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    本试卷分为第 I 卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题),共150分,考试时间120分钟。 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂写在答题纸上。
    第I 卷(选择题 共95分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下 一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1.Where did the man live when he was a child?
    A. In Argentina. B. In Chile. C. In Columbia.
    2. Why is the woman upset?
    A. The flower shop is closed.
    B. She received the wrong delivery.
    C.Her delivery hasn't arrived on time.
    3. What does the man imply?
    A. He has to get a new car.
    B. He will be late for the flight.
    C. He can't pick Mr. Atkinson up.
    4. What is Renee doing now?
    A. Writing a letter. B. Correcting the spelling. C. Going to mail the letters.
    5. How much was the dress in the Chinese store?
    A.160 yuan. B. 180 yuan. C. 200 yuan.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中 选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小
    题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。
    6. What match did the man watch last Friday?
    A. Badminton. B. Table tennis. C. Swimming.
    7. What does the man say about the sports center?
    A.It's free of charge.
    B. It is close to a bus stop.
    C. It isn't open on Thursdays.

    8. According to the woman,how many injuries has the man gotten in the past half year? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.
    9. What does the man think of himself? A. He's getting old.
    B. He easily gets injured.
    C.He's in a good state of health.
    10.What can we learn from the conversation?
    A. The man is in his twenties.
    B. The man takes his injuries very seriously.
    C. The woman is worried about the man's health.
    11.What does the man complain about?
    A. The screen of the computer is frozen.
    B. His computer takes a long time to load.
    C. Applications cannot be downloaded on the computer.
    12.How did the man probably get a computer virus?
    A. He visited an unsafe website.
    B.He bought the wrong software.
    C.Someone else used the computer.
    13.What will the man probably do next?
    A. Return his computer.
    B. Buy a new computer.
    C. Get the computer cleaned up.
    14.Which book does the man recommend?
    A. Fangirl. B. Atachment. C. Eleanor & Park.
    15.Why does the man ask the woman about her address?
    A. Her library card has to be renewed.
    B. She recently moved to a new house.
    C. He will mail her information about classes.
    16.Which class is the woman interested in taking?
    A. Photography. B. Photoshop. C. Digital design
    17.When will the woman's class take place?
    A.On Mondays. B. On Wednesdays. C. On Fridays
    18.When will the listeners take a swimming lesson?
    A.On Tuesday night. B.On Wednesday afternoon. C.On Friday moming.
    19.When can listeners have lunch?
    A. 12:15. B. 13:00. C. 13:50.

    20.What does the speaker remind the listeners to do?
    A. To wear sports clothes for all the sports.
    B. To bring two pairs of sports shoes for a change.
    C. To prepare some money to buy food in the shopping center.

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    SSI Advanced Adventurer Course
    ·2 sessions of 8h
    ·The AAC starts on every Wednesday and Saturday,lasting 2 days
    Exploration, Excitement,Experiences
    That's what the Advanced Adventurer course is all about. You don't have to be “advanced”to take it — it's designed to advance your diving,so you can start right after earning your Open Water Diver certification. The course helps build confidence and expand your scuba skills through different Adventure Dives.
    Who should take this course?
    Open Water Divers who are at least 12 years old are ready to step up and sign up for an Advanced Adventurer course. Divers under 18 may only participate in certain Adventures Dives — check with your SSI Instructor.
    What will you learn?
    You'll plan your leaming path with your instructor by choosing from a long list of Adventure Dives. There are two required dives — Deep and Underwater Navigation — and you choose the other three. During the Deep Adventure Dive,you learn how to plan dives to deal with the physiological effects and challenges of deeper scuba diving. The Underwater Navigation Adventure Dive helps improve your navigation skills. The other knowledge and skills you get vary with your interest and the adventures you have — photography,fish identification, exploring wrecks and many more.
    What scuba equipment will you use?
    Beyond basic scuba equipment, you'll need a compass and a dive knife.You may also use specialized equipment depending on the Adventure Dives you choose.Your SSI Instructor
    will explain the equipment that you need and may suggest additional equipment. 21.On which of the following dates can you take the course?

    A. From Friday to Saturday.
    B. From Saturday to Sunday.
    C. From Tuesday to Wednesday.
    D. From Wednesday to Saturday.
    22.How many dives can you learn during the course?
    A. 2. B.3. C. 5. D.7.

