws were believed to be woven into the fabric of our minds.
    Recent scientific research, however, proves this expectation of personality’s permanence wrong. With the right psychological strategies and enough effort, many people can successfully shape their core personalities into what they desire.
    Our genes almost certainly play a role: it’s why people’s personalities often reflect their biological parents’ ones. The influence of our social environment was thought to end in early adulthood, as the brain reached maturity. If this were true, it wouldn’t be possible to shift personality at will. Yet that is exactly what psychology professor Nathan Hudson and his colleagues have shown with a series of groundbreaking studies.
    The interventions in their studies typically involve arranging regular activities that reflect the personalities people wish to adopt. A quiet person who wished to be more outgoing, for example, might have the goal of introducing themselves to a stranger once a week, or making small talk with the cashier at their local supermarket.
    The aim is for the thinking patterns and behaviours they generate to become habitual. In the first trial, provided participants actually completed those arranged tasks, their personalities shifted in the desired direction. Similarly exciting results could be seen in a later trial. The differences of participants’ personalities before and after the intervention were still apparent three months after the experiment had ended. As Aristotle argued more than 2,300 years ago, we become what we repeatedly do.
    The unexpected plasticity of our minds should be good news for anyone who wishes they were a bit more sociable, organised, or happy-go-lucky. Another potential benefit is that awareness of this research could help improve mental health.
    8. Why is “leopard” mentioned in paragraph 2?
    A. To explain that our minds consist of virtues and flaws.
    B. To show the similarity between leopards and human beings.
    C. To prove a possibility that people can change their personality.
    D. To demonstrate the previous belief that personalities remain fixed.
    9. What can be inferred about the “interventions”?
    A. The two trials reached different conclusions. B. Activities are tailored to specific personalitites.
    C. The purpose is to better people’s personalities. D. People’s personalities can be changed but can’t last.
    10. What has Nathan Hudson’s team shown through their studies?
    A. The previous expectation of personality’s permanence was confirmed.
    B. The influence of our social environment ends when the brain matures.
    C. The desire to change some elements of our personality can be achieved.
    D. Our genes play a greater role in our personality than social environment.
    11. What is the best title for the text?
    A. We Are What We Do B. Habits Make Things Easier
    C Your Personality Is Not Set In Stone D. A Leopard Never Changes Its Spots
    【答案】8. D 9. B 10. C 11. C
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Many surveys show that at least two-thirds of people would like to change some elements of their personality. In the past, such desires appeared to be unachievable. Like the proverbial leopard that could never change its spots, our virtues and flaws were believed to be woven into the fabric of our minds.(许多调查显示,至少三分之二人想要改变他们性格中的某些元素。在过去,这样的愿望似乎是无法实现的。就像谚语所说的“江山易改本性难移”一样,我们的优点和缺点被认为是编织在我们的思想结构中)”可推知,在第二段提到了“豹”是为了证明先前的观点,即人格是固定的。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第五段“The interventions in their studies typically involve arranging regular activities that reflect the personalities people wish to adopt. A quiet person who wished to be more outgoing, for example, might have the goal of introducing themselves to a stranger once a week, or making small talk with the cashier at their local supermarket.(在他们的研究中,干预通常包括安排反映人们希望采用的个性的定期活动。例如,一个安静的人希望变得更外向,他的目标可能是每周向陌生人介绍自己一次,或者在当地超市与收银员闲聊一次)”可推知,活动是为特定的个性量身定制的。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“In the first trial, provided participants actually completed those arranged tasks, their personalities shifted in the desired direction. Similarly exciting results could be seen in a later trial. The differences of participants’ personalities before and after the intervention were still apparent three months after the experiment had ended. As Aristotle argued more than 2,300 years ago, we become what we repeatedly do.(在第一次试验中,如果参与者确实完成了这些安排好的任务,他们的性格就会朝着预期的方向转变。在随后的试验中也可以看到同样令人兴奋的结果。实验结束三个月后,参与者在干预前后的性格差异仍然很明显。正如亚里士多德在2300多年前所说的那样,我们反复做什么,我们就会成为什么)”可知,内森·哈德森的团队通过他们的研究表明了改变我们个性的某些元素的愿望是可以实现的。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段“Recent scientific research, however, proves this expectation of personality’s permanence wrong. With the right psychological strategies and enough effort, many people can successfully shape their core personalities into what they desire.(然而,最近的科学研究证明,这种对人格持久性的期望是错误的。通过正确的心理策略和足够的努力,许多人可以成功地将他们的核心个性塑造成他们想要的样子)”可知,文章主要介绍了最近的科学研究证明,这种对人格持久性的期望是错误的。通过正确的心理策略和足够的努力,许多人可以成功地将他们的核心个性塑造成他们想要的样子,C选项“你的性格不是一成不变的”最符合文章标题。故选C。
    You may have wondered how lavender is used for social anxiety. But first, just what is lavender? Lavender, also known as English or garden lavender, is a herb native to the Mediterranean region. Historically, lavender was used to mummify bodies in Egypt, in baths in Greece and Rome, and for curing the broken skin and mental health purposes. Today, lavender is used as a traditional or complementary remedy for relaxation, to reduce anxiety, and depression, as well as for diseases such as stomach upset and headaches.
