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    新高考英语模拟试卷04卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料)
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    新高考英语模拟试卷04卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料)01
    新高考英语模拟试卷04卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料)02
    新高考英语模拟试卷04卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料)03
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    新高考英语模拟试卷04卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料)03
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    新高考英语模拟试卷04卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料)

    这是一份新高考英语模拟试卷04卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料),文件包含高考英语模拟试卷四解析版docx、高考英语模拟试卷四原卷版docx、高考英语模拟试卷四听力音频mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共44页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (时间:120分钟; 满分:150分)
    1. 答题前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡山。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答案卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分 30 分)
    1. Where does this conversation most probably take place?
    A.At a music store.
    B.At a flower shop.
    C. In a restaurant.
    W: The music and the flowers are lovely.
    M: Yes, I hope that the food is good, too.
    2. How many weeks does the woman have for Christmas?
    A. Two.
    B. Four.
    C. Six.
    M: We have at least 4 weeks for winter holiday. How many days do you have in America?
    W: We have about 2 weeks during the Christmas season, but we have more than 6 weeks for
    summer holiday.
    3. How does the woman usually go home after work?
    A. By bus.
    B. By car
    C. By subway
    W:Alden, thanks for the ride home. After such a tiring day, I really don’t like to spend 1 and a half
    hours on the subway. Thanks a lot.
    M: You are welcome.
    4. What are the speakers doing?
    A. Taking care of a baby.
    B. Looking at an old photo.
    C. Discussing different hairstyles.
    W: Look, Michael! Here’s a picture of you when you were a baby!
    M: Oh no!Am I the one without any hair?
    W: No, you have lovely hair. That’s you, carrying a towel.
    5. How much is the typical rent for a two-bedroom 0Aat in Dalton?
    A. £850 B. £900. C. £950.
    M: Do you know how much it would be to rent a two-bedroom flat in Dalton?
    W: Yeah, you should be able to get something reasonable for 850 pounds per month. That’s what
    people typically pay.You certainly wouldn’t want to pay more than 900 pounds.
    M: What?
    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项
    中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后
    各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第 6 段材料,回到 6、7 题。
    6. Where will Roger be during the party?
    A. In the office.
    B. In the classroom.
    C. In the hospital.
    7. How does the woman feel about the party?
    A. Sad.
    C. Excited.
    【答案】6. A 7. B
    W: It’s so sad that Roger can’t make it to the party. It seems like I haven’t seen him for ages.
    M: It’s too bad that his boss is making him stay late tonight. Even so, I think this class reunion
    will be a lot of fun!
    W: But I’m a bit nervous to see some of our old classmates.
    M: Oh, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Everyone will just be happy to see you. No one cares
    about that old high school drama anymore.
    W: I hope you’re right. I just hope they won’t mention the time I got sick during math class.
    听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。
    8. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
    A. Outside a cinema.
    B.At home.
    C. In the cinema.
    9. What is the film adapted from?
    10. What does the woman think of the director?
    A. He's good at directing a film.
    B. He's good at improving a story.
    C. He has no right to change the story.
    【答案】8. A 9. B 10. C
    W: Oh, it’s so nice to be out of the cinema. It was so hot inside.
    M: Terrible, wasn’t it? Well, what did you think of the film Wutherine Heights?
    W: It was a good film, but not as good as the book. I think some of the story was missing in the
    M: Yes, but you can’t possibly fit everything that happens in the novel into a 2-hour film. There
    isn’t enough time.
    W: I know, but the director should at least try to follow the story. With this film he left out some
    important people and even changed the end.
    M: Well, perhaps he thought he was improving the story.
    W: Perhaps he did, but I just don’t think a film director has the right to do so.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。
    11. What are the speakers planning for?
    A.A family reunion. .
    B. Festival shopping.
    C. Christmas decoration.
    12. Where is Rita coming from?
    A. Illinois.
    C. California.
    13. Who is in the service now?
    A. Robert.
    B. Larry.
    C. Tom.
    【答案】11. A 12. B 13. C
    W: Well, it’s time for the family to gather together for Christmas.
    M: Grandma, how many can we expect for Christmas dinner this year?
    W: Let’s count. First there’s your grandfather and me. Then Rita’s coming from Alabama. And
    Robert and his family will be here from Illinois. That’s seven altogether.
    M: How about Uncle Tom? Will he come?
    W: He’s in the service now, stationed in Germany, so he won’t be here. But Uncle Larry just got
    out of the Navy, so he’ll come from California.
    M: Wow, that will be a big dinner. We’re going to need a pretty big turkey this year and a big
    Christmas tree, too.
    听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。
    14. Why hasn't the man been helping the woman?
    A. He has a class at night.
    B. He's been working late every day.
    C. He's been eating at his friend's home.
    15. What kind of food does the restaurant serve? .
    A.American fast food.
    B. Traditional Indian food.
    C. Home-style Italian food.
    16. When does the restaurant close?
    A.At 7:30 pm.
    B.At 8:00 pm.
    17. What day is it today?
    A. Friday.
    B. Saturday.
    C. Sunday.
    【答案】14. B 15. B 16. C 17. A
    M: You need a break. You’ve been cooking every night. I’m sorry I haven’t been helping out, but
    I’ve had to work late all month. Let’s go out to dinner tonight.
