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    北师大版高中英语选择性必修第二册·UNIT6 LESSON 3(课件+练习)01
    北师大版高中英语选择性必修第二册·UNIT6 LESSON 3(课件+练习)02
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    北师大版高中英语选择性必修第二册·UNIT6 LESSON 3(课件+练习)04
    北师大版高中英语选择性必修第二册·UNIT6 LESSON 3(课件+练习)05
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    选择性必修 第二册Lesson 3 The Advertising Game精品课件ppt

    这是一份选择性必修 第二册Lesson 3 The Advertising Game精品课件ppt,文件包含UNIT6WRITINGWORKSHOPREADINGCLUB2课件PPTpptx、UNIT6PartVWRITINGWORKSHOPREADINGCLUBS同步练习含答案docx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    ACTIVE AND SHRAEPair Wrk Have yu ever bught anything as a result f seeing,hearing r reading advertisements? What makes an advertisement attractive ?
    the prduct name the name f a cmpany wrds f experts humrus language the cncept f freedm pictures r imagesthe unusual idea the design
    READ AND EXPLOREThe passage belw is abut advertising. Skim thrugh the passage. What is it mainly abut? a  Different types f advertisements b  The develpment f advertisements c  Different attitudes twards advertisements
    What is the text type f this passage? What helped yu identify the text type?
    Identifying Text Types Yu can identify the text type based n the fllwing infrmatin: ·titles(e. g. A Sea Stry,A Medical Pineer);   ·text structures(e. g. time rder,argument and supprting details);   ·typical expressins(e. g. nce upn a time,in cnclusin).  
    Skill Builder
    This is an explanatry text. It intrduces the develpment f advertisements in the rder f time,and it cntains lts f time explanatins and examples.
    Pair Wrk Underline the main idea f each paragraph. Then cmpare with(4) a partner.
    Para. 1:The advertising industry started with the fundamental purpse f prmting and selling gds t peple wh might need them. Para. 2:Classic advertisements used t give infrmatin abut finding certain prducts. Para. 3:In mdern times,advertise-ments need t attract and hld the attentin f the public.
    Para. 4:Mdern advertisements need smething else t separate them frm their cmpetitrs. Para. 5:Ideas that wuld wrk in the past genuinely are nt as effective nw. Para. 6:Hwever,nt all advertising is abut selling prducts and services fr a prfit.
    Read the whle passage. Cmplete the table. Then write three headings that can categrise the infrmatin in the first rw.
    finding certain prducts
    what the cmpany sells,where they are lcatedand the name f the prduct
    prducts and services are in direct cmpetitin with each ther
    pictures r wrds frm experts
    mdern design techniques
    hw gd the prduct is
    visually attractive
    the highest
    standard f design
    creative ways
    freedm,happiness, wealth and success
    in a wrld f
    cmpetitive advertising
    they“must have the prduct”
    hw attractive
    the idea linked with the prduct is
    new and unusual ideas
    Further imprved mdern ads ;;;
    t surprise peple
    t create smething that has never been seen befre
    t make peple frget that smene is trying t sell them smething
    make ur sciety a better place fr everyne
    participate in imprving their neighburhd,prtecting the envirnment and helping ther peple
    n fighting AIDS,
    n fighting AIDS,saving water,helping the pr,giving up smking
    Answer the questins. 1 What des a classic advertisement lk like? 2 Why d mdern advertisements have t attract the attentin f the public? 3 What cncepts and ideas are ften used in mdern advertisements?
    A classic ad gives infrmatin abut a prduct and very ften it includes the name f a cmpany, part f which might include the name f the place frm which the prduct riginated.
    Because peple are used t seeing a high standard f visual design,and prducts and services are in direct cmpetitin with each ther.
    They use the cncept f freedm, and ther cmmn ideas include happiness,wealth and success.
    Answer the questins. 4  What d advertisers d t make peple frget the selling purpse f advertisements? 5 Hw has the gvernment used advertisements in the last decade?
    Advertisers use humur and unusual ideas t surprise peple.
    The gvernment has spnsred advertisements t educate the public n fighting AIDS,saving water,helping the pr,giving up smking,etc.
