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    这是一份广东省汕头市2023届高三英语下学期二模试题(Word版附答案),共17页。试卷主要包含了 考生必须保证答题卡的整洁等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英 语
    本试卷共8页, 满分120分。考试用时120分。

    注意事项:1. 答题前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 作答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需要改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其它答案。答案不能答在试卷上。试题序号从“21”开始。
    3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答, 答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动, 先划掉原来的答案, 然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。
    4. 考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后, 将试卷和答题卡一并交回。

    第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    The Best Chinese Restaurants in Soho
    Soho, envelopes London's Chinatown so naturally the neighbourhood is full of Chinese restaurants. You'll find various Chinese cuisines in Soho.
    Yauatcha Soho($$$)
    Yauatcha is a stylish all-day dim sum restaurant from the Hakkasan Group. And the Soho site is extremely stylish indeed with its dark tables and long blue-lit fish tank. The food is similarly beautiful, from the delicate crystal dumplings to the spicy steamed seabass, a kind of sea fish. You certainly pay for the pleasure of eating at Yauatcha. For a luxury occasion it really hits the spot.
    Beijing Dumpling ($$)
    It may have dumpling in the name but that's not all this little spot turns out. You can watch the chefs make the dumplings by hand in the window and they come pan-fried, steamed or soupy in the form of xiaolongbao. If you need more there are a variety of classic Chinese dishes and spicy hot pot.
    Little Four Seasons ($)
    It's not hard to locate Little Four Seasons which is famed for its roast duck. You can get this signature dish at Little Four Seasons but the specialty of this house is hot pot with the pork belly and chicken with black pepper, the spicy chicken and the spicy and sour fish being particular favourites.
    Sichuan cuisine is famous for its spiciness and that's exactly what you get at Barshu. Sichuan pepper and chillies feature across the menu, in everything from deep fried frogs legs to dry wok(锅) duck tongues to hot and sour tofu. It's slightly pricier than your average Chinatown restaurant but you'll struggle to find regional food of the same quality elsewhere. Just be prepared for the heat.
    21. Which of the four restaurants may cost customers most?
    A. Barshu. B. Yauatcha Soho. C. Beijing Dumpling. D. Little Four Seasons.
    22. What can be enjoyed in Barshu?
    A. The delicate dim sum. B. The heated atmosphere.
    C. Hot pot with sour tofu. D. Sichuan cuisine with high quality.
    23. What do the four restaurants have in common?
    A. They all serve hot pot.
    B. They all serve spicy food.
    C. Their target customers are Chinese.
    D. Their cuisines are combined with English flavor.
    China's first group of five female pilots flying J-11B fighter jets successfully completed their first solo(单独的)training recently.
    During the training, pilots had to complete simulated single engine and landing procedures accurately under high altitude conditions, which greatly tested their situational awareness, technical and tactical(战术上的)capabilities.
    The first solo flight also involved challenging operations such as hovering at maximum angular speed(角速度). It tests pilots'ability to master the boundary performance of the aircraft and how to control the aircraft accurately, providing a solid foundation for them to achieve tactical intention in the later air combat.
    “We are honored to be part of the first group of female pilots flying J-11B fighter jets but it was also a test for us. Though we're weak in physical strength compared with men, flying these jets is not about arm wrestling. What matters is decision-making and control of the jets. "Said Yan Zhongyue, one of the pilots from Xi'an Flying College of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)Air Force.
    Women obviously enjoy advantages in operating weapons and equipment because of the careful and sensitive characteristics, which also accords with future warfare in which accurate control of weapon platforms would be one of focuses.
    Following their first flight in the J-11B, they will receive training on formation flying, low-altitude and air combat training before they will participate into front line combat units this year. Training female fighter pilots is an important measure to strengthen the quality of the Air Force's talent pool. The move is designed to shorten training cycles for third generation fighters' pilots. “We have proved that female pilots can do the same things as men, we can operate heavy combat fighters. Today we can fly the J-11B, in the future same on the J-20. Our journey is the sea of stars, "said Yan.
