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    北师大版高中英语必修第一册 UNIT 2 LESSON 1(课件PPT)01
    北师大版高中英语必修第一册 UNIT 2 LESSON 1(课件PPT)02
    北师大版高中英语必修第一册 UNIT 2 LESSON 1(课件PPT)03
    北师大版高中英语必修第一册 UNIT 2 LESSON 1(课件PPT)04
    北师大版高中英语必修第一册 UNIT 2 LESSON 1(课件PPT)05
    北师大版高中英语必修第一册 UNIT 2 LESSON 1(课件PPT)06
    北师大版高中英语必修第一册 UNIT 2 LESSON 1(课件PPT)07
    北师大版高中英语必修第一册 UNIT 2 LESSON 1(课件PPT)08
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    北师大版 (2019)必修 第一册Lesson 1 The Underdog课文内容ppt课件

    这是一份北师大版 (2019)必修 第一册Lesson 1 The Underdog课文内容ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Paul,核心词汇等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    ACTIVATE AND SHARE1 What d yu think an underdg is? Chse the crrect ptin. a a dg that is defeated by ther dgs b an athlete wh seems t have little chance t win c a cmpany that never wins
    READ AND EXPLORE Read Part 1 f the stry abut an underdg. Answer the questins belw.
    Wh was his favurite player?
    Hw tall was he? Hw tall was his favurite player?
    Hw was he treated by the cach?
    What team was he n?
    What kind f player was he n the team?
    Tyrne Bgues
    1.6 metres(bth)
    like a weak player
    a replacement player
    READ AND EXPLORE Grup Wrk What were Paul’s advantages and disadvantages as a basketball player? Discuss in yur grup.
    advantages:Paul has real skills.Paul wrks hard. Paul wants t play.disadvantages:Paul is shrt.
    READ AND EXPLORE Predict what happens next. Then read Part 2 t find ut if yur ideas are crrect.Read Part 2 again. Put the fllwing events in the right rder. Then write them in the ntes n the next page under the heading “Events”. Then,nte dwn the cach’s attitude with evidence in the right clumn. a One player gt hurt and culd nt play. b Paul jumped and rushed nt the curt. c “Give him a sht,cach!”“ d The team had wn by 2 pints. e “Let me try,cach! I wn’t let yu dwn!”
    The right rderc  e  b  d
    Events The Cach’s Attitude and Evidence One player gt hurt and culd nt play. Wrried(“We’ve gt n mre players!”)
    “Give him a sht,cach!”
    Negative(“He can’t play!”)
    “Let me try,cach! I wn’t let yu dwn!”
    Paul jumped and rushed nt the curt.
    Hpeful(“Dn’t let us dwn,Paul. It’s yur time t shine.”)
    The team had wn by 2 pints.
    Excited, prud(“yu’ve just earned yur place n the team,big guy!”)
    READ AND EXPLORE 6 Pair Wrk Discuss with a partner what happened using the infrmatin in Activity 5.Grup Wrk Think and share. 1 What kind f player was Paul? Find evidence frm the stry t supprt yur view. 2 Why did the cach call Paul “big guy”? What d yu think the cach might have learnt frm his experiences with Paul?
    I think Paul was a delicated player because he spent hurs practising even thugh he was never chsen by the cach.
    The cach learnt t be supprtive f Paul when he was the ne wh saved the team and helped the team win. He may have learnt that he shuld never judge a persn by his physical appearance but accrding t his ability.
    READ AND EXPLORE 8 Write a shrt summary abut Paul. Use the questins as cues. 1 Wh was Paul? 2 What was his favurite sprt? 3 What did he d fr making the team? 4 What happened t him during the match between his team and The Bears?
    Paul was a basketball player n the team,The Lins. He lved basketball s much. Paul was shrter than mst basketball players; in fact he was nly 1.6 meters. One f his NBA favurite players was Tyrne Bgus wh was als the same height. Paul had t practise much harder than thers because f his height. He was always very determined and fcused but unfrtunately the cach never picked him fr the team. Recently, Paul finally gt his chance. During a game against The Lin’s biggest cmpetitr, The Bears, a player n the team was injured and Paul pleaded with the cach fr a chance. The cach was unsure but allwed him t play. Paul prved that he was skilled and talented by scring sht after sht. When the game ended, the cach tld Paul that he had earned his place n the team.
    FOCUS ON LANGUAGE: RELATIVE CLAUSES (1)9 Read the sentences. Circle the relative prnuns and underline the relative clauses. 1 When we weren’t playing n the curt which was next t ur building,we were watching a game n TV. 2 Paul’s favurite player was a guy wh played fr the Charltte Hrnets. 3 Paul was smene wh wrked really hard fr the team. 4 He didn’t knw he’d sn get the chance that he’d been waiting fr. 5 They were playing The Bears,a team whse recrd was perfect.
