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    1—So you missed the football match held yesterday.

    —_____________. I got there 15 minutes before the end of it.

    ANot likely BNot a little CNot at all DNot exactly

    2Most of the top leaders expressed a common desire at the UN conference, that different cultures should coexist with tolerance.

    Athe one Bthe ones Cones Done

    3How to protect children from unsuitable material on some websites while encouraging them to use the Internet __________ in many areas of the world.

    Ahave long been discussed Bhas long been discussed

    Cwere long been discussed Dwas long been discussed

    4A ________identification card is required when you purchase foreign money from Bank of China.

    Abeneficial Beffective Cvalid Dflexible

    5We have much to look forward to in the future, thanks to advances in technology. I’m sure that AI doctors are________.

    Ain the way Bon the spot Cin the end Don the horizon

    6________ the convenience of digital payment, many senior citizens started to use smart phones.

    AEnjoying BEnjoyed CTo enjoy DHaving enjoyed

    7Such a simple experiment can effectively ________ people’s doubts about the new technology, so they are willing to embrace the innovation.

    Abring forth Bgo over Cput away Dwipe out

    8As a new diplomat, he often thinks of how he can react more _________ (合适地) on such occasions.

    Aapparently Bappropriately

    Capproximately Dapprovingly

    9As companies are trying hard to attract and keep young people for their technical skills and enthusiasm for change, office culture is becoming an ________ of youth culture.

    Aexpansion Bextension Cexpression Dexhibition

    10________ with two job offers, we may wonder exactly what it is we’ re choosing between.

    AHaving presented BTo be presented CPresenting DPresented

    11Last winter, part of Britain was struck by snowstorms, from ________ effects most passengers in Heathrow were suffering a lot, especially those with children.

    Awhich Bwhat Cwhose Dthat

    12The department manager promised ______ told her who stole the necklace would be rewarded. To her surprise, ______ she said, there was no response.

    Awhoever; whichever

    Bwhoever; no matter what

    Cno matter who; whatever

    Dno matter who; no matter what

    13—I have been considering cancelling the project because it seems hard to go farther.

    —But it’s too early to________ now. There’s still much hope.

    Ahave second thoughts Bthrow in the towel

    Ctest the waters Dmake ends meet

    14We will ________ restoration and reconstruction of the area after the disaster, including transportation, communications and water supply.

    Aaccommodate Baccumulate Caccelerate Daccustom

    15________ he became seriously ill in 1998, the famous writer had been carrying out comparative studies of classical Chinese texts.

    ASince BWhen CAlthough DUntil



    An elementary school in Scotland gave its students a special present. Instead of being asked to do different kinds of homework or book reports, the children did acts of ____16____, which is a much more ____17____ lesson.

    The children ____18____ Galsoil School in Clonty performed these kind acts in December and ____19____ their acts in writing or pictures in a Kindness diary.

    In the project, the teachers ____20____ the students to do kind deeds for an elderly neighbor or a friend who is feeling ____21____, any act that helped to ____22____ someone’s day.

    The students were also encouraged to write kind notes to each other that were read at a ____23____ every week and all the classes got together to discuss and ____24____ a school-wide project to help the community during the holiday season.

    “We are _____25_____ our pupils to think of the real _____26_____ of New Year — kindness and giving,” vice principal said. “There is nobody in this world who wouldn’t _____27_____ from an act of kindness, and _____28_____ the joy of kindness is that it _____29_____ nothing.

    A student Andy said, “Kindness is about making people’s lives _____30_____ by changing little things, or doing little nice things to make a _____31_____ to people around.”

    The children made a lot of _____32_____ to their grandparents and to seniors in the community to _____33_____ with them over the phone, relieving their loneliness. What the children have learned about kindness is far more _____34_____ than reading, writing, and math. Even the youngest students have _____35_____ much.