    No scientific studies have specifically examined the benefits of lavender use for social anxiety disorder. In a 2000 study, Cook and Ernst reported that in general, aromatherapy (芳香疗法) is helpful in reducing anxiety and stress in the short-term. A 2012 study also showed some evidence of the usefulness of lavender taken for anxiety. More research is needed to support the use of lavender for the treatment of social anxiety disorder.
    Lavender is usually used in the form of an essential oil as part of aromatherapy. The scent is inhaled, or the oil is applied to the skin, which will benefit the anxious people quickly. Dried lavender can also be used to make a tea or liquid extract. Lavender may also be taken in pill form. Lavender tea can be made by using 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried leaves for 15 minutes in a cup of boiling water. In liquid extract form, no more than 60 drops of lavender should be taken in a day. Before taking lavender in liquid form, you should read the product label and discuss the dose with a qualified health care provider.
    There is not enough scientific evidence to safely recommend lavender for children younger than 18 years. Lavender taken by mouth has the potential to increase the risk of bleeding. If you suffer from a bleeding disorder or are taking medicine that may increase bleeding,use caution when taking lavender.
    12. What can we know about lavender from paragraph l?
    A. It can help deal with mental health problems.
    B. It was used to preserve dead bodies in Greece.
    C. It was used to cure stomach upset and headaches.
    D. It is a herb introduced into the Mediterranean region.
    13. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
    A. The treatment for social anxiety disorder.
    B. The history of aromatherapy reducing stress.
    C. The benefits of lavender used for mental disorder.
    D. The researches on the use of lavender for social anxiety.
    14. How is paragraph 3 developed?
    A. By collecting data. B. By making a list.
    C. By introducing concepts. D. By making comparisons.
    15. What can we learn about taking lavender from the text?
    A. It may worsen the bleeding.
    B. It’s proved to be unsafe for kids of 14.
    C. Lavender in pill form functions better than that in liquid.
    D. A dose should be decided according to the product label.
    【答案】12. A 13. D 14. B 15. A
    细节理解题。根据第一自然段“ Historically, lavender was used to mummify bodies in Egypt, in baths in Greece and Rome, and for curing the broken skin and mental health purposes. Today, lavender is used as a traditional or complementary remedy for relaxation, to reduce anxiety, and depression, as well as for diseases such as stomach upset and headaches. (历史上,薰衣草在埃及被用来制作木乃伊,在希腊和罗马被用来洗澡,还被用来治疗破损的皮肤和心理健康。如今,薰衣草被用作放松、减少焦虑和抑郁以及治疗胃部不适和头痛等疾病的传统或补充药物。)”故从第一段中我们可以得知,薰衣草可以帮助解决心理健康问题。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第二自然段“No scientific studies have specifically examined the benefits of lavender use for social anxiety disorder. In a 2000 study, Cook and Ernst reported that in general, aromatherapy (芳香疗法) is helpful in reducing anxiety and stress in the short-term. A 2012 study also showed some evidence of the usefulness of lavender taken for anxiety. More research is needed to support the use of lavender for the treatment of social anxiety disorder. (没有科学研究专门研究薰衣草对社交焦虑症的益处。