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    这是一份2023合肥六校联盟高一下学期期末联考英语试题无答案,共8页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 30 分,5 分,满分 37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间:120 分钟 满分:150 分)
    第一部分:听力(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分。)
    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    What ruined the picnic?
    The bad fd.
    The terrible weather.
    The rugh muntain rad.
    Why des the man like the new rm?
    It is larger than the ld ne.
    It is near his friends’ hmes.
    It is very clse t his schl.
    What is the man prbably ding?
    Taking a plane.
    Reading the newspaper.
    Watching the news n TV.
    Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a htel.B. In the classrm.C. In a hspital.
    What is the pssible relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Bss and secretary.B. Custmer and waitress.C. Teacher and student.
    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小
    题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    Why des the wman want t bk a first-class htel?
    T have a change.
    T celebrate an anniversary.
    T stay away frm the busy twn.
    When will the cuple check in?
    A. On September 23rd.B. On September 26th.C. On September 30th.
    Where are the speakers talking?
    In a meeting rm.
    In the man’s ffice.
    Over the phne.
    What will Mrs. Brenda prbably d first after the meeting?
    A. Call Peter.B. Check her e-mail.C. Meet with Peter.
    What is Isabel’s?
    A. A restaurant.B. A ty shp.C. A clthing shp.
    Wh bught an evening dress yesterday?
    A. Cindy.B. Wendy.C. Mr. Miles.
    What are the speakers ging t d first?
    A. Refuel the car.B. G t a party.C. Have lunch.
    What des the wman d?
    A. An editr.B. A teacher.C. A typist.
    What is the wman writing abut?
    The beautiful Amazn rainfrests.
    A new railway under cnstructin.
    Big changes in the Amazn valley.
    Where did the wman’s articles usually appear?
    In News Weekly.
    In the Sunday editins.
    In a lcal evening paper.
    What des the wman expect t d?
    Wrk in a newspaper huse.
    Becme a prfessinal writer.
    Sell her articles t a news service.
    Wh may find the talk especially helpful?
    Peple wh eat healthy diets.
    Peple wh want t buy new huses.
    Peple wh care abut their figures.
    What will peple d in dark envirnments?
    A. Have mre fd.B. Lse appetite.C. Feel rather cld.
    Hw lng shuld a dinner last at least?
    A. 20 minutes.B. 30 minutes.C. 40 minutes.
    What are peple advised t d at mealtimes?
    A. Eat quickly.B. Play fast music.C. Use smaller dishes.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    When it cmes t chsing where t g fr a vacatin, what we’re ging t eat and drink can be a big part f making travel plans.
    Of curse, it’s subjective accrding t persnal tastes, but this is TV Travel’s take n sme f the best fd cultures and destinatins arund the wrld.
    S, as yu dream abut where yu’ll g next, which tp 10 cuisines rule?
    American Fd
    Many f the ppular fds in the USA riginate in sme ther cuisine. The pizza slice is Italian. Fries are Belgian r Dutch. Hamburgers and frankfurters? Likely German. But in the kitchens f the United States, they have been imprved and added t – becming glbal icns fr fd lvers everywhere.
    Chinese Fd
    The peple wh greet each ther with “Have yu eaten yet?” are arguably the mst fd-bsessed in the wrld. But the Chinese dn’t just ck and sell anything; they als make it taste great.
    China’s reginal cuisines are s different and it’s hard t believe they’re frm the same natin. It’s nt a fd culture yu can easily summarize except t say yu’ll certainly want t taste.
    French Fd
    If yu’re ne f thse peple wh dn’t like t eat because “there’s mre t life than fd,” then visit Paris. It’s a city knwn fr its picky cnsumers, but they all believe in the imprtance f gd fd. Tw-hur lunch breaks fr three-curse meals are cmmn.
    Italian Fd
    Italian fd has been ppular arund the wrld fr centuries, with its tasty tmat sauces, thse clever things they d with wheat flur and desserts that are basically vehicles fr cream.
