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    北京市房山区2023届高三下学期一模试题 英语 Word版含答案

    这是一份北京市房山区2023届高三下学期一模试题 英语 Word版含答案,共9页。试卷主要包含了5分,共15分), A等内容,欢迎下载使用。



    第一部分 知识运用(共两节,30分)



    I glanced to my left and right as I got ready at the starting line. The sight of other competitors who had confident and fierce-looking faces got me goose bumps and I was even more ___1___ than before.

    “On your mark, get set... Go!” shouted the race official. I pushed myself forward with all my ___2___ and started running as though a pride of man-eating lions were coming after me. As I ran, I could see the other competitors catching up with me. All of a sudden, I fell down on my knees. A hundred pairs of eyes bored into me, watching me ___3___ to get up. But no matter how hard I tried, I just could not do it.

    “No, it cannot end like this. I have to ___4___ this race.” I thought to myself. However, the pain from my injury was so unbearable that I felt totally ___5___. I really wanted to give up.

    Out of despair, I gazed up at the finishing line. Just then, a kind competitor ___6___ her hand to me.

    “Thank you...” I whispered ___7___ as I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up.

    She lent me her shoulder for support, and I ___8___ forward. The crowd cheered at this brilliant display of ___9___. Together, both of us crossed the finishing line.

    Even though I never got the chance to learn her name, I will always remember her as the one who stepped forward to help me when I was in ___10___.

    1. A. tired B. confused C. nervous D. regretful

    2. A. joy B. might C. trouble D. shame

    3. A. attempt B. hesitate C. wait D. pretend

    4. A. organize B. evaluate C. appreciate D. complete

    5. A. defeated B. inspired C. shocked D. relaxed

    6. A. waved B. extended C. showed D. pointed

    7. A. proudly B. cautiously C. awkwardly D. gratefully

    8. A. moved B. fell C. bent D. looked

    9. A. partnership B. sportsmanship C. leadership D. friendship

    10. A. anger B. doubt C. need D. silence




    When I was seven years old, I caught a cold and had to stay at home. My parents had  to work, so my neighbor came over to look after me. She read many different books to me ___11___ (patient), including adventures set in ancient times, travel stories, family dramas, historical novels, etc. To my joy, ___12___ (listen) to each book made me feel like watching a movie, but better because books gave much more details than movies. She started my interest in reading. Next year, after graduating from college, I ___13___ (have) a job teaching English. I hope that I can transfer the love of reading to my students.


    Beijing Olympic Park, also ___14___ (know) as the Olympic Green, is located in Chaoyang District, Beijing, with a total land area of 11.59 square kilometers. The famous National Stadium or “Bird’s Nest” is the centerpiece of the park, ___15___ the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics were hosted. The National Aquatics Center or “Water Cube” hosted the swimming, diving and synchronized swimming events. It was transformed ___16___ the “Ice Cube” for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, and detachable curling tracks were built on the swimming pool to host curling events.


    World Environment Day (WED) is a day we all need to put in our ___17___ (diary). It happens on June 5 every year and should be one of the most important days of the holiday calendar. WED ___18___ (create) in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly. The environment wasn’t such a big issue back then. But it is one of the hottest topics in the world today. WED helps raise worldwide awareness of the threats to our environment. ___19___ people can do that day is to start changing lifestyles to reduce their carbon footprint. Many environmental agencies organize events based on different themes each year. These events encourage both governments and local communities to work together ___20___ (handle) environmental problems.

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)




    To help new students, the International Business Institute (IBI) plans to set up a buddy (伙伴) peer support project. The project will help new students meet current students at IBI who can provide them with some friendly company during their first months in Newcastle and help them with any small problems that they may have.

    What’s in it for you?

    We believe that being a buddy will be rewarding in several ways. As a volunteer, it will be personally satisfying to know that you are able to help new students. It will also help you make contacts that may be valuable in your future academic and professional lives. If you are an overseas student, it will give you another opportunity to practise speaking English.

    Responsibilities of buddies

    ·Telephone and arrange to make contact with the new student.

    ·Meet the student and show him/her around the campus and the local area. Answer questions about living in Newcastle and administration procedures at IBI.

    ·Arrange to meet the new student one morning or afternoon one weekend early in the semester, and take the student to places that you enjoy in Newcastle.

    ·Be prepared to take phone calls from the new student to answer further questions that he/she may have from time to time. Meet to explain information to the new student in person, if required.

    ·You will be matched to an individual new student. However, if you have friends who are also buddies, you might prefer to form a support group together. This would mean that you meet the new students as a group rather than one-on-one.

