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    一、阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(本题共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    The Best Silk Rad Tur
    Silk Rad,a business and trade rute,riginates frm the ancient China and cnnects with the Asian.African and Eurpean cuntries.Our well-designed Silk Rad tur package will never let yu dwn.
    Departure City:Shanghai
    Guide&Driver:English-speaking guide,experienced driver with an air-cnditined vehicle
    Meals:12 western buffet breakfasts,6 lunches with sme being a la carte(点菜)style
    Tur Highlights:
    ●Must-see sights in China-Terractta Warrirs,Famen Temple,Dunhuang Mga Caves,MaijiCaves,Jiayuguan Pass and Mutianyu Great Wall
    ●Trace back t the Silk Rad f 2,000 years ag& learn abut the culture and histry
    ●Marvel at the art treasure-Mga Caves&enjy an exciting camel riding in the GbiDesert
    We Guarantee 100%N Shpping Stps!
    Tur Prices
    ●Prices are per persn in US Dllars.
    ●Any parts f the tur length,activities r htels can be tailred t yur individual interests
    Are yu ready t fllw the ftsteps f the ancients t explre this mysterius land nw?
    ( )1.What will peple d n the tur?
    A.Appreciate the ancient heritage. B.Ride n camels all the way.
    C.Stay a few nights in caves. D.D a lt f shpping.
    ( )2.Which f the fllwing is mst likely t jin the tur?
    A.A Beijing businessman gd at glf.
    B.A Japanese mdel lving fashin.
    C.A Yunnan bilgist interested in birds.
    D.An American student learning histry.
    ( )3.Hw much shuld a traveler pay fr her family(with tw sns)wh want t live cmfrtably?
    A.$3479. B.$3749. C.$7498. D.$11247.
    The universe likes t be shy abut its age,but astrnmers believe they have a pretty gd idea f the range.Currently,the mst widely accepted age fr the universe is arund 13.8 billin years,but determining the age ,everything,is n easy feat(功绩). Nw.new studies have investigated the questin using different methds-and they've cme up with tw different answers,separated by mre than a billin years.
    Because the universe is expanding at an accelerating pace,the further away an bject is,the faster it appears t be mving away frm us.This is expressed as the Hubble cnstant(哈勃常数),and it's a key factr in figuring ut the age f the universe.After all.if we can determine hw fast mving away frm us,we can rewind that prcess t its beginning-the Big Bang.Researchers frm the University f Oregn set ut t map the distance t dzens f galaxies The team calculated that the universe is nly 12.6 billin years ld-that,yu might ntice is much yunger than the 13.8 years usually stated.
    In the secnd study,the methd f figuring ut the age f the universe is by mapping the ldest light we can detect.We are restring the 'baby pht' f the universe t its riginal cnditin, remving the wear and tear f time and space that distrted(扭曲)the image,says Neelima Sehgal,c-authr n the study.Only by seeing this sharper baby pht r image f the universe can we mre fully understand hw ur universe was brn."In ding s, the researcher determined that the universe is 13.8 billin years ld-in agreement with the accepted age.
    The real prblem thugh,is that the studies disagree s wildly with each ther, t the tune f a billin years.But they are nt the nly nes-the battle lines are cmmnly drawn by the methds used. Obviusly.mre research is heeded t determine where the truth lies.
    ( )4.What d we knw abut the universe frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A.It desn't exist lng. B.It becmes larger.
    C.It runs away. D.It causes the Big Bang.
    ( )5.What makes the researchers in the first study think the universe is much yunger?
    A.The speed f mving bjects.
    B.The number f galaxies.
    C.The prcess f the universe evlutin.
    D.The distance t ther bjects.
    ( )6.Hw des Neelima Sehgal explain their methd in the secnd study?
    A.By referring t a similar thing.
    B.By using hard scientific data.
    C.By intrducing a new cncept.
    D.By quting an expert's wrds.
    ( )7.Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Whse methd is better?
    B.Which result can yu believe?
    C.Hw ld is the universe?
    D.Why is the universe s ld?