    W: That would be wonderful.
    M: I’ve heard of a new Indian restaurant downtown. How does that sound?
    W: You know I love Indian food!
    M: Well, this place should be very good. The food is more like traditional cooking—like what
    Indian mothers would make at home.
    W: Sounds good! I had a friend in college who was from India. Sometimes I would go over to her
    house on the weekend. Her grandmother would cook for us. It was probably the tastiest food I’ve
    ever had!
    M: All right, then let’s go. The place closes at 8:30, so we’d better leave now. It’ll take about half
    an hour to get there, because we’ll have to find a parking place, too.
    W: I wonder why the restaurant closes so early. It’s a Friday night. Restaurants are usually open
    late on weekends.
    M: I’ll bet the cook is an Indian mother who needs to get home to her children!

    听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。
    18. What is the speaker trying to do?
    A. Call for votes for the umbrella.
    B. Introduce new kinds of umbrellas.
    C. Tell the different uses of umbrellas.
    19. What does the speaker say about the umbrella?
    A. It is hard to make.
    B. It makes streets colorful.
    C. It is a modern invention.
    20. How can the listeners express their opinions?
    A. By making calls.
    B. By writing letters.
    C. By sending text messages.
    【答案】18. A 19. B 20. C
    M: So why vote for the umbrella? Well, the most important reason is that it’s one of the oldest
    inventions in the world. People found it very useful thousands of years ago,and we still find it
    useful today. Secondly, the umbrella is a great invention because it’s got several different uses. We
    can use it in the rain, we can use it in the sun and we can use it as a walking stick. Thirdly, vote for
    the umbrella because umbrellas bring color to our gray, rainy streets. My final reason is that
    umbrellas are very cheap to make and cheap to buy. So, that’s the wonderful umbrella. When it
    rains, the rich and the poor can all stay dry. It’s an invention for everyone. If you think this is the
    greatest everyday invention, vote now by sending a text message with your opinion to…
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Follow this four-day route, and you’ll lose yourself in the wizarding world of Harry Potter.
    Day 1 Overview Edinburgh
    It was in Scotland’s capital city that J. K. Rowling started to plot the adventures of Harry and his pals. With stoned streets, winding alleys and medieval(中世纪的)architecture, the city certainly has a few things in common with the settings from the books and films. She wrote the early chapters in various cafes around the city’s Old Towns.
    Day 2 Overview travel to Fort William
    Travel by train from Edinburgh to Glasgow. From there, you can take the West Highland Line to Fort William. This is a great way to see some famous spots from the window, including the mysterious Rannoch Moor, the place where Death Eaters board the train in the movie Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.
    Day 3 Overview all aboard the Hogwarts Express
    Witness the sweeping cinematic scenery of the movie Harry Potter by booking a seat on the Jacobite Steam Train. Stop for lunch in Mallaig and then make the return journey to Fort William. Please be sure to book the steam train in advance, as it is very popular. By the way, it runs seasonally.
    Day4 Overview lakes and glens(峡谷)
    In the films, mysterious, misty landscapes frame the background of Harry’s tale, so it’s no surprise that the film producers chose the Highlands for many scenes. Spend a day wandering through some of these beautiful spots and feel the magical atmosphere.
    21.Where did J. K. Rowling create Harry Potter at first
    A.In Edinburgh. B.In Mallaig. C.In Glasgow. D.In Fort William.
    22.What should you pay attention to if taking the Jacobite Steam Train
    A.Reviewing the movie. B.Booking tickets in advance.
    C.Bringing lunch ahead of time. D.Buying one-way ticket specially.
    23.In which section of a newspaper will you read the text
    A.Current Affairs. B.Technology. C.Tours. D.Biography.
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. C
    细节理解题。根据Day1 Overview Edinburgh部分“It was in Scotland’s capital city that J. K. Rowling started to plot the adventures of Harry and his pals.”(就是在苏格兰的首都J. K.罗琳,开始构思哈利和他的伙伴们的冒险故事)可知,J. K. Rowling最初是在爱丁堡创作的《哈利·波特》。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Day3 Overview all aboard the Hogwarts Express部分“Please be sure to book the steam train in advance, as it is very popular.”(请务必提前预定蒸汽火车,因为它很受欢迎)可知,乘坐Jacobite蒸汽火车务必提前订票。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Follow this four-day route, and you’ll lose yourself in the wizarding world of Harry Potter.”(沿着这条四天的路线,你会迷失在哈利波特的魔法世界中)可知,本文主要介绍了一条为期四天的旅游线路,所以本文可能来自报纸的旅游版块。故选C。
    Hua Sheng and Lu Sheng, a retired Tibetan couple, have become trailblazers (开拓者) of grape growing and wine-making in their old ages.
    Lu Sheng learned grape planting and winemaking from her grandmother's sister.Since they retired, the couple have moved to Lhasa from the village of Yakhadi.Though the fact that the region's capital, which is 3,600 meters above sea level, is considered unfit for growing grapes, Lu Sheng and Hua Sheng began an ambitious project in 2015, planting grapes in Tsalna, a town in the suburb of Lhasa.
    They received support from the local government, which is committed to developing business and the economy.The couple's project provides jobs for rural residents, and, as a result,the government has considered the project part of its poverty relief program.
