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      Unit7 Period Ⅲ Lesson 2 Career Skills(同步练习含答案).docx
    北师大版高中英语选择性必修第三册·UNIT7 LESSON 2(课件+练习)01
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    英语选择性必修 第三册Lesson 2 Career Skills优秀课件ppt

    这是一份英语选择性必修 第三册Lesson 2 Career Skills优秀课件ppt,文件包含UNIT7TOPICTALK课件PPTpptx、Unit7PeriodⅠTopicTalk同步练习含答案docx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    ACTIVE AND SHAREGrup Wrk What knwledge,skills and attitudes are needed t succeedin future jbs?
    Kristy,a teenager,cmes t Mr McDugall,a guidance cunsellr,fr advice n future jbs. What d yu think Mr McDugall will mentin as imprtant abilities r skills fr the future? Why?□ cmputer skills □ freign languages □ financial skills □ critical thinking □ lgical thinking □ creativity □ presentatin skills □ cmmunicatin skills □ cmprehensin skills
    Listen t the dialgue. Check yur predictins. Write dwn the ther three abilities r skills in the left clumn. Then listen again and cmplete the reasns in the right clumn.
    t d mre creative wrk,cming up with new ideas and thinking abut hw t imprve existing prcesses and activities
    fur r five different jbs ver many years
    find wrk in the future
    Learning a secnd language
    help greatly in effective cmmunicatin
    Develping critical thinking
    cnsider and evaluate
    Being creative
    听力文本(K = Kristy M = Mr McDugall)K: Gd mrning,Mr McDugall. My name’s Kristy. I’m leaving schl sn, and I am having difficulty chsing a university curse that will lead t a gd jb in the future.M: Hi Kristy. Well,it’s gd t lk fr a curse that will help yu get a jb,but we can’t predict exactly what the jb trends f the future will be. A lt f rutine ffice r factry jbs will mst likely disappear and there’ll be many new types f jbs in areas such as infrmatin technlgy,bi-technlgy and green technlgy.K: Ww. That means we need t get prepared with new skills and abilities.M:Exactly.K:Can yu tell me mre abut these?M: Well,first,yu need t have the ability t learn new skills. In the past,peple were trained fr ne jb and then stayed in it fr their whle lives. In the future,peple will prbably have fur r five different jbs ver many years. S learning thrughut life is the mst imprtant skill.K:I see. What ther skills will I need?M: Well,using the Internet,learning new IT skills and keeping up with technlgy develpments will be very imprtant. These will give yu the tls yu need t find wrk in the future.
    K:And languages? D yu think they will be imprtant?M:A secnd language is certainly imprtant nw and will cntinue t be s. As wrk envirnments becme mre internatinal and peple travel arund the wrld fr wrk,understanding languages and cultures will help greatly in effective cmmunicatin. Chinese,Spanish and Arabic are languages that are becming mre ppular t learn.K: Interesting! Are there any ther skills we will need that can be applied t different jbs?M: Yes,there are several imprtant brad skills. Critical thinking is a key area t develp. This is the ability t cnsider and evaluate infrmatin rather than just learn and remember it.K: I see.M: Anther imprtant skill is creativity. As many ld,rutine jbs disappear r are dne by AI,peple will be required t d mre creative wrk,cming up with new ideas and thinking abut hw t imprve existing prcesses and activities.K:Thanks very much,Mr McDugall. That’s very helpful.
    Pair Wrk Summarise Mr McDugall’s ideas abut the skills and abilities peple need t have fr the future in a few sentences.
    Skill Builder Summarising InfrmatinThe speaker may present his r her ideas in different parts and use examples rexplanatins t supprt his r her idea.·Fcus n the speaker’s respnses t the questins. ·Listen fr signal wrds,such as first,ther,etc. ·Take ntes n key infrmatin. ·Listen fr examples r explanatins given after each key idea.·When writing the summary,dn’t add yur wn ideas.
    Listen again. Answer the questins. 1 What is Kristy’s purpse f visiting Mr McDugall?2 Des Mr McDugall knw what jbs Kristy will d in the future? Why?3 What is Mr McDugall’s predictin fr future jbs?4 What d teenagers need t prepare fr future jbs accrding t Mr McDugall?