    24. Which of the following best describes the first solo training?
    A. Demanding. B. Dangerous. C. Appealing. D. Popular.
    25. In which aspect do female pilots have advantages over male pilots?
    A. They are physically stronger.
    B. They are more cautious and attentive.
    C. They can make better decisions.
    D. They can control aircrafts more steadily.
    26. What can we learn about the female pilots from the last paragraph?
    A. Their front line experience is rich.
    B. Their training will soon come to an end.
    C. They play a vital role in Air Force talents.
    D. They have confidence to beat men in flying.
    27. What can be the best title for the text?
    A. Female pilots' hard training on flight.
    B. Female pilots’ journey to the sea of stars.
    C. The advantages female pilots have on flight.
    D. The success of female pilots' first flight in the J-11B.
    In Jakarta, apart from the narrow, unpaved road, the two-meter-high concrete coastal wall is the only thing that separates Susan's small restaurant from the sea. Her family depends on that wall. Growing up here, Susan used to play on the beach in front of her house. But by the 2000s the beach had disappeared, and the sea frequently flooded the neighborhood.
    In 2002, the government built the coastal wall, to give the residents peace of mind and time-a respite(暂缓) from the steady sinking of the land under the city and the steady rising of the sea. But just five years later, in 2007, the wall proved no match for the worst floods in Jakarta's modern history.
    Jakarta is now sinking at a truly alarming rate-a rate that varies around the city but is up to 11 inches a year in the northern areas. About 40 percent of Jakarta is below sea level. By comparison, climate change is raising sea level by only less than an inch a year. But sinking land and rising sea both point toward the same outcome: regular flooding in Jakarta. "Jakarta is the center of administration, economy, culture, and entertainment. Over the years Jakarta has grown into a big city with no environmental support system. ” says Andy, a lecturer at the University of Indonesia. Ultimately that's why it is sinking today.
    The situation is one reason the government announced that the nation's capital would be moved away to a new city to be built on Borneo, which is now forest. But local communities aren't so happy with the plan. They fear the project would destroy their land, forest, and livelihoods. In Jakarta, on the other hand, those who welcome the decision arguing that it will ease Jakarta's burdens of crowding and pollution.
    But as the government leaves the sinking capital, what is to become of the 10 million people like Susan who still live there?
    28. What is the function of the coastal wall?
    A. To prevent the land from sinking.
    B. To keep the residents from floods.
    C. To stop the steady rising of the sea.
    D. To restore the beach for the residents.
    29. What can we learn about the floods from Paragraph 3?
    A. The floods were caused by nature and humans.
    B. Climate change is the primary cause of the floods.
    C. The rise of the sea leveI is the outcome of regular flooding.
    D. The economic development has a great impact on the floods.
    30. What can be learned from the passage about Jakarta?
    A. It is no longer the nation's capital now.
    B. It is an underdeveloped city with a large population.
    C. Its residents suffer a lot from the plan of the government.
    D. Its measures to protect the environment are far from satisfactory.
    31. What is the author's attitude to the plan of the government?
    A. Intolerant.
    B. Supportive.
    C. Worried.
    D. Indifferent.
    "Mona Lisa's" famous smile is routinely described as ambiguous. But is it really that hard to read? Apparently not. In an unusual trial, close to 100 percent of people described her expression as "happy".
    The "Mona Lisa”is often held up as a symbol of emotional mystery. Kornmeier, the German scientist, and a team used it in a study of factors that influence how humans judge visual clues such as facial expressions. Using a copy of the masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci, the team moved the model's mouth corners slightly up and down to create eight altered images. They created four “happier" and four "sadder” "Mona Lisas".
    A block of nine images were shown to 12 trial participants 30 times. In every showing the pictures were randomly rearranged. Then participants had to describe each of the nine images as happy or sad.
    “Given the descriptions from art and art history, we thought that the original would be the most ambiguous, ”Kornmeier said. Instead, “we found that Da Vinci's original was perceived as happy in 97 percent of cases. "
    The second experiment involved the original "Mona Lisa” with eight "sadder" versions. These were given even more subtle(微妙的)differences in the lip tilt(倾斜). In this test, the original was still described as happy. However, participants' reading of the other images changed. "They were perceived a litle sadder than in the first experiment, "said Kornmeier.
