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        高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练技巧01 如何分析人物 故事类语篇人物形象的分析方法1.在情节发展中分析人物形象情节是小说中用以表现主题或人物性格的一系列有组织的生活事件。我们需要从情节的发展中把握人物形象,因为情节是人物性格形成和发展的历史,在事件发展的过程中,才能显现出人物灵魂深处的东西来,离开了情节,就不知道人物怎样做事,也就无法分析人物性格特征。要了解人物性格,必须透过情节中发生的事情这种外在现象去剖析现象背后的本质。故事情节或是发展了人物性格,或是表现了人物性格。所以,分析小说的情节也是我们分析人物的一把钥匙。2.从塑造人物的方法中分析小说的核心任务就是通过刻画人物、塑造典型人物形象来揭示社会生活的某些本质方面,从而表现作品的主题的。所以,要评价小说中的人物形象,就要认真分析作者对人物的描写——肖像描写、语言描写、行动描写、心理描写、细节描写等等,从而评价人物的性格特征,进而发掘出各色人物善恶美丑的精神世界。辨析人物描写的方法,除了肖像(外貌、神态、服饰)描写,动作细节描写、语言描写、心理描写等直接描写外,还要注意其它人或景的烘托。3.借助环境描写分析人物形象环境是为人物而设置的,小说中的人物是生活在特定的历史背景和特定的生活环境之中的,人物的思想感情总要打上时代的烙印,留下环境的痕迹。环境对人物性格的体现起着强化作用。作者为了表现人物丰富复杂的性格,往往为人物设置各种不同的环境,用以“刺激”人物,以记录其种种行为,从而显露出性格。4.借助作者倾向分析人物形象主题是小说作家在描写、叙述人物性格、人物命运时显示出的对生活的理解和认识。我们要在阅读中认识和评价人物的性格、品质、典型性和社会意义,体会作者的感情倾向。英语读后续写中刻画人物形象的方法1.利用情绪描写,凸显人物性格情绪描写是指对于人物在特定场景中的主观心理状态和变化的描写,而由于某种特定事件而引发的情绪一定会伴随外部特征的表现,例如面部表情、眼神、肢体动作等,因此高中英语教师在训练学生进行情绪描写时可以先激发学生的想象力,想象不同的情绪特征会有怎样的外部表现 。例如人在内心不安和焦急的时候可能会来回踱步、眉头紧皱;人在愤怒的时候可能会满脸通红、拳头紧握;人在悲痛的时候可能会两手抱头、沉默不语……例如,2021年新高考I卷读后续写题目的写作为例,试卷给出的短文描写了一对双胞胎决定在母亲节这一天为母亲悄悄做一顿早饭,给母亲一个惊喜,然而在做饭的过程中遇到了种种困难的小故事。我们在仔细阅读原文以后,发现了一些关键信息:惊喜;做饭;困难。阅读题目给出的两个自然段的段首句后,我们基本可以确定故事情节的大致走向:父亲出现帮助双胞胎完成了这顿早饭,母亲收到了这份生日惊喜非常感动。通过思考和分析,大部分学生都认为这个故事的情节比较简单,故事线也比较明显,人物也是日常生活中常见的人物 。为了将普通的父亲和母亲的人物形象刻画得更加入木三分,我们可以进行换位思考:If you were a father who were woken up by a noise when he was sleeping in the morning, and came to the kitchen, you found that two children had made a mess of the kitchen, what would you feel? 我们马上想到这位父亲这时候应该是非常生气的,脸上会带着愤怒的表情气冲冲地来到厨房 。因此我们可以说:Judging from his expression, he was very angry when he saw the mess in the kitchen. 我们在用英语进行人物的情绪描写时,常出现用词和表达生硬,缺乏感受力和生命力等问题,无法将人物性格表现得丰满形象,因此我们可以通过身体各个部位的表现来侧面衬托人物情绪,运用比喻、 夸张等修辞手段提升语言的感染力和表现力,使人物形象跃然纸上,给人以难以磨灭的印象。2.细化动作描写,刻画思想品质人的动作受其思想和性格的影响。在记叙文中作者通过对人物的动作进行具体而细致的描写,能从侧 面衬托人物的思想品质和性格特征,表现人物的心理活动,推动故事情节的发展。成功的动作描写能够使 读者感受到人物的栩栩如生,充分展示人物的内心世 界,将人物形象树立得更加鲜明、完整和立体。例如,2021年新高考I卷读后续写的第一自然段父亲出场以后,为了推动故事情节的发展,这里要对父亲的一系列动作 进行描写,比如父亲拍了拍双胞胎的肩膀鼓励他们,父亲决定要帮他们做饭等。我们可以这样描述父亲的动作:The father learned about the twins’ plan. He patted them on the shoulder and said that he would help them finish the surprise breakfast.我们还可以用非谓语动词将两句话合并,并在动词前添加副词使表述更加生动:After learning about the twins’ plan, the father happily patted them on the shoulders and promised that 与静态的肖像描写相比,动作描写贵在能够将人物的动态特征确切生动地表现出来。在进行动作描写时,学生通常出现动词和句式重复使用的现象,在表述上也经常出现句式杂糅和表述不清的错误。教师在训练学生进行读后续写活动时,应引导学生学会将人物的一系列动作进行分解,然后通过谓语动词和非谓语动词将几个动作串联在句子中,使表述重点突出,语法正确,句意明确 。除此之外,为了使表述更加简单明了,学生在写作时应尽量使用一些语义明确的特殊动词避免使用语义不明确的普通动词,例如尽量选用 whisper/state/shout/promise 等有具体含义的“说”来代替无具体含义的“say”。3.强化心理描写,展现内心独白心理描写是对人物内心心理活动的描写,能够实时展现文章中人物对于特殊事物的内心感受和真实想法,有直接描写和间接描写之分 。直接描写主要是通过内心独白的方式来直接展现人物的想法,而间接描写是结合环境描写、动作描写等方式侧面表现人物的内心活动。在用英语进行人物活动刻画时,应该注重表现方式的多样化,避免重复使用“feel/think/sense”等词汇,以免给人以语言刻板、僵硬的印象 。以2021年新高考I卷读后续写题目为例,试卷提供的原文中有一个细节可以利用到我们的续写中,那就是Jeff的手在做饭的时候受伤了 。母亲在看到Jeff的手以后,一定会明白自己儿子手受伤的原因,内心一定是万分感动和心疼的。这时候可以运用一些细致的心理描写来展现母亲的内心世界。例如 A warm current surged in her heart, and her eyes were moistened by the pain as if being pricked by a needle. 除此之外还可以运用环境描写来侧面烘托人物的内心感受,将人的五官感受与周围的环境相关联,通过联想使人物与环境融合为一体 。例如,在母亲的卧室中充满着食物的香气,这仿佛使卧室中也变得更加充满魅力,更加可爱动人了……与动作描写、语言描写、肖像描写这种看得见听 得着的表现方式不同,心理描写能够展现人物内心复 杂的心理活动,揭示人物灵魂深处的世界,使人物形 象更加立体、直观。4.升华语言描写,抒发情感态度在读后续写中,对人物语言的描写是抒发人物情感态度,反映人物内心世界的重要手段 。在记叙文中缺乏了语言描写就缺少了身临其境的参与感,缺少了说服力和表现力。对人物的语言描写要做到生动简洁,符合人物身份特征,体现人物性格特点,避免出现 学生腔 。