    ·Being a buddy is voluntary. There is no “requirement” to provide assistance beyond the help outlined above.

    Please note that if you agree to become a peer support buddy, you will be expected to fulfil your role conscientiously and cheerfully. It will be important to be considerate and reliable so that the student can feel confident in your support.

    21. According to the passage, what benefit can you get from being a buddy?

    A. You can learn how to be a confident person.

    B. It is easy for you to find some friendly company.

    C. You can be rewarded with both money and prizes.

    D. It may be helpful for your future studies and career.

    22. As a buddy, you need to ________.

    A. form a support group with other volunteers at IBI

    B. provide assistance in studying each subject after class

    C. meet the new student every morning early in the semester

    D. help the new student get familiar with his or her surroundings

    23. What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

    A. To introduce campus life for new students.

    B. To attract potential volunteers to be peer supporters.

    C. To offer an opportunity to practise speaking English.

    D. To provide some information about studying overseas.


    Born with severe hearing loss, Li has found her way to communicate with the worldthrough painting.

    Before learning to paint, Li always felt lonely in a silent world. She knew she was different from her peers because she could not hear. But a painting class in primary school opened for her a door to creativity and a way of expression.

    “I still remember my first mural, which was to help a kindergarten to design and paint its wall,” Li says. “The project made me realize how happy I was immersing myself into painting.”

    To pursue her passion for art, Li went to study advertising design at a vocational and technical school. “Painting brushes can help me create a colorful world in my imagination, telling my thoughts on paper, instead of through voices,” Li said.

    Graduating from college in 2005, Li got a job as a typist at a public institute. But she could not communicate well with her other colleagues. Her husband understood how she felt because he lost his hearing due to medication when he was 1 year old. He is also an art lover. In March 2016, under her husband’s suggestion, Li quit her job and joined her husband’s company, which specializes in 3D wall and ground paintings.

    Wall painting is a demanding job because it requires people to work outdoors, whether in extremely cold or hot weather. As all the people are hearing-impaired in their company, communication with clients is the most common challenge that the team faces.

    Now in many parks and scenic spots, the couple have created large-scale murals and interactive pavement painting that make onlookers a part of the drawings.
    “My husband and I want to introduce painting to more people like us and help them find their own way to make a living,” Li says. Now Li has an apprentice who just graduated from college. While coaching the newcomer, Li is exploring her own style and hopes to become an illustrator and open her own exhibition one day.

    “They’re energetic young people with a passion to create new things, and you can feel that in their paintings,” one of their clients said. “They’re also a professional, dedicated team, often working late into the night on the designs for us.”

    Li hopes that their stories can encourage more hearing-impaired people to build their own careers and achieve their goals, regardless of how tough it may be.

    24. According to the passage, the painting class in primary school ________.

    A. started Li’s first advertising design

    B. helped Li find a new way to express herself

    C. made Li learn about 3D wall and ground paintings

    D. turned Li’s dream of opening an exhibition into reality

    25. What can we know from this passage?

    A. Li can communicate with her clients easily.

    B. Li lost her hearing when she was I year old.

    C. Li and her husband have created many wonderful paintings.

    D. Li and her husband hope to become illustrators in the future.

    26. To help people with hearing loss, what does Li intend to do?

    A. Donate money to them. B. Design painting gifts for them.

    C. Inspire them to create their own careers. D. Support them to complete college education.

    27. What does the passage mainly tell us?

    A. One is never too old to learn. B. Failure is the mother of success.

    C. Accepting what you have makes you happy. D. Nothing is impossible to the man who will try.


    Vast underwater meadows (草甸) of gently waving sea grass cover hundreds of miles up and down the West Coast. These blue-green fields perform a variety of important services. They protect the shoreline from erosion, clear pollutants from the water and provide habitats for all kinds of marine animals.

    New research suggests sea grass meadows may also mitigate a serious consequence of greenhouse gas emissions: the steady acidification of ocean waters. The study published in the journal Global Change Biology finds that sea grass forests can raise pH levels in coastal waters. As they perform photosynthesis (光合作用), they remove carbon dioxide from the water, counteracting the acidifying effect of the gas.

    “I think we are all very excited about it,” said lead study author Aurora Ricart, a scientist at the Bigelow Laboratory for Marine Sciences.

    Ocean acidification is a side effect of rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Some of this CO2 dissolves out of the air and into the sea, causing a chemical reaction that lowers the water’s pH. Scientists sometimes refer to it as global warming’s “evil twin”an invisible companion to climate change.

