Grades help to determine a student's success. To accomplish the goal of furthering the education and in order to guarantee the same educational opportunities for everyone, the following policies and expectations are requested to be followed by all students.
Grading Method
In our school, grades will be weighted by the following three categories.
◆Category A—Tests, Quizzes, Research Assignments, Projects, and Presentations.
◆Category B—Homework, Class work, Content readings, Notebooks, and Essays.
◆Category C—Prepared for Class, Class Participation, and Discussion Participation.
Grading Criteria
◆Category A: 70%
◆Category B: 20%
◆Category C: 10%
Within each category a different amount of points can be assigned per event. Participation grades are calculated at the end of each marking period. If a student does not participate, they do not earn any points. Completing homework assignments is part of your participation grade. Therefore any homework assignments not completed will result in points being lowered from both Category B&.C. This reduces the possible points that can be earned and thus the overall participation grade.
Due Dates
Due dates are final for all major grades. Advance notice will be given to help the students manage their time. Research papers should be finished prior to the deadline in order to avoid last minute problems, such as computer or printer errors or other distracting events. Students who do not complete or make up work within the scheduled time will not receive any credit for those assignments and will not have an opportunity to complete the work at a later date and scholarship is unavailable as well.
1、Which grading item belongs to Category C?
A. Quizzes. B.Presentations. C.Content readings. D. Discussions.
2、What will happen if any homework is not completed?
A. The marking period will be put off. B. The overall points will be reduced.
C.The participation point will be zero. D. The Category A points will be affected.
3、What can be inferred from Due Dates?
A. Advance notice is unavailable to students.
B. Preparing research papers in advance is essential.
C. Students can make up their work after due dates.
D. Scholarship can be obtained on a second chance.
Jo Land, a 53-year-old teacher, was horrified when she realised how much her son's school uniform was going to cost. She started thinking: "If it was this expensive for us, how on Earth must families with more children cope? And that's not taking into account the cost of living. Food, fuel and energy prices are going up for everyone. It seems wrong if it prevents some children from attending school."
Therefore, Land bought a new plastic dustbin and put it outside her house, with a sign reading, "School uniform drop-off". She set up an online group called School Uniform Swap and asked people to donate good-quality used uniforms for free. The operation started to grow almost immediately. People drive up and drop the clothing in her bin. Land sorts through it, keeps it and posts details about donations on her group. Recipients can come and collect at their leisure. She even drops clothes at the homes of people without cars.
"Every child going to school deserves to feel smart and proud. We don't want children to go to school feeling negative, because that affects their learning." Land says. There is also a beneficial impact on the environment—the project stops good-quality uniform sending up as landfill. Land has noticed that people rarely take without also giving: "Sometimes people leave flowers on the bin, or they drop off some outgrown clothes as well, even if it's just a polo shirt or a few jumpers." She says she has never received soiled uniform: "Everything is always really clean."
Parents send messages to express their thanks, saying she is doing a wonderful thing and talking about how hard things are at the moment. Land also receives so many messages from people who are absolutely desperate, because they cannot afford uniforms for their children. She is thinking about all the people in her community who will struggle this winter. Her determination to ensure children can access the uniforms they deserve grows ever stronger.
4、What inspired Land to launch the donation of school uniforms?
A. The school's request. B.The environmental needs.
C. The price of school uniforms. D. The students' personal tastes.
5、What can we know about the used uniforms?
A. They are of high quality. B.People mainly swap them online.
C. They are sold at low cost. D.People have to drive to get them.
6、Which of the following can best describe Land?
A. Curious and diligent. B. Considerate and cautious.
C. Inspiring and courageous. D.Responsible and determined.
7、What is the best title of the text?
A. Uniform exchange to protect nature.
B. Uniform swap to help the disadvantaged.
C. Recycling school uniforms becoming popular.
D. Low-income families struggling for uniforms.
Trees don't look at the calendar to see when spring arrives, but they seem to know when spring is here better than we do. The annual shift from winter to spring is a breathtaking event to watch as leaves become green and a lush(苍翠的) environment reveals itself. Recently a research takes a look at why trees in cities are turning green earlier than expected.
Scientists use satellite imagery to see when plants turn green. By comparing spring green-ups in the 85 largest US cities, scientists found that on average trees start to turn green nine days earlier in cities due to the combined effect of artificial lights and urban heat effect.