在用英语进行语言描写时首先要注意标点 符号和字母大小写的规范性,其次要简短有力,不要 长篇大论地引用,一般来说一篇文章中语言的描写控 制在三句话以内。为了使语言描写给文章增光添彩,我们要学会将语言描写运用到文章的关键位置,使语言描写对于推动剧情发展和展现人物性格发挥最大作用 。以 2021年新高考I卷读后续写题目为例, 在第二段续写中为了推动剧情发展,可以使用简洁的 语言描写来完成从厨房到母亲卧室的场景切换,使剧情发展和故事讲述更加自然,段与段之间衔接得更加 紧密。例如“Happy Mother’s Day!They couldn’t hide their excitement and shouted in unison.为了进一步 展现母子之间的温情脉脉,在文章收尾的部分我们也 可以用语言描写的形式展现母亲收到这份惊喜以后的感动和欣慰。总之,读后续写对学生的思维能力和创造能力要 求较高 。培养学生在读后续写中写出个性化的故事 情节和立体化的人物形象不是一蹴而就的,需要教师 在平时的阅读课中不断分析和渗透写作技巧,在写作 课中开展精细化的引导和个性化的评价反馈,鼓励学 生热爱写作、勤于写作,不断创作出具有独特鲜活个 性的人物形象。1.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。The school day rolled slowly away. The moment the bell indicating the ending of the class rang, the students streamed out of the classroom, among whom was Andy. A few moments later, Andy was on his bike, riding on his way home and day-dreaming about the fishing trip that his father had promised him. He was so glued to dreaming about all the fish he would catch that he was unaware of everything else around him.He rode along until a strange sound drew him to the present. He came to a stop and looked curiously up to the heavens. What he saw shocked and terrified him. A huge flood of bees filled the sky like a black cloud and the buzzing mass seemed to be heading angrily towards him.With no time to waste, Andy sped off in the opposite direction, riding as fast as he could -but without knowing how to escape the swarm. With a rapidly beating heart and his legs shaking, he sped down the rough road. As the bees came closer, his panic increased. Andy knew that he was sensitive to bee stings (). The last sting had landed him in hospital-and that was only one bee sting! He had been forced to stay in bed for two whole days. Suddenly, his father’s words came to him. “When you are in a tight situation, keep your head and think your way out of it.”On a nearby hill, he could see smoke waving slowly skywards from the chimney of the Nelson family home. “Bees don’t like smoke,” he thought. “They couldn’t get into the house.” Andy raced towards the Nelson’s house, but the bees were approaching. Andy knew he could not reach the house in time. He estimated that the bees would catch up with him soon.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, Andy saw a small pool used by Mr. Nelson to water his vegetable garden._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In a short while, Andy’s mother showed up.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。If there was one thing that Ellen Rafferty hated more than driving, it was driving in the rain. This evening, on her way back from work, Ellen saw a little child standing by the side of the road in the pouring rain. So she hit the brakes sharply, and pulled over by the side of the road next to the child.It was a little boy, maybe four or five, and he was shaking and hugging himself. As soon as he saw Ellen, his face. brightened. “Hello!” he said,“Are you my mommy?”“No,”Ellen said in the icy rain. “I’m not! What are you doing here? Where are your parents?”“Oh,” the boy said disappointingly. “I don’t know where my mom is. She left me on the road when it was raining, and I think she must be looking for me.”“What’s your name? Where do you live?”“I’m David. I live at the Doris Farmer Institute for Children.”