    Did yu knw that the average child has heard the wrd"n”ver 20,000 times befre they turn the age f three? Irnically, it is als arund this time that children begin t develp enugh persnal character t refuse t bey. The“terrible tws"are categrized by a lack f understanding. Sme where between three and fur, children begin t acquire the skills t reasn. It is during this time they watch hw ther children and adults reasn. If we're nt careful,the children will watch us mdel a wrld f"NOs”.
    By the time a persn turns eighteen,hw many times have they been tld n?I haven't fund any studies that even attempted t track this statistic,but I'm sure if the number is 20,000 by three,then at eighteen that number has multiplied.Yu can d the math.
    Anyway,I think I knw why we say n.We say n t prtect.We say n t direct.We say n t stp ptential cnfusin.Hwever,d we smetimes say n just fr the sake f saying n?D we say n because we have internalized(内在化)all f the"NOs"we've heard ver the years and we feel it is finally ur time t say n t smene else?
    The internalized n can damage the grwth prcess f dreams in infancy as quickly as it can weaken a three-year-ld.And we wnder why we run int peple with big, un-accmplished dreams wh have a bit f a chip n their shulder.They have t take n the 20,000 NOs.Hwever,the thing that keeps them ging is the pssibility f the pwer f ONE YES!Just as it nly takes ne bk t make a writer a Pulitzer Prize Winner,it nly takes ne wrd t change the curse f yur day.That wrd is YES!
    ( )8.What d we knw abut tw-year- lds?
    A.They understand well. B.They ften say n t thers.
    C.They think lgically. D.They dn't d all they're tld.
    ( )9.What effect des saying n have n children?
    A.They lse all their dreams. B.They aren't easy t succeed.
    C.They dn't make mistakes. D.They never say yes t thers.
    ( )10.Which wrd best describes the authr's attitude t a wrld f"NOs"?
    A.Tlerant. B.Disapprving. C.Favurable. D.Carefree.
    ( )11.What is the text?
    A.A hw-t guide. B.A survey reprt. C.An pinin essay. D.A shrt stry.
    I'm Jeff Lgan,president f Lgan Luxury Theaters Crpratin.I'm very srry t tell yu many cinemas are at risk f clsing permanently(永久). That's smething we wuld hate t see happen.
    Watching the newest bx ffice mvie and eating a big bucket f ppcrn is an experience that many f us have enjyed fr a very lng time.We all have fnd memries f ging t a theater f ur first dates r the first mvie we saw with ur children.A mvie theater is s imprtant t the fabric f the lcal cmmunity.It's a place where we all gather,n matter what ur interests,and n matter what ages,yung and ld,rich and pr.
    But hw much lnger will classic theaters remain pen?Just like ther industries,mvie theater shave been hit hard by the pandemic(流行病)and are ging dark.The entire industry is being cntrlled by the pandemic,because the studis dn't want t release their new mvies until all the theaters can be pen.As we all knw,the theaters can't d well and can't get back t full 7-day a week at full speed peratin withut new mvies t play.
    Recently,the Lgan Luxury 5 Cinema in Mitchell repened fr the weekends.Hwever,like many theaters,it is nly perating at abut 10 percent capacity.Since pening,several new safety measures have been put in place.Blck ff every ther rw.Peple are asked t leave three seats between them and the next grup.Staff spray the theater with disinfectant(消毒剂)after every shw.And sanitizer statins can be fund thrughut the theater.
    Even s,sme peple still aren't cmfrtable ging t a mvie theater yet.I fully understand that.Anyhw,I just hpe we must d smething else t help ut ur lcal theaters,like taking part in a new natinal prpsal called"Save Yur Cinema."
    ( )12.What des the underlined wrd"fabric"in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A.Typical feature. B.Basic structure. C.Public supprt. D.Cmmn visin.
    ( )13.Why are the film studis unwilling t release the new mvies?
    A.Cinemas dn't perate nrmally. B.New mvies aren't welcmed.
    C.Peple dn't like ging t cinema. D.Many cinemas g ut f business.
    ( )14.What can we infer abut the Lgan Luxury 5 Cinema after its repening?