    The findings confirm that “we don't have an absolute fixed scale of happiness and sadness in our brain"-and that a lot depends on context, the researcher explained. Understanding this process may be useful in the study of psychiatric(精神病学的)disorders. As for the masterpiece itself, the team believe their work has finally settled a centuries-old question.
    32. What does the underlined word “ambiguous” mean in the first paragraph?
    A. Strange.
    B. Happy.
    C. Sad.
    D. Unclear.
    33. What is the purpose of the study led by Kornmeier?
    A. To create copies of altered images.
    B. To answer a centuries-old question.
    C. To analyze what affect humans' visual judgement.
    D. To describe the ambiguous smile of the masterpiece.
    34. What can we learn from the first experiment?
    A. The experiment was randomly arranged.
    B. The result proved the original assumption.
    C. The copies differed in "Mona Lisa's" mouth corner.
    D. Altogether 30 different images were shown to the participants.
    35. What will Kornmeier agree according to the findings?
    A. Humans' visual judgement will change with context.
    B. Humans are better at recognizing happiness than sadness.
    C. “Mona Lisa's” smile is related with psychiatric disorders.
    D. The study result can be used to treat patients with mental disorders.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    We set off on our journey up Mount Wutai onto its peak to appreciate the mysterious and beautiful Bodhisattva Lights, ball-shaped lights floating in the whole sky with radiant beams. Seen from the foot of the mountain, the sky was gray and cloudy. 36 It sometimes appeared in white mist, and sometimes was completely covered by clouds.
    On the mountainside, our clothing grew wet. 37 It slowed the horses down to a heavy pace. We spent the night at a small temple. The next morning we continued our climb in the rain. The road was more slippery than the day before, so we had no choice but to get down from our horses and walked on foot.
    On the way, we were told the unusual phenomenon wouldn't be observed in the rain. WVe sighed with disappointment. 38 And the sun set in the west, the clouds disappeared and the mist faded.
    Eventually, we arrived at the peak, with the sky filled with stars. Late in the night, we got awake by a shout. “Get up. Hurry up to see the Lights!” We moved quickly, threw on a few pieces of clothing and ran out. It was cold, making our bodies shake from head to foot. 39 Just before our eyes, the mysterious phenomenon appeared.
    Thousands of ball-shaped objects floated slowly in the distance, shining golden beams of light, as though the whole sky were filled with countless glowing lanterns. The balls moved across the sky at the same speed. 40 They were light and delicate. Meanwhile, we all just froze there, speechless with wonder, appreciating the incredible views.
    A. It seemed to rain soon.
    B. We had to stop for a shelter.
    C. Unexpectedly, the sky began to clear.
    D. In the distance stood the peak, unclear.
    E. The road was slippery and difficult to walk.
    F. However, our hearts were filled with excitement.
    G. They were like goldfish swimming calmly in water.

    第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空格处的最佳选项。
    The plants my mother tended were hearty and had been there for many years. But after my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease(阿尔兹海默症)and was sent in hospital, the plants in our house began to die and the leaves were 41 , During that time, I had been so focused on the increasing demands of her own 42 that her beloved plants had 43 my notice.
    Later, I 44 her job and poured water into the thirsty soil every day. Gradually I understood her sacred job. Unlike children or pets, house plants 45 nothing. They wait quietly, no matter how 46 for attention. To undertake the care of a plant during a long period of time requires 47 for a living thing. Actually it 48 entirely on you for survival, but can't even ask for help.
    Even as Alzheimer's disease 49 so much of her moment-to-moment memory, the inborn act of caring lasts. After she left hospital and went back home, sometimes I would guide her down the steps to 50 the plants herself. Each time, she smiled up at me with 51, because being able to care for something is still what brings her the greatest joy. Whatever she may 52 moments later, while she is with them, she is fully 53 . Her devotion to the plants has no limit and no end.
    I look at plants differently these days. I see them as my mother does: quiet reminders of the need for deep 54 and love for every living thing. It is clear to me that the things we spend a lifetime cultivating are never truly 55; the kindness she has planted in me still blooms.