“The orphanage(孤儿院)?” asked Ellen. “But that is far!” Just then, there was a terrible flash of lightning and even more rain poured down as thunder rolled across the sky. “Come on,”Ellen said. “I’m taking you home. I’ll call the orphanage to come and fetch you.” Ellen took the boy home.She didn’t quite know what to do with him, so she turned on a heater and wrapped him with a blanket. Then she called the orphanage and told them that she found one of their children, who named David, on the road. But the woman on the phone said it was too late and they couldn’t come to fetch him.Sighing,Ellen hung up the phone and looked at the boy. At the same time, her cat Gandalf walked in and rubbed himself against Ellen’s legs. Ellen picked the cat up and kissed his head. “Come on, my baby,” she said softly, “Mommy’s gonna feed you...” When she looked up, she was shocked by the longing in David’s eyes,注意1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。“I wish I was your cat,”he said sadly.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The next day, Ellen got into her car again and drove to the orphanage to ask about David.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。Although I am a girl, I can say I am a true fan of soccer games, for it is definitely one of the best ways to get away from my tiring work temporarily and have fun. Therefore, the moment I got the news that there would be a game between our home team against the Team from London City, immediately I booked a seat at the front row, wishing to have a fantastic weekend.I had a great mood when I got seated in the stadium. However, as the game began, I spotted that in front of me sat a guy, who looked quite nice. But maybe his idea of having fun was nothing like mine, or most normal well-behaved fans, such as standing and yelling, non-stop, as loud as he could. He yelled at the coaches, at the players, at the London City’s fans, and even at the officials present, always at the top of his lungs.He kept his action for the entire 45 minutes and never showed any sign of tiredness. Obviously he was so absorbed in the game that he failed to notice he was ruining the experience of hundreds of others.With him yelling by me, my ear drums almost got broken, for his mouth was so close to my ears. For a while, I even thought of shouting back at him and stopping his yelling. People around were turning to look at him, and I could read their thoughts, “Is he never going to stop?” But He seemed blind to those looks.At half-time, I escaped by walking for a few minutes outside the stadium. I was thinking of seeking an empty seat in the student section across the stadium, but to my disappointment, the seats were all taken. I had no choice but to go back to the guy.To make matters worse, when returning to my seat, I missed my steps and fell heavily on the stairs. As I was struggling to stand up, a pair of huge hands helped me from behind.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。