    “Lhasa is an ideal place for planting French grape varieties that are resistant to cold,drought and disease, and adaptable to high-altitude and open-air planting," Lu Sheng said.
    “Thanks to the plateau's sunshine and organic planting, our grapes grow very well here in Lhasa.The grapes are a bit sour and sweet, and they have a high anthocyanin (花青素)content,” she said.Anthocyanins, which are in grape cells and contribute rich color to wine,are water-soluble (水溶性的).
    In 2018, Hua Sheng and Lu Sheng expanded their project, planting on nearly 6.67 hectares.In order to familiarize Tibetan farmers with grape planting and winemaking, they taught the skills to local villagers.
    “We have successfully taught the local farmers how to grow grapes and make wine over the three years.They now have a new source of income besides traditional farrming and herding,”Hua Sheng said.
    Yudron, a resident of Nam, said she was grateful to the grape planting project in her village, which has contributed to her income and quality of life."After working in the vineyards for years, now we know how to make wine.We drink both barley and grape wine now.We love grape wine more, though, as it is healthier.
    24.What did the couple do after their retirement?
    A. They grew grapes and made wine in Lhasa
    B. They made friends with a French expert.
    C. They moved to another city from Lhasa
    D. They learned grape planting from Hua Sheng'S grandmother.
    25.Why was the couple's project thought of as a poverty relief program?
    A. They donated grapes to local schools.
    C. They employed local residents as workers.
    B. They provided free wine for villagers.
    D. They expanded the project with the local government.
    26.Which is the function of anthocyanins?
    A. They make grapes more delicious.
    B. They can accelerate the growth of grapes.
    C. They make grapes a bit sour and sweet.
    D. They provide rich color's for wine
    27.For the project conducted by the couple,Yudron is .
    A. appreciative
    B. cautious
    C. indifferent
    D. Hesitate
    【答案】24. A 25. C 26. D 27. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Hua Sheng and Lu Sheng, a retired Tibetan couple, have become trailblazers (开拓者) of grape growing and wine-making in their old ages.”(退休的藏族夫妇华升和卢升在老年时已经成为葡萄种植和葡萄酒酿造的先驱。)和第二段“Lu Sheng learned grape planting and winemaking from her grandmother's sister.Since they retired, the couple have moved to Lhasa from the village of Yakhadi.Though the fact that the region's capital, which is 3,600 meters above sea level, is considered unfit for growing grapes, Lu Sheng and Hua Sheng began an ambitious project in 2015, planting grapes in Tsalna, a town in the suburb of Lhasa.”(卢生从祖母的姐姐那里学会了葡萄种植和酿酒。退休后,这对夫妇从Yakhadi村搬到了拉萨。尽管该地区的首府海拔3600米,被认为不适合种植葡萄,但卢生和华生在2015年开始了一项雄心勃勃的项目,在拉萨郊区的札尔那镇种植葡萄。)可知,这对夫妻在拉萨城郊种植葡萄和酿制葡萄酒。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“They received support from the local government, which is committed to developing business and the economy.The couple's project provides jobs for rural residents, and, as a result,the government has considered the project part of its poverty relief program.”(他们得到了致力于发展商业和经济的当地政府的支持。这对夫妇的项目为农村居民提供了就业机会,因此,政府已将该项目视为其扶贫计划的一部分。)可知,他们的项目为农村居民提供工作,所以被当地政府认为是扶贫项目。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句“Anthocyanins, which are in grape cells and contribute rich color to wine,are water-soluble (水溶性的).”(花青素是水溶性的,它存在于葡萄细胞中,为葡萄酒提供丰富的颜色。)可知,花青素为葡萄酒增添了浓郁的颜色。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Yudron, a resident of Nam, said she was grateful to the grape planting project in her village, which has contributed to her income and quality of life."After working in the vineyards for years, now we know how to make wine.We drink both barley and grape wine now.We love grape wine more, though, as it is healthier.”(南村居民尤德龙(Yudron)说,她很感激村里的葡萄种植项目,这个项目增加了她的收入,提高了她的生活质量。“在葡萄园工作多年后,现在我们知道如何酿造葡萄酒。我们现在既喝大麦酒又喝葡萄酒。不过,我们更喜欢葡萄酒,因为它更健康。)可知,对于Hua Sheng 和 Lu Sheng的项目,Yudron是心怀感激的。故选A。
    Laird Kay had been a designer of wine storerooms for 12 years.But he never forgot his first love,photography.
    He started contributing as a photographer - mainly product shots.But as Kay took his photography further,he found himself hanging out at airports for the first time in his life,combining his photography skills with his other early love - airplanes.Asked to choose a symbol of beauty,most people might think of a work of art.He,however,would say an airplane.
    He started doing more and more airplane photography.More airlines found him on social media and wanted to work with him.Laird Kay,who fell in love with planes as a child on vacation and who has always seen aircraft as objects of beauty,as well as of convenience,became an airplane photographer.
    However much love you have for the industry,being an airplane photographer has its drawbacks.
    Sometimes it rains when Kay has been flown in for a shoot - "you go with it," he says.And for someone who isn't great with heights,as he isn't,it can be tricky. "I was raised 10 feet,looking down on an A380.It was terrifying,but once you were there,you were concentrating on getting the shots.But I've got sweaty hands just thinking about it." he says.
