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        Like any new ninth-grader on the first day of school, Joemar Class had ninth-grader emotion(情绪). He's not used to school in Hartford. He's used to going to school in his hometown of Puerto Rico, and used to having class in Spanish.
        "Nervioso," he said in Spanish.
        We first met Joemar in mid-October in the San Juan Airport. His father, Gulliermo Class, had sold his car to buy plane tickets to get his kids and fly them up from Puerto Rico. The island was almost destroyed by the deadly storm—Hurricane Maria.
        Now, they are settling into their new home in Hartford's South End. A week later, using his wife's car, Mr Class drove 16-year-old Joemar to his first day at Bulkeley High School. After a short ride, he got out in front of his new school. Inside, he met Gretchen Levitz——the school's programme director.
        "I see you have a new uniform (校服)," Levitz said. "You look great. Are you ready for a good first day?"
        Then he met a couple of teachers.
        "Hello," they each said in Spanish. They asked where he's from, and told him they were happy to see him. Then, Levitz took him on a quick tour of the school before classes began—to her office, the school store, the library and the dining hall.
        A total of 19 languages are spoken in Bulkeley High School. "We have so many new students coming here from other countries every single day," Levitz said. "So it's not like he's the only one who has that feeling."
        "You could tell he's a little worried," Guillermo said as we left. "But, at the same time, he's looking forward to it."
    1.What kind of feeling did Joemar have on his first day of school?
    A.Angry. B.Excited. C.Nervous. D.Relaxed.
    2.Why did Joemar leave Puerto Rico?
    A.It was hit by a terrible storm. B.His old school closed down.
    C.He wanted to see his mother. D.He expected to have a new life.
    3.What did Joemar do before he walked into his new classroom?
    A.He had a long talk with his father. B.He learnt some simple Spanish words.
    C.He said hello to some of his classmates. D.He had a short look around his new school.
    4.What can we learn about Bulkeley High School?
    A.It has no library. B.It is an international school.
    C.It plans to open Spanish classes. D.It requires all students to wear uniforms.
       Last year, Claire Noble-Randall woke up at 5:30 am every morning. She had to catch two buses to arrive in time for first-period chemistry classes at Ingraham High School in Seattle, US.
        Ingraham starts at 8 am, but Noble-Randall often didn't get to sleep until after midnight. "It was really hard not to fall asleep in class," she said.
        Her mom solved the problem this year when she discovered that other parents had hired a private city tour bus to take their children to school.
        "Now, she leaves the house at a much more reasonable time 7:10 in the morning... to catch the little tour bus at 7:23 am," said her mother, Noelle Noble.
        That may be one way to help students get more sleep. But more than 3,300 people have signed an online petition (请愿) looking for a better solution from the Seattle school district. Those who have signed the petition want all high schools and middle schools to start no earlier than 8:30 am. Most of Seattle's high schools and middle schools start at 8 am or earlier.
        ​Later start times for teenagers are an idea that some parents around the nation have wanted for years. They've provided plenty of scientific evidence that teenagers tend to be night owls (夜猫子) and delayed start times improve their health, mood, attention, and, in some cases, learning.
        But attempts to delay start times for teenagers haven’t worked. Coaches don't want late dismissals to disturb sports practices; community groups don't want to wait longer for gyms and fields and before- and afterschool programs don't want to change their schedules.
        This time, however, they've got Seattle School Board president Sharon Peaslee on their side. She herself is the mother of two high school students. Peaslee hopes other board members will pass her plan calling on the district to find a way to make the changes.
    5.How did Noble-Randall solve her problem of early classes?
    A.She quit first-period classes. B.She found a faster way to school.
    C.She took a private city tour bus to school. D.She rented a house near school.
    6.What do the people who have signed the online petition want schools to do?
    A.Provide a school bus service. B.Delay school start times.
    C.Improve the quality of lessons. D.Stop students from falling asleep in class.
    7.Why did parents' attempts to change school start times fail?
    A.Not enough people signed the petition. B.No scientific evidence could support their idea.
    C.It would influence the schools' schedules. D.It would influence many out-of-school activities.
    8.What can we infer from the last three paragraphs?
