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    Even if you only have one day to spare, these stretches of sand guarantee a relaxing getaway. Start planning your next day by the shore with this list of the best East Coast attractions.

    Block Island, Rhode Island

    Down the rocky, scenic Mohegan Bluffs, Block Island is known for its 17 miles of beaches. Baby Beach features shallow, gentle surf for kids to play in, and Fred Benson Town Beach offers a bathhouse, rental chairs, and umbrellas. Visitors can take a boat to Block Island from Point Judith and Newport.

    Hampton Beach, New Hampshire

    Drive along New Hampshire’s 18-mile coast until you reach Hampton Beach, a broad stretch of sand overlooking the Atlantic Ocean that’s considered one of the cleanest beaches in the country. The attractions include a market with shops, eateries and games; a marine(海洋的)life discovery center; and a historical society.

    Ocean City, Maryland

    Choose Ocean City for your next beach vacation if you want a lot of options: You’ll find 10 miles of beaches, a 3-mile boardwalk, a load of restaurants, and tons of shops. There are many pet-friendly hotels, though dogs are only welcome on the beach in the colder months between October 1 and April 30. Horseback riding on part of the beach is allowed in the offseason as well(November to March).

    Canaveral National Seashore, Florida

    Canaveral National Seashore attracts space fans and nature lovers alike thanks to its closeness to the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex and its 24 miles of beach habitat. Kids can enjoy a free Junior Ranger activity book while visiting this island.

    1Which activity can people do on Hampton Beach?

    AGo horseback riding. BEnjoy a boat travel.

    CLearn more about space. DVisit a local market.

    2What do we know about Ocean City?

    AIt has pet-friendly hotels. BIt is the cleanest beach.

    CIt has a marine life center. DIt is located in Florida.

    3Which of the following has the longest beach?

    ABlock Island. BHampton Beach.

    COcean City. DCanaveral National Seashore.




    In Tennessee, you will find a “secret society” that consists of 9 women who call themselves “The 9l Nanas.” Its mission is simple—to spread happiness by performing random acts of kindness for those in need. The Nanas have been together since childhood. Several of them were raised by MaMaw and PaPaw, a couple that were always doing good for the community.

    One day when the 9 Nanas got together, they started recollecting the old days with MaMaw and PaPaw. They fondly recalled how MaMaw Ruth used to bake and send pound cakes to families who had recently lost someone. The “sisters” wanted to do good for their community too. So, the “secret society” of “The 9 Nanas” was born.

    The ladies kept their ears open as they ran their daily work. Whenever they heard of someone in need, they’d step in to help. A package would be sent, which would always include one of MaMaw Ruth’s pound cakes and a note that said “Somebody loves you.”

    Believe it or not, the group operated in secret for 30 years! But by then, the husbands had started to get suspicious. So the 9 Nanas gathered the husbands and spilled the beans. Their husbands wanted in on the fun. That’s when the operation was taken to the next level!

    Now, over 5 years since the husbands uncovered their wives’ secret, the 9 Nanas are still going strong. They said, “Not everyone is as lucky as we were to have MaMaw and PaPaw to take care of them. So this is our way of giving back. We want to make sure that happiness happens.”

    4What is the task of the “secret society”?

    ATo uncover secrets. BTo search for lost family members.

    CTo spread happiness. DTo attend kids for working parents.

    5What inspired the 9 Nanas to start the “secret society”?

    AA thank-you note. BTheir similar interests.

    CA special package. DTheir common memories.

    6Which of the following best explains ”spilled the beans“ underlined in paragraph 4?

    ATold the truth. BShared snacks.

    CAsked for help. DMade promises.

    7Which of the following best describes the 9 Nanas?

    APractical and polite. BHumble and humorous.

    CCaring and devoted. DOutgoing and disciplined.


    A report issued on the eve of the first major U.N. conference on water in more than 45 years says 26% of the world’s population doesn’t have access to safe drinking water and 46% lacks access to basic sanitation(卫生). The U. N. World Water Development Report 2023, released Tuesday, painted an unpleasant picture of the huge gap that needs to be filled to meet U.N. goals to ensure all the 8 billion people have access to clean water and sanitation by 2030.