    Laird Kay is the living symbol of the term "getting there is half the fun".Except in his case,it's more like 99% of the fun!A look of absolute joy washes over him when he's on a plane.His art is also influenced by his travels as a young boy to South Africa,his education as an urban planner and designer - and his extremely sensitive eye that doesn't miss a single detail.
    28.What makes Kay love airplanes that much? ______
    A. Their beauty in his eyes. B. Their providing comfort.
    C. His hanging out at airports. D. His experience as a designer.
    29.How did Kay feel when photographing on an A380? ______
    A. Fearful. B. Thrilled. C. Honored. D. Regretful.
    30.What is the last paragraph about? ______
    A. Kay's attitude towards fun.
    B. Kay's great influence in art.
    C. Contributors to Kay's success.
    D. Several ways of getting great joy.
    31.What does Kay's story tell us? ______
    A. Well begun is half done.
    B. The person who is cornered will fight.
    C. Where there is love,there is pleasing success.
    D. Man learns little from success,but much from failure.
    【答案】28. A 29. A 30. C 31. C
    【分析】文章讲述了Laird Kay因为喜爱飞机和摄影,经过努力在拍摄飞机上取得令人满意的成功,成功诠释了"到达目的地是一半乐趣"这句话的故事。
    细节理解题。根据第三段的Laird Kay,who fell in love with planes as a child on vacation and who has always seen aircraft as objects of beauty,as well as of convenience,became an airplane photographer(莱尔德凯小时候在度假时就爱上了飞机,他一直把飞机视为美丽的和方便的对象,他成为了一名飞机摄影师。)可知,飞机在他眼中的美丽让Kay非常喜欢飞机。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第五段的I was raised 10 feet,looking down on an A380.It was terrifying,but once you were there,you were concentrating on getting the shots.But I've got sweaty hands just thinking about it. (我被抬高l0英尺,俯视着一辆A380。这很可怕,但一旦你到了那里,你就会集中精力去拍照了。但我一想到它就汗流浃背。)可知,当Kay拍摄A380时,他很害怕。故选A。
    段落大意题。根据最后一段的Laird Kay is the living symbol of the term"getting there is half the fun".Except in his case,it's more like 99% of the fun!A look of absolute joy washes over him when he's on a plane.His art is also influenced by his travels as a young boy to South Africa,his education as an urban planner and designer - and his extremely sensitive eye that doesn't miss a single detail.(莱尔德凯(Laird Kay)是"到达目的地是一半乐趣"这句话的生动象征。但对他来说,这更像是99%的乐趣!当他在飞机上时,一种绝对快乐的表情掠过他的心头。他的艺术还受到了童年南非之旅,作为城市规划师和设计师的教育的影响,他极其敏感的眼睛,不放过任何一个细节。)可推断,本段主要讲述了Kay成功的原因。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第三段的Laird Kay,who fell in love with planes as a child on vacation and who has always seen aircraft as objects of beauty,as well as of convenience,became an airplane photographer(莱尔德凯小时候在度假时就爱上了飞机,他一直把飞机视为美丽的和方便的对象,他成为了一名飞机摄影师。)以及最后一段的Laird Kay is the living symbol of the term"getting there is half the fun".Except in his case,it's more like 99% of the fun!A look of absolute joy washes over him when he's on a plane. (莱尔德凯(Laird Kay)是"到达目的地是一半乐趣" 这句话的生动象征。但对他来说,这更像是99%的乐趣!)可知,文章讲述了Laird Kay因为喜爱飞机和摄影,经过努力在拍摄飞机上取得令人满意的成功,成功诠释了"到达目的地是一半乐趣"这句话。的故事。因此推断,Kay的故事告诉我们"哪里有爱,哪里就有令人愉快的成功。"故选C。
    In 2010,Barack Obama was to pay a visit to Mumbai's Gandhi Museum,where palm(棕榈)trees full of me dotted the grounds.The president knew me well-coconuts (椰子)are a part of life in Indonesia,where he spent his boyhood.Before his visit,Indian authorities,however,removed every last sign of me around the museum.They were afraid the president of the United States would be taken out by one of me falling on his head.
    Let's get this out of the way:My reputation as the "killer fruit" of countless innocents was then and still is a misbelief.A repeatedly misinterpreted 1984 study overstated the number of deaths I caused by hitting people on the head,and the word spread.Today,the only things about me "to die for" are the sometimes too-delicious foods you humans make with me,such as cookies and pies.A decade ago,health experts briefly gave me a halo because some of my fats may raise beneficial cholesterol (胆固醇).But ask a heart doctor today and they'll tell you that coconut oil will raise your bad cholesterol as much.Death by coconut,indeed!
    People have other wrong ideas about me.But allow me to leave you with a sweet presidential tale.A World War II boat commanded by one John F.Kennedy was destroyed in 1943 by a Japanese warship.Kennedy and his surviving crew were stuck on an island.They were suffering from hunger,thirst and injuries when they met two friendly native coast-watchers.Kennedy scratched a message into a coconut shell: "NAURO ISL...COMMANDER...11 ALIVE...NEED SMALL BOAT...KENNEDY."