I looked back and saw the guy’s smiling face and concerned eyes._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The guy kept his shouting for another 45 minutes._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Walter has left office. His wife is dead, and he has no children. He lives a quiet life. But he has a job for a few days during Christmas every year.He is a Santa in a big department store. Walter goes to the toy department and changes into his red Santa clothes, a red hat and big black boots (靴子). All day he sits in the toy department. Children come with their parents. They tell Santa what they want for Christmas. Most children want toys like video games, bikes, robots and fairy dolls.Walter remembers one Christmas. It was 9:00 p.m. and the store was closing when there came a small boy and his mother. They were walking quickly towards him. “I know it is late, but please let my son talk to you,” said the woman. The woman and the boy looked tired. Their clothes were old and cheap.Walter was tired too, but he is a kind man. “Of course,” he said in his Santa voice. “Come here and tell me what you want for Christmas.” The little boy spoke very quietly. Walter couldn’t hear him. “Santa is getting old. He doesn’t hear so well. Come closer and tell me again,” he said happily. The little boy came very close and said, “Santa, please bring me a grandfather for Christmas.”Walter was surprised. He looked at the little boy’s mother. “Yes,” she said. “Timmy wants a grandfather for Christmas.”“Why do you want a grandfather for Christmas, Timmy?” asked Walter.“My Dad is dead. I don’t want a new dad. But it’s only Mom and me. It’s quiet. So I would like a grandfather.”Walter was worried. Of course children don’t get everything they ask for. But this little boy was so serious, and his mother looked so sad.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 开头已给出。Then Walter had an idea._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The next morning Timmy and his mother were eating breakfast when the doorbell rang._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。The prize may go to the fastest, but sometimes, the first one to cross the finish line isn’t the only winner. Nowhere was that more true than at a recent 5K invitational (邀请赛) in Shelbyville, Indiana.There were two players in the match: Levi LaGrange and Axel Aleman, who hadn’t known each other before. Levi LaGrange, an 18-year-old student from Western Boone High School, has been expecting to be a professional sportsman for many years. Axel Aleman, who is from Sheridan High School, is a friendly and generous person and he is always more concerned about others than himself. Axel once said to his classmates, “When you are standing at a crossroad, you can choose the path of self-interest, or you can go the extra mile for someone in need. As a teen athlete, the choice is extremely clear.”The game went very well at first. However, with less than half a mile to go, Levi LaGrange slipped, twisting his ankle. He said, “I was running up the little rolling hill and I hurt my ankle. I felt something was wrong with my ankle.”Levi stopped and signed to Axel to pass him. Generally, winning a match should be the mission for a sportsman, But at that moment, the race became a secondary concern for Axel. “I was able to see he was in a lot of pain,” Axel recalled. “As I got closer to him, he narrowly fell down. I asked if he was all right. He said he felt like something broken in his leg.”Rather than running ahead, in an extraordinary act of true sportsmen, Axel refused to leave Levi behind. “As soon as I saw him, I knew I had to do something,” Axel said. “It just seemed like the right thing to do. That mattered more than the race. I told him I wasn’t going to leave. I wanted to help him finish the match.”