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    第3讲 Unit 3  Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 拔尖版 教案01
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    第3讲 Unit 3  Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 拔尖版 教案01
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    第3讲 Unit 3  Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 拔尖版 教案03
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    第3讲 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 拔尖版 教案

    这是一份第3讲 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 拔尖版,文件包含第3讲Unit3Ithinkthatmooncakesaredelicious拔尖版教师版doc、第3讲Unit3拔尖版学生版doc等2份教案配套教学资源,其中教案共86页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第三讲 Unit3 Could you please tell me
    where the restrooms are?拔尖版
    游览(Getting around)
    1、restroom n.(美)洗手间;公共厕所
    2、stamp n. 邮票;印章
    3、postcard n. 明信片
    4、pardon interj.请再说一遍;抱歉,对不起
    5、washroom n. 洗手间;厕所
    6、bathroom n. 浴室;洗手间
    7、quick adj. 快的;迅速的 adv. 快速地;迅速地
    8、rush v. & n. 仓促;急促
    9、suggest v. 建议;提议
    10、staff n. 管理人员;职工
    11、grape n. 葡萄
    12、central adj. 中心的;中央的
    13、mail v. 邮寄;发电子邮件n. 邮件;信件
    14、east adj. 东方的;东部的adv. 向东;朝东 n. 东;东方
    15、fascinating adj.迷人的;极有吸引力的
    16、convenient adj.便利的;方便的
    17、mall n. 商场;购物中心
    18、clerk n. 职员
    19、corner n. 拐角;角落
    20、polite adj. 有礼貌的;客气的
    21、politely adv. 礼貌地;客气地
    22、speaker n.讲(某种语言)的人;发言者
    23、request n. 要求;请求
    24、choice n. 选择;挑选
    25、direction n. 方向;方位
    26、correct adj. 正确的;恰当的
    27、direct adj. 直接的; 直率的
    28、whom pron. 谁;什么人
    29、address n. 住址; 地址;通讯处
    30、faithfully adv. 忠实地;忠诚地
    31、Italian adj. 意大利(人)的;n. 意大利人;意大利语
    32、Kevin 凯文(男名)
    33、Tim 蒂姆(男名)

    1.a pair of 一对,一双,一副
    2.between A and B 在a和b之间
    3.on one’s way to 在去……的路上
    4.pardon me 什么,请再说一遍
    5.pass by 路过 经过
    6.look forward to 盼望 期待
    7.excuse me 打扰了 请原谅
    8.get some magazines 得到一些杂志
    9.turn left\right 向左\向右 转
    10.go past 经过 路过
    11.a little earlier 早一点儿
    12.a good place to eat 一个吃饭的好地方
    13.in different situation 在不同的情况下
    14.on time 准时 按时
    15.get to 到达
    16.have dinner 吃晚餐
    17.on one’s right在右边
    18.come on 快点 请过来
    19.the shopping center 购物中心
    20.the corner of....... 的角落/拐角处
    21.lead into 导入,引入
    Do you know where is … ?
    Can you tell me how can I get to …?
    Could you tell me how to get to …?
    Could/Will/Would you please tell me sth. 表示十分客气地询问事情

    Could you please tell me how to get to the park?
    2、You want to rest?你想休息下吗?
    3、If you’re scared,just shout or hold my hand.如果你害怕,就喊出来或抓住我的手

