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    Wildlife Crssing Bridges
    The Wildlife Bridge
    In 2018, Utah built a wildlife bridge ver the busy highway 1-80. A 4.8-kilmeter fence was created t help guide animals t the bridge. Nrmally, animals take a lng time t discver and begin using wildlife bridges, s experts didn’t expect the bridge t get much traffic fr several years. But recently, they’ve discvered many different kinds f animals are beginning t mve by using the bridge.
    The Rpe Bridge
    On China’s Hainan Island in 2015, scientists created a bridge fr Hainan gibbns that are the wrld’s mst endangered primates and nrmally crss the frest by swinging high in the trees. But after a 2014 typhn, landslides caused huge gaps in the frest, which were frcing the gibbns t make dangerus jumps. Scientists created a simple and cheap rpe bridge, which settled the prblem.
    The Ec-Bridge
    In Uttarakhand state in India, the frest department has built a special "ec-bridge" , made frm all-natural materials. It’s 27.5 meters lng and runs ver ne f the busiest highways in the area. Thugh the bridge is high in the trees, frest department wrkers hpe the bridge will help smaller animals n the grund, t. Already, the bridge has gtten a lt f attentin n the Internet, with many peple taking phts in frnt f it every day.
    The Park Bridge
    The Phil Hardberger Park lies in San Antni, Texas, and recently it has pened what they say is the largest wildlife bridge in the US. This bridge, unlike the thers mentined here, was built fr use by bth animals and humans. The park says they have already seen deer using the bridge.
    1.What has made experts feel unexpected abut the Wildlife Bridge?
    A.It’s been cmpleted within 2 years.B.It’s being used by animals already.
    C.It’s becme an Internet-famus site.D.It’s America’s biggest wildlife bridge.
    2.Which bridges run ver highways?
    A.The Wildlife Bridge and the Ec-Bridge.B.The Wildlife Bridge and the Rpe Bridge.
    C.The Ec-Bridge and the Park Bridge.D.The Rpe Bridge and the Park Bridge.
    3.What is the cmmn purpse in building the fur bridges?
    A.T attract mre turists.B.T reduce traffic accidents.
    C.T save endangered animals.D.T create wildlife passageways.
    Kathy Sullivan and an underwater explrer named Victr Vescv dived 10,915 meters belw the surface f the Pacific Ocean in a submarine(潜艇), making the 68-year-ld ex-astrnaut the first wman ever t reach that depth and Vescv the nly persn t have dived t the place three times. Dr. Sullivan was amng the first wmen t jin NASA as an astrnaut. In 1984,she tk part in a 3.5 hur spacewalk and became the first American wman t take part in activities in space utside f a spacecraft. But she has als intended t cntribute smething t the cean. After she left NASA in 1993, she began wrking fr NOAA (Natinal Oceanic and Atmspheric Administratin) as its chief scientist.
    The gal f the submarine dive was the Mariana Trench, the deepest valley in the cean flr. And its deepest part, als the deepest pint n Earth is knwn as Challenger Deep that is nearly 11 kilmeters belw the surface f the cean.
    At present, there’s nly ne submarine called Limiting Factr in the wrld that can take tw peple dwn that far. It was built fr Vescv. Last year, Vescv used it t map the deepest pints in all five f the wrld’s ceans. He is the first persn t have dne this. Because it’s s hard t get dwn t Challenger Deep, befre Dr. Sullivan, nly seven peple had ever reached it. This time, the tw spent abut an hur and a half at the bttm, taking pictures f the area t be used fr Sullivan’s studies. The time is required t adjust t the changing pressure frm the weight f the water abve, and it tk fur hurs fr the submarine t cme back t the surface. After that, they made a phne call t the Internatinal Space Statin (ISS) t cmpare ideas with the astrnauts abut what was similar between their experiences. Fr Dr. Sullivan, this experience was a “nce-in-a-lifetime day”.
    4.Hw many times had Vescv dived t Challenger Deep befre Sullivan?
    5.Which f the fllwing can best describe Sullivan?
    6.Why did it take Sullivan and Vescv 4 hurs t return t the surface?
    A.They mapped the deepest pints.
    B.They tk pictures in the submarine.
    C.They phned the ISS t exchange ideas.
    D.They had t deal with the water pressure.
    7.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Fr the Deepest Ocean DiveB.The Deepest Pint n Earth
    C.Frm Space t the Ocean DeepD.A Once-in-a-lifetime Day
    A great amunt f dark, sticky tar (焦油) was reprted alng Israel’s cast last week. An ffshre il tanker is believed t have leaked ut.
