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    11 读后续写:脱离困境型-高考英语读后续写技巧与训练(新高考专用)
    11 读后续写:脱离困境型-高考英语读后续写技巧与训练(新高考专用)01
    11 读后续写:脱离困境型-高考英语读后续写技巧与训练(新高考专用)02
    11 读后续写:脱离困境型-高考英语读后续写技巧与训练(新高考专用)03
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    11 读后续写:脱离困境型-高考英语读后续写技巧与训练(新高考专用)

    读后续写:脱离困境型TOC \o "1-3" \h \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc26434" Part1:经典例文(玩具店遇险)  PAGEREF _Toc26434 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc3808" Part2:困境类场景描写  PAGEREF _Toc3808 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc12736" 一、环境描写(恶劣)  PAGEREF _Toc12736 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc28904" 二、情绪描写(绝望、恐惧+挣扎)  PAGEREF _Toc28904 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc7498" 三、转机描写——描写声音传来或看见了什么  PAGEREF _Toc7498 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc30463" 四、情绪描写(希望+努力)  PAGEREF _Toc30463 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc14337" 五、脱险描写  PAGEREF _Toc14337 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc2699" 六、情绪描写(感恩+高兴)  PAGEREF _Toc2699 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc4711" 七、主旨描写  PAGEREF _Toc4711 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc31706" Part3:灵活应用  PAGEREF _Toc31706 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc32291" 例1:瀑布遇险  PAGEREF _Toc32291 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc13905" 例2:火灾救老人  PAGEREF _Toc13905 \h 10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc13905" 例3:森林迷路脱险 12Part1:经典例文(玩具店遇险)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。It was a Saturday afternoon. The color of the sky was changing, first light gray, then dark gray, and finally dark and dense. The wind was blowing heavily,and the trees were swaying in the strong wind. It began to rain cats and dogs. Soon, the road was filled with puddles from the rain.On such a stormy afternoon, my mother took my five-year-old brother, Christopher, and me to a new big toy store she had read about in the newspaper. “So many toys,” the advertisement had shouted in full and flashy color,“that we had to get a huge warehouse to fit them all!”Christopher and I couldn't have been more excited. We ran across the parking lot, through the cold rain, as fast as our little legs could carry us. We left our mother outside to battle with the frustrating umbrella, which never worked when she wanted it to. “Christine! Take care of your young brother!” Mother shouted at the top of her voice.“Christine!I'm going to find the Lego section(乐高积木区)! There's a new pirate ship I want, and I have four dollars! Maybe I can buy it!” Christopher exclaimed and ran off excitedly. I only half heard him. I took a right turn and, to my wide-eyed delight, found myself in the midst of the Barbie(芭比) World.I was studying a Barbie and doing some simple math in my head when suddenly an earthshaking clap of thunder roared from the storm outside. I jumped at the noise, dropping the doll to the floor. The lights flickered(闪烁) once and went out, covering everything in a blanket of blackness. Thunder continued to shake the sky and lightning illuminated the store for seconds, casting frightening shadows on my mind.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:“Oh no,” I thought, “Where's Christopher?”_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:“Christine, I'm here.”_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________答案[写作提示]原文讲述“我”和弟弟以及妈妈去买玩具,结果“我”和弟弟刚进去玩具店没多久,由于雷电,商店停电,我们都看不到对方。根据第一段的段首句,本段应该是作者在黑暗中寻找弟弟的情景。在续写时,除了动作,还要注意心理描述。根据第二段的段首句可知,弟弟找到了“我”。此段应该描述姐弟俩相遇的情景。这里的描述应该有“劫后余生”的感觉。Paragraph 1:“Oh no,” I thought, “Where's Christopher?” Scared, I was frozen on the spot, overcome with the need to see my brother, hug him and make certain he was all right. My stomach twisted and turned inside. I ran up and down the aisles through the darkness, panic filling my small chest and making it difficult to breathe. I knocked into displays of candy and tripped over toys, all the while frantically calling my brother's name. Anxious as I was, I could barely see his figure. Tears of frustration and fear trickled down my face, but I continued to run.“哦,不,”我想,“克里斯托弗在哪里?”我当场冻僵了,需要见到我哥哥,拥抱他,确保他没事。