    A.It makes a lt f mney. B.It des well in disease preventin.
    C.It receives a large audience every day. D.It ffers mre enjyable experience.
    ( )15.What is the purpse f this text?
    A.T share the gd ld days. B.T explain a scial prblem.
    C.T ask fr peple's help. D.T recmmend a theater.
    第二节(本题共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    Capture spirit f yuth
    “Yuth is like the early spring,like the mrning sun,like the budding flwers,like the sharp blade fresh ff the grinding stne. Yuth is the mst valuable time f life. "Chen Duxiu,ne f the funders f the Cmmunist Party f China,nce wrte the Spirit f Yuth.
    16. During this time,habits and interests that will cntinue fr the rest f yur life are frmed and develped--s it's imprtant t get ff t a gd start.
    But what is the spirit f yuth? It's a time t begin the prcess f self-reliance and self-mtivatin. Sure,yu might have parents and friends t help yu. 17. It builds yur character and makes yu independent,a necessity t get thrugh the challenges f life. N ne can frce yu t get gd grades r get the perfect jb-thse respnsibilities are yurs and yurs alne. Only yu can be the authr f yur wn life.
    When times get tugh,please be persevering. Train yurself t be strng. Tell yurself that yu can summn(召唤)the will t vercme whatever bstacles cme yur way. Anything wrth ding isn't easy. 18. In the end,cnquering a difficult task is always wrth it,and yu can thank perseverance fr guiding yu there.
    Wrk hard. There's nthing better than relaxing at the end f a lng day,knwing that yu did all yu culd d fr yurself,yur family and friends,and yur cmmunity. Be a persn that thers admire. D the wrk that thers wn't and never cmplain. The prcess f wrking hard will teach yu valuable lessns alng the way;mst imprtantly,it will teach yu that failure is inevitable(不可避免的)but isn't smething yu shuld ever allw t hld yu back. 19. Fllwing these principles will surely bring success in schl,wrk and life in general. Listen t the spirit f yuth inside yu and fllw yur instincts. 20. A. Yuth is a state f mind.
    B. Change yur strategy and try again.
    C. It's best t learn that lessn early.
    D. Be self-reliant,persevere thrugh hard times and always wrk hard t achieve yur dreams.
    E. Dealing with bstacles is nt that easy.
    F. Yuth is a relatively brief perid in a man's life.
    G. But ultimately,yu must rely n yurself.
    第一节 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
    Jade lives in Australia, a cuntry famus fr kangars, but nt fr snw. Yet at 12, she 21 t ski at the Nrth Ple.
    Despite the lack f authentic training space, Jade still built her 22 at the gym. She ran with giant tyres attached t her waist t 23 what it was like t 24 a sled acrss ice. By the age f 14, Jade was 25 .
    The far nrth is nt a blank carpet f sft snw, but Jade 26 the tugh cnditins. Even thugh every part f her bdy was 27 , she never thught f giving up. In April, 2016, Jade made 28 , becming the yungest persn t ski t the Nrth Ple.
    When talking abut her 29 , she stated that every human bdy is 30 , whether yu are a man r a wman. But when the talk was 31 nline, sme Internet bullies (霸凌者) wrte mean 32 like “Make me a sandwich”, t make her feel small.
    T prve wmen’s place is far beynd the 33 , Jade and her team pushed n t the Suth Ple and made it. Hlding a plate with a sandwich, Jade 34 had her pht taken and psted nline. She dared the bullies, “I made yu a sandwich. Nw 35 37 days and 600 km t the Suth Ple, and yu can eat it.”
