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    RMIT (墨尔本皇家理工大学) is hosting interactive events across a range of topics and disciplines. Look through our events to find one you might be interested in.

    Free bike tuning Time: 9 a.m.-12 noon, 7 June 2023

    Location: Bike Hub, Cardigan Street

    Roll up here to get a 15-minute tune for free, no booking needed.

    Expressions of interestTime: 6:45 p.m. till late, 8 June, 2023

    Location: Arts Centre, Victoria Street

    Artist and performer Rupi Kaur is set to attract Melbourne audiences with her World Tour. Because there will be high demand for this event and only 17 Student Tickets available, there is an expression-of-interest form students will have to fill out and get selected from.


    City campus walking tour Time: 9:00 a.m.-11:30 p.m., 9 June 2023

    Location: Building 10, City Campus

    Take a walk around campus. Highlights include:

    Green Star accredited buildings

    Solar panel rooftop

    Heritage and architecture

    Community clothing repair Time: 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 6 June 2023

    Location: Place Lab, St. Brunswick

    Bring along clothing in need of fixing for a mending session to launch Community clothing repair series, with the aim of building a local response towards a sustainable fashion system. Capacity for this event is limited to 18.

    Disclaimer: To give all students the opportunity to join our events, each person can only sign up for a maximum of 2 events each month. If you have signed up for more than 2 events in a given month, we will contact you via email to arrange to give your spot to another student.

    1How many students will be selected to watch the performance by Rupi Kaur at most?

    A10. B15. C17. D18.

    2What will happen if you have registered for more than 2 events in a given month?

    AYou will be given an opportunity to have a tour.

    BYou will be arranged to join in unlimited events.

    CYou will be asked to fill out an application form.

    DYou will be informed to hand over your position.

    3Which of the following starts earliest?

    AFree bike tuning. BExpressions of interest.

    CCity campus walking tour. DCommunity clothing repair.


    Many years ago, when I was in high school and working weekends to pay for the extras — like a class trip, that my family couldn’t really afford, I lost my wallet.

    One day, my old car required putting gas in the back. I paid and drove off, my wallet slipping out of my pocket. I hadn’t even had time to miss it when a man phoned and asked me if I had lost my wallet. I checked it and to my horror, I had. He asked me to tell him how much money was in it. He then told me where to pick up my wallet.

    As I pulled into his driveway, I noticed his disabled van and the ramp (坡道) going up to the house. I was thinking that there is no way this man easily got my wallet. He had to pull over his van, get in his wheelchair, lower the lift, and then pick it up. I was just astonished.

    I knocked on the door and he let me in. I thanked him like 10 times. I was stuck, though. While I didn’t want to insult (冒犯) him by offering money, I really felt like offering something. So I asked him if there was anything I could do to repay his kindness, and he said “Just pass my kindness on”. I said I would be certain to do that, as I was raised to be honest on any account. I wanted to repay his kindness, so I wholeheartedly promised.

    Well, one does not find many wallets and so it was about 10 years later that I found one. It took me several days to track down the man to whom the wallet belonged. He lived in another state. I hated going through his wallet, but I finally located him through a business card he had in it. He was actually surprised his money was still in the wallet and he tried to hand me a $20. I told him “Thanks, but just pass my kindness on”.

    4How did the finder make sure the wallet belonged to the author?

    AHe phoned the gas station. BHe checked the amount of money.

    CHe went through the wallet. DHe asked where the wallet was lost.

    5How did the author feel when he realized the finder’s being disabled?

    ASatisfied. BShocked. CDelighted. DHorrified.

    6What did the author do to thank the disabled man in paragraph 4?

    AHe accepted the man’s proposal. BHe handed the man some money.

    CHe passed the man’s kindness on. DHe put the money into an account.

    7What lesson can we learn from the text?

    AKindness can be passed on. BFinders keepers, losers weepers.

    CKindness lives in our heart. DOne good turn deserves another.


    The Sahara is the world’s largest and most magic desert, but knowledge about it is surprisingly limited. Even estimates of when it formed vary widely, from more than five million years ago to mere thousands. Now, however, geographers studying wind-carried Saharan dust on the Canary Islands have come closer to settling this: it is, they report, close to five million years old.

    One reason for the uncertainty over the Sahara’s age is that researchers use different methods to estimate it. These include studying desert dust found in sediment (沉积物) under the Atlantic Ocean, analyzing sandstone and modeling the ancient climate. To help settle the uncertainty, Daniel, geographer of the U.S. Geological Survey, and his workmates looked at sediment on Spain’s Canary Islands. They found evidence of Saharan dust. The dust appeared in ancient soil layers (), whose age they assessed on the basis of fossils (化石) found in the same layers — and that age agreed with the earlier ocean’s sediment studies. The researchers reported their findings in November in Palaeogeography.

