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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Whether we live in an urban studi, r a mdest-size hme filled with peple, space in ur hmes can be hard t cme by. Even withut a lt f stuff, keeping everything rganized presents a challenge. T make the mst f the space yu have, incrprate these clever ideas that may help.
    Duble up. Cnsider multipurpse fr every piece f furniture. Buying a cffee table? Get ne with strage drawers beneath, r use a large basket tpped with a pretty serving tray instead. If yu need a bench, chse ne that includes under-seat strage fr, say, sme magazines.
    Get high. Always cnsider vertical (32H J) space. Shelves high n walls can stre bks, pht albums r hliday decratins. Hanging hks fr pts and pans can give yu back whle kitchen cabinets, and hks n walls prvide a spt fr jackets, belts r keys. Shadw bxes n bathrm walls can huse pretty perfume bttles, ltins and tiletries.
    Sink a basket. Baskets can help rganize every area f yur hme. Yu can tss hardware tls, all the kids’ tys r several pairs f sandals in large baskets. Stick small cntainers in kitchen drawers t keep pens, rubber bands, stickers and magnifying glass rganized.
    Tp drawer. A set f drawers beneath stairs can make use f therwise-wasted flr space especially fr articles nt. s ften used. DIY Life ffers instructins fr three ways f adding under-stair strage. Get them at naturalhmeand garden. cm/smart-strage.
    1. What is the purpse f “duble up”?
    A. T make use f space n the wall.
    B. T leave mre space n the flr.
    C. T keep small articles in drawers.
    D. T generate mre functins f furniture.
    2. Which cant be a gd slutin t string rarely-used items?
    A. Duble up. B. Get high. C. Sink a basket. D. Tp drawer.
    3. Where is the text prbably frm?
    A. A magazine. B. An advertisement.
    C. A news reprt. D. A tur guidebk.
    An imprtant life lessn that I’ ve drawn frm running is t run at my wn pace. It has guided me in many ways. In particular, it made me challenge the fixed expectatins f retirement and aging.
    Running is a metaphr (隐喻) fr life. I realized this while training fr a marathn t celebrate my 60th birthday. All the ther runners being faster than me made me embarrassed. But my cach shared sme valuable advice; run at yur wn best pace. Setting a gal r target time culd be a limitatin. He was right. Over time, I ran mre easily and faster. I als enjyed the experience much mre.
    I have applied this principle t ther areas f my life. Finding a rhythm (743%) is nt abut efficiency r hw many things I can get dne in a day. It has mre t d with what I decide t d at this stage in my life.
    Running carries its wn set af expectatins, including what it means t be a strng runner. But expectatins als extend t ther areas f life, including what peple at certain life stages shuld be ding r nt ding. Expectatins at my age can center n hw leisure time is spent, decisins dheriternileyahertt, and even the rle f a grandmther.
    I used t think it was yung peple wh bre peer pressure, but it’s easy t view retirement as anther ccupatin with benchmarks (基准) t be met. We ften make what smene else des the reference pint. It’s a cmparisn trap.
    Frget what thers are ding. Their pace is nt necessarily the pace yu shuld run at. Run in yur wn way. It’s nt better r wrse — nly different.
    4, What des the authr intend t tell in paragraph 2?
    A. The rigin f a life principle. B. Her misunderstanding f running.
    C. The imprtance f life expectatins. D. Her unpleasant training experience.
    5. What des the authr think abut life expectatins?
    A. They are vital fr retired peple.
    B. They vary at different life stages.
    C. They cver every decisin in life.
    D. They are usually t high t fulfill.
    6. What can we infer frm paragraph 5?
    A. Yung peple ften cmpete with ld peple.
    B. Retired peple take up bad ccupatins.
    C. Retired peple are als under peer pressure.
    D. A cmparisn trap makes yung peple strnger.
    7. What message des the authr mainly want t cnvey?
    A. Retirement can’t stp ld peple’s dreams.
    B. Peple shuld live life t the fullest.
    C. Peple shuld live at their wn speed.
    D. Running at a fixed pace is beneficial t retired peple.
    Tday, battery pwer per kilwatt hur csts arund nly ten per cent f what it did a decade ag. And the expectatin is that the csts will cntinue t fall, because battery chemistry imprves and manufacturing (批量生产) lts f batteries n a massive scale makes the prductin f individual batteries cheaper.
    Yu can be frgiven fr thinking that this might nly be f interest t accuntants, but the pssible effects f this are enrmus, and will benefit all f us. First and mst bviusly, it has made the batteries in electric cars cheaper and lnger-lasting. And brilliantly, because electric batteries are imprving s dramatically, we can already see the results. Last September, 15 per cent f all-new vehicle registratins were pure electric vehicles. S the change is starting t happen.
    Better batteries des nt just mean better te hwever. They can als help us decarbnise the entire natinal grid (输电网). String energy has always been a prblem fr the grid. Tday, nly a tiny amunt f generated electricity is stred fr later use, which leads t lts f pwer ging t waste. But better batteries make it technlgically and ecnmically viable t stre large amunts f energy frm the grid.
