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    这是一份2023届四川省遂宁市等九市联考高三二诊英语试题及答案(有听力),文件包含2023届四川省遂宁市高三二模英语试题docx、2023届地区二诊英语答案简pdf、听力329mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共21页, 欢迎下载使用。





    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、座位号和准考证号填写在答题卡上。

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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)


    例:How much is the shirt?

    A. £19. 15.      B. £9. 18.      C. £9. 15.


    1. Who enjoys working out in the gym?

    A. Barbara.      B. Peter.      C. Angela.

    2. How many words has the man memorized this month?

    A. 90.       B. 100.       C. 110.

    3. What does the woman do?

    A. A cashier.     B. A cook.      C. A shop assistant.

    4. What does the woman ask Eric to do?

    A. Ignore otherscomments.  B. Have his own hairstyle.  C. Make more friends.

    5. What does Linda mean?

    A. She has wasted much time.

    B. She knows Thomson well.

    C. She is very busy tonight.

    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)



    6. What does the man want to do?

    A. Buy some medicine.   B. Make an appointment.   C. Get some time to sleep.

    7. What does the woman tell the man to do?

    A. Stay in hospital.    B. Telephone the dentist.   C. Take his illness seriously.

    8. What will Kate do?

    A. Go to university.    B. Deliver a speech.    C. Promote the man.

    9. What do you think of Paul?

    A. He's helpful.     B. He's lucky.     C. He's strict.


    10. What does Wendy fear her parents will do about her test?

    A. Check her score again.  B. Report to her teachers.   C. Feel discouraged.

    11. Why did Wendy fail the test?

    A. Her mind went blank.   B. The test was too difficult.  C. She didn't prepare for it.

    12. What does the man advise Wendy to do?

    A. Tell her parents the truth.  B. Apply for a make-up test.  C. Ask her parents for help.


    13. What's the man's original attitude towards going to the sale?

    A. Favorable.     B. Unwilling.     C. Carefree.

    14. Which attracts the man most?

    A. The dishwasher.    B. The hairdryer.    C. The big screen TV.

    15. What's the relationship between the speakers?

    A. Colleagues.     B. Husband and wife.   C. Customer and salesgirl.

    16. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

    A. A big sale.     B. The city traffic.    C. Product quality.


    17. On what day of a week can you read the website's latest article?

    A. Monday.     B. Wednesday.     C. Friday.

    18. What aspect of an article will the website pay more attention to?

    A. Its length.     B. Its fun.      C. Its creativity.

    19. What is an LLM used to do?

    A. Edit an article.    B. Rewrite an article.   C. Make a draft of an article.

    20. Which is one of LLMs 'weaknesses of outputs?

    A. They may be inaccurate.  B. They are not interesting.  C. They are less informative.

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




    Heathfield Day Summer Camp

    It's for girls aged 7 to 15. Heathfield started its own Summer Camp for local girls so they could enjoy the high quality activities and sports that we were already offering to overseas students on our International Summer School ISS. Over the years more than a thousand girls have attended the camp. many returning year after year and bringing sisters and friends with them. Returning students receive a 10% discount from their second year. Day girls arrive between 08:45 and 09:15 when activities start. An Early Morning option with Breakfast is available at 08:00. At 5:30 girls are collected and signed out by parents or can take our Late Stay option until 6:30.

    Heathfield's teachers offer the girls a fun-packed and educational daily program, balancing creative, artistic and sporting skills. Campers are grouped together according to age and move together between activities. There're different programs for junior and senior groups.

    Girls enjoy the opportunity to spend time as a day girl and as a boarder. They can stay from one day to four weeks. But residential stays are for a minimum of one week. Each Thursday afternoon we invite parents to an exhibition or show to see what the girls are doing. The exhibitions include cookery. art, craft and photography in weeks 1 and 3, and in weeks 2 and 4, music, dance and drama shows take place. Two or three afternoons a week girls mix with the students from the ISS and take part in sports and games.

    There's an hour's lunch break. Our dining-room service offers a great range of hot and cold dishes.