注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Minutes later, Axel walked closer to Levi._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Axel gained a lot from the incident._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案1.【参考范文】    Suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, Andy saw a small pool used by Mr. Nelson to water his vegetable garden. An idea sprang to mind. Off his bike and into the cool water he dived, disappearing below the surface and away from the insects. After holding his breath for as long as he could, Andy came up for air and noticed the bees had gone. Dragging himself out of the pool, he struggled up the hilly slope and rang the doorbell. Mrs. Nelson took him inside, asked him to take off his wet clothes and wrapped him in a blanket. When Andy came back to his sense, Mrs. Nelson rang his mother.    In a short while, Andy’s mother showed up. At the sight of his mother, Andy was possessed with comfort, and tears streamed down his cheeks. “You’ll really need that fishing break to help you recover, ” comforted his mother with relief, adding “thank goodness you didn’t panic!” Having thanked Mrs. Nelson, they went home. On the way, his mother praised him again, but Andy did not hear her. He was dreaming once again of the fish he would catch tomorrow.【写作指导】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Andy放学途中遇到了一群追着他跑的蜜蜂,因为蜜蜂的速度很快,他很难摆脱掉,所以他屏住呼吸钻进菜地的小水池里面,最终他成功逃离了蜂群。1.段落续写:.由第一段首句内容突然,Andy用眼角的余光看到了Nelson先生用来浇灌菜园的一个小水池。可知,第一段可描写Andy钻进小水池摆脱了蜂群的整个过程。.由第二段首句内容不一会儿,Andy的妈妈出现了。可知,第二段可描写他母亲到来时的场景和对他的安慰。2.续写线索:钻进小水池——上来换气发现蜂群不见了——从水池爬上来——来到Nelson先生的家——母亲来了——安慰3.词汇激活行为类.脱掉:take off /slip off.出现:show up/appear.安慰:comfort/console情绪类.慌张:panic/get flustered.流下眼泪:tears stream down/tears flow down【典型句式】[高分句型1]. When Andy came back to his sense, Mrs. Nelson rang his mother.(运用了时间状语从句)[高分句型2]. Having thanked Mrs. Nelson, they went home.(运用了现在分词作状语)2.【参考范文】Paragraph 1:“I wish I was your cat,”he said sadly.Ellen was confused by his words.“I just want the love you give him..”David said softly.Ellen then put her arms around the boy.“Oh,sweetie!”Ellen whispered and tears ran down her face as she rocked David in her arms. For the first time, there are motherhood feelings in her heart. When the woman from the orphanage arrived at Ellen’s house that evening, she found David and Ellen playing cards and eating cheese on the kitchen table. Ellen had thought David’s leaving would be a relief but once he was gone, the house felt strange and empty.Paragraph 2:The next day, Ellen got into her car again and drove to the orphanage to ask about David. She was worried he might catch a cold and wondered if he’s alright. When she got there, the staff assured her that David was in perfect health. Since then, Ellen started visiting David nearly every day. Three months later she spoke to the director and asked about the possibility of adopting David. “It’s not an easy process,”the director warned.“But if you love this child, it is worth it!”The director was right. It wasn’t easy at all, but a year later, Ellen took David home. They became real mommy and son at last.【写作指导】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了在一个暴雨倾盆的夜晚,作者在开车回家的路上,见到一个在雨中的小男孩,经询问得知男孩来自孤儿院;因天色已晚,作者把男孩带回家。1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容我希望我是你的猫,他悲伤地说。