我的胃扭曲了,转了进去。我在黑暗中跑来来跑去,恐慌充满了我的小胸部,呼吸困难。我一直在看糖果,被玩具绊倒疯狂地叫着我哥哥的名字。虽然我很焦虑,但我几乎看不见他的身影。沮丧和恐惧的眼泪从我的脸上滴了下来,但我继续跑着。Paragraph 2:“Christine, I'm here.” Excitement took my breath away—there in the dark Lego aisle I found Christopher. He was standing alone, perfectly still, hiding under the pirate ship set. I began to cry out from relief, throwing my arms around him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back, say- ing, “I knew if I waited here, Christine, you would be able to find me.”Then, I took his hand in mine and we went to find our mother, who must be desperately searching the store for us. “克里斯汀,我在这里。“兴奋让我喘住了呼吸——在黑暗的乐高走廊里,我找到了克里斯托弗。他独自站着,完全不动,藏在海盗船下面。我开始欣慰地大叫起来,伸出双臂搂住他,紧紧地拥抱着他。他拥抱我,说:“我知道如果我在这里等着,克里斯汀,你就能找到我。”然后,我抓住我的手,我们去找我们的母亲,她一定是拼命地在商店里找我们。Part2:困境类场景描写一、环境描写(恶劣)——波涛汹涌:1.As I floated on, a huge wave (一个巨浪) whistled (呼啸而来)and approached us.2. The big wind roared through our ears (在耳边咆哮), and we were pushed away from the shore farther and farther.3. All my senses told me that a big wave was about to come.(即将来临)4. A powerful-looking(看似猛烈的)wave was coming towards us.  (靠近我们)——鲨鱼的可怕:It was a shark, a massive shark that was swimming around, not far away from her.The shark’s jaws opened wide, showing rows of sharp teeth.——陆地上的水:Splashing raindrops hit the windshield frantically and the skies were overhung with a blanket of grey,.雨滴疯狂地打在挡风玻璃上,天空笼罩在一片灰色之中。The water kept rising, as if it would engulf me alive.水不停地涨,仿佛要把我活吞下去。Unfortunately, the water poured in and crept upon my waist. 在水里行走(不可能rush, dash)——推荐句型:1. The wind blows/whistles/howls/picks up/whips through sth/sweeps across sth.风刮/飕飕的刮/呼啸而过/愈刮愈大/刮过……/掠过……2. They were getting drenched by icy water.他们被冰冷的水浇透了。3. The heavy rain was violently beating against the window.大雨疯狂地击打窗户。4. The rain drummed on the roof of the building.雨不停地击打着房预。5. The furious storm is grumbling outside.狂风暴雨在室外呼啸着。6. The icy wind started howling, stinging my face.寒风开始咆哮,刺痛了我的脸。7. A flash of lightning lit up the whole sky.一道闪电点亮了整个天空。8. The sharp claps of thunder pierced the quiet night.声声清脆的雷声划破了宁静的夜晚。9. The bolt of lightning stabs the earth. 一道闪电划过天空。10. 天空和海洋融为一体| the sky and the ocean melt into each other 二、情绪描写(绝望、恐惧+挣扎)——疲倦/寒冷1. Salt stinging(刺痛) my eyes, I could hardly tell how long I could hold on.2. Time passing us, tiredness engulfed (包围了) us with my feet stiff/numb (僵硬/麻木)and shivering.3.Exhausted as we were (尽管很累), we didn’t stop. Gritting our teeth, we kept swimming. 4. After what seemed a century, I felt extremely fatigued (非常累) while swimming hard to keep myself afloat(漂浮着的).5. He was huddled into his coat, his face blue with cold.他缩进大衣里,冷得脸都发紫了。6. Fingers numbed by the chilly water, throat choked by icy wind, I felt on the verge of collapsing.7. She clasped the baby to her bosom in the biting/cutting/piercing/sharp wind.在刺骨的寒风里,她把孩子紧紧地抱在胸前。8. The icy wind started howling, cutting my face like a sharp knife/needles.寒风开始咆哮,像锋利的小刀/针一样刺痛了我的脸。9. Her teeth were chattering with cold.她冷得牙齿直打颤。——害怕1. I took a deep breath and swallowed hard (害怕地咽了口吐沫).2. A chill feeling crept up her spine.3. Exhausted and cold, the thought that we might die here flashed across my mind, which made me quiver with an uncontrollable terror/horror/fright (难以控制地发抖).4. Looking at the vast sea, I felt a sense of fear surging through my whole body.(在身体涌动)5. As time ticked by, fear crept upon my heart(爬上我心头) and I could hardly tell how long I could plough on (前行).6.  The thought of hopelessness sent shivers down my spine(让我后脊背发凉).7.  I was flooded with a sense of horror(被恐惧感淹没).8. Seeing this, I felt my fear growing/increasing(剧增) inside.9. I felt a wave of anxiety(一阵焦虑) swept over my body (袭来).10. Tears of frustration and horror gushing from my eyes, I felt I had sunk into hopelessness.11. A sense of terror sweeping through my body, I shouted in panic, “Help! Help!”12. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled with dread and I was drenched in sweat. (汗毛倒竖;湿透)13. Swallowed by a wave of despair, I crossed my fingers, closed my eyes and prayed in a shivering voice.14. Trembling like a leaf, the car was ready to be flooded away at any time, which refrained me from moving a single inch.