    21. What do we know about Heathfield Day Summer Camp?

    A. Its arrangements are flexible.

    B. It offers participants 10% off.

    C. Its programs are the same for groups.

    D. It limits the number of participants.

    22. What does Heathfield do to the camper?

    A. Advise them to stay as boarders.

    B. Forbid them to go out on weekdays.

    C. Call on them to be independent.

    D. Divide them into different groups.

    23. What may Tina's parents do at Heathfield on Thursday of Week 2?

    A. Pay a visit to the ISS.

    B. Have dinner with her.

    C. See her dancing.

    D. Take physical exercise.


    It was a history-making moment at Miller Millers Canadiana Decorative Arts auction (拍卖) when the hammer finally came down for a rare Maud Lewis painting.

    Lewis was a Canadian artist who painted brightly colored scenes. She sold her paintings by the side of the road for $2 toS3. Painting wasn't easy, since she suffered from a physical challenge that made moving painful. John Kinnear, also an artist, struck up a friendship with the then-little-known Lewis after reading an article about her. He mailed her boxes of painting supplies. At the time, Lewis, with her husband, lived in a one-room house with no electricity or running water, using simple house paint to paint. After receiving the supplies, Lewis wrote back insisting on repaying him with some of her paintings. Kinnear sold some of them, sending some money back to Lewis and using the remainder to buy her more paint.

    Kinnear was friends with Irene and Tony Demas, who owned a restaurant where he ate lunch every day. One day, Kinnear told them he had some paintings by an artist and wondered if they might consider swapping a few grilled cheese lunches for one of them. "When we saw the paintings, we were shocked, and both of us were hesitant, "recalls Irene. "I had never seen anything like them. They were so childlike, with cats and cows. "But they ended up agreeing to the trade, choosing a painting called Black Truck.

    Over 50 years later, they're long retired and are now considering travelling more. They hoped to sell the painting. In the years since Lewis died, her paintings have become famous. But it was a recent scare that really urged them into action. After having non-glare glass added to the painting, the business street where the framer lived burned to the ground just days after they picked up their painting. "We saw that Miller & Miller had sold one not long ago, "says Irene. "We trusted the Miller brothers. "

    Recently, the painting was sold at auction for CA $350, 000.

    24. Why did John Kinnear send Lewis boxes of painting supplies?

    A. To get her paintings.

    B. To offer her assistance.

    C. To make friends with her.

    D. To learn to paint from her.

    25. How did Irene and Tony Demas feel when they first saw Lewis's paintings?

    A. Disappointed.

    B. Confused.

    C. Panicked.

    D. Embarrassed.

    26. What was the real reason for the Demas' selling "Black Truck"?

    A. They were forced by Miller & Miller.

    B. They were desperate for money to travel.

    C. They feared the unexpected would happen.

    D. They thought the painting would lose value.

    27. What is the purpose of this text?

    A. To introduce a painting's adventures.

    B. To explain a trend in art collecting.

    C. To expand the painting market.

    D. To recommend an auction house.


    In 2022, 61 companies in the United Kingdom UKtook part in the world's largest test of a four- day work week.

    The pilot program, conducted in the UK, guided over 60 companies and almost 3, 000 workers through a six-month trial of a 4 day week, with no loss of pay for workers. Overall results show that almost every organization will stick to a 4-day week post-trial, with 91% definitely continuing or planning to continue, and a further 4% leaning towards continuing.

    Companies rated their overall experience of the trials an average of 8. 5/10, with business productivity and business performance each scoring 7. 5/10. Profits rose by 35% over the trial periods when compared to similar periods from the previous year and hiring increased while absenteeism decreased.

    Lead researcher, Professor Juliet Schor of Boston College observed an encouraging consistency in the data. "Results are largely steady across workplaces of varying sizes, showing it works for many types of organizations. There are also some interesting differences. We found that employees in non-profits and professional services had a larger average increase in time spent exercising, while those in construction enjoyed the largest reductions in burnout and sleep problems, "she said. Getting the carbon footprint down is also encouraging, with commuting (通勤)time falling by a half bour per week.

    How did workers do more in less time? Some companies cut meetings, or made sure they were shorter. Others used technology to help workers get more done quickly. Some companies created a "focus time" so workers could work on just one thing without being interrupted.