可知,第一段可描写 Ellen听到这些话对自己内心的触动,以及 Ellen对男孩的关怀。由第二段首句内容第二天,Ellen又上了车,开车去孤儿院询问大卫的情况。可知,第二段可描写Ellen一直关心男孩,最终决定领养男孩。2.续写线索:关心男孩——送回孤儿院——担心——领养男孩3.词汇激活行为类1.到达:arrive at /get to/reach2..询问:ask about/ inquire3.值得:be worth/deserve情绪类.担忧:be worried / be anxious.感到空虚:feel empty/ vacuous【典型句式】[高分句型1]She was worried he might catch a cold and wondered if he’s alright. (省略引导词that的宾语从句)[高分句型2] When the woman from the orphanage arrived at Ellen’s house that evening, she found David and Ellen playing cards and eating cheese on the kitchen table.when引导的时间状语从句)3.【参考范文】I looked back and saw the guy’s smiling face and concerned eyes. I expressed my thanks to him genuinely for his kind and timely help, after which we started our chatting. We introduced each other and talked of our hobbies, including our great interest in soccer. He told me his work was also quite tiring and that he needed to release the stress by yelling it out, adding that he wished we wouldn’t care about his rudeness in doing so. Feeling quite uneasy for what I had done, I realized that everybody has his own way of living and that we should be more considerate and understanding. Therefore, I gave him a certain answer, “No, I should learn from you.”The guy kept his shouting for another 45 minutes, completely involved in the game again. Seeing his great passion, I couldn’t help yelling along with him, enjoying the game and releasing my pressure as well. What we did inspired the fans around us, causing their shouting too, at the top of their voice. It seemed that all the players had heard our shouting too and they played even harder than before. What a close and exciting game! All the people cheered up and behaved so perfectly. It was an unforgettable experience and I made up mind to watch a new game the next weekend.【写作指导】本篇书面表达为读后续写,文章讲述了作者一次难忘的看球赛经历。作者是个球迷,因为足球可以让她暂时摆脱疲惫的工作并享受乐趣。在一次看足球赛时遇到了一个全场都在大声喊叫的人,作者感到非常厌烦。中场时作者躲出去了,但在回座位时摔倒了,得到了这位球迷的帮助。通过聊天得知这也是他减压的方式。受他的热情感染,作者也沉浸在比赛中并喊叫起来,这感染了所有的球迷,似乎队员表现的也非常好。1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容我回头一看,看到了那家伙的笑脸和关切的眼神。可知,第一段可描写作者表示感谢,了解到他一直大声喊叫的原因后感到很尴尬。根据第二段首句那家伙又喊了45分钟,再次完全投入到比赛中。可知第一段段末可以描写作者不再介意他的喊叫。由第二段首句内容那家伙又喊了45分钟,再次完全投入到比赛中。可知,第二段可描写作者受他影响完全沉浸在球赛中,和他一起喊叫,也感染了其他观众和球员。2. 续写线索:表示感谢——了解原委,感到尴尬——不再介意——那家伙继续喊叫——我深受感染,开始喊叫——感染更多的球迷和球员3. 词汇激活行为类聊天:started our chatting/get into a conversation 释放压力:release the stress /relieve the pressure继续喊叫:keep his shouting/continue shouting情绪类感谢:express my thanks to him/show my appreciation/show my gratitude尴尬,不安:feel uneasy/feel embarrassed【典型句式】【高分句型1I expressed my thanks to him genuinely for his kind and timely help, after which we started our chatting.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)【高分句型2He told me his work was also quite tiring and that he needed to release the stress by yelling it out, adding that he wished we wouldn’t care about his rudeness in doing so. (运用了that引导的宾语从句和非谓语动词作状语)【高分句型3It seemed that all the players had heard our shouting too and they played even harder than before. (运用了that引导的主语从句以及it作形式主语)4.【参考范文】    Then Walter had an idea. He thought that he could act as a grandfather and visit the boy’s home the next morning with presents. He could tell the boy that he was his grandfather, he worked far away and could not visit him constantly. Then Walter asked their address so that he could gave his presents to him the next morning.    