    FOCUS ON LANGUAGE: RELATIVE CLAUSES (1)10 Lk at the relative prnuns in Activity 9. What des each refer t (peple, things r pssessins ? Then use prper relative clauses t cmplete the sentences.   1 Paul was a basketball player__________________________________. 2 His favurite player was a guy_________________________________ . 3 He played in the team _______________________________________. 4 He helped his team win the game ______________________________.
    wh wrked really hard fr the team
    wh played fr the Charltte Hrnets
    whse recrd was perfect
    which was against The Bears
    FOCUS ON LANGUAGE: RELATIVE CLAUSES (1)11 When can we leave ut that,which,r wh in relative clauses? Chse the crrect ptin. a when it cmes befre a verb and functins as a subject b when it cmes befre a nun r prnun and functins as an bject
    FOCUS ON LANGUAGE: RELATIVE CLAUSES (1)Cmplete the sentences with relative prnuns. Circle the relative prnuns that can be left ut 1 Have yu fund the keys      yu lst? 2 We stayed at a htel      Tm recmmended t us. 3 The peple      wrk in the ffice are very friendly. 4 What’s the name f the man      car yu brrwed? 5 The man      I was sitting next t n the plane talked all the time.EXPRESS YOURSELF Grup Wrk Act ut the scene in Part 2(p. 31).
    Language pints
    教材原句 p.30 a dg that is defeated by ther dgs被其他狗打败的狗1 defeat vt. & n.(1)vt.(在比赛、战争中)战胜,打败The last questin n the paper defeated me.试卷上的最后一道题把我难住了。(2)n. [C,U]失败;战胜,击败a big/bad defeat 大败suffer a defeat 遭遇失败a narrw defeat 惜败admit defeat 认输【词语辨析】defeat,beat 与 win Yesterday I defeated/beat Hanks in the match. He wn nly ne set,while I wn tw.昨天在比赛中我赢了汉克斯。他只赢了一局,而我赢了两局。
    选词填空(defeat/beat/win)(1)—Did yu watch the ftball match last night?— Yes,that’s a mst clse ne,and eventually neither side culd      the ther.(2) [2017· 北 京 卷] Every year,whever makes the mst beautiful kite will     a prizein the Kite Festival.(3)The lcal ball team     the champinship by         all the ther teams.完成句子(4)They          (遭遇失败) in the battle.(5)He          (被……打败) anther player in the race. 
    suffered a defeat
    was defeated by
    教材原句p.30 Paul had t try ut many times just fr making the team . 保罗多次参加选拔,方才入选球队。2 try ut fr (ding) sth. 争取成为;参加选拔Jenny is trying ut fr the schl ftball team again.珍妮又要参加学校足球队的选拔了。In high schl,I tried ut fr all the female leads.上中学时,我试演过各种女主角。【归纳拓展】try ut 试用;测试;检验try n 试穿,试戴try fr 试图获得;争取,谋求
    单句语法填空(1) The idea sunds fine,but we need t try it     in practice.(2) The athlete will try ut     the next Olympics.(3)Try     the shes t see if they fit.完成句子(4) Why dn’t yu         (参加……的选拔) the basketball team?Yu have nthing t lse. 
    教材原句p.30 He was still usually n the bench , being just a replacement ... 可他通常仍然是坐替补席,仅仅是个替补队员而已……3 replacement n.[C]替换的人(物);[U]更换,替换搭配:a replacement fr... ……的替补队员 / 替补 I find it hard t find a better replacement fr ur assistant.我发现很难找到一个更好的人来代替我们的助手。【词语积累】 【词语积累】 replace vt. 取代;代替;替换;把……放回原处replace A with B 用 B 代替 AThey have decided t replace the athlete with a replacement.他们已经决定用替补队员换下那个运动员。 [词汇复现]
    教材原句p.30 Everyne knew Paul had real skills , and was smene wh wrked really hard and had a strng desire t play fr the team . 大家都知道保罗有真本事,他真的非常卖力,而且有着为球队效力的强烈愿望。4 desire n. & vt.(1)n. 渴望,欲望have a desire t d/fr sth. 有做某事的欲望搭配 have n desire t d sth. 不想做某事 He has a desire t apply fr a psitin in China Daily.他渴望在《中国日报》谋个职位。 [词汇复现](2)vt. 渴望,期望搭配:desire t d sth. 渴望做某事He desired t rganise a big birthday party like this.他渴望组织一场像这样的大型生日聚会。 [词汇复现]【学法点拨】desire 后接从句时,从句要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用“shuld+ 动词原形”,shuld 可以省略。It is desired that the expert(shuld)cme at nce.希望专家马上来。 [词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1)I have n desire     (discuss) the matter further.(2)They seem t have lst their desire     life.(3)[词汇复现] He desires that he      (take)up a mre challenging task.(4)[词汇复现] He desired       (remve)all ur dubts but in vain.完成句子(5)[词汇复现] He               (非常渴望) a gd psitin.(6)[词汇复现] I               (渴望成为) a vlunteer t help thse in need.(7)               (渴望) everything shuld return t nrmal sn.