    41. A. blooming B. swinging C. growing D. dropping
    42. A. care B. health C. business D. condition
    43. A. got B. escaped C. deserved D. changed
    44. A. took over B. applied for C. participated in D. kept on
    45. A. promise B. prove C. demand D. complain
    46. A. ready B. eager C. necessary D. grateful
    47. A. wisdom B. courage C. diligence D. patience
    48. A. focuses B. decides C. insists D. depends
    49. A. reflects B. improves C. steals D. refreshes
    50. A. sell B. water C. admire D. observe
    51. A. satisfaction B. gratitude C. praise D. curiosity
    52. A. mention B. regret C. share D. forget
    53. A. popular B. involved C. concerned D. active
    54. A. consideration B. caution C. affection D. conservation
    55. A. lost B. developed C. found D. gained
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Working and living abroad is an eye-opening experience. From 2019 to 2021, I pursued my career in Shanghai and gained new insights into China.
    Firstly, the Chinese people work 56(incredible) hard. This gives evidence to 57 the Chinese economy is growing so fast. Secondly, 58(be) in China during the Spring Festival is an absolutely amazing event. No matter how far from home, most Chinese will make 59 home from work or study to spend China's most important holiday with their family. 60 (million) of people crowd into trains and planes for family reunions. So you will witness the 61(large) urban migration in the entire world. It is referred to as the Spring Rush, Chunyun in Chinese who attach great importance to the family. Last but not least, as an American who worked in China, I would encourage everybody to learn a foreign language. In this way, you're going to have a challenge that will give you confidence 62 (deal) with many other things in this world. 63 Nelson Mandela said, when you speak to a man in a language that he 64 (understand), it goes to his head. But when you speak to a man in his mother tongue, it goes to his heart.
    Working and living in China as an American opened the door to 65 (end) opportunities for me. It enabled me to learn the Chinese culture and have a better life I go for.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    假如你是李华, 你的英国笔友Richard 计划今年暑假来中国旅游并学习中国文化, 请你写
    信给他, 内容包括:
    1. 推荐合适的目的地;
    2. 说明理由。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Richard,

    Li Hua

    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was a rather crowded day at the subway station. Seeing the busy passers-by stopped by his performance, Eric, a music lover who just graduated from college, wore a big smile on his face. With deep passion for music, he showed up in the station in his spare time, singing and playing the guitar to people travelling to and from the subway station.
    With the melodious (悦耳的)song coming to an end, hearty applause burst out. As usual, Eric expressed his gratitude, nodding his head with a smile. “Man, awesome! An outstanding performance!”Approached a mnan, holding the hand of a little girl in a ponytail(马尾辫), aged about four.
    “Park, a producer of a record company. ” The man introduced himself, holding out his hand. "Would you like to give it a try in my company?” Out of politeness, Eric shook hands with him in amazement.
    “I haven't seen somebody this good in a long time! You are a beautiful scenery of this city, with such a beautiful voice!” Park admired. Suddenly, a phone call interrupted their conversation. Park briefly invited Eric to meet later in the same place and walked away to answer the call. Seeing Park off, Eric did realize what had happened, with warm current flowing from his head to toes. It was the first time that he had earned such kind of recognition, which was totally out of his expectation.
    "A beautiful scenery of the city, with a beautiful voice!”Eric repeated the words, cleaning his guitar and preparing for the next performance. At that time, he caught sight of a little girl in a ponytail standing in a corner, weeping and looking around. Carrying his guitar, Eric approached her and squatted (蹲)down, “What's wrong with you, honey?”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    "I can't find my daddy. ” The girl burst out crying.
    The girl calmed down in Eric's song when a man rushed into the office of the subway station.


    Version 1
    "I can't find my daddy. ” The girl burst out crying. Seeing her weep turning into the helpless cry, Eric looked around nervously. “How to find her father in such a crowd?” Suddenly, the office of the subway station came into view. Having packed up his things, Eric squeezed his way to the office, holding her tiny hand. There he informed the staff of the situation. After the broadcast, the girl still cried, with her eyes swollen. At the sight of the guitar, it hit Eric that music might comfort the anxious girl. Soon, a beautiful voice lingered around the room.