    Use the diagram t talk abut what yu have learnt abut advertising.
    Pair Wrk Think and share. 1 What has been the driving frce fr the develpment f advertisements? 2 What des the title“The Advertising Game”mean t yu?
    Cmplete the sentences using the crrect frm f the phrases belw.
    riginate frm link with cnsist f participate in
    1 Yu shuld try t      exercise      a healthy diet. 2 The advertising team       peple frm different areas. 3 The idea f the advertisement was         a film. 4 I dn’t like any activity        cmmercial purpses. 5 I’d like t         neighburhd activities,but I dn’t have time.
    riginated frm
    linked with
    participate in
    Language pints
    教材原句p.58 The advertising industry started with the fundamental purpse f prmting and selling gds t peple wh might need them. 广告业的根本目的是向潜在消费者推销商品。
    1 fundamental adj. 根本的;基本的;基础的搭配:be fundamental t 是……的基础;对……至关重要a fundamental difference in pinin看法的根本区别 a fundamental principle 基本原则 It is well-knwn that vcabulary is fundamental t English learning. 众所周知,词汇量对于英语学习是至关重要的。[词汇复现]
    完成句子 (1) We need t                  (做出根本改变)t the way in which we treat ur envirnment. (2)Water appeared n the planet,which ________________________ (对……至关重要)the develpment f life.
    make fundamental changes
    was fundamental t
    教材原句p.58 It was likely t be the name f a cmpany... 这些信息可能是公司名……
    2 be likely t d sth 有可能做某事There is n dubt that staying up is mre likely t result in ver-anxiety. 毫无疑问,熬夜更有可能导致过分焦虑。[词汇复现] Yu are likely t suffer frm bad health if yu keep smking. → It is likely that yu will suffer frm bad health if yu keep smking. 如果继续吸烟,你的身体健康可能会受到损害。【归纳拓展】 Sb/Sth be likely t d sth. It is pssible(fr sb)t d sth. It is likely/pssible/prbable+that... Wuld it be pssible fr me t leave a message fr her? 我可以给她留言吗? It’s likely/pssible/prbable that they will cme back next week. 他们(很)可能下周回来。
    单句语法填空(1) He seems likely       (pass) the exam. (2)        is likely that the huse prices will g up. 同义句转换(3) Yu are likely t be admitted t yur dreaming university if yu study hard. → _______________________________________________________________________________选词填空:likely/pssible/prbable (4)[词汇复现]He is mre      t be put in prisn if he desn’t stp ding things like this. (5)[词汇复现]It is      fr him t be put in prisn if he desn’t stp ding things like this. (6)[词汇复现]It is               that he will be put in prisn if he desn’t stp ding things like this.
    It is likely that yu will be admitted t yur dreaming university if yu study hard.  
    教材原句p.58 Frm the name yu wuld knw what the cmpany sells,where they are lcated,and the name f the prduct. 一看名字,你就知道这些公司销售的具体产品、所在地点以及产品名称。
    3 lcate vt. 位于;找出……的准确位置搭配:be lcated in/at 位于…… The analysis suggested that they were mstly lcated in frests that were at least 100 years ld. 分析表明,它们主要分布在至少有100 年历史的森林中。[词汇复现]The plice sn lcated the spt where the accident happened. 警察很快就找到了事故发生的地点。[词汇复现] 【学法点拨】 短语be lcated in 中lcated 为过去分词转化来的形容词,侧重于表示主语的状态,常见的还有be dressed in(穿着……的),be lst in(迷路的;迷惘的),be faced with(面对)等。【词语积累】 lcatin n. 地点,位置
    单句语法填空(1) The Great Wall,with a histry f mre than tw thusand years,       (lcate) in nrthern China. (2)[2017·江苏卷]         where the Belt meets the Rad,Jiangsu will cntribute mre t the Belt and Rad cnstructin. (3)       (lse)in the frest,we had t remain where we were,waiting fr help. (4)[词汇复现]Faced           such a cnfusing situatin,she had n alternative but t wait.