    has a strng desire fr
    desire t becme
    It is desired that
    教材原句p.31 Suddenly, a player and I crashed int each ther.突然,我和一个球员撞到了一起。5 crash v. & n.(1) vi. & vt. 猛撞,猛击;倒闭,失败;崩溃搭配:crash int/nt 撞到……上The plane crashed int a muntain.飞机撞上了山头。He crashed his car int a wall. 他的汽车撞到了墙上。The cmputer crashed,causing the lss f all data.电脑死机,导致所有数据都丢失了。(2)n. 撞车事故;坠毁,失事;碰撞声;倒闭,失败;崩溃a car/plane crash 汽车撞车事故 / 飞机失事The tree fell with a great crash. 那棵树哗啦一声倒了。
    写出下列句中 crash 的含义(1) I was terrified that the plane wuld crash. _________(2)His car crashed int a tree and was seriusly damaged. _________   (3)I was lking fr infrmatin n the Internet when the cmputer crashed. _________完成句子(4) [词汇复现] The by was cycling when he lst his balance and ________________________(撞到……上) the wall.
    crashed int/nt
    教材原句 p.31 The team gathered arund, lking wrried.队员们聚在一起,看上去都很焦急。 6 gather vi. & vt.聚集,聚合;收拢,归拢(分散的东西);采集,收割 Gather rund,everyne,s that yu can see the screen. 大家都聚过来,以便能看到屏幕。 The whle family gathered tgether at Ray’s huse.全家人 聚集在罗伊的家中。The bicycle gathered speed as it went dwn the hill.下山时自行车速度越来越快。【词语辨析】gather 与 cllectgather 集合、聚会,指从各处聚集而来。cllect 指有目的、有选择并系统性地收集,侧重于“精心地、有选择性地收集”。I like gathering while my sister likes cllecting mney fr the hmeless. 我喜欢聚会而我姐姐喜欢为无家可归的人筹钱。
    单句语法填空(1)     (gather)arund the fire,the turists danced with the lcal peple.(2) The infrmatin     (gather) frm the Internet is nt always reliable.选词填空(gather/cllect) (3)He used t     cards,but nw he likes t     stamps.(4)Mary went alng the path      flwers.完成句子(5)Can yu all               (聚过来)?I’ve gt smething t tell yu.(6) During the Mid-Autumn Festival,family members ften          (聚集起来)t share a meal.
    gathering/t gather 
    gather arund/rund
    gather tgether
    教材原句p.31 “ I dn ’ t think I can play anymre, cach ,”...“我觉得我不能再打了,教练,”……7 nt ... anymre 不再…… Dn’t talk anymre,will yu? 别再说话了,好吗?Nick desn’t live here anymre. 尼克不再住在这里了。【归纳拓展】He lives there n lnger. 他不再在那儿住了。I culdn’t stand it any lnger. 我再也忍受不了了。
    完成句子(1) 那本书你可以留着——我不再需要它了。Yu can keep that bk—I dn’t________________ .=Yu can keep that bk—I need _____________  .(2) Yu mustn’t put it ff ___________(不再). Remember,tmrrw never cmes.
    need it anymre
    教材原句p.31 ... as the dctr put an ice pack n my knee .……这时医生在我的膝盖上放了一个冰袋。 8 pack n. & v.(1)n. 包,包裹搭配:a pack f 一包;一群He reached int a drawer fr a pack f cigarettes.他把手伸进一个抽屉里,掏出一包香烟。(2)vi. & vt. 把……包起来;收拾行李搭配:pack up 将(东西)装箱打包;收拾行李It was nly 5 am,but my mther had already packed up.刚刚早上 5 点,我妈妈就已经收拾好行李了。
    单句语法填空(1)I was abut t pack     my things and g hme when the rain pured dwn.(2) My father used t smke a pack     cigarettes every day.完成句子(3)It’s time that yu          (收拾行李). If yu dn’t hurry up,yu will missthe plane.(4) When I gt hme,I          (把……打包) my luggage fr the trip.  
