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    这是一份英语(北京卷)-【试题猜想】2023年中考考前最后一卷(考试版+答题卡+全解全析+参考答案),文件包含英语北京卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷考试版A4docx、英语北京卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷全解全析docx、英语北京卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷考试版A3docx、英语北京卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷答题卡docx、英语北京卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷参考答案docx等5份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。




    1. 本试卷共10页,共两部分,共39题,满分60分,考试时间90分钟。

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    1My brother and I like sports. ________ often play basketball after school.

    AWe BI CThey DYou

    2—Happy birthday, my dear! I have made a model plane ________ you.

    —Thank you, Daddy.

    Afor Bon Cin Dfrom

    3—________ do you help your parents with the housework, David?

    —Once a week.

    AHow much BHow often CHow long DHow far

    4—Hi, Mike! Would you like to fly kites with me?

    —I’d like to, ________ I have to finish my question survey first.

    Aso Band Cbut Dor

    5—________ I tidy my room now, Mum?

    —No, you needn’t. You can do it in the afternoon.

    AMust BMay CCan DShould

    6Linda likes history and she thinks it’s ________ of all subjects.

    Ainteresting Bmore interesting Cmost interesting Dthe most interesting

    7—Tina, what do you usually do at weekends?

    —I ________ swimming with my friends.

    Awent Bgo Cwill go Dhave gone

    8—Amy, what were you doing at six yesterday evening?

    —I ________ my mother prepare the dinner.

    Ahelp Bhelped Cwas helping Dwill help

    9—What did you do last Sunday?

    —I ________ my grandparents in the countryside.

    Avisit Bvisited Chave visited Dwill visit

    10—Who’s your English teacher?

    —Miss Chen. She ________ English in our school for ten years.

    Ateaches Btaught Chas taught Dwill teach

    11China has become stronger and stronger. Chinese ________ by more and more foreigners.

    Aspeak Bspoke Cwas spoken Dis spoken

    12—Tony, do you know ________?

    —Tomorrow afternoon.

    Awhen did we have a meeting Bwhen will we have a meeting

    Cwhen we had a meeting Dwhen we will have a meeting



    Ada Falls

    Today, on the final day of summer camp, Ada and Lilly stand below the Bear Crawl, the camp’s highest, hardest rope course. They watch the rope ladder, with its wooden rungs (阶梯) and rope sides, sway (摇摆) in the wind between two tall pines.

    Ada feels very ____13____, but she can breathe again to hear Lilly volunteer to go first. The camp teacher, Mark, nods and helps Lilly get ready. Then Lilly begins her frightening crawl across the rope ladder. The wind blows and the ladder sways, but she holds tight.

    “Go, Lilly, go! You’re a champion. You’ve got this!” Ada cheers from below. When Lilly ____14____ the challenge, Ada feels relieved for her friend but also nervous, it is her ____15____ now. Mark checks Ada’s helmet and harness, and he lifts Ada up to the platform.

    On the platform, Ada looks down at the whole camp. Lilly and Mark are so tiny! Ada stretches her arms out to the first rung on the rope ladder. Her arms feel shaky as she feels the ladder turn left or right under her weight. She carefully ____16____ her hands forward to the next rung. About halfway across the Bear Crawl, Ada is starting to feel a little more confident. With every rung, she is getting closer to the opposite platform. She can do this!

    Suddenly a stronger wind makes the rope ladder sway, Ada’s hand does not ____17____ the wood rung. Instead, her body falls downward. Almost immediately, the harness catches her.

    Mark slowly lowers Ada to the ground. Ada can see all the other kids staring up at her, she is embarrassed.

    “Can I try again?” Ada says in a low voice, trying to hold back tears.

    Mark looks at his watch. “I’m sorry, Ada, we don’t have time.”

    Ada’s body feels slow and heavy as the bus leaves camp. Beside her, Lilly sits silent and thoughtful.

    “Hey Ada?” Lilly says. “I couldn’t ____18____ without you. I got so frightened in the middle, but then you shouted my name and I kept going.”

    “You got scared?”

