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    英 语
    时量:120分钟 满分:150分
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例: How much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.
    1. Who is Carol?
    A. Jack’s friend. B. Jack's mother. C. Jack’s aunt.
    2. What is the weather like today?
    A. Windy. B. Sunny. C. Snowy.
    3. Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A. At the woman's home. B. In a science museum. C. At a gallery.
    4. Why can't the woman attend the birthday party?
    A. Her family member is visiting. B. She is going out of town. C. She is seriously ill.
    5. What does the woman offer to do for the man?
    A. Make juice for him. B. Buy him yogurt. C. Shop with him.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. How many people are there in the car?
    A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
    7. What will the speakers do next?
    A. Save homeless dogs. B. Buy some dog food. C. Pick up their friends.
    8. What color is Ashley's jacket?
    A. Blue. B. Brown. C. Yellow.
    9. Where did the man find Ashley?
    A. At the entrance. B. Next to the toys. C. In the clothing department.
    10. How did the man feel about the ending of the TV show?
    A. Joyful. B. Comfortable. C. Dissatisfied.
    11. What change did the man make to his TV?
    A. The color. B. The sound. C. The brightness.
    12. What would the woman prefer to do in the future?
    A. See films. B. Read storybooks. C. Watch TV series.
    13. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. Sleep. B. Music. C. Weather.
    14. Why could the man sleep well last night?
    A. The weather was fine. B. He felt tired during the day. C. Classical music helped him sleep.
    15. Which floor does the woman live on?
    A. The 1st floor. B. The 25th floor. C. The 50th floor.
    16. Which hotel does the man recommend?
    A. The one by the TV station. B. The one opposite the city park. C. The one near the National Library.
    17. What did Ford's father want him to be?
    A. An engineer. B. A driver. C. A farmer.
    18. What made Ford cars cheaper?
    A. The production line. B. The materials used. C. The lower quality.
    19. Who could afford Ford cars in America?
    A. The middle class. B. Only the upper class. C. Very few engineers.
    20. What percentage of the cars in America were the Model Ts in 1918?
    A. Under 15%. B. About 40%. C. Over 50%.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    STEM Summer Programs for High School Students
    STEM is a term that stands for science,technology,engineering,and mathematics. Here is a list of some of the best STEM summer camps for high school students.
    Future Matters Program
    It is an 8-week paid summer research experience for high school students. This is a hands-on program for students interested in going after a career in medical research. Students will attend seminars led by the faculty and participate in discussions with peers.
    Simons Summer Research
    It is a seven-week program located at Stony Brook University. Students will have the opportunity to participate in special workshops,tours and events free of charge. They will conclude the program producing a written research abstract and a research poster.
    Research Science Institute
    It is the first cost-free summer program of its kind. During this six-week program,students will dive deeper into the world of science and engineering by experiencing the entire research cycle. In this program students will attend classes conducted by famous professors and prepare written and oral presentations to present their research.
    Program in Math for Young Scientists
    This is a six-week intensive mathematics program designed for students across the globe. Unlike common programs,it offers a great deal of independence for students to choose their own schedules and decide what they want to study. Besides learning,there is also“mandatory(强制的)fun time”built into the weekly schedule so that students are able to have non-math related activities.
    21. Which program best suits students who want to be doctors?
    A. Future Matters Program. B. Simons Summer Research.
    C. Research Science Institute. D. Program in Math for Young Scientists.
    22. What do Simons Summer Research and Research Science Institute have in common?
    A. The expense. B. The theme. C. The duration. D. The content.
    23. What's special in Program in Math for Young Scientists?
    A. Cultivating independent skills. B. Attending non-math activities.
    C. Tailoring personal schedules. D. Enrolling international students.
    A teacher touched my shoulder and told me to follow her down the hall to a small room. She asked me questions about my life and took notes of everything I said. The next day we met in the same room and I began taking tests that would become a weekly routine throughout that year. A few other kids joined me in that small room also. We didn't know it at the time,but the school system had labelled us as LD,or learning disabled.