    The flating il can frm tar balls as it is pushed by wind and waves n the cean’s surface. After a vilent strm, the tar balls were seen ashre. Israel has abut 190 kilmeters f beaches. The tar has already had a big effect n the lcal wildlife. Vlunteers were wrking quickly t rescue sea birds, turtles, and fish. Sme animals were cvered in il r tar. Others had swallwed it. The bdy f a yung whale was fund washed up n shre. The whale appeared t have died after swallwing a black ily liquid.
    The gvernment has asked peple t avid ging t the beach, since tar expsure can make peple sick and d harm t the skin. A number f vlunteers had t be taken t the hspital after breathing in the air plluted by chemicals frm the tar.
    Experts frm Israel and Eurpe are still trying t figure ut exactly what happened. The leak is believed t have taken place abut a week ag, when there were strng strms in the area. Israel believed that a ship leaked tens r even hundreds f tns f il in the Mediterranean. Experts are wrking tgether t review satellite images (图像) f ships that passed thrugh the area, and they have a list f abut 10 ships that are the mst likely nes t leak ut.
    The Israel Nature and Parks Authrity warned that the “cnsequences will be seen fr years t cme.” Israeli envirnmental minister Gila Gamliel said n Saturday that there is n mre flating il visible ff Israel’s cast, “which is a very animative cnditin.” Hwever, the ministry warned that large waves are frecast this week. The waves culd carry the sticky tar frm beach t beach, which culd make cleanup effrts mre difficult.
    8.What brught the tar balls t the shre?
    A.An il ship.B.The sea animals.
    C.A strng strm.D.The flating il.
    9.What can be learnt abut the il tanker leak?
    A.When it tk place hasn’t been sure.B.Israel has fund ut the cause f it.
    C.Wh’s respnsible fr it is unclear.D.Vlunteers have tried hard t stp it.
    10.What des the underlined wrd “animative” in the last paragraph mean?
    11.In which sectin f a newspaper is this text mst likely t appear?
    The rainfrests f eastern Australia are hme t a stinging (刺人的) tree knwn as Dendrcnide. Many peple call it the gympie-gympie tree — a name given t the tree by indigenus Australians. Thugh it lks like the leaves, it’s actually cvered with sharp, needle-like hairs that carry pisn. If yu brush up against a gympie-gympie tree, yu wn’t frget the pain anytime sn. Scientists ding research n it at the University f Queensland have lng studied the surce f this pwerful sting, lking fr a neurtxin — a pisn that affects human bdies.
    After carefully studying different kinds f gympie-gympie trees, the scientists were able t separate ut different chemicals that the trees prduce. This allwed them t identify a grup f chemicals that they believed was respnsible fr the pain. The researchers created the man-made versins f them, which they call “gympietides”. Sure enugh, when the scientists injected (注射) mice with gympietides, the mice bit gently the places where they’d been injected — indicating that they hurt in thse places.
    When the scientists studied the way gympietides were built, they fund that they frmed a knt-like shape. The shape makes the chemical very stable, which helps explain hw the pain lasts s lng. The knt-like shape f the gympietides was similar t the shape f pisns prduced by pisnus spiders and cne snails (锥形蜗牛). The scientists fund ut the final fact that three very different kinds f life all use similar pisns, which was beynd their imaginatin.
    Thugh its sting may stp sme animals frm eating it, it desn’t stp all animals. Beetles and small relatives f the kangar called pademelns are able t eat the plant withut truble.
    12.What’s the purpse f the research n the sting trees?
    A.T stp them hurting peple.B.T identify the types f them.
    C.T explain why they sting.D.T find ut their pisns.
    13.What d we knw abut gympietides?
    A.They are made in the lab artificially.
    B.They are taken frm the sting trees.
    C.They are ften used t treat the mice.
    D.They are pisns frm ther animals.
    14.Hw did the researchers feel abut their final finding?
    A.It was unsatisfying.B.It was nrmal.
    C.It was dubtful.D.It was unexpected.
    15.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.Trees giving ff pisn.B.Sting trees’ secret.
    C.Pisn and pain f trees.D.Trees’ pwerful stings.
    Peple ften seem easy t pick up infectins and catch clds wherever they g. But a little preventin can g a lng way fr kids and adults. Just fllw these tips:
    ____16____ T really send bacteria away, a quick wash wn’t cut it. Take yur time lathering(涂肥皂泡沫)up, and pay extra attentin t the backs f yur hands, between yur fingers, and under yur nails.____17____ Teach yur kids (and yurself) t sing at the sink: When yu’ve finished tw runds f “Happy Birthday”, it’s time t wash.
    G t bed early. Research has shwn that nt getting enugh sleep can make yu mre likely t get sick when yu pick up cld viruses. ____18____ Adults shuld aim fr at least 7 hurs a night, while schl-age kids need 10 r mre.
