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    译林版英语九上 期中检测卷(五)(含答案)
    译林版英语九上 期中检测卷(五)(含答案)01
    译林版英语九上 期中检测卷(五)(含答案)02
    译林版英语九上 期中检测卷(五)(含答案)03
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    译林版英语九上 期中检测卷(五)(含答案)

    这是一份译林版英语九上 期中检测卷(五)(含答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共五大题,满分30分)
    1. A. Saturdays B. Sundays C. Fridays
    2 .A.. my B mine C mind
    3 .A . gate B get C guide
    4 .A . cabbage B sandwich C message
    5 .A. t high B t buy C tw cars
    6.What des the man want t drink?
    A. B. C.
    7.What subject des Tm chse t study?
    A . B. C.
    8.What sprt des Jhn like nw ?
    A. B. C.
    9. Hw much dse the bk cst ?
    A. $10.5 B. $10.16 C. $10.17
    10.What wuld the man like better ?
    A. B. C.
    11.What will Jim get ?
    A. Sme stamps B. A present C.A letter
    12.What are they ging t d ?
    A. Buy a table tennis. B.A present C .See a mvie.
    13.What’s wrng with Tm?
    A .He has gt a headache. B. He has gt a fever. C .He is feeling a little tired.
    14.Hw can the man g t the museum?
    A. On ft B .By train C. By bike
    15.What’s the price f a kil f apples?
    A. Five yuan. B. Ten yuan C .Fifteen yuan
    16.What is Tny ding fr his hliday?
    A. He is ging camping B. He is ging t Canada. C. He is ging muntain climbing
    17.What things will Tny take ?
    A. Fd, water and clthes B. Fd, water and tent. C. Fd, clthes and a camera.
    18.What will Steve t d?
    A .He will g skating B. He will g surfing. C. He will g shpping.
    19. What des Mm ask Steve t buy? A. Cabbages ,tfu and tmates
    . B .Cabbages, tfu, and an nin. C. Cabbages, tfu, an nin and chicken
    20.What dish will Mm ck?
    A .Tmat sandwich B .Beef ndles C. Chicken sandwich.
    Ⅳ.短文理解(共 5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
    21.When was the first Tree Planting Day in ur cuntry?
    A .In 1987 B. In 1978 C. In 1997
    22.When did we meet at the schl gate?
    A. At seven in the afternn. B. At seven thirty in the mrning. C .At seven in the mrning.
    23.Where did we g?
    A.A park B.A river C.A lake.
    24.Where we get water t water the trees?
    A .Frm a river B. Frm a lake C. Frm a trunk,
    25.Hw many trees did we plant that day?
    A. Abut 200. B .Mre than300 C.Almst400.
    26____. 27.____. 28.____. 29.____. 30.____.
    第二部分 英语知识运用(共三大题,满分55分)
    ( )31.---What﹍﹍?
    --The pr man was killed by his wife.
    A. was happened B. happened t C. was happening D. happened
    ( )32.—Whse is the bike ?---It can﹍﹍Jim.
    A. be B. be sent t C .belng t D. fr
    ( )33.There used t be many traffic accidents in Wuwei.
    --Yes, but there are very﹍﹍nw.
    A. less B. few C. a few D. fewer
    ( )34.Is it pssible fr us t make a cnversatin﹍﹍a questin like this
    t practice ur﹍﹍? A .by asking; prnunciatin B. by asking; prnunce
    C. t ask; sund D .with asking; speaking
    ( )35.Sixteen-year-lds wn’t allw﹍﹍.That is t say, they are nt allwed
    ﹍﹍.A. smking; smking B. smking; t smke C. t smke; smking
    D. t smke ;t smke﹍﹍
    ( )36.—There is﹍﹍time. Yu dn′t need t hurry, Tm.
    --But I want t see her as early as pssible.
    A. little B. many C. a lt D. plenty f
    ( )37.If yu had a chance t g t the 2014 Olympic Games, what﹍﹍?
    will yu d B. wuld yu d C. wuld yu have dne D .will yu have dne
    ( )38.Little children are always﹍﹍their fathers, but nt﹍﹍their mthers.