    23.Which of the following is a must to take the SSI Advanced Adventurer Course?
    A. Reaching adulthood. B. Specialized diving equipment.
    C. Advanced scuba skills. D. Open Water Diver certification.
    They said it couldn't be done. They said he was crazy. They said he would never make it.
    But Duane Hansen and his beautiful pumpkin, which he named Berta, proved them all wrong. Like Cinderella's fairy godmother, this Nebraska man proved that you really can turn a pumpkin into a functional vehicle — in this case, a seaworthy vessel(船).
    Yes,you read that right. Hansen wanted to celebrate his 60th birthday by hollowing out his prized 846-pound pumpkin and sailing down the Missouri River inside it. Not only did Hansen enjoy a pumpkin sail on his special day, but his 38-mile journey also landed him a world record! In case you wondered, the previous world record for the longest sail in a pumpkin was 25 miles, set by a North Dakota man in 2018.
    It wasn't an easy journey. Growing a pumpkin big enough to use as a boat is already a challenge. Then,there was his chosen waterway. The city of Bellevue, Nebraska,posted a photogragh of Hansen on the water that offers a reminder of just how big the Missouri River is.
    “He has always said that you can do anything you want and I'm just so proud,” Hansen's daughter Morgan Buchholz said.
    Hansen reportedly spent nearly a decade trying to grow a pumpkin big enough to work as a sailing vessel. He was inspired to begin his mission after meeting a woman who had previously won “the Biggest Pumpkin Competition” . He asked her many questions about her experience.
    As for his pumpkin-sailing future, “I'm done with this.”Hansen said that the voyage made his knees ache. The wake (尾流) from boats was rough,and when they passed, he said he had to stop everything and just hang on.“If somebody breaks this record,I will, like, bow down to them because they are tough," he said.
    24.Why did Hansen go on a pumpkin joumey?
    A. To observe his birthday. B. To show his prized pumpkin.
    C. To break a world record. D. To prove pumpkin could be a vessel.
    25.What did Hansen do to make his journey possible?
    A. He chose a calm waterway.
    B. He talked with the previous record holder.
    C. He convinced his family to support his plan.
    D. He worked a long time to grow the pumpkin.
    26.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
    A.His knees got seriously injured in the sailing.
    B. His vessel tured over in the wake from boats.
    C. Hansen will respect whoever breaks his record.
    D. Hansen will continue the pumpkin-sailing in future.

    27. What does Hansen's story tell us?
    A. It is never too old to learn. B. Time and tide wait for no man.
    C. Where there's a will, there's a way. D. Fear always springs from ignorance. C
    As the climate crisis speeds up, Europe is warming faster than any other region, according to a new State of the Climate in Europe report from the World Meteorological Organization.
    The WMO report comes ahead of the UN's international climate summit in Egypt, and is one in a series of reports over the past several weeks that show how the world is off-track on its climate goals. Not only are countries missing the mark on their efforts to reduce planet-warming fossil fuel emissions(排放物),but measurements show temperatures are already skyrocketing.
    Some continents are feeling that rise more than others. Wednesday's report shows temperatures in Europe have increased at more than twice the global average over the past 30 years — at a rate of about 0.5 degrees Celsius per decade.
    Recent reports show how the region's temperature rise is fueling extreme weather.
    Year-to-date through July, the number of wildfires in the EU was four times the 15-year average. A deadly, record-breaking heatwave in the UK harmed public health and bent infrastructure (基础设施).Exceptional drought troubled the continent this summer,drying up some of the world's most economically important rivers. And that drought that came on the heels of some of the most destructive floods Europe has ever seen.
    “Europe presents a live picture of a warming world and reminds us that even well-prepared societies are not safe from impacts of extreme weather events,"said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas in a forward on the report.
    “European society is vulnerable (易受伤害的) to climate variability and change, but Europe is also at the forefront of the international effort to address climate change and to develop innovative solutions to adapt to the new climate Europeans will have to live with,” Carlo Buontempo,director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, said in a statement.
    Taalas said in his forward that although Europe's pace on cuting planet-warming emissions has been“good,”their ambition on this front“should be further increased.”
    28. What can we lear about the world's climate goals from the WMO report?

    A. They are unrealistic.
    B. They are easy to reach.
    C. They are taken seriously.
    D.They are far from being achieved.
    29.What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
    A. The economic losses in Europe.
    B. The causes of the climate crisis in Europe.
    C. The increase of extreme weather in Europe.
    D. The most destructive natural disaster in Europe.
    30.What is Buontempo's attitude towards Europe's effort to fight climate change?
    A. Doubtful. B. Favorable. C.Unclear. D. Intolerant.