    Get a flu sht. Everyne in yur family wh is lder than 6 mnths shuld get ne each year. What abut babies? They’re t yung t get flu shts, but they can have serius prblems if they get the flu.____19____
    Eat a rainbw. Balanced, healthy meals with plenty f fruits and vegetables can help keep everyne’s immune(免疫)system in tp frm. Lk fr fds rich in vitamin A (sweet ptates, carrts), vitamin C (fruits), and vitamin E (sunflwer seeds). Lean prtein (seafd, eggs, beans) can als help bst yur bdy, defenses. What abut thse s-called health prducts that claim t bst yur immunity with big dses f vitamins?____20____ A healthy diet is mre reliable fuel fr yur immune system.
    A.Nt sure if yu’ve washed enugh?
    B.Imprve yur hand-washing technique.
    C.Make sure yu have enugh saps fr daily use.
    D.And the less rest yu get, the greater yur chances.
    E.Much guesswrk happens when yur child has a cld r the flu.
    F.Science has shwn that they will nt stp yu frm getting a cld.
    G.S bviusly, it is extra imprtant fr their caregivers t get flu shts instead.
    It was 2 ’clck in the mrning. A rich man still lay awake n his bed, s he went ut and kept ____21____ the huse but was still feeling unrest.____22____, he drve his car and went ut n streets f the city ____23____.
    On the way, he saw an ld temple and thught, “If I g t the temple and sit there and ____24____, maybe then I will find sme ____25____.”
    When the rich man went ____26____ the temple, he saw a persn was already ____27____ n the flr. He was lking very ____28____.
    The rich man asked him, “Brther, why are yu here at such a time? What’s wrng? Why are yu sad?”
    The man replied, “My wife is in hspital. If she isn’t ____29____ sn, she wn’t be able t _____30_____ and die. I have n mney fr the peratin. I really feel _____31_____ fr this.”
    Hearing this, the rich man put his _____32_____ in the pcket and gave all the mney he had in his pcket t that man. The man sighed with _____33_____.
    After giving the mney, the rich man tk ut his card, saying “It has my phne number and _____34_____, if yu need anything else, feel _____35_____ t get in tuch with me.”
    The man _____36_____ the card and said, “The card is nt _____37_____. Thank yu fr yur cnsideratin. With the _____38_____ and yur encuragement, I’ll find the way ut f _____39_____ times.” The rich man suddenly felt a sense f inner peace. He went hme and had a _____40_____ sleep.
    21.A.searching frB.escaping frmC.breaking intD.walking arund
    29.A.run intB.lked afterC.sent frD.perated n
    Mst f us dn’t really take much ntice f car license plates. Maybe we shuld lk at them mre frm nw n because they may be ____41____(value). One license plate sld fr nearly $15millin in Dubai, UAE____42____the evening f April 8, 2023. It is the ____43____ (wrld) mst expensive plate. The plate had the letter and number P7 n it. The previus ____44____ (high) price was als set in the UAE. That was in 2008,____45____ smene paid $14.3 millin fr a license plate with the number “ne” n it. It is nt knwn wh brke the recrd earlier this week. Hwever, lcals say ____46____ might be difficult fr the persn’s identity t remain a secret. The sale is big news in Dubai, s many drivers will be aware f the P7 plate.
    The mney frm the recrd-breaking license plate will help pr peple wrldwide. The cash will g t an rganizatin ____47____(call) One Billin Meals Endwment, which ____48____ (set) up by Dubai’s ruler Sheikh Mhammed bin Rashid in 2022. It brings fd t hungry peple all arund the wrld. The auctin (拍卖) huse said it was happy with the sale. A spkespersn frm Emirates Auctin said, “We are prud ____49____ (annunce) that the charity (慈善) auctin has set a new wrld recrd. We are thrilled that the mney will g _____50_____ (full) twards supprting the pr.”
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Last summer, I went t Djerba, Tunisia. It was true ne f the mst attractive destinatin I had ever visited. I must admit that I have never seen such a beautiful castline befre. I spent mst f my days walking n the beach but enjying the sun and the peaceful sund f the waves. On my fur day there, I tk a tur and visited sme lcal attractins, included the El Ghriba Synaggue. And that was unfrgettable experience. Overall, I felt s lucky t be there because f everything was gd than I culd ever imagine. I’m lking frward t explre mre f this beautiful cuntry next time.