    Section A 考点知识梳理
    1、Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?打扰一下,你能告诉我怎样到达书店吗?
    (1)excuse me“对不起,请原谅,打扰一下”,是英语中常使用的客套用语,用于向对方提出请求,询问情况等场合,以向对方表示歉意或礼貌。其意思可根据不同的情景理解为“劳驾”“请问”“请原谅”“对不起”等
    ◆Excuse me. Are you Mr.Owen?请问您是欧文先生吗?
    Excuse me.Could/Can you tell me the way to.......?
    Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me how I can get to.......?
    Excuse me.Could/Can you tell me how to get to.......?
    Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me where.......is/are?
    Excuse me.Do you know where/how......?
    Excuse me.Which is the way to......,please?
    Excuse me.Where’s.......,please?
    Excuse me.Is there a/an......near there?
    (2)could you please......?请你......好吗,是表示有礼貌地提出请求的交际用语,后接动词原形,其否定形式为“could you please not......”请你别.......好吗
    ◆Could you please tell me where the bookstore is?请你告诉我书店在哪里好吗?
    2、Sure, just go along Main Street until you pass Center Street.当然,就沿着主街往前走,一直到你经过中心大街。
    (1)go along沿着向前走,多指沿着街道,河边或堤坝等向前走,这是指路的常用语,表示沿着.......向前走,还可以用go down,但多指向低处走或郊区走
    ◆Go along this street, and you’ll find the park at the end of it.沿着这条街向前走,走到头你就会找到那个公园。
    ①turn left/right at在.......往左/右转
    ②take the first/second.....turning on the right/left在第一/二......个拐弯处往左/右转
    ③It’s across from/near/next to.......它就在......对面/附近/旁边
    ④You can take the No.....bus and get off at.......你可以乘......路公共汽车在.......下车
    ◆Turn right at the third crossing, and then walk straight.在第三个十字路口往右转,然后直着朝前走。
    ◆Take the second turning on the right.在第二个拐弯处往右拐。
    ◆It’s across from the hospital.他就在医院对面
    ◆You can take the No.3 bus and get off at the National Park Stop.你可以乘3路公共汽车在国家公园站下车。
    ◆Please wait here until I come.请在这里等到我来。
    注意: until live,wait,last,love,like,stay,work,continue
    ◆I hadn’t realized she was foreign until she spoke.她不说话我还一直不知道她是个外国人。
    注意: 做连词的until用于否定句,从句动作先发生,主句动作再发生。
    ◆It may last until Friday.这可能要要延续到星期五。
    ◆He will be working until 5 o’clock.他将一直工作到五点钟。
    3、The bookstore is on your right, beside the bank.书店就在你的右边,银行在旁边。
    (1)on one’s right在某人的右边,有时也可用on the right来表达,意为“在右边”
    ◆You’ll find the post office on your right.你会发现邮局在你的右边。
    ◆We live in a small village beside a river.我们住在河边的一个小村庄里。
    4、The supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore.超市在花店和书店之间。
    ◆She lives between the school and the drugstore.他住在学校和药店之间.
    ◆Don’t eat between meals.正餐之间不要吃东西。
    ◆He sat among the children.他坐在孩子们中间。
    5、Go past the bookstore.经过书店。
    Go past意为“经过;路过”,相当于pass。其中pass为介词,意为“从......旁边过去”。
    ◆The bus went past us without stopping at the bus stop.公共汽车没在站点停留就从我们旁边过去了。
    ◆The man walked past a shop.这个人走过一家商店。
    ◆There is a bridge over the river.河上面有一座桥。
    ◆The little boy is walking across the road.这个小男孩正在步行穿过马路。
    ◆He can go through the forest by himself.他能独自穿过森林。
    Pardon此处为感叹词,“请再说一遍,抱歉,对不起”,此处表示没听清或不理解对方的话,希望对方再重复一遍,读时用升调相当于Beg your pardon?或I beg your pardon。 pardon还可用于做错事道歉时,读时用降调。要表明自己与对方有不同的见解,可能引起对方不快时用降调。
    ◆I do beg your pardon.请你一定要原谅我。
    Pardon又作及物动词,“宽恕,原谅”后接名词、代词、动词ing形式作宾语,也可接双宾语,常用结构pardon sb.for (doing) sth原谅某人做某事
    ◆We must pardon him for his fault.我们一定要原谅他的过失。
    7、 But we haven’t even started yet!但是我们甚至还没有开始呢
    yet 副词,“还,尚”,常用于否定句或疑问句中,通常置于句末。yet表示说话人期望发生的事情尚未发生,常用于现在完成时
    ◆They haven’t watered the flowers yet.他们还没有浇花。
    yet 意为“已经”时,句中的谓语动词,在英式英语中常用现在完成时;而在美式英语中常用一般过去时。肯定句中用already,在否定句中,表示“还没有”,只能用yet, 不能用already或still。
    ◆Have you finished your homework yet?你的作业完成了吗?
    8、If you’re scared, just shout or hold my hand.如果你害怕,就喊出来或抓着我的手。
    ①shout at sb冲某人大声叫嚷,含有指责、批评的意思
    ◆Don’t shout at your parents.别对你父母大声叫嚷
    ②shout to sb对某人大声叫喊,没有批评指责的意思
    ◆He shouted to the girl and warned her of the danger.他冲那个女孩儿大喊,警告她有危险
    ③shout out,喊出突然呼喊
    ◆Only a few people are brave enough to shout out her name.只有少数人有勇气喊他的名字
    9、I was scared at first, but shouting did help.起初我很害怕,但是却大喊出来
    did,确实有用,此处用作助动词,在句中起强调作用,用来表达说话者的一种强烈的感情。did要重读,后接动词原形,意为“确实;务必;一定;的确”等。 do随主语的人称、数和句子的时态的变化而变化。
    ◆He does come from America.它的确来自美国。
    10、I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World.我推荐水上世界的水城宾馆。
    ①suggest sth建议,提议某事
    ◆He suggested a two-day-long stay in Beijing on the way home.,他建议回家时在北京停留两天。
    ②suggest doing sth建议、提议做某事
    ◆My father suggested calling for a doctor at once.我父亲建议马上请个医生。
    ◆The teacher suggested that we should speak as much English as possible in class.老师建议我们在课堂上尽可能多的说英语。
    注意:“建议某人做某事”不能用suggest sb to do sth,但可以用advise sb to do sth.
    11、On their way to Water City Restaurant,Alice and He Wei pass by Uncle Bob’s.他们去水城餐馆的路上,爱丽丝和何伟路过Bob叔叔的餐馆。
    (1)on one’s way to在某人去的路上
    ◆I met an old classmate of mine on my way to work.在去上班的路上,我遇到了一位老同学。
    (2)Uncle Bob’s相当于Uncle Bob’s restaurant,当名词所有格限定的是表示住宅、诊所、商店等的名词时,该名词通常省略。
    ◆He is going to his aunt’s this weekend.这个周末,他打算去她姑姑家。
    ◆This is Jim’s room and that is Tom’s.这是吉姆的房间,那是汤姆的房间
    ◆a photo of my brother’s我弟弟的一张照片。
    12、Sally needs to mail a letter.萨利需要邮寄一封信。
    mail此处用作及物动词,意为‘邮寄’,相当于post。其后可接双宾语mail sb sth=mail sth to sb,意为“给某人寄某物”
    ◆Please mail the present to your friend.请把这件礼物寄给你的朋友。
    Section B 考点知识梳理
    1、These are similar requests for directions.这些是询问方向的类似的请求
    request 是可数名词,“要求,请求”,其后常接“for+名词”,意为“......的要求/请求”
    ◆We must make a request for help.我们必须请求帮助。
    ①request sth (from/of sb)向某人请求某物
    ◆He requested some hot water from me.他向我要了些热水。
    ②request sb to do sth请求某人做某事
    ◆They requested him to leave at once.他们要求他立刻离开
    ③request +that从句,(从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用should+动词原形形式,其中should可省略),意为“请求;要求”
    ◆I requested that she should come an hour earlier.我请她早一小时来。
    2、Both are correct, but first one sounds less polite.两者都是正确的,但第一句听起来不如第二句显得有礼貌。
    ◆I can tell you the correct answer.我可以告诉你正确答案
    ◆You must correct the mistakes in your homework.你必须改正作业中的错误。
    ◆I have many CDs, but I like the one called Heart Strings best.我有很多唱片,但我最喜欢名叫《心弦》的那一张。
    3、 That is because it is a very direct question.那是因为她是一个很直接的问题。
    (1) because it is a very direct question此处作is的表语,是表语从句。
    ◆The question is how he did it.问题是他是如何做此事的
    (2) direct此处用作形容词,“直接的,直率的”,其反义词是indirect,意为“间接的”,副词为directly,意为“直接地”
    ◆You’ll have to get used to his direct manner.你得慢慢习惯他这种直率的方式
    拓展: direct用作及物动词,“指导,导演,指路”,其名词形式是direction,用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。
    ◆He directed the building of the new bridge.他知道修建了这座新桥
    4、They include expressions such as“could you please....”他们包含了像“could you please....”之类的表达方式。
    ◆The price includes both the house and the furniture inside.这个价格包括房子和里面的家具。
    ◆Six people, including a baby, were injured in the accident.事故中有六人受伤,其中包括一名婴儿。
    ◆There are 100 people in this school, 20 teachers included.这所学校有100个人,包括20名老师。
    5、I’m looking forward to your reply.我期待您的回复。
    (1)look forward to表示“盼望;期待”,相当于expect,特指以愉快的心情期待着。其中to为介词,后面接名词、代词、动词ing形式做宾语,不能接动词原形。
    ◆I’m looking forward to seeing you again.我期待再次见到您。
    (2)reply用作名词,意为“答复”,相当于answer,表示“......的答复”时, reply与answer都需要与to连用。
    ◆I received no reply /answer to my request.我的要求没有收到任何答复。
    拓展: 辨析reply与answer
    ①reply用作不及物动词,意为“回答,回复”,reply to sb/sth表示“对某人/某事做出回答”。用作及物动词,其后接宾语从句。
    ◆She cried, but didn’t reply.她哭了,但没有回答。
    ◆Please answer my question.请回答我的问题。
    6、You are always in a rush to get to school on time.你为了能准时到达学校总是急匆匆的。
    on time意为“准时,按时”,相当于at the right time。
    ◆Please don’t be late, Come here on time.请别迟到,准时来这里。
    ①in time及时
    ◆The man was just in time for the plane.那个人正好赶上了航班。
    ②at times有时,相当于sometimes
    ◆I go to school without breakfast at times.有时候我不吃早饭就去上学。
    ③by the time到......时候,到.......之前
    ◆By the time we got to the cinema, the film had begun.我们到达电影院时,电影已经开始了。
    ④at the same time同时
    ◆The twins always go to bed at the same time.这对双胞胎同时上床睡觉