    Mr McDugall says teenagers need t learn new skills,a new language, and hw t be creative.
    Kristy visited Mr McDugall in rder t ask fr advice n chsing a university curse.
    N,Mr McDugall des nt knw what jbs Kristy will d in the future because he cannt predict the jb trends f the future.
    Mr McDugall predicts there will be many new types f jbs in areas such as infrmatin technlgy,bi-technlgy,and green technlgy.
    Cmplete the paragraph abut Mr McDugall’s suggestins. Use the wrds and phrases yu have learnt.Kristy cmes t a guidance cunsellr,Mr McDugall,fr advice abut future jbs.Mr McDugall says there’ll be new jbs related t 1      technlgy,2____________     and green technlgy. S he advises Kristy t learn different kinds f skills. First,he thinks 3      is imprtant because in the future peple may have 4     . Secnd,using the Internet,learning new IT skills and keeping up with 5    will be imprtant because these will give peple the tls they need in the future. He als mentins 6     . Mre peple may speak 7      . Lastly,he says 8      and 9      will be crucial in the future.
    the ability t learn new skills
    technlgy develpments
    a secnd language  
    critical thinking
    Listen t the dialgue between Lu Yan and her uncle. Answer the questins. 1 Hw will jbs change in the future? 2 What will peple need t deal with the jb market f the future?3 Where will peple wrk in the future? 4 What d we need in the changing wrld?
    We need t be flexible and be gd cmmunicatrs.
    AI is changing the jb market and will d a lt f the jbs peple d nw.
    Peple will need t have different skills t deal with the jb market f the future.
    Peple will be able t wrk frm anywhere in the future.
    听力文本(L = Lu Yan U = Uncle)L: I think I shuld g t university and get a degree. That way I’ll be sure t get a jb when I graduate.U: Unless yu have smething specific yu want t study,there are alternatives t ging t university. Ging t university des nt guarantee a jb.L: I’m nt sure I agree with that. My parents say that a university degree is a guarantee f a gd jb.U: Nt necessarily. There is a great change ging n in the wrld. Prbably yu will nt stay in ne jb. Als, just think abut hw AI is changing the jb market. Dn’t spend a lt f time studying fr smething that AI will be able t d in the future.L: Ah,that’s a gd pint. I knw AI will be ding a lt f the jbs peple d nw.U:Exactly. S peple will need different skills t deal with the jb market f the future.L: Yes,I suppse staying up t date with all the latest prgrammes,apps and infrmatin technlgy will be very imprtant.
    U: Yes. I culdn’t agree with yu mre. It’s already happening nw and will happen even mre in the future. Peple dn’t need t g int an ffice anymre—they can wrk frm anywhere and be in tuch with peple all ver the wrld. This means that business will be mre internatinal.L: That’s exciting. I suppse we have t cntinue learning all the time.U: I agree with yu there. That is s imprtant. We als need t be flexible and be gd cmmunicatrs. That is vital.L: T sum it up,I suppse yu culd say we need t have gd cmputer skills,be mtivated,creative, hard-wrking,ready t learn and be able t cmmunicate well!U: Yes,exactly! We all need t keep develping and adapting t a changing wrld,dn’t we?
    Listen and imitate. Cmplete the Talk Builder.
    a gd pint  
    culdn’t agree with yu mre  
    agree with yu there
    I’m nt sure if  
    Nt necessarily
    Chse a persn whm yu regard as a histry maker fr China.Search nline and find infrmatin abut him/her. Make a shrtpresentatin abut the persn.