According to the findings, one of the reasons is the artificial light. City lights brightening the night skies, billboard signs lit up on roadways and car headlights all contribute to shifting the regular day to night cycle that plants and trees rely on. In order to stay alive during cruel winters, trees hit the pause button on their growth. Since temperatures can vary dramatically throughout the winter, the length of daylight is the signal trees look for to safely start growing again and turn green.
On average cities are typically 1.8 to 5.4°F warmer than rural areas. This is known as the urban heat island effect. The changes in city environments may affect seasonal changes even more than climate warming and can affect the allergy and mosquito season, water cycles, and also affect pollinators(授粉媒介).
Despite the worries and concern, it isn't all bad news. "With a longer growing season, trees would be able to absorb more carbon dioxide," A researcher said. "Hopefully they'd have a longer period to do the cooling effect that can help mitigate the urban heating effect in cities."
8、What is the purpose of the text?
A. To reveal how trees survive bitter winters.
B. To warn how human activities disturb nature.
C.To explain why trees turn green earlier in cities.
D.To clarify how trees turning green earlier benefits cities.
9、How did the scientists conduct their research?
A. Bringing out urban heat island effect.
B. Developing pictures shot by the satellite.
C.Allowing the city environment to reveal itself.
D. Comparing the green-up time in sample cities.
10、Which of the following elements contributes to trees turning green earlier?
A. Street lamps. B.Water cycle. C.Road signs. D.Plant pollinators.
11、What does the underlined word "mitigate" mean in the last paragraph?
A. Deepen. B. Develop. C.Relieve. D. Realize.
Nostalgia(怀旧) has become increasingly common in the current accelerated, unexpected changes. More and more Americans are turning back with longing to what feels like simpler, sweeter times. They collect cassette tapes, manual typewriters, even decades-old video games.
Is it a mistake to miss the past? Some psychologists warn that too much devotion to the so-called good old days is an escape from reality; it suggests loneliness or that a person is having a difficult time coping in the present. Psychologist Stephanie Coontz argues that nostalgia distracts us from addressing the problems of modern life and contributes to anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, etc.
But new studies suggest that a modest amount of nostalgia is not only harmless, but actually beneficial. They suggest it helps strengthen our sense of identity and makes us feel more optimistic and inspired. It is also a tool for self-discovery and memories are a psychological response when you want to take a break from negativity. Recalling our childhood reminds us of "the times when we were accepted and loved unconditionally," says Krystine Batcho, a psychologist. "That is such a powerful comfort, knowing that there was a time in life when we didn't have to earn our love." Nostalgia can turn even the most ordinary past into legends which warms the heart and the body. Let's not forget that nostalgia has been a source of inspiration to countless American writers. Mark Twain recalled his boyhood, writing, "After all these years, I can picture that old time to myself now, just as it was then."
So go ahead, daydream a little about your best childhood friend, a long-gone family pet, etc. As Dr. Sedikides says, "Nostalgia is absolutely central to human experience." But at the same time, keep these words of wisdom from the great inventor Charles Kettering in mind as well: "You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time."
12、How is nostalgia viewed by the psychologists in Paragraph 2?
A. It might leave a person in low spirits.
B.It suggests loneliness suffered in the past.
C. It saves people from dull reality temporarily.
D. It helps to solve the problems in modern life.
13、What aspect of nostalgia is discussed in Paragraph 3?
A.Its reasons. B.Its benefits.
C.Its side-effects. D.Its working principles.
14、Why is Mark Twain mentioned in the passage?
A. He had a strong sense of identity.
B.He took pictures of the good old days.
C.He is an example of being obsessed with the past.
D. He drew inspiration from nostalgia for his works.
15、What is the author's attitude towards nostalgia?
A. Critical. B. Doubtful. C.Objective. D. Indifferent.
16、 Many people with a combined love of reading and writing want to become book reviewers. ①_____ But most have at least a high school diploma, or often a college degree in literature or a related field. An English degree and a writing degree are also popular choices for professional book reviewers.