    1.(1分)—Could you tell me ____?
    —Sure. Walk straight along this street and you'll find it.
         A.how to get to the post office
         B.where is the post office
         C.which is the way to the post office
         D.how far the post office is
    2.(1分)—Would you please tell me ____?
    —Sorry, you can turn to Mr. Lee for help.
         A.how many points did Kobe Bryant score in his final game
         B.how I can be a successful person like Jack Ma
         C.whether was the Egyptian missing plane found
         D.when will the high-speed railway connecting Yancheng to Nantong be in service
    3.(1分)____ more information, passengers can contact the air company ____ 0273 330016.
         A.With; by      B.As; with      C.By; at      D.For; on
    4.(1分)He offered ____ valuable advice that ____ people disagreed.
         A.such; a few      B.such; few      C.so; a few      D.so; few
    5.(1分)It's generous ____ them to donate money to UNICEF. It's important ____ them to help poor children go to school.
         A.to; for      B.for; of      C.of; to      D.of; for
    6.(1分)The doctor suggests Tom ____ less junk food from now on.
         A.have      B.having      C.has      D.to have
    7.(1分)He lives ____ to Joy, and in the factory he works ____ with her as well.
         A.closely; closely      B.close; closely
         C.close; close      D.closely; close
    8.(1分)My pen pal ____ say she would write to me, but I haven't heard from her so far.
         A.didn't      B.does      C.did      D.do
    9.(1分)—She wears out these days!
    —It's ____ to feel tired after such a long trip.
         A.common      B.normal      C.fair      D.difficult
    10.(1分)—What did Mr. Luo say just now?
    —He said ____.
         A.light travelled faster than sound
         B.light travels faster than sound
         C.sound travelled faster than light
         D.sound travels faster than light
    11.(1分)Could you please tell me ____?
         A.where are you from      B.how can I get there
         C.what's the matter with you      D.where does he live
    12.(1分)—Could I call you by the first name?
    —Yes, you ____.
         A.will      B.could      C.may      D.might
    13.(1分)—Dale has improved his English a lot in the recent time.
    —____. We can ask him to tell us how he made it.
         A.So he has      B.So has he      C.So have you
    14.(1分)—You have never visited there, ____?
    —____. I have been there twice.
         A.have you; Yes, I have
         B.haven't you; No, I haven't
         C.have you; No, I haven't
         D.haven't you; Yes. I have
    15.(1分)Go ____ the park and turn left onto Yimeng Road.
         A.pass      B.passed      C.passing      D.past