    “The conclusion of the study is very good,” says Zhongshi Zhang, a climate modeler at the University of Bergen in Norway, who was not involved in the work. “Because the dust found on the islands is distinct from the ocean’s record,” Zhang adds, “it helps to build the case for a five-million-year age.”

    The Sahara is the biggest source of wind-carried dust in the world — and that dust’s journey does not end in the Canary Islands, which lie just off the western coast of Africa. It continues onto places such as the Amazon rain forest in South America, Daniel notes. Amazon soils are poor in nutrients, and he says the new results help to show how rich dust from Africa could have been supporting the South American region’s incredible biodiversity for millions of years — adding to the Amazon’s own origin story.

    8How did Daniel settle the formation time of the Sahara?

    ABy modeling the ancient climate in Spain’s islands.

    BBy studying the desert dust under the Atlantic Ocean.

    CBy assessing the age of the dust in ancient soil layers.

    DBy analyzing the wind-carried sandstone in the Sahara.

    9What is the underlined words “their findings” in the paragraph 2 refer to?

    AThe appearance of the dust. BThe formation of two layers.

    CThe age of the Saharan dust. DThe agreement of two layers.

    10What contributes to the biodiversity of the South America?

    AThe Saharan dust. BThe Amazon soils.

    CThe Amazon rain forest. DThe Coastal waters.

    11Which is the most suitable title for the text?

    AThe Study of the Sahara. BThe Birth of the Sahara.

    CThe Source of the Sahara. DThe Effect of the Sahara.


    A cancer treatment no longer means what it used to be. Just a few decades ago, the survival rate beyond five years was less than 50%. Now, nearly 70% of those who get cancer survive that long, and that rate is set to rise. Why? Because, more than ever, chemotherapy (化疗) and radiation, once the only ways of cancer treatment, are being paired with or replaced by varieties of new drugs and treatments.

    For example, the first medication for what was previously considered an “undruggable” lung cancer was recently approved in the United States, Canada, Europe and the U.K. And a brand-new precise chemotherapy drug delivered directly to breast cancer cells is giving hope to patients with the HER 2-positive form of the disease.

    Another discovery has been the promise of a treatment called immunotherapy, as researchers around the world have discovered ways to use the body’s own immune (免疫) system to battle cancer cells.

    Also driving hope is a focus on prevention. Decades of research and public education have led to greater awareness of how lifestyle changes can reduce our risk of developing cancer. According to an article from the journal Pharmaceutical Research and published by the National Institutes of Health, 90% to 95% of cancers can be owed to environment and lifestyle, rather than to genetic (基因的) factors.

    Employing vaccines (疫苗) is another effective way of prevention. Take the mRNA cancer vaccines for example. The speedy development of COVID-19 vaccines was thanks to foundations already laid by researchers who had been working for years to create mRNA vaccines to fight cancer. These vaccines use a specially programmed molecule (分子) to activate an immune response in the body’s cells. Unlike the COVID-19 vaccines designed to help protect billions of people, each cancer mRNA vaccine is tailored to treat a single patient’s cancer.

    In fact, this personalized approach can be made for everyone, and for every cancer.

    12Why is the survival rate beyond five years rising now?

    ABecause new drugs and treatments have come out.

    BBecause chemotherapy and radiation get advanced.

    CBecause new drugs have been paired with old ones.

    DBecause new treatments have replaced the old ones.

    13What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?

    AAll the cancers are not related to genetic factors.

    BMost cancers have no relationship with lifestyle.

    CA focus on prevention is our only hope to deal with cancer.

    DAll cancers have relationship with environment and lifestyle.

    14What can we infer about cancer mRNA vaccine according to the text?

    AThe COVID-19 vaccines can be used to fight some cancers.

    BOne cancer mRNA vaccine can’t be used for another cancer.

    COne cancer mRNA vaccine can be used to treat patients of the same cancer.

    DThe COVID-19 vaccines were created from previous cancer mRNA vaccines.

    15What is the text?

    AA diary entry. BA news report.

    CA book review. DA science fiction.




    Do you want to live in a healthy lifestyle? Practicing yoga is one of the best choices. Yoga has a well-deserved fame for helping to improve balance and flexibility and for gaining calm and relaxation. ___16___. Here’s more about how doing yoga is a complete body and mind workout.

    Reducing Stress, Reducing Pounds

    Several studies have confirmed that doing yoga does reduce cortisol (皮质醇) levels.___17___. It can also increase your desire for high-fat and high-sugar foods and drinks while reducing your muscle mass.