    ( )21. A. managedB. decidedC. fferedD. affrded
    ( )22. A. careerB. cnfidenceC. strengthD. team
    ( )23. A. tellB. feelC. rememberD. share
    ( )24. A. pullB. stretchC. pushD. carry
    ( )25. A. matureB. determinedC. availableD. ready
    ( )26. A. bravedB. imprvedC. predictedD. identified
    ( )27. A. wrkingB. refusingC. bleedingD. aching
    ( )28. A. prgressB. prmisesC. histryD. effrts
    ( )29. A. hbbyB. adventureC. advantageD. award
    ( )30. A. cmplexB. beautifulC. amazingD. valuable
    ( )31. A. deliveredB. pstedC. declaredD. remarked
    ( )32. A. cmmentsB. suggestinsC. cncernsD. greetings
    ( )33. A. gymB. fieldC. kitchenD. ffice
    ( )34. A. unwillinglyB. casuallyC. secretlyD. prudly
    ( )35. A. skiB. walkC. runD. cycle
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    With seasnal temperatures breaking recrds almst every year,tree species 36 (expect) t adapt t the changes by slwly shifting their ppulatin centers nrthward. But 37 recent survey shws the trend tward westward mvement is even 38 (strng) than expected—in sme cases,species have shifted their ranges t west by as much as 73 percent.
    The survey shws that rughly threequarters f the 86 tree species 39 (survey) have shifted their ppulatin centers westward 40 1980.
    Obviusly, trees aren’t uprting 41 (them) and mving elsewhere.The survey prvides insight int general ppulatin trends as yung trees cntinue t take rt in westward land, while sme f the lder 42 (plant) f the species in the eastern areas are slwly dying ut.In this way, the center f a species’ range can gradually shift ver time.
    Thugh scientists aren’t sure 43 is causing this change,the publishers f the study think that it’s cnnected t rainfall. Rainfall ttals acrss the United States have changed, 44 (cause) areas such as the Sutheast t experience significantly less rain annually, while the Great Plains is getting far mre than its histrical average. Fr this reasn, mst trees are mving tward the 45 (increasing) watery plains.
    三、写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    (1) 表示欢迎;
    (2) 推荐他上哪所大学;
    (3) 建议他做哪些准备工作。
    (1). 词数不少于50;
    (2). 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    Carl lst his jb. He tried t find anther ne but it wasn’t easy. As a result, the pr fellw culdn’t pay his bills and he culdn’t even find anybdy t lend him any.
    Carl spent mst f his days at hme. Smetimes he lked ut f the windw and watched his neighbr’s huse. An ld prfessr lived there alne. Strangely, he hardly talked t his neighbrs. Carl culd see int the prfessr’s huse because he never drew the curtain. The rms were full f antique (古董) furniture and vases. Carl thught, “If I gt an antique vase, I culd sell it fr a lt f mney.”
    Every day Carl saw the prfessr. He left at 10 ’clck in the mrning and came back hme at 4 ’clck in the afternn. He had a dg. Carl ften went t the fence and played with it r gave it a piece f meat.
    One day Carl thught, “I will g int the prfessr’s huse and steal a vase. I will break the windw and climb in. The dg is nt a prblem.”
    There was an ld gun in the cellar(地下室). It had been his great grandfather’s favrite thing a lng time befre. Carl didn’t want t use the gun but he thught, “Anything culd happen.”
    He wanted t hide the gun under his cat but it was t lng s he had t cut the end ff with a saw(锯).
    The next mrning he watched the prfessr leaving hme at 10 ’clck. Carl climbed ver the fence. The dg ran t him and Carl gave it a big bne. He threw a piece f stne thrugh the windw, which brke. It wasn’t high. He culd climb int the huse easily.
    He lked arund inside. There were paintings n the walls, small figures and vases n the shelves and the flr. Carl didn’t knw much abut arts. He culdn’t chse. He reached his hands twards a big vase when he heard a nise. The frnt dr pened and smene entered the huse.
    Paragraph 1:
    It was the prfessr. He had frgtten t take an imprtant dcument (文件) with him.

    Paragraph 2:
    The prfessr was scared.
    一、阅读理解 50
    第一节1-3 ADD 4-7 BDAC 8-11 DBBC 12-15 BABC
    第二节 16-20 FGCBD
    第一节21-25 BCBAD 26-30 ADCBC 31-35 BACDA
    第二节 36. are expected 37. a 38. strnger 39. surveyed 40. since
    41. themselves 42. plants 43. what 44. causing 45. increasingly

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