    教材原句p.31 “ N way ,” the cach replied sharply .“不行,”教练严厉地回答。sharply adv. 严厉地,毫不客气地;急剧地,大幅度地“Is there a prblem?” he asked sharply.“有问题吗?”他厉声问道。Stck falls sharply n bad news.一有坏消息,股票就暴跌。【词语积累】sharp adj. 锋利的;急剧的;剧烈的;尖锐的 sharpen v.(使)变锋利 sharpener n. 磨具;削具单句语法填空(1)Prices have risen     (sharp)ver the last few mnths.(2)Anne     (sharp)her pencil and tk ut her hmewrk.(3) During the last three decades,the number f peple participating in physical fitnessprgrams has increased    (sharp).
    教材原句p.31 I wn ’ t let yu dwn! 我不会让你失望的!let sb. dwn 使失望,辜负(别人的信任或期望)I didn’t live up t my parents’ expectatins. In ther wrds,I let them dwn. 我辜负了父母的期望。换句话说,我让他们失望了。 [词汇复现]There isn’t enugh rm fr us,let alne the guests.连我们都没有足够的空间,更不用说客人了。Just let her alne—she’s nt bthering yu.就随她去吧——她没有打扰你。
    单句语法填空(1) [词汇复现] I am afraid I will let yu     . I will be nly a replacement in the team.(2) He let     a cry when he saw the terrible scene.(3) Let the baby     and he will stp crying sn.完成句子(4) [词汇复现] All in all,he             (让我们失望了). He has beenaddicted t playing vilent games.(5) Open the windw and             (让……进来) sme fresh air.(6) Sme peple never even read a newspaper,         (更不用说读书了).
    lets us dwn
    let alne a bk
    教材原句p.31 And clearly , all the extra hurs that he ’ d spent practising alne paid f. 很明显,他独自练习的额外时间都得到了回报。11 pay ff (1)取得成功;奏效All his effrts paid ff and he was admitted int a key university.他所有的努力得到了回报,他被一所重点大学录取了。(2)偿清,付清Thugh wrking very hard,he culdn’t make enugh mney t pay ff his debts.尽管非常努力地工作,他也不能挣到足够的钱来还清债务。(3)付清工资后解雇(某人)The affair indicates that mre emplyees will be paid ff befre lng.这一事件表明不久后会有更多的雇员在付清工资后被解雇。
    【学法点拨】【归纳拓展】pay back 偿还(欠款);报复pay dwn(分期或部分)支付;偿还pay up 付清全部欠款pay fr 为……付钱;为……付出代价 I’ll pay yu back n Friday.我星期五还你钱。
    单句语法填空(1) It wuld take him the rest f his life t pay    the debt.(2) They dubted whether all this wrk wuld pay     .(3) He pays a lt f mney     the new huse in the dwntwn.写出下列句中 pay ff 的含义(4)— Dad,I dn’t think Oliver is the right srt f persn fr the jb.—I see. I’ll g right away and pay him ff._________(5) My sn started a new life in Italy despite many hardships,and his hard wrk finally paid ff.  _________  (6)We will have mre mney t spend after we pay ff ur debt. _________   完成句子(7) [词汇复现] The athlete’s years f hard training__________________(得到回报) when she finally wn the Olympic gld medal.(8) Whichever ne f yu breaks the windw will have t __________________(为……付钱) it.
    教材原句p.31 The ther team just culdn’ t keep up with his energy and speed . 另一支球队简直无法跟上他的力量和速度。keep up with 跟上,保持同步;和……保持联系She was unable t keep up with thers, and frm time t time she slipped. 她无法跟上别人,还时不时地滑倒。 [词汇复现]Hw many f yur ld classmates d yu keep up with?你与多少老同学保持着联系?【归纳拓展】(1)keep up 继续下去,保持 keep n 继续keep away frm 避开,不接近 keep back 阻止;抑制;隐瞒keep ff(使)不接近keep ut 留在外面,不进入keep sb. frm(ding) sth. 阻止某人(做)某事(2)“v. + up with”结构的短语:cme up with 提出,想出(无被动语态和进行时态)catch up with 赶上,追上(前面的人);赶上(其他人的水平)end up with 以……结束 put up with 容忍,忍受make up with 与……和解 / 和好 break up with 与……分手
    完成句子(1) [词汇复现] I had t walk faster t _________________(跟上)the athlete.(2)As a senir schl student,what yu shuld d first is _________________ (保持) agd state f mind.(3)There is a sign ver there,saying “_________________ (不接近) the grass.”(4 _______________________ (继续努力工作)and yu will succeed snerr later.单句语法填空(5) [词汇复现] She desires t keep up ________ the latest fashin.(6) Walking alne in the dark,the by sang ludly t keep ________ his curage.(7) I’m sure she’s keeping smething________ frm us.
