物物交换 | exchange | barter |
推断 | infer | extrapolate |
壳 | shell | rind |
阐明 | illustrate | elucidate |
孝顺的 | obedient | filial |
涂鸦 | scrawl | graffiti |
博爱的 | humanitarian | philanthropy |
流口水 | drool | drool |
挑逗 | tease | tantalize |
令人恶心的 | disgusting | vile |
打败 | defeat | trounce |
无聊的 | tedious | drab |
吸收 | absorb | imbibe |
无能的 | incapable | inept |
耐力 | durable | stamina |
蠕动 | wriggle | squirm |
完美的 | perfect | immaculate |
敏感的 | sensitive | impressionable |
使苦恼2 | baffle | harrow |
罪犯 | criminal | culprit |
模仿 | simulate | mimic |
精巧的 | fancy | quaint |
吹毛求疵 | nibble | nibble |
廉价出售 | sell | undercut |
小便 | pee | urinate |
奉承 | flatter | fawn |
干预 | intervene | meddle |
医院 | hospital | infirmary |
神 | god | divinity |
偷偷地 | furtively | stealthily |
壮观 | splendor | grandeur |
尊贵的 | deer | exalted |
添加 | add | superimpose |
漂泊 | drift | vagabond |
尖声的 | reedy | strident |
枯竭 | exhausted | impoverish |
领先 | precede | foretall |
喋喋不休 | chatter | babble |
搞笑的 | funny | jocular |
不同 | difference | disparity |
遥远的 | remote | faraway |
幻觉 | illusion | hallucination |
任性的 | indulgent | headstrong |
悲痛的 | sad | harrowing |
假的 | fake | bogus |
增大,增多 | increase | accrue |
谦虚的 | humble | unobtrusive |
敏捷的 | accurate | nimble |
复活 | revival | resuscitation |
优先的 | prior | preferential |
欺骗 | delude | hoodwink |
营地 | campsite | encampment |
挡开 | shield off | parry |
预言 | predict | prophesy |
玷污,污染 | distain | sully |
互相给予 | give | reciprocate |
虚伪的 | deceptive | fictitious |
难懂的 | confusing | elusive |
法令 | statute | ordinance |
寓言 | fable | parable |
肥胖的 | obese | corpulent |
明智的 | wise | judicious |
珍藏 | treasure | enshrine |
委托 | entrust | consign |
有益的 | wholesome | salutary |
机警的 | alerting | observant |
郁闷 | gloom | smolder |
争论 | argument | polemic |
受过教育的 | educated | literate |
一对 | pair | duo |
永久的 | eternal | abiding(始终不渝) |
预告 | prediction | premonition |
憔悴的 | feeble | haggard |
灵巧的 | ingenious | deft |
妇女 | woman | matron |
乱画 | scrawl | doodle |
花蜜 | confection(蜜饯) | nectar |
实施 | implement | invoke |
报应 | return | retribution |
衣衫褴褛的 | shabby | threadbare |
欺诈 | fraud | defraud |
毒品 | drug | dope |
哀悼 | mourn | bemoan |
耻辱 | stigma | ignominy |
可靠性 | responsibility | credibility |
超凡魅力的 | charming | charismatic |
辩护律师 | attorney | barrister |
中心 | center | pivot |
寒冷的 | cold | frigid |
敬意 | respect | homage |
大量的 | numerous | voluminous |
榨取 | squeeze | wring |
精明的 | shrewd | canny |
可怕的 | afraid | forbidding |
长矛 | spear | lance |
热烈欢迎 | welcome | ovation |
凸块 | bump | bulge |
镇压 | oppress | quell |
改观 | make a difference | transfigure |
裸体 | naked body | nudity |
欢乐 | happiness | mirth |
术语 | term | jargon |
浮夸的 | exaggerated | grandiose |
憎恨 | abhor | detest |
逃避 | escape | elude |
西方的 | west | occidental |
狂热 | crush | mania |
滔滔不绝 | chatter | spout |
巨浪 | big wave | billow |
变温和 | bland | relent |