It generally takes much patience to become a book reviewer. It's important to learn much about book reviewing beforehand. Read as many book reviews as possible to get a sense for the tone and content found in the reviews. And remember book reviews are a little different from book critics. ②_____
If you want to become a book reviewer, it's important to determine what type of book you wish to review. Most book reviewers focus on one specific type. ③_____ Whichever type you want to review, you should truly enjoy reading it, and be relatively knowledgeable about common themes and plot methods.
④_____ Even if the reviews are never published, it's important to have samples. Most editors won't hire a reviewer without any sample pieces. It may be easier to start writing for a university newspaper while still in college, or for a local newspaper. Another option is to write reviews and post them on a blog. Thus, you prepare yourself for becoming a book reviewer.
Most book reviewers are freelance writers who are paid per piece, if they are paid at all. ⑤_____ In exchange, they will receive free books to review, sometimes ahead of their publication dates. Like any other freelance writing career, it can be difficult to get started, but it won't be long for someone who really enjoys doing that.
A. And the salary can be high.
B.It can be historical fiction, or anything else.
C.Some simply write book reviews on a volunteer basis.
D.Interestingly, there are different types of book reviewers.
E. It's impossible to become a reviewer without writing some reviews.
F.Book reviews are traditionally less formal compared with book critics.
G. There are no specific educational requirements for becoming book reviewers.
Budha Magar, who lost both of his legs, hopes to become the first double above-the knee amputee(截肢者) to climb Qomolangma.
Though he will be 1 with special legs, the 43-year-old will essentially be crawling up Qomolangma using his 2 . He estimates it will take him three times longer than able-bodied climbers to reach the summit, though he is 3 he will be faster than average on the ladder sections because of his superior upper body strength. Indeed, moving up without knees is 4 hard.
Magar, an infectiously 5 and cheerful man, describes his walking gesture as "like a penguin". In an interview, he jokes about the 6 of living without legs like "no smelly socks". As well as pushing his own body, he wants to change 7 about disability. "Even now, disabled people are viewed as 'the burden of the earth'," he says.
In 2010, suddenly legless, he spent at least 18 months 8 , drinking too much, before a charity offered him the 9 to go skydiving. "That was a big turning point, especially for my confidence," he says. "And when I 10 the ground I realised without legs I can do many things." He realised that it was his mind as much as his body holding him back: "I didn't know how 11 the mind is. If we set our minds, our body will 12 ."
He began doing sports—rock climbing, golf, table tennis—before setting his sights on mountaineering. Before long, a childhood dream to climb Qomolangma 13 , and he began training in earnest. Success on the world's highest mountain can never be 14 , but his expedition belief illustrates his mindset: no legs, no 15 .
17、A. equipped B. guided C. linked D. filled
18、A. legs B. hands C. imagination D. ambition
19、A. confident B. curious C. fortunate D. content
20、A. rarely B. slightly C. casually D. significantly
21、A. curious B. polite C. patient D. optimistic
22、A. rights B. comfort C. advantages D. freedom
23、A. fear B. views C. concerns D. sympathy
24、A. awkward B. ashamed C. depressed D. exhausted
25、A. chance B. message C. direction D. ability
26、A. escaped from B. headed off C. moved around D. landed on
27、A. powerful B. dangerous C. confusing D. strange
28、A. recover B. follow C. relax D. relieve
29、A. faded B. wandered C. resurfaced D. changed
30、A. simplified B. guaranteed C. clarified D. recorded
31、A. courage B. respect C. limits D. dreams
32、 Have you heard of the Huangjuewan Overpass(立交桥)? It ①_____(lie) in the city of Chongqing in China. It went through years of planning and actual ②_____(construct) work.
When its first few photos hit the Internet, many people were ③_____(anxiety), wondering how less-experienced drivers could find their way with so many ramps(岔道) and routes to choose from. Some commented that you would ④_____(force) to drive around the entire city if you took the wrong ramp. Others wondered whether their GPS systems would be of any help, ⑤_____(consider) the five vertical levels the ramps are positioned on.
However, many people say the concerns about using the overpass don't ⑥_____(actual) exist. And Liu Bangjun, ⑦_____ worked as the lead designer, says the many ramps are necessary to make it easier to go over the overpass. Why?
Because the overpass connects many roads, designers have considered human error and added extra ramps ⑧_____(assist) drivers in turning around faster. And in case of choosing the wrong route, drivers have ⑨_____ exit option within a few minutes, and it's easy to see road signs. So although the ramps go ⑩_____ many different directions, drivers shouldn't be too worried.