    16Aappreciation Breading Ckindness Ddrawing

    17Ademanding Bvaluable Creliable Dprevious

    18Aattending Bleaving Cvisiting Dinterviewing

    19Aconducted Bspread Cbroadcast Drecorded

    20Apermitted Badvised Cpromised Dbegged

    21Alonely Bguilty Centhusiastic Dawkward

    22Apromise Bcontrol Cdescribe Dbrighten

    23Ameeting Bconcert Chospital Dstation

    24Alive up to Bcome up with Ckeep up with Dlook up to

    25Apushing Bforcing Cinspiring Dwarning

    26Aorigin Btraditions Ccharacteristics Dspirit

    27Asuffer Bbenefit Crecover Dseparate

    28Adefinitely Bstrangely Cgradually Dunluckily

    29Aproduces Bcosts Cdeserves Dholds

    30Aricher Bbusier Cbetter Dsafer

    31Achoice Bdecision Ccollection Ddifference

    32Acalls Bgifts Ccards Dplans

    33Acompromise Binterpret Cchat Dnegotiate

    34Aenjoyable Bpopular Cformal Dimportant

    35Aobserved Bshared Cgained Ddiscussed




    You may be familiar with the following famous people, but have you heard of their graduation speeches, in which they either share their unforgettable experiences or give you some great inspiration.

    ●Michael Dell, University of Texas at Austin

    And now you’ve accomplished something great and important here, and it’s time for you to move on to what’s next. And you must not let anything prevent you from taking those first steps. You must also commit to the adventure. Just have faith in the skills and the knowledge you’ve been blessed with and go.

    ●J. K. Rowling, Harvard University

    Half my lifetime ago, I was striking an uneasy balance between my ambition and the expectation from my parents who were not rich. But what I feared most for myself at your age was not poverty, but failure. The fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you know little about failure. You might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success.

    ●Steve Jobs, Stanford University

    Sometimes life’s going to hit you on the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking, and don’t settle.

    ●Bill Gates, Harvard University

    We need as many people as possible to have access to the advanced technology to lead to a revolution in what human beings can do for one another. They are making it possible not just for national governments, but for universities, smaller organizations, and even individuals to see problems, see approaches and deal with the world’s inequities (不公平) like hunger, poverty, and so on.

    36What did J. K. Rowling fear most when she was studying in university?

    AAppearance. BPoverty. CHunger. DFailure.

    37Who wants to express “Keep looking for what you believe in”?

    ASteve Jobs. BBill Gates. CMichael Dell. DJ. K. Rowling.

    38What does Bill Gates suggest people doing?

    AMaking contributions to the environment.

    BTaking responsibility for their own behavior.

    CMaking joint efforts to solve some global problems.

    DMastering as much advanced technology as possible.

    39What’s the author’s purpose of writing the text?

    ATo introduce how some famous people overcome difficulties.

    BTo give people some inspirations to live a meaningful life.

    CTo show people ways of appreciating graduation speech.

    DTo appeal to people to pursue a better university education.


    Life is just like a box of chocolates and you never know what you’re going to get. Sometimes when we are in our darkest hour, something completely unexpected happens that can give us a little bit of hope and comfort.

    Jessica was a healthy woman. One day, while she was working on a brilliant idea that suddenly struck her, which she thought would be a real breakthrough for solving the mathematical problem she was working on, she suddenly lost consciousness. After she was rushed to the hospital, her heart rate slowed by nearly 50 percent. It took nine days for doctors to concentrate on what was causing her problem.

    After several weeks, Jessica was still stiff (僵硬的) from head to foot, but luckily, she was able to move her lips. Staff noticed this and introduced Jessica to Consuelo Gonzalez, a professional lip reader. Consuelo can understand what people are saying by the shape their lips make. She can also understand how annoying it is not to be able to communicate because she has been completely deaf since the age of 8.