——描写挣扎努力1. Tom looked thoughtful (若有所思)2. “We need to think out a way!” I muttered (喃喃自语), scratching my head(绞尽脑汁)3. ...,We swam tooth and nail(全力以赴地).4. We spared no effort to(不遗余力地) to swim towards the shore.5. We exchanged a determined look(互换了坚定的神情) , then ploughed on (继续前行) at an incredible speed(难以置信的速度).三、转机描写——描写声音传来或看见了什么1. A distant sound reached our ears.(传入耳朵)2. Just then, my mind raced – why not call 911 and Joe?3. The sound of the boat echoed in our ears.(在我们耳内回响)4. At that moment, a shrill whistle(汽笛声)ripped the air (划破天空).5. When we were at a loss of what to do, there were rasping (刺耳的) shouts(喊叫声)rising from the distance (从远处升起).6. Jason saw something flicker in the distance. “Lights! I see lights!” Jason shouted out.7. In sheer desperation(在绝望中), I finally caught sight of some boats with lifeguards on them heading towards us in the distance.8. After a long time, a light spot appeared in the distance! We waved our hands and yelled out for help.四、情绪描写(希望+努力)——描写如释重负1. As if clutching at straws, I dialed the number again and again.2. Hearing the comforting news, I couldn't help restraining my excitement.(情难自抑)3. His words reignited the flame of hope in my heart4. On hearing the good news, Tom and I sighed in great relief(如释重负地叹了口气), grinning merrily at each other.5.Smiling in relief (如释重负地微笑), I felt a rush of pride(感到一阵自豪).6. Overjoyed(狂喜) to see a boat coming to our rescue, Tom and I breathed a sigh of relief(如释重负地松了口气)7. Stiff from keeping in one position for hours, they slowly unfolded their bodies.五、脱险描写1.The boat finally reached us and took all of us back to the shore.船终于到达了我们身边,把我们所有人都带回了岸边。2.Yelling at the top of his lung, Joe tried to soothe me and convince me that it was the best way to escape the danger.乔大声大叫,试图安慰我,让我相信这是逃离危险的最好方法。六、情绪描写(感恩+高兴)1.When we pictured what the merry scene would be, relief lay in my heart and happiness was written on my face.当我们想象欢乐的场景是什么时,我心中有解脱,幸福写在我的脸上。2.Sighing in relief, I couldn’t stop thinking about the whole event. I knew they would have died if they had been in the sea for any longer.我如释重负,不停地想整个事件。我知道如果他们再在海里,就会死了。七、主旨描写1. It occurred to me that helping others was priceless and everyone should be a lifeguard.我突然想到,帮助别人是无价的,每个人都应该是一个救生员。2. For the first time since…, one’s emotions got the best of him and tears trickled down his cheeks.这是...,的情绪第一次充分利用他,眼泪从他的脸颊上滴下来。3. Only then did I realize that it was Joe who had been caring for me through thick and thin.4. Sobbing in relief, I was overwhelmed by waves of guilt and remorse. I murmured sorry, reflecting that I should have taken his warning seriously.5. All this took only a few minutes, but Betty would never forget the frightening experience.Part3:灵活应用例1:瀑布遇险It was last August. We were on vacation, having driven from our home in Washington, DC, to New Hampshire. We wouldn’t see friends or family—it would be just me, my husband, and our two kids out for a nice,safe, socially distanced week away.We had hiked about half a mile to a popular spot called Diana’s Baths, near the town of North Conway, where the water falls off a series of flat boulders layered up the mountainside like an M.C. Escher drawing. The baths were full of families, so we made our way to one of the upper levels of rock to keep our distance.Both where we sat and down below, the water cascaded and fell into small pools, where kids in swimsuits were splashing around. I watched as some younger parents nervously corralled their toddlers away from the rocks’ edges, feeling grateful that my husband and I were out of that stage— that our kids, at six and eight, could navigate their physical space with more confidence. Don’t get me wrong: I was still terrified as I saw my two boys jump between the slippery rocks. “No running,” I said again and again. “Stay away from all those edges.”But I soon relaxed, and we were all having fun, splashing in the pools, my kids laughing as my husband dunked his head under the cold running water. Then, seconds later, every fear I’d ever had rose to the surface.I turned and saw my son Wyatt sitting down between two boulders(大圆石) in a fast-moving stream. I yelled at him to get out. He yelled back something that I couldn’t hear, and then he