小学牛津上海版unit 3 Plants教案
Teaching Plan for Oxford English 3A M4 The natural world
Unit 3 Plants
在学习本单元内容之前,学生已经在二年级接触过植物类的单词,如:tree, flower等,对于They are...的句型也在二年级的学习中有一定的了解;其它还有外形类形容词、颜色类词汇等,都是本单元内容学习的基础。
3AM4的模块主题是The natural world(大千世界), 分别围绕 lnsects(昆虫), On the farm(在农场里)以及Plants(植物)这三个与孩子现实生活相关的话题而展开,涉及常见的昆虫、常见的农场动物以及随处可见的植被(树、花)。在了解常见的昆虫、农场动物与植物的过程中,学会观察,尝试合理描述,感受其不同特征。在此过程中,感受自然世界的多样与神奇。此外,学习字母u在单词中的发音以及教材语音内容的整理与复习。
3AM4U3的教学主题是Plants(植物)。通过本单元的学习,能学习、操练与运用植被类相关词汇,如:branch, leaf, trunk, root等,注意其发音与单复数;能运用核心句型It has…来描述植物的组成部分,并运用It’s/ They are…等句型来描述其组成部分的特征以及简单说明喜欢某种植物的理由;通过故事阅读,能运用We are… We have…等句型扮演种子、说说生长过程,了解植物的生命演变;在此过程中,感受植被的特点、进一步感受大千世界的神奇。此外,复习五个元音字母在重读开闭音节单词中的发音。
第一课时,以主人公Little Ant寻找妈妈为线索,初步学习与操练植物以及组成类词汇,如:plant, branch, leaf(leaves), trunk, root(s)等,注意其单复数形式;能运用Look at ... It's a ... It's .../ They are ...s. They are ...等结构来描述植物的组成部分以及相应的特点;在此过程中,感受植物不同的组成部分,组成部分的不同特点。
第二课时,借助Little Ant给妈妈买礼物的场景,由树的构造学习延伸到植物的构造再现与新结构学习,在巩固plant, branch, leaf(leaves), trunk, root(s)等词汇的基础上,尝试运用It has…来描述植物的组成部分,并能运用It’s/ They are…来描述相应部分的特征,进一步了解植物的多样(树、花),从而感受植被的美丽。
第三课时,借助Little Ant在商店里买种子、看种子成长过程的语境,初步感知、操练与运用We are… We have… We grow...等相关句型,尝试描述植物的生长过程。通过阅读种子成长的故事,了解植物成长的过程,感受生命的演变。此外,进一步巩固五个元音字母的开闭音节单词中的发音,举一反三。
第四课时,借助Little Ant来到花园里看到不同植物的语境,复习单元核心,通过听、说、读、写的技能训练,较为熟练地运用plant, branch, leaf(leaves), trunk, root(s)等单元核心词汇以及It has…这一核心句型;在此基础上,尝试进行植物的语段书写,进一步学会观察与描述植被,激发其爱护植物之心,进一步感受大千世界的神奇。此外,进一步巩固语音训练。
课时 | 话题 | 项目来源 |
Period 1 | Lost on the tree | Look and learn & Listen and enjoy |
Period 2 | A flower for Mum | Look and say & Ask and answer |
Period 3 | Little Ant and seeds | Read a story & Learn the sounds |
Period4 | Little Ant and plants | Revision & Draw and write |
课时 | 语音学习 | 词汇学习运用 | 句型学习运用 | 综合能力运用 |
第一 课时 |
| 初步感知、操练与运用本单元有关植物部分的核心词汇,如:plant, branch, leaf(leaves), trunk, root(s)等,注意其音、形、义,关注其单复数。 | 尝试运用 It's a ... It's .../ They are ...s. They are ..等描述植物的组成部分。 | 1.初步感知、操练与运用本单元有关植物部分的核心词汇,如:plant, branch, leaf(leaves), trunk, root(s)等,注意其音、形、义,关注其单复数。 2.尝试运用 It's a ... It's .../ They are ...s. They are ..等描述植物的组成部分。 3.感受植物是由不同的部分组成,有其不同的特点。 |
第二课时 |
| 1.在语境中进一步学习和巩固核心词汇,如:plant, branch, leaf (leaves), trunk, root(s)等,关注其单复数。 2.初步学习和操练stalk这一单词。 | 1.初步感知、操练与运用It has...这一核心句型。 2.进一步运用It is... It has.... They are...来描述植物的组成部分。 | 1.在语境中进一步操练和巩固单元核心词汇,如:plant, branch, leaf(leaves), trunk, root(s)等,关注其单复数;初步学习和操练stalk。 2.在初步感知、操练与运用It has...这一核心句型的同时,能进一步运用It is...It has....They are...来描述植物的组成部分。 3.进一步了解植物的多样(树、花),感受植被的美丽。 |
第三课时 | 复习五个元音字母在单词中的开闭音节发音,通过对比进一步巩固发音。 | 1.能较熟练地运用本单元植物部分的名词,如:plant, branch, leaf(leaves), trunk, root(s),stalk等,关注其单复数。 2.初步感知、操练与运用seed, bud, grow and grow, feel warm...等内容。 | 1.初步感知、操练与运用We are...We have... We grow...等相关句型。 2.能较熟练地运用It has...这一单元核心句型。 | 1.能正确拼读并比较含有五个元音字母的开闭音节单词;能根据基本的发音规律,试着拼读其他单词。 2.能较熟练地运用本单元植物部分的名词,如:plant, branch, leaf(leaves), trunk, root(s),stalk等,关注其单复数;能初步感知、操练与运用seed, bud, grow and grow, feel warm...等内容。 3.初步感知、操练与运用We are...We have...We grow...等相关句型;能较熟练运用本单元核心句型It has...进行植物描述。 4.通过阅读种子成长的故事,知道植物成长的过程,感受生命的演变。 |