The next morning Timmy and his mother were eating breakfast when the doorbell rang. The little boy ran to open the door. Suddenly an old man who dressed as a sailor appeared in front of him. Then Walter told the boy that he was his grandfather and was coming to celebrate Christmas with them. Walter told the boy that he was a sailor who worked far away and could not visit them constantly. Then Walter gave his gifts to the boy. The boy felt excited and pleased. The boy’s mother was moved to tears when she saw the scene.【写作指导】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个小男孩和母亲一起来找到Walter扮演的圣诞老人,男孩请求送给他一个爷爷作为圣诞礼物的故事。1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容然后Walter想到了一个主意。可知,第一段可描写Walter的主意是什么。由第二段首句内容第二天早上,Timmy和他的母亲正在吃早餐,这时门铃响了。可知,第二段可描写开门之后的场景。2.续写线索:Walter有了主意——要了地址准备第二天过去——第二天早上按门铃——说他是Timmy的爷爷——送礼物——母亲感动3.词汇激活行为类拜访:visit/call on询问:ask/enquire庆祝:celebrate/observe情绪类兴奋的:excited/thrilled高兴的:pleased/delighted【典型句式】[高分句型1]. He thought that he could act as a grandfather and visit the boy’s home the next morning with presents. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)[高分句型2]. Walter told the boy that he was a sailor who worked far away and could not visit them often. (运用了that引导的宾语从句和who引导的定语从句)5.【参考范文】Minutes later, Axel walked closer to Levi. Axel picked Levi up and encouraged him to hold on to the end. Placing an encouraging hand at his competitor’s back, Axel remained with Levi for the remainder of the race. They advanced side by side, with eyes looking at the finish line. They even sang a song to cheer each other up. Eventually, the two crossed the finish line within seconds of one another. Axel even made sure Levi went first. To their surprise, the event organizer announced that they were both winners together.Axel gained a lot from the incident. In the following days, Axel received lots of positive comments now and then. While he might have enjoyed the praise for his kindness, for him, the best harvest was the friendship with Levi. We might not always recognize when life hands us an opportunity to help others, but when it really does, we should take action. Axel said, “I would just really hope people do the right thing.” Yes, we should do that, not for others, but for ourselves.【写作指导】本文是篇记叙文。文章讲述了两个互不相识的运动员一起参加一场5千米田径邀请赛,就在快到终点时,Levi不小心扭伤了脚踝,无法继续比赛;而Axel并没有越过他直接跑向终点,而是停下来扶着他一起先后越过终点线,并意外地得到了并列第一的荣誉。通过这次比赛,Axel不仅得到了好的成绩和人们的赞扬,更重要的是收获了与Levi的友谊。正如他自己认为的:做正确的事情比比赛本身更加重要。1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容几分钟后,AxelLevi走得更近了些。可知,第一段可描写Axel没有越过Levi继续跑,而是停下来帮助他,与他一起跑向终点的经过。由第二段首句内容“Axel从这次事情中收获了很多。可知,第二段可描写Axel不仅取得了好成绩,还收获了人们的赞扬和Levi的友谊。2.续写线索:走近--帮助--一起走向终点--并列第一--得到称赞--收获友谊--点明主题3.词汇激活 鼓励、激励:encourage→inspire 前进:advance→move forward 比赛:match→game→race 最终、终于:eventually→finally 偶尔、不时:now and then→from time to time/sometimes【典型句式】[高分句型1] Placing an encouraging hand at his competitor’s back, Axel remained with Levi for the remainder of the race. (运用了现在分词形式placing在句首作伴随状语)[高分句型2] While he might have enjoyed the praise for his kindness, for him, the best harvest was the friendship with Levi. (运用了以while引导的让步状语从句)[高分句型3] We might not always recognize when life hands us an opportunity to help others, but when it really does, we should take action.(运用了以but连接的表转折意义的并列句;及以when引导的时间状语从句)








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