    Language pints
    教材原句p.105 am having difficulty chsing a university curse that will lead t a gd jb in the future. ……我很难选择一门将来能找到好工作的大学课程。1 lead t (1)导致,造成(后果) In given cnditins,a bad thing can lead t a gd result. 在一定条件下,一件坏事可以导致好的结果。(2)通向,通往All rads lead t Rme. 条条大路通罗马。 【归纳拓展】 lead sb t d sth 使得某人做某事lead sb t sme place 领某人到某地lead 过着……的生活
    The astnished lk n his face led me t believe that he knew nthing abut the result. 他脸上惊讶的表情使我相信他对结果一无所知。[词汇复现] After a brief intrductin,the assistant led me t the ffice f the president. 简单的介绍之后,助理领我去了董事长办公室。[词汇复现] Actually the spnsr led a very miserable life. 实际上,赞助人过着非常悲惨的生活。[词汇复现] 【学法点拨】 lead t 中t 为介词,后接名词或者动名词作宾语。
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]In additin,anxiety and wrry can lead      sickness. (2)[词汇复现]When seeing my truble,the librarian led me    the bk I was lking fr. (3) The failure f his career led him       (be)in lw spirits. (4) After that,the prince and the girl led     happy life. 完成句子(5)War never settles anything. It nly          (导致暴力). (6) It desn’t matter whether yu turn right r left at the crssing—bth rads               (通向公园). (7)[词汇复现]With the Spring Festival appraching, the salesmen and saleswmen              (过着忙碌的生活).
    leads t vilence  
    lead t the park  
    lead a busy life  
    教材原句p.105 can’t predict exactly what the jb trends f the future will be. ……我们无法准确预测未来的工作趋势。2 trend n. 趋势,趋向,倾向搭配:set a trend 引领潮流Fashin designers always set the trend f the styles f clthing we wear. 时装设计师总是引领我们所穿服装款式的潮流。N ne can change the general trend f wrld histry. 谁也改变不了世界历史的总趋势。【学法点拨】 trend 的同义词还有tendency,current 等。
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]Nwadays,there is a grwing trend        mre and mre peple chse t enjy their family reunin dinner utside. (2)What technlgies d yu see driving these       (trend)? 完成句子(3) The fashinable dresses designed by this yung designer (引领潮流).
    set the trend 
    教材原句p.105 Well,using the Internet,learning new IT skills and keeping up with technlgy develpments will be very imprtant. 嗯,使用互联网、学习新的IT 技能和跟上技术发展将会非常重要。3 keep up with 赶得上,跟得上Even well-established crpratins can rarely keep up with demand. 即使知名企业也很少能跟上需求。It seems that I am ut f date and can’t keep up with the times,let alne set the trend. 看来我已经落伍了,跟不上时代,更别说引领潮流了。[词汇复现] 【归纳拓展】 keep(...)frm 阻止(某人)做某事,阻止(某事)发生 keep away frm 避免接近;远离 keep n 继续,不停地(做某事) keep back 忍住,抑制住;隐瞒 keep t 遵守/ 信守(诺言) keep ff(使)远离 keep up 坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传统等) keep it up 保持优秀成绩;继续做下去As far as the critic can see,there is nly ne way t keep away frm this tendency. 在评论家看来,只有一种方法可以避免这种倾向。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]Nthing will keep me        pursuing my dream. (2)[词汇复现]As a senir three student,what yu shuld d is t keep        a gd state f mind and adjust yurself t the pace f the senir three life. (3)[词汇复现]Yu must keep        the restrictins even if yu think they’re unfair. (4) Keep        yur tears and remain ptimistic. I’m sure yu’ll succeed finally. (5) Keep away        the cnstructin site. It is very dangerus. (6) He kept        wrking utdrs until midnight even thugh he was tired. 完成句子(7)She is always buying new clthes t    (跟上潮流). (8) If yu’re eating a healthy diet,      (坚持下去).  
    keep up with the trend  
    keep it up  
    教材原句p.105 will be required t d mre creative wrk,cming up with new ideas... ……人们将被要求做更多的创造性工作,提出新的想法…… 4 cme up with 想出;提出;赶上All yu had t d was cme up with a gd way t explain the abstract cncept t him. 所有你要做的就是想出一个好办法来向他解释这个抽象的概念。[词汇复现] I had t run t cme up with him. 我得跑才能赶上他。【归纳拓展】 cme acrss(偶然)遇见;被理解  cme abut 发生(常与 hw 连用) cme n 快点儿;加油;得了吧  cme up 上升;发芽;发生cme ut 出来;出版;为人所知 cme t 共计;达到;苏醒 I came acrss the humrus prducer in the street yesterday. 我昨天在街上偶然遇到那位幽默的制片人。[词汇复现]
    Hw did it cme abut that he treated the persn with disability in that way? 他怎么那样对待那个残疾人呢? Diverse versins f the device will cme ut sn. 该设备的不同版本将很快推出。[词汇复现] After many talks they came t a cmmercial agreement. 经过多次会谈,他们达成了一项商业协议。[词汇复现] 【链接】 I am wndering hw yu can put up with such a rude persn fr s lng a time. 我在想你怎么能忍受这样一个粗鲁的人这么长时间。It is a pleasure t team up with such an intelligent and hard-wrking clleague. 能和这样一位聪明、勤奋的同事合作,我感到很高兴。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]He came up        gd ideas t make prfits. (2) He will cme        himself sn after the peratin. (3) Is this yur necklace,Mary? I came        it when I was cleaning the bathrm. (4) That year their article came       . (5) Can yu explain hw it came        that yu were an hur late? (6)[词汇复现]With sme suggestins cming        at the meeting yesterday,they determined t make a few adjustments t their riginal plan.