    It’s pssible that in the nt-t-distant future, we might have an enrmus battery in the garage. It wuld take pwer frm the grid (r maybe even slar panels n the rf), and pwer appliances and lights in ur hmes at the times when demand fr electricity is high. Hme batteries are nt yet as established as electric cars » but-they are als grwing in ppularity.
    S, given hw much technlgy has imprved batteries ver the last decade, I can’t help but be strangely ptimistic abut the future. Batteries may nt be as flashy (华丽的) as phnes, rckets r ther new technlgies. But when it cmes t technlgy t fight climate change, they’re definitely leading the charge.
    8. What cntributes t the ppularity f electric cars?
    A. The prductin f individual batteries.
    B. The lnger duratin and less cst f batteries.
    C. Accuntants’ interest in cheaper batteries.
    D. The increasing vehicle registratins.
    9. What des the underlined wrd “viable” mean in paragraph 3?
    A. Cheaper. B. Dramatic. C. Wrkable. D.. Exceptinal.
    10. What des the authr expect f batteries?
    A. They will becme smaller.
    B. They will help make the wrld greener.
    C. They will sell better than phnes.
    D. They will replace chargers n a lis trip.
    11. Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A. Hme Batteries Will Catch On -
    B. Batteries Are Getting Better and Better
    C. Battery Technlgy Needs Imprving Urgently
    D. Petrl-pwered Cars Will Be Upgraded
    Researchers have recently discvered that gut bacteria ( 肠道细菌) that grw within ur bdy helps.the brain build imprtant scial skills.
    Accrding t a paper published in PLOS Bilgy in Nvember, zebra fish were used as research subjects t test hw a lack f bacteria culd affect scial skills. Zebra fish are scial animals as even 2-week-ld fish start t hang ut in grups f fur t twelve.
    The experiment started with making a grup f fish “bacteria-free” thrugh their diet. The ther grup were injected with a healthy mix f gut bacteria after they were hatched. Abut 15 days later, the secnd grup began a in grups while the “bacteria-free” grup “shckingly, didn’t,” Judith Eisen, a c-authr f the new research, said t Quanta Magazine.
    The team then examined the fish’s brains, discvering bvius differences between the tw grups. The nes wh lacked the gut bacteria had mre intercnnectins amng the neurns (##45C) in their brains in charge f scial behavir, and scial neurns were seen t have vergrwn. This made the fish mre cautius in scial situatins.
    Scientists said that the bacteria might release a special chemical that crsses the bldbrain barrier t reach the brain directly. Althugh the experiments were nly n fish, the findings can theretically be applied t humans. The team wishes t explre hw gut bacteria affects the human brain in the future, which may lead t slutins t mental health prblems.
    Perhaps many peple wh claim that they have “scial phbia (社交恐惧症)” can: blame their guts. Hwever, scial phbia, r scial anxiety disrder, can be a serius illness if 6verlked. Accrding t the Natinal Health Service in the UK it is mre than shyness but instead a cnstant fear f scial situatins. Patients may experience panic attacks which are an verwhelming fear and anxiety that last fr a few minutes.
    12. What des the research fcus n?
    A. The grwth f gut bacteria.
    B. The way zebra fish build scial skills.
    C. The influencing factrs f scial behavir.
    D. The link between gut bacteria and scial behavir.
    13. What was fund in the experiment?
    A. The tw grups f zebra fish became different in size.
    B. The bacteria-free zebra fish swam in grups.
    C. The zebra fish injected with gut bacteria were quieter.
    D. The zebra fish with gut bacteria swam in grups.
    14, Hw d scientists feel abut their findings?
    A. Psitive. B. Disappinted. C. Dubtful. D. Cncerned.
    15, Which is true abut “scial phbia” accrding t the last paragraph?
    A. It will result in gut prblems. B, It is a severe illness.
    C. It may cause panic. D. It is all abut shyness.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Bruce is a manager wh had a team f arund 40 peple. Mst f them were bright, enthusiastic, and hardwrking yung fellws. This helps t prmte their independence. 16 But asa team, they are nt s gd, which is crucial fr the rganizatin.
    17 __ He invited everyne t a hall fr a game cnsisting f 3 runds. Fr the first rund, he tld everyne t blw a balln kept n the table and then write their name n it withut bursting it, and each f them did it. Then they tk a break utside fr the secnd rund. Sn after he called them back in, with mre ballns scattered arund withut names n them. He declared that they had 15 minutes t find the balln with their name written n it. 18
    Fr the next rund, Bruce tld them if any team member fund a balln with a name n it, he r she had t give it t the wner f the name. All started searching, and within a cuple f minutes everyne had their wn balln with their name n it. Bruce went t the dais (讲台) and said, “Yu see, in the secnd rund, n ne was able t find their ballns as they were wrking et fabyiewal targets. But in the final rund. within a cuple f minutes, everyne had the balln with them. 19 ”
    Mst f the time, peple hide infrmatin, avid cllabratin, and distance themselves frm their team members. 20 And it als, in the lng run, affects the individual. S, everyne in the team shuld share and wrk effectively fr greater ambitin fr the team.