33、假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Charles 正在学汉语,发来邮件请你推荐一部中国名著。请回信,内容包括:
Dear Charles,
Li Hua
Two Tickets to the Big Game
Two tickets. Only two tickets to the big quarterfinals basketball game.
Three pairs of eyes all focused on the tickets in Dad's outstretched hand. Marcus, the oldest, spoke the question running through everyone's mind, "Only two tickets? But, Dad, which of us gets to go with you?"
"Yeah, Daddy, who gets to go?" repeated Caleb, the youngest.
"Dad, can't you get any more tickets?" I asked. I might be the in-between sister, but I was just as eager as my basketball-crazy brothers were for a night out with Dad.
"I'm afraid not," Dad answered. "Mr. Williams only has two season tickets. He was thoughtful enough to offer the tickets to Saturday's game to me when he found out he'd be out of town this weekend."
Dad scratched his head. "I guess I'll have to figure out a fair way of choosing between the three of you by tomorrow morning. I'll have to decide who deserves it most. Let me sleep on it—okay, guys and girls?" he added quickly before I could correct him.
The next morning, we hurried into the kitchen, only to find a note next to our breakfast, which read, "Mom and I go to pick up some books from the library. All of you get started on the Saturday chores as soon as you finish breakfast."
"Chores! He's got to be kidding." Marcus said as he set down his glass of milk with a thud(砰的一声). "How can we concentrate on chores when the big game is a mere eleven hours away?"
"Wait for me!" Caleb added, slurping the last of his milk and dashing after his brother.
A few minutes later, as I was washing off the kitchen countertops, I heard the familiar "thump... thump... thump" of the basketball bouncing off of the driveway. Frustrated, I knocked on the window three times. When the boys looked up, I meaningfully held up a kitchen sponge and dishtowel. Marcus casually nodded to me and held up five fingers. Sure, five more minutes! I shook my head from side to side as I began to replace the lid(盖子) on the garbage container.
Suddenly a white envelope on the inside of the lid caught my attention.
That evening turned out to be as special as I'd imagined.
解析:细节理解题。根据Grading Method下面的Category C—Prepared for Class, Class Participation, and Discussion Participation.(C类—课前准备、课堂参与和讨论。)并结合选项可知,D项(讨论)属于C类评分项目。故选D。
解析:推理判断题。根据Grading Criteria下面的Therefore, any homework assignments not completed will result in points being lowered from both Category B & Category C. This reduces the possible points that can be earned and thus the overall participation grade. (因此,任何家庭作业未完成都会导致B类和C类的分数降低。这会降低可能获得的分数,从而降低整体参与分数。)可知,家庭作业没有完成会降低B类和C类的分数。根据Grading Criteria下面的Category A: 70%, Category B:20%,Category C:10%可知,总的成绩由A、B、C三类按照不同比例共同组成。由此可推测出,B类和C类分数的降低会使总的成绩降低。故选B。
解析:推理判断题。根据Due Dates下面的Research papers should be finished prior to the deadline in order to avoid last minute problems, such as computer or printer errors or other distracting events.(研究论文应在截止日期前完成,以避免在最后一刻会出现问题,如计算机或打印机出差错或其他分散注意力的事。)可推知,提前准备自己的研究论文是很有必要的。故选B。
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段Jo Land, a 53-year-old teacher, was horrified when she realised how much her son's school uniform was going to cost. She started thinking: "If it was this expensive for us, how on Earth must families with more children cope? And that's not taking into account the cost of living. Food, fuel and energy prices are going up for everyone. It seems wrong if it prevents some children from attending school."(53岁的教师Jo Land在意识到儿子的校服要花多少钱时吓了一跳。她开始思考: "如果这对我们来说如此昂贵,那么有更多孩子的家庭到底该如何应对?这还没有考虑到生活成本。每个人的食品、燃料和能源价格都在上涨。如果它阻止一些孩子上学,这似乎是错误的。")可知,是校服的价格促使Land发起捐赠校服的活动。故选C。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段She set up an online group called School Uniform Swap and asked people to donate good-quality used uniforms for free.(她建立了一个名为校服交换的网络组织,呼吁人们免费捐赠高质量的二手校服。)可知,旧制服质量很好。故选A。