在2000年的一项研究中,库克和恩斯特报告说,一般来说,芳香疗法有助于在短期内减少焦虑和压力。2012年的一项研究也显示了服用薰衣草治疗焦虑症的一些证据。需要更多的研究来支持使用薰衣草治疗社交焦虑症。)”可知,本段主要介绍了薰衣草对社交焦虑症的益处的两项研究。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第三自然段“Lavender is usually used in the form of an essential oil as part of aromatherapy…Dried lavender can also be used to make a tea or liquid extract. Lavender may also be taken in pill form. (薰衣草通常以精油的形式使用,作为芳香疗法的一部分……干薰衣草也可以用来泡茶或提取液体。薰衣草也可以药丸形式服用。)”可知,本段主要罗列了用薰衣草治疗社交焦虑症的方法。故本段采用了“罗列”的方法展开论述。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Lavender taken by mouth has the potential to increase the risk of bleeding. If you suffer from a bleeding disorder or are taking medicine that may increase bleeding,use caution when taking lavender. (口服薰衣草有可能增加出血的风险。如果你患有出血性疾病或正在服用可能会增加出血的药物,服用薰衣草时要小心。)”可知,服用薰衣草可能会加重出血。故选A。
    Being late is a tendency that some people cannot seem to shake. Many factors contribute to continual lateness, including time perception, time management and personality.
    We all know someone who never seems to be on time, whether it’s to a lunch date or a work meeting. ____16____
    “It is likely that there’s a mechanism in the brain that causes some people to be late for meetings because they underestimate the time it will take them to get there,” Hugo Spiers, a professor at University College London told Live Science. ____17____ Research suggests that neurons in the hippocampus(海马体)acting as “time cells” contribute to our perception and memory of events, but why exactly some people continually underestimate time is unclear.
    One factor may be how familiar we are with a space. For the 2017 study, Spiers asked 20 students who had newly moved to London to sketch a map of their college district and estimate travel times to different destinations. The students’ space estimates expanded if they knew an area well.____18____“If you’re very familiar with a space, you start to discount the trouble it will take,” Spiers said.
    Another environmental factor may be crowdedness. In a 2022 study in the journal Virtual Reality, researchers asked participants to estimate the length of more or less crowded simulated (模拟的)subway trips. They found that crowded commutes felt like they took 10% longer than less busy rides. ____19____
    ____20____Certain character features, such as reduced conscientiousness(责任心), can cause some people to forget tasks that they had planned ahead of time.
    A. Personality also plays a role in running late.
    B. That was linked to it being an unpleasant experience.
    C. We make time estimates based on how urgent the tasks are.
    D. However, their estimates of travel time contracted with familiarity.
    E. But is there a good explanation for why some people are always late?
    F. A region of the brain, called hippocampus,processes some aspects of time.
    G. That’s because people who run late tell themselves and others they can be punctual.
    【答案】16. E 17. F 18. D 19. B 20. A
    根据空前内容“We all know someone who never seems to be on time, whether it’s to a lunch date or a work meeting.(我们都知道有些人似乎从不准时,无论是午餐约会还是工作会议)”可知,有些人从不准时。而下一段““It is likely that there’s a mechanism in the brain that causes some people to be late for meetings because they underestimate the time it will take them to get there,” Hugo Spiers, a professor at University College London told Live Science. (伦敦大学学院教授雨果·斯皮尔斯在接受《生活科学》杂志采访时表示:“很可能是大脑中存在某种机制,导致一些人开会迟到,因为他们低估了到达那里所需的时间。”)”可知,下文开始解释人们为什么不准时。选项E“But is there a good explanation for why some people are always late?(但是对于为什么有些人总是迟到有一个很好的解释吗?)”承上启下,符合上下文内容。故选E。