    The coast-watchers delivered this successfully and all the crew were saved.Years later,the coconut shell was given to the newly elected president.It sat on his office desk throughout his presidency and now is a center-piece of the John F.Kennedy Library in Boston-as the proof that we coconuts don't take lives,we save them.
    28. Why did Indian officials get rid of "me"? ______
    A. To reduce Obama's fear.
    B. To avoid unexpected injuries.
    C. To show their welcome tradition.
    D.To follow the request from the US.
    29. Which of the following can replace the underlined words in paragraph 2? ______
    A. thought little of me
    B. did great damage to me
    C. made me well-known
    D.brought me a good name
    30. How does the author sound in the passage? ______
    A. Amusing.
    B. Anxious.
    C. Concerned.
    31. What is the purpose of the passage? ______
    A. To show a new discovery.
    B. To correct people's misbelief.
    C. To tell the history of coconuts.
    D.To describe a successful rescue.
    【答案】32. B 33. D 34. A 35. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段的"Before his visit,Indian authorities,however,removed every last sign of me around the museum.They were afraid the president of the United States would be taken out by one of me falling on his head.(然而,在他访问之前,印度当局清除了博物馆周围所有我的痕迹。他们害怕美国的总统会被我中一个人砸到头)"可知,印度官员除去"我"是为了避免给奥巴马总统造成意外伤害。故选B。
    词句猜测题。根据第二段的"Let's get this out of the way:My reputation as the "killer fruit" of countless innocents was then and still is a misbelief.(让我们把这个说出来:我作为无数无辜者的"杀手之果"的名声,无论在当时还是现在,都是一种误解)"可知,椰子的名声不好。再结合划线句子"A decade ago,health experts briefly gave me a halo because some of my fats may raise beneficial cholesterol (胆固醇). "可知,十年前,健康专家曾短暂地给"我"halo,因为"我"的一些脂肪可能会提高有益的胆固醇。由此猜测,相对于以前的坏名声,十年前健康专家给了"我"一个好名声。give me a halo意为"给我一个好名声"。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第一段的"They were afraid the president of the United States would be taken out by one of me falling on his head.(他们害怕美国的总统会被我中一个人砸到头)",第二段的"Today,the only things about me "to die for" are the sometimes too-delicious foods you humans make with me,such as cookies and pies.(今天,关于我,唯一让我"为之而死"的东西就是你们人类有时用我做的太好吃的食物,比如饼干和派)",第三段的"People have other wrong ideas about me.But allow me to leave you with a sweet presidential tale.(人们对我有其他的误解。但请允许我给你们讲一个关于总统的甜蜜故事)"以及最后一段的"Years later,the coconut shell was given to the newly elected president.It sat on his office desk throughout his presidency and now is a center-piece of the John F.Kennedy Library in Boston-as the proof that we coconuts don't take lives,we save them.(几年后,椰子壳被送给了新当选的总统。在他担任总统期间,它一直放在他的办公桌上,现在是波士顿肯尼迪图书馆的中心展品---作为我们椰子不杀人,我们拯救他们的证据)"可知,"作者"用幽默的口吻讲述自己的故事。由此推知,本文"作者"听起来很有趣。A.Amusing.引人发笑的;B.Anxious.;C.Concerned.担心的;D.Romantic.浪漫的。故选A。
    写作意图题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其第二段的"Let's get this out of the way:My reputation as the "killer fr焦虑的uit" of countless innocents was then and still is a misbelief.(让我们把这个说出来:我作为无数无辜者的"杀手之果"的名声,无论在当时还是现在,都是一种误解)"和最后一段的"as the proof that we coconuts don't take lives,we save them.(作为我们椰子不杀人,我们拯救他们的证据)"推知,本文的目的是纠正人们对椰子的误解。故选B。
    Rollerblading is an excellent sport that just about anyone can enjoy. Experience and types of skating range in difficulty from simple recreational skating, to a much more aggressive style of skating.
    After you have mastered the basics of rollerblading, you can begin to master the sport. ____36____ However, some athletes prefer to perfect their sport and compete in their chosen sport.
    The sport of rollerblading has many variations and styles that allow competition. ____37____ Also known as urban skating, free skating is set in an urban setting and participants must travel through streets and travel around any obstacles as fast as possible in order to reach the finish. ____38____ Jumps, slides and grinds are basic tricks freestyle skaters often use.
    ____39____ It is specially enjoyed by skaters who prefer performing tricks and challenging movements. Aggressive skating can be performed in an urban setting, like free skating, and this style is often called street skating. Aggressive skaters can also be found at skate parks performing tricks on the obstacles created specifically to cater to tricks.
    Street skaters use any type of urban obstacle to perform amazing tricks ranging from jumps and slides to grinds and airs. Competitions in aggressive skating require contestants to perform increasingly difficult and dangerous tricks in order to outmatch their competitors. ____40____
    A.Each style requires different equipment requirements.
    B.Aggressive skating is another popular form of the sport.
    C.So aggressive skating is one of the most entertaining sports to watch.
    D.Many freestyle skaters can also ice speed skate as the seasons change.
    E.Many people enjoy rollerblading just for the simple pleasure of exercise.
    F.Free skating is a type about getting from start to finish as fast as possible.
    G.In addition to emphasizing speed, free skating often includes different tricks.