    In a 2016 study, participants involved in practicing yoga realized that they tended to notice not only the amount of food they ate, but what type of foods they ate and the impact of eating those foods as well. “Subjects are reported becoming aware of the effect of certain foods on their bodies during their yoga practice, including sugar, dairy, meat and alcohol,” wrote the authors of the study.

    Making Weight Loss Last

    ___19___. This can be attained through improvements in sadness tolerance, mindfulness and self-sympathy. For example, if someone experiences improvements in mindfulness, they may be less likely to ‘mindlessly’ eat in response to emotions such as boredom, stress, anger and other external stimulation like the presence of tasty foods.

    Choosing the Right Type

    Ultimately, the best yoga is the practice that fits you—the one you’ll commit to. There are now many accessible styles of yoga that meet you where you are no matter what your weight, age, physical challenge or background. ___20___.

    AFinding the best food

    BMoving Well, Eating Well

    CEverybody and every body can benefit from a certain style

    DYoga is also well-known for helping you burn more calories

    EHigh levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, can lead to an increase in fat

    FAnother study shows that someone in a more positive mood are less likely to overeat

    GRecent research shows that yoga may help to improve long-term weight loss outcomes




    I survey the pile of dirty dishes jamming the sink after the party. With no working ___21___ except my two hands, the task is huge.

    Hot water ___22___ the sink, I plunge (猛扎) my hands into the ___23___. Then it occurs to me that every dish and spoon brings back memories. I bring up a tiny spoon, still covered with applesauce. I smile as I ___24___  the eleven-month-old eating it with wild abandon. I pick up a ___25___ and I remember my oldest daughter’s trying to cut meat for the four-year-old sister while correcting the eight-year-old’s rude table ___26___. A bowl with bits of lettuce (生菜) stuck like glue reminds me of countless discussions among daughters about diet food and losing ___27___. Eating delicious food and keeping a perfect figure is an endless ____28____ for girls.

    My three daughters, now, are ___29___ and have their own families. They get along as well as they did when they were ____30____. My grandsons seem to be ____31____ like their mothers. The two oldest wanted their bikes brought out to ____32____ together. The youngest delighted us when he, feeling the soft carpet, erupted with bursts of laughter. All memories ____33____. My three daughters did the same thing years ago — riding bikes, feeling the soft carpet...

    The dishes are done, and the sink is ____34____. But my life is full. It is full of happy children and grandsons. I thank the dishes for ____35____ me.

    21Adish-washer Bhand-drier Crice-cooker Dair-conditioner

    22Awashing Bfilling Cheating Dleaking

    23Acoldness Bdarkness Cwarmth Dlength

    24Aleave Bstop Cwitness Drecall

    25Aknife Bdish Cspoon Dfork

    26Asettings Bmanners Cpatterns Darrangements

    27Aappetite Bsense Cweight Ddirection

    28Achance Bpower Chonor Dstruggle

    29Aborn Bgone Cabandoned Dmarried

    30Asisters Bdaughters Cchildren Dfriends

    31Aon good terms Bon active duties Cin great need Din big trouble

    32Aride Bfind Csteal Dbuy

    33Afade away Bflood back Cgo far Dbury deep

    34Aclean Bempty Cdirty Dsticky

    35Asaving Bengaging Creminding Dattracting





    The Legend of White Snake(白蛇传) is linked to a love story and is a common household tale in China.

    The time-tested tale goes that a white snake spirit, with the name of Bai Suzhen, managed to transform ___36___ (it) into a charming lady after centuries of practice. She fell in love with a respected doctor, Xu Xian,  ___37___ first sight when they met on a rainy day on the Broken Bridge.

    After getting married, the young couple managed a medicine shop, enjoying a ___38___ (harmony) life. But the appearance of Fa Hai caused a change to their sweet life. Fa Hai convinced the husband ___39___ (trick) Bai Suzhen into drinking a special wine. Xu broke down and died ___40___ (unexpected) when witnessing his wife turning into a white snake after the drink.

    Bai ___41___ (steal) a magical herb from the land of the immortals and brought Xu back to life. Xu was then imprisoned by Fa Hai to the Jinshan Temple. To rescue her husband, Bai Suzhen employed the waters and flooded the temple, ___42___ (break) a rule of heaven. Finally, the couple’s son offered sacrifice (献祭) to his mother in front of the Leifeng Pagoda, ___43___ caused the pagoda to collapse and enabled the family to reunite.

    More than ___44___ love story, the cross-species romance deals with themes of appreciation, struggle and devotion and ___45___ (regard) as one of China’s most famous folktales.