    For a few hours each week, Jessica could have long conversations with Consuelo, diving into the ocean of words she dearly missed. Through Consuelo, Jessica asked the doctors and nurses questions she had long wanted answers to. She also talked to Consuelo about the vivid dreams she was mixing up with reality.

    In fact, there are other ways for Consuelo to earn a living by reading lips, but she says helping patients separate horrible dreams from reality is the most rewarding way she can use her unique skill. “What is really wonderful, without doubt, is being able to use this skill to create healing and to create communication between human beings. That’s what feels best: Love.”

    After four and a half months in the hospital, Jessica finally recovered. Consuelo was there, holding Jessica’s hands. Jessica eventually went back to work as a math professor. After her experience she wrote a new living will. One thing she added is that if she ever becomes incapacitated like this again, she is never to be left alone.

    40Why does the author mention a box of chocolates in the first paragraph?

    ATo present an argument. BTo make a comparison.

    CTo introduce a topic. DTo give an example.

    41What is the correct order of the following events?

    a. Jessica was introduced to Consuelo Gonzalez.

    b. Jessica went back to work and wrote a new living will.

    c. Doctors spent nine days to find out what caused Jessica’s problem.

    d. Jessica was able to ask the doctors questions she had long wanted answers to.

    e. Jessica worked on a brilliant idea for solving the mathematical problem.

    Aecadb Badcbe Cecdba Dadbce

    42Which statement is correct in Jessica’s story?

    AJessica became deaf as a result of the sudden disease after losing consciousness.

    BConsuelo must have a gift in psychology as she could separate dreams from reality.

    CConsuelo accompanied Jessica all the time in the hospital until the latter recovered.

    DDoctors focused on the cause of Jessica’s disease before Consuelo offered help.

    43How can we describe Consuelo Gonzalez?

    AFriendly and cautious. BBrave and creative.

    CKind and caring. DDetermined and humorous.

    44Which of the following best explains “incapacitated” underlined in the last paragraph?

    ADeadly exhausted. BSeriously ill. CDesperately lonely. DIncredibly compulsory.

    45What can best summarize the message contained in the passage?

    ALove can make people no longer alone facing difficulties.

    BCreating communication between human beings is rewarding.

    CSelf-acceptance is based on the love for oneself.

    DLove is key to the attainment of others’ respect.


    We are encountering real-world examples of how AI can harm human relations. As digital assistants such as Alexa or Siri become popular, we become accustomed to talking to them as though they were alive. Writing in these pages several years ago, Judith Shulevitz described how some of us are starting to treat them as friends and therapists. Shulevitz herself says she confesses (忏悔) things to Google Assistant that she wouldn’t tell her husband. If we grow more comfortable talking to our devices about our secrets, what happens to our human marriages and friendships? Designers and programmers typically create devices whose responses make us feel better — but may not help us be self-reflective or think over painful truths. As AI goes deeper into our lives, we must face the possibility that it will prevent our emotions and deep human connects.

    Besides, we will fight with some other challenges. The age of driverless cars, after all, is upon us. These vehicles promise to considerably reduce the exhaustion and distraction that put human drivers in danger, thus preventing accidents. But what other effects might they have on people? Driving is a very modern kind of social interaction, requiring high levels of cooperation. I worry that driverless cars, by taking away from us an occasion to exercise this ability, could contribute to its decline.

    Not only will these vehicles be programmed to take over driving duties and hence to remove from humans the power to make moral judgments (for example, about which pedestrian to hit when a crash is unavoidable), they will also affect humans with whom they’ve had no direct contact. For instance, drivers who have steered awhile alongside an autonomous vehicle traveling at a steady, changeless speed might drive less attentively, thus increasing their likelihood of accidents once they’ve moved to a part of the highway occupied only by human drivers. Alternatively, experience may reveal that driving alongside autonomous vehicles travelling in perfect accordance with (按照) traffic laws actually improves human performance.

