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    这是一份2023年江苏省常州市金坛区中考一模英语试题(含答案),共10页。试卷主要包含了 03等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023. 03
    1. — Yuan Longping spent all his life on the research and development of better rice plants.
    — That's true. We ________ praise him too much.
    A. must B. mustn't C. can D. can't
    2. — ________ do you know about Columbus?
    — Oh, he is a great man who discovered America.
    A. What B. Who C. How D. Which
    3. Many young people often find ________ necessary to communicate, but don't know who to talk to.
    A. that B. it C. them D. this
    4. — Why do so many companies hope he can work for them?
    — Because he can speak both Chinese and French. It's certainly his ________.
    A. decision B. condition C. advantage D. disadvantage
    5. — It seems that your uncle knows the small town very well. Sandy.
    — Right! He ________ here as a policeman for five years in the 2010s.
    A. works B. worked C. has worked D. is working
    6. — I'm so busy these days. I can only spare a very little time to exercise.
    — You've done very well. ______, ten minutes of exercise is better than nothing.
    A. In general B. After all C. First of all D. For example
    7. — Have you sent your grandparents an e - mail to tell them you've passed the exam?
    — No. I called them instead. ________ of them can use a computer.
    A. None B. Both C. Neither D. All
    8. — Which hobby do you think ________ less time, painting or reading?
    — It's hard to say. It depends.
    A. takes off B. takes up C. takes out D. takes in
    9. I came back late last night. My father asked me ________.
    A. if I have had supper B. where I was with my friends
    C. whom was I with D. why did I come back so late
    10. — We failed in the dancing competition.
    — ________. Better times are waiting for you.
    A. Good luck B. Don't mention it C. Cheer up D. No problem
    There are many stories and legends (传说) about the history of Chinese New Year. The first and most 11 is the legend of Nian. There are two versions (版本) of it.
    As the story goes, there was a monster in ancient times with a body of a bull, a head of a lion, and a horn of a unicorn (麒麟). It was a dangerous animal that lived in the mountains and bunted for a 12 . Towards the end of winter. when there was nothing to eat, Nian would visit the villages and attack and cat whatever it saw, 13 the villagers to live in fear.
    One night when Nian came down the mountain, some villagers started fires, put up boards painted bright 14 , and stayed up all night long to make all kinds of loud sounds. When the monster cane to the village, the sight in the village makes it so 15 , and it ran back into the mountains. The next morning, the villagers had a big 16 .
    The following year, all he villagers came together and 17 that when it was time for Nian's annual visit, they would start a fire in front of every door, hang a red painted board in front of every house, and not go to sleep 18 rather make noise by the strong beating of drums and gongs (锣), along 19 the heavy use of firecrackers.
    In the second version of the legend of Nian, the monster lived at the bottom of the sea most of the year and would only go onto land on the last day of the Chinese lunar calendar to attack and eat both villagers and animals. The villagers learnt from an old man that Nian was afraid of loud noises and the color red, and began setting off fireworks and attaching “couplet” poems on red paper on their 20 door every New Year's Eve.
    Over time all the villagers 21 that the monster Nian was afraid of three things: the bright red color. fire. and noise. Every year they repeated the custom and it has been 22 from generation to generation (代代相传) until today, and thus the custom of Guo Nian was established based on the legends of Nian.
    Il. A. well - known B. exciting C. stupid D. important
    12. A. live B. living C. life D. alive.
    13. A. causing B. making C. advising D. pushing
    14. A. white B. blue C. red D. black
    15. A. scared B. worried C. amazed D. surprised
    16. A. celebration B. lunch C. holiday D. laugh
    17. A. accepted B. knew C. agreed D. told
    18. A. because B. so C. though D. but
    19. A. with B. over C. on D. under
    20. A. small B. side C. back D. front
    21. A. watched B. realized C. wondered D. saw
    22. A. passed down B. passed away C. passed out D. passed by
    Please use the equipment (设备) in this gym in a safe and responsible way at all times and remember these points.
    * Proper clothing and shoes for exercise should be worn.
    * Do not use any equipment if you are drunk.
    * No food or drinks (except water). No smoking.
    * Do not use the equipment shortly after having eaten.
    * Do not wear jewelry during your workouts.
    * Please follow any instructions that are included with each piece of equipment.
    * Weight lifting should be done with a friend or trainer.
    * Do not lean (倚靠) on the equipment. Keep your hands away from any moving parts.
    * Please report faults (故障) to gym staff.
    * Carry a mobile phone when exercising to call for help in case of difficulty or emergency (紧急).
    * Please return all equipment to its place and wipe down equipment after use.
    * Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
    To prevent COVID -19. please remember these points:
    * Temperature will be taken before members and guests are allowed to enter the gym.