    16.(10分)     Mr. White is a blind man who likes traveling alone. However, as a blind man, he has met a lot of   1   during his trips.
         Once Mr. White traveled to Texas. It was his first time to go there. On the plane, he sat next to a woman who   2   Texas. The woman told him that everything was   3   and better in her city. When Mr. White arrived he found a   4   and decided to spend the night there.
         After dinner, Mr. White went to a wine bar (酒吧) and ordered a glass of wine. When the waiter brought him one, he was   5  . "Wow! How big!" he said. Mr. White doesn't drink often,   6   he was a little drunk (喝醉) after drinking the wine. He wanted to go to the restroom, so he asked another waiter for   7  . "Turn right at the information desk and it is the second door on the right," said the waiter.
         When Mr. White walked past the first door, he fell down. He missed (错过) the   8   and went towards the third door instead. Not realizing that he had entered the swimming area, he walked forward and then   9   into the swimming pool. At that time he   10   that everything there was bigger. "Don't flush (冲洗)! Don't flush!" he shouted as soon as he got his head above water.
          (1)A.animals B.troubles C.strangers D.visitors
          (2)A.came from B.hears from C.looked at D.arrived at
          (3)A.smaller B.newer C.older D.bigger
          (4)A.museum B.restaurant C.hotel D.supermarket
          (5)A.nervous B.surprised C.upset D.bored
          (6)A.although B.until C.or D.so
          (7)A.addresses B.directions C.orders D.suggestions
          (8)A.second B.third C.fourth D.fifth
          (9)A.got B.turned C.fell D.jumped
          (10)A.remembered B.dreamed C.discovered D.hoped
         It was a Sunday afternoon. It was very hot and nobody wanted to stay at home. Dick decided to go         (swim) in the river. His brother, Tom wanted to go with him because he was too young to take care of        (his).
         "Take him with you." said their mother. "He enjoys playing with you. He will do         you tell him, I think."
         They got to the river        (quick). A lot of people were swimming in it. Dick told Tom to play on the bank, and then he jumped into the river. About        hour later, he swam back to the bank        a fish in his hand. Tom was very happy when he saw the fish. He found a bottle and put the fish in it.
         Tom did nothing        watch the fish that evening. Suddenly Dick heard Tom        (cry) loudly in the room. He ran to him and asked, "What's wrong with you, Tom?"
         Tom said "I thought it was        (tire). So I took it out of the bottle and put it on the chair; I only wanted it to have a rest. Now, it         (death)".
         How many people do you communicate with in a day? Probably a lot more than you        (do) ten years ago. Now we can talk to people in more and more
           [weiz], not just face to face and        the phone, but also through the Internet. It's very important for         ['evriwʌn] to try and improve their communication        (skill), so let's remember the four golden rules of communication.        (one), be as clear as you can. Misunderstandings happen if we don't say correctly        we mean. Second, we have to work        at listening. Pay attention to what the other person is saying. Third, ask        (other) people what they think, don't only tell them what you think. Fourth, give them time to say what they want, and show interest in what they say.
         If you        ['fɒləʊ] these rules, you will be a good communicator.