    用v. + up + with 短语填空(7) Many peple,especially the elderly,cannt             the develpment f technlgy. (8) Althugh against my pinin,the ld prfessr didn’t             his wn. (9) I can             the huse being untidy,but I hate it if it’s nt clean. (10) Thanks t his help,the last student finally          his classmates. (11) If yu wrk in camps and help rganise sprts activities,yu culd ________________            a qualificatin(资格)as an instructr.
    keep up with  
    cme up with  
    put up with  
    caught up with  
    end up with 
    教材原句p.106 Ging t university des nt guarantee a jb. 上大学并不能保证找到工作。5 guarantee vt. & n. (1)vt. 保证,担保sth 保证某事 t d sth 保证做某事sb sth 保证某人某事 + 从句 保证…… I can’t guarantee the stability f my incme. 我不能保证我的收入的稳定。[词汇复现] The by guaranteed t behave well at the receptin. 这个男孩保证在招待会上好好表现。[词汇复现] It is generally acknwledged that graduating frm a famus university desn’t guarantee yu a gd jb if yu lack cnfidence. 人们普遍认为,如果你缺乏自信,从名牌大学毕业并不能保证你能得到一份好工作。[词汇复现] I can guarantee that he is willing t participate in this activity. 我能保证他愿意参与这项活动。
    (2)n. 保证,担保;担保物;保修单搭配:under guarantee 在保修期内The car is less than a year ld,therefre still under guarantee. 这辆汽车不到一年,因此仍在保修期内。
    单句语法填空(1) Yur watch will be repaired free if it is still        guarantee. (2) Our gds        (guarantee),and yu may return any bad nes. (3) Can yu guarantee       (wrk)fr mre than a year? 完成句子(4) His turning up will             (保证成功)f the meeting. (5) Buying a train ticket desn’t            (保证你有座). (6)[词汇复现]           (我保证) I will give the disabled mre pprtunities.
    are guaranteed
    guarantee the success
    guarantee yu a seat
    I guarantee that
    教材原句p.106 need t have gd cmputer skills,be mtivated,creative... ……我们需要有良好的计算机技能,有上进心,有创造力…… 6 mtivated adj. 积极的,主动的搭配be mtivated by... 受……激励/ 激发be mtivated t d sth 有动力做某事 It is generally acknwledged that peple are mtivated by success. 一般认为,成功会激励人。[词汇复现] Clerks in the department are mtivated t wrk harder fr different reasns. 部门职员出于不同的原因有动力更努力地工作。[词汇复现] 【词语积累】 mtivate v. 成为……的动机;激发,激励 mtivate sb t d sth 激励某人做某事mtivatin n. 动机;积极性 ne’s mtivatin fr(ding)sth 某人做某事的动机N ne really knws what mtivates him t d s. 没有人真的知道是什么激励他这样做。He’s intelligent enugh but he lacks mtivatin fr ding what he takes up well. 他足够聪明,但他缺乏动力去做好他所从事的工作。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) In my pinin,Je is a       (mtivate)and ambitius yung man with clear gals. (2)[词汇复现]It is believed that students’ inner       (mtivate)is essential t their develpments. (3)Her mtivatin    writing was a desire fr wmen t get the right t receive higher educatin. (4)[词汇复现]His parents mtivate him      (study)further t get his master’s degree. 完成句子(5) Peple can         (被…… 激励)many things when they set gals. (6) The children             (被激励自立)in the kindergarten. (7) He has a special ability t              (激励他的学生更加努力地学习).
