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    Brief Introduction
        Qingdao International Beer Festival has become a major event in the calendar of the beautiful city. The first festival took place back in 1991. It is now usually held once a year from the end of July to the end of August, and lasts for about one month. Qingdao is the largest beer production base in China and the festival provides a great opportunity to show -off the city’s unique characteristics.
        Qingdao International Beer Town (No. 195, Hong Kong East Road) is the Festival’s primary location. The area also contains a number of shops and restaurants, catering for a variety of tastes. The festival begins with the opening ceremony in this town, followed by 16 days of beer tasting, evening entertainment and drinking competitions, concluding with the final ceremony from the second weekend of August.
    2021 Qingdao International Beer Festival
        It is held in four venues respectively in Laoshan District, Huangdao District, Licang World Expo Park, and Jiaozhou City. Among them, the one at Golden Sand Beach Beer Square in Huangdao serves as the main venue, where a grand carnival is held during the beer festival from July 16 to August 8, 2021. Besides, visitors can enjoy the light show, art parade, and visit Qingdao Beer Museum for free.
    How to reach Huangdao Venue
        From City Center: Take Tunnel Bus 5, 6, 7, 8 or Tour Bus L3 and get off at Haiyun Jiayuan Station.
        From Huangdao District: Take Beer Festival Special Line 6, 7 or bus 18 operated in Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone, and get off at Golden Sand Beach Station.
    1、You can enjoy a variety of exciting activities during the festival except _______.
    A.eating competitions B.beer tasting
    C.the light show D.art parade
    2、Where can you participate in a carnival during the 2021 Qingdao International Beer Festival?
    A.the Beer Town’s Center B.Laoshan District
    C.Licang World Expo Park D.Golden Sand Beach Beer Square
    3、In which column can you find this passage?
    A.Sports B.Economy C.Travel D.Culture
    You go out for a meal and scan a QR code to order the food, but it asks for your phone number. You go back home and are asked to look into a facial recognition camera. Data collection is everywhere.
    However, the personal information collected by companies can be leaked for marketing or used for(电信诈骗). According to a survey of 5,458 people by the China Consumers Association, 85.2 percent of people said they had experienced personal information leaks from applications on their smart phones. Most said they got unwanted calls or text messages afterward.
    On Nov 1, the Personal Information Protection Law came into effect in China. The law has detailed rules to strengthen the protection of personal information.
    The law defines personal information as any kind of information about people who are or can be identified, in electronic or other forms. So a person’s name, date of birth, ID number, address and phone number are all personal information.
    There are also some kinds of personal information that are regarded as “sensitive”, such as fingerprints, faces, religious beliefs, medical health, financial accounts and all data relating to minors under 14.
    According to the law, activities such as collecting, using, processing and trading of personal information will be strictly regulated. One key rule is that those handling personal information should inform users and get permission. For sensitive information, there are stricter rules on related activities. For example, in the case of a minor, approval from their parents is required.
    Protection of personal information of online platform users is especially stressed. According to a report released in June on Internet development in China, the country has over 1 billion Internet users and 60 percent of surveyed applications had collected users’ information illegally. Many apps would collect users’ information even when the app was not in use. They could access the phonebook, photos, turn on the microphone and get the users’ location.
    For individuals, it’s important to raise awareness of protecting personal information. Individuals need to fully understand the requests for personal information. If it’s not necessary, don’t agree. If you find that your personal data has been used illegally, you can report to consumer councils or(网络管理机构) with evidence.
    4、The author intends to _______ by the first two paragraphs.
    A.tell some unwanted experiences
    B.inform some personal information leaks
    C.draw the readers’ attention to the topic
    D.warn the public against using applications
    5、Which of the following is not regarded as personal information?
    A.A child’s pet name. B.An application user’s location.
    C.Some old family pictures. D.All data relating to teenagers.
    6、Which of the following is true according to the text?
