- 08. 应用文 - 日记,书信+电子邮件 备战2023年中考英语书面表达(写作步骤+满分范文+词句积累) 试卷 试卷 2 次下载
- 09. 应用文 -读后感,观后感 备战2023年中考英语书面表达(写作步骤+满分范文+词句积累) 试卷 试卷 1 次下载
- 11. 应用文 - 演讲稿+海报+贺卡 备战2023年中考英语书面表达(写作步骤+满分范文+词句积累) 试卷 试卷 1 次下载
- 12. 议论文-观点态度,说明利弊,解决问题 备战2023年中考英语书面表达(写作步骤+满分范文+词句积累) 试卷 3 次下载
- 13. 描写文-人物+景物+地点描写 备战2023年中考英语书面表达(写作步骤+满分范文+词句积累) 试卷 试卷 2 次下载
10. 应用文 - 启事+调查报告 备战2023年中考英语书面表达(写作步骤+满分范文+词句积累)
这是一份10. 应用文 - 启事+调查报告 备战2023年中考英语书面表达(写作步骤+满分范文+词句积累),共15页。试卷主要包含了明确写作目的,遵循格式要求,注意时间的明确,请拨打248456与我联系,请到17号教学楼的3号教室找我等内容,欢迎下载使用。
备战2023年中考英语书面表达(写作步骤+满分范文+词句积累)第三章 应用文启事+调查报告应用文是人们在生活、学习、工作中为处理实际事务,有着实用性特点,并形成惯用格式的文章。它最主要的特点是应用性特别广泛,包括便条、通知、日记、书信等。除此以外,应用写作时还要着重注意以下三个方面:1.明确写作目的.应用文是目的性特别强的文章,不同的应用文会有不同的目的.因而,在写作时,要清楚地知道这篇应用文是为何目的而写的。2.遵循格式要求.应用文写作有着严格的格式要求,不同的应用文类型还会有所不同.在写作之前,要先弄清不同的应用文的格式要求。3.注意时间的明确.应用文是在一定的时期内起作用的文章,因而在应用文中,时间要素的明确显得尤为重要。 Part 7 启事写法点拨在写失物招领和寻物启事时,我们可以分三步走:1.直接表明捡到(丢失)的过程.单刀直入主题,在文章一开头就表明自己在什么时间里捡到(丢失)了什么东西,可以适度拓展讲一下是在什么情况下捡到(丢失)的,譬如上学路上或者打球时等,但不宜过多笔墨.2.详细描写捡到(丢失)的物品.针对所捡到(丢失)的物品,做一个详细的说明,譬如它的颜色,形状大小,新的还是旧的,如果说钱包类物品,里面都装有哪些东西等,这些都要一一说明.3.发出呼吁并表明联系方式.在文章的最后,要呼吁大家一起行动找到物品或物品的主人,并要说明该怎么联系拾物人(失主)拿回自己的物品、且要写上时间日期等. 必备词汇1 表示学校地点的词library图书馆playground操场gymnasium体育馆Dance room舞蹈室laboratory实验室canteen食堂Basketball court篮球场The reading room阅览室English corner英语角Table tennis room乒乓球室Football field足球场School gate学校门口2 用于表示时间the other day 前几天at noon 在中午in the morning/afternoon/evening在早上/下午/晚上on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Saturday在星期一/星期二/星期三/星期六on October 16th =on the 16th of October 在十月十六号on Sunday morning=on the morning of Sunday 在星期天早上on the evening of March 7th 在三月七号的晚上3 表示颜色的词red红色的orange橙色的yellow黄色的green绿色的blue蓝色的purple紫色的black黑色的white白色的pink粉色的Light color浅色的Deep color深色的Light blue浅蓝色的4 跟捡到(丢失)相关的词语lose丢失drop掉careless粗心的forget忘记important重要的meaningful意义重大的thanks感激appreciate感谢help帮忙grateful感激的finder拾物者dial拨打(电话)fetch拿回来ring打电话 必备句型1 表示“我”捡到(丢失)东西(1) I found a wallet on my way home.我在回家路上发现了一个钱包.(2) I picked up a book in the reading room.我在阅览室捡到了一本书.(3) I found a set of keys in the laboratory.我在实验室捡到了一串钥匙.(4)I happened to come across a handbag.我偶然发现了一个手提包.(5) I was careless and lost my basketball in the basketball court in our school.我太粗心了,在我们学校的篮球场把我的篮球弄丢了.(6) I failed to find my keys after class this morning.今天早上上完课后我就找不到我的钥匙了.(7) I forgot to take my bag out of the classroom this morning and now I can't find it.今天早上我忘记把书包带出教室了,现在我找不到我的书包了.2 进一步描绘物品(1) The book's cover is red.书的封面是红色的.(2)There is a cat pattern on the bag.包上有一个猫的图案.(3) There is a chemical book and several notebooks in the handbag.手提包里有一本化学课本和几本笔记本.(4) There is a photo of my family in the wallet which is very important to me.钱包里有我的一张全家福照,这对我很重要的.(5) The watch has a blue belt and it is very beautifu1.手表有一条蓝色表带,而且很漂亮.(6) My coat and a math book are in the bag. 包里面有我的外套和一本数学书.3 提出联系方式(1) Please call me at 248456.请拨打248456与我联系.(2) My telephone number is 2566253.我的电话号码是2566253.(3)Please ring 2554563.请拨打 2554563.(4) Please contact me by calling 445541. 