    keep up with
    Keep n wrking hard 
    教材原句p.31 He made sht after sht , and the crwd culdn’t stp clapping and cheering . 他一次又一次地投中, 观众们不停地鼓掌、欢呼雀跃。13 crwd n. & v. 风俗,习惯;传统(1)n. 人群,一伙人 the crwd 群众(作主语时谓语动词用复数) a crwd f 一群……The crwd burst int laughter when they heard the funny stry.当听到那个可笑的故事时,人群哄然大笑。 [词汇复现]A crwd f turists paid a visit t the Great Wall yesterday even if it rained heavily. 尽管下着大雨,昨天还是有一群游客去参观了长城。(2)v. 拥挤;聚集;挤满 crwd in(想法、问题等)涌上心头,涌入脑海 crwd int 挤进……;涌上(心头)She wanted t sleep,but thughts crwded in.她想睡觉,但头脑中想法不断涌现。Memries came crwding int her mind. 往事涌上她的心头。【词语积累】crwded adj. 拥挤的 be crwded with 挤满……
    单句语法填空(1) In     (crwd) places like airprts and railway statins,yu must take care fyur luggage.(2) My father persuaded me ut f ging t the West Cast because it was crwded     turists.(3)Sweet memries crwded     n me.(4)The crwd    (be) in favur f the ld man wh std up in defence f the pr by.完成句子(5) [词 汇 复 现]                (一群) children gathered arund the ld man listening t his stry.(6) Such a small huse             (挤满了) teenagers wh are playingcmputer games.(7)They managed t         (挤进)the crwded train.
    is crwded with
    教材原句p.31 ...“ yu ’ ve just earned yur place n the team, big guy ! ”……“你已经为自己赢得了球队中的位置, ‘大个子’!”earn vt.赢得,博得;赚(钱)(1)n. 人群,一伙人 earn a reputatin 赢得声誉Ear ne’s respect = earn the respect f sb. 赢得某人的尊敬 earn ne’s/a living 谋生(=make a living) earn a frtune 挣大钱 earn mney 挣钱(= make mney)He earned the respect f us by wrking hard.他通过努力工作赢得了我们的尊敬。Nw he is independent f his parents and can earn a living fr himself.现在他不依赖父母,可以自己谋生了。 [词汇复现]
    完成句子(1)Yu are ld enugh _________________________(自己谋生).(2)[2017·北京卷] Many peple wh live alng the cast _________________________ (谋生)in fishing industry.单句语法填空(3)[词汇复现] T be frank,________(earn)much mney desn’t mean that yu arehappy.(4) She earned ________ living in the past by selling newspapers.
    t earn yur wn living 
    earn/make a living
    重点句式教材原句p.30 ... being shrter than ther players meant that he had t practise mre . ……比其他球员矮意味着他需要多加训练。【句式分析】本句中,动名词短语 being shrter than ther players 作主语,meant 为谓语动词,而 that 引导宾语从句。1 动名词(短语)作主语(1)动名词(短语)作主语时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。(2)动名词(短语)作主语时,有时用 it 作形式主语,而把动名词(短语)后置。常用句式有:It is n use/n gd ding... 做……是没有用 / 无益的。It is a waste f time ding... 做……是浪费时间。Saying is ne thing,and ding is anther.说是一回事,而做是另一回事。It is n gd reading withut understanding.读书不求甚解是无益的。It is a waste f time arguing with him abut the matter.同他争辩这件事是浪费时间。
    单句语法填空(1)     (take) ntes is a gd habit fr students.(2)Planning s far ahead     (make) n sense—s many things will have changed bynext year.(3) [2019 • 天津卷]     (learn) t think critically is an imprtant skill tday’s childrenwill need fr the future.(4) It is a waste f time     (discuss)such matters.(5)     is n use crying ver spilt milk.翻译句子(6) 一直谈论此事没用。_________________________________________
    It is n use talking abut it all the time.