    Either way, we should be careful to launch new forms of AI without first taking such unexpected social effects into account. We must apply the same effort that we apply to the hardware and software that make self-driving cars possible to managing AI’s potential effects on those outside the car. After all, we install brake lights on the back of your car not just, or even primarily, for your benefit, but for the sake of the people behind you.

    46What can be inferred about human relationships from the first paragraph?

    AAI will lead to distant inter-personal relationships.

    BWe will feel comfortable speaking to others online.

    CAI will enable people to communicate more with others.

    DWe will be more self-reflective in interaction thanks to AI.

    47In Paragraph 2, the phrase “its decline” refers to the decline in ________.

    Adrivers’ interaction with the cars

    Bdrivers’ exhaustion and distraction

    Cour ability to cooperate with others while driving

    Dour ability to deal with emergencies while driving

    48According to the passage, which of the following statements is true of driverless cars?

    AThey may be better at making more judgments than human drivers.

    BThey need to vary their speed to make contact with human drivers.

    CThey may make human drivers in other cars drive more safely.

    DThey need to force human drivers to concentrate in the car.

    49Which of the following is the writer most likely to agree with?

    ABrake lights on the back of our car are installed mainly to warn us of danger.

    BWe should figure out how new technology affects people before developing it.

    CWe can launch new forms of AI without thinking of unexpected social effects.

    DMore efforts should be made to advance the hardware and software of driverless cars.

    50What’s the author’s purpose of writing this passage?

    ATo present the challenges brought by AI.

    BTo explain the reason why AI may harm human relations.

    CTo put forward how to solve the unexpected effect of AI.

    DTo discuss the advantages and disadvantages of driverless cars.


    Psychological science is full of interesting topics, many of which tell a coherent (连贯的) picture of human nature, but some of which create seemingly contradictory stories. A case in point is the tricky, and misunderstood, overlap (重叠部分) between strength-based science and the research on narcissism (自恋).

    There is now convincing evidence to show that narcissism is on the rise, especially in our youth. Some researchers say that about 25% of young people show symptoms of narcissism. The inflated ego of Generation Me is reflected in reality TV, celebrity worship, and out-of-control consumerism.

    We are correct to be concerned about this phenomenon, but our fear that all kids are potential narcissists has caused an unhelpful counter-reaction to approaches that seek to make our children and teens feel good about themselves.

    In my own research on strength-based parenting, it is common for people to wrongly think this approach to be the cause of narcissism. Their argument seems to be that a child who knows his strengths will automatically view himself as better than everyone else. It is argued that the self-assurance that comes with identifying and using their positive qualities will make a child selfish and uncaring. Genuine confidence about one’s strengths is categorized as over-confidence; desirable self-knowledge is branded as excessive (过分的) self-admiration.

    Why does this occur? It’s partly because more is known about narcissism than strengths. While strengths psychology has largely stayed within the limit of academic journals, research on narcissism has made its way into the mass media and our daily life. A famous magazine noted that narcissism is a favored topic and that people everywhere are diagnosing others with it.

    The fear that a strength-based approach will cause narcissism also occurs because of our binary (非此即彼) thinking. We mistakenly believe that one cannot be both confident and humble. We focus on Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian rather than Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. Without confidence in their strengths, Gandhi and Mother Teresa couldn’t have achieved so much, and yet modesty and selflessness are their qualities.

    When we assume that strength-focus is the same as a self-focus, we fail to make the idea clear that people who know their strengths are, actually, more likely to be pro-social and ready to help others.

    It’s easy to conclude that every young person is at risk of becoming a narcissist but I’d like to stand up for the thousands of young kids I have worked with, who are caring, thoughtful and humble — even when they use their strengths.

    51Which of the following opinions may the writer agree with?

    AStrength-based parenting leads to narcissism.

    BIt’s unhelpful for us to make our children feel good about themselves.

    CTo say all kids are potential narcissists is overstating the case.

    DChildren who know their strengths tend to be more selfish and uncaring.