    1. 感谢;
    2. 收获;
    3. 愿望。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    1.B 2.A 3.D
    1.细节理解题。根据The Wildlife Bridge部分中“Nrmally, animals take a lng time t discver and begin using wildlife bridges, s experts didn’t expect the bridge t get much traffic fr several years. But recently, they’ve discvered many different kinds f animals are beginning t mve by using the bridge.(通常情况下,动物需要很长时间才能发现并开始使用野生动物桥,所以专家们预计这座桥在几年内不会有太多交通流量。但最近,他们发现许多不同种类的动物开始利用这座桥来移动)”可知,专家们对野生动物桥已经被动物使用感到意外。故选B。
    2.细节理解题。根据The Wildlife Bridge部分中“In 2018, Utah built a wildlife bridge ver the busy highway 1-80.(2018年,犹他州在繁忙的1-80号高速公路上修建了一座野生动物桥)”以及The Ec-Bridge部分中“It’s 27.5 meters lng and runs ver ne f the busiest highways in the area.(它长27.5米,横跨该地区最繁忙的高速公路之一)”可知,野生动物桥和生态桥横跨高速公路。故选A。
    3.细节理解题。根据The Wildlife Bridge部分中“A 4.8-kilmeter fence was created t help guide animals t the bridge.(一道4.8公里长的围栏被用来引导动物们到桥上)”;The Rpe Bridge部分中“But after a 2014 typhn, landslides caused huge gaps in the frest, which were frcing the gibbns t make dangerus jumps. Scientists created a simple and cheap rpe bridge, which settled the prblem.(但2014年的台风过后,山体滑坡在森林中造成巨大缺口,迫使长臂猿做出危险的跳跃。科学家们发明了一种简单廉价的吊桥,解决了这个问题)”;The Ec-Bridge部分中“Thugh the bridge is high in the trees, frest department wrkers hpe the bridge will help smaller animals n the grund, t. (尽管这座桥位于高高的树上,森林部门的工作人员希望这座桥也能帮助地面上的小动物)”以及The Park Bridge部分中“This bridge, unlike the thers mentined here, was built fr use by bth animals and humans. The park says they have already seen deer using the bridge.(这座桥不同于这里提到的其他桥,它既是供动物使用的,也是供人使用的。公园表示,他们已经看到鹿在桥上行走)”可知,建造这四座桥的共同目的是创建野生动物通道。故选D。
    4.B 5.A 6.D 7.C
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了美国第一位在太空行走的女航天员 凯西·沙利文又在她的成功清单上增加一个“第一”——她与另一位水下探险者维斯科沃 潜水近11公里到达了世界上海洋最深的地方: Challenger Deep 。
    4.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Kathy Sullivan and an underwater explrer named Victr Vescv dived 10,915 meters belw the surface f the Pacific Ocean in a submarine(潜艇), making the 68-year-ld ex-astrnaut the first wman ever t reach that depth and Vescv the nly persn t have dived t the place three times.”(凯西·沙利文和一位名叫维克多·维斯科沃的水下探险家乘坐一艘潜艇潜入了太平洋表面下10915米的地方,这位68岁的前宇航员成为了第一位到达这个深度的女性,而维斯科沃是唯一一个三次潜入这个地方的人。)可知,维斯科沃在沙利文之前潜入过挑战者深渊两次。故选B项。
    5.推理判断题。根据第三段中“Because it’s s hard t get dwn t Challenger Deep, befre Dr. Sullivan, nly seven peple had ever reached it. This time, the tw spent abut an hur and a half at the bttm, taking pictures f the area t be used fr Sullivan’s studies. The time is required t adjust t the changing pressure frm the weight f the water abve, and it tk fur hurs fr the submarine t cme back t the surface. After that, they made a phne call t the Internatinal Space Statin (ISS) t cmpare ideas with the astrnauts abut what was similar between their experiences. Fr Dr. Sullivan, this experience was a “nce-in-a-lifetime day”.”(因为很难下到挑战者深渊,在沙利文博士之前,只有七个人到达过那里。这一次,两人在海底待了大约一个半小时,拍摄了沙利文研究用的区域。这需要时间来适应上方水的重量所带来的压力变化,潜艇花了四个小时才回到水面。之后,他们给国际空间站(ISS)打了一个电话,与宇航员比较他们的经历之间的相似之处。对沙利文博士来说,这是“一生只有一次的一天”。)可推知,最能描述沙利文的精神品质是雄心勃勃的。故选A项。
    6.细节理解题。根据第三段中“The time is required t adjust t the changing pressure frm the weight f the water abve, and it tk fur hurs fr the submarine t cme back t the surface.”(这需要时间来适应上方水的重量所带来的压力变化,潜艇花了四个小时才回到水面。)可知,沙利文和维斯科沃花了四个小时才回到地面是因为他们必须应对水压。故选D 项。