    * Keep 1. 5 meters of distance from other people.
    * Wear your mask.
    * Wash your bands often.
    23. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A. Wearing jewelry is allowed.
    B. Keep one metre of distance from other people.
    C. Smoking is not allowed.
    D. Use the equipment any time you like.
    24. What's the purpose of carrying a mobile phone when exercising?
    A. To know the time spent on exercise. B. To play games to kill time.
    C. To get help when meeting any problem. D. To avoid missing important phones.
    25. What's the passage mainly about?
    A. Study skills. B. Safety tips. C. How to relax. D. Which sport to choose.
    Some of the children's dreams about the Neverland were similar. This was because they were all in the same family and they had all heard the same stories from their mother. Many stories talked about a boy named Peter Pan. Peter Pan lived in the Neverland with the fairies (小精灵) and he could fly. Wendy especially believed in Peter Pan.
    “Peter Pan must be an old man now.” joked Mrs. Darling.
    “No. mom!” cried Wendy. “Peter will never grow up. He will always be a boy about the same age and height as me!”
    Mr. Darling laughed when Wendy spoke about Peter Pan. He did not believe in Peter Pan or the Neverland. “Nana probably made the children believe in Peter Pan. I'm sure that Wendy will soon forget about Peter Pan!” Mr. Darling told his wife.
    But Peter Pan did not want the children to forget him. So that same night he came to the Darlings' house. He whispered dreams of the Neverland into their ears while they were sleeping. Wendy had a wonderful dream about the Neverland that night.
    The next day Wendy saw that the window was open and knew that Peter Pan had come to visit. “Look!” she yelled to her mother. “There are tree leaves on the floor and he forgot to clean his shoes!”
    “How could Peter Pan come into the house without first knocking at the door?” asked her mother. “The door is always locked.”
    “He flew in through our window! Go upstairs and look! The tree leaves are next to the window!”
    Mrs. Darling did not want to tell Wendy that the Neverland and Peter Pan were just a dream and make her daughter sad. So she walked upstairs after breakfast and examined some of the leaves. She was surprised to see that they didn't look like the leaves that grew on the trees next to the house!
    --- Taken from Peter Pan
    26. Where did Peter Pan live according to the passage?
    A. England. B. The Neverland. C. A wooden house. D. Mr. Darling's home.
    27. Why did Peter Pan come to the Darlings' house that night?
    A. Because he wanted to bring some tree leaves to Wendy.
    B. Because he did not want the children to forget him.
    C. Because he was so hungry that he wanted to find some food.
    D. Because he would like to make the children sleep better.
    28. What can we infer (推断) from the passage?
    A. Peter Pan was an old man all children liked.
    B. Mr Darling didn't believe in Peter Pan or the Neverland.
    C. Maybe Mrs. Darling believed in Peter Pan in the end.
    D. The Neverland and Peter Pan were just a dream.
    It is said that Thomas Edison used to chase the twilight (追求模糊状态) moments between wakefulness and sleep. Supposedly. he used to fall asleep in a chair. holding two balls in his hands. As he nodded off, the balls fell down. The resulting noise woke him up. Then, he could write down his inventive ideas before he fell into a deep sleep and forgot them. This inspired a new study.
    Researchers tested Edison's method of encouraging creativity with 103 healthy people. Volunteers came to the lab to solve a number problem. They were asked to change some numbers into a shorter sequence (序列). They were told to follow two simple rules. However, what the volunteers weren't told was that there was an easy trick to finish this task. The second number in the sequence would always be the correct final number.
    After doing this task 60 times, volunteers got a 20 - minute break. Volunteers held the similar balls that Edison used as “alarm clocks”. The researchers told them to rest or sleep if they wanted to. All the while. their brain waves were kept track of (跟踪) . More than half of the volunteers stayed awake. Twenty- four fell asleep and stayed in the stage (阶段) of sleep called N1. Fourteen others progressed to N2, a deeper stage of sleep.
    After their rest. volunteers returned to their number problem. People who reached the N1 stage of sleep were 2.7 times as likely to discover the hidden trick as people who stayed awake and were 5. 8 times as likely to discover the trick as people who fell into a deeper sleep stage.
    “Such obvious (明显的) differences In such experiments arc not common,” said Delphine Oudiette, a scientist. “We were quite surprised at the results, and more work is needed to show the connection between N1 and creativity.” Interestingly, according to the result of the experiment, people may be able to lean to take advantage of that twilight stage of sleep. Undoubtedly. Edison is such a great person, but there is no need to pay too much attention to Edison's habit. He is also said to have considered sleep “a total waste of time”.