    is lcated
    教材原句p.58 might nt be suitable fr a marketplace where prducts and services are in direct cmpetitin with each ther. ……在产品和服务直接竞争的市场上,这种广告类型可能不太适合。
    4 suitable adj. 合适的,适宜的搭配be suitable fr 适合be suitable t d sth 适合做某事The abstract cncepts are nt suitable fr these children. 这些抽象概念不适合这些孩子。[词汇复现] We need t find a suitable place t advertise fr ur prducts. 我们需要找一个合适的地方为我们的产品做广告。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空 (1) Althugh sme may think the cinema is nisy, it is suitable          Sally’s cnditin. (2) Alng the Silk Rad,Xi’an and Gansu are suitable       (visit)all year rund. (3) Althugh this was a fairy tale,it was als       (suit)fr adults t read. 一句多译要找个对每个人都合适的时间很困难。(4) It’s difficult t find a time that           . (5) It’s difficult t find a time that                  .
    suits everybdy
    is suitable fr everybdy
    教材原句p.59 need t attract and hld the attentin f the public. ……广告需要吸引、保持公众的注意力。
    5 attract vt. 吸引搭配attract ne’s attentin/mind 吸引某人的注意力attract sb t sth 吸引某人关注某事The breakthrugh in clning has attracted the attentin f scientists all ver the wrld. 克隆技术的突破吸引了全世界科学家的关注。[词汇复现] The vivid plt attracts many a reader t the nvel. 生动的情节吸引了许多读者关注这部小说。[词汇复现]
    【词语积累】 (1)attractin n. 吸引;吸引力;名胜;吸引人之物a turist attractin一个旅游景点 (2)attractive adj. 有吸引力的be attractive t 对……有吸引力Shangri-La,full f attractin,is s attractive that it attracts visitrs frm all ver the wrld. 充满魅力的香格里拉吸引着来自世界各地的游客。【学法点拨】 attractin 作“名胜,吸引人之物”讲时是可数名词;而作“魅力,吸引 力”讲时是不可数名词。
    单句语法填空(1) China Tday         (at tract)a wrldwide readership,which shws that mre and mre peple all ver the wrld want t learn abut China. (2)[词汇复现]      (attract)by the perfrmance f the brilliant cmedian,he has made up his mind t g t the theatre a secnd time. (3) Sichuan Prvince is rich in turist         (attractin)and enjys many wrld-famus places f interest. (4)[2019·全国Ⅲ 卷]Sitting n the grass and enjying the tasty fd,we will be fully absrbed in the        (attract)perfrmances. 用attract 的适当形式完成下面语段(5) What      me mst in Beijing is that there are many       ,like the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. They are s       as t      eyes frm every crner f the wrld.
    教材原句p.59 Fr this reasn,it’s nw nrmal t see advertise-ments that cnsist f pictures r wrds frm experts... 因此,现在的广告常常引用专家的图片、文字……
    6 cnsist f 由……构成The perfrmances f this circus cnsist f mnkeys swinging and tigers jumping thrugh the burning rings. 这个马戏团的表演包括猴子荡秋千和老虎跳火圈。[词汇复现]
    【归纳拓展】 cnsist in 在于,存在于cnsist with(=be cnsistent with)与……一致Life has taught us that lve des nt cnsist in staring at each ther, but rather in lking in the same directin tgether. 生活告诉我们,爱不在于相互注视,而在于朝同一个方向望去的过程。【误区警示】 cnsist f 不用于被动语态和进行时态,非谓语动词cnsisting f 可作定语。It tk them three days t cmplete the prject cnsisting f three cmplicated prcedure. 他们花了三天时间完成了这个由三个复杂程序组成的项目。[词汇复现] 【词语积累】 cnsistent adj. 一致的 cnsistency n. 一致性,同一性
    单句语法填空(1) Listening is thus an active,nt a passive, behaviur        (cnsist)f hearing, understanding and remembering. (2) The beauty f the city cnsists         its magnificent buildings. (3) The results are entirely         (cnsist) with ur earlier research. (4) It is reprted that the new cuncil wuld cnsist        abut 20 finance ministers. (5)We need t ensure the       (cnsist) f service t ur custmers. 完成句子(6) Five peple        (组成)the team; in ther wrds,the team___________________        (由……组成)five peple. (7)[词汇复现]Mre ften than nt,what the stubbrn des_______________________________              (与……一致)what he says.