    A.More parents will provide scientific evidence and sign online petitions.
    B.Seattle schools plan to change their schedules next year.
    C.There will be fewer after-school activities and programs.
    D.There is now a higher chance of delaying school start times.
       There are many beautiful places in Europe worth visiting. Among them Greece is right at the top. A vacation to Greece will give you everything you ever want in a holiday. The attractive hot springs, beautiful villages, rich history, delicious seafood and beautiful beaches are all here. The streets are always alive with music, fireworks and celebrations. Winter is the time to enjoy some great skiing, with so many mountains around here that offer this sport.
        Spain is the second largest tourist destination (目的地) in the world. It's one of the first countries in the world to develop summer beach vacations. Spain, along with Italy, officially has the most world heritage sites, 42 to be exact. With so many mountainous regions, Spain is big when it comes to the winter vacation. Lastly, for great nightlife, you'd love to be in Barcelona or Madrid.
        Switzerland is the most popular winter destination in the world. It has 15,000 miles running through mountainous regions. The Swiss Alps attract people from all over the world. If you think Switzerland is only a winter holiday destination, you're mistaken. The same places are popular in summer too. Hiking is popular in summer. Switzerland is also proud of Jungfraujoch—the highest train station in Europe. Switzerland has developed an amazing transport network, and each and every mountain village can be got to by some kind of public transport.
        Venice of Italy is another great destination. It has an amazing history and is famous for its beautiful architecture. There are many old buildings worth visiting. Venice is also filled with many art galleries. The Grand Canal is a long canal that runs right through the city. This is referred to as the most beautiful street in the whole of Venice. The city, made up of 117 small islands, is amazingly linked by 400 bridges over 150 canals.
    9.What can we know from the passage?
    A.The highest train station of the world is in Switzerland.
    B.The old buildings are the most beautiful places in Venice.
    C.Spain is perfect for the winter vacation thanks to its mountains.
    D.Spain is the first country to develop summer beach vacations.
    10.According to the passage, if you are quite interested in works of art, you'd better go to _______________.
    A.Greece B.Spain C.Switzerland D.Venice
    11.In which countries do mountains make great contributions to their tourism?
    A.Greece and Spain. B.Switzerland and Venice.
    C.Spain and Venice. D.Spain and Switzerland.
    12.Where would you most probably find the passage?
    A.A book review. B.A government document.
    C.A travel guide. D.A fashion magazine.
       Having friends may well keep you healthier and help you deal with stress better. Some studies show that people with close friends have a greater ability to fight diseases than people who are alone.
        Place friendship in the first place. Find the time to be with friends even if it means letting the lawn go unmoved or the dishes unwashed for a while. When you can't get together, use the phone to keep in touch.
        Open up to close friends. Keeping a deep friendship requires a level of "heartfelt" intimacy (亲密). Don't be afraid to express your inner fears and disappointments. Listen to your friends when they have problems, but offer advice only when it's wanted. Help raise friends' self-esteem when they are sad about a job loss, or other such events.
        Have different friends for different activities, such as going to the movies, singing in a choir, and joining in a bowling league.
        Don't wait for a friend to ask for helps. When a friend has the flu, offer to go to the store or drive his or her children to their afterschool activities.
        Never take a friendship for granted. Like a good marriage, friendship needs care and patience. Become a joiner. Find a group that matches your interests.
        Talk to strangers. Conversations started in museums, laundry rooms, or bookstores can lead to firm friendship.
    Enroll in an adult education course. A classroom is an ideal place to meet others with similar interests.
    13.People with close friends have a _____ ability to fight diseases than people who are alone.
    A. less B. greater C. poorer D. little
    14.Which of the statements is TRUE according to the passage?
    A.You should have different friends for the same activities.
    B.You should wait for a friend to ask a favour.
    C.You should avoid talking with strangers in museums, laundry rooms, or bookstores.
    D.You should never take a friendship for granted.
    15.What does the underlined word "Enroll" in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Give. B. Join. C. Get. D. Catch.