    A.The Personal Information Protection Law will become effective in China.
    B.Dealing with personal information without users’ agreement is illegal.
    C.Collecting and processing personal information should be banned.
    D.For sensitive information, approval from a person’s parents is required.
    7、In the author’s opinion, how can you avoid personal information leak?
    A.Enhance your consciousness of personal information and adopt effective measures.
    B.Don’t use the applications too often that are downloaded on your smart phone.
    C.Make up false personal information in order to protect your true information.
    D.Report to consumer councils or cyberspace administrations with evidence
    If you want to understand the soul of Russia, read Fyodor Dostoyevsky, since he is “the archetype(原型) of the Russian nation”.
    This year marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of the famous Russian writer. Commemorative(纪念的) events including meetings and exhibitions have been held throughout this year in Russia, and around the world.
    Born in Moscow in 1821, Dostoyevsky was introduced to literature at an early age through fairy tales and legends, and through books by Russian and foreign authors. In 1846 when he was 25, Dostoyevsky published his first novel.
    But four years later he was put in prison for being in a literary club that discussed banned books critical of the authorities. Then Dostoyevsky spent the next 4 years in a prison camp and another 6 years doing compulsory military service, according to The Moscow Times.
    Surrounded by hardship, Dostoyevsky created extremely contradictory but profound works, exploring psychology in the political, social and spiritual turmoil(动荡) of 19th-century Russia. His most famous masterpieces include, Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov, The Idiot, and Notes from the Underground.
    Dostoyevsky’s works have had a strong influence on the world of literature and have inspired many literary figures.
    “Dostoyevsky’s novels are seething whirlpools(沸腾的漩涡) that boil and suck us in. They are composed purely and wholly of the stuff of the soul. Against our wills we are drawn in, suffocated(窒息的), and at the same time filled with a giddy rapture(疯狂的喜悦),”wrote UK writer Virginia Woolf.
    US writer William Faulkner once said the Russian writer was one of his main literary inspirations, alongside the Bible and Shakespeare. The book influenced him the most and Faulkner reread the book often.
    “Like Dostoyevsky, Faulkner was interested in studying the crisis of a personality who found himself amidst crisis in society,” wrote Faulkner expert Robert Hamblin.
    To celebrate the influential writer, UNESCO has declared 2021 the Year of Dostoyevsky.
    8、What can be inferred about Dostoyevsky according to this passage?
    A.Dostoyevsky read classics of world literature when he was very young.
    B.It is known that Dostoyevsky is “the archetype of the Russian nation.
    C.Dostoyevsky was put into prison for writing a book critical of the authorities.
    D.Dostoyevsky is an influential psychologist of 19th-century Russia.
    9、Why are Dostoyevsky’s novels special to Virginia Woolf?
    A.Because Dostoyevsky’s novels are different from other authors’ works.
    B.Because Dostoyevsky’s novels are fascinating and bring him inspiration.
    C.Because Virginia Woolf also studies the crisis of a personality like Dostoyevsky.
    D.Because he thinks that Dostoyevsky is “the archetype of the Russian nation”.
    10、What is Faulkner’s attitude toward Dostoyevsky’s works?
    A.Curious. B.Indifferent. C.Critical. D.Supportive.
    11、What is the author’s main purpose in writing this passage?
    A.To encourage readers to get started with literary classics.
    B.To get across Russian values by exploring Dostoyevsky.
    C.To introduce and memorize a great literary giant.
    D.To promote several excellent novels by Dostoyevsky.
        China deployed(部署) a satellite on Oct 24 to carry out technological tests for space debris(残骸) management, according to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. The spacecraft aims to demonstrate technologies to alleviate space debris.
        Since the dawn of the space age in the 1950s, humans have launched thousands of rockets and sent even more satellites into orbit. Many are still there, and we are now facing an ever increasing risk of space junk.