    7.主旨大意题。根据文章大意以及第一段中“Dr. Sullivan was amng the first wmen t jin NASA as an astrnaut. In 1984,she tk part in a 3.5 hur spacewalk and became the first American wman t take part in activities in space utside f a spacecraft. But she has als intended t cntribute smething t the cean. After she left NASA in 1993, she began wrking fr NOAA (Natinal Oceanic and Atmspheric Administratin) as its chief scientist.”(沙利文博士是第一批加入美国宇航局的女性宇航员之一。1984年,她参加了一次3.5小时的太空行走,成为第一位在宇宙飞船外参加太空活动的美国女性。但她也想为海洋做点什么。1993年离开NASA后,她开始为美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)工作,担任首席科学家。)以及最后一段中“After that, they made a phne call t the Internatinal Space Statin (ISS) t cmpare ideas with the astrnauts abut what was similar between their experiences. Fr Dr. Sullivan, this experience was a “nce-in-a-lifetime day”.”(之后,他们给国际空间站(ISS)打了一个电话,与宇航员比较他们的经历之间的相似之处。对沙利文博士来说,这是“一生只有一次的一天”。)可知,本文主要谈到了:沙利文博士在航天领域做出了贡献,退役后,又为 NOAA 工作,并潜水到世界上海洋最深的地方做科研。“从太空到海洋深处”最能概括她的经历。故选C项。
    8.C 9.C 10.D 11.B
    8.细节理解题。根据第二段“The flating il can frm tar balls as it is pushed by wind and waves n the cean’s surface. After a vilent strm, the tar balls were seen ashre.( 漂浮的石油在海面上被风和波浪推动时会形成焦油球。在一场猛烈的风暴之后,人们看到焦油球在岸上)”可知,焦油球是被风暴冲到了岸上,故选C项。
    9.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“Experts are wrking tgether t review satellite images(图像)f ships that passed thrugh the area, and they have a list f abut 10 ships that are the mst likely nes t leak ut.( 专家们正在共同审查通过该地区的船只的卫星图像,他们列出了大约10艘最有可能泄漏的船只)”可知,大约10艘最有可能造成泄漏事故,可推理出事故船只是哪一个还并不清楚,故选C项。
    10.词句猜测题。根据最后一段划线词上文“there is n mre flating il visible ff Israel’s cast(以色列海岸外已经看不到漂浮的石油)”可知,被污染的以色列海岸已经将漂浮的石油清理完,可推理出这是一个令人振奋人心的好消息,故选D项。
    11.推理判断题。根据第一段“A great amunt f dark, sticky tar(焦油)was reprted alng Israel’s cast last week. An ffshre il tanker is believed t have leaked ut.( 据报道,上周以色列海岸出现了大量深色粘稠的焦油。据信,一艘海上油轮已经泄漏)”、第二段“The flating il can frm tar balls as it is pushed by wind and waves n the cean’s surface. After a vilent strm, the tar balls were seen ashre.( 漂浮的石油在海面上被风和波浪推动时会形成焦油球。在一场猛烈的风暴之后,人们看到焦油球在岸上)”以及最后一段“The Israel Nature and Parks Authrity warned that the “cnsequences will be seen fr years t cme(以色列自然和公园管理局警告说,“后果将在未来几年内显现”)”可知本文在第一段提出了油轮泄露这一话题,后续段落讲的是石油泄漏对环境的影响,所以本文很有可能在报纸的环境专栏看到,故选B项。
    12.D 13.A 14.D 15.B
    12.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Scientists ding research n it at the University f Queensland have lng studied the surce f this pwerful sting, lking fr a neurtxin — a pisn that affects human bdies.(昆士兰大学的科学家们长期以来一直在研究这种强烈刺痛的来源,寻找一种神经毒素——一种影响人体的毒素)”和第三段中“The knt-like shape f the gympietides was similar t the shape f pisns prduced by pisnus spiders and cne snails (锥形蜗牛).(金皮肽结状的形态与毒蜘蛛和锥形蜗牛产生的毒素的形态相似)”可知,科学家研究刺人树的目的是找到树的毒素,故选D。
    13.细节理解题。根据第二段中“The researchers created the man-made versins f them, which they call ‘gympietides’.(研究人员创造了它们的人造版本,他们称之为‘gympietides’)”可知,gympietides是在实验室人为创造出来的,故选A。
    14.推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“The scientists fund ut the final fact that three very different kinds f life all use similar pisns, which was beynd their imaginatin.(科学家们发现了最后一个事实,三种截然不同的生命都使用类似的毒药,这超出了他们的想象)”可知,最后的结果令研究人员感到出乎意料。故选D。