    Cnsequently, n ne gt their ballns.
    Hwever, he fund he was nt successful.
    That’s the pwer f teamwrk and sharing.
    S he cnsidered taking his grup n a trip.
    Individually, everyne n the team is utstanding.
    This srt f mindset frms bstacles fr team grwth.
    He decided t address the issue by launching a team activity.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节满分30分)
    My grandpa Ken is 86 and has been faithfully married t my grandma fr 60 years. But nw his memry is 21 _ and he’s really starting t slw dwn.
    Yesterday, he asked me t take him t the 22 _ because he wanted t get ut f the huse. I was 23 _ he asked because he shuldn’t be driving by himself. It wuld als __24 grandma t have the 25 __ t herself fr a while, nt having t wrry abut grandpa fr a few hurs.
    I watched him, cane (拐杖) in hand, taking the tiniest 26 all arund searching thrugh the shelves. I had n idea what he was _27__; but, as I bserved each item he put in the cart, I nticed a striking _ 28 . They were sme f my grandma’s 29 _ things.
    He gt the type f sda she liked. He 30 picked ut a bag f seedless grapes she had talked abut several days ag. He even 31 her a small lemn pie! And then, 32 filled my eyes as I watched him hbble (蹒跚) ver t the fresh 33 and pick her the buquet (4£38) that had the mst purple, her favrite clr.
    On ur way hme, he 34 we stp and grab a sandwich t take hme fr grandma’s lunch. May we all take a lessn frm grandpa Ken; Never stp 35 fr ur lved nes,
    21. A. changing B, imprving C. slipping D. pening
    22. A, bakery B. supermarket C. park D. restaurant
    23. A. grateful B,. nervus C. hnred D. annyed
    24, A, require B. inspire C. remind D. benefit
    25. A. kitchen B. garden C. huse D. neighbrhd
    26. A. glances B. steps C. tls D. bags
    27. A. after B. beynd C. against D. thrugh
    28. A. idea B. prf C. sense D. feature
    29. A. everyday B. valuable C. specific D. favrite
    30. A. quickly B. carefully C. curiusly D. randmly
    31. A. baked B. chse C. rdered D. wrapped
    32. A. tears B. dubts C. surprises D. jys
    33. A. vegetables B. bread C. flwers D. seafd
    34, A. desired B. cmmanded C. advcated D. insisted
    35. A. caring B. lnging C. waiting D. standing
    The 53-year-ld craftswman Ji Yulan, an inheritr f the intangible heritage f paper-cutting frm the Xinjiang Uygur autnmus regin, 36 (engage) herself in the art fr ver 40 years.
    She made paper-cuts f peple frm ther 37 (walk) f life. “The paper-cutting art cmes frm the flk and it shuld return t the peple,” Ji said. She created 38 paper-cutting wrk named The Angel in Harm’s Way t shw the image f a nurse wh has her lng hair back after cutting it t better fit int the prtective suit while fighting in the frnt line against the epidemic. Ji was 39 (deep) impressed by the female medical wrkers 40 (wear) masks and prtective hats. “Wmen are 41 (charm) in lng hair and it takes a lt f curage t cut it, ” she said.
    Ji has 12 students, 42 (age) frm 3 t 23. “They discvered their interest in paper-cutting and came t me 43 (learn) it,” she said, adding that she ften encurages her students t create wrks based 44 _ reality. “Yunger generatins have a real sense f cultural heritage, and that’s 45 I am incredibly ptimistic abut the future f the craft. ”
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Annuncer Wanted
    Mrwwwwl! The cat mewed angrily as she clawed at Jennifer’s arm, drawing a thin line f bld. Just as quickly as she struck ut with her claw, the agile (灵活的) range and-white cat leaped back t her hiding space under Jennifer’s bed. Frm the Avec underneath the bed, tw green eyes prduced bright light, staring back ut at Jennifer.
    Jennifer was starting t feel discuraged in a majr way. She was never ne fr giving up; but it had been sevetal days like this since she adpted the cat—Darla—frm the animal shelter, struggling t win ver the yung cat’s affectin thrugh treats and sft and gentle whispers. It was during her summer break, s she had plenty f time t keep trying t win ver the animal. But it wasn’t time that was the issue — it was Jennifer’s emtins that were quickly fading.
    It had been tw years since Jennifer’s belved brwn tabby (斑猫)-Marlin-passed away. She never culd quite get ver the shck and emptiness which remained in her heart here childlike jy nce thrived. Marlin had been Jennifer’s faithful friend and lving cmpanin rugh all the pains and trials f grwing up. After Marlin died, things were never quite the same again fr Jennifer. It was the first real death t pierce Jennifer’s heart and signaled the end f her carefree childhd.
    She desperately wanted Darla t lve her the way Marlin had and fr ee t lve Darla just the same; but what was Jennifer suppsed t d nw? The cut n her arm was all she had t hw fr her effrt. Jennifer sat n the flr, burying her face in her hands, and her bdy trembled as she sftly began t cry.
    After a few minutes,Jennifer nticed a strange feeling -- fur.
    Jennifer then reached ut her hand tward the cat.

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