    19.(5分)     It was a great pleasure for the family to move to a house with a very big garden. Betty and Tony could climb up trees, grow flowers and even play badminton. They liked to watch the birds flying among the trees in the garden. They even started to put food out to attract more birds.
         Everything was fine for a few days until one afternoon there was a strange bumping noise on a window. Betty went outside and found a small bird dead on the grass, its neck seemed to be broken.
         "It must have flown into the window," Tony said when his sister Betty called him to have a look "Ah, yes look here, You can see the mark where it hit the window. There are a couple of tiny feathers stuck on the window."
         "Poor things!" Betty said.
         During the next month, Five more birds died in the same way "Why would they fly to the windows?" We wondered. Finally, they knew the truth. When the birds were flying, they couldn't see into the rooms. All they saw was the reflection of the garden. They thought that they were flying into trees because they saw trees reflected by the window.
         "Something has to be done to save the birds," the parents decided.
         At first, the family tried keeping curtains (窗帘) across the windows, but this made the room dark. Then they bought some strong black paper and cut out the shape of a hawk. They made six hawks—one for each window. They stuck the hawks to the windows. They looked pretty and did not keep out much light, When the birds saw the hawks, they would fly away.
         After that, there were no more dead birds. The family were much happier.
    (1)They put food out to attract birds because they ____.
              A.had a special garden for birds
              B.had too much bird food to feed the birds
              C.wanted to see more birds flying in the garden
              D.wanted to catch some birds in the garden
    (2)____ birds died in the garden.
              A.Six           B.Five           C.Four           D.Seven
    (3)The bird flew to the windows because they ____.
              A.found the windows very big and clean
              B.wanted to fight for more food
              C.thought there were more trees ahead
              D.wanted to go into the room
    (4)The underlined word "hawk" means ____.
              A.丛林           B.鹰           C.山脉           D.燕子
    (5)The story is mainly about ____.
              A.why those birds died in their garden
              B.Betty and Tony were good at paper-cutting
              C.how the family saved the birds in the garden
              D.the family had a new house with a big garden
    Dear Dad,
         Today I was at the shopping centre and I spent a lot of time reading the Father's Day cards. But as I chose add read, and chose add read again, it seemed that not a single card said what I really wanted to you.
         You'll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 56 Father's Days together. I didn't think that you were too old. But the sad thing happened last week. I watched as you turned at the corner in your car. I didn't realize at once that it was you because the man who was driving looked so elderly.
         Fifty years ago this spring, we planted carrots together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa. This week, we'll plant carrots together again, perhaps for the last time but I hope not. I don't understand why planting carrots with you is so important to me. Well, I don't quite know how to tell you this, Dad … I don't like carrots.... but I like planting them with you.
         I guess what I am trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their dad today. Praising a father on Father's Day is about more than a dad who brings home, money or shares a dinner. It's more about a dad deeply loving children who know everything and won't listen to anyone. It's about sharing. It's about loving someone more than words can say, and I wish that it would never end.
    (1)Where did Jenny go today?
              A.A garden.           B.A shopping center.
              C.A cinema.           D.A hospital.
    (2)How old is Jenny now?
              A.84.           B.56.           C.50.           D.34.
    (3)What does the underlined words "the man" in paragraph 2 refer to (指)?
              A.An old man.           B.A car driver.
              C.Jenny's father.           D.Jenny's husband.
    (4)What can we learn from paragraph 3?
              A.It's the last time for Jenny to plant carrots with her father.
              B.Jenny and her father plant carrots together every year.
              C.Both Jenny and her father like eating carrots.
              D.Jenny would like to stay with her father.
    (5)What does Jenny talk about in the last paragraph?
              A.Deep love for Dad.
              B.Best wishes for Dad.
              C.The importance of Dad.
              D.The beginning of Father's Day.