    教材原句p.31 The last quarter was abut t begin ...最后一节眼看就要开始了……be abut t d sth. 正要做某事be abut t d 表示将要发生的动作,不能与表示将来时间的状语连用,可与 when 连用构成 sb. was abut t d... when... 句式,意为“某人正要做……,这时……”。The film is abut t start. 电影马上就要开始了。I was abut t ring him up when he drpped in.我正要给他打电话,这时他突然来访。【归纳拓展】sb. was ding... when... 某人正在做……,这时……sb. was n the pint f ding... when... 某人正要做……,这时……sb. had just/hardly/scarcely dne... when... 某人刚做完……,这时……I was cncentrating n my study when I heard smene call fr help.我正在专心学习,这时听到有人呼救。He was n the pint f lcking the dr when he heard a strange sund. 他正要锁门,这时听见了一个奇怪的声音。He had just arrived hme when it rained. 他刚到家天就下雨了。
    单句语法填空(1)She was abut t g t the cinema ________it began t rain.(2)We were ding ur hmewrk ________the light went ut.(3)[2017·天津卷] I ____________(drive) dwn t Lndn when I suddenly fund that I was n the wrng rad.(4)Tm was abut t clse the windw ________his attentin was caught by a bird.完成句子(5)They ________________________(刚开始工作) when the machine brke dwn.(6)[词汇复现] I __________________________________________________ (刚要申请) a psitin in the cmpany when I learned that it wuld be clsed.  
    was driving
    had just begun t wrk
    was abut t apply fr/was n the pint f applying fr
    教材原句p.31 It ’ s yur time t shine .你发光发亮的时刻到了。It’s ne’s time t d sth. 到某人做某事的时候了。同义句式:It is time fr sb. t d sth.It is ur time t earn ur wn living.= It is time fr us t earn ur wn living.到我们自己谋生的时候了。 [词汇复现]【归纳拓展】(1)It’s time that sb. did/shuld d sth. 到某人做某事的时间了。(2)It/This is the (that) sb. have/has dne sth.It/This was the (that) sb. had dne sth.这是某人第一 / 二……次做某事。It’s time that the new cuple exchanged their rings.这对新人该交换戒指了。This is the first time that I have realized my weakness.这是我第一次意识到自己的弱点。
    一句多译到我为家庭负责任的时候了。(1)_________________________________________(2)_________________________________________(3)_________________________________________单句语法填空(4)It is ur time _________(live) independently.(5)I d think it is time fr me _________(d)smething in return fr my parents.(6) It’s the first time that he _________(be)t Australia.(7) [词 汇 复 现] It is his time _________(take)up the challenge.
    It is time fr me t be respnsible fr my family.
    It is my time t be respnsible fr my family.
    It is time that I shuld be(was) respnsible fr my family.
    教材原句p.31 ... all the extra hurs that he ’ d spent practising alne paid ff . ……他独自练习的额外时间都得到了回报。【句式分析】that he’d spent practising alne 为定语从句,修饰先行词extra hurs。spend time (in) ding sth. 花时间做某事The expert spent a lt f time(in)ding researches.这位专家花了很多时间做研究。[词汇复现]【归纳拓展】(1) (2) 人 + pay + 金钱 + fr + 物(3)(4) It takes + 人 + 时间 + t d sth.Mre mney shuld be spent n health care and educatin.在医疗保健和教育上应该投入更多的钱。Hw much did yu pay fr the tickets?你买那些票花了多少钱?The trip will cst yu $1,000.这趟旅游要花去你 1 000 美元。It takes abut half an hur t get t the airprt.到机场大概需要半小时。
    选词填空(spend/pay/cst/take)(1)She     $20 fr an English-Chinese dictinary.(2) [词 汇 复 现] The meal cked by an expert     us abut $50.(3) The girl ften     mney n bks which she likes very much. Last Sunday it     her 10 minutes t g t the bkstre t buy her favurite bk. When she was ging t     fr the bk,the salesman tld her it nly     half the price because f the brken cver.单句语法填空(4)[词汇复现] Accrding t a recent U. S. survey,children spent up t 25 hurs a week     (watch)TV.(5) Mther never spends t much mney     clthes.(6) If yu spend t much time     (balance) advantages and disadvantages,yu may get nthing in the end.