    It’s all s simple. Get sme ndles, get sme live il, and get sme garlic, maybe a tmat r a slice f bacn. Bam! Yu have a party n a plate. And it is all s easy t ck and eat.
    Frm the cheesy ristts t the crisp fried meats, Italian cuisine is a cllectin f crwd-pleasing cmfrt fd. Many peple have welcmed it int their hmes, especially green hand cks. There lies the real genius – Italian fd has becme everyman’s fd.
    Which fd mainly cmes frm ther cultures?
    A. American fdB. Chinese FdC. French FdD. Italian Fd
    In which cuntry are the fds very different frm each ther?
    A. In USAB. In ChinaC. In FranceD. In Italy
    Wh likes Italian fd best?
    A. HusewivesB. ChefsC. FreignersD. New cks
    Traditinally, China's astrnauts are selected frm amng fighter plane pilts with enugh flying experience, as they can cntrl the machinery and have the training t stay calm in space.
    Yet amng the three astrnauts abard Shenzhu XVI, which is taking them t Tiangng, China's space statin, is Gui Haicha, a prfessr frm Beihang University. He is the first civilian that China has sent int space, and will cnduct space science experiments, cllect and analyze data and maintain the lab devices n the space statin.
    That's gd news fr the natin's space science, as he will be mre prfessinal in carrying ut research experiments n the space statin.
    It is als gd news fr China's astrnautics sectr, as it shws that the natin is cnfident enugh t send persns ther than military pilts int space. It means that the level fr traveling int space is being lwered, ffering hpe that ne day rdinary peple will be able t buy a ticket fr a trip int space.
    Besides Gui, there is als Zhu Yangzhu, a space flight engineer frm China's astrnaut team, wh will serve as a prfessinal rather than a pilt. Zhu's teaching experience in cllege, similar t that f Gui, is als evidence f Chinese astrnauts' educatinal backgrund being raised.
    Twenty years after Shenzhu V tk China's first astrnaut Yang Liwei ut f the Earth's atmsphere, China already has a full team f astrnauts ready t further ur understanding f the csms(宇宙).
    Missin cmmander Jing Haipeng is n his furth trip int space, making him the Chinese astrnaut with the richest experience in space travel. In the 15 years between his first missin and this ne, China has prgressed frm sending astrnauts int space t supprting their stay fr half a year n its newly cnstructed space statin.
    What d we knw abut Gui Haicha?
    A. He is selected frm fighter plane pilts.B. He is n bard Shenzhu XV.
    C. He is the first Chinese int space.D. He is a cllege prfessr. 25.What is special abut Shenzhu XVI?
    A. It can carry ut space science experiments.B. It will fly t Tiankng.
    C. It has the first Chinese civilian.D. It will stay in space fr half a year.
    What can be inferred frm the text?
    Only peple frm the army in China can fly int space.
    Mre cmmn Chinese will fly int space in the future.
    The cmmander f Shenzhu XVI is Yang Liwei.
    There’s nly ne cllege prfessr n Shenzhu XVI.
    What des this passage mainly fcus n?
    It mainly fcuses n Chinese space pilts.
    It mainly fcuses n Shenzhu XVI and its astrnauts.
    It mainly fcuses n Chinese space research.
    It mainly fcuses n Shenzhu V and its research.
    Cuba's first all-female umpire(裁判) team is winning praises by umpiring at tp-tier baseball games in a sprt that is a natinal bsessin n the island and lng dminated by men.
    Frmer baseball and sftball player Janet Mren has been the nly ne fr 18 seasns as Cuba's first tp-league female umpire, but was jined by three thers a few mnths ag. "Things are starting t change," said Mren, 49, wearing her black garb ahead f a recent game at Havana's Latinamerican Stadium. "This is the first time in the Americas that a team f wmen wrks the tp league f a cuntry. "On the field, Mren wears dark sunglasses, firm and unflappable as Industriales and Pinar del Ri fight against each ther. "The players have shwn her great respect," said Industriales catcher Oscar Valdes. "What matters is nt yur gender but wh yu are n the field and yur passin fr excellence.” The Cuban fur, including Mirslava Cumba, Yalili Acsta and Milagrs Quinnes, are the nly such grup in glbal baseball, accrding t Cesar Valdes, head f rules and fficiating fr Cuba's natinal baseball league. "We wanted t be ahead," he said. Even in Majr League Baseball, the wrld's mst watched baseball turnament, there has never been a female umpire.