    As a learning disabled student,teachers treated me accordingly—disabled. They gave me answers to math problems,helped me finish my homework assignments,and allowed me to take untimed tests. They didn't expect much and so that was what they got back. By high school,for the first time I had found myself using my disability as a crutch that would let me ease my way out of assignments. I sold myself short.
    During my senior year,I was placed in a class with several other learning disabled teenagers. The class was taught by a new teacher,Mr. Weisberg. Mr.Weisberg had given up his profession as a lawyer in order to help teenagers like me realize their true value. He accomplished exactly what he set out to do. He didn’t accept any of my excuses. For the first time in my life,I had to take accountability for my education,learning not to make excuses.
    Gradually,Mr. Weisberg made me believe in myself as a human being with limitless potential. At first I hated him for not letting me be lazy,but together we broke down the label's invisible barriers.
    I graduated from high school,and I am now receiving straight A's as I prepare to earn a bachelor's degree in English. The truth is that we pretty much live up to what others think of us and what“we”think of ourselves.
    24. What did the new label mean for the author?
    A. Lower standards. B. Better treatment. C. Higher scores. D. Stricter requirements.
    25. What do the underlined words“a crutch”refer to in paragraph 2?
    A. Something that excites you. B. Something that frightens you.
    C. Something that limits your growth. D. Something that really helps you.
    26. What was Mr. Weisberg good at?
    A. Labelling students. B. Finding excellent students.
    C. Developing students'interests. D. Discovering students'potential.
    27. What message does the author intend to convey by sharing his story?
    A. You are as good as you think you are. B. A teacher can change your life.
    C. You are influenced by your environment. D. It is wrong to label students.
    A thorough transformation of the area around the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris (巴黎圣母院) will open it up toward the Seine River and help millions of visitors flow through more easily while also reducing the effects of climate change,city officials said on Monday.
    Notre-Dame,which was damaged by a fire in 2019,is closed to visitors and is still being rebuilt,with plans to partially reopen in 2024,just in time for the Olympic Games in Paris.
    The redesign of the area surrounding Notre-Dame,which leaves the long,rectangular (矩形的) stone square in front of the cathedral mostly untouched,will not greatly change the neighborhood. But Paris officials said that the planned changes would improve visitors’experiences and make the city more resilient (有承受力的) in the face of rising temperatures.
    The redesign envisions (预想) removing fencing to extend and combine parks around Notre-Dame into one,making neighboring streets more pedestrian-friendly and planting over 30 percent more vegetation in the area,including trees to provide additional shade. Plans also call for transforming a parking lot that is currently underneath the cathedral's main square into an underground walkway that opens up onto the banks of the Seine and provides access to a welcome center and an archaeological museum,officials said.
    The new design includes a cooling system that will send a five-millimeter-thin sheet of water streaming down the square in front of the cathedral during heat waves,enough to lower temperatures by several degrees without flooding the area—and to give tourists a fantastic backdrop for their photos,officials added.
    Reverend Gilles Drouin,an adviser to the Paris archbishop(大主教),said that the goal was to“decompartmentalize (减少划分) spaces that were limiting it somewhat”.
    “I am very pleased that the tragedy of the fire will enable us to recreate physical and symbolic ties between the capital and its urban environment,”Father Drouin said.
    28. What is the idea behind redesigning the area around the Notre-Dame Cathedral?
    A. To protect the cathedral from fires. B. To prepare it for the Olympic Games.
    C. To rebuild the cathedral as it was. D. To facilitate visits and fight climate change.
    29. What does the redesign plan include?
    A. Opening nearby parks to the public for free. B. Creating a walkway leading to the Seine.
    C. Keeping the green coverage rate over 30 percent. D. Building a new archaeological museum.
    30. How will the cooling system serve visitors?
    A. It will help clean the square floor. B. It will cool the site year-round.
    C. It will offer a background for photography. D. It will keep the air wet for the whole city.
    31. Which of the following statements would Reverend Gilles Drouin probably agree with?
    A. Physical barriers in Paris make it more organized. B. The reconstruction is a way to better integrate the city.
    C. The urban environment in Paris should be updated. D. The fire cost ties between the city and its environment.
    It is a starry April night in the southern Appalachian Mountains. A beautiful bird is flying to the Adirondacks. It is Passerina cyanca,or the indigo bunting (靛蓝彩鹀). The bird is on a 1,200-mile spring migration (迁徙). Without fail,in total darkness,it maintains a steady northward bearing(an exact direction).
