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    这是一份2023届江苏省盐城市高三年级第三次模拟考试英语试题(无答案),文件包含2023届江苏省盐城市高三年级第三次模拟考试英语试题docx、audiomp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。





    1What is the man doing?

    ABaking cookies. BSelling cookies. CReading a recipe.



    2What is the woman looking for?

    AA bird. BA guest. CA book.

    3Where will the woman go?

    ATo the Canadian market. BTo the French market. CTo the Australian market.



    4What are the speakers talking about?

    AAttending a concert. BWatching a movie. COrganizing a play.

    5Why does the man feel sorry for the other team?

    AThe team lost by too much.

    BThe team didn’t make him excited.

    CThe team withdrew from the match.




    6Where are the speakers?

    AIn a company. BIn a cafeteria. CIn a clinic.

    7What is good about seeing Dr. Chan according to the man?

    AShe is a professional doctor.

    BShe is available on the weekend.

    CShe is in the speakers’ neighborhood.



    8What time is it now?

    AAbout 1:00. BAbout 2:00. CAbout 4:00.

    9What will the woman be responsible for?

    AThe bathrooms. BThe windows. CThe carpet.





    10How did the man feel about Brad at the party?

    ASorry. BThankful. CAnnoyed.

    11What will the woman do tomorrow morning?

    AGo back home BGo on a boat trip. CGo to see a doctor.

    12What does the woman think is a pity?

    AShe can’t dine with the man.

    BShe won’t make it to the party.

    CShe will have to leave very soon.





    13Where does the woman work?

    AIn Italy. BIn Britain. CIn Lithuania.

    14How does the woman improve her English after work?

    AShe goes to classes. BShe learns from a friend. CShe watches English TV.

    15What is Jeff?

    AA cook. BA waiter. CA student.

    16What will the woman do next month?

    AChange her job. BGet married. CFind a flat.



    17What are the listeners?

    AInstructors. BManagers. CResearchers.

    18What is the last subject?

    AManaging quality and operations.

    BBudgeting and financing.

    CPublic relations.

    19What should the listeners do weekly?

    AChoose a subject. BTalk with a graduate. CDo reading tasks.

    20How can the listeners get the most in the course?

    ABy reading business stories.

    BBy having discussions with classmates.

    CBy paying attention to the research results.


    Tips for Introducing Yourself in an Online Course

    One of the first assignments you’re likely to encounter as an online student is introducing yourself. Here are some tips for making a great impression in your online course.

    The Basics

    If your instructors post their own introduction, mirroring the information they provide is a good place to start.

    ●Your name.

    Your name will be visible on your post, but if there’s a pronoun you prefer to be called, let others know.

    ●The degree you’re pursuing.

    Why did you choose this degree and what are your long-term goals?

    The Details

    You don’t need to get more personal than you’re comfortable with but providing some details can help instructors and students remember who you are.

    ●Where you’re from.

    Is there something interesting about your hometown?


    Love reading? Mention your favorite authors or works. Your goals for the course.

    If you choose the course because it corresponds with a career goal, bring it up! Your instructors may have additional resources that can help, and students with similar interests can connect to network.

    The Format

    ●Use complete sentences and proper grammar.

    ●Break up your text.

    Post and Connect

    Make connections by posting meaningful responses to your classmates’ introductions.

    ●Respond to classmates’ posts.

    Read posts carefully and respond to a detail that stands out to you.

    ●Give your classmates something to respond to.

    ls there something you’d like to know about your classmates? Ask in your introduction so your classmates can respond.

    21Which of the following should be included in the basic introduction?

    AYour birthplace. BYour interests.

    CYour preferred pronoun. DYour personal qualities.

    22What can you do to get more help from your instructors?

    AIntroduce yourself in a casual way. BClarify a career goal for the course.

    CProvide details as many as possible. DMirror the information they provide.

    23How can you make connections with classmates effectively?

    AOffer them some advice on learning the course.

    BAsk them some questions about the online course.

    CContact those who have similar interests with you.

    DMake responses to the details that impress you most.


    Moments before his very first performance as a dancer, in his junior year at Stanford, Gaurab Banerjee looked at an audience gathered in Roble Gym and saw a sea of faces and pointing cameras.

    His nervousness quickly gave way to a state of flow. Muscle memory and the cheers of the crowd carried him through, and before he knew it, he was taking a bow. With that, Banerjee recalls, “I was addicted.”