    二、七选五 (5*2)
        Walking the Great Wall of China can be as ambitious as tackling the entire 1,800 miles from the Gobi Desert to the Yellow Sea or spending a morning or afternoon climbing a section with a tour group. 16 _____ Read about the history of the Great Wall's construction so you can appreciate those many uneven steps.
        Book a half-day tour right from your Beijing hotel. Bring a bottle of water and a light bag, a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen and, of course, your camera. Obtain necessary government permits for a more ambitious independent hike. 17_____ Pack your equipment for a walk along all or a large section of the Great Wall and then try to reduce its weight. 18_____ Get good maps and study recent trip diaries and guides. Break in your climbing shoes and don't forget to put lots of bandages and suncream in the first-aid kit.
        Decide whether you will begin in the Gobi Desert or at the Yellow Sea. Desert travel is tiring and slow-going. 19_____ Create a plan and file it with a friend you will contact at regular intervals. This is an essential safety step for an isolated, dangerous trip.
        20_____ The trip is as much about absorbing cultures as walking the Great Wall. Villagers may offer you meals and lodging. In remote areas this can be a time saver. Travel with a friend if possible; learn some basic Chinese before you go and engage pleasantly but carefully with local people in the less-developed regions.
    A.Accept local kindness but exercise caution.
    B.You can also bring nothing with you.
    C.Consult a good camping supply store for the lightest equipment.
    D.The heat is fierce so plan walks for early morning and late afternoon.
    E.You will connect with Chinese history and culture and test your own limits.
    F.Both approaches demand some physical fitness, the right shoes and preparation.
    G.Start that process months in advance of travel to ensure your trip won't be delayed.
      Last week I was driving back to town from the airport during a heavy rainstorm when I saw something rather large     21     of the busy road as the traffic drove past     22     close.
    As I got     23     , I found out that it was a turtle, and I hit the     24     . I got out of my car with traffic being     25     behind me and dashed into the middle of the road. I saw that it was very much     26     but refusing to     27     .
    Although I'm an animal lover, I’m not one to touch an animal like a turtle that isn't      28     ,but I wasn’t going to     29     him there. I looked through my car     30     for something with which to      31     the turtle--paper towels, a rag, anything. But there was nothing.
    A woman drove in the opposite direction stopped and saw the     32     situation. I asked her if she had anything      33     I could use to pick this rather large turtle up, and she     34     me a white towel. As I     35     my friend, he quickly     36     his head and feet, and I set him down by the river to     37     .
    I thanked the woman with the towel who came to my     38     ----and the turtle does, too! I’m also     39     to the drivers behind me. They were     40     for over half an hour but none complained at all!
    21.A.in the middle     B.on the side     C.at the end     D.on the corner
    22.A.reasonably     B.increasingly     C.strangely     D. dangerously
    23.A.father     B.nearer     C.nearly     D.further
    24.A.wheel     B.door     C.brake     D.window
    25.A.reduced     B.followed     C.avoided     D.blocked
    26.A.alive     B.gentle     C.heavy     D.large
    27.A.dash     B.move     C.slip     D.run
    28.A.cute     B.lucky     C.mild     D.brave
    29.A.put     B.take     C.send     D.leave
    30.A.slowly     B.nervously     C.wildly     D.occasionally
    31.A.turn over     B.throw away     C.pick up     D.put up
    32.A.hopeless     B.difficult     C.ridiculous     D.different
    33.A.at the airport     B.on the road     C.by the river     D.in her car
    34.A.sold     B.lent     C.threw     D.showed
    35.A.found out     B.wrapped up     C.came across     D.stared at
    36.A.raised     B.pulled     C.withdrew     D.lowered
    37.A.keep on     B.live on     C.work on     D.decide on
    38.A.attention    B.mind     C.rescue     D.memory
    39.A.grateful     B.generous     C.helpful     D.sensitive
    40.A.challenged     B.prepared     C.panicked     D.delayed
    四、语法填空 (10*1.5)
        Americans think time is money. They say, "You only get so much time in this life — you'd better use it ① _____ (wise)." Americans are trained to use their time for constructive activities, ②_____ Americans admire a "well-organized" person, ③ _____ has a written list of things to do and a schedule for doing them. They do not waste people's time with conversations or other activities that have no obvious ④_____ (benefit) result.