    A remarkable study conducted in 1967 by Cornell University scientist Stephen Emlen found indigo buntings could orient (确定方向) themselves based on projected star patterns. Emlen caught birds ready for their fall migration—a behavioral state known as migration anxiety—and placed them into special enclosed spaces under the artificial sky of a planetarium(a building whose ceiling shows the movements of stars). Then,Emlen recorded the direction of their hops just before takeoff. Almost without exception,the birds oriented themselves southward,in the direction of their autumnal migration toward Central America.
    Humans have long used the North Star,or Polaris,to determine fundamental directions. Emlen guessed the birds were doing something similar,reading the sweep of the stars around Polaris to maintain a bearing. (Stars close to Polaris travel in smaller circles relative to stars that are farther away.)
    Emlen began systematically wiping away concentric (同轴的) rings of stars around Polaris. For a while,the buntings were able to perform their little dance——face south,hop,fly—despite the erased (被清除的) stars. But once the erasure of star patterns reached a critical point,within 35 degrees of Polaris,the buntings,once a well-practiced dance group,lost their ability to dance. They hopped in a disorganized way,unable to determine their takeoff direction.
    Some species of seals can also use stars to find their way across vast oceans.These and other stargazing specialists,unfortunately,have been forced to live upon a planet completely changed by artificial light in the night environment. Such pollution—a major side-effect of urbanization—is particularly destructive to many wild species. Like Emlen,we have erased stars across the sky,throwing animal behavior and migration patterns across the globe into chaos.
    32. How did Emlen carry out the study in 1967?
    A. By following the routes of the buntings’migration.
    B. By watching the buntings under an artificial starry sky.
    C. By analyzing the buntings’takeoff direction in the wild.
    D. By comparing the buntings'spring and autumnal migration.
    33. What happened to the buntings after the erasure of star patterns reached a critical point?
    A. They faced south and flew. B. They hopped toward Polaris.
    C. They danced in a beautiful way. D. They lost their sense of direction.
    34. What problem does the author mainly discuss in the last paragraph?
    A. Light pollution's harm to wildlife. B. The overdevelopment of urbanization.
    C. The waste of energy caused by artificial light. D. Challenges faced by today's stargazing scientists.
    35. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
    A. Little indigo buntings migrate for 1,200 miles B. Indigo buntings migrate guided by stars
    C. Birds ready for migration show migration anxiety D. Animals have different ways to orient themselves
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Now, imagine we're deep space explorers and we've found something out in space that is both extremely heavy and very small. This mysterious object would pull so powerfully that nothing inside could escape to the outside.36________ Again imagine we stay in our spaceship at a safe distance and make a movie of this black hole.37________ We would instead see the black hole eat anything that came too close. We get lucky:as we watch,the black hole swallows an entire star!
    Our movie, titled “ Black hole eats a star ” gets a million views online. 38________ In the movie played backwards, we'd see a very heavy,very small object just sitting there—and then, all of a sudden, spit out an entire star! The object we're looking at now,which spits everything out and eats nothing,would be called a white hole.
    Are there white holes?We have good evidence from our telescopes that black holes really do exist. 39________ That astronomers think about white holes is because of Albert Einstein. He came up with an excellent idea about gravity. His theory describes how black holes work,with their huge gravitational pull and also says white holes are possible. So could our universe actually make a white hole? 40________ Probably not. Something can be“possible”as an idea,but also extremely unlikely in real life.
    White holes are unlikely because they are an“in reverse” kind of thing. Time in our universe only flows in one direction:forward. So for now,white holes are just an interesting possibility.
    A. This kind of object is a black hole.
    B. Is there a white hole in the universe?
    C. Now picture yourself near a black hole.
    D. However,we've never seen a white hole.
    E. And could a black hole become a white hole?
    F. We'd never see anything escape from the black hole.
    G. But now imagine what would happen if we played it in reverse.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Awe is the feeling we get when something is so vast that it stops us in our tracks.Most of us 41________ it with something rare and beautiful:nature or music. But people can trigger awe too,and not just public heroes or 42________ people.