解析:推理判断题。根据第二段Land sorts through it, keeps it and posts details about donations on her group. Recipients can come and collect at their leisure. She even drops clothes at the homes of people without cars.(Land对这些信息进行分类保存,并在她的群里发布捐赠的详细信息。受助者可以在空闲时来领取。她甚至把衣服丢到没有车的人家里。)以及最后一段最后一句Her determination to ensure children can access the uniforms they deserve grows ever stronger.(她确保孩子们能得到他们应得的校服的决心越来越坚定。)可推知,Land有责任心且坚定。故选D。
解析:标题概括题。阅读全文,并根据第二段Therefore, Land bought a new plastic dustbin and put it outside her house, with a sign reading, "School uniform drop-off". She set up an online group called School Uniform Swap and asked people to donate good-quality used uniforms for free.(因此,Land买了一个新的塑料垃圾桶,放在屋外,上面写着"校服投放"。她建立了一个名为校服交换的网络组织,呼吁人们免费捐赠高质量的二手校服。)可知,文章主要讲述了53岁的教师Jo Land因为校服昂贵,建立起了"校服交换组织",来呼吁人们免费捐赠高质量的二手校服。由此可知,选项B"校服交换以帮助弱势群体"切合文章主题,最适合做文章标题。故选B。
解析:写作目的题。根据第一段Trees don't look at the calendar to see when spring arrives, but they seem to know when spring is here better than we do. The annual shift from winter to spring is a breath taking event to watch as leaves become green and a lush(苍翠的) environment reveals itself. Recently a research takes a look at why trees in cities are turning green earlier than expected.(树木不看日历看春天什么时候来,但它们似乎比我们更清楚春天什么时候来。每年冬去春来,看着树叶变绿,郁郁葱葱的环境展现出来,这是一件令人惊叹的事情。最近的一项研究着眼于为什么城市中的树木比预期的更早变绿)结合文章主要说明了最近的一项研究着眼于为什么城市中的树木比预期的更早变绿,解释了研究开展的过程,以及说明了城市中的树木更早变绿的原因。可推知,文章的目的是解释为什么城市里的树变绿得早。故选C。
解析:推理判断题。根据第二段By comparing spring green-ups in the 85 largest US cities, scientists found that on average trees start to turn green nine days earlier in cities due to the combined effect of artificial lights and urban heat effect.(通过比较美国85个最大城市的春季绿化情况,科学家发现,由于人工照明和城市热效应的共同作用,城市树木平均提前9天开始变绿)可知,科学家们通过比较样本城市的绿化时间进行研究。故选D。
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段According to the findings, one of the reasons is the artificial light. City lights brightening the night skies, billboard signs lit up on roadways and car headlights all contribute to shifting the regular day to night cycle that plants and trees rely on.(根据研究结果,其中一个原因是人造光。城市的灯光照亮了夜空,道路上的广告牌和汽车的前灯都有助于改变植物和树木所依赖的正常的昼夜循环)可知,路灯导致树木提早变绿。故选A。
解析:词句猜测题。根据最后一段With a longer growing season, trees would be able to absorb more carbon dioxide(随着生长季节的延长,树木将能够吸收更多的二氧化碳)以及划线词上文Hopefully they'd have a longer period to do the cooling effect that can help和后文the urban heating effect in cities(城市温室效应)可知,随着生长季节的延长,树木将能够吸收更多的二氧化碳,所以它们能有更长的时间来产生冷却效果,这有助于缓解城市的温室效应。故划线词意思是"缓解"。A.Deepen.加深;B.Develop.发展;C.Relieve.缓解;D.Realize.实现。故选C。
解析:推理判断题。根据第二段Some psychologists warn(一些心理学家警告)和Psychologist Stephanie Coontz argues that nostalgia distracts us from addressing the problems of modern life and contributes to anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, etc.(心理学家Stephanie Coontz认为,怀旧会分散我们解决现代生活问题的注意力,并导致焦虑、抑郁、失眠等)可推知,心理学家对怀旧持消极的观点,认为怀旧可能让人情绪低落。故选A。
解析:段落大意题。根据第三段首句But new studies suggest that a modest amount of nostalgia is not only harmless, but actually beneficial.(但新的研究表明,适度的怀旧不仅无害,而且实际上有益)可知,首句为本段的主题句,即怀旧有好处。再根据接下来的内容可知,本段主要讨论的是怀旧的益处。故选B。