disappeared over the edge.My husband was already sprinting down the rocks. I finally looked. Wyatt was sitting up—he was alive. My biggest fear was erased.While everyone else looked on from a distance, too afraid or unbothered to help, a lady with a mask didn’t hesitate. In fact, by the time I had climbed down the rocks and my husband had pulled Wyatt out of the water, she had already called 911.Paragraph1:She told me that she was a nurse. ___________________________________________Paragraph2:The rescue team came. ________________________________________参考答案:She told me that she was a nurse. She gave Wyatt a red, white, and blue striped towel to put under his head. She implored us to keep him still and on his back in case he had injured his spinal cord. I finally had the wherewithal to ask her name. “Lisa,” she said. “And I’m not leaving you.”  She looked at me so deeply, as if she were trying to take every bit of energy, love, and strength in her body and push it out through the only part of her face I could see.她告诉我她是一名护士。她给了怀亚特一条红、白、蓝条纹的毛巾放在他的头底下。她恳求我们让他保持不动,以防他伤了脊髓。我终于有了钱问她的名字了。“丽莎,”她说。“我不会离开你。她深深地看着我,仿佛她想把身体里的一切能量、爱和力量,从我唯一看到的脸推出去。The rescue team came. They took Wyatt out of the park on a stretcher. An ambulance took us to the small local hospital where he was undergoing tests and scans. As soon as I knew that Wyatt was going to be OK, my thoughts fell to Lisa. If she had not stepped up, would someone else have done so? Perhaps. But it was her. She was the one who went toward the unthinkable instead of turning away.救援队来了。他们用担架把怀亚特带出了公园。一辆救护车把我们送到当地的小医院,他正在那里接受检查和扫描。我一知道怀亚特会没事,我的思绪就落到丽莎身上了。如果她没有站起来,还有其他人会这样做吗?也许吧。但那是她。她是那个走向不可想象的事情而不是转身离开的人。例2:火灾救老人阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。The event that stands out in Tom's memory happened one morning when Tom was only ten years old. He was at home with his elder sister Jane. Tom was doing his homework when he heard raised voices. At first he thought nothing of it since customers in the motorcycle shop directly below their flat often became loud, but he soon realized this time it was different.“Quick!Quick!Remove the motorcycles from the shop.” someone yelled.Then a thick burning smell filled the air. When Tom opened the front door of their flat to investigate, a thick cloud of smoke greeted him. The motorcycle shop had caught fire and people were running and crying. Jane, who had been playing the violin in her room, hurried to the living room. They rushed out of the door and along the corridor(走廊)through the smoke.They were heading towards the stairway at the far end of the corridor when Jane suddenly stopped.She turned around and headed back the way they came. Tom had no idea what she was doing, but he followed her.Jane had suddenly remembered the lady in her 70s who lived next door to them, who they called Makcik. Jane began banging on Makcik's door, but got no answer. As the smoke thickened around them, Tom could see many of their neighbors—some still in their pyjamas—running for safety. The thought of fear crossed his mind. “She would have run for safety like everyone else!” Tom cried. However, Jane refused to give up. “I know Makcik's still inside.” She said she was familiar with Makcik's daily routine and was certain she would still be sleeping. She pounded against the door. “Go downstairs. Go now! Go!” 注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:Tom noticed the flame was reaching up._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Paragraph 2:Luckily, some neighbors passing by stopped and offered help._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   [写作提示]    这是一篇比较典型的具有正能量,而且故事性比较强的文章。文章讲述了在一次火灾中,Jane 和Tom不顾安危去救援一个邻居老人的故事。文章的第一部分叙述了两个孩子在大火中表现出的勇敢和善良。那么续写部分就应该延续这种故事情节和赞扬的态度。根据第一段的提示句,该段应该是对他们在敲门救邻居时火势蔓延的描述,当然更应该涉及两个孩子在这种情况下的表现。而第二段的提示句提示我们有其他的邻居来帮忙,那么应该是一个幸运的结尾。Paragraph 1:Tom noticed the flame was reaching up. Frozen with fear, he stood rooted to the spot. He comprehended the gravity of the situation and held Jane's hand tightly. Both of them were coughing and their eyes were stinging. Time seemed to stand still, though they were probably there for only two or three minutes. Tom begged Jane to run for safety as quickly as possible. Jane tried to shield her nose from the choking smoke and shook her head. She kept pounding against the door. Tom burst out crying.