    A. terrify; fr B. terrified; f C. terrified f; f D. terrified f; abut.
    ( )39.Yu mustnˊt﹍﹍them everywhere﹍﹍yu use plastic bags.
    fall; until B .fall; befre C. drp; while D. drp; after.
    ( )40.—It is reprted that thusands f students fell ill because f plasticizer(塑化剂) in Taiwan. ---Yes. We must﹍﹍t fd safety. A .pay n attentin
    be pay attentin C. be pay little attentin D. pay mre attentin.
    ( )41.If yu have a prblem﹍﹍yur cmpsitin, yu had better ask yur teacher
    ----.A .with; fr sme advice B .fr; fr sme advices C. in; n sme advice
    n; sme advice
    ( )42.This girl student has gt at mst six hursˊ﹍﹍a night, s she is
    Often﹍﹍in class. A. sleep; sleepy B. sleepy; sleepy C. sleeping; sleepy
    sleep; sleeping
    ( )43.—Did yu return Bb′call?---I didn′t need t,﹍﹍I′ll see him
    Tmrrw. A. thugh B .because C .unless D. when.
    ( )44.If a friend ffers me cigarettes at a party, I wuld rather﹍﹍
    than ﹍﹍. A .refuse ;receive B .t refuse; t receive C. refuse; t receive
    D. t refuse; receiving
    ( )45.I find﹍﹍imprtant﹍﹍English as much as pssible.
    that; t speak B. this; speak C. it; speaking D. it; t speak.
    ( )46.Abut seventeen﹍﹍peple watched the 2010 Wrld Exp, and﹍﹍f
    Them were frm freign cuntries. A. millin; eight millin
    millins; eight millin C.millin;8 millins D.millins;8 millin.
    ( )47.—Yu teach me English and I teach yu Chinese. --﹍﹍.
    The same t yu B. That′s a deal C. It′s a pity D .S d I
    ( )48.—Gd mrning. Can I help yu?---I′d like t have there eggs﹍.
    weigh B. t be weigh C. weighed D. t weigh
    ( )49.D yu mind my pening the windw?--﹍﹍.Please g ahead.
    N mre B. Nt always C. Nt in the slightest D .At least
    ( )50.“Our physics teacher asked a difficult questin, but all culd (find) the answer.”The wrd in the bracket has the same meaning as the ne in__.
    wrk ut B. catch up with C. lk ut D. cme up with.
    Ⅶ 完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    Jse grew up in a pr Puert Rican neighbrhd in New Yrk City. He was nt
    nly pr but als blind.
    When Jse was still very yung, a friend (51)a $10 guitar fr him and Jse
    taught himself t(52)sngs with it .At the age f ten, he tk his(53)t a theatre
    and played(54)the audience(听众).Jse played very well. Peple std up and(55)fr
    the(56)by. Jse said that day was the start f his(57).By the time he was twenty,
    he became well-knwn. Then he made a(an)(58)recrd called“Light My Fire”. It was
    his first recrd. Then, Jse became ne f the famus stars in(59).
    Nw Jse writes his wn sngs and (60) all ver the wrld. Jse thinks it all
    Started with the$10 guitar.
    Tm′s garden
    It is the mst( 26 )and mre interesting.
    Peter′s garden
    It is( 27 ) than Tm′s
    He built a wden bridge ver a pl.
    He wrks( 28 ) than Tm,he ften grws mre flwers and (29).
    I always get a small present fr the (30) garden in the twn.
    ( ) B. sent C. bught D. lent.( ) B, write C. sing D. make
    ( ) B. friend C .recrd D .guitar ( ) B .with C. at D. in
    ( ) B. clapped C .laughed D. jumped
    ( ) B. shy C .blind D. quietly ( ) B. prject C. life
    ( ) B. excellent C .creative D. imprtant
    ( ) B. theatre C. culture D. music
    ( ) B. interviews C. perfrms D. explres.