    In general, workers said the four-day work week left them feeling less tired. About 71% said they felt less "burnt out" with their new work hours, and 39% said they felt less stressed. On average, 73% of the workers were more satisfied with the time they spent working

    28. Which of the following best describes the experiment?

    A. Controversial.

    B. Ambitious.

    C. Eventful.

    D. Successful.

    29. What can we say about the four-day work week?

    A. It's a one-sided move.

    B. It's what technology brings.

    C. I's environmentally friendly.

    D. It's unfit for big companies.

    30. What are the statistics in the last paragraph about?

    A. Working habits.

    B. Joy at work.

    C. Health management.

    D. Business performance.

    31. Which can be a suitable title for the text?

    A. Monday-Friday Model Is Outdated

    B. Good Health Is Good Business

    C. 4-Day Workweek Trial Finishes

    D. 4-Day Workweek Could Be Coming


    Ever been hungry enough to eat a house? Now, you actually could.

    Food waste is a big problem in Japan and globally. Japan produced around 5. 7 million tons of food waste in 2019. The government plans to reduce that by around 2. 7 million tons by 2030. Tokyo University researchers Kota Machida and Yuya Sakai have developed a way to transform food waste into cement (水泥)for construction use and more. This is the first-ever process created for making cement entirely from food waste. The researchers say their product is four times as strong as traditional concrete. This particular cement can be used to make things like tea cups or chairs as well. However, theres one additional feature-its also edible (可食的).

    Kota and Yuya are the intelligence behind the formation of Fabula Inc. , a company with purposes of reducing food waste, and helping fight global warming.

    As expected, something this unique took years to develop. It took a few attempts to find just the right process. Kota and Yuya created the unique technology while researching possible environmentally- friendly materials to replace cement-based concrete. Cement production accounts for 8% of the world's carbon dioxide emissions.

    After a few failures, they realized they could get the cement to bind (黏合)by adjusting the temperatures. "The most challenging part was that each type of food waste requires different temperatures, "Yuya said. So the researchers had to observe them and respond in time. In the experiments, Kota and Yuya have successfully made cement using tea leaves, coffee grounds, cabbage. and even lunchbox leftovers.

    Fabula Inc. is currently working to make tea cups and furniture, but Yuya is thinking a little bit bigger. Their product could provide relief in the form of edible emergency shelters in disaster ones "For example, if food cannot be delivered to the people, they could eat makeshift beds made out of food cement, "he said. To eat the material, a person needs to break it apart and boil it.

    32. Which is one of Kota and Yuya' purposes in making use of food waste?

    A. To offer Fabula Inc. more cement.

    B. To produce building materials.

    C. To warn how serious food waste is.

    D. To extend concrete's service life.

    33. What did Kota and Yuya assess previously about making edible cement?

    A. Its damage to the environment.

    B. It cost of recycling the cement.

    C. Its difficulties they would face.

    D. Its popularity among the public.

    34. What made the experiment of making cement out of food waste harder?

    A. Making sure to make cement tasty.

    B. Selecting correct food waste timely.

    C. Getting cement broken apart easily.

    D. Regulating the temperatures constantly.

    35. What does the underlined word "makeshift" in the last paragraph mean?

    A. Temporary.

    B. Strong.

    C. Bendable.

    D. Commercial.



    The Oxford Dictionary describes staycations as "a holiday spent in one's home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions. "36

    It gives you almost 100% of restful time with little to no prep. Stop to consider the following: the ratio (比例)of quality time thats spent on relaxation is more important than the number of days for holidays. 37 For instance, a weekend break that consists of long travel on either side is no recipe (良方)for relaxation.

    This is one of the reasons why staycations are more refreshing than vacations. 38 Instead of losing time and energy preparing for a vacation, a staycation will provide you with high-quality resting time. You'll get back to work feeling more refreshed, and relaxed.

    39 Staycations also tick some of the same boxes as vacations like experiencing new things. You just need to explore nearby things which you have never paid attention to. Often we overlook the attractions that are near to us. 40 However, if you make an effort to explore the area close to where you live, you may be pleasantly surprised. There will be cafes and restaurants you've never tried, historic buildings you've never seen before, and nature parks you've never visited. So with a little effort on your part, you'll be able to experience new and exciting things close to home.

    A. They act as real breaks from work and life pressure.

    B. If you give this some thought, you'll realize that it's true.

    C. A vacation can leave you more tired than before your trip.

    D. In addition, it can offer you fresh experiences immediately.

    E. Let's take a look at the great things about taking a staycation.

    F. Staycations don't mean long traveling, which costs you a lot less.

    C. We often choose to spend big amounts of money visiting foreign1 countries.

    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

    第一节(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


    In Connecticut, &teacher made a big decision that would change the course of her life and her new student's.