    According to the report, water use has been increasing globally by roughly 1% per year over the last 40 years ”and is expected to grow at a similar rate through to 2050, mainly driven by population growth in urban areas.“

    With agriculture using 70% of all water globally, Richard Connor, editor in chief of the report, said, irrigation(灌溉)for crops has to be more efficient. As a direct result of climate change, an increase in intensity or frequency of droughts and ”heat extremes“ can be expected in most regions. On average, ”10% of the global population lives in countries with high or critical water stress“—and up to 3.5 billion people live under conditions of water stress at least one month a year, said the report.

    As for water pollution, Connor said, the biggest source of pollution is untreated wastewater. ”Globally, 80% of wastewater is released to the environment without any treatment,“ he said, ”and in many developing countries it’s pretty much 99%.“

    These issues will be discussed during the three-day U. N. Water Conference opening Wednesday. There are 171 countries, including over 100 ministers, on the speakers list along with more than 20 organizations. The meeting will also include five ”interactive dialogues“ and dozens of side events.

    8How many people lack safe drinking water according to the report?

    AAbout 0.8 billion. BAbout 2 billion.

    CAbout 3. 6 billion. DAbout 6 billion.

    9What does the report say about water use?

    AIt has been increasing steadily every year.

    BIt contributes to environmental pollution.

    CIt is highly efficient in agricultural irrigation.

    DIt is stressful for 3.5 billion people throughout the year.

    10What does the report mainly focus on according to the text?

    AComparing opinions. BAnalyzing causes.

    CIntroducing policies. DOffering solutions.

    11What can we learn about water shortage from the last paragraph?

    AIt has caused regional conflicts. BIt will be eased in most countries.

    CIt has attracted worldwide attention. DIt can be managed by treating wastewater.


    Scientists have invented ways to ”read“ words directly from brains. Brain implants(植入物)can translate internal speech into external signals, permitting communication from people with diseases that steal their ability to talk or type. New results from studies provide additional evidence of the extraordinary potential that brain implants have for restoring lost communication.

    Some people who need help communicating can currently use devices that require small movements, such as eye gaze changes. Those tasks aren’t possible for everyone. So the new studies targeted internal speech, which requires a person to do nothing more than think. ”Our device predicts internal speech directly, allowing the patient to just focus on saying a word inside their head and transform it into text,“ says neuroscientist Sarah Wandelt. ”Internal speech could be simpler than requiring the patient to spell out words or mouth them.“

    Neural(神经系统的)signals associated with words are detected by electrodes(电极)implanted in the brain. The signals can then be translated into text, which can be made audible(听得见的)by computer programs that generate speech. Electrodes picked up nerve cell signals in the posterior parietal cortex, a brain area involved in speech and hand movements. A brain implant there might eventually be used to control devices that can perform tasks usually done by a hand too, Wandelt says.

    The system allowed Pancho, who hadn’t been able to speak for more than 15 years after a car accident, to produce around seven words per minute. That’s faster than the roughly five words per minute his current communication device can make, but much slower than normal speech, typically about 150 words a minute.

    To be useful, the current techniques will need to get faster and more accurate. ”These are still early days for the technologies,“ Wandelt says. ”Progress will be possible only with the help of people who volunteer for the studies. The field will continue to benefit from the incredible people who participate in clinical trials.“

    12What function is expected of the brain implants?

    ATo control body movements. BTo detect certain brain diseases.

    CTo assist communication. DTo translate foreign languages.

    13What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about the system?

    AIts working principle. BIts technical limitation.

    CIts clinical significance. DIts potential application.

    14What can we infer about the system from the last paragraph?

    AIt has got as fast as normal speech.

    BIt has not been put in clinical trials.

    CIt is more accurate than current techniques.

    DIt is not of much practical use at present.

    15What is the purpose of the text?

    ATo describe a trial. BTo introduce a device.

    CTo advertise a product. DTo explain a concept.


    Life as a student means that you have to face and handle different types of challenges. Many young people place high demands on themselves and their academic performance, which can lead to feeling stressed.

     ___16___ A study has shown that positive stress strengthens the immune system, enhances memory, and improves decision-making skills. In the short term, stress is an effective and positive reaction in the body. ___17___ For this reason, it’s important to find a balance between studying and resting.