    is made up f/cnsists f
    cnsists with/is cnsistent with
    教材原句p.59 As present-day advertisers ften have large budgets... 现在的广告客户通常预算充足……
    7 budget n. & v. (1)n. 预算搭配n a(tight)budget 节省地,控制预算地within/ver budget 在预算内/ 超出预算There is an advertising budget f $2 millin. 广告预算是两百万美元。[词汇复现] They have rebuilt the ld church lcated at the ft f the muntain n a tight budget. 他们在预算紧张的情况下重建了山脚下的教堂。[词汇复现] (2)vi. & vt. 把……编入预算It is said that the cmpany will budget $2 billin t advertise their prducts t enhance their reputatin. 据说该公司将拨出20 亿美元的预算用于为其产品做广告,以提高其声誉。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空 (1)[2018·全国Ⅰ 卷]In tnight’s Easter special they cme t the aid f a family in need f sme delicius inspiratin n          budget. (2)[词汇复现]The wrk was finished n time and         budget,which made them in a gd md. (3) They felt depressed,because they went          budget. (4)[词汇复现]Three members f the cmmittee insisted that a lt mre mney shuld        ______________(budget)fr the intrductin f the new technique.
    be budgeted
    教材原句p.59 T stand ut in a wrld f cmpetitive advertising,... 为了在竞争激烈的广告界上凸显出来,……
    8 cmpetitive adj. 竞争性强的,有竞争力的If crpratins are nt cmpetitive,they will nt survive. 公司如果没有竞争力,就不能存活下去。[词汇复现] 【一言助记】 In this cmpetitive wrld,we are all cmpetitrs and everybdy cmpetes with each ther. We shuld make a gd atmsphere f cmpetitin. 在这个有竞争力的世界里,我们都是竞争者,大家相互竞争。我们应该营造一个良好的竞争氛围。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空 (1) Life is like a lng race where we cmpete          thers t g beynd urselves. (2)[词汇复现]There is fierce       (cmpete) between schls t attract students. (3)[词汇复现]The turnament is quite        , because I have t          with 15 ther excellent          fr first prize.(cmpete) (4) Runners frm many cuntries are cmpeting        the internatinal prize.
    9 cmbine vi. & vt.(使)结合,(使)组合搭配 cmbine with 与……结合起来cmbine A and/with B 把A 和B 结合起来Hydrgen cmbines with xygen t frm water. 氢与氧化合成水。Crss talk cmbines strytelling with imitating as well as playing jkes and singing. 相声把说学逗唱结合在一起。[词汇复现] 【词语积累】 cmbinatin n. 结合,联合,混合in cmbinatin with 与……结合He raised mney fr the lcal primary schl in cmbinatin with his friends. 他与朋友们一起为当地小学筹款。
    单句语法填空 (1) The beautiful scenery,cmbined        delicius fd and lvely weather,made ur visit t Hawaii unfrgettable. (2) In recent years an English wrd “infsphere” has appeared,         (cmbine)the sense f “infrmatin” and “atmsphere”. (3) Technlgy as well as gd management is a winning       (cmbine). (4) It is pssible t cmbine a career        being a mther,s there is n need fr yu t quit wrk.