    Lilly nods and says softly, “Super scared. I’m ____19____ I didn’t faint (晕倒) or throw up on everybody below. You were just unlucky such a big wind came up. It felt like a hurricane or something. I thought all the trees were going to fall over and squish (压扁) us like pancakes.”

    Ada smiles. She knows her friend was just trying to cheer her up, but suddenly falling off the ladder does not seem so important any more. Having good ____20____ is more important.

    13Aexcited Bcurious Cnervous Dconfused

    14Acompletes Bfails Crefuses Daccepts

    15Aturn Bshare Cwant Drest

    16Abrings Bwalks Cruns Dcarries

    17Atouch Bhold Cmove Dmiss

    18Aimagine Blive Csucceed Drisk

    19Aworried Bfrightened Cbelieved Dsurprised

    20Achallenges Bteachers Cfriends Dchances




    Do you get pocket money from your parents or do you work to make money? Do you spend it or save it? Let’s check out how four teenagers in Britain get money and do with it.

    Ruth, 13

    My parents give me £10 a week. I get it on Saturday after I wash my father’s car. I keep most of the money in my piggy bank at home. I’m saving up for a new pair of football shoes. Now, I’m close to my goal.

    Sam, 15

    My parents don’t give me pocket money. I make £20 every week by working in a store from 3 pm to 5 pm on Sunday. I spend about half of the money on my books, clothes and food, and then save the rest for my next holiday.

    Jana, 16

    I get pocket money from my parents. They give me £60 every month, but I have to help with housework, like doing dishes and taking out the rubbish. I can use the money to buy food and gifts for my parents on holidays.

    David, 17

    I look after young children for my neighbours from 9 am to 3 pm every Saturday. I make £100 every month. The work is very tiring, but I enjoy being with children and I need this job to save money for my university education.

    21Who makes £20 every week?

    ARuth. BSam. CJana. DDavid.

    22What does Jana do to get money?

    AWork in a store. BHelp with housework.

    CWash her father's car. DLook after young children.

    23Why does David save money?

    AFor food and gifts. BFor new football shoes.

    CFor his next holiday. DFor his university education.


    Since the age of two, Ryder has been in a wheelchair. Last September he started the first grade and took the bus to school every day. Because he couldn’t rush to catch the bus, sometimes he had to wait for fifteen minutes outside for the next one. It was all right when the weather was fine. However, if it was a rainy day with strong wind, Ryder would get wet, cold and uncomfortable.

    Tim, who went to the local high school, rode the same bus with Ryder and noticed this. He wanted to help him stay warm but didn’t know what to do. He told his teacher, Dan, about Ryder.

    “Why not build Ryder a bus stop hut?” said Dan, “We can spend sometime after school working on this project.”

    “Great idea!” said Tim.

    Tim shared Dan’s idea with his classmates, and they immediately decided to join in. Three of Dan’s classes worked hard on the project for days. They watched videos to learn how to create the structure. The thought of keeping Ryder away from cold wind made them work nonstop. They wanted to finish it before snow would be falling. Some local companies heard about it and also helped.

    The hut was finally built two weeks later. Ryder’s family was shocked. It was so big that it allowed Ryder and an adult to be with him comfortably. The family sent a photo of Ryder in the hut and thanked Tim and other students for their hard work. The students were so excited to see just how their project helped others.

    24Ryder was unable to rush for the school bus because ________.

    Athe bus was always late Bhe was in a wheelchair

    Chis parents were worried Dthere was wind and rain

    25Who built the bus stop hut for Ryder?

    ARyder’s parents. BCommunity workers.CSchool bus drivers. DHigh school students.

    26What does the passage mainly talk about?

    ALocal companies cared for disabled people.

    BCommunities took on more service projects.

    CParents worried about kids being late for school.

    DTeenagers helped protect a kid from bad weather.


    You and Your Data(数据)

    As the Internet and digital (数字的)technology become a bigger part of our lives, more of our data becomes publicly ready for use, leading to questions about privacy(隐私). So, how do we connect with the growing digital world without giving in the safety of our information and our right to privacy?