    15.主旨大意题。根据全文内容,结合第一段中“Scientists ding research n it at the University f Queensland have lng studied the surce f this pwerful sting, lking fr a neurtxin — a pisn that affects human bdies.(昆士兰大学的科学家们长期以来一直在研究这种强烈刺痛的来源,寻找一种神经毒素——一种影响人体的毒素)”可知,本文是关于刺人树释放的毒素以及关于它的研究,B项“刺人树的秘密”能够总结文章大意,故选B。
    16.B 17.A 18.D 19.G 20.F
    16.由该题为段落小标题可知,为总结该段内容。该段下文“T really send bacteria away, a quick wash wn’t cut it. Take yur time lathering(涂肥皂泡沫)up, and pay extra attentin t the backs f yur hands, between yur fingers, and under yur nails.”(要想真正赶走细菌,快速清洗是行不通的。慢慢地往身上抹泡沫,要特别注意手背、指缝和指甲下面。)可知,主要讲的是洗手的具体步骤。结合选项B项Imprve yur hand-washing technique.(提高你的洗手技巧。)意思一致,为总结该段内容。故选B项。
    17.根据下文“Teach yur kids (and yurself) t sing at the sink: When yu’ve finished tw runds f “Happy Birthday”, it’s time t wash.”(教你的孩子(和你自己)在水池边唱歌:当你唱完两轮“生日快乐”时,是时候洗好了。)可知,讲的是洗完手的具体时间。结合选项A项Nt sure if yu’ve washed enugh?(不确定你是否洗够了?)上下文意思一致,都是讲的洗手的相关事情,下文是对空格处内容的具体解释和说明,上下文语意连贯。故选A项。
    18.上文“Research has shwn that nt getting enugh sleep can make yu mre likely t get sick when yu pick up cld viruses.”(研究表明,睡眠不足会让你在感染感冒病毒时更容易生病。)说明睡眠不足会让你更容易生病。下文“Adults shuld aim fr at least 7 hurs a night, while schl-age kids need 10 r mre.”(成年人应该每晚至少睡7个小时,而学龄儿童需要10个或更多。)提出需要的睡眠时间。结合选项D项And the less rest yu get, the greater yur chances.(休息得越少,你的生病几率就越大。)可知,为对上文内容的语意递进,同时引起下文,起到上下文的承上启下作用,上下文语意连贯。故选D项。
    19.由该空格处位于该段句尾可知,为总结该段内容或与上文内容相关。该段上文“Everyne in yur family wh is lder than 6 mnths shuld get ne each year. What abut babies? They’re t yung t get flu shts, but they can have serius prblems if they get the flu.”(家里6个月以上的人都应该每年送一次。那婴儿呢?他们还太小,不能注射流感疫苗,但如果他们得了流感,就会有严重的问题。)可知,主要讲的是注射流感疫苗。结合选项G项S bviusly, it is extra imprtant fr their caregivers t get flu shts instead.(所以很明显,对他们的照顾者来说,接种流感疫苗是非常重要的。)可知,与上文内容相关,都是讲的接种流感疫苗的事情,为上文内容的总结。故选G项。
    20.上文“What abut thse s-called health prducts that claim t bst yur immunity with big dses f vitamins?”(那些声称含有大剂量维生素可以提高免疫力的所谓保健品呢?)下文“A healthy diet is mre reliable fuel fr yur immune system.”(健康的饮食是免疫系统更可靠的燃料。)结合选项F项Science has shwn that they will nt stp yu frm getting a cld.(科学表明,它们并不能阻止你得感冒。)可知,起到上下文的承上启下作用,该句中的they指的就是上文提到的大剂量维生素,上下文语意连贯。故选F项。
    21.D 22.B 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.C 27.D 28.A 29.D 30.B 31.C 32.B 33.A 34.C 35.D 36.C 37.A 38.D 39.B 40.A
    21.考查动词短语辨析。句意:一个富人仍然醒着躺在床上,所以他出去在房子里走来走去,但仍然感到不安。A. searching fr寻找;B. escaping frm逃避;C. breaking int闯入;D. walking arund绕……而走。根据上文“It was 2 ’clck in the mrning. A rich man still lay awake n his bed, s he went ut”可知一个富人凌晨两点还没有睡着觉,所以应该是出去绕着房子走来走去,故选D。
    22.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他睡不着觉,开着车,随意地走在城市的街道上。A. Amazed惊讶的;B. Sleepless不眠的;C. Curius好奇的;D. Ashamed羞愧的。根据上文可知这个人凌晨2点睡不着觉,绕房子转来转去,仍然没有好转,因此此处为睡不着,便开车出去了,故选B。
    23.考查副词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. cautiusly谨慎地;B. breathlessly屏息地;C. randmly随便地;D. tirelessly不倦地。根据上文“ 2 , he drve his car and went ut n streets f the city”可知睡不着觉,半夜开车出去应该是随便地走,没有目的性,故选C。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在路上,他看到一座古庙,心想:“如果我到庙里去,坐在那里祈祷,也许我就会得到一些安宁。”A. sleep睡觉;B. pray祈祷;C. dash急奔;D. calculate计算。根据上文“On the way, he saw an ld temple and thught”可知看见寺庙是要进去祈祷,故选B。
    25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. peace安宁;B. hnr荣誉;C. faith信任;D. darkness黑暗。根据前文可知,这个人睡不着觉,感到不安,所以应该去寺庙里祈祷安宁,故选A。