    指出下列各句中定语从句的先行词、关系词及其在从句中所作的成分(1)But the ne millin peple f the city,wh thught little f these events,were asleep asusual that night._____________________________________________________________________(2)It was felt in Beijing,which is mre than tw hundred kilmetres away.________________________________________________________________________(3) A huge crack that was eight kilmetres lng and thirty metres wide cut acrss huses,rads and canals. ________________________________________(4) Wrkers built shelters fr survivrs whse hmes had been destryed.________________________________________(5)D yu knw the persn whm ur teacher is talking t? ______________________________(6)He is such a nice persn as everyne can get alng well with.________________________________________
    先行词:the ne millin peple f the city;关系词wh,在从句中作主语
    先行词:a huge crack;关系词:that,在从句中作主语
    2 关系代词的用法(1)that 既可指人也可指物,在定语从句中可作主语或宾语,作宾语时可省略。I knw the expert that attended the meeting.我认识出席会议的那位专家。 [词汇复现]I can still remember the days(that) we spent tgether when ding the vluntary wrk. 我还记得我们一起做义工的日子。 [词汇复现](2) which 指物,在定语从句中可作主语或宾语,作宾语时可省略。I want t g t the place(which) we paid a visit t last year again.我想再去我们去年去的地方看看。(3)wh 指人,在定语从句中可作主语或宾语,作宾语时可省略。The number f peple wh were killed r seriusly injured reached mre than 400,000. 死亡或严重受伤的人数达到 400 000 多。(4)whm 指人,在定语从句中作宾语,可省略,也可用 wh 代替。There is n ne(whm) I can turn t when I am in truble.当我遇到困难时,没有人是我可以求助的。(5) whse 既可指人也可指物,表“所属”关系,在定语从句中作定语。They live in a huse whse windw faces suth.他们住在一所窗户朝南的房子里。
    【学法点拨】(1)关系代词指代先行词,在定语从句中充当主语、宾语或定语,因此定语从句中不能再出现关系代词所替代的名词或代词。昨天晚上我们看的那部电影非常吓人。The film(that/which) we saw it last night was very frightening.(×)The film(that/which) we saw last night was very frightening.(√)(2)关系代词在从句中作主语时不能省略,作宾语时可以省略。This is the bk(that/which)she is lking fr.这就是她在找的那本书。
    填上适当的关系代词,并写出关系代词的用法和功能(1) They ignred the details ____________ might accunt fr the accident.(     )(2) This is the suitcase ____________ she is lking fr.(     )(3) The number f turists ____________ cme t visit this city each year reaches ne millin.(     )(4)The by ____________ is sitting in the frnt rw is ur mnitr.(     )(5) Danny was the man ________________ we rescued frm the ruins.(     )(6)Rse is the persn ________________ yu shuld care abut.(     )(7) Is that the girl _______________ yu spke f the ther day?(     )(8) I knw the persn ____________ huse was ttally destryed in the earthquake. (      )
    指人,作定语,修饰 huse
    3 宜用 that 不宜用 which 引导定语从句的情况(1)当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。This is the mst delicius fd that I have ever had.这是我吃过的最好吃的食物。(2)当先行词是 all,little,few,much,any,everything,anything,nthing,nne 等不定代词或被这些词修饰时。Tell me everything that yu knw. 告诉我你所知道的一切。(3)当先行词被 the nly,the very,the last,the same 等修饰时。This is the very bk that I want t buy. 这就是我想买的那本书。【学法点拨】以上三种情况有一个共同特点,就是先行词或先行词之前的修饰语往往带有“唯一”或者“全部”概念,以致无法作出选择。因为关系代词 which 也是疑问代词,表示“哪一个”,含有选择意味,所以用that 引导万无一失。(4)当先行词既包括人又包括物时。He asked abut the factries and wrkers that he had visited.他问起他参观过的工厂和拜访过的工人。(5)当主句是以 wh,which 开头的特殊疑问句时。Which f the bks that had pictures was wrth reading?哪本有图片的书值得一读?