    When stressed, it’s easy to opt out of physical activities to save on study time, but it’s precisely during stressful periods that it’s essential to take care of your body and move as much as possible. Try walking or cycling to school, or getting off the bus some distance from the school and walking the last bit. ___18___

    Trying to catch up with more of your studies by sleeping less is not a good idea. The consequence is that you quickly lose in efficiency and energy, and then the studies take longer instead. ___19___ Sleep is needed for the body and brain to rest, recover and process new knowledge.

     ___20___ Since the brain is unable to maintain full focus for long periods, it’s good to take micro-breaks every hour, stand up and stretch for a few minutes. We often want to complete our assignments as soon as possible, perhaps with the idea of rewarding ourselves with rest later, but we need to turn this around.

    If, as a student, you begin to notice symptoms(症状)of stress, find ways to manage it.

    AStress is a natural reaction in the body.

    BSchool plays an important role in a student’s life.

    CAs students, we need to get between 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

    DAnother thing that helps is moments of rest during the school day.

    EBut if it continues to exist for a long period, it can be directly harmful.

    FBeing physically active will significantly increase your stress resistance.

    GLearning different techniques to relax can have a positive effect on your health.


    It’s been said the power is in your hands to become anything you want to become. For Dewitt resident Jerome Schafer, that’s ______ ! Schafer is a builder by trade, but his other ______ is letting his hands dance across a piano keyboard.

    For the last six years, Schafer has been ______ the residents of Clinton County’s Gunnisonville Meadows Assisted Living Center to ______ some of the ”classics,“ as he calls them. ”I’m playing a lot of songs. I ______ many years to the 30s, 40s and like that,“ he said.

    Joe Smith is a ______ listener. ”He plays here every Wednesday. I wouldn’t miss it,“ Smith said. ”He ______ about 10:30 in the morning and plays until 11:30.“ Anita Iocco says listening to Schafer play is the ______ of her week. ”I wouldn’t miss it. I always ______ of being here,“ she said.

    Schafer has been playing music since he was 14 years old, and 80 years later, he is still playing. He says he hasn’t had any formal ______ lessons and doesn’t read music.

    His granddaughter, Nicole Yabs, drives him to and from the ______ concert. Yabs says Wednesdays with her ______ are her favorite part of the week. ”I don’t think a lot of people ______ the time that they spend with their grandparents, but I know that I ______ value that,“ she said.

    Schafer says he’ll keep playing as long as he can. ”I ______ seeing the people enjoying it, so that’s enough for me,“ he said.

    21Atrue Bfantastic Cinitial Dideal

    22Acareer Bquality Ctalent Dbudget

    23Atreating Bvisiting Cleading Dfollowing

    24Ateach Blearn Cread Dplay

    25Ago back Bput on Ctake off Dlook forward

    26Achoosy Bsympathetic Cprofessional Dregular

    27Asings Bcomes Cwaits Drests

    28Aapplication Bpreparation Chighlight Dresponsibility

    29Alose control Btake a note Ckeep track Dmake a point

    30Apiano Btennis Ccooking Dtrade

    31Aclassical Bevening Cweekly Dclosing

    32Amother Bgrandmother Cfather Dgrandfather

    33Aappreciate Bwaste Ckeep Dneed

    34Aproperly Bdefinitely Ceasily Dsecretly

    35Aavoid Badmit Cenjoy Dremember


    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    About one year ago, 24-year-old Alex Wong found himself struggling with his mental health. With ___36___ (anxious), he couldn’t fall asleep, especially at night.

    ”I would hole up in my room during the day and stay awake all night because I didn’t want to interact ___37___ others and let them see me at my worst,“ says Wong.

    It was during this time that Wong ___38___ (feel)that he needed to find purpose and meaning in his life, so he signed up to volunteer with ImpactHK, a charity that ___39___ (primary)helps homeless people.

    Wong took part in the group’s ”kindness walks,“ ___40___ (walk)through Tsim Sha Tsui to hand out food and other essential ___41___ (item)to homeless people. Today, he volunteers ___42___ (lead)these walks once or twice a week.