        More than 27,000 pieces of orbital debris, or “space junk”, are tracked in space, according to NASA. Much more debris is too small to be tracked but large enough to threaten human spaceflight and robotic missions. Since a piece of debris can move faster than a speeding bullet, collisions with these tiny pieces often leave pits in many satellites, telescopes and other objects orbiting our planet.
        In 2006, for example, a tiny piece of space junk collided with the International Space Station, taking a chip out of the heavily reinforced window, according to National Geographic.
        Space junk is a huge threat to space missions that involve human life. “This is particularly important since careful consideration needs to be made about the orbital path of space junk before spacewalk exercises are conducted,” Joon Wayn Cheong, a satellite systems expert, told Science X, a science website.
        Luckily, scientists are fully aware of the issue, and they are approaching it in different ways.
        One involves using a giant net. In 2018, the UK’s Surrey Space Center used a net to catch space junk in an experiment. It was the first successful demonstration of space cleanup technology, CNN reported. It involved targeting debris and catching it with a net and a harpoon(鱼叉).
        Another solution is to use robotic arms. Clear Space 1, the European Space Agency’s mission to remove space junk from orbit, is expected to launch in 2025, which will adopt robotic arms to capture the debris, BBC Science Focus Magazine reported. The mission plans to locate, capture and throw debris into the atmosphere, where it will burn up in the intense pressure and friction(摩擦) of re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere.
    12、What does the underlined word “alleviate” in paragraph 1 mean?
    A.Track. B.Increase. C.Reduce. D.Destroy.
    13、What can be inferred about space junk according to the passage?
    A.A great many satellites orbiting the Earth don’t work efficiently.
    B.About 27,000 satellites are working on the orbit of the Earth.
    C.Many satellites have been damaged by speeding bullets.
    D.Spacewalk exercises can be a huge threat to space junk.
    14、Which of the following shows the structure of the passage? (P = paragraph)
    A. B.
    C. D.
    15、What would be the best title for the text?
    A.Achievement in aerospace B.Risks of space junk
    C.Solutions to solving debris D.Space debris cleanup
    16、 We are surrounded by messages trying to get our attention. Advertisers, politicians and other groups all try to get us to agree with them. ①_______ Propaganda(宣传) is not always a bad thing, but it often hides the truth about a topic. It’s very similar to advertising, whose goal is to get people to buy something, while propaganda is to change what people believe.
    Propaganda techniques: To create propaganda, a common technique is name-calling. A politician might call someone a traitor or liar, which makes the other person look bad. Another is the trend technique. People want to be on the side in the favor. They might join someone who claims to be popular or winning. Some propaganda is based on fear. ②_______ This might not be bad. Anti-smoking campaigns are one example. They may scare people into thinking that if they smoke, they will get cancer.
    Propaganda media: Propaganda is used by many groups, such as businesses, politicians and the government. ③_______ The Internet makes it easy to send messages to the whole world.
    Types of propaganda: Political propaganda has been around as long as there have been politicians. ④_______ People have used it for many years. War propaganda began during World War I, more than 100 years ago.
    To see propaganda is saying the truth, people need to do extra work. For example, ads might always sound like they are true. But before you believe them, try to think about who created and paid for them. Find out why they did it. ⑤_______.
    A. Another word for this is propaganda.
    B. Propaganda is a wisely used medium.
    C. Then, you can decide if they are honest or not.
    D. So most people will agree with these politicians.
    E. It is spread through posters, television and radio.
    F. It scares people into choosing a certain side or taking action.
    G. However, religious propaganda was actually the first official one.
    I’d been this way for months. Whenever I had nothing to do, a familiar depression would 1 on my back. So I went to my friend for help, who lived on the top of a steep hill.