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段Let's not forget that nostalgia has been a source of inspiration to countless American writers.(我们不要忘记,怀旧一直是无数美国作家的灵感来源)并结合接下来提到的Mark Twain的例子可推知,提到Mark Twain是为了证明前面的观点,即他从怀旧中为自己的作品吸取灵感。故选D。
解析:观点态度题。根据文章最后一段As Dr. Sedikides says, "Nostalgia is absolutely central to human experience." But at the same time, keep these words of wisdom from the great inventor Charles Kettering in mind as well: "You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time."(正如Sedikides博士所说, "怀旧是人类体验的核心。"但与此同时,也要记住伟大发明家Charles Kettering的这些智慧之言: "如果你一直在想昨天,你的明天就再好不过了。")可知,在针对怀旧的讨论上,作者引用其他人和研究的观点,并没有从个人角度发表意见。由此推知,作者的态度是客观的。A.Critical.批判的;B.Doubtful.怀疑的;C.Objective.客观的;D.Indifferent.漠不关心的。故选C。
解析:①推理判断题。根据前后文But most have at least a high school diploma, or often a college degree in literature or a related field(但大多数人至少有高中文凭,或者通常有文学或相关领域的大学学位),可知表示"成为书评人没有特定的教育要求"的选项G可以和后文构成转折关系,介绍书评人没的教育背景,故选G。
②推理判断题。根据前文And remember book reviews are a little different from book critics(记住,书评与书籍批评有点不同),可知表示"与书籍批评家相比,书评人传统上不那么正式"的选项F可以承接上文,介绍书评与书籍批评的不同,故选F。
③推理判断题。根据前文Most book reviewers focus on one specific type(大多数书评人都专注于一种特定的类型),可知表示"它可以是历史小说,也可以是其他任何东西"的选项B可以承接上文,介绍书评人专注的类型,故选B。
④主题判断题。根据后文Even if the reviews are never published, it's important to have samples. Most editors won't hire a reviewer without any sample pieces. It may be easier to start writing for a university newspaper while still in college, or for a local newspaper. Another option is to write reviews and post them on a blog. Thus, you prepare yourself for becoming a book reviewer(即使评论从未发表过,也要有样本。大多数编辑不会在没有样本的情况下雇佣书评人。在大学期间开始为大学报纸或当地报纸写作可能更容易。另一种选择是写评论并将其发布在博客上。因此,你要为成为书评人做好准备),可知表示"如果不写一些评论,就不可能成为一名评论家"的选项E可以作为本段的主题,强调写一些评论的重要性,故选E。
⑤推理判断题。根据后文In exchange, they will receive free books to review, sometimes ahead of their publication dates(作为交换,他们将获得免费的书籍,有时会在出版日期之前),可知表示"有些人只是在自愿的基础上写书评"的选项C可以引出后文,介绍自愿写书评的情况,故选C。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.equipped装备;B.guided指导;C.linked连接;D.filled填满。根据上文"Budha Magar, who lost both of his legs"可知,他没有了双腿,所以要装上特殊的腿。故选A。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.legs腿;B.hands手;C.imagination想象力;D.ambition雄心。根据上文"crawling up"可知,他用手爬上珠穆朗玛峰。故选B。
解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.confident自信的;B.curious好奇的;C.fortunate幸运的;D.content满足的。根据下文"because of his superior upper body strength"可知,因为他的上肢力量更强,所以他相信自己在爬梯子的时候会比一般人快,空格处意为"自信的"。故选A。
解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.rarely很少;B.slightly稍微;C.casually随意地;D.significantly显著地。根据上文"Indeed, moving up without knees"和常识可知,没有膝盖向上移动是非常困难的,空格处用significantly表程度深。故选D。
解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.curious好奇的;B.polite有礼貌的;C.patient耐心的;D.optimistic乐观的。根据下文he jokes about the 6 of living without legs like "no smelly socks"可知,Magar很乐观。故选D。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.rights权利;B.comfort安慰;C.advantages优点,好处;D.freedom自由。根据下文"no smelly socks"可知,他开玩笑说没有腿的生活有很多好处。故选C。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.fear害怕;B.views看法;C.concerns担忧;D.sympathy同情。根据下文"Even now, disabled people are viewed as the burden of the earth"可知,他想改变人们对残疾的看法。故选B。
解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.awkward尴尬的;B.ashamed惭愧的;C.depressed沮丧的;D.exhausted筋疲力尽的。根据上文"suddenly legless"和下文"drinking too much"可知,突然失去了双腿,他很沮丧。故选C。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.chance机会;B.message信息;C.direction方向;D.ability能力。根据下文"to go skydiving"可知,一家慈善机构给了他去跳伞的机会。故选A。