         A lady, in a plain (朴素的) cotton dress, and her husband, dressed in a homemade suit, stepped off a train. They walked into a university president's office without an appointment (约定).
         "We want to see the president," the man said softly.
         "He'll be busy all day," the secretary said.
         "We'll wait," the lady replied.
         For hours, the secretary didn't pay any attention to them, hoping the couple would give up and go away. They didn't. The secretary finally decided to talk to the president.
         "Maybe if they see you just for a few minutes, they'll leave," she told him. He agreed. But clearly, he didn't want to meet them. When the couple went into the president's office, the lady said: "We had a son who attended this university for one year. He loved it very much. But about a year ago, he died. We would like to give a building to the university."
         The president glanced at (瞥了一眼) the cotton dress and homemade suit, and then said: "A building! Do you have any idea how much a building costs? We have over seven and a half million dollars worth of buildings at the university." For a moment the lady was silent.
         The president was pleased. He thought the couple could go away now.
         The lady turned to her husband and said quietly: "Is that all it costs to start a university? Why don't we just start our own?" Her husband agreed.
    (1)What did the couple like? 或 How did the couple come to the university?
    (2)Did the couple leave the university after waiting for hours?
    (3)Why did the couple want to see the president?
    (4)How did the president feel when he found the lady was silent?
    (5)What does the story want to tell us? 或 At last, what did the couple probably plan to do?