    26.考查介词词义辨析。句意:当富人走进寺庙时,他看到一个人已经坐在地板上了。A. near接近;B. against反对;C. inside在……里面;D. under在……下面。根据上文““If I g t the temple and sit there and 4 , maybe then I will find sme 5 .””可知富人应该是走进寺庙,故选C。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. weeping哭泣;B. relaxing放松;C. lying躺;D. sitting坐。根据上文““If I g t the temple and sit there”可知这里应该是sit的词汇复现,看见有人正坐在寺庙里,故选D。
    28.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他看起来很忧郁。A. blue忧郁的;B. wealthy富有的;C. angry生气的;D. elegant优美的。根据下文“The rich man asked him, “Brther, why are yu here at such a time? What’s wrng? Why are yu sad?””可知,那个人看起来很忧郁,故选A。
    29.考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果不尽快给她做手术,她将活不下去,甚至会死掉。A. run int偶遇;B. lked after照顾;C. sent fr召唤;D. perated n给……做手术。根据上文“My wife is in hspital”和下文“I have n mney fr the peratin.”可知这个人的妻子在医院,需要手术,故选D。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. stand站立;B. survive存活;C. wrk工作;D. appear出现。根据下文“and die”可知要是不做手术,那个人的妻子就没法活下去,就会死,故选B。
    31.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我真的很无助。A. blameless无罪的;B. fearless无畏的;C. helpless无助的;D. hmeless无家可归的。根据上文“I have n mney fr the peratin”可知这个人很无助,故选C。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:富人听了这话,把手伸进口袋,把口袋里所有的钱都给了那个人。A. head头;B. hand手;C. ft脚;D. ankle脚踝。根据下文“gave all the mney he had in his pcket t that man”可知富人是把手伸进口袋掏钱,故选B。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:那人松了口气。A. relief轻松,宽慰;B. laughter笑;C. energy能量;D. hesitatin忧郁。根据上文“Hearing this, the rich man put his 12 in the pcket and gave all the mney he had in his pcket t that man.”可知富人给了那人钱,那人就可以给他的妻子治病,所以应该是松了口气,故选A。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:给了钱后,富人拿出他的名片,说:“上面有我的电话号码和地址,如果你还需要什么,随时与我联系。”A. age年龄;B. agenda日程;C. address地址;D. summary总结。根据下文“feel 15 t get in tuch with me.”可知应是电话号码和地址,故选C。
    35.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. awesme令人敬畏的;B. desperate绝望的;C. calm镇静的;D. free自由的,免费的。根据上文“It has my phne number and 14 ,”可知是让那人随时联系他,Feel free t d,意为“随时做什么”符合语境,故选D。
    36.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那人把名片还给他说:“不需要这张名片。谢谢您的考虑。有了这笔钱和你的鼓励,我一定会度过难关的。”A. measured衡量;B. seized抓住;C. returned归还;D. held举行。根据下文“The card is nt 17 . Thank yu fr yur cnsideratin.”可知那人把名片归还给了富人,故选C。
    37.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。 A. needed需要;B. ffered提供;C. ignred忽略;D. appreciated欣赏。根据上文“The man 16 the card and said” 可知那人把名片归还给了富人,所以是不需要名片,故选A。
    38.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. fight斗争;B. dream梦想;C. success成功;D. cash现金。根据上文“Hearing this, the rich man put his 12 in the pcket and gave all the mney he had in his pcket t that man.”可知这里说的是富人给他的钱,故选D。
    39.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. cntradictry对立的;B. tugh艰难的;C. cnfidential秘密地;D. apprpriate适当的。根据前文我们知道那人的妻子得病了,急需钱手术,但是他没有钱,所以应该是他的艰难时期,故选B。
    40.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他回家睡了个好觉。A. sund酣畅的;B. vague模糊的;C. permanent永久的;D. special特殊的。根据文章开头可知那个富人感到不安所以睡不着觉以及上句“The rich man suddenly felt a sense f inner peace.”可知富人现在感觉内心平静,所以回家应该是睡了个好觉,故选A。
    41.valuable 42.n 43.wrld’s 44.highest 45.when 46.it 47.called 48.was set 49.t annunce 50.fully
    41.考查形容词。句意:也许从现在开始我们应该多关注它们,因为它们可能很有价值。根据“they may be”可知,空处需用形容词作表语,value作名词,表示“价值”,形容词valuable表示“有价值的”符合句意。故填valuable。
    43.考查名词所有格。句意:它是世界上最昂贵的牌照。根据“mst expensive plate”可知,空处需填名词所有格作定语。故填wrld’s。