    29. Why did Edison chase the twilight moments between wakefulness and sleep?
    A. To fall asleep faster. B. To have inventive ideas.
    C. To keep healthy. D. To be different.
    30. How many volunteers stayed awake after the researchers told them to rest or sleep?
    A. 65 B. 24 C. 14 D. 51
    31. Who was the most likely to discover the hidden trick in the test?
    A. Volunteers who stayed awake.
    B. Volunteers who progressed to N2.
    C. Volunteers who reached the N1 stage of sleep.
    D. All the volunteers who took part in the study.
    32. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
    A. It's necessary to pay much attention to Thomas Edison's habit.
    B. Chasing the twilight moments proved to be true.
    C. To show the connection between N1 and creativity, there is still a long way to go.
    D. Delphine Oudiette is sure of the connection between N1 and creativity.
    Tonight our family was going out to play under the full moon.
    We first started going on full moon walks for ourselves, because my husband Todd and I, loved them and we needed these little doses of moonlight to stay happy and to function (起作用) in society. But after we became parents, we did this for our children. We wanted Sierra and Bryce to see that there is much magic in the natural world and that most of it is accessible (可达到的) to anyone. We also wanted to show them that it was not necessary to travel far from home to have an adventure, learn, and experience something new. Nearly every month, our family went into the night to “play” by the full moon.
    Once we arrived at our location that evening, Sierra and I stood holding hands, waiting to cheer the full moon in its rising. A thin sliver of the apricot (杏黄色) moon poked above the shape of the Blue Mountain Ridge. Everyone stood up and watched its rising. More of the moon came out until it turned into a brilliant orange sphere. Todd explained to Sierra and Bryce that the moon makes no light of its own, but simply acts like a mirror, reflecting (反射) the sunlight back to us long after the sun has sunk below the horizon (地平线).
    “Does the moon's face change?” Bryce asked. I told him that the moon rotates with the earth, but it does not spin on its axis (轴) like the earth docs. The same side of the moon is always facing the earth. We never see the other side, the far side of the moon. Sierra said that the moon looked larger and closer when it was rising. I explained that it is an optical illusion (视错觉) because it is so close to the horizon that the moon tricks our eyes into comparing it with nearby objects to create the impression of increased size.
    Much of the knowledge that Todd and I shared with the kids had been learned from our past life experiences. If we did not have the knowledge to explain and educate. we looked it up, cither beforehand (提前) to improve the experience. or afterwards. together, after we wondered and came up with a list of questions.
    Opportunities (机会) to explore magical experiences and learning is right in your neighbourhood. Sometimes all it takes is going outdoors and looking up at the heavens.
    33. How often does the writer go to play under the full moon with his family?
    A. Once a year. B. Once a month. C. Once a week. D. Every day.
    34. What does the underlined word “rotate” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?
    A. Circle. B. Float. C. Rise. D. Drop.
    35. The moon looks larger and closer when rising because ________.
    A. the distance from the earth is becoming shorter
    B. the other side of it never faces the earth
    C. it does not spin on its axis like the earth does
    D. comparing it with nearby objects creates an illusion
    36. Which of the following opinions may the writer support?
    A. Never travel far from home to have an adventure.
    B. Travel far from home to have an adventure more often.
    C. Good learning opportunities are just around the corner.
    D. There is much more magic in books and most of it is accessible to anyone.
    四、还原句子(共4小题;每小题1. 5分,满分6分)
    Most people enjoy listening to music. But if you ask your classmates what kind of music they like, you may get many different answers. 37 What do these differences say about people?
    Researchers from Cambridge University tried to answer the questions. They surveyed 350, 000 people from 50 different countries. 38
    Outgoing people, for example, prefer rhythmic music and danceable music. People who enjoy country music are shown to be more serious about their work. One of the results is quite interesting. The researchers predicted (预测) that people who were under too much stress should like either sad music to express their feelings or rhythmic music to improve their moods. But it burned out that these people liked neither. 39 Perhaps it helps reduce their stress.
    The researchers also found that climates might influence people's musical preferences (偏爱) and personality. People in warmer climates prefer danceable music. They are more outgoing. This may be a result of longer daylight hours and warmer evenings.
    Of course, nothing is clear - cut (确切的). 40 The Cambridge study shows us that people of different cultures are more similar than we think.
    “People may be divided by geography, language and culture,” said Dr. David Greenberg, the leading researcher. “But if an outgoing person in one part of the world likes the same music as outgoing people elsewhere, then we can say that music is really like a powerful bridge.