第四课时 | 进一步复习五个元音字母在单词中的开闭音节发音,通过对比进一步巩固发音。 | 较熟练运用本单元植物部分的名词,如:plant, branch, leaf (leaves), trunk, root(s), stalk等,关注其单复数。 | 熟练运用本单元的核心句型It has...等;在此基础上,能进行植物的语段书写。 | 1.进一步复习五个元音字母在单词中的开闭音节发音,通过对比进一步巩固发音。 2.较熟练运用本单元植物部分的名词,如:plant, branch, leaf(leaves), trunk, root(s),stalk等,关注其单复数。 3.能熟练运用本单元的核心句型It has...等;在此基础上,进行植物的语段书写。 4.在进一步感受植物的同时,激起爱护植物之心,感受大千世界的神奇与美好。 |
1.初步感知、操练与运用本单元有关植物部分的核心词汇,如:plant, branch, leaf(leaves), trunk, root(s)等,注意其音、形、义,关注其单复数。
2.尝试运用 It's a ... It's .../ They are ...s. They are ..等描述植物的组成部分。
Procedures | Contents | Methods | Purpose | ||||
Pre-task preparation | 1. Warming up
2. Elicitation | Listen and enjoy.
2-1 Elicit Little Ant. 2-2 Watch the picture. 2-3 Ask and answer. | 通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛,迅速进入上课状态,自然引出主题。 通过图片引发学生兴趣,以日常问答的形式导入新学。 | ||||
While-task procedure | 1. Learn: trunk | 1-1 Sing a song. 1-2 Listen to Little Ant and Mr Bee. 1-3 Act as Little Ant 1-4 Read and spell the word. 1-5 Read a chant. 1-6 Say the sentences. 1-7 Read the word and the sentence. 1-8 Do a role-play. 1-9 Look and say. |
通过图片,引出新授单词trunk以及句型,通过问答、儿歌以及聆听,让学生尝试模仿。 | ||||
2. Learn: branch(es) | 2-1 Sing a song. 2-2 Listen to Little Ant and Miss Butterfly. 2-3 Act as Little Ant. 2-4 Read and spell the word. 2-5 Say a chant. 2-6 Say the sentences. 2-7 Listen to a song. 2-8 Read the word. 2-9 Sing the song. 2-10 Do a role-play. 2-11 Look and say. |
借助视听方式,了解信息,通过听一听、读一读、演一演等方法,让学生在情境中理解、感悟、学习。 | |||||
3. Learn: leaf leaves | 3-1 Sing a song. 3-2 Listen to Little Ant and Miss Bird. 3-3 Act as Little Ant. 3-4 Read and spell the word. 3-5 Say a chant. 3-6 Say the sentences. 3-7 Look at the picture. 3-8 Read the word. 3-9 Say a chant. 3-10 Do a role-play. 3-11 Look and say. |
通过儿歌吟唱、分角色朗读、语段整合等形式,激发学生学习兴趣,感受语言、体验语用。 | |||||
4. Learn: root (s) | 4-1 Listen to Little Ant and Mother Ant. 4-2 Listen and say. 4-3 Read and spell the word. 4-4 Say a chant. 4-5 Say the sentences. 4-6 Listen to Little Ant and Mother Ant. 4-7 Listen and say. 4-8 Look and say. |
整体感知,形成完整认识,尝试在表达中推进语言的习得过程。 | |||||
Post-task activities | More practice | 1. Listen to the whole story. 2. Read the whole story in roles. 3. Enjoy the growth of the tree. 4. Try to talk about one tree you like. | 通过故事的欣赏,整体感知以及同学间的问答,实现语言的运用。
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Assignment | 1. Listening: Listen to P46 and the story. 2. Reading: Read the words and the story. 3. Speaking: Talk about one tree you like. 4. Writing: Copy the words on P46. | 分层布置作业,让学生的语用能力得到进一步的训练。