    31.What should Europe do to further cut emissions according to Taalas?

    A. Take the lead.
    B. Set a higher goal.
    C. Make better preparations.
    D. Carry on their good work.
    U.S. teens spend more than eight hours a day on screens, and there's growing concern over how social media may affect their mental health. Now,a new study has found that limiting screen time to about one hour a day helped anxious teens feel better about their body image and their appearance.
    The study arose from the personal experience of Helen Thai,a doctoral student in psychology at MeGill University.“What I noticed when I was engaging in social media was that I couldn't help but compare myself,"Thai says. She was well aware that social media posts often feature polished, airbrushed or filtered images that can alter(改变) appearances in an unrealistic way, but it still affected her negatively.
    So,Thai and a team of researchers decided to test whether cutting time on social media platforms including Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat would improve body image. They recruited a few hundred volunteers, all of whom had experienced symptoms of anxiety or depression, which could make them vulnerable to the effects of social media. Half of the participants were asked to reduce their social media to 60 minutes a day for three weeks while the other half continued to use social media with no restrictions, which averaged about three hours per day.
    The researchers gave the participants surveys at the beginning and end of the study, which included statements such as “I'm pretty happy about the way I look,” and “I am satisfied with my weight.”Among the group that cut social media use, the overall score on appearance improved from 2.95 to 3.15 on a 5-point scale. This may seem like a small change, but any shift in such a short period of time is striking, the authors say.
    “The study is encouraging,but it only included people who had symptoms of anxiety or depression. It's worth evaluating this approach with other groups, such as people with or at risk of eating disorders. It's also possible that the benefits of cutting back could extend more broadly to anyone in this age group,"says Psychologist Andrea Graham,co-director of the Center for Behavioral Intervention at Northwestern University.
    32.What problem may social media bring to teenagers according to Thai?
    A. They may become addicted to the Internet.
    B. They tend to become sensitive to others'comments.
    C. They may have unrealistic expectations of their image.
    D. They tend to compare themselves with the images posted online.
    33.What can we lear about the participants during the study?
    A. They scored their appearance twice.
    B. Half of them stopped using social media.
    C. They hoped to improve their body image.
    D. Most of them showed dissatisfaction with their weight.

    34.What did Graham think of the study?
    A. It was a good try but had limitations.
    B. It was well designed but poorly conducted.
    C.It was a failure but the methods deserved praise.
    D. It was encouraging but the evidence was unreliable.
    35. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
    A. Shorter Screen Time, Better Feelings on Look
    B. How to Help Teenagers Limit Screen time
    C. How Social Media Changes Teenagers
    D. Less Anxiety, Better Image
    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。
    Any time of the day you can commit to exercising is a good time for getting active. However, the best time for exercise is different for each person. 36
    Determine when you have the most energy. Do you struggle to get out of the bed in the morning or do you wake up energized and ready to go? Are you a night owl and never get to bed before midnight? Once you establish what your sleep tendencies are,you will have a better idea of when your body is most ready to exercise. 37 You are more likely to hit the snooze (打盹) button instead of getting a workout in.
    Consider your daily schedule. When are you the busiest? 38 Try to fit in exercise
    before or at least around these events. Some people would prefer to get it out of the way first thing, while others prefer to put it off until the end of the day when they are all caught up.
    Determine your exercise goals. If you are trying to develop a routine,you may want to exercise in the morning.People who exercise in the morning are more consistent. 39 If you are trying to improve your performance, evening exercise may be best. You may experience less tiredness, quicker reaction times,and more strength and flexibility in the evening. If you are trying to lose weight,you may want to exercise in the morning before you have eaten when your body is more likely to use fat instead of carbohydrates(碳水化合 物) for energy
    40 This way,you'll see how you feel and find the time that works best with your schedule. Keep an exercise log to help you evaluate each time.

    A. This will give your body time to relax.
    B. Do you perform better in the morning or at night?
    C.You may not feel like exercising after a long day of work.
    D. When do you tend to schedule your most important tasks?
    E.Consider your lifestyle and exercise goals to find the right time.
    F.If you're not a morning person, do not schedule an carly morning workout. G. Anyway,you'd better experiment with both moming and evening workouts.