    22.(5分)     As teenagers, you have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, such as winning the Nobel Prize, or they can be small. You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class.
         Once you find a dream, what do you do with it?   1   Follow Your Heart by Australian writer Andrew Matthews tells us that making our dreams real is life's biggest challenge (挑战).
         You may think you're not very good at any school subjects, or that it is impossible for you to become a writer.   2  
         In fact, everyone can make his dream come true. The first thing you must do is to remember what your dream is.
           3   The discovery may not seem to be important. Keep telling yourself what you want. Do this step by step and your dream will come true faster because a big dream is, in fact, made up of many small dreams.   4   There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams. But the biggest difficulty comes from yourself.
         You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of watching TV will lead to better exam results, while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book.
         As you get closer to your dream, it may change a little.   5  
         A.This is good as you have the chance to learn more skills and find new interests.
         B.Don't let it leave your heart.
         C.Do you ever try to make your dream real?
         D.Please never give them up.
         E.These kinds of thoughts stop you from getting your dream.
    Dear Lucy,
         In your last letter, you asked me how to show love to your parents.   1  
         ★Make a picture for them. Whether with pencils or paints, it'll be valuable to them forever.
         ★Cook them a dinner! It can be some rice, some cheese or some hot dogs.   2  
         ★Tell them that you love them very often. Your love can make them feel warm and proud.
         ★  3   Probably the biggest way to show them you love them is never to lie. This shows them that you not only love them, but also believe in and respect them.
         ★  4   Watch a film with your mom once in a while, or go to a sports match with your dad once in a while just to show them how much you care and want to be closer to them.
         ★If you do something wrong, say sorry to them and explain it! They will know your regret.
         You could do something for them to show that you want to make it up to them.   5  
         A.Never tell a lie to them.
         B.Here is my advice.
         C.Create time to be with them.
         D.Just saying sorry can really show how much you love them.
         E.It can give them a break.

    24.(5分)A: Hello, is this Mr. Rogers?
    B: Yes, it is.   1  
    A: I'm from the package delivery company (快递公司); I have your package. Are you at home?
    B: Unfortunately I'm at work right now.   2  
    A: Actually, this package needs your signature (签名). Can I bring it to your office instead?
    B:   3   I don't have time to leave my desk.
    A: I see.   4  
    B: Yes, that would be better. Can you bring it to my home at 6 pm?
    A: Sure, that is fine.   5  
    B: Great, thank you so much!
         A.Can you leave the package at my door?
         B.What time is it?
         C.Well, can I bring the package tomorrow?
         D.I'll see you tomorrow at 6 pm.
         E.What can I do for you?
         F.How much does it cost?
         G.I'm quite busy at work now.
    Li Hua met a foreigner on his way home. L is for Li Hua; F is for the foreigner.
    F: Excuse me. I'm afraid I am lost.   1  
    L: Sure! Let me see... You're now here near the bus station, the heart of the city.
    F: Oh... yes.   2  
    L: Go straight down, and then turn left, go straight, and at the third crossing you'll see it on your right.
    F:   3  
    L: About thirty minutes' walk. And you can also take the No. 1 Bus from this bus station and go 5 stops. You need to get off at People's Park, Renming Gongyuan in Chinese.   4  
    F: Okay... Thank you!
    L: No problem... And, you can also ride a shared bike. Do you have AliPay on your phone?   5  
    F: Thanks a lot.
    L: You're welcome.
         A.Well, how can I get to the nearest bookstore from here?
         B.If you do, you can go there on the bike.
         C.That's all right.
         D.Could you tell me where I am on this map?
         E.Ten minutes is enough, if the traffic is good.
         F.It's my first day in the city.
         G.How long will it take to walk there?