    Ocean acidification can have harmful effects on marine organisms like shellfish and coral by preventing them from properly forming the hard shells they need to survive. It’s a threat both to natural ecosystems and to shellfish fisheries around the world. The study presents a natural way to address the problem.

    Researchers analyzed six years of data from sea grass meadows spanning more than 600 miles off the California coastline. It focused on the common eelgrass, one of the most widespread sea grass species on the West Coast. The authors claim it’s the largest, most comprehensive study of its kind.

    According to the study, sea grass ecosystems can raise pH levels by more than 0.1 unit, equivalent to about a 30% decrease in acidity. The effect isn’t constant. It comes in waves and is influenced by temperature, daylight, ocean currents and other factors that affect water chemistry and sea grass photosynthesis rates. But the tempering influence on acidification can be lasting, sometimes persisting for up to three weeks at a time. The study also shows that pH is higher in sea grass ecosystems, compared to nearby areas with no sea grass, about 65% of the time.

    The study didn’t investigate the effects of higher pH on marine organismsthat’s a question for future research. But there’s reason to believe these meadows may have a positive influence on shellfish and other ocean animals.

    28. What can we learn from this passage?

    A. Sea grass forests can lower pH levels of coastal waters.

    B. Shellfish and corals are not affected by ocean acidification.

    C. Sea grass meadows can help remove pollutants from the sea water.

    D. The effects of higher pH on marine organisms were investigated in this study.

    29. What does the underlined word “mitigate” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

    A. Relieve. B. Present. C. Cause. D. Predict.

    30. Paragraph 7 tells us the research ________.

    A. findings B. process C. questions D. reflection

    31. Why does the author write this passage?

    A. To illustrate the serious situation of climate change.

    B. To present the living conditions of the underwater meadows.

    C. To emphasize the importance of research on marine pollution.

    D. To introduce a natural way to solve the problem of ocean acidification.


    When special occasions such as birthdays or other big holiday events come around, parents often look for that special toy for their children. But there is a growing understanding that gifts of time and bonding, such as vacations and other experiences, make better and more lasting gifts for children.

    Experts agree that gifting children with memorable trips and fun experiences is better for their body and mind, and has corresponding positive impacts on the rest of the family!

    In a 2017 study that surveyed about 500 women between 18 and 93 years old, Dr. Oravecz, a human development and family studies professor at Pennsylvania State University, asked, “Most people feel loved when...” The study showed that the most popular answers had nothing to do with any material item. Dr. Oravecz said, “Our research found that micro-moments of positivity, like a kind word, a hug with a child or a sympathetic expression, make people feel  most loved.”

    Clinical psychologist Oliver James agrees. He stated that as opposed to toys, details from a trip are more likely to “stick with them for long after the vacation ends.” When families interact in a stress-free environment, this creates warm, generous feelings towards one another, which are likely to be remembered with fondness. Vacations create strong emotional responses that don’t often come with material possessions.

    In addition, British child psychologist Dr. Margot Sunderland believes that vacations make children smarter. “What is less widely known is that vacations can also advance brain development in children. This is because on a family vacation, you are exercising two genetically ingrained systems deep in the brain’s limbic (边缘的) area, which can all too easily be ‘unexercised’ in the home.” Citing the work of neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp, Dr. Sunderland said, “These are the PLAY system and the SEEKING system.” “The brain’s PLAY system is exercised every time you bury your child’s feet in the sand or take them for a ride on your back. The SEEKING system is exercised each time you go exploring together: the beach, a cave, a hidden village...” She continued, “So when you take your child on a vacation, you are supporting their explorative urge (SEEKING system)a vital resource for living life well, and their capacity to play (PLAY system). In adulthood, this translates into the ability to play with ideasessential, for example, to the successful entrepreneur(企业家).”

    In a busy household, perhaps the fun of having the latest toy may not last, but the space it occupies in the house could be there and gather dust. So for the next round of gift-giving with the children, consider an experiential gift instead. The return is definitely priceless.

    32. From Dr. Oravecz’s study, we know that ________.

    A. hearing kind words can make a person feel most loved

    B. a special toy for a birthday is more lasting for children

    C. women at the age of 18 and 93 years old feel more loved

    D. the feeling of being loved is closely related to material gifts

    33. What can be inferred from the passage?

    A. The capacity to play can translate into the ability to seek.

    B. The SEEKING system can develop when adventuring in the wild.

    C. PLAY and SEEKING systems are more easily exercised at home.

    D. Burying your child’s feet in the mud is exercising the SEEKING system.

    34. According to the passage, the author may agree that ________.

    A. material gifts are better for a child’s body and mind

    B. children spending vacations with their parents are more generous

    C. trips with family can form better emotional interactions than material gifts

    D. vacations with employees are a waste of time for a successful entrepreneur



    Has anyone ever told you, “Stand up straight!” or scolded you for sitting lazily at a family dinner? Comments like that might be annoying, but they’re not wrong.

