初中英语北京课改版九年级全册Unit 2 Body Language精品教案及反思
这是一份初中英语北京课改版九年级全册Unit 2 Body Language精品教案及反思,共2页。
授课日期 课型Reading and writing授课教师 教学课题[来源:Z*xx*k.Com]总课时:4 第 3 课时教 学目纪标教学重点本课重点句子,词汇教学难点运用所学句子和词汇,简单表述不同的肢体语言教学方法Reading and discussion.教学准备Tape player. 教 学过 程 教师活动设计学生活动设计设计意图时间安排Step 1 Lead-inAsk Ss questions about the passage learned in last lesson Step 2 Pre-learningCall some students totalk about different country’sbody language according to the pictures. Step3 learning1. Complete the following sentences with the expressions, adding to where necessary.2.Get the students to read them and translate intoChinese.3.Sum up the infinitives Step4 Post learningGet the students to fill in the blanks with the infinitivesPrepare some cards.one student pick out a card andStarts to express the idea withBody language, the others try To explain this Body language. Step5 Homework[来源:学科网]Make up a dialogue about the body language!Answer the questions. Talk about talk about different country’sBody language according to the pictures. read them and translate intoSum up the infinitives [来源:学。科。网]fill in the blanks with the infinitives pick out a card andStarts to express the idea withBody language,帮助学生回忆上节课话题,为后面的学前活动的展开进行过渡。 复习所学课文, 让学生通过观察、思考,认知动词不定时做状语 进行控制性操练,进行强化,为语言的输出活动做准备5’ [来源:学+科+网]8’ 20’ 7’ 5’[来源:学科网ZXXK]板书设计What is body language?The new verbI can tell others some customs in the country? 课后反思 从教学内容与学生实际情况出发,对教学内容进行了适当的整合,最大程度的提高教学资源的利用效果。如:利用丰富的图片、音频和视频资源让学生们对“肢体语言”有直观的了解和印象。接着,让学生们对自己所了解的“肢体语言”进行小组讨论、上台展示和点评对不同文化间的“肢体语言”比较,最后,结合课文来进一步理解“交际,毫无问题可言吗?
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