解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A.escaped from从……逃跑;B.headed off阻止;C.moved around走来走去;D.landed on降落于。根据下文"the ground I realised without legs I can do many things"可知,当他降落在地面上时,他意识到没有腿他可以做很多事情。故选D。
解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.powerful强大的;B.dangerous危险的;C.confusing令人困惑的;D.strange奇怪的。根据上文"He realised that it was his mind as much as his body holding him back"可知,思想可以阻止他所以此处表示"我不知道思想有多么强大"。故选A。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.recover恢复;B.follow跟随;C.relax放松;D.relieve减轻。根据上文"how 11 the mind is. If we set our minds, our body will"可知,思想是强大的,如果我们下定决心,我们的身体就会跟随。故选B。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.faded逐渐消失;B.wandered漫游;C.resurfaced重新浮现;D.changed改变。根据上文"a childhood dream"可知,此处表示"儿时攀登珠穆朗玛峰的梦想重新浮现"。故选C。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.simplifed简化;B.guaranteed保证;C.clarified澄清;D.recorded记录。根据上文"Success on the world's highest mountain can never be"和常识可知,在世界最高峰上的成功永远无法保证。故选B。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.courage勇气;B.respect尊敬;C.limits极限;D.dreams梦想。根据第一段的"Budha Magar, who lost both of his legs, hopes to become the first double above-the knee amputee(截肢者) to climb Qomolangma"可知,他想成为第一个登上珠穆朗玛峰的截肢者,可见他觉得没有腿,就没有极限。故选C。
32、答案:①lies②construction③anxious④be forced⑤considering⑥actually⑦who⑧to assist⑨an⑩in
④考查被动语态。主语you和动词force之间是被动关系,故此处应用被动语态,would后接动词原形,故填be forced。
⑦考查非限制性定语从句。句意:担任首席设计师的Liu Bangjun表示,为了让人们更方便地通过立交桥,有必要设置许多坡道。分析句子可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是Liu Bangjun,指人,关系词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词who。故填who。
⑧考查动词不定式。句意:由于立交桥连接了许多道路,设计师考虑到人为失误,增加了额外的坡道,以帮助司机更快地转弯。结合句意可知,此处表示目的,应用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to assist。
Dear Charles,
Learning you are interested in Chinese novels, I'm glad to share with you one of my favorites. Ordinary World, written by the late Chinese author Lu Yao, won the Mao Dun Literature Prize, one of the most influential literary awards in China.
The novel focuses mostly on young people from his hometown Shaanbei striving to change their lives, a theme that has resonated(产生共鸣) with Chinese ever since. Not only will you learn about everyday hardships at that time, but also you will be uplifted by an ultimate optimism to challenge and rise above whatever trials we face in life. "Work hard and be kind, and someday you will be there," says the novel.
I strongly recommend you to read the book and exchange your ideas with me.
Suddenly a white envelope on the inside of the lid caught my attention. It must have stuck to the lid by accident. But then I noticed that the envelope was actually taped to the inside of the lid, and someone had written the word "Congratulations!" on the front of the envelope, too. I lifted the flap on the envelope and pulled out a folded piece of paper, "To the one who deserves to go," the paper read, and inside of it was a ticket to the basketball game! I can't believe it!—I'm the one that gets to go!
That evening turned out to be as special as I'd imagined. Two seats at center court, and a dad and his daughter cheering their team to victory. The game was so competitive and I was so much engaged in the game that I had no time to feel sorry for my two bothers. But I knew that it would be a long-remembered lesson in responsibility from a dad who let his kids make their own choices and earn their own rewards.
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这是一份山东省德州市2022-2023学年高二英语下学期4月期中试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了 4等内容,欢迎下载使用。