    Preparing fr anther game this week, the fur wmen swapped jkes and said such camaraderie has helped their success. "I stay fcused n my wrk n the field. I blank ut what's ging n in the stands," said Cumba, 43, wh spent eight years previusly umpiring yuth baseball. Baseball is nt the nly sprt becming mre inclusive: Cuba late last year staged its first fficial female bxing matches since Fidel Castr's 1959 revlutin. Mren, wh dreams f smeday umpiring the Olympics r Wrld Baseball Classic, jkes that her newfund fame des nt
    mean she must give up her femininity. "When we g ut (t umpire) we wear perfume, s that it feels like there is a flwer n the field and the flwer shuld nt be mistreated," she said.
    What’s the purpse f Paragraph 1?
    T explain the situatin f baseball in Cuba.
    T infrm us f sme famus wmen players in Cuba.
    T intrduce the tpic f this passage.
    T tell us sme well-knwn baseball matches.
    What des the underlined wrd “garb” mean in paragraph 2?
    A. A kind f clthes.B. A kind f sprts.C. A kind f league.D. A kind f rules.
    Wh are nt in the Cuban Fur?
    A. Janet Mren.B. Mirslava Cumba.C. Yalili Acsta.D. Cesar Valdes.
    Which f the fllwing is nt right accrding t the text?
    Mren has umpired the Olympics.
    Cumba spent eight years in umpiring yuth baseball befre.
    Oscar Valdes is a player f a baseball team.
    Cesar Valdes is in charge f rules and fficiating fr Cuba's natinal baseball league
    Free Wi-Fi has becme incredibly imprtant t us: many stres and shpping malls ffer it, restaurants use it t attract custmers, and fr libraries and cffee shps it is a must-have service.
    Even when peple are traveling, they scan fr free Wi-Fi, which, accrding t research released by Lndn’s Amba Htel n Dec 4, has becme the mst imprtant standard fr selecting a htel.
    Accrding t the survey, as many as 67 percent f travelers questined said that free Wi-Fi wuld make them mre likely t chse accmmdatin, abve ther things such as the htel’s lcatin and friendly staff. When rating a htel that they’d already stayed in, six in ten travelers believed that unlimited Wi-Fi was the mst imprtant factr in their rating.
    “Tday, peple treat their smartphnes, tablets and laptps like clthes when they are abut t travel t sme places. They will never frget t pack it int the suitcase,” said the Daily Mail. “We rely n free Wi-Fi heavily when traveling –– especially when it cmes t checking scial media, searching fr travel tips, and accessing websites.”
    Hwever, despite the pprtunities that free Wi-Fi gives us, “ur ver-reliance n technlgy has cme at a price, with travelers feeling unable t escape scial media”, said Lnely Planet, the wrld’s largest travel guide brand.
    Anita Isalska, Lnely Planet editr and tech addict, was frced t unplug when she was stuck in an islated camp in Greenland recently. “Adjusting t this slwer pace, it began t dawn n me: smewhere, smehw, scial media had changed int a reflex (条件反射),” she wrte. “I had believed I was capturing mments, but in reality my busy thumbs were preventing me frm enjying travel’s mst prfund pleasures. Hw fully can yu appreciate a huge glacier r grassland f wildflwers when yur brain is subcnsciusly selecting the right pht filter (滤镜), r the perfect six secnds t film?”
    In September, the brand released 10 predictins fr the future f glbal travel. One f them was that true escapes will be highly valued in future, s remte htels will start t make their lack f Internet int a feature. Wuld yu like t have an unplugged hliday?
    Why d travelers attach imprtance t free Wi-Fi when selecting a htel?
    They think htels with free Wi-Fi are likely t prvide better service.
    They believe htels with free Wi-Fi usually have better lcatins.