    Jenna Riccio, a busy elementary school teacher, encountered a 41 that would test her pity and kindness. In 2019, Jenna 42 her new student, Nate, fell ill and needed emergency surgery. Unfortunately, the blood infection 43 the amputation (截肢)of his loge and left arm. When Jenna 44 everything and went to see Nate at the hospital, she found him alone. She decided to bring him 45 by being there for him. However, her 46 was not just an act of kindness. Jenna learned Nate had been 47

    Concerned for his well-being, Jenna 48 his social worker to apply to adopt Nate. Feeling 49 the worker agreed to help. 50 , when she told her decision to her then-boyfriend, Tim who's 51, too, he readily agreed.

    Two years later, things 52 for Jenna in her love life. She and Tim got married, and disabled Nate was the ring bearer. However, their family didn't become 53 until 2022 when Nate became their legally adopted son 54 . Today, he's in the 5th grade, growing healthy.

    "Every night I go to sleep, thinking, 'I'm very 55. Ill repay them for their love, '"Nate says. 56, Jenna and Tim are overjoyed to have Nate in their lives. They can never 57 life without him.

    Jenna's decision to adopt Nate showcases the 58 of sympathy and the 59 impact it has on someone's life. The love and care she showed Nate 60 his life, and their journey as a family is the proof of their love and care.

    41. A. promise B. process C. situation D. movement

    42. A. responded B. discovered C. predicted D. agreed

    43. A. resulted in B. kept off C. referred to D. got over

    44. A. sold B. suggested C. left D. chose

    45. A. service B. praise C. money D. comfort

    46. A. advice B. visit C. chance D. comment

    47. A. identified B. confused C. abandoned D. disabled

    48. A. approached B. avoided C. excused D. recognized

    49. A. upset B. determined C. calm D. moved

    50. A. Interestingly B. To her relief C. By all means D. Surprisingly

    51. A. intelligent B. easygoing C. proud D. sympathetic

    52. A. differed B. progressed C. occurred D. gathered

    53. A. rich B. traditional C. special D. official

    54. A. finally B. frequently C. previously D. temporarily

    55. A. lovely B. strong C. lucky D. confident

    56. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Otherwise

    57. A. regret B. imagine C. describe D. guide

    58. A. principle B. criterion C. attitude D. power

    59. A. positive B. flexible C. general D. cautious

    60. A. transformed B. returned C. tested D. displayed

    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)


    Chinese rescue teams helped save at least six people, including a pregnant woman and three children, in two separate 61operatein earthquake-stricken Turkiye on Thursday.

    The Zhejiang Rescue Team of Ramunion said that its members worked with Turkish soldiers and local rescuers to free five survivors, including three children, from a 62heavydamaged building at around 1:30 pm local time in Iskenderun, a port city in southern Hatay province.

    In Antakya in the country's south, the Chinese official rescue team, together 63 local rescuers, carried a pregnant woman out of the 64dangerruins of a building at around 1:30 am, according to China's Ministry of Emergency Management. 65savethe woman, rescuers and technical experts, led by Zhao Yang, deputy head of the Chinese rescue team, went into 66 ruins to survey the conditions before working out a rescue plan.

    Chinese rescuers and experts participated in the entire rescue, 67 was supported by equipment 68bringto Turkiye by the Chinese team, the ministry said.

    Seven rescuers from the Zhejiang Rescue Team of Ramunion, an NGO from Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, arrived in Turkiye at 1:30 pm on Wednesday.

    They immediately 69headto Iskenderun after teaming up with a nine-member local logistics (后勤)support team. The Ramunion workers threw 70theyinto the rescue attempt despite temperatures dropping to -8, according to the NGO.

    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







    I like keeping a diary. I think keeping diaries are a good habit. It interests people of all age. Older people want to look back on the past and see which they've done and like. They also hope to leave something usefully for their grandchildren. Middle-aged people explore their lives by keep diaries. Why do young people enjoy keeping diaries? With my opinion, they wish to find out who they are, and where they're going. If you want to remember your past life, and you need to keep a personal diary throughout their life. That's because it is impossible for you remember everything you've experienced.

    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)







    Good Habits, Good Health




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