    根据空后内容“Research suggests that neurons in the hippocampus(海马体)acting as “time cells” contribute to our perception and memory of events, but why exactly some people continually underestimate time is unclear.(研究表明,海马体中的神经元扮演着“时间细胞”的角色,有助于我们对事件的感知和记忆,但目前还不清楚为什么有些人一直低估时间)”可知,下文解释了海马体的作用。选项F“A region of the brain, called hippocampus, processes some aspects of time.(大脑中有一个叫做海马体的区域,负责处理时间的某些方面)”提出海马体这一概念,与下文内容一致。故选F。
    根据空前内容“One factor may be how familiar we are with a space. For the 2017 study, Spiers asked 20 students who had newly moved to London to sketch a map of their college district and estimate travel times to different destinations. The students’ space estimates expanded if they knew an area well.(其中一个因素可能是我们对一个空间的熟悉程度。在2017年的研究中,斯皮尔斯要求20名刚搬到伦敦的学生画出他们所在大学区的地图,并估计到不同目的地的旅行时间。如果学生们对一个地区非常了解,他们对空间的估计就会扩大)”可知,如果学生对一个地区很了解,那么他们对空间的估计也会扩大。选项D“However, their estimates of travel time contracted with familiarity.(然而,他们对旅行时间的估计随着熟悉程度而缩小)”与上文内容保持一致,指的是如果学生对一个地区很了解,那么他就会对于自己去某个目的地的时间做出不精准的估算。故选D。
    根据空前内容“In a 2022 study in the journal Virtual Reality, researchers asked participants to estimate the length of more or less crowded simulated (模拟的)subway trips. They found that crowded commutes felt like they took 10% longer than less busy rides.(在2022年发表在《虚拟现实》杂志上的一项研究中,研究人员要求参与者估计或多或少拥挤的模拟地铁旅行的长度。他们发现,拥挤的通勤感觉比不那么繁忙的通勤时间长10%)”可知,如果通勤拥挤那么参与者对于时间的估计就会长些。选项B“That was linked to it being an unpleasant experience(这与不愉快的经历有关)”解释了为什么如果通勤拥挤,参与者对于时间的估计就会长些。故选B。
    根据空后内容“Certain character features, such as reduced conscientiousness(责任心), can cause some people to forget tasks that they had planned ahead of time.(某些性格特征,比如缺乏责任心,会导致一些人忘记他们提前计划好的任务)”可知,下文讲述的是性格也会导致人们迟到。选项A“Personality also plays a role in running late.(性格也对迟到有影响)”与下文保持一致。故选A。
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    It isn’t every day that the future and the past meet on national television.
    Peter Davies, a 100-year-old World War II veteran from Macclesfield, England struggled to find ____21____ in his life after his wife passed away. ____22____, when his daughter suggested he offer his help at the local elementary school, he decided to ____23____ it.
    Peter ____24____ at Dean Valley Primary School, Bollington, and he is a huge hit with all of the children he tutors. He makes reading into a fun game, and his new ____25____ as a grandfatherly figure makes him feel more ____26____ to his community than ever before. “The kids are ____27____ ; they are like sponges (海绵)” said Peter.“I’m sure I get more out of it than the ____28____ do. I’m not this old man who lives on his own. I’m part of the ____29____, which is great. Plus my street ____30____ is extremely good because I’ll be going ____31____ in the village and a child will shout out ‘Hello Mr. Davies,’ and I feel ____32____.” In 2023, Peter received a British Empire Medal (BEM) from King Charles III!
    Now, ____33____ being just famous locally, Peter is a national celebrity. He recently ____34____ on television with the youngest recipient of the BEM, 18-year-old author and environmentalist Dara McAnulty.
    “He is the ____35____, I am the past,” Peter said of Dara.