    教材原句p.59 They realise that it des nt matter hw attractive the idea linked with the prduct is... 他们意识到与产品关联的概念有多么吸引人并不重要……
    10 link vt. & n. (1)vt. 把……联系起来搭配 将……和……联系或连接起来link up with 与……联合;使与……衔接Regular air traffic links the city t the rest f the cuntry. 定期班机把这座城市和全国其他地方连接起来了。Prfessr Urata says many cuntries are eager t link up with East Asia because it is seen as the next grwth center f the wrld. 浦田教授说,许多国家都渴望与东亚建立起联系,因为这个地区被视为下一个世界增长的中心。(2)n. 联系,关联A chain is n strnger than its weakest link. [谚]一环薄弱,全链易断。
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]Owing t the nature f the Internet, we cannt guarantee that this site r the websites t which       (link)will be available t yu. (2)[词汇复现]The plice eventually fund the prf—his fingerprints,which linked the suspect        the case. (3)[词汇复现]They need t budget a small step twards their new career r link up ________      smene like a career cach t map ut the diversity f their ptins.
    are linked
    教材原句p.59 peple knw and anticipate that the main purpse f the advertisement is t make the custmers buy the prducts. ……大多数人都明白,广告的主要目的就是让客户购买产品。
    11 anticipate vt. 预期,预料搭配:anticipate ding sth 期望做某事,预期做某事With measurement,managers d nt have t wait fr prblems t arise;instead,they can anticipate and quickly handle them. 使用度量,经理不必等待问题的出现;相反,他们能够预期并快速解决问题。[词汇复现] At that time we culdn’t have anticipated the result f ur campaign. 那时我们本不能预料我们这项运动的结果。[词汇复现] 【词语积累】 anticipatin n. 预料,预期;预感;预知;盼望,希望in anticipatin f 期待,预期There’s been an atmsphere f anticipatin arund here fr a few days nw. 一种期待的氛围在这儿已存在几天了。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) He bught extra fd in       (anticipate)f mre peple cming than he’d invited. (2)[词汇复现]He didn’t anticipate        advertising shuld accunt fr half f their budget. (3) They anticipate       (mve)t a bigger huse by the end f the year. 完成句子(4)[词汇复现]She tensed her muscles                 (预计到)the blw.
    in anticipatin f
    教材原句p.59 Hwever,nt all advertising is abut selling prducts and services fr a prfit. 然而,并非所有的广告都是以盈利为目的销售产品与服务。
    12 prfit n. & v. (1)n. 利润,收益,盈利搭配make/earn a prfit 赚取利润at a prfit 获利If his prgramme is apprved,they will make higher prfits. 如果他的项目得到批准,他们会赚取更高的利润。[词汇复现] The ld man sld a precius vase at a prfit. 这个老人卖了一个珍贵的花瓶并获利了。[词汇复现] nn-prfit rganisatins非营利组织 (2)v. 对……有用/ 有益搭配:prfit frm/by 从……中受益;靠……获利They have prfited frm cperatin with an internatinal crpratin. 他们从与一家跨国公司合作中获益。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) He prfited        selling his shares t ther investrs. (2) — Is the architect still living in the huse he designed? —N. He sld it at        prfit. 完成句子(3) Mst peple buy a huse because they want t wn a huse,nt because they plan ____________________(赚取利润). (4) Peple keep buying the items because they think they can         (获利卖出).
    t make/earn a prfit
    sell at a prfit
    教材原句p.59 Fr example,there are public advertisements,which encurage citizens t participate in imprving their neighburhd... 比如公益广告,它鼓励市民参与改善社区……
    13 participate vi. 参加,参与搭配participate with sb in sth 与某人分担某事;同某人参与某事participate in(ding)sth 参加(做)某事If pssible,mre peple shuld participate in electins. 如果可能的话,应该有更多的人参与选举。[词汇复现] Everyne in the class is expected t participate actively in the debate. 希望全班同学都积极地参与辩论。[词汇复现] Kate has always participated fully in the schl life. 凯特总是全身心地投入到学校生活中。【词语积累】 participant n. 参加者participatin n. 参与;分担
    【词语辨析】 不一样的“参加”: (1)participate in/take part in the sprts meeting/the turnament 参加运动会/ 锦标赛(2)jin the army/League/Party 参军/ 入团/ 入党 (3)attend the meeting/ceremny/wedding 出席会议/ 出席仪式/ 参加婚礼(4)attend schl/class 上学/ 上课
    单句语法填空 (1)[词汇复现]Because f her brilliant talent fr dancing,the schl picked her t participate_________        the natinal dancing cmpetitin. (2)[词汇复现]Rcket launching is a cmplicated prcess which requires the          (partici-pate)f many staff members. (3)[词汇复现]With the intentin f celebrating the Dragn Bat Festival,a dragn bat race will be held and the related training will be prvided fr all the       (participate). 选词填空:participate in/jin/attend (4) T his satisfactin,his sn      the navy in the end. (5)[词汇复现]Thugh disabled,he ften          sme scial activities in the cmmunity t help thse wh are less frtunate. (6) I am s srry that I wn’t be able t      the class tmrrw afternn.