请拨打445541联系我.(5) Please find me in Room 3,Teaching Building 17.请到17号教学楼的3号教室找我.(6) The one who lose it is expected to come to...to claim it back.丢失它的人可以去·.....认领.(7) I will be so grateful if the one who finds my wallet could ring me to fetch it back.如果发现我钱包的人能打电话给我让我把它取回来,我将感激不尽.(8) If you happen to find my keys, please don't hesitate to contact me.如果你碰巧捡到了我的钥匙,请马上联系我. 美文引路题目:根据以下内容提示,以“Found”为题,写一篇30-50词的失物招领.内容提示:1.5月8日的早上,你在体育馆捡到了一块手表;2.手表是新的,黑色表带;3.你的电话是6222222.注意:可以适当增加细节,以使短文完整连贯.思路导航第1步:例文审题主体人称题目说明了是“你”,那我们应使用第一人称“I”.主体时态 第一要点捡到手表的事情是发生在过去的,使用一般过去时;第二、三要点描述的是一种普遍的状态,应使用一般现在时.写作贴士 题目要求中包含三个要点,写作时宜简单明了,不宜旁生枝节,额外增加过多的细节易导致主次不分.第2步:列提纲(1)捡到手表的经过;(2)进一步描述手表等;(3)留下联系方式等.第3步:参考词句(1)found; watch; May 18th; morning...(2) new; black belt...(3)call; owner...第4步:连句成篇FoundOn the morning of May 18th,I found a watch in the gymnasium. The watch is a very new one with a black belt. If anybody knows the owner, please ask him/her to call me. My telephone number is 6222222.参考译文失物招领5月18日的早上,我在体育馆捡到了一只手表.这只手表很新,有着黑色表带.如果有谁认识手表的主人,请让他/她与我联系.我的电话号码是6222222. 失物招领 范文1FoundThis morning, I found a handbag in the school garden on October 10th. The handbag is blue and white. And there is some money and a notebook in it. Will the owner please come to Room 301,School Building 4 and get it?参考译文失物招领10月10日,即今天早上,我在学校花园里捡到了一个手提包.这个手提包是蓝白相间的,而且里面有一些钱和一个笔记本.手提包主人能否来四号教学楼的301室取回手提包呢?亮点词汇1 handbag /n.手提包;旅行包2 school garden 学校花园3 notebook /n.笔记本;笔记簿;手册4 owner /n.所有者;物主5 school building 教学楼出彩句型1 I found...我捡到··...·2 The handbag is blue and white.手提包是蓝白相间的.3 Will the owner please...请主人能否······? 高分点评文章篇幅不长,却把作者的意思表达得很清楚,例如“found, blue, get”等简单词语以及“there is...”等基本句型,浅显易懂,符合失物招领的语言习惯,值得参考. 范文2FoundOn Tuesday morning, I happened to find a set of keys and a pencil case on my way home. There is a little panda hanging with the keys. And in the pencil case, there is an eraser, several pens and a pencil sharpener. I think that the owner is looking for them, too, so please call me at 5275891.参考译文失物招领星期二早上,我在回家路上碰巧发现了一串钥匙和一个铅笔盒.钥匙上挂着一个小熊猫挂件.在铅笔盒里面,有一块橡皮擦、几支笔和一个铅笔刀.我想物品主人也正在找它们,所以请拨打5275891和我联系.亮点词汇1 a set of keys-串钥匙2 on my way home 在我回家的路上3 hang /v.悬着;垂下4 pencil sharpener 铅笔刀5 look for 寻找出彩句型1 I happened to find...我碰巧发现···.··2 There is a little panda hanging with the keys.钥匙上挂着一个小熊猫挂件.3 call me at...拨打(号码)···.··与我联系.高分点评文章涉及的拾物较多,有钥匙、铅笔盒、铅笔、橡皮擦、铅笔刀等,但是作者适当运用连词and把一系列的名词连接起来,有条不紊地展开,使文章自然流畅,信息也传达得很清楚. 寻物启事范文1LostOn Tuesday morning, I forgot to take my handbag when I left the school library and now I can't find it anywhere. It is a yellow bag and my student card and some money are in it. Whoever finds it, please give me a call. My telephone number is 1445552.参考译文寻物启事周二早上,我离开学校图书馆的时候忘了拿我的手提包,而现在我到处都找不到它了.我的手提包是黄色的,里面有我的学生证和一些钱.无论是谁发现了我的手提包,请给我打电话.我的电话号码是1445552.亮点词汇1 forget /v.忘记;忽略过去式 forgot过去分词 forgot/forgotten2 leave /v.离开;留下;遗忘|过去式left过去分词left]n.许可;同意;休假3 anywhere /adv.在任何地方;无论何处n.任何地方4 student card 学生证5 whoever /pron.