    My friend wasn’t in. The fog was 2 in. So I was stuck outside her house waiting. Suddenly I saw a 3 dashing out of the house next door. Holding up his 4 hand, the man approached me, crying, “Help! Finger! Cut!” I dialed 911 immediately. While waiting for the 5 , I noticed he hadn’t taken his cut 6 and asked, “Where is it?” Frozen for a while, he said with 7 “Maybe upstairs.” Hurrying into the house, I began to 8 the finger. In the kitchen a table saw lay on the floor. I lifted up each foot and looked underneath to ensure I wouldn’t step on it. Having searched carefully, I 9 it lying beside the table saw. I grabbed a paper towel, placed it over the finger and picked it up 10 . After getting outside, I 11 the man, “Hang tight! The ambulance is 12 .
    13 , the ambulance arrived. I handed the finger to the nurse and they drove away. Suddenly I felt 14 helping someone in need, even if pushing three 15 on a phone was all I did. I would 16 doing it.
    Then one day after the finger 17 , I realized I had completely forgotten to be 18 as I’d been 19 playing the role of local hero. I wished I could see him again to thank him, because when he lost his finger, he 20 my life.
    17、A.appear B.reveal C.climb D.present
    18、A.running B.rolling C.covering D.crowding
    19、A.figure B.woman C.friend D.farmer
    20、A.trembling B.missing C.bleeding D.shaking
    21、A.taxi B.car C.vehicle D.ambulance
    22、A.finger B.hand C.saw D.razor
    23、A.patience B.uncertainty C.interest D.guilt
    24、A.discover B.examine C.locate D.observe
    25、A.recognized B.realized C.sensed D.spotted
    26、A.cautiously B.carelessly C.hopelessly D.anxiously
    27、A.treated B.comforted C.assisted D.protected
    28、A.in the way B.by the way C.on the way D.out of the way
    29、A.Eventually B.Initially C.Consequently D.Temporarily
    30、A.angry B.strange C.upset D.good
    31、A.screens B.buttons C.letters D.marks
    32、A.depend on B.give up C.set about D.keep on
    33、A.incident B.event C.operation D.affair
    34、A.confused B.shocked C.depressed D.bored
    35、A.funny B.busy C.ready D.risky
    36、A.gave B.sacrificed C.took D.saved
    37、    As long as I can remember, I’ve been interested in learning about people, places and traditions from around the world. I travelled with my dad ①______(adopt) my brother and sister on life-changing trip to Peru when I was 15 years old. ②______ (immediate) my world expanded: in Machu Piccuhu I felt as if I ③______ (wake) from a dream, which made me realize the ④______ (possible) and endless adventures beyond my neighborhood.
        In college, I spent a/an ⑤______ (believe) term in Spain, and later in Ecuador. The travel desire resulted ⑥______ countless trips abroad, from teaching English as ⑦______ second language to immigrants in London, to travelling with my students in Costa Rica.
        Now that I have my own family, I hope to raise my children to be globally and culturally aware. Our family looks like a mini-United Nations, with my husband ⑧______ (come) from Mexico, and my daughters and sons from China and Ethiopia. ⑨______ our intention was simply to expand our family, we have been enriched by our multicultural backgrounds and experiences. Each member of our family ​⑩______ (enjoy) both the trips to home countries as well as the celebrations of traditions here at home.
    1. 每句不超过两个错误;
    2. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分
    Early rising has many advantage. Firstly, it helps us to keep health. We all need fresh air, but the air is freshest in the morning. Besides, we can improve our health by exercising regular in the morning. Secondly, it also benefit our study because we can learn more quickly in the morning. Thirdly, it can make us to plan our work for the day. Only without a proper plan can we work well. Early rising can allow us enough time to get ready for your work. So we say that those whom always get up late should make an effort to get up early.