    Imagine that you want to learn a new language. You search “Is German a difficult language?” on your phone. Then you read an article with advice on learning German. You use a search service to find German courses. It asks you to turn on location (定位)services to find courses near you. You click “accept”. Later while you’re sending an email, an advertisement about a local language school teaching German pops up. You wonder how they’ve known. At all steps of your online activity, your phone and websites are collecting data and following your behavior online.


    Many of us share our locations, travel plans, opinions, shopping interests and family photos online—as services like ordering a takeaway meal, booking a plane or buying new clothes now take place online and require us to give out our data.

    Every search you make, service you use, message you send and product you buy is part of your “digital footprint”. Companies and online platforms use this “footprint” to track (跟踪)exactly what you are doing, from what links you click on to how much time you spend on a website. From your online behavior, they can guess what you are interested in and what things you might want to buy. By selling your data or providing products aiming at your interests, companies can make big money.

    Can you protect your data?

    Sometimes our personal data is shared online with our agreement. However, our data often travels farther than we realize, and can be used in ways that we did not expect. We don’t even notice our personal data has been lost or shared without being allowed until the news on leaking (泄露)our data is reported in newspapers or on TV.

    People begin to realize the possible dangers of sharing information online. As the Internet users, it is important that we pay more attention to who collects our data, where it is stored and how it is used. As the ways in which we use the Internet continue to grow and change, we will need to stay informed and keep needing new laws and rules, and better information about how to protect ourselves.

    27What happens when you search for German courses on the Internet?

    AYour personal data is being collected.

    BAn email with an advertisement is sent to you.

    CYou are offered some advice on learning German.

    DYou are asked to click “accept” to enter a school.

    28Which of the following would be the best heading for Paragraphs 3&4?

    AWho uses our data and why? BWhen is our data lost and how?

    CWhere is our data kept and how? DWhat is data and how important is it?

    29What can we learn from the passage?

    AWe need to attend closely to how online information is sold.

    BWe’d better not use online services in order to protect our data.

    CSharing information online always puts us in dangerous situations.

    DNew laws and rules on the use of our online data are badly needed.


    Human activity is changing the surface and temperature of our planet. But new research shows it is also changing the sound of oceans and seas. Scientists say these changes affect (影响)many sea animals—from very small fish to huge whales.

    Sound travels very far underwater. For fish, sound is a better way to sense their environment than light. They use sounds to communicate with each other. Sounds also help some ocean animals find food and avoid their hunters. Sounds help fish and other sea animals survive(生存).

    However, increased noise from humans is making it harder for these animals to hear each other. The noise comes from shipping traffic, underwater oil and gas exploration, and other noisy human activity. For many sea animals, their efforts to communicate are being masked (被掩盖)by sounds that humans have introduced. Experts explain the term masking, which happens when one or more noises in the water block sound important to an ocean animal’s life.

    The Red Sea is one of the world’s most important shipping passages. It is full of large ships traveling to Asia, Europe, and Africa. Some fish and other animals now avoid the noisiest areas. Also, the overall number of sea animals has gone down by about half since 1970. In some parts of the ocean, scientists now record fewer animals singing and calling than in the past.

    Experts say that effects of noise on sea animals are not well understood. However, some studies suggest that noise may cause hearing loss. The stress from human noise might also affect the immune(免疫)system-an animal’s natural defense system. Many sea animals are showing higher levels of stress because of noise.

    When people think of threats(威胁)facing the ocean, we often think of climate change, plastics, and overfishing. But noise pollution is another necessary thing we need to be monitoring. When it comes to something humans can do for the ocean, we need to think about how to make it quieter. Sound pollution may be easier to deal with than other ocean threats. You can reduce or turn off sound immediately. It’s not like plastics or climate change, which are much harder to undo.

    30According to the passage, sounds can help sea animals in many ways except ________.

    Ablocking the sunshine outside Bsearching for something to eat

    Cgetting away from their hunters Dcommunicating with each other

    31What can you know from the passage?

    ANoise does more harm to sea animals than humans realize.

    BPlastic pollution is the biggest threat facing oceans and seas.