    A. Do you enjoy listening to music?
    B. In fact, they prefer loud and powerful music.
    C. Too much stress makes people in a bad mood.
    D. We may not group people just by their musical tastes.
    E. Why do different people have different musical preferences?
    F. Then, they discovered some connections between musical preferences and personality.
    Calling someone names. spreading wrong information about someone, and threatening someone — these terrible things are all kinds of bullying. Nowadays, teenagers face 41 new kind of bullying: cyber - bullying (网络欺凌). Cyber - bullying is one of the bad sides of the technology. Smart phones and computers 42 (use) often to bully others by the bullies on the Internet.
    There is a 43 (possible) that cyber-bullying will happen at any time or place. 44 teenagers feel safe at their own homes, they may still be cyber - bullied.
    Not only is cyber - bullying hard to avoid, it is also hard to catch. It is quite easy to send a message by text from an 45 (know) phone number. Bullies spend little time 46 (set) up a social network account (网络账号) and share a bad message. And, if the bullies know how 47 (hide) the IP address. they can send a rude video to a website. And people wouldn't know who did it and how they would deal with it 48 (proper).
    One of the most terrible things about cyber-bullying is that it can hurt more people than traditional forms of bullying. A bully can tell lies about a teenager and share them 49 the whole school at the touch of a button (按钮).
    For some teenagers, it's too much. The UK charity Beatbullying suggests that up to 44 percent of suicides (自杀) among 10 - to 14 – year - olds may be caused by bullying.
    The good news is that people 50 (take) action to fight against cyber-bullying over the last few years. Schools and websites like Childnet International offer advice and support to students. Social networks now advise users to think carefully about their privacy settings. Many also provide a special button for users to report uncomfortable or dangerous activities.
    六、根据所给中文完成句子(共6小题;每小题1. 5分,满分9分)
    51. 这个头盔的质量根本不达标。
    The quality of the helmet is ______________________________________________________________________.
    52. 我认为满足每个人的需求是不可能的。
    I think it _____________________________________________________________________________________.
    53. 汤姆的房间这么乱七八糊,以至于他经常找不到他的书。
    Tom's room ______________________________________________ that he can't find his books often.
    54. 许多好心人都是以钱的方式帮助这些贫困家庭。
    Many kind people help these poor families _________________________________________________________.
    55. 我爸爸昨天来学校的时候碰巧观看到了升国旗。
    My father _______________________________________ the national flag when he came to school yesterday.
    56. 你知道这个计划将什么时候被实施吗?
    Are you ____________________________________________________________________________________?
    去年9月,《义务教育劳动课程标准(2022年版)》开始执行。假如你是李华,你们班下周的班会课主题是“Labor (劳动)”。请你根据以下要求,写一份发言稿。
    As we all know. labor is an important part of our life. Labor is hard, but it is a glorious (光荣的) thing.
    Please share your ideas about the topic.
    1. Is labor important for us teenagers? And why?
    2. Do you often do housework at home or voluntary labor in society? Please share an experience based on your real life.
    1. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;
    2. 词数100左右:文章的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。
    Dear classmates,
    It's my honor to be here. ______________________________________________________________________
    Thank you!

    1—5: DABCB 6—10: BCBBC
    11—15: ABACA 16—22: ACDADBA
    23—27: CCBBB 28—32: CBACC 33—36: BADC
    四、还原句子(共4小题;每小题1. 5分,澳分6分)
    37—40: EFBD
    41. a 42. are used 43. possibility 44. (al)though/when 45. unknown
    46. setting 47. to hide 48. properly 49. with 50. have taken
    六、根据所给中文完成句子(共6小题;每小题1. 5分,满分9分)
    51. The quality of the helmet is not up to standard at all.
    52. I think it (is) impossible to satisfy everyone's need(s).
    53. Tom's room is in such a (complete) mess that he can't find his books often.
    54. Many kind people help these poor families in the form of money.
    55. My father happened to watch the raising of the national flag when he came to school yesterday
    56. Are you aware when/how soon the plan will be carried out?
    Dear classmates,
    It's my honor to be here. It's known that labor is a glorious thing. As a teenager, I think labor is quite important for us teenagers.
    There is no doubt that labor can exercise our practical ability. More importantly, it can make us happy. Last weekend, I got up early and made breakfast for my parents. First, I boiled some water and put some noodles into the pot. About several minutes later, I placed them in the bowls and added some salt and oil. When my parents got up, they were so surprised and praised me with a big smile. It Was the first time I cooked for them. I felt proud of myself because I could take care of my parents.
    Labor is an important part of life. Let's take action and do some labor we can at home, at school or in society.
    Thank you!


    2022年江苏省常州市金坛区中考二模英语试题(含答案无听力): 这是一份2022年江苏省常州市金坛区中考二模英语试题(含答案无听力),文件包含2022年江苏省常州市金坛区中考二模英语试题docx、2022年江苏省常州市金坛区中考二模英语试题答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

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