    根据下文“However, some athletes prefer to perfect their sport and compete in their chosen sport.(然而,一些运动员更喜欢完善他们的运动,并在他们选择的运动中竞争。)”可知,此处和空格处是转折关系,E选项“许多人喜欢滑旱冰仅仅是为了运动的乐趣。”与下文构成转折关系,符合语境。故选E项。
    下文“Also known as urban skating, free skating is set in an urban setting and participants must travel through streets and travel around any obstacles as fast as possible in order o reach the finish. (自由滑冰也被称为城市滑冰,它是在城市中进行的,参赛者必须尽可能快地穿越街道和障碍物,以到达终点。)”介绍了自由式轮滑的主要特点是速度快,F选项“自由式轮滑是一种从开始到结束都尽可能快的运动。”引起下文,符合语境。故选F项。
    上文“travel around any obstacles as fast as possible in order o reach the finish.(为了到达终点,尽可能快地绕过任何障碍。)”强调了速度;下文“Jumps, slides and grinds are basic tricks freestyle skaters often use.(跳跃,滑梯和磨床是自由式滑冰运动员经常使用的基本技巧。)”提到一些技巧,所以G选项“除了强调速度外,自由轮滑通常还包括不同的技巧。”承接上文和引起下文,符合语境。故选G项。
    下文“Aggressive skating can be performed in an urban setting, like free skating, and this style is often called street skating. (攻击性轮滑可以在城市中进行,比如自由滑冰,这种风格通常被称为街头滑冰。)”介绍了攻击性轮滑的有关知识。空格处位于句首应该是本段的主题句,B选项“攻击性轮滑是另一种受欢迎的运动形式。”能概括本段内容。故选B项。
    上文“Competitions in aggressive skating require contestants to perform increasingly difficult and dangerous tricks in order to outmatch their competitors.(攻击性轮滑比赛要求选手表演越来越困难和危险的花样,以超过他们的竞争对手。)”主要介绍了攻击性轮滑的技巧和难度,C选项“所以攻击性轮滑是最具观赏性的运动之一。”与上文构成因果关系,符合语境。故选C项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    “Man up.” That’s the “advice” that some guys hear from their family and friends when they’re not ____41____ “manly” enough because they’re showing “too many” emotions.
    And, frankly, it’s the kind of advice that ends up doing great ____42____. Love and support are what strengthen a person; toxic masculinity(有毒的男子气概)is what ____43____ some problems in the future.
    A 16-year-old boy told his ____44____ about how he cried after not getting into a soccer team. It was a pretty big ____45____ to him and, naturally, he was upset. And ____46____ his mom and his sisters comforted him, his dad had a ____47____ attitude towards the entire situation. A big fight followed full of accusations of the boy not being enough of a man.
    The boy’s dad ____48____ him for “not doing enough” to get into the soccer team. He then went on to give the boy some ____49____ on how to be more athletic and take care of his diet more.
    _____50_____, the dad said that it was stupid to cry over a thing like this, and that it was time that he “manned up”. What followed was a long _____51_____ and afterwards, the boy ignored his dad for a week.
    The boy’s behaviour can be _____52_____. Men, just like women, experience depression and anxiety. However, men are _____53_____ told to control their emotions and not to _____54_____ their problems with others, as it’s seen as being weak. Actually, for men, it is good to _____55_____ their emotions properly.
    41.A.appearing B.acting C.responding D.offering
    42.A.harm B.failure C.confusion D.Anxiety
    43.A.deals with B.runs into C.brings about D.looks into
    44.A.opinion B.story C.secret D.trip
    45.A.loss B.change C.shame D.blow
    46.A.unless B.if C.because D.while
    47.A.different B.positive C.friendly D.flexible
    48.A.praised B.thanked C.forgave D.blamed
    49.A.information B.inspiration C.suggestions D.demands
    50.A.However B.Besides C.Therefore D.Instead
    51.A.silence B.Separation C.conversation D.argument
    52.A.glorious B.practical C.understandable D.impressive
    53.A.traditionally B.originally C.immediately D.simply
    54.A.combine B.share C.handle D.compare
    55.A.hide B.generate C.release D.control
    41. B 42. A 43. C 44. B 45. D 46. D 47. A 48. D 49. C 50. B 51. D 52. C 53. A 54. B 55. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“拿出男人的样子。”这是一些男人从家人和朋友那里听到的“建议”,当他们表现得不够“男子汉气概”时,因为他们表现出“太多”的情绪。A. appearing显现;B. acting表现;C. responding回应;D. offering提供。根据句中“Man up”和“not __41___ “manly” enough”可知,“拿出男人的样子”应该是用于当男人们表现得不够“男子汉气概”时,“acting”意为“表现”,符合语境。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:坦率地说,这类建议最终会造成很大的伤害。A. harm伤害;B. failure失败;C. confusion困惑;D. anxiety焦虑。根据下文“toxic masculinity (有毒的男子气概) is what ___42__ some problems in the future”中的“problems”可知,“拿出男人的样子” 这类建议未来会引起一些问题,由此可知,这类建议最终会造成很大的伤害。故选A项。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:爱和支持是增强一个人力量的东西;有毒的男子气概在未来会引起一些问题。