    The girl calmed down in Eric 's song when a man rushed into the office of the subway station. “Daddy, I am here!” The little girl screamed, throwing herself to her daddy's arms and cracked a big smile. Casting a glance to the man, Eric recognized that it was Park. Knowing the whole story, Park conveyed his gratitude: “You are truly a beautiful scenery of the city, not only with your beautiful voice, but with your heart, actually. " He added, “Again, would you like to join our company? "This time Eric answered with a smile, "That's a deal. ”(169 words)
    Version 2
    “I can't find my daddy. " The girl burst out crying. Eric was softly comforting her when he suddenly noticed the office of the subway station. He thought he'd better take the girl there and broadcast the message, which may help find her parents. But the appointment with Park crossed his mind. “What if I miss the meeting with Park?” Shaking his head, Eric gently took the girl's hand, headed to the office and turned to the staff for help. Looking at the tearful girl, Eric hit upon an idea. Clearing his throat, he took up his guitar.
    The girl calmed down in Eric's song when a man rushed into the office of the subway station. “Daddy!” the little girl shouted excitedly and threw herself to the man like a little merry bird. To Eric's surprise, it was Park! He met him again, in such an occasion! “I thought that I may not have the chance to meet you again. ” said Eric, with a shy smile. “Glad to see you again. Thank you so much!” Park replied with gratitude. “Daddy. Eric sings beautiful songs. ”“Yes, honey. ”Park said, “Eric sings beautiful songs because he has a beautiful heart. "(169 words)

    二、评分原则(采取双评, 差距5分产生三评)
    1. 本题总分为25分, 按5个档次进行评分。
    2. 评分时, 主要从①内容的合理性、②语言压确性丰富性、③衔接连贯性三个方面考虑, 具体为:
    3. 评分时, 应先根据作答的整体情况确定其所属的档次, 然后以该档次的要求来综合衡量, 确定或调整档次, 最后给分。
    4. 评分时还应注意:
    (1)词数过多或过少(少于130;多于180)均酌情扣1-2分, 词数不超过所给答题框即可。
    (2)书写较差以致影响交际的, 酌情扣分1-2分, 但不能仅凭书写打印象分。
    (3)单词拼写和标点符号是写作规范的重要方面, 评分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑, 英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。
    (5)关于主题偏离的处理, 建议最高不超过及格分往下评。
    (6)如果只续写了其中一段, 但该部分完成质量好、字数达到要求, 建议最高不超过12分往下评。
    1. 内容要点
    (1)文本大意:Eric热爱音乐, 利用业余时间在拥挤的地铁站为乘客弹唱表演, 美妙的歌声获得大家的赞赏, 成为城市三道亮丽的风景, 同时也得到一位唱片公司制作人Park的认可与邀约。然而中途Park因为接听电话而走开。不久, Eric发现了一个在角落里哭泣的小女孩, 他热心地上前询问。
    (2)主题立意:主题语境为人与自我中的“做人与做事”主题群, 文章主题立意明确, 内容指向的是优秀品行---友善。Eric有美妙的歌喉, 更有美好的心灵。