     care,   sun,  for, how,  happy,   piece,   because,  they,  well,   never,  if
         Most people would stay away from bees while meeting them. However, if your goal (目标) is to grow a beautiful and productive (丰收的) garden, you will want to bring on bees.
         How to attract (吸引) bees?
         Plant! Plant! Plant! Plant not only vegetables but also colorful flowers. Bees are attracted by colors and purple, yellow, white and blue are        favorites. If possible, you should be        to plant different flowers for bees to choose from. Be sure to plant some flowers in        areas. Bees like warm and bright places        than cool and dark ones.
         Another part of learning        to attract bees is to always leave a place for wild grass or flowers near your garden. This is where bees can live comfortably and
          . You can also design a bee house       the bees to live. To do this, you can use several        of bamboo tied together. Place the house close to the ground       
    bees prefer living close to the ground. Preparing such a place can make sure that they will enjoy and        want to leave.
         Be sure to leave water around for them to drink. Once the bees are there and active, you will have a fruitful garden.

    (1)He studies for a test by working with a group. (对画线部分提问)
           does he        for a test?
    (2)"Are you sure of the time?" James asked me. (改为含有宾语从句的复合句)
    James asked me        I        sure of the time.
    (3)He doesn't know how he can pronounce the new words. (改为简单句)
    He doesn't know pronounce the new words.
    (4)What do you think of the pollution in our city? (同义句)
    do you the pollution in our city?
    (1)Don't tell others! It is a between you and me.
    (2)He ate five meals a day! So he has put five pounds.
    (3)The sun rises in the .
    (4)The boy is too young to dress . So he need help.
    (5)Sorry, what did you say? I didn't hear. Could you it?
    (6)You make a lot of mistakes in your homework and you must pay to listening to the teacher.
    (7)He needs money, so he (建议) selling this house.
    (8)In the west, it's not to ask about a girl's weight and age.
    29.(10分)Could you please tell me how I can get to the bookstore? (同义句转换)
    Could you please tell me  to the bookstore?
    30.(10分)I don't know what I can buy for my father on Father's Day.
    I don't know for my father on Father's Day.
    31.(10分)The old woman asked the boy, "where is the post office?" (直接引语转换为间接引语)
    The old woman asked the boy .
    32.(10分)"I will visit my aunt this weekend," Tom said to me. (将直接引语改为间接引语)
    Tom told me he visit his aunt that weekend.
    33.(10分)     Cannon has shown a great interest in collecting flags. At the young age of four, Cannon began studying flags, d them in his coloring books and putting them up on his walls Throughout school, he studied flags and tried to find out all he could about them After university, Cannon s to be a lawyer. Throughout law school, he continued to collect flags His classmates, friends, and family started c him "the flagman".
         Cannon now has more than 200 flags in his collection. He shows many of them in his downtown law office. Once he d country flags for an exhibition on the Olympics.
         In addition to collecting flags Cannon also w about them. He has published three books about flags. He loves to h from friends who see his b in stores all over the world. A few years ago, Cannon's hobby r a new level. He entered a flag design contest and won. The country he lives in asked him to design its f . Cannon explains his hobby this way,“Collecting flags is l collecting pieces of history".

    (1)My dog usually barks when it sees a s walking past.
    (2)Will you p your child if he makes mistakes?
    (3)Don't t the little girl like that. After all, she is only six years old.
    (4)I walk p a library on my way to school.
    (5)Reading a is a good way for language learners.
    (6)It's a t in America to eat Turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
    (7)The history teacher has much k of Chinese history.
    (8)Everyone is born with the a to learn well.
    (9)P makes perfect.
    (10)Don't drive too fast. Please drive at a safe s .

    35.(15分)美中文化交流中心(ACCEC)暑假将组织学生来华学习、交流,现正在中国招募志愿者,帮助他们学习中文。假如你是杨帆中学的学生李平,请按要求给该项目负责人Mr. Miller写一封申请信。
    参考词汇: volunteer, be good at, improve, culture
              3.词数:110 词左右。开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数)。
    Dear Mr. Miller,
      I'm Li Ping from Yangfan Middle School.

          Thank you for your consideration.
    Yours truly,
    Li Ping
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