    Everyne may fail r may meet with difficulties. When a persn meets difficulties, He shuld take a(61)attitude(态度) t them。In fact many peple fall (62)they fail nce. They regard themselves as failures(失败的人),and are nt able t get ver the difficulties.( 63)peple, hwever, are able t take a crrect attitude. They face up t the failure. They try t (64)what truble they have. At last, they get ver the difficulties. They have gt the right attitude t deal with the difficulties.
    “D nt ever lse yur heart.” This is the advice given by a (65)yung
    man. This yung man nce gt hurt (66)his leg .He never again stand up like ther peple. This is a misfrtune(不幸的故事)。He didn′t lse heart. At last he fund
    ut that he culd d smething (67)as ther peple .He started t d research n cmputer. He (68)succeeded in becming an expert(专家)n cmputer.
    The stry tells us nt t lse heart whatever happens. The difficulties are nthing if yu take curage and have cnfidence in(69).Let′s learn smething frm the stry.
    Keep n ging,(70)yu will make it. Remember: There is n difficulty if yu put yur heart int it
    ( ) B. right C. nice D .bad
    ( )62A.befre B. in frnt f C. after D. while
    ( ) B. Anther C. Others D. The thers
    ( ) B. lk fr C. find ut D. see
    () B success C succeed D successfully
    ( ) B .with C. at D. fr
    ( ) B. gd C .best D. well
    ( ) B firstly C. last D .final
    ( ) B .yur C. yurself D. yu
    ( ) B. r C. and D. because
    (根据对话内容,从方框的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项是多余的)Mary: Gd mrning, Jim.
    Jim: Gd mrning, Mary.( 71 )
    Mary: Oh, it′s a French bk.
    Jim;( 72 )
    Mary: I think it culd be Tny′s.( 73 )
    Jim: N, it can′t be his. He has been away frm schl fr several days.
    Mary: Is it Bb′s ?
    Jim:(74)Yu knw he desn′t like French at all.
    Mary: Oh, I knw. It must be Jane′s. Lk, it has her name n it.
    Jim: I think yu are right.(75) Mary: OK. Let′s g.
    第三部分 阅读理解 (共一大题,满分40分)
    ( )76.The persn wh teaches cmputer science is frm_______.
    A. Canada B. England C .America D. New Zealand
    ( )77.Yu may have a chance t intrduce yur inventins n ______.
    A .Mnday B. Sunday C. Wednesday D .Friday
    ( )78The technical English class may last fr abut______.
    A.4 weeks B.35 days C.12 weeks D.4mnths
    ( )79.Yu may learn smething abut a disease called TB frm ______.
    A .Dr. West B. Prf. Mrisn C. Prf. Green D. Prf. Beet
    ( )80.If yu want t learn smething abut satellites, yu can g t the class frm _____.
    A.19:00 t 21:30 n Mnday B.8:30 t 11:30 n Sunday
    C.14:00 t 17:00 n Saturday D.18:30 t 21:00 n Wednesday
    Yung peple can have prblems with their minds. Sme students becme wrried because they have t study very hard. Others have truble getting n well with peple like their parents and classmates.
    LiuWei, a Junir 2 student frm Hefei, culd nt understand his teacher and was ding badly in his lessns. He became s wrried abut it that he started t cut his finger with a knife.
    Anther student,14-year-ld Yan Fang frm Guangzhu, was afraid f exams. She gt very wrried in ne, and when she lked at exam paper, she culd nt think f anything t write.
    A recent reprt frm Jiefang Daily says abut 18% f Shanghai teenagers have mental(心理的,精神的)prblems. Their trubles include(包括)being wrried and very unhappy. And having prblems in learning and getting n with peple. Many students wh have prblems wn’t g fr advice r help. Sme think they will lk stupid(愚蠢) if they g t see dctr. Others dn’t want t talk abut their secret.
    Liang Yuezhu, an expert n teenagers frm Beijing Anding Hspital has the fllwing advice fr teenagers:
    *Talk t yur parent r teachers ften
    *Take part in grup activities and play sprts
    *G t see a dctr if yu feel unhappy r unwell
    ( )81.The students wh ften becme wrried r have truble getting n well with thers may have ______.