        The American attitude to time is not necessarily the one ⑤_____ (share) by others especially non-Europeans. Non-Europeans are more likely to regard time ⑥_____ something that is simply there around them, rather than something of great value. In this background, the fast food industry can ⑦_____ (view) as the product of American culture. McDonald's, KFC, and other fast food ⑧_____ (company) are successful in a country where many people want to spend the ⑨_____ (little) amount of time preparing and eating meals. As McDonald's restaurants spread around the world, they have been viewed as symbols of American society and culture,  ​⑩_____ (bring) not just hamburgers but speed, efficiency (效率) and shiny cleanliness.
         In order to realize his dream, Bill Gates, richest man in the world, gave up studying in Harvard University, that is the most famous in the world. He set up a company and researching the computer software. An old saying go, “Interest is the best teacher.” I quite agree with this idea. I began to be crazy about English when I was a little girl. I got extreme interested in foreign cultures or customs. To meet me curiosity, I read in English stories every day. It seemed to be the best “meal” of a day. As a result, I always did very well in English exam. Interest is the key of success.
    六、书面表达 (25)
    假如你是李华,你上周日在学校运动会上不小 心扭伤了左脚。多亏留学生Tom学过这方面的急救知识,对你进行了急救。请你用英语给Tom写一封感谢信。内容要点如下:
        1. 你扭伤的情况;
        2. Tom如何对你进行急救;
        3. 向他表达你的感激之情;
    Dear Tom,
    My name is Li Hua, who was assisted by you last Sunday. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
        Best wishes to you.
    Li Hua
    解析:1.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的he's a little worried可知,在新学校的第一天乔马尔感到很紧张。故选C项。
    2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的... fly them up from Puerto Rico. The island was almost destroyed by the deadly storm— Hurricane Maria.可知,乔马尔离开波多黎各的原因是波多黎各遭遇了飓风的袭击。故选A项。
    3.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的Levitz took him on a quick tour of the school before classes began 可知,乔马尔走进教室之前在莱维茨的带领下快速参观了一下学校。故选D项。
    4.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的A total of 19 languages are spoken in Bulkeley High School 和 have so many new students coming here from other countries可知,该校是一所国际学校。故选B项。
    解析:1.考查细节理解。根据第三段的内容"Her mom solved the problem... had hired a private city tour bus to take their children to school"和第四段中的"Now, she leaves the house... to catch the little tour bus at 7:23 am"可知C项正确。
    3.考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的"Coaches don't want... don't want to change their schedules"可知,推迟,上学时间会影响很多课外的活动,因此选D。
    4.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"This time, however, they've got Seattle School Board president Sharon Peaslee on their side"可知,因为这次有Sharon Peaslee的支持,推迟上学时间的可能性增加了,故选D。
    解析:1.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"With so many mountainous regions, Spain is big when it comes to the winter vacation"可知,因为多山,西班牙是一个冬天度假的好去处。故选C项。