    During the 43________ of 2021,Beverly Wax had an experience that 44________ her with awe. It wasn't a sunset,a sweeping mountain vista or the sound of waves gently lapping on a beach that got to her. It was the 45________ of her colleague,Justin,dragging an 80-pound portable air conditioner up three 46________ of stairs to her Boston-area residence. Wax's central air conditioning had 47________ the day before—in the middle of a 90-plus-degree heat wave. She had mentioned to her colleague that she was having 48________ finding someone to repair it quickly. He 49________ with the new air conditioner as a surprise. As she watched him 50________ and struggle while hauling it up the stairs and 51________ it in her bedroom,Wax says she felt a wave of 52________ for her colleague.
    We're living through trying times. Almost every day,we're presented with new evidence of how annoying and 53________ others can be—the people who let the door slam in your face,or the ones who put their speakerphones 54________ in public. So it’s 55________ to forget that ordinary people can be awesome. However,just like Wax,we can be awestruck by the people around us.
    41. A. compare B. associate C. equip D. impress
    42. A. famous B. careful C. foreign D. active
    43. A. spring B. autumn C. summer D. winter
    44. A. moved B. covered C. amused D. filled
    45. A. sight B. sound C. thought D. mention
    46. A. flights B. levels C. layers D. blocks
    47. A. run away B. broken down C. switched off D. died out
    48. A. fun B. luck C. trouble D. power
    49. A. took over B. gave up C. paid back D. showed up
    50. A. sweat B. escape C. hesitate D. cry
    51. A. ordering B. fixing C. removing D. donating
    52. A. embarrassment B. optimism C. appreciation D. excitement
    53. A. violent B. inconsiderate C. ambitious D. generous
    54. A. down B. up C. on D. aside
    55. A. easy B. urgent C. unbearable D. important
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The early 1400s 56________(be) a glorious era in Chinese history. During this time, the Yongle Emperor wanted to develop harmonious relations with the overseas neighbors. Zheng He,one of the most 57________ (influence) explorers, took charge of the task. One of the states 58________(mention) in the historical records was Boni (present-day Brunei), a small kingdom in South-East Asia. There is 59________(prove) that China established very good relations with this state a long time ago:one of its kings was buried in Nanjing during the early Ming Dynasty, and there is a 60________ (fascinate) legend about the king.
    In 1405,on behalf of the emperor,Zheng He sailed the oceans 61________ his first voyage. His fleet 62________ (load)with gifts to the neighboring countries and regions.In 1407,he travelled to Boni, 63________ strengthened the friendly relationship between 64________ two countries. In the subsequent year, the King of Boni paid a friendly visit to China. He was accompanied by more than 150 people. The records show that the visitors were astonished by 65________rich and technologically advanced the Ming Dynasty was.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    假定你是李华。在你校就读的交换生John对中国唐朝的历史非常感兴趣,他写信希望你能推荐一本介绍唐朝的历史书。你最近碰巧读了A Journey Back to the Tang Dynasty一书,请你写一封电子邮件,向他推荐这本书。
    Dear John,

    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    Today was Community Service Day at school. Maya's class was going to make cards for the seniors living in a nursing home. It was also the first day Maya would be wearing her leg brace (腿支架) to school,which was designed to help her walk more steadily and smoothly.
    It was a cold autumn morning. Maya looked down,feeling embarrassed. To make it lovelier,she had delicately decorated the brace with pretty butterfly patterns. Still,she was unsure about others' reaction. All morning at school,kids kept glancing at her brace. To her relief,they didn't say anything.
    In the classroom,Maya was drawing little green buds (芽) and pretty flowers when her friend Samir came over and sat by her. She felt his eyes fixed on her brace and heard him asking,“What's that for?”Not knowing what to say,Maya pretended she didn't hear him. After a few seconds of awkwardness,she glanced back at him,and found that he looked a little sad.