无论谁;任何人出彩句型1 Now I can't find it anywhere.现在我到处都找不到它了.2 Whoever finds it, please give me a call.无论是谁发现它,请给我打电话.高分点评这篇寻物启事的篇幅不长,句子的运用却很灵活,尤其是状语从句的使用更是频繁,开头使用了when引导的时间状语从句交代了背景,结尾时也使用了whoever引导的条件状语从句,表达了主人迫切想拿回手提包的心情. 范文2LostThis morning, I was so careless that I dropped my umbrella somewhere in the canteen when I had breakfast. It is a blue and white umbrella with patterns of flowers. As it is often raining these days, so l hope the receiver could ring me as soon as possible. Here is my phone number: 5555754.参考译文寻物启事今天早上,我太粗心了,以至于我在吃早餐的时候把我的伞落在了食堂的某个地方.这是一把蓝白相间、带花纹的伞.因为这些天经常下雨,所以我希望拾到的同学能尽快打电话联系我.这是我的电话号码:5555754.亮点词汇1 careless /adj.粗心的;无忧无虑的;淡漠的2 drop /v.丢下;投掷;扔;下降3 umbrella /n.雨伞4 pattern /n.图案;模式;样式5 as soon as possible尽快出彩句型1 I was so careless that I dropped my umbrella somewhere in the canteen when I had breakfast.我太粗心了,以至于我在吃早餐的时候把我的伞落在了食堂的某个地方.2 It is a blue and white umbrella with patterns of flowers.这是一把蓝白相间、带花纹的伞.3 Here is my phone number: 5555754.这是我的电话号码:5555754.高分点评这篇文章语句表达得很顺畅,句子的运用也很熟练.例如,运用了“so...that”句型引导结果状语从句,把丢伞的前因后果解释清楚;用as和so两个连词把作者希望找回伞的心情表达得淋漓尽致.总的来说,这是一篇逻辑清晰的文章,值得参考学习. Part 9调查报告写法点拨在写作的时候,我们可以通过以下三部分来展开:1.简述调查的背景、目的.在开头简单地交代调查的目的、方法、时间、范围、背景等,使读者对调查的过程和基本情况有所了解.2.详细记录调查成果.这是文章的主体部分.作者要详细地运用连接词等把调查结果一一记录下来,使读者一目了然.这一部分切忌生搬硬套,一定要注意逻辑词的使用,使文章的逻辑更加清晰明确.3.提出自己的观点.对主体部分的内容进行概括、升华,可以是提出问题,或发出呼吁等.这是比较重要的一部分,常常能起到画龙点睛的作用. 必备词汇do/conduct/make/carry out a survey 进行调查according to/from the survey 根据这次调查according to/from the data 根据数据(显示)compare with/to 和······对比account for/take up占(多少比例)be in favor of... 支持;有利于······as far as I'm concerned 就我而言rank the first place/rank first/be in the first place 位居第一find out找出;查明half of一半one forth/a quarter/25% 四分之一the rest of the students 剩下的同学们 必备句型1 介绍调查的背景、目的等(1) Recently, I have conducted/made/carried out/done a survey among 56 students in our class on their opinions towards losing weight.近来,我对我们班的56名学生进行了调查,询问他们对于减肥的看法.(2) Last week, a survey was conducted in our school to see how students spent their Spring Festival.上周,我们学校做了一个调查,了解学生是怎么度过春节的.(3) In order to see how middle school students think of shopping online, my friends and I carried out a survey yesterday. 为了解中学生是怎么看待网上购物的,昨天我和我的朋友做了一个调查.(4) In order to find out how middle school students spend their free time, a survey was conducted and here is what we have got.为了解中学生是怎么度过业余时间的,我们做了一个调查,这是我们的调查结果.2 具体阐述调查结果(1) As the survey shows, most students like to spend their free time with their family or friends.如调查结果显示,大多数学生课余时间喜欢和家人或朋友待在一起.(2) A quarter of the students spend over 4 hours per day playing computer games.四分之一的学生每天花四个多小时在电脑游戏上.(3) The reasons why students like to shop online are as follows.学生为什么喜欢网上购物,理由如下.(4) The data shows that 80% of the students will go to their friends when in trouble.数据显示,当有困难时,80%的学生会向朋友寻求帮助.(5)Our survey suggests that students are different from each other in learning styles.我们的调查结果显示,学生们的学习方式各有差异.(6)Those who support the decision account for a quarter among the students we surveyed.