A. deals with处理;B. runs into遇到,陷入;C. brings about引起,导致;D. looks into调查。根据句中“toxic masculinity (有毒的男子气概)”可知,文章观点并不赞成“拿出男人的样子”这类建议,且下文介绍了这种建议的弊端,由此可知,有毒的男子气概在未来会引起一些问题。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个16岁的男孩讲述了他在没有进入足球队后如何哭泣的故事。A. opinion意见;B. story故事;C. secret秘密;D. trip旅行。根据句中“told”和下文内容可知,下文讲述了男孩因没有进入足球队哭泣,被父亲批评没有男子气概的故事,由此可知,16岁的男孩讲述了他的故事。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这对他来说是一个很大的打击,当然,他很沮丧。A. loss损失;B. change改变;C. shame羞愧;D. blow打击。根据上文“not getting into a soccer team”和句中“he was upset”可知,男孩没有进入足球队,感觉沮丧,由此可知,这对他来说是一个很大的打击。故选D项。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然他的母亲和姐妹安慰他,但他的父亲对整个情况持不同的态度。A. unless除非;B. if如果;C. because因为;D. while虽然。根据句中“his mom and his sisters comforted him”和“his dad had a ___47__ attitude”可知,句子为让步状语从句,虽然他的母亲和姐妹安慰他,但父亲持不同的态度,“while”意为“虽然”,引导从句,符合语境。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然他的母亲和姐妹安慰他,但他的父亲对整个情况持不同的态度。A. different不同的;B. positive积极乐观的;C. friendly友好的;D. flexible灵活的。根据下文“A big fight followed full of accusations of the boy not being enough of a man.”可知, 父亲指责这个男孩不够男子气概,由此可知,父亲没有安慰他,对这件事持不同的态度。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:男孩的父亲指责他“做得不够”,无法进入足球队。A. praised表扬;B. thanked感谢;C. forgave原谅;D. blamed指责。根据上文“A big fight followed full of accusations of the boy not being enough of a man.”可知, 父亲指责这个男孩不够男子气概,由此可知,父亲指责他“做得不够”,所以无法进入足球队。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后,他继续给这个男孩一些建议,告诉他如何更具运动性,如何更好地照顾自己的饮食。A. information信息;B. inspiration灵感;C. suggestions建议;D. demands要求。根据句中“how to be more athletic and take care of his diet more”可知,“如何更具运动性”和“如何更好地照顾自己的饮食”是父亲给男孩的一些建议。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:此外,父亲说,为这样的事情哭泣是愚蠢的,现在是他“拿出男人的样子”的时候了。A. However然而;B. Besides此外;C. Therefore因此;D. Instead反而。根据上文“He then went on to give the boy some ___49__ on how to be more athletic and take care of his diet more.”可知,父亲已经给男孩一些建议了,由此可知,此外,他又让男孩“拿出男人的样子”。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:接下来是一场长时间的争吵,之后,男孩无视父亲一周。A. silence寂静;B. separation分离;C. conversation交谈;D. argument争吵。根据上文“A big fight followed”和句中“the boy ignored his dad for a week”可知,之前父子之间已经发生了矛盾,由此可知,父子之间发生了一场长时间的争吵,男孩不满父亲的态度,所以才会无视父亲一周。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个男孩的行为是可以理解的。A. glorious光荣的;B. practical实际的;C. understandable可以理解的;D. impressive给人印象深刻的。根据下文“Men, just like women, experience depression and anxiety.”可知,男人和女人一样,都会经历抑郁和焦虑,由此可知,男孩的哭泣和沮丧是可以理解的。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,传统上,男性被告知要控制自己的情绪,不要与他人分享自己的问题,因为这被视为软弱。A. traditionally传统上;B. originally原来,起初;C. immediately立即;D. simply仅仅,只。根据句中“men are ___53__ told to control their emotions”可知,“男性被告知要控制自己的情绪”这是一种传统的观点,由此可知,传统上,男性被告知要控制自己的情绪。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,传统上,男性被告知要控制自己的情绪,不要与他人分享自己的问题,因为这被视为软弱。A. combine结合;B. share分享;C. handle处理;D. compare比较。根据句中“men are ___53__ told to control their emotions”可知,男性被告知要控制自己的情绪,由此可知,他们被告知不要与他人分享自己的问题,因为这被视为软弱。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,对男人来说,适当地释放他们的情绪是很好的。A. hide隐藏;B. generate生成;C. release释放;D. control控制。根据上文“However, men are _____53_____ told to control their emotions and not to _____54_____ their problems with others, as it’s seen as being weak.”可知,文章观点是过度的“拿出男人的样子”,过度的控制情绪会给男人造成伤害,由此可知,对男人来说,应该适当地释放他们的情绪。故选C项。
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Laziness is a mental resistance to do anything and a situation where you are away from the ____56___ (value)part of life by being idle(无事可做的).Most of the people become lazy because they do not have the clear vision in life.They simply waste their time and energy in the process of ____57____( avoid)the work and that in turn makes them remain underachiever throughout the life.That is ____58____ you have to overcame your laziness if you want to be outstanding in life.
    Most of the people generally get stuck into laziness due to lack ____59___ motivation.There is no better way to ____60____ ( inspire) than the action.If you do not want to take action,then force ____61____( you) to act at initial stage.If you purposefully try to act instead of killing your time,it will become your _____62___( two) nature,and laziness will be the thing of the past.