    What had begun as an impulse(冲动)—signing up for Social Dance—soon became a full involvement in dance culture on campus. Over the next two years, Banerjee explored a range of styles at Stanford, performed and eventually directed the student group Stanford Swing time, and served as co-chair of the planning committee for Viennese Ball and for Big Dance.

    The pandemic put a hard pause on social dance events. But in fall 2021,Banerjee returned to campus eager for revival (复兴), and students responded. Performances sold out. Banerjee and other community leaders took the opportunity to bring a new generation up to speed on campus traditions, and also to reset where they saw an opportunity to improve.

    Banerjee, who was a service scholar in his freshman year, a volunteer with Kids With Dreams, a member of the Axe Committee, also found a welcoming community in computer science. The program offered so many classes Banerjee wanted to take that he decided to complete a master’s degree as well.

    Banerjee plans to work in the artificial intelligence industry. His long-term vision is to apply his technical skills and the knowledge he’s gained in business, human rights, and medicine to a career in development-increasing opportunities for enterprise around the world.

    “Part of my privilege, being here at Stanford, is that I can now use what I’ve learned to bring more folks to the table,” he says. “I can give them access as well.”

    And yes, he’ll keep dancing.

    24What can we know about Banerjee’s first dance performance?

    AHe was too nervous to complete the performance.

    BFew audience members watched his performance.

    CThe performance gave him confidence and motivation.

    DCheers of the crowd caused his failure in the performance.

    25What are paragraphs 3-4 mainly about?

    AThe concern that Banerjee showed in dance culture.

    BThe reasons why Banerjee was interested in dance.

    CThe efforts that Banerjee spent in promoting dance.

    DThe effect that the pandemic had on social dance events.

    26What’s Banerjee’s expectation of his future?

    ATo help children realize their dreams.

    BTo become an Al expert at Standford.

    CTo gain more knowledge in different field.

    DTo benefit more people in career development.

    27Which of the following best describes Banerjee?

    AMoody. BAmbitious. CReserved. DModest.


    Both humans and animals possess the ability to cry out for help when endangered or threatened. Plants, as it turns out, can too.

    “We found that plants usually emit(发出) sounds when they are under stress and that each plant and each type of stress is associated with a specific identifiable sound,” researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel wrote in their findings, published in the scientific journal Cell. “While undetectable to the human ear, the sounds emitted by plants can probably be heard by various animals, such as bats, mice, and insects.”

    Stressors like dehydration(脱水) and damage to leaves gave rise to the plants’ high-pitched(尖声的) cries, which ranged from 20 to 250 kHz. The bigger the danger, the more frequent a plant’s signals. “Unstressed plants emitted less than one sound per hour, on average,” researcher Lilach Hadany said, “while the stressed plants—both dehydrated and injured—emitted dozens of sounds every hour.”

    To catch these sounds, Hadany’s team surrounded tomato and tobacco plants with super-sensitive microphones. They then fed the data into an artificial intelligence program that could tell the difference between the species of plant and the types of sounds produced.

    “Our findings suggest that the world around us is full of plant sounds, and that these sounds contain information,” Hadany wrote. She added that to translate that information, we just need the “right tools-such as sensors that tell growers when plants need watering.” Doing so, researchers noted, may allow farmers to judge exactly when and where to water crops-Saving water, increasing harvests, and lowering stress for both plant and humankind.

    28What did researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel find?

    ACreatures tend to cry out for help when in danger.

    BPlants can give off sounds when they are stressed.

    CPlant sounds can be heard by both animals and humans.

    DPlants make the same sound whatever type of stress they have.

    29What does the author want to show in paragraph 3?

    AThe influence of stress on plants.

    BThe urgency of relieving stress of plants.

    CThe possibility of plants emitting sounds.

    DThe importance of conducting the research.

    30Why was an artificial intelligence program used in the research?

    ATo help get rid of plant stress.

    BTo identify the types of stress.

    CTo collect sounds emitted by plants.

    DTo analyze the collected sounds of plants.

    31What can we learn from Hadany’s words in the last paragraph?

    AThe research is of practical value.

    BIt’s difficult to understand plant sounds.

    CFurther research is needed in the future.

    DIt’s as easy as pie for farmers to grow crops.


    In this age of screens, smartphones, virtual assistants and voice-enabled speakers, we constantly receive visual and auditory(听觉的)suggestions of things to do, products to buy, and media to consume. Yet are all these messages created equal? According to a research, the answer is no.