    CFish sense their environment better through light than sound.

    DThe Red Sea is one of the most popular fishing areas in the world.

    32The underlined words “to undo” in Paragraph 6 probably mean “________”.

    Ato involve the effort Bto promise the result Cto cancel the effects Dto forget the influences

    33Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

    AWhy Are Ocean Animals So Noisy? BHelpful Ways to Save Ocean Animals.

    CHumans Are Making Oceans Too Noisy. DWhich Threat to Oceans Is the Biggest?





    Red Nose Day is a well-known event in the UK. It is on the second or third Friday in March. It raises money for people in need in Africa and the UK.

    Red Nose Day is organized by Comic Relief. This organization was set up by Richard Curtis and Lenny Henry in 1985. They wanted to use comedy and laughter to bring more attention to poverty in the UK and Africa, and make sure that everybody who didn’t have money to see comedy shows could have fun at the same time. That’s why Red Nose Day was born. The British celebrated the first Red Nose Day on February 5, 1988, and they celebrate it every two years now. A third of the money raised goes to projects in the UK and two thirds to projects in Africa.

    The slogan for the last Red Nose Day was “Do Something Funny for Money” and the money collected was used to help fund projects in the following areas: treating malaria, education, maternal health and mental health. The BBC Red Nose Day telethon raised £74.3 million! Money-raising events take place all over the country and many schools join in. People also donate (捐赠) money by post, in banks, by phone using a credit card and online.

    People call it Red Nose Day because on this day many people buy a plastic red nose to wear. Even if someone doesn’t wear it, he will go and buy one. Some people put the red noses on the front of their cars to show their support. The money made from selling plastic red noses goes to Comic Relief.

    So, if you are ever in the UK on Red Nose Day, now you know why you may see normal people wearing red noses and doing silly things! It’s all for a good reason.

    34When is Red Nose Day?


    35Who was this organization set up by?


    36What was the slogan for the last Red Nose Day?


    37Why do people call it Red Nose Day?


    38If you are in the UK on Red Nose Day, what should you do and why?





    提示词语:make friendsbe good atpaper-cuttingshow


    ·Why would you like to be a volunteer?

    ·What can you do as a volunteer?

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I’m writing to apply to become a volunteer next week.


    I’m looking forward to your early reply!


    Li Hua


    某英文网站正在开展以 我的时间我做主(My Time-management)” 为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈你是如何做好时间管理的,以及这样做给你带来的好处。

    提示词语:make a plan, stay focused, free time, do better at


    ·How do you manage your time?

    ·What have you got from your time-management?

    My Time-management

    Time-management is very important for everyone.




    英语(南通卷)-【试题猜想】2023年中考考前最后一卷(考试版+答题卡+全解全析+参考答案): 这是一份英语(南通卷)-【试题猜想】2023年中考考前最后一卷(考试版+答题卡+全解全析+参考答案),文件包含英语南通卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷全解全析docx、英语南通卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷考试版A4docx、英语南通卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷考试版A3docx、英语南通卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷答题卡docx、英语南通卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷参考答案docx等5份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共47页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英语(盐城卷)-【试题猜想】2023年中考考前最后一卷(考试版+答题卡+全解全析+参考答案): 这是一份英语(盐城卷)-【试题猜想】2023年中考考前最后一卷(考试版+答题卡+全解全析+参考答案),文件包含英语盐城卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷全解全析docx、英语盐城卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷考试版A4docx、英语盐城卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷考试版A3docx、英语盐城卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷答题卡docx、英语盐城卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷参考答案docx等5份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共42页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英语(无锡卷)-【试题猜想】2023年中考考前最后一卷(考试版+答题卡+全解全析+参考答案): 这是一份英语(无锡卷)-【试题猜想】2023年中考考前最后一卷(考试版+答题卡+全解全析+参考答案),文件包含英语无锡卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷全解全析docx、英语无锡卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷考试版A4docx、英语无锡卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷考试版A3docx、英语无锡卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷答题卡docx、英语无锡卷-试题猜想2023年中考考前最后一卷参考答案docx等5份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共41页, 欢迎下载使用。

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