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板书设计 | 3A M4U3 Plants Period 1 Lost on the tree leaf branches
trunk roots leaves | 教学反思 |
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3A M4U3 Plants(1)
Class班级: Name姓名: Student number学号:
1. Read the materials(朗读绘本材料):Lost on the tree
2. Talk about one tree you like(说一说你喜欢的树):
3. Evaluate about Assignment(作业评价):
内容 | 学生自评 | 家长评价 | |
Listening | Listen to P46 and the story. |
Reading | Read the words and the story. |
Speaking | Talk about one tree you like. |
Writing | Copy the words on P46. |
花朵数数说明:优秀良好合格 须努力 | |||
1.在语境中进一步操练和巩固单元核心词汇,如:plant, branch, leaf(leaves), trunk, root(s)等,关注其单复数;初步学习和操练stalk。
2.在初步感知、操练与运用It has...这一核心句型的同时,能进一步运用It is...It has....They are...来描述植物的组成部分。
Procedure | Content | Methods | Purpose | ||||
Pre-task preparation | 1. Warming up
2. Revision | Sing a song. <Fly the butterfly>
2-1 Enjoy different trees. 2-2 Try to say. 2-3 Elicit Little Ant and Mum. | 通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛,迅速进入上课状态。 通过故事回顾,引出主人公,为后面故事做铺垫。 | ||||
While-task procedure | 1. Dialogue1 Learn: It has a/an ... It’s... It has...s . They are... | 1-1 Listen to dialogue1. 1-2 Ask and answer. What does it have? How are they? How is it? 1-3 Learn the new sentence. It has... 1-4 Read and say. 1-5 Learn the word:stalk 1-6 Enjoy different stalks. 1-7 Read in roles. (T-Ps Ps-Ps) |
通过故事推进,引出新授句型;借助问答、分角色朗读、图景欣赏等环节,尝试模仿。 | ||||
2. Dialogue 2 | 2-1 Listen to dialogue 2. 2-2 Ask and answer. 2-3 Read and fill the blanks. 2-4 Read in roles. 2-5 Read in roles. (Gs-Gs,Bs-Gs) | 通过听故事,巩固学习新句型。 通过故事的推进,小组与小组,男生与女生的分角色表演故事,进一步培养阅读表演的能力。 | |||||
Post-task activities | More practice | 1. Listen to the whole story. 2. Read the whole story in threes. 3. Enjoy the beautiful flowers. 4. Choose the flower for Mum and try to say. |
通过故事的复习表演,感知理解语言;让学生欣赏生活中的各种花并为妈妈选一朵花,做相应的语言描述来实现语言的综合运用。 | ||||
Assignment | 1. Listening: Listen to the book 0n P46 & 47and the story. 2. Reading: Read the book on P46 & 47 and the story. 3. Speaking: Draw a flower and say. 4. Writing: Copy the sentences on P46. | 分层布置作业,让学生的语用能力得到进一步的训练。 | |||||
板书设计 | 3A M4U3 Plants period2 A flower for Mum It’s a plant. It has ...(s) It has a/an ... They are... It’s ... |
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3A M4U3 Plants Period 2
Class班级: Name姓名: Student number学号:
1. Read the materials(朗读绘本材料): A flower for Mum
2 . Draw and say(画一画,说一说你喜欢的一种花):
3. Evaluate about Assignment(作业评价):
内 容 | 学生自评 | 家长评价 | |
Listening | Listen to the book on P46 & 47 and the story. |
Reading | Read the book on P46 & 47 and the story. |
Speaking | Draw a flower and say. |
Writing | Copy the sentences on P46. |
花朵数数说明:优秀( )良好( )合格( )须努力( ) | |||
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