    参考词汇:雷锋精神 Lei Feng Spirit

    Dear friends,





    Trevor, a thirteen-year-old boy who could read well. Yet, in spite of his reading skills, Trevor was failing. He had been failing exams since first grade, as he was passed on from Grade 1 to Grade 7. Trevor was a big boy, looking much bigger than a thirteen year old. However, Trevor went unnoticed… until Miss Brown.

    Miss Brown was smiling, young, and Trevor was attracted! Yet, still he failed. He never did his homework, and he was always in trouble with Miss Brown. His heart would break under her sharp words! Still, he did not study.

    One day, the entire grade was tested for basic skills. Trevor hurried through his tests, and continued to dream of other things. His heart was in the woods, where he often escaped alone. No one checked on him. No one knew he was gone. Strangely, Trevor never missed a day of school.

    The next day, Miss Brown’s impatient voice broke into his daydreams.

    “Trevor, pay attention!”

    Trevor locked his look on Miss Brown as she began to go over the test results for the seventh grade.

    “You all did pretty well,” she told the class, “except for one boy, and it breaks my heart to tell you this, but…the smartest boy is failing my class!”

    She just stared at Trevor, as the class turned around for a good look. Trevor dropped his eyes and carefully examined his fingertips.

    After that, it was war! Trevor still wouldn’t do his homework. Even as the punishments became more severe, he remained stubborn (固执的).

    “Just try it! ONE WEEK!” Miss Brown shouted. But Trevor was unmoved.

    “You’re smart enough! You’ll see a change!” Totally unmoved.

    “Trevor! Please! I care about you!”

    Suddenly, Trevor got it! Someone cared about him? Someone, CARED ABOUT HIM?!

    Trevor went home from school, thoughtful, that afternoon. Walking into the house, he took one look around. He, for the first time ever, gathered up his schoolbooks and did his homework.




    The following Monday he arrived at school earlier, waiting for Miss Brown to enter the classroom.


    “The smartest boy in our class had just passed his first test on homework!” announced Miss Brown.



    1C    2D    3D


    4B    5B    6A    7A


    8C    9C    10A    11B


    12A    13A    14B    15B


    16D    17E    18B    19G    20C



    21A    22B    23C    24D    25A    26B    27C    28D    29D    30C    31A    32A    33B    34B    35C



    36itself    37at    38harmonious    39to trick    40unexpectedly    41stole    42breaking    43which    44a    45is regarded


    46Dear friends,

    We feel so delighted by your visit and I am extending my heartfelt welcome on behalf of our school.

    I’d like to introduce Lei Feng Spirit to you, since 2023 marks the 60th anniversary of Chairman Mao’s initiating “Learn from Comrade Lei Feng”. Lei Fei spirit, named after Lei Feng, a late soldier of PLA, stands for commitment, selflessness, devotion and kindness. Everyone in our country is encouraged to follow Lei Feng as an example and show their love and concern to the people around us.

    We sincerely hope you can truly feel the harmonious atmosphere of people’s performing small and random act of kindness and that Lei Feng Spirit is being passed on through generations.

    47The following Monday he arrived at school earlier, waiting for Miss Brown to enter the classroom. She walked in, all sparkle and smiles! He desired for her smile to turn on him. It did not. Miss Brown, immediately, gave a quiz on the weekend homework. Trevor hurried through the test, and was the first to hand in his paper. With a look of surprise, Miss Brown took his paper. Obviously puzzled, she began to look it over. Trevor walked back to his desk, his heart pounding within his chest. As he sat down, he couldn’t resist another look at Miss Brown. Then, Miss Brown stood up, holding his paper.

    The smartest boy in our class had just passed his first test on homework!” announced Miss Brown. She glanced up at Trevor, then down, then up, her face breaking into a big smile. The whole class seemed in total shock and then burst into a long round of applause. Overwhelmed by excitement and surprise, tears sparkling in his eyes, Trevor felt nothing was the same from that moment. He discovered that not only could he learn, but he was good at it. He discovered that could translate the things he learned into his own life. A change gradually took place within the heart of one boy, all because of one teacher, who cared.



    2020届辽宁省沈阳市高三年级教学质量监测(三)英语试题 PDF版: 这是一份2020届辽宁省沈阳市高三年级教学质量监测(三)英语试题 PDF版,文件包含2020年辽宁省沈阳市高三三模英语试题pdf、参考答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023届辽宁省沈阳市高三教学质量监测(三)英语试题(原卷版): 这是一份2023届辽宁省沈阳市高三教学质量监测(三)英语试题(原卷版),共13页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,考生将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023届辽宁省沈阳市高三教学质量监测(三)英语试题(解析版): 这是一份2023届辽宁省沈阳市高三教学质量监测(三)英语试题(解析版),共23页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,考生将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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