    (3)续写方向:根据文中的“. . . singing and playing the guitar. ”、“a little girl in a ponytail. . . ”. “. . . a beautiful scenery of this city, with such a beautiful voice!”和段首两句中的“I can't find my daddy” 和“. . in Eric's song when a man rushed into the office. . . ”, 要求学生能够把握“beautiful”这一关键线索, 围绕Eric不仅仅拥有 beautiful voice(在地铁站为乘客演唱歌曲;通过歌声安抚焦虑的小女孩), 而且拥有bcautifuthea(熟心帮助走失的小女孩), 从而体现a beautiful scenery of the city。
    第一段:1. Eric与小女孩交谈(询问或安慰);
    2. Eric 如何帮助小女孩(必写点:带女孩到地铁站管理办公室。可直接将小女孩带去地铁站管理办公室, 也可尝试其它方法无果后再做此举);
    3. Eric 通过吉他弹唱安抚小女孩;
    4. 父女见面;
    5. Eric和Park 认出彼此后各自的反应;
    6. 点出主题或故事结局。
    (5)续写难度:从文章难度上看, 文章主题清晰, 抓住主线的难度不会太大, 但仍有可能出现以下几方面的问题:① 没能把握好第二个段首句中的aman就是Park, 扎着马尾辫的小女孩是他的女儿;
    ② 第一段的内容没有交代Eric通过唱歌的方式来安抚小女孩, 没有与第二段的首句的内容衔接起来;
    ③ 没有体现故事地点的变化也就是Eric把小女孩从角落里带到地铁站管理办公室。
    2. 语言表达
    (2)语言丰富性;石式多样, 恰当运用复合句、非谓语和特殊句型等;运用合适的词汇进行心理、动作、语言和环境等细节描写;不鼓励为了追求所谓的高级词汇、短语或句式, 套用背诵积累的“高大上”的语言, 导致语义、语境和逻辑的混乱;
    ·能写到以上6个要点, 创造了丰富、合理的内容, 富有逻辑性, 续写完整, 与原文情境融洽度高;
    ·使用了多样且恰当的词汇和语法结构, 表达流畅, 语言错误很少, 且完全不影响理解;
    ·自然有效地使用了段落间、语句间衔接手段, 全文结构清晰, 前后呼应, 意义连贯。
    ·能写到以上5-6个要点, 使用了比较多样且恰当的词汇和语法结构, 表达比较流畅, 有个别错误,但不影响理解;
    ·比较有效地使用了语句间衔接手段, 全文结构比较清晰, 意义比较连贯。
    ·能写到以上4-5个要点, 有一定的逻辑性, 续写基本完整, 与原文情境相关;
    ·表达方式不够多样性, 表达有些许错误, 但基本不影响理解;
    ·全文结构比较清晰, 意义比较连贯。
    ·能写到以上3-4个要点, 内容和逻辑上有一些重大问题, 续写不够完整, 与原文有一定程度脱节;所用的词汇有限, 语法结构单调, 错误较多且比较低级, 影响理解;
    全文结构不够清晰, 意义欠连贯。
    1--5分·能写到以上1-2个要点, 内容和逻辑上有较多重大问题, 或有部分内容抄自原文, 续写不完整, 与原文情境基本脱节;(要警惕有些tricky的做法:抄两句写一句, 抄一句写两句, 这种就先 把抄的剔除, 剩下自己写的再来评分, 但也归为这个档。)
    ·语法结构单调, 错误极多, 严重影响理解;
    ·全文结构不清晰, 意义不连贯
    · 未作答;
    1. 评分时, 建议从内容(What)和方法(How)两个维度综合衡量, 为作文准确定档。
    2. 内容方面, 可从主题和情节两个维度考量:
    -衔接性:续文与前文之间、段首句与段落续文之间、第一段续文结尾与第二段首句之间是否有效衔接?-创新性:(属较高要求)在不违背完整性、合理性和衔接性要求的前提下, 是否构思巧妙, 令人眼前一 亮?
    3. 方法方面, 可从语篇和语言两个维度考量:
    4. 关于主题偏离的处理:出现严重的主题偏离时(如故事结局消极、负面, 颂扬的主题与原文毫不相关), 建议从最高不超过及格分往下评。主题有所偏离, 但不太影响故事情节发展, 视其程度采取扣1-2分的方式处理。
    5. 关于合理性问题的处理:因前文没读懂而导致的情节严重偏差, 建议从最高不超过及格分往下评。在续文部分情节逻辑自洽的前提术, 因忽略前文重要线索而导致的个别关键情节与前文不融洽, 采取降一档的方式处理;因文化背景知识不足、个别生词不理解等导致的常识性错误或细节不合理, 酌情扣1-2分。6. 关于完整性问题的处理:视完成部分的内容质量和字数情况综合判断。如果只续写了其中一段, 但该部分完成质量好、字数达到要求, 建议最高不超过12分往下评。

    21-25 BDBAB
    26-30 CDBAD
    31-35 CDCCA
    36-40 DECFG
    完型 41-45 DABAC
    46-50 BDDCB
    51-55 ADBCA
    56. incredibly 57. why-/58. being 59. it
    60. Millions
    61. largest62. to deal 63. As 64 understands 65. Endless

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