在我们调查的学生中,支持这个决定的学生占了四分之一.(7) Compared with boys, most girls are in favor of reading extracurricular books.和男生相比,大多数女生还是支持阅读课外书的.(8) Shopping online ranks the first in our survey.网上购物在我们的调查中排名第一.(9) As is shown in the survey, watching too much TV will lead to poorer eyesight and worse academic performance.如调查结果所示,看太多电视会导致视力和学习成绩下降.(10) Different people may hold different opinions on how to spend their pocket money.不同的人对如何使用零花钱的意见各有差异.3得出结论,作者观点/建议(1) We came to the conclusion that middle school students should spend more time on their studies.我们得出的结论是,中学生应在学习上花更多的时间.(2) It can be seen from the data that girls care much more about their appearance than boys do.从数据上可以看出,女生比男生更加注重外表.(3) It can be drawn from the data that most middle school students are in favor of setting up English Corner because they agree that it can help them learn English better.从数据上可以看出,大多数学生还是支持开设英语角的,因为他们认同这可以帮助他们更好地学习英语.(4) As far as I'm concerned, I would prefer outdoor activities because I think it enables me to relax myself completely.就我而言,我更喜欢户外运动,因为我觉得户外运动可以让我完全放松.(5) Our suggestion is that middle school students should spend more time reading newspapers instead of playing mobile phones.我们的建议是中学生应该多花时间读报纸而不是玩手机.(6) In my opinion, nowadays students are becoming more and more dependent on mobile phones.我的观点是,现在中学生越来越依赖手机了.(7) Personally, more and more attention should be paid to the protection of animals and environment.个人认为,动物保护和环境保护应该受到更大的关注. 美文引路题目:根据提示,写一篇“中学生与网络”的调查报告,要包括以下内容,词数在 80词左右.提示:1.为调查网络对中学生的影响,学校针对中学生的网络使用情况做了调查;2.调查发现,中学生上网的原因主要出于好奇心和跟风;3.65%的中学生每周上网的时间在24小时以上,24%的学生上网的时间在12小时以上,11%的中学生每周的上网时间低于12小时;4.呼吁中学生少上网,养成良好习惯.注意:可适当添加细节,使短文完整连贯.思路导航第1步:例文审题主体人称题目要求写调查报告,为了保证报告的客观性,我们采用第一人称“we”.主体时态调查报告的主体时态为一般现在时.写作贴士题目给出了四个要点,但由于二、三要点都属于文章的主体部分,因此我们可以把二、三要点合并起来.第2步:列提纲(1)简单介绍调查报告的背景、目的等;(2)进一步展开介绍调查报告的成果等;(3)发出呼吁.第3步:参考词句(1) recently; school; survey; middle school students; Internet...(2) according to; reason; why; curious; follow the fashion; a week; 12 hours...(3) in conclusion; advocate; spend less tine on...第4步:连句成篇Recently, our school did a survey about the relationship between middle school students and the Internet. Here is what we have got.According to the survey, the reasons why students like surfing the Internet are that they are curious about the Internet and follow the fashion. As is estimated, 65% students spend over 24 hours a week surfing the Internet,24%students over 12 hours a week and the rest of the students less than 12 hours a week. The Internet has affected their life to some extent.In conclusion, we advocate that middle school students should spend less time on computer and develop a good habit.参考译文近来,我们学校做了一个有关“中学生和网络的关系”的调查研究.这是我们得到的结果.根据调查,中学生爱上网的原因是他们对网络感到好奇以及他们追求时尚.据统计,65%的学生每周的上网时间超过24小时,24%的学生每周的上网时间超过12小时,其余学生的每周上网时间不到12小时.网络在某种程度上已经影响了学生的生活.总而言之,我们提倡中学生应少花些时间在电脑上,并且培养良好的习惯. 