    39、假定你是李华。你校要举办一年一度的戏剧节,想邀请外教Rebecca观看你班彩排并提出建议,请你用英语给她写封100 字左右的邮件,内容包括如下:
    1. 戏剧节日期和要求。
    2. 你班准备的节目。
    3. 期待建议。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的The festival begins with the opening ceremony in this town, followed by 16 days of beer tasting(在这个小镇,啤酒节以开幕式开始,然后是16天的啤酒品尝)以及第三段中的Besides, visitors can enjoy the light show, art parade, and visit Qingdao Beer Museum for free.(除此之外,游客还可以欣赏灯光秀、艺术游行,并免费参观青岛啤酒博物馆。)可知青岛啤酒节包含啤酒品尝、灯光秀以及艺术游行,不包括吃的比赛,结合题干及选项,故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的Among them, the one at Golden Sand Beach Beer Square in Huangdao serves as the main venue, where a grand carnival is held during the beer festival from July 16 to August 8,2021.(其中,黄岛金沙海滩啤酒广场作为主会场,在2021年7月16日至8月8日的啤酒节期间,这里将举行盛大的狂欢节。)可知在Golden Sand Beach Beer Square你可以参加2021年青岛国际啤酒节期间的狂欢节,故选D。
    解析:文章出处题。通读全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了青岛国际啤酒节及其举办地点,另外还介绍了2021年啤酒节举办的地方。再结合How to reach Huangdao Venue中的From City Center: Take Tunnel Bus 5, 6, 7, 8 or Tour Bus L3 and get off at Haiyun Jiayuan Station.(从市中心出发:乘坐地铁5、6、7、8路或观光巴士L3至海韵嘉园站下车。)可知本文很可能出现在旅游栏目,故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段However, the personal information collected by companies can be leaked for marketing or used for communications fraud(电信诈骗).(然而,公司收集的个人信息可能被泄露用于营销或用于通信欺诈。)可知,作者在前两段是为了吸引读者对话题(信息泄露)的注意。故选C。
    解析:文章体裁题。根据文章第四段The law defines personal information as any kind of information about people who are or can be identified, in electronic or other forms. So a person's name, date of birth, ID number, address and phone number are all personal information.(法律将个人信息定义为以电子或其他形式提供的关于已被识别或可被识别的人的任何类型的信息。因此,一个人的姓名、出生日期、身份证号码、地址和电话号码都是个人信息。)和第五段的 There are also some kinds of personal information that are regarded as "sensitive", such as fingerprints, faces, religious beliefs, medical health, financial accounts and all data relating to minors under 14.(还有一些被视为"敏感"的个人信息,如指纹、面孔、宗教信仰、医疗健康、财务账户以及与14岁以下未成年人有关的所有数据。)可知,孩子的昵称;应用程序用户的位置;一些旧的家庭照片都是个人信息,但是所有与青少年有关的数据不是。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第六段One key rule is that those handling personal information should inform users and get permission.(一条关键规则是,处理个人信息的人应该通知用户并获得许可。)可知,未经用户同意处理个人信息是非法的。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段For individuals, it's important to raise awareness of protecting personal information. Individuals need to fully understand the requests for personal information. If it's not necessary, don't agree. If you find that your personal data has been used illegally, you can report to consumer councils or cyberspace administrations(网络管理机构) with evidence.(对于个人而言,提高保护个人信息的意识非常重要。个人需要充分了解个人信息请求。如果没有必要,就不要同意。如果你发现你的个人数据被非法使用,你可以向消费者委员会或网络空间管理局报告并提供证据。)可知,作者认为避免个人信息泄露需要增强个人信息意识,采取有效措施。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三段Born in Moscow in 1821, Dostoyevsky was introduced to literature at an early age through fairy tales and legends, and through books by Russian and foreign authors.