    2.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"Venice is also filled with many art galleries"可知,威尼斯有许多画廊,你可以欣赏到许多艺术品。故选D项。
    3.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"With so many mountainous regions, Spain is big when it comes to the winter vacation"和第三段中的"It has 15,000 miles running through mountainous regions. The Swiss Alps attract people from all over the world"可推知,山脉为西班牙和瑞士旅游业的发展作出了重大贡献,故选D项。第一段中的"Winter is the time to enjoy some great skiing, with so many mountains around here that offer this sport"虽然也提到了山脉为希腊提供了冬季滑雪的可能,但这并不算是为希腊旅游业的发展作出的重大贡献。
    4.答案:1-3 BDB
    解析:1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的Some studies show that people with close friends have a greater ability to fight diseases than people who are alone.可知,有好朋友的人比独自一人有更强的能力抵抗疾病。故选B项。
    2.细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段 Never take a friendship for granted. Like a good marriage, friendship needs care and patience. Become a joiner. Find a group that matches your interests.(别把友谊当作理所当然。就像美满的婚姻一样,友谊需要关心和耐心。做一个主动参与者。找到一个与你志趣相投的圈子)可知D项正确。
    3.词义猜测题。根据下一句A classroom is an ideal place to meet others with similar interests.(教室是遇到有相似兴趣的人的理想场所)可知,这里指的是参加成人教育课,故选B项。
    5.答案:①-⑤ FGCDA
    解析:①根据空前一句可知,游览长城有两种选择,这与F项中的Both approaches相呼应,前后紧密相连符合逻辑,故选F项。
    ②由空前的"Obtain necessary government permits for a more ambitious independent hike"可知,这需要一个过程,因此G项符合语境。
    ④由空前"Desert travel is tiring and slow-going"可知,此处在讲与沙漠相关的问题,故应选D项。
    ⑤由下文中的"Villagers may offer you meals and lodging" "engage pleasantly but carefully with local people"可知,本段的主旨是接受当地人的善意,但要谨慎行事。
    6.答案:1.A; 2.D; 3.B; 4.C; 5.D; 6.A; 7.B; 8.A; 9.D; 10.C; 11.C; 12.B; 13.D; 14.C; 15.B; 16.C; 17.B; 18.C; 19.A; 20.D
    解析:1.考查介词短语辨析。A. 在中间; B. 在边上; C. 在终点; D. 在拐角。根据本空后的"of the busy road as the traffic drove past_ 2 _close."路上交通拥挤,车辆经过很危险,可知,我看见马路中间有一个大家伙, 车辆经过很危险,故A项正确。
    2.考查副词词义辨析。A. 合理地; B. 渐增地; C. 奇怪地; D. 危险地。一个大家伙在路中间, 车辆经过肯定很危险,故D项正确。
    3.考查形容词词义辨析。A. 父亲; B. 更近; C. 将近; D. 更远的。根据本空后的"I found out that it was a turtle"我发现那个大家伙是一只大乌龟,可知,当我离得近一些时 ,我发现那个大家伙是一只大乌龟, 故B项正确。
    4.考查名词词义辨析。A. 轮子; B. 门; C. 刹车; D. 窗户。根据本空后的"I got out of my car”我下了车,可知,我踩刹车下车了,故C项正确。
    5.考查动词词义辨析。A. 减少; B. 跟随; C. 避免; D. 阻塞。我踩刹车下车了, 所以后面的车都被堵住了,故D项正确。
    6.考查形容词词义辨析。A. 活着的; B. 温柔的; C.重的; D. 大的。根据本空后的"but refusing to____"但是拒绝移动,可知 ,我发现它还活着但是拒绝移动, 故A项正确。
    7.考查动词词义辨析。A. 猛冲; B. 移动; C. 滑倒; D. 跑。上文说 ,那只乌龟还活着,只是拒绝移动故B项正确。
    8.考查形容词词义辨析。A. 可爱的; B. 幸运的; C. 温和的; D. 勇敢的。根据本空前的"Although I'm an animal lover, I'm not one to touch an animal like a turtle that isn't____'虽然我是个动物爱好者,但我不喜欢碰像乌龟那样不可爱的动物, 故A项正确。
    9.考查动词词义辨析。A. 放; B. 带走; C. 发送; D. 留下。根据本空前的"but I wasn't going to_____him there."但是我不会把它留在那儿的,可知, 虽然我不喜欢碰乌龟这样不可爱的动物,但是我不会把它留在马路中间, 故D项正确。
    10.考查副词词义辨析。A. 慢慢地; B. 紧张地; C. 狂暴地、失控地; D. 偶尔。上文说我不喜欢碰乌龟, 所以我在车里找纸巾或抹布之类能够用来把乌龟捡起来的东西,故C项正确。
    11.考查动词短语辨析。A. 移交; B. 扔掉; C. 捡起; D. 举起。我找纸巾或抹布是要把乌龟捡起来, 故C项正确。
    12.考查形容词词义辨析。A. 无望的; B. 因难的; C. 荒谬的; D. 不同的。上文说我想要把乌龟捡起来但是找不到东西用来垫手, 一位从对面开车过来的女士注意到了 这种困难的局面, 故B项正确。