    单句语法填空并分析( 1) The first thing       yu shuld d is call the plice right away.(     )(2) All       can be dne has been dne.(     )(3) Please send us any infrmatin       yu have abut the subject. (     )(4) The nly thing       she culd d was g t the plice fr help.(    )(5)Smetimes we shuld ignre the persns and things       upset us.(     )(6)Which f the bks       yu bught is the mst useful fr my writing?(     )(7) This is the funniest film       I have ever watched. (     )
    先行词被 any 修饰
    先行词被 the nly 修饰
    主句是以 which 开头的特殊疑问句
    4 宜用 which 不宜用 that 引导定语从句的情况(1)引导非限制性定语从句时。Cruse’s dg,which was very ld then,became ill and died.克鲁索的狗,那时已经很老了,病死了。(2)当关系代词前有介词时。The building in which Han Mei studied was very ld.韩梅在里面学习的那幢大楼很旧。(3)先行词本身是 that 时。What’s that which flashed in the sky just nw?刚才在天空中一闪而过的是什么东西?(4)在限制性定语从句中,如果有两个定语从句,其中一句的关系词是 that,那么另一句的关系词宜用 which。Let me shw yu the nvel that I brrwed frm the library which was newly pen. 让我给你看看我从新开放的图书馆借来的小说。
    单句语法填空并分析(1)Ftball,________ is an interesting game,is very ppular all ver the wrld. (     )(2) This is the huse in ________M Yan nce lived. (      )(3)That ________ yu tld him is what we want t knw.(  )(4) Edisn built a factry that prduced things _______ had never been seen befre. (     )
    that 不能引导非限制性定语从句
    关系代词前有介词 in,关系代词用 which 不用 that
    先行词本身是 that
    两个定语从句,一个用 that,另一个用 which 引导
    5宜用 wh 不宜用 that 引导定语从句的情况(1)当先行词是指人的不定代词时,如 ne,nes,anyne,n ne,nbdy,anybdy,nne,all等。D yu knw anyne wh is gifted in glf?你认识有高尔夫球天赋的人吗?(2)在 there be 结构中,先行词指人时。There is a pretty girl wh is standing under the big tree.大树下站着一个漂亮的女孩。(3)当先行词是 peple 和 thse 时。We shuld d what we can t help thse wh are in truble.我们要竭尽所能帮助那些有困难的人。(4)一个句子中带有两个定语从句且先行词都指人时,其中一个定语从句的关系词是 that,另一个宜用 wh。The student that was praised at the meeting is the mnitr wh is mdest and wrks hard.在会上受到表扬的那个学生是那位谦虚好学的班长。
    单句语法填空并分析(1) [词汇复现] The students yu shuld learn frm are thse _______ graduated frm famus universities.(    )(2)There is a yung lady ______is in a state f shck. (     )(3) [词 汇 复 现] Peple _________ want t travel abrad shuld apply fr a passprt first. (    )(4)The by that yu met in the park last night is the grup leader ______ studies very hard. (      )
    先行词是 thse(表示人)
    there be 结构中,先行词指人
    一个句子有两个定语从句且先行词都指人,其中一个用了 that,另一个用 wh 引导
    6 定语从句中的主谓一致(1)关系代词在从句中作主语时,定语从句谓语动词的单复数形式根据先行词的形式确定。I am nt ne wh is afraid f difficulty. 我不是个害怕困难的人。Liu Mei is ne f my best friends wh are studying in Beijing.刘梅是我在北京学习的最好的朋友之一。Liu Mei is the nly ne f my best friends wh is studying in Beijing.刘梅是我最好的朋友中唯一一个在北京学习的。
    单句语法填空(1) The ld twn has narrw streets and small huses that     (be)built clse teach ther.(2)I’m fnd f the piece f music which     (be) ppular with the teenagers.(3)He is ne f the students wh    (have)a gd cmmand f French.(4) He is the nly ne f the students wh     (have)a gd cmmand f French.
    7关系代词 as 引导的定语从句(1)as 既可指人也可指物。在定语从句中可作主语或宾语。它常用在 ,the 等结构中,as 不能省略。Such bks as I have read are classical wrks.我所读过的书都是经典著作。【学法点拨】当先行词被 the same 修饰时,也可用 that 引导定语从句,但指同一物,而不是同一类。 This is the same pen that I lst yesterday.这正是我昨天丢失的那支钢笔。(同一支钢笔)This is the same pen as I lst yesterday.这支钢笔与我昨天丢失的那支一样。(同样的钢笔,但不是同一支)(2)as 引导非限制性定语从句,代替整个主句的内容。从句可放在主句前、主句后或主句中间。
    【归纳拓展】as 引导非限制性定语从句常用的固定表达:as we all knw 众所周知as is well knwn 众所周知as yu see 如你所见as we expect 正如我们预料的那样as ften happens 正如经常发生的as I can remember 正如我所记得的as has been said befre 如前所述as is/was expected 正如预料的那样as can be seen 正如所见as is ften the case 情况常常是这样
    单句语法填空(1)Such reasns__________ we give can persuade him t give up his flish plan.(2) I’ll buy the same dictinary __________ yu have.(3) __________ yu knw,she is a stubbrn girl,and I can’t persuade her t change her mind.(4) My grandfather is fnd f talking abut the gd ld days,__________ is ften the casewith ld peple.比较并翻译(5) This is the same bike that I lst tw mnths ag.___________________________________________________________ (6) This is the same bike as I lst tw mnths ag.___________________________________________________________

    高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Sports and FitnessLesson 1 The Underdog课文课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002290_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 2 Sports and FitnessLesson 1 The Underdog课文课件ppt</a>,共53页。PPT课件主要包含了Part 1,Part 2等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 1 Life ChoicesLesson 1 Lifestyles教课课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002285_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 1 Life ChoicesLesson 1 Lifestyles教课课件ppt</a>,共38页。

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