    be mtivated by
    are mtivated t be independent
    mtivate his students t study harder
    教材原句p.106 We all need t keep develping and adapting t a changing wrld,dn’t we? 我们都需要不断发展, 适应不断变化的世界,不是吗? 7 adapt t sth 适应某事Adlescents tend t adapt t the study atmsphere and circumstance quickly. 青少年往往能快速适应学习氛围和环境。[词汇复现] Sme animals have a remarkable ability t adapt t changing envirnments. 有些动物适应环境的能力很强。【学法点拨】 (1)(使)适应 (2) 改编,改写
    apt 适当的→adapt[根义](使)适合[多义]
    pt 选择 → adpt [根义]选取→[多义]
    (1) 采取,采用(2) 收养;领养
    The yung cuple had n children f their wn and adpted an rphan. After a few mnths,the rphan came t adapt t his new life. 那对年轻夫妇没有自己的孩子,收养了一个孤儿。几个月后,这个孤儿逐渐适应了他的新生活。【归纳拓展】 把……改编成…… be adapted frm 改编自…… He is mtivated by his teacher t adapt a nvel fr a mvie. 老师激励他把小说改编成电影。[词汇复现] This text is adapted frm a stry in Chinese Literature. 这篇文本是根据《中国文学》上的一篇故事改编的。【词语积累】 adaptatin n. 适应;改编;改写本 adaptable adj. 可适应的;可改编的
    单句语法填空(1) The culture made it hard fr him t adapt        the new envirnment abrad. (2)[词汇复现]This film is adapted       M Yan’s nvel,Red Srghum. (3)[词汇复现]His nvel has been adapted        TV series. (4)[词汇复现]What the librarian recmmended him t read was an       (adapt)f A Surrunded City. 辨析填空:adapt,adpt (5) They have n children f their wn,s they’re hping t     . (6) The gd thing abut children is that they      very easily t new envirnments. (7)[词汇复现]The cmpany determined t        mre nvel methds t mtivate mre yung peple t wrk fr them. (8)[词汇复现]The radi play was        frm a nvel,which attracted great attentin.
    完成句子(9) This machine has         (被改装为)using underwater. (10) I’m nt quite myself nw. In ther wrds,I         (还没适应)the climate here.
    been adapted fr
    haven’t adapted t
    重点句式 教材原句p.106 There is a great change ging n in the wrld. 世界正在发生巨大的变化。【句式分析】本句是简单句,ging n in the wrld 是现在分词短语 作定语,修饰change。There be + 主语+ 非谓语动词. 其中,非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰前面的主语。具体形式: ①There be + 主语+ ding...  表示主动或进行There are still sme peple suffering frm disability and they need ur help. 还有一些人患有残疾,他们需要我们的帮助。[词汇复现] ②There be+ 主语+ dne...  表示被动或完成There were three students,including me,mtivated by ur prfessr t participate in the prject. 包括我在内的三名学生在我们教授的激励下参与了这个项目。[词汇复现]
    ③There be+ 主语+ t d...  表示动作尚未发生There will be sme prblems t discuss at the cnference. 会议上将有一些问题要讨论。【误区警示】 当主语与其后的不定式是被动关系时,不定式用主动语态和被动语态均可,有些没有意义上的区别,有些则有区别。There is n time t lse/t be lst. 时间不容耽误。 There is nthing t see. 没有什么东西值得看。 There is nthing t be seen. 看不见什么东西。
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]In 1812,there were 66 nvels       (publish)in Britain. (2)[词汇复现]Yet there is evidence       (suggest)that the trend is grwing. (3)[词汇复现]The bss annunces that there are still sme emplyees       (deserve) the prize. (4) There are still many prblems       (slve)befre we are ready fr a lng stay n the Mn. 完成句子(5) There are sme citizens               (站在画廊前). (6) There is a red car             (停在房子外面). (7)            (无事可做) and he just sits there absent-minded.
    standing in frnt f the gallery
    parked utside the huse
    There is nthing t d

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