    ___35___ It is the foundation for every movement your body makes, and can determine how well your body adapts to the stresses on it. These stresses can be things like carrying weight, or sitting in an awkward position. ___36___

    If your posture isn’t good enough, your muscles have to work harder to keep you upright and balanced. Some muscles will become tight and inflexible. ___37___ It increases the likelihood of accidents, and makes some organs, like your lungs, less efficient.

    So what does good posture look like? If you’re sitting, your neck should be vertical, not tilted forward. Your shoulders should be relaxed with your arms close to your trunk. Your knees should be at a right angle with your feet flat on the floor. But what if your posture can’t be that great? ___38___ For example, adjust your screen so it’s at or slightly below eye level. Make sure all parts of your body, like your elbows and wrists, are supported

    It’s also not enough to just have good posture. Keeping your muscles and joints moving is extremely important. In fact, being still for long periods with good posture can be worse than regular movement with bad posture. ___39___ And be sure to exercise. Using your muscles will keep them strong enough to support you effectively, on top of all the other benefits to your joints, bones, brain and heart.

    A. Try redesigning your environment.

    B. You adjust your body unless you feel tired.

    C. So if you sit a lot, get up and move around on occasion.

    D. And the big one that we all experience every day is gravity.

    E. Besides, poor posture leads to extra wear and tear on your joints.

    F. Posture can even influence your emotional state and your sensitivity to pain.

    G. Your posture refers to the way you hold your body when you’re sitting or standing.

    第三部分 书面表达(共两节,32分)



    Throughout our lives, we are faced with many different learning experiences. Some of these experiences have made more of an impact than others. This can be due to different intelligences or learning styles. A person’s learning style or “intelligence” is the method through which they gain information most easily.

    The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed in 1983 by Dr. Gardner in his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, and it suggests that traditional ideas about intelligence, measured by standardized IQ tests, are very limited. According to him, eight different intelligences are proposed to describe the range of different abilities in children and adults. They are: linguistic (语言的) intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial (空间的) intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and naturalistic intelligence.

    Some schools focus attention on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences. However, Dr. Gardner says that we should place equal attention on people who possess the other intelligences: designers, athletes, musicians, salesmen, psychologists, and biologists.

    Education can be much more interesting and help more students to learn more effectively if teachers are encouraged to present lessons in a wide variety of ways using music, group work, art activities, role-play, multimedia, field trips, among others. The good news is that hundreds of schools are currently using the theory of multiple intelligences to design the way they educate children. By doing so, students will perform better and store more important information in their minds. Understanding a student’s learning style can help later in life and lead them into a more fulfilling career direction.

    The theory of multiple intelligences also gives adults a whole new way to look at their lives, examining potentials that they left behind in their childhood, such as a love for art or drama. They may now have the opportunity to develop these through hobbies or other programs of self-development.

    40. According to the passage, what is a person’s learning style?

    41. What does Dr. Gardner use the eight intelligences to describe?

    42. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.

             To help students perform better and store more important information in their minds, schools should focus on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences.

    43. Which intelligence do you want to develop most? Why? (In about 40 words)








    Dear friends,





    第一节 完形填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,共15分)





















    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)








    will have/am going to have










    was created


    to handle

























































    40. A person’s learning style or “intelligence” is the method through which they gain information most easily.

    41. To describe the range of different abilities in children and adults.


             To help students perform better and store more important information in their minds, schools should focus on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences.

    To help students perform better and store more important information in their minds, schools should use the theory of multiple intelligences to design the way they educate children.

    43. I want to develop my spatial intelligence most. Because I think a sense of space is very important to a person. In addition, I am interested in architecture and would like to be a building designer when I graduate from university.

    第二节 作文(20分)





    二、One possible version

    Dear friends,

    Welcome to our school. I am Li Hua, Chairman of the Student Union. On behalf of my school, I will introduce the main arrangements for the following two days.

    As scheduled, on the first day, we would like to invite you to take a tour of our campus, through which you will get a general idea of our school. In the afternoon, you can take part in various activities such as paper cutting and calligraphy to experience traditional Chinese culture in person. On the second day, we will take you to the Forbidden City, a must-see attraction in Beijing, where you will be amazed at the architectural styles and treasures preserved there.

    Hope you enjoy your stay here! Thank you!


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