    Finally,if you have a burning desire_____63___( achieve)your goal,you will find a way to do it.So,push yourself to attack a _____64___ ( big)goal than you have been willing to pursue until now.Always keep in mind:Unless you do it,you will not know whether or not you can.So take action right now to overcome laziness and have ____65____ rich and varied life.
    56. valuable 57. avoiding 58. why 59. of 60. be inspired
    61. yourself 62. second 63. to achieve 64. bigger 65. a
    考查介词。句意:由于缺乏动力,大多数人通常陷入懒惰。分析句意可知,此处用介词of构成固定短语lack of sth表示"缺乏某物"。故填of。
    考查不定式的被动语态。句意:没有比行动更能激发灵感的了。根据the way to可知,此处用不定式做后置定语,再分析句意可知此处表"被激发"符合语境,所以用动不定式的被动语态。故填be inspired。
    考查动词不定式。句意:最后,如果你有实现目标的强烈愿望,你会找到实现目标的方法。根据have a desire可知,此处用have a desire to do sth意为"渴望做……"。故填to achieve。
    第四部分写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    1.申请原因; 2.你的优势; 3.相关经历。
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Yours sincerely
    Li Hua
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I’m Li Hua, a senior 3 student. I have learned that volunteers for the foreigners from Britain are needed. I am writing to apply for this position.
    I do believe that I am qualified for the job. Firstly, I have an extensive knowledge of our school’s history and culture. Besides, I have a good command of English, making it easy for me to communicate with foreign guests freely. More importantly, I have been involved in a good deal of reception work.
    Thanks for your time and consideration. I would appreciate it if I could be chosen for this job.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    1. 高分句型一:I do believe that I am qualified for the job.(该句是复合句,含that引导的宾语从句,且主句部分运用强调谓语);
    2. 高分句型二:Besides, I have a good command of English, making it easy for me to communicate with foreign guests freely. (句中使用现在分词作结果状语,且it作形式宾语,动词不定式作真正的宾语);
    3. 高分句型三:I would appreciate it if I could be chosen for this job.(句中使用if引导的条件状语从句);
    4. 另外,句中还使用了apply for/have a good command of/communicate with/ involved in/a good deal of等短语。
    One day a man named Steve Gowan was fishing in the Thames Estuary in Britain.By the end of the day,besides fishes and sea weeds,he fished a message bottle.He opened it carefully and inside the bottle was a brief loving letter from a British soldier named Hughes to his wife:
    Dear Wife, I am writing this note on this boat and dropping it into the sea just to see if it will reach you. If it does, sign this envelope on the right hand bottom corner where it says receipt. Put the date and hour of receipt and your name where it says signature and look after it well.
    Ta-ta sweet, for the present. Your Hubby.
    Also attached was a covering note intended for the finder of the bottle:
    Sir or madam, would you kindly forward the enclosed letter and earn the blessing of a poor British soldier on his way to the front this ninth day of September, 1914. Signed Private T. Hughes.
    Actually,as Hughes crossed the English Channel from Southampton to St.Nazaire on 9 September,1914,at 7:52 p.m.,he dropped a message in a green beer bottle over the side of the ship and he died two days later in the war.
    85 years later,the bottle was finally caught by Steve Gowan,the fisherman.Steve Gowan examined the letter carefully.It had the soldier's name and army number,so he supposed that the message should be real.But how could he deliver it to the intended recipient?In 1999,the internet was still in its early years.No way would he be able to find Hughes's possible surviving family that way!So,what to do?
    译文:85年后,这个瓶子终于被渔民史蒂夫·高恩(Steve Gowan)捕获。史蒂夫·高恩仔细检查了这封信。上面写着士兵的名字和部队编号,所以他认为这条消息应该是真的。但他怎么能把它送到预定的收件人手中呢?1999年,互联网还处于发展初期。这样他不可能找到休斯幸存的家人!那么,该怎么办呢?
    Well,he put an advertisement in a local paper!The story captured so many hearts and minds that it gained national coverage.Somewhere along the way,through magic and luck,he learned that Hughes's daughter,Emily,was still alive in New Zealand!
    Para 1:Right away,Gowan and journalists managed to get in touch with Emily.
    Para 2:The local paper decided to offer Mr.Gowan an air ticket to deliver the letter in person.
    Para 1:
    Right away,Gowan and journalists managed to get in touch with Emily.It felt like a miracle to this senior lady and she couldn't even believe it was true.Emily said in an exciting voice: "I only possess a few photos of my father and spent most of my life trying to find more about him.I am so overwhelmed to hear this discovery!" The letter meant so much to her and it seemed that it was a gift from her father.What was more surprising was another gift from the local paper.
    Para 2:
    The local paper decided to offer Mr.Gowan an air ticket to deliver the letter in person.Steve Gowan felt it was like a mission and gladly accepted the gift.Hughes's message to his family was finally delivered 85 years after it was sent.When Emily opened the letter with her trembling hands,Gowan witnessed tears,laughter,sweet memories and gratitude,all the mixed feelings from Emily. He felt he had fished not a letter in a bottle but huge treasure,a bridge connecting the living to the dead,a message bonding a family.


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