(陀思妥耶夫斯基1821年出生于莫斯科,早年通过童话和传说以及俄罗斯和外国作家的书籍接触文学。)可知陀思妥耶夫斯基很小的时候就阅读了世界文学名著。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章倒数第四段"Dostoyevsky's novels are seething whirlpools(沸腾的漩涡) that boil and suck us in. They are composed purely and wholly of the stuff of the soul. Against our wills we are drawn in, suffocated(窒息的), and at the same time filled with a giddy rapture(疯狂的喜悦)," wrote UK writer Virginia Woolf.("陀思妥耶夫斯基的小说是沸腾的漩涡,将我们沸腾并吸进去。它们纯粹完全是由灵魂的物质组成的。英国作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫写道:“违背我们的意愿,我们被吸入,窒息,同时充满了令人眩晕的狂喜。”。)可知陀思妥耶夫斯基的小说对弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫来说很特别,因为陀思妥耶夫斯基的小说引人入胜,给他带来灵感。故选B。
    解析:观点态度题。根据文章倒数第三段US writer William Faulkner once said the Russian writer was one of his main literary inspirations, alongside the Bible and Shakespeare. The book The Brothers Karamazov influenced him the most and Faulkner reread the book often.(美国作家威廉·福克纳曾说,俄罗斯作家是他主要的文学灵感之一,其他两个是《圣经》和莎士比亚。《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》对他影响最大,福克纳经常重读这本书。)可知福克纳对陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品持支持态度。A.Curious.好奇的;B.Indifferent.不在乎的;C.Critical.批评的;D.Supportive.支持的。故选D。
    解析:写作意图题。根据最后一段To celebrate the influential writer, UNESCO has declared 2021 the Year of Dostoyevsky.可知为了纪念这位有影响力的作家,联合国教科文组织宣布2021年为陀思妥耶夫斯基年。说明写这篇文章的主要目的是介绍和纪念一位伟大的文学巨匠。故选C。
    解析:词义猜测题。结合7、8段可知,中国和英国及欧洲都在努力解决太空垃圾日益严峻的问题,所以减少、缓解太空垃圾才是正解:选项A track跟踪,3段1句在介绍日前太空垃圾日益严峻的风险现状时,已经跟踪到超过27000件垃圾绕轨,6段说科学家们因此正努力设法解决这一问题,那中国正研发的新技术应和7-8段一样都是解决垃圾的,不是追踪发现那样的老技术:选项D符合8段提到的技术,但不符合7段的用net捕获垃圾,所以中国的技术有可能摧毁但也由可能捕获运走,无论哪种技术,减少太空垃圾是肯定的。
    解析:暗含推断题。根据2段可知,上世纪50年代以来发射的众多卫星,很多依然滞留太空轨道,使地球面临一个太空垃圾日益增加的风险。暗指很多卫星已经成为不能再有效工作的垃圾:选项B不符合3段1句,太空中可追踪到超过27,000件太空垃圾:选项C≠3段末句,太空垃圾碰撞速度超过加速子弹,使得在轨卫星受损,不是子弹碰撞卫星;选项D改成Space junk can be a huge threat to spacewalk exercises就符合5段l句了,属于主语和介词宾语前后颠倒的错误类型。
    解析:①推理判断题。根据下文Propaganda is not always a bad thing, but it often hides the truth about a topic.可知,此处应出现Propaganda,由此可知生话中的信息欲引起人们的广泛关注;广告商、政客和其它群体试图让人们同意他们的观点,都离不开宣传造势,A项Another word for this is propaganda.(这种现象还有一个名称叫做宣传),该句引出了主题,符合语境,故选A。
    ②推理判断题。根据上文Some propaganda is based on fear.(一些宣传是基于恐惧。)及下文This might not be bad. Anti-smoking campaigns are one example. They may scare people into thinking that if they smoke, they will get cancer.(这可能还不错。反吸烟运动就是一个例子。他们可能会吓唬人们,让他们认为如果吸烟,他们会得癌症。)可知横线处是与scare有关的内容,所以F项It scares people into choosing a certain side or taking action.(它恐吓人们选择某一方或采取行动。)符合语境。故选F。
    ③推理判断题。本段主题是Propaganda media(宣传媒体),本段应该主要讲宣传的一些媒体手段,所以E项It is spread through posters, television and radio..(它通过海报、电视和广播传播。)符合语境。故选E。
    ④推理判断题。本段主题是Types of propaganda(宣传类型),上文Political propaganda has been around as long as there have been politicians.(政治宣传早在有政客的时候就存在了。)提到了政治宣传,下文War propaganda began during World War I, more than100 years ago.(战争宣传始于100多年前的第一次世界大战期间。)提到了战争宣传,所以G项However, religious propaganda was actually the first official one.(然而,宗教宣传实际上是第一个官方宣传。)符合语境,提到宗教宣传,并且能承上启下,下文中的it指代选项中的religious propaganda。故选G。