汤姆注意到火焰正在升起。他被吓得冻僵了,深深地站在那里。他明白了形势的严重性,紧紧地握着简的手。他们俩都在咳嗽,眼睛都在刺痛。时间似乎停滞不前,尽管他们可能在那里只有两三分钟。汤姆请求简尽快跑安全。简试图保护她的鼻子不受窒息的烟雾,并摇了摇头。她不停地敲敲门。汤姆突然哭了起来。Paragraph 2:Luckily, some neighbors passing by stopped and offered help. A sense of strength immediately re- placed the mounting fear and anxiety in Jane's mind. She told them Ms. Makcik must be still in the room. They forced the door open with all their might. Sure enough, Makcik was lying in bed, unconscious. She was carried downstairs and then rushed to the hospital, where she finally came to herself. People in the neighborhood felt relieved and Jane and Tom were very happy.幸运的是,一些路过的邻居停下来提供了帮助。一种力量感立刻使简的心中充满了越来越强烈的恐惧和焦虑。她告诉他们,马克西克女士一定还在房间里。他们竭尽全力地强行打开了门。果然,马克西克正躺在床上,失去了知觉。她被带下楼,然后被紧急送往医院,最后苏醒过来。附近的人都松了一口气,简和汤姆也非常高兴。高级语块 pound against猛敲 with all one's might竭尽全力佳句背诵 Frozen with fear, he stood rooted to the spot.A sense of strength immediately replaced the mounting fear and anxiety in Jane's mind.例3:森林迷路脱险Deep in the forest, my husband and I had fun climbing over and crawling under the downed trees that blocked the dirt path before us. It was May, yet we walked up a snow-covered hill. When we noticed our jeans were wet up to our knees, it did not dampen our spirits Not once did we say, “Let’s turn around.” This was our vacation, and we were on an adventure. Little did we know this was the beginning of many more surprises.The trail was marked as an easy one-kilometer like yet we were already walking a long distance. Our lightheartedness stopped when we came out into a clearing and saw a parking lot without our rental car in it. As my eyes scanned the surroundings, nothing looked familiar. My heart raced. I realized we were lost in a national park that did not officially open for another week.Usually, I am the calm one in the relationship, but my husband surprised me with his calmness. This did not comfort me; in fact, it heightened my fear. As we walked, I asked my husband to call for help, but there was no cell-phone signal in this isolated(偏僻的)area.It was awfully quiet except for our footsteps hitting the road, and my heavy breathing. My husband suggested we conserve energy and walk slower. With each step on the road, my feet and thighs hurt while my mind raced with thoughts about people who got lost in the Canadian woods for days.My vision sharpened. I noticed everything around me: the trees, rocks and snow. I thought we could eat the snow on the ground in case we needed water. For the first time in my life, I was ready and willing to get a ride, but we did not meet with a single car on the road. Silently, I prayed multiple times. We focused on each other, made joint decisions and connected through gratitude. We managed to stay on the main road and walked straight on.Paragraph 1:My husband suddenly spotted a small building on a hill in the distance._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Paragraph 2:Just then, a friendly woman appeared, saying, “Hello.”_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   【参考答案】My husband suddenly spotted a small building on a hill in the distance. In no time we found ourselves heading for it. We were filled with hope and excitement to find such a building in the middle of nowhere. We climbed up the hill at a swinging pace as if all the pains were gone. As we approached, a sign came into sight, which read: Administration Office. However, it was not open for business. The empty hall made us nervous all at once. We stood there hopelessly, wondering what to do next.Just then, a friendly woman appeared, saying, “Hello.” I could barely hold back my enthusiasm and blurted out, “We’re lost!” She comforted us and opened a room for us to take a break. Seeing we were cold and hungry, she treated us with hot chocolate. After studying the map, we figured out that our car was parked over three kilometers away. She offered us a ride back to our car and we accepted gladly. I felt relieved to see our rental car again. What a blessing to have such an unforgettable experience.
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