    45.考查定语从句。句意:那是在2008年,有人花了1430万美元买了一个上面有数字“1”的车牌。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,从句缺状语,先行词是“ in 2008”,故用关系副词when引导。故填when。
    46.考查代词。句意:然而,当地人表示,要想让这个人的身份保密可能很难。分析句子结构可知,宾语从句缺主语,根据句意可知,其主语是动词不定式“t remain a secret”,故空处缺形式主语。故填it。
    47.考查非谓语动词。句意:这笔钱将捐给一个名为“十亿膳食基金会”的组织,该组织由迪拜统治者谢赫·穆罕默德·本·拉希德于2022年设立。分析句子结构可知,主句已有谓语动词“will g”,故空处需填非谓语动词,“rganizatin”和“call”之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。故填called。
    48.考查时态语态。句意:这笔钱将捐给一个名为“十亿膳食基金会”的组织,该组织由迪拜统治者谢赫·穆罕默德·本·拉希德于2022年设立。分析句子结构可知,which引导的非限制性定语从句缺谓语动词,时间状语是“ in 2022”故用一般过去时,“One Billin Meals Endwment”和“set up”之间是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was set。
    49.考查动词不定式。句意:我们很自豪地宣布,该慈善拍卖创下了新的世界纪录。are prud t d sth表示“为做某事感到自豪”,需用动词不定式。故填t annunce。
    50.考查副词。句意:我们很高兴这笔钱将全部用于帮助穷人。修饰谓语动词“will g”应用所给词的副词形式。故填fully。
    51.1. true→truly 2. destinatin→destinatins 3. have→had 4. but→and 5. fur→furth
    6. included→including 7. unfrgettable前面加an 8.because后删掉f 9. gd→better 10. explre→explring
    2.考查名词。句意:这是我去过的最吸引人的地方之一。根据“ne f the mst attractive”可知,后面加名词复数,表示“最……的之一”。故将destinatin改为destinatins。
    4.考查连词。句意:我大部分时间都在海滩上散步,享受着阳光和平静的海浪声。分析句意可知,“walking n the beach”和“enjying the sun and the peaceful sund f the waves”是并列关系,不是转折关系。故将but改为and。
    5.考查数词。句意:在那里的第四天,我参观了一些当地的景点,包括El Ghriba犹太教堂。根据句意可知,“在第四天,参观了一些景点”,用序数词表示。故将fur改为furth。
    6.考查非谓语动词。句意:在那里的第四天,我参观了一些当地的景点,包括El Ghriba犹太教堂。句中已有谓语动词“tk and visited”,“lcal attractins”和“include”之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。故将included改为including。
    8.考查介词。句意:总的来说,我觉得很幸运,因为一切都比我想象的好。根据“everything was gd than I culd ever imagine”可知,because引导了原因状语从句,because f后只能跟名词、短语等作宾语,不能接从句。故将because后删掉f。
    9.考查形容词。句意:总的来说,我觉得很幸运,因为一切都比我想象的好。根据“than I culd ever imagine”可知,要用形容词比较级。故将gd改为better。
    10.考查动名词。句意:我期待着下次探索这个美丽的国家。lking frward t ding sth表示“期待做某事”,用动名词作宾语。故将explre改为explring。
    52.One Pssible Versin:
    Gd evening! Dear friends, I’m very pleased t stand here n behalf f my team t address yu.
    Firstly, I’d like t express ur sincere gratitude t yu fr yur thughtful care f us. Yur kindness has left a deep and beautiful impressin n us.
    Secndly, frm the cultural exchange activities, each f us has gained a lt. We’re here t spread ur traditinal Chinese culture, such as Peking Opera, and yu’re fnd f them, which makes us extremely prud. Meanwhile, yu’ve als shwcased us yur excellent culture, which has bradened ur hrizns.
    Finally, I hpe ur friendship will last frever. I als sincerely invite yu t China and nce again experience ur excellent culture.
    Thank yu all!
    代表:n behalf f→ represent
    首先:Firstly → First f all
    喜欢:be fnd f→ be keen n
    极好的:excellent→ wnderful
    原句:I als sincerely invite yu t China and nce again experience ur excellent culture.
    拓展句:I als sincerely invite yu t China, where yu can experience ur excellent culture again.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】We’re here t spread ur traditinal Chinese culture, such as Peking Opera, and yu’re fnd f them, which makes us extremely prud.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Meanwhile, yu’ve als shwcased us yur excellent culture, which has bradened ur hrizns. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)

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