    ⑤推理判断题。结合上文To see propaganda is saying the truth, people need to do extra work..(要看到宣传在说真话,人们需要做额外的工作。)及下文For example, ads might always sound like they are true. But before you believe them, try to think about who created and paid for them. Find out why they did it.(例如,广告听起来可能,总是像是真的。但在你相信它们之前,试着想想是谁创造了它们并为它们付出了代价。找出他们为什么这么做。)可知横线处要讲只有这样才能直到宣传的真实性。故C项Ten, you can decide if they are honest or not.(然后,你可以决定他们是否诚实。)符合语境。故选C。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.appear出现;B.reveal揭露;C.climb爬;D.present赠与。根据下句So I went to my friend for help可知所以我去找我的朋友帮忙。说明每当我无事可做时,一种熟悉的沮丧感就会爬上我的背。故答案为C。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.running跑步;B.rolling滚动;C.covering覆盖;D.crowding拥挤。根据下句So I was stuck outside her house waiting可知所以我被困在她房子外面等着。说明雾滚滚而来。故答案为B。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.figure身影;B.woman女士;C.friend朋友;D.farmer农民。根据空后dashing out of the house next door可知突然,我看到一个人影从隔壁的房子里冲了出来。故答案为A。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.trembling颤抖;B.missing错过;C.bleeding流血;D.shaking摇晃。根据下句I dialed 911 immediately可知我立即拨打了911。说明他的手流血了。故答案为C。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.taxi出租车;B.car汽车;C.vehicle车辆;D.ambulance救护车。根据后文the ambulance arrived可知救护车到了。说明在等救护车。故答案为D。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.finger手指;B.hand手;C.saw锯;D.razor剃刀。根据后文I grabbed a paper towel, placed it over the finger and picked it up 10 .可知我抓起纸巾,盖在手指上,小心翼翼地捡起来。故答案为A。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.patience耐心;B.uncertainty不确定;C.interest兴趣;D.guilt罪。根据下句Maybe upstairs可知可能在楼上。说明他不确定。故答案为B。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.discover发现;B.examine检查;C.locate定位,找到……的确切位置;D.observe观察。根据下句In the kitchen a table saw lay on the floor. I lifted up each foot and looked underneath to ensure I wouldn't step on it可知厨房的地板上放着一把台锯。我抬起每只脚,看了看下面,以确保我不会踩到它。说明我找到了手指的确切位置。故答案为C。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.recognized识别;B.realized意识到;C.sensed感觉;D.spotted发现。根据下句I grabbed a paper towel, placed it over the finger and picked it up 10 .可知我抓起纸巾,盖在手指上,小心翼翼地捡起来。说明我找到了手指。故答案为D。
    解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.cautiously谨慎地;B.carelessly粗心地;C.hopelessly没有希望地;D.anxiously焦虑地。根据上句I grabbed a paper towel, placed it over the finger可知我抓起纸巾,盖在手指上,小心翼翼地捡起来。故答案为A。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.treated对待;B.comforted安慰;C.assisted帮助;D.protected保护。根据下句"Hang tight!可知坚持住,说明我在安慰他。故答案为B。
    解析:考查固定短语及语境理解。A.in the way阻碍;B.by the way顺便说一下;C.on the way在路上;D.out of the way不挡道。根据下句the ambulance arrived可知救护车到了。说明刚才救护车在路上。故答案为C。