范文1Recently, we did a survey about how students will spend their Mid-Autumn Day. We surveyed 281 students and they had different answers.As the survey's result shows, 45% students will stay at home with their parents or visit relatives and friends, while 25% choose to go travelling with their family or classmates. Moreover, 30% indicate that they will just do their homework in school. When asked how they felt about the Mid-Autumn Day, most students expressed that they liked the festival because they could have a good time. But some students disagreed on it because they got too much homework to do.From our survey's result, we can see that Mid-Autumn Day is important to students and many students hope that they could have less homework on holidays.参考译文最近,我们做了一个关于中学生如何度过中秋节的调查.我们调查了281名学生,他们的答案不一.根据调查结果显示,45%的学生会和父母待在家里或者去拜访亲戚朋友,然而有25%的同学会选择和家人或同学外出旅游.另外,有30%的同学会选择只是在学校做作业.当问及他们是怎么看待中秋节的,大部分学生表示说他们喜欢中秋节因为他们可以有个欢乐的时光.但是也有学生不同意,因为他们有太多作业了.从我们的调查结果,我们可以看出中秋节对学生来说是很重要的,并且很多学生希望假期里的作业可以少一点儿.亮点词汇1 do a survey 做调查2 Mid-Autumn Day 中秋节3 relative/n.亲戚;相关adj,相对的;有关系的;成比例的4 indicate/v.表明;指出;预示;象征5 have a good time 玩得开心出彩句型1 We surveyed 281 students and they have different answers.我们调查了281名学生,他们的答案不一.2 As the survey's result shows...如调查结果所示··...·3 While 25% choose to go travelling with their family or classmates.然而有25%的同学会选择和家人或同学外出旅游.4 most students expressed that...大多数学生表示说···..5 But some students disagree...有学生不同意··....6 From our survey's result, we can see that...从我们的调查结果,我们可以看出··..·高分点评文章内容全面,十分有逻辑性,可以看出作者的语法基础不错,词汇表达比较复杂多样,例如,使用“relatives, parents, friends”等表示亲朋好友的词语,用“as the survey's result shows, we can see that”等表示调查结果.总体上是一篇不错的文章. 范文2A survey was conducted among 125 middle school students on their views on online games. Here is the result.According to the data,40% of the students admit that they play online games frequently, while 35% of them play games sometimes. And 25% of them never play online games. When asked why they like playing online games, most of them agree that it's a cheap way to entertain.In the end, we warn that being addicted to online games will cause poorer eyesight and influence our life and study. So please don't spend too much time on online games.参考译文针对学生对(玩)在线游戏的看法,(我们)在125名中学生中展开了一项调查.这是调查的结果.根据数据显示,有40%的学生承认他们经常玩在线游戏,然而有35%的学生只是偶尔玩.另外25%的学生从不玩在线游戏.当问及为什么他们喜欢玩在线游戏时,大多数学生认为这是一种便宜的娱乐方式.最后,我们想提醒大家的是,沉迷在线游戏会导致视力变差,从而影响我们的生活与学习.所以请不要在在线游戏上花费过多时间.亮点词汇1 conduct /v.管理;引导;表现;进行;执行2 online games 在线游戏3 according to 根据4 frequently /adv.频繁地;经常地;时常;屡次5 entertain /v.娱乐;招待;怀抱;容纳6 warn /v.警告;提醒;通知7 be addicted to 沉迷于·····;对······上瘾8 eyesight/n.视力;眼力出彩句型1 A survey was conducted among...on...针对··...,在······中展开了一项调查.2 Here is the result.这是调查的结果.3 According to the data, 40% of the students admit that...根据数据,40%的学生承认·....4 Most of them agree that...他们中大多数同意···.·5 In the end, we warn that...最后,我们提醒······高分点评这篇调查报告整体上语言通顺,要点齐全,结构完整.在行文中,作者适当使用“According to the data, while, and, When asked, In the end”等使上下文的连接更紧密;同时,“frequently, entertain, warn”等高级词汇的使用也使文章增色不少,值得学习.
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