    A. mental prblems B. a headache C. knives with them D .n parents
    ( )82.LiuWei cut his finger with a knife because______.
    he was afraid f his teacher B. he wanted t frighten his parents
    C. he was s wrried abut his studies D .his finger was badly hurt
    ( )83.Yan Fang’s prblem happened whenever ______.
    A. she studied very hard B. she had exams
    C. she talked with her parents D. she thught f smething
    ( )84.Students wh have prblems wn’t ask thers fr help because______.
    they wn’t let thers think they are stupid
    they dn’t think dctrs can help them
    they dn’t want t tell their secret t thers
    bth A and C
    ( )85.Liang Yuezhu’s advice tell us that ______.
    it’s better fr the students wh have mental prblems t jin thers
    it’s unnecessary fr them t be with thers
    nly grup activities and sprts can help them
    teachers and parents can’t d anything abut mental prblems
    When yu cut yur skin, yu bleed(流血). If persn lses a lt f bld(血液), he will becme ill and may die. Bld is very imprtant, peple have always knwn that. At ne times, sme peple even drank bld t make them strng.
    When dctrs understand hw bld ges arund inside the bdy, they try ways f giving bld t peple wh need it. They take bld frm the healthy peple and give it t peple wh need it. This is called “bld transfusin”(输血). The bld ges frm the arm f the healthy persn int the arm f the sick persn.
    But there are tw prblems. First, it des nt always wrk. Smetimes peple die when they have bld transfusin. Later, dctrs find that we dn’t have the same kind f bld. There are fur grups---O,A,B and AB. But they find that they must give A-grup bld t A-grup peple and B-grup bld t B-grup peple. I have O-grup bld and the dctr tld me that I culd give bld t anyne else safely.
    There is anther prblem. T give bld f the right kind, dctrs have t find a persn f the right bld grup. Often they can nt find a persn in time. If they have a way t keep the bld until smene needs it, they can always have right kind f bld. At first they find they can keep it in bttles fr fifteen t twenty days. They d this by making it very cld .Then they find hw t keep it lnger. In the end they find a way f keeping bld fr a very lng time.
    We call a place where we keep mney a bank. We call a place where we keep bld a “bld bank”. One day, when yu grw up, yu may decide t give bld t a bld bank. In this way yu may stp smene frm dying. Or perhaps ne day yu may becme ill. Yu may need bld. The bld bank will give it t yu.
    ( ) the passage, we learn that smetimes peple die when they have bld transfusins because they__.A. are unhealthy peple B. have lst a lt f bld C. are nt given the right kind f bld D. are AB-grup peple
    ( ) f the fllwing is true? A. Dctrs can give any kind f bld t writer. B. The writer can give bld t B- grup peple. C. The writer has never had a bld transfusin. D. The writer has the same kind f bld as his father. ( ) set up(建立)the “bld bank”s that they can__. A. give the right kind f bld t the peple wh need it in time. B .keep different grups f bld as much as pssible. C. make it easier t sell r buy bld. D. keep bld fr mre than twenty hundred years.
    ( ) the last paragraph f the passage, we learn that__.
    A. the writer thinks it′s gd t give bld t a bld bank. B. we may becme ill if we give bld t a bld bank.
    C .many peple died because they lst a lt f bld. D. bld is mre imprtant than mney.
    ( )90. The writer desn′t talk abut__in the passage. A. hw imprtant bld is t us. B. the fur grups f bld C. where the bld bank is D. what “bld transfusin”is.
    Learning a new language is always a challenge. There are new wrds, new grammar, and new prnunciatin. Language is an imprtant part f culture, and becming familiar with(熟悉)the culture as well as the language can make the learning experience much mre enjyable. When I was a university student, I studied Chinese fr three years. Befre I went t university, I had very little knwledge f China. Therefre, when I started learning t speak Chinese, it was imprtant fr me t als learn abut China′s histry and culture. China′s culture is very different frm my wn and I becme interested in it sn.