    In the spring of 2018,Mariadassou and Bechler, both graduate students of Business, were sitting in a seminar (研讨会), in which they were studying how different types of messages affect decision-making. They learned that people generally perceive someone as more intelligent when they convey spoken information rather than delivering the same message in writing.

    As they chatted after class, Mariadassou recalls, “We wondered, ‘What would happen if you apply this to recommendations?’” They believed there is “a general perception that people act on auditory and visual information the same way” and wanted to explore this assumption.

    Mariadassou, who is pursuing her PhD in marketing, with Bechler, now a professor at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business, ran a series of studies where the same information was presented to participants in different forms, including computer-generated audio that sounded like a smart speaker.

    The researchers were surprised that auditory recommendations for products like beer were more influential than textual ones. “In theory, this shouldn’t produce any difference in behavior,” Mariadassou writes in an email. “Hearing that you should drink the pale beer or reading that you should drink the pale beer is really one and the same. The fact that it leads to psychologically different experiences that are significant enough to lead to a change in behavior is not something you would expect.”

    The effect was small but strong enough to demonstrate a “consistent effect of auditory power”, Mariadassou says. She believes the power of auditory information has to do with its ephemeral nature—“it seems like there’s this sort of fundamental need to act on information that’s going away, she says. Bechler agrees: “When something disappears, it creates a kind of urgency to respond.”

    32Why did Mariadassou and Bechler conduct the studies?

    ATo apply what they learned into real life.

    BTo find out what people are more intelligent.

    CTo explore the reasons behind people’s different behaviors.

    DTo test if different types of messages affect recommendations.

    33What does paragraph 5 tell us?

    AThe findings of the research.

    BThe theory behind the research.

    CThe application of the research results.

    DThe explanation of the research process.

    34What does the underlined word “ephemeral” in the last paragraph mean?

    AUncertain. BTemporary. CSelective. DRandom.

    35What is a suitable title for the text?

    AEffect of Auditory Power Has Been Long Neglected

    BPeople Act on Auditory and Visual Information Equally

    CEffective Recommendations Are Better Heard Than Seen

    DDecision-making Has Little to Do With Types of Messages


    Think back to your last presentation. ____36____  And were they engaged in what you were saying? While you may think yourself to be a great speaker, it is not particularly hard to annoy your audience. Here are the top three of annoying habits in a presentation: reading the presentation (37%),having no knowledge of the subject matter (22%), using many “umms” and “uhhs” (16%).

    So here are some tips to help you avoid these annoying mistakes.

    The most annoying presentation habit is also one of the easiest to fall victim to. With a visual aid, you tend to look back and read what you have already written. ____37____   By reading your slides, you show no additional information, and therefore give your audience no reason to keep listening once they have finished reading the slide themselves.

    One guideline I find especially effective is to ensure each slide has no more than six main points, and no more than six words per point. ____38____  When in practice, having slides with flexible layouts and proper pictures is equally important.

    ____39____  The more prepared you are, the better you can effectively avoid sounding like you’ve never even heard of your topic before. So in order to show your audience you know your stuff, getting ready will make all the difference.

    The third most annoying habit was using many “umms” and “uhhs”, a symptom of not communicating effectively. This could be a result of stage fright, but more often than not these interjections (感叹词) happen unconsciously. ____40____  

    One tip for avoiding this is to practice your presentation multiple times beforehand, out loud. The more you practice, the more likely you can catch yourself before letting the “umms” and “uhhs” slip out.

    AWas it boring?

    BWere people interested?

    CIt helps you to save your time.

    DThis stops you overloading your slides with information.

    EDespite how innocent they seem, they can ruin your credibility.

    FAvoiding another annoying habit comes down to one factor: preparation.

    GHowever, all this shows is that you can do what your audience can as well.


    Two years ago, Jaylan Gray was in college pursuing his dream of becoming a park keeper. But when his mother died, he had to ________  school and leave that dream behind to take care of his younger brother. Today, Jaylan’s ________  is his 12-year-old brother Julian, who he describes as his “reason” since their mother’s death. “From that day on, I swore—-at all costs—I’m  ________  him,” Jaylan said.

    But then, things got ________ .When a major freeze hit Texas last year, the pipes ________ in the brothers’ home—the one their mother had left them—and ________  everything. Then, a worker Jaylan hired to fix it took their life savings and ran off.

    “Yeah, I was basically ________ ,” Jaylan said. The boys were living with their last surviving close relative when a non-profit called Katy Responds caught wind of their ________ .