    After lunch,the class set off. The nursing home was on a small hill and all of them walked there happily along the path. Maya found that the brace did make it easier for her to walk up.
    Maya and Samir were paired up with a lady who was 83 years old. There at the end of the hall in a wheelchair,with a big smile on her face,sat the lady,wearing a pink coat,with red lipstick and beautiful earrings. She looked bright and full of life.Moving flexibly and fast towards Maya and Samir,she greeted first.“I'm Joan,”she said cheerfully.“Glad to meet you.”
    Maya and Samir handed her the cards they made. Joan looked at Samir’s card carefully and spoke with admiration,“You've written a poem!That's so artistic!”Samir’s face reddened with shyness. Then Joan turned to Maya’s picture.“The first flowers of spring!”she cried in delight.“You really have a gift for using colour!”she said. Clearly,Joan's praise added great power into Maya.
    In a sudden wave of bravery,Maya asked,“What’s it like being in a wheelchair?”

    Deeply impressed by Joan,Maya offered to sit beside Samir on the bus ride back home.




    21. A。细节理解题。根据Future Matters Program所在段的“This is a hands-on program for students interested in going after a career in medical research.”可知答案。
    22. A。细节理解题。根据Simons Summer Research所在段的“free of charge”和Research Science Institute所在段的“cost-free”可知答案。
    23. C。细节理解题。根据Program in Math for Young Scientists所在段的“Unlike common programs... for students to choose their own schedules and decide what they want to study.”可知答案。
    24. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“They gave me answers to math problems,helped me finish my homework assignments,and allowed me to take untimed tests.”可知学校明显降低了对作者的要求和标准。
    25. C。词意猜测题。根据画线词所在的句子及下一句“I sold myself short.(妄自菲薄)”可知高中时,作者第一次意识到“有学习障碍”这个标签让自己贬低了自己,未能认识到自己的价值,从而限制了自己的成长。
    26. D。推理判断题。根据第三段中的“…help teenagers like me realize their true value”和第四段中的“Mr.Weisberg made me believe in myself as a human being with limitless potential.”可知Mr. Weiberg 到来之后激励学生开发他们的潜能。
    27. A。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,作者分享故事主要是想告诉我们,每个人的发展,很大程度上取决于别人怎么看我们和我们怎么看自己。
    28. D。从第一段中的“help millions of visitors flow through more easily while also reducing the effects of climate change”以及第三段最后一句可知,重新规划巴黎圣母院区域旨在为游客提供便利和对抗气候变化,故选D。
    29. B。从第四段中的“Plans also call for transforming a parking lot that is currently underneath the cathedral's main square into an underground walkway that opens up onto the banks of the Seine”可知,计划包括将停车场改造为通向塞纳河河岸的地下通道,故选B。
    30. C。从第五段中的“to give tourists a fantastic backdrop for their photos”可知,制冷系统的使用将为游客提供极佳的拍照背景,故选C。
    31. B。从倒数第二段可知,Reverend Gilles Drouin认为重建的目标是减少区域划分,即整合城市,故选B。【语篇导读】研究发现靛蓝彩鹀能够通过星星确定方向。
    32. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“and placed them into special enclosed spaces under the artificial sky of a planetarium”可知,Emlen在人造星空下观察靛蓝彩鹀的行为。
    33. D。细节理解题。根据第四段中“But once the erasure... lost their ability to dance. They hopped in...unable to determine their takeoff direction.”可知,当星座移动到达临界点以后,靛蓝彩鹀失去了方向感。
    34. A。推理判断题。根据最后一段末尾两句可知,本段主要讨论了光污染给一些野生动物带来的危害。
    35. B。标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了一项关于靛蓝彩鹀通过星星确定迁移方向的研究,故B项概括全面,最适合本文的标题。
    36. A。根据空格前的“This mysterious object would pull so powerfully that nothing inside could escape to the outside.”以及下文的提示信息“this black hole”可知,A项“这种物体就是黑洞。”符合语境,故选A。
    37. F。空格后面的“instead”是解题的关键。空格后一句表达的是“我们会看到黑洞吞掉任何靠得太近的东西”,所以空格处应表达相反的意义。F项“我们永远看不到任何东西从黑洞中逃脱。”符合语境,故选F。
    38. G。空格后的“In the movie played backwards”中的“backwards”与G项的“played it in reverse”都强调倒放,它们的意义一致,故选G。
    39. D。此处与空格前的“We have good evidence from our telescopes that black holes really do exist.”形成转折关系——黑洞的存在有证据,然而,我们却从没有见过白洞。故选D。