婚姻的 | married | martial |
重打 | beat | whack |
谴责 | reproach | flak |
反对 | oppose | deprecate |
威严的 | majestic | majestic |
特点 | feature | hallmark |
短暂的 | transient | fleeting |
策略 | strategy | gambit |
滑动 | slide | slither |
敏锐 | accuracy | acumen |
怠工 | strike | sabotage |
性爱的 | sexual | erotic |
苦恼(n.) | concern | vexation |
不诚实 | dishonesty | duplicity |
即将发生 | around the corner | impending |
顶点 | top | zenith |
溜走 | slide | slink |
综述 | summary | overview |
哑剧 | mime | pantomime |
崇敬 | respect | reverence |
格言 | motto | maxim |
深渊 | gulf | abyss |
无数的 | countless | myriad |
矛盾的 | paradoxical | ambivalent |
疲惫的 | exhausted | languid |
伪装 | pretend | camouflage |
长篇大论 | harangue | harangue |
气味强烈的 | strong-smelling | redolent |
松软的 | spongy | flabby |
商业的 | commercial | mercantile |
积极参与者 | participant | protagonist |
遣散 | dismiss | demobilize |
歌谣 | folk song | ballad |
密友 | confidant | chum |
兄弟的 | brotherly | fraternal |
废话 | nonsense | rigmarole |
赦免 | absolve | amnesty |
厌恶 | abhor(v.) | aversion(n.) |
泄露 | leak | divulge |
弯曲的 | bent | sinuous |
直率的 | direct | downright |
冷落 | desolate | snub |
逐字的 | verbatim | /vɜːrˈbeɪtɪm/ |
少量 | little | dab |
并列 | parallel | juxtapose |
唠叨 | grumble | nag |
吵架 | quarrelling | fray |
虔诚的 | religious | reverent |
贮藏 | store | hoard |
损害 | damage | blemish |
蹒跚 | totter | shamble |
重击 | punch | thud |
玩弄 | play | tamper |
陈腐的 | hackneyed | hackneyed |
乐观的 | positive | sanguine |
纠正 | correction | redress |
飞落 | settle | alight |
丢掉 | throw | chuck |
伸出 | reach out | protrude |
切割 | cut | incise |
放弃 | abandon | relinquish |
可笑的 | ridiculous | ludicrous |
刻 | carve | chisel |
春天的 | spring | vernal |
狼吞虎咽 | gobble | gobble |
使满足 | satisfy | satiate |
激怒 | irritate | enrage |
直觉 | instinct | hunch |
卑微的 | humble | servile |
发狂的 | frantic | maniac |
骗子 | fraud | crook |
易怒的 | bad-tempered | irascible/fractious |
反常的 | abnormal | aberrant |
缄默的 | mute | reticent |
瞪大眼睛看 | glare | goggle |
平息 | calm | subside |
陷阱 | trap | pitfall |
极坏的 | terrible | execrable |
垂死的 | dying | moribund |
奖学金 | scholarship | stipend |
信念 | faith | tenet |
明晰的 | legible | lucid |
驱逐 | expel | evict |
分歧的 | branching | divergent |
使突出轮廓 | contour | silhouette |
激励 | motivate | hearten |
闷热的 | hot | sultry |
年老的 | old | senile |
与...相等 | be equal to... | tantamount |
闪烁 | spark | shimmer |
害怕的 | scared | squeamish |
畏缩 | flinch | balk |
浪费时间 | waste | dawdle |
吸引 | appeal | captivate |
愚钝 | stupid | imbecility |
无间断的 | constant | incessant |
卑鄙的 | mean | despicable |
巧妙的 | great | artful |
暴躁的 | hot-tempered | cranky |
团结的 | united | cohesive |
审查 | censor | canvass |
无畏的 | fearless | intrepid |
蔑视 | look down | trample |
监督 | supervise | superintend |
不恰当的 | improper | impertinent |
单调 | monotonous | tedium(n.) |
恐怖的 | scaring | grisly |
愚蠢的 | stupid | daft |
咸的 | salty | saline |
险峻的 | steep | precipitous |