    21. A. meaning B. wisdom C. standard D. courage
    22. A. Meanwhile B. Nevertheless C. Therefore D. Moreover
    23. A. prove B. explore C. manage D. attempt
    24. A. works B. volunteers C. registers D. engages
    25. A. reputation B. status C. post D. state
    26. A. connected B. restricted C. equal D. inferior
    27. A. flexible B. naughty C. patient D. great
    28. A. heroes B. humans C. children D. adults
    29. A. society B. population C. community D. nation
    30. A. reaction B. effort C. devotion D. credit
    31. A. anywhere B. nowhere C. somewhere D. elsewhere
    32. A. grateful B. honored C. ambitious D. surprised
    33. A. in addition to B. instead of C. due to D. in spite of
    34. A. appeared B. performed C. advertised D. shared
    35. A. prospect B. trend C. present D. future
    【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. C 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. D
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:彼得·戴维斯是一名来自英国麦克尔斯菲尔德的100岁二战老兵,他的妻子去世后,他一直在努力寻找生活的意义。A. meaning意义;B. wisdom智慧;C. standard标准;D. courage勇气。根据本句“after his wife passed away”可知,妻子去世,他努力寻找生活的意义。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:因此,当他的女儿建议他在当地小学提供帮助时,他决定尝试一下。A. Meanwhile与此同时;B. Nevertheless不过;C. Therefore因此;D. Moreover而且。根据前文“Peter Davies, a 100-year-old World War II veteran from Macclesfield, England struggled to find   1   in his life after his wife passed away.”可知,妻子去世,他努力寻找生活的意义。因此,当女儿给出建议时,他决定尝试。前后为因果关系。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,当他的女儿建议他在当地小学提供帮助时,他决定尝试一下。A. prove证明;B. explore探索;C. manage管理;D. attempt尝试。根据前文“Peter Davies, a 100-year-old World War II veteran from Macclesfield, England struggled to find   1   in his life after his wife passed away.”可知,妻子去世,他努力寻找生活的意义。因此,当女儿给出建议时,他决定尝试。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:彼得在伯灵顿的迪恩谷小学做志愿者,他在他辅导的所有孩子中都很受欢迎。A. works工作;B. volunteers志愿者;C. registers登记表;D. engages雇用。根据前文“when his daughter suggested he offer his help at the local elementary school”可知,他的女儿建议他在当地小学提供帮助,应是志愿者。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他把阅读变成了一种有趣的游戏,而他作为祖父人物的新身份让他比以往任何时候都更能感受到自己与社区的联系。A. reputation荣誉;B. status身份;C. post帖子;D. state状态。根据空后“as a grandfatherly figure”可知,这是一种身份。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他把阅读变成了一种有趣的游戏,而他作为祖父人物的新身份让他比以往任何时候都更能感受到自己与社区的联系。A. connected与……有联系的;B. restricted有限的;C. equal平等的;D. inferior低等的。根据前文“Peter  4   at Dean Valley Primary School, Bollington, and he is a huge hit with all of the children he tutors.”可知,他是志愿者,是与社区有联系的。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“孩子们很棒;它们就像海绵。”彼得说。A. flexible灵活的;B. naughty淘气的;C. patient有耐心的;D. great很棒的。根据下文“they are like sponges”可知,他在夸赞孩子们很棒。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我确信我从中得到的比孩子们更多。A. heroes英雄;B. humans人类;C. children孩子们;D. adults成年人。根据前文““The kids are   7   ; they are like sponges (海绵).””可知,他教的是孩子,所以认为从这件事中,和孩子们相比,他更受益。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我是社区的一员,这很好。A. society社会;B. population人口;C. community社区;D. nation国家。根据前文“He makes reading into a fun game, and his new   5   as a grandfatherly figure makes him feel more   6   to his community than ever before.”可知,他因做志愿者和社区取得了联系,应是社区的一员。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:此外,我的街头信用非常好,因为我在村里走到任何地方,都会有孩子喊我“你好,戴维斯先生”,我感到很荣幸。A. reaction反应;B. effort努力;C. devotion奉献;D. credit信用。根据本句“because I’ ll be going   11   in the village and a child will shout out ‘Hello Mr. Davies,’”可知,孩子们很喜欢他,跟他打招呼,说明他信誉很好。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:此外,我的街头信用非常好,因为我在村里走到任何地方,都会有孩子喊我“你好,戴维斯先生”,我感到很荣幸。”A. anywhere任何地方;B. nowhere没有地方;C. somewhere某个地方;D. elsewhere别处。根据本句“a child will shout out ‘Hello Mr. Davies,’ ”可知,无论去任何地方,都有孩子打招呼。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:此外,我的街头信用非常好,因为我在村里走到任何地方,都会有孩子喊我“你好,戴维斯先生”,我感到很荣幸。”A. grateful感激的;B. honored荣幸的;C. ambitious有野心的;D. surprised惊讶的。根据本句“because I’ ll be going  11   in the village and a child will shout out ‘Hello Mr. Davies,’”可知,无论去任何地方,都有孩子打招呼,他感到荣幸。故选B。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:现在,彼得不仅是当地的名人,而且是全国的名人。A. in addition to除……以外;B. instead of而不是;C. due to因为……;D. in spite of尽管。根据本句“Peter is a national celebrity”可知,不仅是当地名人。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:最近,他与最年轻的BEM获得者、18岁的作家和环保主义者达拉·麦克纳尔蒂一起出现在电视上。A. appeared出现;B. performed表演;C. advertised做广告;D. shared分享。根据空后“on television”可知,应是出现在电视上。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“他是未来,我是过去,”彼得谈到达拉时说。A. prospect展望;B. trend趋势;C. present礼物;D. future未来。根据前文“It isn’t every day that the future and the past meet on national television.”可知,首尾呼应。故选D。
    The Chief Executive Officer of Beijing Aiqi Technology Yang Zhang has revived the Chinese cultural practice of using the mortise and tenon (榫卯) technique for construction which is on the edge of extinction.