    40. E。根据空格后面的“Probably not.”可知,设空处应该是一个问句。E项“黑洞会变成白洞吗?”是前一个问句的延续,表达的意义更具体了些,故选E。
    41. B。associate... with。人们将敬畏和一些稀有且美好的事物联系起来。
    42. A。根据前面的“heroes”可知。
    43. C。根据后文“air conditioner”可知。
    44. D。让她深刻感受到这种情绪。fill sb. with sth.
    45. A。她看到的一幕,sight此处同义scene
    46. A。熟词生义。此处flight指楼梯的一段。
    47. B。A. run away逃跑;B. broken down出故障;C. switched off关掉;D. died out灭绝。
    48. C。因为她一时间找不到人来修理。
    49. D。A. took over接管;B. gave up 放弃;C. paid back偿还;D. showed up出现。
    50. A。因为搬空调而出汗,sweat作动词。
    51. B。一词多义,fix此处指安装。
    52. C。appreciation此处指感激。
    53. B。从and可知前后都是否定形容词,inconsiderate指不体贴。
    54. C。put down放下;put up张贴,上演;put on打开;put aside放一旁。
    55. A。因此很易忘记令人敬畏的普通人。
    56. was 57. influential 58. mentioned 59. proof 60. fascinating 61. on 62. was loaded 63. which 64. the 65. how
    Dear John,
    I'm more than delighted to receive your e-mail,knowing that you're fascinated by the history of the Tang Dynasty. I'm writing to recommend a book entitled A Journey Back to the Tang Dynasty,which I happened to read recently.
    Adopting a natural,chatty style of writing,the author of this popular history book turns history into a story,which I bet is easy for you to understand. Additionally,despite its plain language,the factual accuracy of the book is beyond doubt,as the author has referred to many academic books to check the facts. You can either borrow the book from the school library or order one online.
    I sincerely hope that my recommendation can be of some help to you.
    Li Hua
    In a sudden wave of bravery,Maya asked,“What’s it like being in a wheelchair?”“It helps me get around,”Joan said simply. Then,grinning,she added,“You’d be surprised at how fast I can go in this thing!”Right then,she moved the wheelchair across the room,turning around,back and forth. And what surprised Maya most was that she didn't detect any pity or embarrassment from Joan. Then Maya looked up and found Joan was smiling,eyes purposefully resting on her brace. It was then that a spark of power was lit up deep inside Maya. That afternoon,the three of them had a pleasant talk over lots of things until it was dusk.
    Deeply impressed by Joan,Maya offered to sit beside Samir on the bus ride back home.“Joan is great. I like her.”Samir admired. Maya nodded,lost in thought. With Joan's wheelchair and smile in mind,she summoned up her courage and said,“The brace keeps my toes up so I can walk better.”“Really?”Samir looked amazed,reached out and touched it gently.“That’s super cool!”His words were so sincere that Maya felt warm and moved. It was a reaction that she expected deep inside her heart. Though it was autumn outside,it felt like spring for Maya. A little green bud was bursting—she and her brace looked cool,beautiful and dynamic in her and others’eyes.
    Text 1
    M:What did you like to do for fun in your youth,Aunt Carol?
    W:Well,Jack,(1)your mother and I used to go for a walk in the forest near our house and swim in the lake with our friends.
    Text 2
    W:Hey,do you want to go to the zoo?The weather is really nice today.(2)
    M:I can't. I feel like I have a cold. My head feels heavy. Maybe another time.
    Text 3
    M:Look,how do you like this ink painting?
    W:If I had enough space on my living room wall,I would buy it.(3)
    Text 4
    W:I have fully recovered. So happy to get back to work.