    解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.Eventually最后;B.Initially最初地;C.Consequently结果;D.Temporarily暂时地。根据下句the ambulance arrived可知最后救护车到了。故答案为A。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.angry生气的;B.strange奇怪的;C.upset心烦意乱的;D.good好的。根据空后helping someone in need可知帮助别人肯定感觉非常好。故答案为D。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.screens屏幕;B.buttons按钮;C.letters信;D.marks分数。根据前文I dialed 911 immediately可知我立即拨打了911。说明我拨了3个电话按钮。故答案为B。
    解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A.depend on依靠;B.give up放弃;C.set about开始;D.keepon继续。根据下文中的"I'd been busy playing the role of local hero"可知,作者一直在坚持(keep on)做善事。故答案为D。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.confused困惑的;B.shocked惊讶的;C.depressed压抑的;D.bored乏味的。Whenever I had nothing to do, a familiar depression would 1 on my back可知每当我无事可做时,一种熟悉的沮丧感就会爬上我的背。说明作者忙于做善事,完全忘记了抑郁(depressed)这件事。故答案为C。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.gave给予;B.sacrificed牺牲;C.took带走;D.saved拯救。根据上句I wished I could see him again to thank him可知我希望我能再次见到他以感谢他,因为当他失去手指时,他救了我的命。故答案为D。
    37、答案:①to adopt②Immediately③had woken④possibilities⑤unbelievable⑥in⑦a⑧coming⑨While/Though/Although⑩enjoys
    解析:①考查动词不定式。句意:在我15岁的时候,我和爸爸一起去秘鲁领养我的兄弟姐妹,这是一次改变生活的旅行。此处用动词不定式表目的,故填to adopt。
    ③考查虚拟语气。句意:在马丘比丘,我感觉自己仿佛从一个梦中醒来,这让我意识到在我的社区之外的可能性和无尽的冒险。As if表示"好像",结合句意可知,此处表示对过去情况的虚拟,用过去完成时,故填had woken。
    ⑥考查介词。句意:旅行的欲望导致了无数次出国旅行,从在伦敦教英语作为第二语言到在哥斯达黎加和我的学生一起旅行。result in表示"导致",故填in。
    ⑧考查现在分词。句意:我们的家庭看起来像一个小型联合国,我的丈夫来自墨西哥,我的女儿和儿子来自中国和埃塞俄比亚。此处为with的复合结构,宾语my husband与come之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作宾补,故填coming。
    ⑩考查动词时态及主谓一致。句意:我们家的每一位成员都喜欢去祖国旅行,也喜欢在家里庆祝传统。结合句意可知,此处在讲述客观事实,句子用一般现在时,主语为Each member of our family,谓语动词用三单形式,故填enjoys。
    Early rising has many . Firstly, it helps us to keep . We all need fresh air, the air is freshest in the morning. Besides, we can improve our health by exercising in the morning. Secondly, it also our study because we can learn more quickly in the morning. Thirdly, it can make us plan our work for the day. Only a proper plan can we work well. Early rising can allow us enough time to get ready for work. So we say that those always get up late should make an effort to get up early.
    Dear Rebecca,
        I’m writing to inform you that the annual “Drama Festival” is coming next month. It is required that each class prepares one performance, adapted from some famous China’s traditional dramas, lasting for no more than 30 minutes.
        Excited and full of eagerness, our classmates will participate with our drama named “Snow in Midsummer”, which is based on a China’s traditional drama. A woman “Dou’e” was wronged being a murderer. But we have some puzzles on stage language and idiomatic English expressions. We sincerely invite you to watch our rehearsal at 4:00 p.m. next Monday in our classroom. We badly need your practical advice.
        Looking forward to your guidance.
    Li Hua


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