    52Why are teenagers’ strengths often considered as narcissism according to Paragraph 5?

    AAcademic journals report more on narcissism.

    BThere is a lack of narcissism in our common sense.

    CMany people are diagnosed with narcissism by doctors.

    DThe general public has less access to strengths psychology.

    53Why does the author mention Gandi and Mother Teresa?

    ABecause they are as famous as Donald Trump.

    BBecause they are both confident and modest.

    CBecause confidence is quite important for celebrities.

    DBecause a strength-based approach will cause narcissism.

    54What’s the author’s attitude towards young kids’ strength-based approaches?

    AFavorable. BNeutral. CDisapproving. DDoubtful.

    55Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

    ATeens’ Psychology Research BTeens’ Narcissism Diagnosis

    CTeens’ Strength-based Approach DTeens’ Confidence Misunderstood





    Walking home from school one day, I saw Dan, a kid from my school, on the other side of the road. I said to myself, “He must be a real nerd,” as he was carrying a lot of books. When I continued walking, I saw a group of kids run into Dan, knocking his books out of his arms and pushing him so he fell over. I ran over to help him, and as we were picking up his books, I saw tears in his eyes.

    While I helped him stand up, I said, “Those kids are stupid.” He looked at me and said, “Thanks.” There was a grateful smile on his face.

    We started talking and soon realized that we lived near each other. We talked all the way home. Dan turned out to be a pretty cool kid. We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know Dan, the more I liked him. Dan and I became best friends.

    Over the years in high school, he became more popular. In our senior year, Dan got the best grades in our class, and had to give a speech for graduation.

    As Dan started his speech, he looked at me. “Graduation is a time to thank the people who helped you survive those tough years — your parents, your teachers, but mostly your friends. Being a friend is the best gift you can give. I’m going to tell you a story.” I just looked at Dan in amazement as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to drop out of school and run away from home that weekend. Dan talked of how he had emptied his locker so his mom wouldn’t have to do it later and was carrying all of his books home. He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile. “Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from making a huge mistake.” Everyone looked at Dan in shock as he told us about his weakest moment.

    56Where did the author first meet Dan?(no more than 10 words)


    57How do you understand the underlined part in Paragraph 1?(no more than 10 words)


    58What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?(no more than 8 words)


    59Why did everyone look at Dan in shock at the end of the story?(no more than 15 words)


    60Who do you want to thank most upon your graduation? Please explain.(no more than 25 words)














    参考词汇:Bringing Cultural Relics into Life event“让文物走进生活活动   handicraft手工艺品

    Dear guests, teachers and fellow students,

    I’m Li Jin, chairman of the Student Union.



















    16C    17B    18A    19D    20B    21A    22D    23A    24B    25C    26D    27B    28A    29B    30C    31D    32A    33C    34D    35C


    36D    37A    38C    39B


    40C    41A    42C    43C    44B    45A


    46A    47C    48C    49D    50A


    51C    52D    53B    54A    55D


    56On his way home from school.    57He must be a very boring person.    58How the author and Dan became best friends.    59Because Dan told everyone his weakest moment.    60I want to thank my English teacher most for his encouragement and support. Without him, I wouldn't catch up with my classmates.


    61Dear guests, teachers and fellow students,

    I’m Li Jin, chairman of the Student Union. It’s my great honour to express our warm welcome to you on behalf of our school. We are excited to have you here during our one-week “Bringing Cultural Relics into Life event” organized by our school and Tianjin Museum.

    The purpose of this activity is to bring cultural relics to life and to enter students’ life, so that they can become the spiritual nourishment of our real life. The museum also has an interactive area for visitors, recreating the scenes of 20th century designers’ studios. We can experience it as much as we like. We also attend public lectures and participate in handicrafts activities. Dear guests, you are welcome to take part in it. I hope we will benefit a lot from your presence.

    We hope you’ll have a pleasant time during your stay here.

    Thank you.



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