    It will be much mre fun t learn abut culture when yu study a new language. Culture can teach yu s many things abut a language. It can give yu backgrund infrmatin abut the language and tell yu the histry f the language. I als fund ut ne fact, that is if yu have sme knwledge abut the cuntry and the culture, yu will cmmunicate with its peple much easier.
    Whenever I try t learn a new language, I enjy knwing infrmatin abut the culture as well. It′s a challenge t dig(挖掘)deeper fr mre infrmatin, but it is very (rewarding!)
    ( )91.When we learn a new language, we will have a chance t__.
    learn new wrds, new grammar, and new prnunciatin
    learn abut China′s histry and culture.
    Stay in the ther cuntry and learn its language.
    D. cmmunicate with peple in China.
    ( )92.Acccrding t the passage, the writer must be__.
    A. a Chinese student wh is studying abrad(国外)
    B. a freign student wh is studying in China.
    C. a famus writer wh wants t learn a new language.
    D. a teacher wh is teaching English in China.
    ( )93If yu have sme knwledge abut the cuntry and the culture,__.
    yu can get a gd grade in the exam. B. yu will be interested in its histry.
    yu will cmmunicate with its peple much easier. D. yu will make mre friends.
    ( )94.The wrd in the bracket in the last paragraph“rewarding”means__in Chinese.
    A.有益的 B.困难的 C.值得鼓励的 D.实用的
    ( )95.What′s the best title f this passage? A. An Enjyable Experience.
    Hw t Learn a New Language. C. Hw t Face the Challenge When Yu are in Truble.
    The Imprtance f Culture in Learning a Language.
    第四部分 写 (共 两大题,满分25分)Ⅹ。单词拼写(共5 小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺.
    96.Yu′ll have t be p___(耐心的)with yur grandmther because she is deaf.
    97.She ften thinks d___(不同地) frm thers.
    98.I want t speak t the manager h___(本人),nt his secretary(秘书).
    99.The bad weather is c___(造成)prblems fr many farmers.
    100.With the d___(发展)f mdern technlgy(技术),we′re having a happier life nw.
    Ⅺ.书面表达 (共1题,满分20分)
    曾有这样的事件:老人跌倒,路人不敢出手相助。某记者就What wuld yu d if an ld man fell dwn?这一问题对200名学生进行了调查。请根据下面的调查结果写一篇80字左右的英语短文。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    A B C D
    What wuld yu d if an ld man fell dwn?
    A reprter did a survey abut “What wuld yu d if an ld man
    Fell dwn?” amng 200 students. Here are the results.
    The rest said it depended n hw things went.
    A. He lves French very much.
    B.I agree with yu .
    C. Let′s give it back t her. D. Lk, there is a bk ver there.
    E. Is it yurs?
    F.I dn′t think s.
    G. Whse bk is it, d yu knw?
    Space and Man (Dr. Thmas West)
    Wuld yu like t knw mre abut the universe?(4weeks)
    Cmputer Science(Prf. Harry Mrisn frm Harvard University)
    Learn t use Windws2000(12 weeks)
    Mdern Medicine(Prf. Lucy Green )
    Wuld yu like t knw medicine science(6weeks)
    Saturday14:00—17:00 Technical English Prf. Rse Beet D yu want t learn technical wrds and read technical articles? (16weeks)
    Sunday 8:30—11:30 Exhibitin f Persnal Inventins Yu can see many inventins by the students; yu may als bring yur wn inventins.

    译林版英语九上 期中检测卷(三)(含答案): 这是一份译林版英语九上 期中检测卷(三)(含答案),共10页。试卷主要包含了单项选择,完形填空,阅读理解,单词拼写,根据所给中文完成句子.,完成对话,任务型阅读,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    译林版英语九上 期中综合检测(含答案): 这是一份译林版英语九上 期中综合检测(含答案),共5页。试卷主要包含了介绍你的个性和爱好;,分享你梦想的职业及理由;,说明你的目标达成途径与期望等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    译林版英语九上 期中检测卷(一)(含答案): 这是一份译林版英语九上 期中检测卷(一)(含答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了听力选择,单项选择,完形填空,阅读理解,词汇应用,阅读填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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