    participates in
    教材原句p.59 Over the last decade,the gvernment has spnsred advertisements t educate the public n fighting AIDS... 过去的十多年里,政府赞助了一些公益广告,教育公众防治艾滋病……
    14 spnsr vt. & n. (1)vt. 赞助,资助;为……担保 The crpratin is spnsring an engineering student at the university. 这家公司在资助一名工科在读大学生。[词汇复现] The cmpetitin was spnsred by British Airways. 此项比赛由英国航空公司赞助。Please culd yu spnsr me fr my schl’s campaign fr Help the Aged? 请问你们能赞助我开展我校的“帮助老年人”活动吗?[词汇复现] (2)n. 赞助商;资助者She gt a family friend in Lndn t agree t be her spnsr. 她取得伦敦一位世交的同意做她的赞助人。
    单句语法填空 (1)[词汇复现]Tw lawyers have cntributed $50,000       (spnsr)ur schl’s campaign “Help the Needy”,which was started by ur frmer headmaster three years ag. (2)[词汇复现]It’s apprpriate that an activity                 (spnsr)t prtect wildlife. (3)[词汇复现]The barding schl         (spnsr)by the lcal gvernment turned ut perfect,and many villagers benefited much frm it.
    (shuld)be spnsred
    Cmplete the table with used t,use t,wuld r wuldn’t.
    Read the sentences. What verbs cannt fllw wuld—verbs expressing states r actins? a  We wuld used t live in a crwded flat in New Yrk. b  They wuld/used t climb the muntain every week. c  She wuld used t have mre friends than anyne. d  I wuld/used t buy sweets the size f glf balls.
    Verbs expressing states cannt fllw wuld.
    Cmplete the sentences with used t/didn’t use t r wuld/wuldn’t. In sme cases,bth used t and wuld are pssible. 1 We      live in a small twn but last year we mved t a big city. 2 My primary schl teachers       give us any hmewrk but they      teach us a lt in class. 3 Harrisn Frd       accept the strangest jbs befre he became an actr. 4 I          like seafd,but nw I just lve it. 5 Mr Smith          watch tasteless TV talk shws all day befre he lst his sight. 6 When I was a child,we      live near the cast.
    didn’t use t
    wuld/used t
    EXPRESS YOURSELFGrup Wrk Bring ne f yur favurite advertisements t the class-rm. Explain why yu like it and hw yu wuld like t make it even better.
    used t 和wuld 1 used t 的用法(1)“used t+ 动词原形”表示过去的习惯(现在不了)。The ld prfessr wh has cntributed greatly t the develpment f the university used t live in the campus. 那位为大学的发展做出了巨大贡献的老教授过去住在校园里。(现在不了)[词汇复现] (2)used t 的疑问句有两种形式①把used 放到句首。②借助助动词did 并放到句首,把used 变为use。Used the ld engineer t g t wrk by bus? =Did the ld engineer use t g t wrk by bus? 那位老工程师以前乘公共汽车去上班吗?
    【词语辨析】(1)use sth t d sth 用某物做某事Yu can use the mney the spnsr gave t buy sme new equipment. 你可以用赞助商给的钱买一些新设备。[词汇复现] (2)be used t d sth 被用来做某事Wd is used t make huses in this area. 在这个地区,木头被(人们)用来盖房子。(3)be/get/becme used t(ding)sth 习惯于(做)某事The ld man used t live in the peaceful muntain village. Nw he is used t living in the nisy city. 这位老者过去住在平静的山村里,现在他习惯住在喧闹的城市里。
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]He used       (abandn) his wrk fr several mnths at a time. (2) He has lived here fr five years. He is used t         (live)here nw. 完成句子(3) 我过去常常和我哥哥踢足球。                                                       (4)[词汇复现]他已经习惯了每周五下午参加课外活动。                                               (5) 那座位于我们学校东南角的房子可以用来储存书籍。                                                                                      
    I used t play sccer with my brther.