    ”Doing this work makes me feel grateful for everything I have. My homeless friends may be down on ___43___ (they)luck and have nothing, yet they’re content, and they’ve helped me understand that I can be happy too, even when things aren’t going my way. I’ve also developed strong bonds with my fellow volunteers, many of ___44___ I’ve become close friends with.”

    Wong says that he’s in ___45___ better emotional space these days. “Helping my homeless friends has given my days new meaning and purpose and made me realize how good life can be.”


    46.假定你是李华, 你的英国朋友Peter来信请你推荐一座中国的旅游城市。请你给他写封回信, 内容包括:

    1. 推荐的城市;

    2. 你的理由。

    注意: 1. 词数80左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Dear Peter,



    Li Hua

    47.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    One morning Jack woke up with an aching arm. He touched it carefully with one finger. Ow! That really hurt! He climbed out of bed and put on his dressing gown(睡袍), very, very carefully. Then he went downstairs.

    Mum was in the kitchen, searching for cornflakes(玉米片)in the cupboard.

    “We’re out of cornflakes again,” she said, not looking round.

    “Mum,” Jack began, “I think there’s something wrong with my…”

    But at that moment, Lucy, Jack’s twin sister, came into the kitchen.

    “Mum,” she cried, “I’m very, very ill! Very ill indeed! My stomach hurts really, really bad! I am far too sick to go to school!”

    Mum was worried. She felt Lucy’s forehead. “You do feel hot. But you were fine yesterday.”

    “I’m not fine now,” said Lucy. “Please, Mum. Can I go back to bed?”

    Lucy didn’t even want breakfast. Jack tried to tell Mum about his arm. But Mum was too worried about Lucy.

    “Please just get dressed, Jack, or you will be late for school!”

    Mum stayed home to look after Lucy. Dad gave Jack a lift to school, and Jack tried to explain about his arm. ”I was playing football yesterday and I hit my arm and it still hurts,“ he said.

    ”Probably just a bruise(瘀伤),“ said Dad. ”I hope Lucy is better soon. She looked a bit feverish to me.“

    It’s always about Lucy, thought Jack crossly.

    At school, Jack had to be very careful of his arm. He had to keep it really still. Luckily he could still write with his other hand. At home, Mum was looking after Lucy. She put her back to bed and brought her a glass of warm water. She read her a story.

    ”How do you feel now?“ she asked. ”Would you like to try a little breakfast?“

    ”I can’t eat a thing,“ said Lucy.

    Mum was worried. It wasn’t like Lucy not to eat anything. She bent down to pick Lucy’s teddy bear off the floor. As she did so, she caught sight of something under the bed.


    1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

    2, 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    A huge pile of candy wrappers(包装纸)! And an empty box!


    Mrs Smailes, the headteacher, came running to meet them. ”I think you need to go straight to hospital. Jack is there!"



    1D    2A    3D



    1.细节理解题。根据Hampton Beach, New Hampshire标题下“The attractions include a market with shops, eateries and games; a marine(海洋的)life discovery center; and a historical society.”(景点包括一个有商店、餐馆和游戏的市场;海洋生物发现中心;以及一个历史社会。)可知在汉普顿海滩可做的事情是参观当地市场。故选D项。

    2.细节理解题。根据Ocean City, Maryland标题下“There are many pet-friendly hotels, though dogs are only welcome on the beach in the colder months between October 1 and April 30.”(虽然只有在101日至430日这段寒冷的月份,海滩上才欢迎狗狗,但这里有许多宠物友好型酒店。)可知,在大西洋城有宠物友好型酒店。故选A项。

    3.细节理解题。根据Block Island, Rhode Island标题下“17 miles of beaches”17英里长的海滩)及Hampton Beach, New Hampshire标题下“18-mile coast ”18英里长的海岸)及Ocean City, Maryland标题下“10 miles of beaches”10英里长的海滩)及Canaveral National Seashore, Florida标题下“24 miles of beach habitat”24英里的海滩栖息地)可知,卡纳维拉尔国家海岸是最长的。故选D项。

    4    5    6    7



    8    9    10    11



    12    13    14    15



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    21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30    31    32    33    34    35




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