    He used the ancient mortise and tenon technique ____36____ (construct) the Turret of Palace Museum at a 1:81 miniscale. The choice of “Turret of Palace Museum” as the theme for the mini building block project ____37____ (base) on several factors.
    ____38____ (locate) in the Forbidden City of Beijing, this architectural treasure boasts the most delicate design and elegant shape among Chinese royal buildings. It was historically responsible ____39____ protecting the palace. The complex layout of the turret posed ____40____ unprecedented (史无前例的) technical challenge for Zhang and his team of designers and developers. Unlike conventional building block ____41____ (toy), Zhang aimed to create a model made ____42____ (entire) of authentic mortise and tenon components. The entire process of design took nearly five years, with hundreds of design iterations and continuous adjustments.
    The mortise and tenon technique, ____43____ is the primary construction method used in ancient Chinese architecture and represents the core of ____44____ (tradition) Chinese woodworking, is gaining increasing _____45_____ (recognize) among the public.
    【答案】36. to construct
    37. was based
    38. Located
    39. for 40. an
    41. toys 42. entirely
    43. which 44. traditional
    45. recognition
    考查非谓语动词。句意:他采用古代的榫卯技术,按1:81的比例建造了故宫的角楼。use...to do...是固定搭配,意为“用……做……”,其中不定式作目的状语。故填to construct。
    考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:选择“故宫角楼”作为迷你积木项目的主题是基于几个因素。分析句子可知,base...on...(以……为基础)是句中谓语动词,与主语The choice之间是被动关系,应用被动语态be based on...;结合句意“选择‘故宫角楼’作为迷你积木项目的主题”是已经发生了的事情,应使用一般过去时态;又因主语是单数名词,所以谓语动词也应使用单数形式。综上,谓语应用一般过去时的被动语态,单数形式。故填was based。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:这座建筑瑰宝位于北京紫禁城,拥有中国皇家建筑中最精致的设计和最优雅的造型。分析句子可知,“(locate) in the Forbidden City of Beijing”在句中作地点状语,locate(把……建造于)是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语this architectural treasure之间是被动关系,且“把……建造于”这一动作已经完成,所以应用过去分词,表示被动和完成;句首单词首字母大写。故填Located。
    考查介词。句意:它在历史上负责保护宫殿。be responsible for...是固定短语,意为“对……负责”。故填for。
    考查定语从句。句意:榫卯技术是中国古代建筑的主要施工方法,代表了中国传统木工的核心,越来越受到公众的认可。分析句子可知,空格处为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词The mortise and tenon technique,关系词代替先行词在定语从句中作主语,应使用关系代词which引导该从句。故填which。
    考查形容词。句意:榫卯技术是中国古代建筑的主要施工方法,代表了中国传统木工的核心,越来越受到公众的认可。提示词修饰名词Chinese woodworking,用形容词traditional作定语,意为“传统的”。故填traditional。
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 你的留学生朋友Paul要参加“中国古诗词朗读大赛”,请你给他推荐一首古诗,用唐朝诗人王之涣的《登鹳雀楼》或其他你喜欢的古诗进行推荐。
    附: 登鹳雀楼 On the Stork Tower
    王之涣Wang Zhihuan
    白日依山尽,The sun beyond the mountain glows;
    黄河入海流。The Yellow River seawards flows.