    They hpe t enjy mre prfund pleasures while using free Wi-Fi.
    They depend n free Wi-Fi t check scial media and access websites.
    What des the underlined wrd “unplug” in Paragraph 6 prbably mean?
    A. Check scial media.B. Discnnect frm digital devices.
    C. Appreciate beautiful scenery.D. Cancel a travelling plan.
    What is the lessn Anita Isalska learned frm the islated camp she attended in Greenland recently?
    Travelers shuld adapt t a slwer pace when checking scial media.
    Travelers shuld take mre phts and vides during their jurneys.
    Addictin t scial media has negatively affected the quality f travel.
    D Beautiful scenery culd be appreciated better if films are sht cautiusly
    What is the authr’s main purpse in writing this article?
    T argue against peple’s ver-reliance n Wi-Fi.
    T prmte the grwing imprtance f free Wi-Fi in daily lives.
    T predict what glbal travel will be like in the future.
    T prtest against travelers’ standard when selecting a htel.
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    Mvies and TV shws wuld have yu believe that friendships just fall int place effrtlessly, withut much cnflict. 36By building a strng fundatin fr yur friendship and wrking t reduce cnflict, maintaining yur relatinships with friends will becme a whle lt easier.
    Be psitive.
    Fcusing n the upside makes yu a better friend. 37 If yu’re smene wh likes discussing emtinal subjects, that’s kay, but remember t strike a balance and talk abut mre cheerful r lighthearted tpics, t. Discussing smething as simple as bks r vide games, r sharing funny r uplifting stries, is better fr yur friendships (and everyne’s mds).
    Display interest in yur friends.
    38 When yu dn’t knw what t talk abut, it can be tempting t talk abut yurself —but if yu nly talk abut yurself, yur friends might get annyed. Making an effrt t learn abut yur friends shws them that yu want t knw abut wh they are, and helps yu build a better relatinship with them. Ask them pen-ended questins abut their lives and interests —it will g a lng way!
    Listen t them.
    Listening is just as imprtant as shwing interest. 39 Give yur friend yur full attentin, and make mental ntes abut the imprtant things in their lives — like the names f their lved nes, things they like, and majr things that have happened (r are happening) in their lives.
    Every friend will have their wn ddities and behavirs. While it’s imprtant t slve friendship prblems, smetimes a “prblem” is s minr that it’s nt wrth starting a pssible cnflict ver it — like if they’re always five minutes late. Plus, trying t change hw yur friend acts can be tiring fr yu bth. Accepting yur friend’s “gd sides” and “bad sides” will make it easier t get alng.
    Respect yur differences.
    Yur friends want t feel like yu care abut their lives..
    Cmplaints abut hpeless situatins can wear yur friends thin after a while
    Reflect back what yu heard by retelling what they said.
    It’ll help yu learn abut yur friends and supprt them when they need it.
    In real life, thugh, friendship takes a lt f wrk and can be cmplicated smetimes!
    Accept yur friends as they are.
    第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上相应位置将该项涂黑。
    I was diagnsed ( 诊断) with rheumatid arthritis ( 类风湿关节炎) at the age f thirteen. This is an autimmune disease where my immune system 41 my jints and the surrunding areas. This diagnsis turned my whle 42upside dwn. I went frm a happy, active and busy persn t smene unable t get ut f bed withut screaming in great 43 .
    Having such an immune system means I get a lt f 44 .This means a lt f hspital appintments, bld tests, trips t the GP and A&E. But if yu were t lk at me, yu’d 45 think all f this is
    happening t me. Because like many 46 , arthritis in yunger peple is generally an invisible cnditin, as what’s happening is cmpletely internal. Because f this, access t disability resurces was a challenge fr me. When I used resurces fr 47 peple, the lks l received were unbearable at times.