    He has gt/been/becme used t participating in after-class activities every Friday afternn.
    The huse lcated at the sutheast crner f ur schl can be used t stre bks.
    2 wuld 的用法( 1)表示过去反复发生的动作或过去的一种倾向,意为“过去常常”。 When he was in cllege,he wuld g t the library at weekends. 他在上大学时,总是在周末去图书馆。( 2)wuld 是 will 的过去式,表示过去的意志或意愿,可用于多种 人称。He tried t persuade her t participate in the campaign,but she wuldn’t. 他试图说服她参加这次活动,但她不想。[词汇复现] ( 3)表示说话人现在的意愿。 wuld like/lve t d sth 想做某事,愿意做某事I wuld like t spnsr the campaign aimed at arusing the public’s awareness f envirnmental prtectin. 我愿意赞助这个旨在唤起公众环保意识的活动。[词汇复现]
    ( 4)表示向对方提出请求,语气比 will 委婉,也可表示委婉地提出 看法、建议等。Wuld yu please pass me the bk?请把书递给我好吗? ( 5)用在虚拟语气中,表示与事实相反。 wuld d sth 将会……(实际上事情不会发生) wuld have dne sth 本来会……(实际上事情没有发生) wuldn’t have dne sth 本来不会……(实际上事情发生了) If I were yu,I wuld give yur daughter mre freedm t participate in mre activities. 如果我是你,我会给你女儿更多的自由去参加更多的活动。[词汇复现] If yu had cme yesterday,yu wuld have seen the great writer. 如果你昨天来的话,你就会见到那位伟大的作家了。
    完成句子(1) 在那些日子里她的女儿们偶尔去看望她。Her daughters              frm time t time in thse days. (2) 我承诺会完成这项艰苦的工作。I prmised that I          the tugh task. (3) 我想看一下他的杰作。I              have a lk at his masterpiece. (4) 你愿意让我详细解释一下这件事吗? Wuld yu like me          in depth? (5)[词汇复现]去年如果没有那家大公司的赞助,我们公司就不会有这么多的利润。If the crpratin hadn’t spnsred us last year,ur cmpany__________________________________ .
    wuld visit her
    wuld accmplish
    wuld like/lve t
    t explain it
    wuldn’t have made such a prfit
    3 used t 与wuld 的用法比较(1)相同点:两者都表示过去习惯性或经常性的动作或行为,常可换用。When we were yung,we wuld/used t g skating every winter. 我们年轻时,每年冬天都去滑冰。(2)不同点 ①used t 表示过去的习惯性动作或状态,如今已不存在,与现在的情况形成对比;wuld 表示过去某种特定情况下的活动,与现在没有联系。Mr Li used t write many things n the blackbard. But nw,he is used t making use f multimedia teaching system. 李老师过去常常在黑板上写很多东西。但现在,他已经习惯了利用多媒体教学系统。He wuld g t sme cmmercial activities as sn as he was free. 在过去他一有空就去参加一些商业活动。[词汇复现]
    ②used t 表示过去持续的状态或反复的行为;wuld 只表示过去反复的行为,不表示状态。I used t have a cat called Huahua. 我过去有一只叫“花花”的猫。The yung man wuld g hunting at weekends. 在过去这个年轻人周末总去打猎。
    完成句子(1)我过去常常买高尔夫球那么大的糖果。I              sweets the size f glf balls. (2)当他陷入困境时他总是来找我。(现在未知) He          t me when he ran int truble. (3)[词汇复现]他们过去常常通过志愿者工作来扩大服务(范围)。(现在不再这样) They          expand their services by vlunteer wrk. (4)[词汇复现]上寄宿学校的时候,他是个令人头痛的学生。When he was at barding schl,he           a trublesme student.
    used t buy/wuld buy

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