    欲穷千里目,You can enjoy a grander sight;
    更上一层楼。By climbing to a greater height.
    Dear Paul,
    Delighted to know you will participate in the contest, I’d like to recommend
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Paul,
    Delighted to know you will participate in the contest, I’d like to recommend my favourite poem On the Stork Tower.
    The poem is a masterpiece with only four lines, written by Wang Zhihuan, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty. In the first two lines, the writer portrays a spectacular sight featuring the setting sun against high mountains and the Yellow River by using the typical technique of Chinese poems-antithesis. The last two lines convey the poet’s great ambition hidden in the metaphor of “great height” on the Stork Tower, which makes the poem a long-standing classic quoted in many contexts.
    Hope my recommendation can be of any help. If there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to ask me.
    Li Hua
    参加:participate in→take part in
    原句:The poem is a masterpiece with only four lines, written by Wang Zhihuan, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty.
    拓展句:The poem is a masterpiece with only four lines, which was written by Wang Zhihuan, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] The last two lines convey the poet’s great ambition hidden in the metaphor of “great height” on the Stork Tower, which makes the poem a long-standing classic quoted in many contexts. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] If there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to ask me. (运用了if引导条件状语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The automobile industry is spending billions on self-driving cars, just so we can sit in the back seat like some high-powered corporate executive. But what if we quite like driving?
    On holiday a few years ago, I spent hours being transported on trains, buses and planes. Then, finally, came the section of the holiday during which I hired a set of wheels.
    After decades of marriage, it was not often that you received real praise from your partner, but on the highways of Crete compliments came with every successful action. “Oh, well done!” said Jocasta, her voice full of admiration, as I navigated a roundabout without killing us both.
    Into the roundabout (环岛) I went, slowing down as we entered, then speeding up as we returned to the straight. Really, it was like driving in a Fl race.
    We turned right, then right again, following the GPS navigation system, and found ourselves in a small Cretan town. I spoke strictly to the GPS: “We don’t want to be here; we want the highway.”
    It instructed me to turn right once more. With every turn the street narrowed. It was like being in a magical shrinking room.
    We retracted (缩回) the side mirrors. We took another turn. The new road was even narrower, the walls so close you felt compelled to hold your breath.
    Another car appeared coming towards us from the opposite direction. The driver gestured, telling me I would have to make way. But how? I didn’t have the nerve to back up along the impossibly narrow road.
    There was a narrow garage opening to one side, a small side street to the other. If I could squeeze the car forward into the garage, I could then back into the side street, allowing the other car to pass.
    Locals arrived, standing on various sides of the vehicle, helpfully indicating that I had a centimetre to spare here a millimetre there. There were brick walls on both sides of the car. There was zero chance that I wouldn’t damage the vehicle.
    A local stood at the back of the vehicle,waving me on.
    The other car passed.
    【答案】One possible version:
    A local stood at the back of the vehicle, waving me on. He was making vigorous ‘this way, this way’ movements with his arms. In an act of blind trust, I followed his instructions, creeping backwards and forwards. The car wriggled deep into the garage one centimeter at a time. Through countless adjustments, finally the car lay straight in the garage! Then with the instructions of all the locals, turning my head left and right looking back hundreds of times, I backed it into the side street.
    The other car passed. The driver gave me a grateful wave. In relief, I waved back to her, finding my hands trembling. Tired out and all sweaty, I lay back on the seat, breathed in and out to steady my nerves for a while, then reluctantly sat straight. Jocasta swiveled towards me. “You’ re my hero,” she squeezed my hand as she said. We set off again. I accelerated towards the highway. Who would swap all this for a self-drive car?
    经过:pass/go through
    出发:set off/set out
    精力充沛:vigorous /energetic
    无数:countless /endless
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Then with the instructions of all the locals, turning my head left and right looking back hundreds of times, I backed it into the side street. (运用了现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2] Tired out and all sweaty, I lay back on the seat, breathed in and out to steady my nerves for a while, then reluctantly sat straight. (运用了形容词作状语)


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