    As a result, I 48 Invisible Disability Ireland back in 2019 as a way t increase peple’s awareness and understanding fr invisible disabilities. We need t 49 the previus perceptin (看法) f disability as the majrity f disabilities have hidden cnditins. On the page, I 50peple’s stries and raise awareness abut many cnditins. Mst imprtantly, the page 51 thers ging thrugh the same thing. It helps in knwing they are nt 52 and that thusands f peple acrss Ireland are living with invisible cnditins t. 53 the universal symbl f disability is a wheelchair, disabilities cme in all 54 shapes and sizes.
    Because f Invisible Disability Ireland, many peple have learned better abut such cnditins. It has 55 nt nly me, but als many ther peple in such a situatin.
    第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    I was ging t the train statin, with a shpping bag in ne hand, my laptp in the 56 , and a heavy bag n ne shulder. I thught t myself, “I am reaching hme tnight.”
    Suddenly, I was tripped (绊倒) by smething and fell dwn t the grund. Unfrtunately, I gt bad cuts n my knee and arms, and they started bleeding. My laptp landed n the rad, and a bttle in the shpping bag was brken, leaving the bag all wet. My first act was t pick up my laptp, but I culdn't raise 57 (I). After a while, I 58 (realize) that prbably I wuld miss the train. That might prevent me frm 59 (get) hme that night. That means I had n way t get hme that night.
    I thught nbdy else was arund and I culd turn 60nbdy fr help, s I was allwing myself 61 (cry) a little, when a yung lady appeared. She checked me t make sure I had n serius injuries, and fund my face was fine. After she tld me abut that, I breathed a sigh f relief. She asked the place 62I was ging. She was the wman t whm I tld that I wanted t catch the last train t g hme. “Yur train has already left,” she said. Then a taxi happened t have pulled up, and the lady asked the driver t take me t my hme. “I can't affrd it since it'll be 63lng drive, can I?” I refused strngly. Thinking fr a secnd 64(calm), she gave me £30, which was mre than I wuld spend n fd every week. Suddenly, tears came t my eyes!
    I wish I culd have a chance t thank her persnally ne day. Hwever, I even didn't have a clear impressin f her lks. And I didn't knw abut her 65 (identify) at all. Finally, I decided t always get ready t lend a helping hand t strangers t repay all the kindness that I received frm her.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(满分 15 分)
    66.假定你是李华,是你校英文报增设的“职业规划”(Career Planning)栏目的负责人,请给职业规划
    师 David 写一封邮件向他约稿,内容包括:
    1.栏目介绍;2.稿件内容;3.稿件长度:约 800 词;4.交稿日期:6 月 2 日前。
    注意:1.词数 80 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear David,
    Hw is everything ging?
    Li Hua
    第二节(满分 25 分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    There’s a by named Tm wh had a large family, happily living with his sisters, parents and grandmther. His grandmther lved everyne a lt and was respected by all family members. She was very ld, yet smetimes she wuld recall things frm her past and share with them. Smetimes they wuld believe her but at ther times they wuld think that Granny might be mixing up the facts due t her ld age.
    One day, when Tm was in schl, suddenly while knitting (编织), Granny remembered smething and she culdn't cntain her emtins s she gt up t tell her sn—Tm's father. She walked as fast as she culd t his rm and said, “Yu always asked abut my birth date but d yu knw tday is the day when I was brn.”
    She lked at her sn with an excited expressin, expecting an immediate respnse. Hwever, her sn wndered hw she culd remember her date f birth in this ld age when she frgt s many ther things, s he didn't pay much attentin t this. Disappinted at her sn's reactin, Granny then went t Tm's mther and Tm's sister, but like Tm's father, nbdy believed her.
    Disheartened, she went and sat in the terrace ( 阳 台 ).When Tm returned frm his schl, he fund his grandmther sitting alne with a sad expressin. Tm asked his granny abut the matter, but she said there was nthing t wrry abut. After a lt f persuasin she said what was trubling her—nbdy seemed t care that it was her birthday tday!
    After hearing what Granny said, Tm thught f a plan. Purely by chance, sme f Tm's friends were playing nearby s he shared his plan with them.
    续写词数应为 150 左右;
    Tm’s friends were all glad t help him with his plan.
    Tm’s granny was s happy, with tears f jy shining in her eyes.

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