    M:Perfect. We're planning a birthday party for Lucy. Would you like to come?
    W:I'd love to. But my father is in town this week. I plan to show him around the city.(4)
    Text 5
    M:Hey,I put a cup of yogurt in the fridge with my name on it.
    W:Oh,sorry,I didn't see your name. Let me go buy you a new one.(5)
    M:Forget it. But can I have some of your juice?I'm thirsty.
    W:Of course.
    Text 6
    W:Good morning,Henry!What a nice car!(6)
    M:Hi,Caroline. Thanks. Move over,Jane. Make room for Caroline. And that’s Ivan sitting in the front.Everybody is here.(6)Let's get going. Have you got the map?
    W:Of course. And I have printed out our plan for saving homeless dogs.(7)Did you bring any food for them?M:Yes,here you are. Is that enough?
    W:Yeah. There are about 10 dogs,so this should be fine. OK. Here we go.(7)
    Text 7
    M:Excuse me,I'm looking for my daughter. She's missing somewhere in the store.
    W:OK,sir,what does she look like?
    M:She's four years old,brown hair,wearing a yellow jacket and blue jeans. Her name is Ashley.(8)
    W:And what is your name,sir?
    M:John,John Gilbert.
    W:OK,Mr. Gilbert,where did you last see your daughter?
    M:We were on the second floor in the clothing department. I turned around and she was gone.
    W:Don't worry. I'll send a message to all the staff and the police as well,just in case. You can wait at the entrance please.
    M:Wait!There she is,by the toys.(9)I'm so sorry to have bothered you.
    W:Not a problem. Glad you found her.
    Text 8
    W:Hi Bill!Did you watch the TV show on Channel 11 last night?(10)
    M:Yes. Why?
    W:How did you feel about the way that it ended?(10)
    M:Oh,it was awful.(10)They left so many stories unanswered. I can't believe that was the best ending they could come up with after eight years.
    W:I agree. I looked online and lots of people feel the same way. Not many people found joy in it.
    M:And the last scene was so dark. You could hardly tell what was going on.
    W:I felt the same way.
    M:I found the sound quality very poor as well,so I had to turn up the TV.(11)
    W:Yes,it feels like they had to rush it over and because of that they made a lot of mistakes. Well,at least it's over. I'd prefer to watch movies instead of TV series in the future.(12)
    Text 9
    M:It looks like you didn't get much sleep last night.
    W:I didn't. It was very windy last night. It kept me awake.
    M:Well,I had a sound sleep.(13)
    W:How is that possible?It was hitting speeds of 50mph.
    M:I turned the music on. I usually listen to some classical music while sleeping. And that's the main reason.(14)
    W:I used to do that,but I ended up staying awake all night to listen to it.
    M:And another reason for a good night's sleep is that I live on the first floor.
    W:Well,my apartment is on the 25th floor,(15)so when there's a wind or storm,I feel it all.
    M:You look tired. You should check into a hotel for a day.
    W:But they are either too far away or too expensive for me.
    M:No,not really. There are three hotels nearby that I know are very cheap. The first one is by the TV station.(16)And you can find the other two opposite the city park and near the National Library. I personally recommend the first one. It's a lot nicer.(16)
    W:OK,I'll consider it. I definitely need a good sleep.
    Text 10
    Henry Ford,the founder of the Ford Motor Company,grew up in Michigan,the United States. His father was a farmer,expecting him to take over the family farm in the beginning.(17)But Henry had no interest in farming. He was much more interested in machines and building things. So,he left home at the age of 16 and went to Detroit. There Henry worked as an engineer for many years. The experience created conditions for his later success. In 1903,the world-famous Ford Motor Company was established.(18)(19)Five years later,the Ford Model T was invented. The car was made using a special production line. This kind of production line allowed the company to produce cars at a low price.(18)For the first time,cars were affordable for the average family. Besides its lower price,the Model T was easy to drive and repair compared to other cars. These features made it perfect for the middle-class American.(19)In 1918,over half the cars in America were the Model Ts.(20)By 1927,the company had produced more than 15 million Model Ts,making a great achievement.

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