    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。
    On a cold winter night,Andrew,a 22-year-old Canadian,suffered a heart attack and collapsed to the floor, unconscious. 41 ,his dog,a 4-year-old Husky named Koda,didn't 42 .Instead, the clever dog sprang into action and called 911.
    Koda 43 the emergency number on a cell phone. The 911 operator heard 44 on the other end of the line and sent a police officer to conduct a(n) 45 . When the officer arrived at the house,he found Koda barking at the front door, 46 to lead him inside.
    The officer quickly realized that something was 47 and followed Koda into the
    bedroom,where he found Andrew 48 on the floor. The officer called an ambulance and
    Andrew was rushed to the hospital,where he received timely 49
    Andrew said that he had 50 Koda to call 911 by pressing his nose against the
    phone's screen.He never thought that Koda would 51 use the skill in a real emergency.
    The story of Koda's 52 act has gone viral (疯传),with people around the world
    praising the dog's 53 and loyalty. This heartwarming tale is a(n) 54 of the special bond between humans and their pets. Koda may not be able to speak, but he communicated

    in a way that 55
    a life — and that's something truly remarkable.
    41.A. Besides
    B. However C. Therefore D.Otherwise
    42.A. panic B. bite C. care D. escape

    43.A. stored
    B. remembered
    C. dialed
    D. chose
    44.A. silence
    B. sighs
    D. barks
    B. investigation
    C. experiment
    D. survey

    46.A. pretending
    B. refusing
    C. trying
    D. deciding
    47.A. missing
    B. different
    C. wrong
    D. strange
    48.A. lying B. sitting C. resting D. struggling
    49.A. advice B. information C. support D. treatment
    50.A. trained B. persuaded C.allowed D. warned
    51.A. gradually B. actually C. occasionally D.immediately

    B. selfless
    D. heroic
    53.A. honesty
    B. creativity
    C. patience
    D. intelligence
    54.A. reminder
    B. explanation
    C. test
    D. prediction
    55.A. spared B. changed C. saved D. created
    German and Kurdish researchers have discovered an ancient city by the Tigris River. The city 56 (uncover)when the levels of the Mosul reservoir ( 水 库 ) decreased earlier this year due to the extreme drought in Iraq.

    57 (prevent)crops from drying out,a large amount of water has been drawn down from the reservoir,Iraq's most important water 58 (store). This led to the reappearance of the city that 59 (sink)decades before without any prior investigations. The unforeseen event made researchers excavate(挖掘) and document at least parts of this city as quickly as possible 60 it sank again.
    A team for rescue excavations was put together within days. They were 61 great
    time pressure because it was not clear when the water in the reservoir would rise again,and the 62 (expose)walls of large buildings in the old city would disappear.
    63 (fortunate),the researchers succeeded in largely mapping the city. In addition to a palace,other large buildings emerged from the reservoir — fortifications (防御工事)with walls and towers and 64 industrial site. The research team was shocked by the well-preserved
    state of the walls 65 were made of sun-dried mud bricks and had been under water for more than 40 years.

    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华,你校即将组织急救演练,请你用英文写一则通知, 内容包括:
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;

    Announcement for Medical Emergency Drill

    The Student Union
    I looked around at the other patients waiting to see the doctor. Maybe they all had more romantic plans for the evening on this Valentine's Day,but for now the group seemed anti-social. Three people had their heads down, staring at cell phones. Another was absorbed in a magazine. The receptionist tapped at her computer. Everyone was in their own litle world.
    But I couldn't judge them for it. I would probably be buried in my cell phone too —
    if I hadn't forgotten to charge it before I left home.It would have been nice to strike up a

    conversation to pass the time on this day,a day of love and friendship. Instead I sat patiently in my plastic chair as a couple of new people took distant seats.
    “Roberta? The doctor's ready for you,"the nurse called. At least I'll have some kind of human connection, I thought.
    My checkup went well,and I breezed out of the office to my little Honda in a space right out front. I got in and tured the key. Nothing. Oh, no.Not again. I'd sent the car to the garage several times already for this very problem and thought it had finally been fixed.
    I reached for my cell phone to call AAA — then remembered. It was dead, like my car.I would have to use the phone inside. A few people glanced up when I came back into the waiting room,then quickly went back to what they were doing. I went straight to the reception desk, but the receptionist was not there.So I tured back to the people in the waiting room.
    “I wouldn't normally do this,”I said to the group, hoping that I sounded apologetic. Several people tured toward me to listen.“But my car won't start …”
    The nurse popped her head into the room. “You in trouble,Roberta?" she said.“I'll go and take a look."I followed the nurse outside. As I passed through the door, I felt someone was behind me.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;

    I turned to see all the other patients following me.

    I said a quick prayer and turned the key.


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