    13.考查介词短语辨析。A. 在机场; B. 在路上; C. 在河边; D. 在她车里.根据语境可知,我问这位女土她车里有没有用来垫手捡乌龟的东西,故D项正确。
    14.考查动词词义辨析。A. 卖; B. 借出; C. 扔; D. 展示。根据本空后的and she______ me a white towel"她扔给我一条白毛巾,故C项正确。
    15.考查动词短语辨析。A. 查明; B. 包起来; C. 偶遇; D. 紧盯。根据本空后的"As I______my friend, he quickly _ 16 _his head and feet,"当我包它时,它迅速缩回了头和脚,故B项正确。
    16.考查动词词义辨析。A. 拾起; B. 拉; C. 收回、缩回; D. 低下。当我包它时,它迅速缩回了头和脚,故C项正确。
    17.考查动词短语辨析。A. 继续; B. 活下去; C. 继续工作; D. 选定。根据本空前的"I set him down by the river to______"我把乌龟放在河边让它活下去,故B项正确。
    18.考查名词词义辨析。A. 注意力; B. 思维; C. 营救; D. 记忆。根据本空前的"I thanked the woman with the towel who came to my_____'我感谢那个为我提供毛巾实施营救的女士,故C项正确。
    19.考查形容词词义辨析。A. 感激的; B. 慷慨的; C. 有帮助的; D. 敏感的。上文说我感谢那个为我提供毛巾实施营救的女士,我也感谢那些被我堵在后面的司机,故A项正确。
    20.考查动词词义辨析。A. 挑战; B. 准备; C. 恐慌; D. 耽搁。根据上文可知,那些司机被我耽搁了半个小时,故D项正确。
    7.答案:①wisely ②so ③who ④beneficial ⑤shared ⑥as ⑦be viewed ⑧companies ⑨least ⑩bringing
    ⑤考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,the one与share 是逻辑.上的动宾关系,故用动词-ed形式。
    ⑦考查动词的语态。根据语境可知,此处表示快餐行业可以被视为美国文化的产物。be viewed as意为"被视为……",符合语境。
    8.答案:  In order to realize his dream, Bill Gates,  richest man in the world, gave up studying in Harvard University, is the most famous in the world. He set up a company and the computer software. An old saying , “Interest is the best teacher.” I quite agree with this idea. I began to be crazy about English when I was a little girl. I got interested in foreign cultures customs. To meet curiosity, I read in English stories every day. It seemed to be the best “meal” of a day. As a result, I always did very well in English . Interest is the key success.
    解析:1.richest前加the 考查冠词。Bill Gates, richest man in the world, gave up studying in Harvard University。Richest是形容词最高级,前面应该加定冠词the。
    2.that→ which 考查关系代词。that is the most famous in the world.此处是非限制性定语从句,that不引导非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,代替前面先行词Harvard University,所以把that改为which。
    3.researching→researched。考查谓语动词。He set up a company and researching the computer software. and连接并列谓语,根据set判断应该用动词过去式,把researching改为researched。
    4.go →goes 考查动词时态。An old saying go, “Interest is the best teacher.”。根据主谓一致的原则判断动词应该用第三人称单数,把go改为goes。
    5.extreme→ extremely 考查副词。I got extreme interested in foreign cultures or customs. 修饰形容词interested应该用副词形式,把extreme改为extremely。
    6.or→ and 考查连词。I got extreme interested in foreign cultures or customs.句中的cultures和customs之间是并列关系,表示“和”,把or改为and。
    7.me→ my 考查人称代词。To meet me curiosity。To one’s curiosity 是固定短语,把me改为形容词性物主代词my。
    8.去掉in去掉考查介词。I read in English stories every day. Read是及物动词,“读英语故事”用read English Stories表达。
    9.exam → exams 考查名词复数。I always did very well in English exam.根据always判断此处是指在多次的英语考试中,故把exam改为复数exams。
    10.of →to 考查介词。Interest is the key of success.固定短语:the key to sth “……的关键,……的钥匙”,把of改为to。
    Dear Tom,
        My name is Li Hua, who was assisted by you last Sunday. I am writing to thank you for helping me out in the sports meeting.
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