    The group ________  houses after natural disasters. Over the years, they’ve helped more than a hundred families— ________ few were more worthy than those boys.

    “They had no idea people would want to jump in and ________  them,” said director Ron Peters—which may have ________  their jaw-dropping, speechless reactions when they walked into their “new” home.

    Thanks to an army of donors and volunteers, the brothers were  ________  back in their house, which is fully ________ and better than ever.

    When their mother died, Julian and Jaylan thought all they had was each other. But they were  ________ they had a whole community.

    41Aattend Bquit Cskip Dstart

    42Apriority Bhero Ctrouble Dmodel

    43Apleasing Baccepting Cprotecting Dadmiring

    44Abetter Bclearer Csimpler Dworse

    45Aburst Bbent Ctwisted Ddisappeared

    46Asupported Bruined Cblocked Dcovered

    47Amoved Bamused Ccontrolled Ddefeated

    48Asituation Brequest Cdecision Dperformance

    49Asets up Bfixes up Ctears down Dpasses down

    50Abut Band Cso Dor

    51Asave Bteach Chelp Dadopt

    52Aensured Bexplained Crecorded Drepeated

    53Afinally Bcasually Csecretly Dimmediately

    54Adecorated Boccupied Cemptied Drestored

    55Abrave Bperfect Cwrong Dclever


    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The Hainan gibbons (长臂猿), who live in rainforest trees over 10 meters tall, rarely set foot on the ground. ____56____  (know) as the world’s rarest primate(灵长类动物), the Hainan gibbons have been listed as ____57____  (critical) endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

    Fortunately, conservation efforts have seen positive results in recent years. According to the latest ____58____  (office) figures, the gibbon population in Hainan  ____59____  (estimate) at 36individuals living in five family groups, from 30 in four groups in 2019. The increase in gibbon population comes as China enhances efforts ____60____  (construct) the National Park of Hainan Tropical Rainforest.

    This national park, ____61____  covers 4,269 km2, is home to China’s most concentrated and well-preserved tropical rainforests. Many wildlife that ____62____  (disappear) previously are returning to their homes thanks to the park. In recent years, Hainan has promoted the construction of the park, strengthened the restoration of tropical rainforests, ____63____  carried out ecological relocation projects in core protected  ____64____ (area), such as planting more trees to provide food for the Hainan gibbons.

    A research center has also been established, ____65____  experts from home and overseas jointly providing suggestions for their protection. The population of the gibbons is expected to hit between 60 and 70 in 2035, as long as current protection efforts and environmental stability can be sustained.


    66.假定你是校英文报(School Daily)负责人,你报将举行最美家乡图文征集活动,请写一份征稿启事,内容包括:




    1. 写作词数应为80左右;

    2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。



    Her pale face stood out against the blackness of her hair. She looked much younger than her fifteen years, a worn coat hanging loose above her. We weren’t supposed to take a child, but an emergency call came through that morning. A home was needed for a young girl immediately.

    I, together with four children, hurried to get her room ready. The kids were great. Joanne, our second-eldest daughter, did the cleaning and Margaret, Rob and Jeff helped make the bed. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. I was excited, but scared at the same time because I was told an adopted child might give us a lot of trouble.

    That afternoon, Trudy arrived with the social worker Mrs. Kline. She stepped into the front hall and stood against the wall. I will never forget the look in her eyes. The first thing that came to my mind was that she looked like a hunted animal. The children moved towards her, and Jeff grabbed her hand and said proudly, “Come and see your room. I helped make your bed.” Trudy pulled back, speechless.

    At this point, I stepped towards her and said, "Welcome to our home, Trudy. “She looked at me with such blank eyes. But with her head bowed, she simply said, eyes moving back and forth like a creature looking for a way out, “No, thank you.”

    For the first two weeks, Trudy was very quiet. She would come into the kitchen while I was working, and we would discuss school and what she would like to do in the future. Mrs. Kline had given us all the information about her history, but I never mentioned the terrible things that had happened to her.

    As the days went by, Trudy became a delight to have around. Very quickly, it seemed like she had always been with us. The girls would sit in each other’s rooms and giggle(咯咯笑) like typical teenagers. It was a sound that warmed my soul. However, when they talked about new clothes, Trudy fell silent again.


    1. 续写词数应为150左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    I took Joanne shopping for a winter coat, and Trudy came too.


    Back home, I presented the jacket Trudy had tried on.




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