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    首字母为A的单词精讲-中考英语1600个单词用法精讲 课件01
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    首字母为A的单词精讲-中考英语1600个单词用法精讲 课件08
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    资料说明:资料说明:1. 精心制作,原创出品;PPT格式,可修改;2. 题目或例句后如有(湖北-黄冈)之类字样,表示该题或该例句来源于2019年各省市中考英语真题;3.本课件共220页。适用人群:这份资料能帮助:老师:减少大量备课时间,大大减轻工作负担,本课件可在上课时直接使用;家长:辅导孩子的英语学习,与孩子共同成长;初中学生:掌握中考必备单词,扫清英语学习的最大障碍,助你快速提分。
    1. a (an) [ə]([ən])art.一(个、件……)考点:a 用于辅音音素前,an 用于元音音素前 a bx [bɒks] an apple [ˈæpəl]在考试中经常考查某个字母或单词前应该使用a还是an。如:①字母 Yu’ve drpped ________ “f” in the wrd “ffice”.②单词 He is _________ hnest by.
    1. a (an) [ə]([ən])art.一(个、件……)考点:a 用于辅音音素前,an 用于元音音素前做题技巧---单词①特别记
    1. a (an) [ə]([ən])art.一(个、件……)考点:a 用于辅音音素前,an 用于元音音素前做题技巧---单词②其他单词:a/e/i//u 开头,用an, 其他字母开头,用a
    1. a (an) [ə]([ən])art.一(个、件……)考点:a 用于辅音音素前,an 用于元音音素前做题技巧---字母以下字母a/e/f/h/i/l/m/n//r/s/x前用an,其他字母前用a记忆技巧:把 a/e/f/h/i/l/m/n//r/s/x组成一句话: Mr. Li has ne fx. 李先生有一只狐狸。
    1. a (an) [ə]([ən])art.一(个、件……)考点:a/e/f/h/i/l/m/n//r/s/x前用an,其他字母前用aMr. Li has ne fx. 李先生有一只狐狸。26. ---Yu’ve drpped “s” in the wrd “necessary”. ( 甘肃-天水)---Oh, letter “s” is dubled.A. a, aB. a, theC. an, theD. the, the
    1. a (an) [ə]([ən])art.一(个、件……)考点:a/e/f/h/i/l/m/n//r/s/x前用an,其他字母前用aMr. Li has ne fx. 李先生有一只狐狸。1. ---Yu’ve drpped____ “f” in the wrd “giraffe”. (黑龙江-齐齐哈尔)---Oh, ____ letter shuld be dubled.A. a; a B a; the C. an; the
    1. a (an) [ə]([ən])art.一(个、件……)考点:其他单词:a/e/i//u 开头,用an, 其他字母开头,用a1. “_____apple a day keeps the dctr away” is _____ useful saying. (黑龙江-绥化)A. An; anB. An; a C.A; a 
    1. a (an) [ə]([ən])art.一(个、件……)考点:其他单词:a/e/i//u 开头,用an, 其他字母开头,用a17. After she passed the entrance examinatin, she finally became______ university student. (青海省)A. aB. anC. the
    1. a (an) [ə]([ən])art.一(个、件……)考点:其他单词:a/e/i//u 开头,用an, 其他字母开头,用a26. There is map f China n the wall in my bedrm. (吉林省)A. a B. an C. the 
    2. able ['eɪbl]adj. 能够;有才能的考点:be able t d sth. 能够做某事7. Thrugh the stries behind the idims, we wuld be able t fully understand China's culture, histry and traditin. (江苏-连云港)通过成语背后的故事,我们将能够充分了解中国的文化,历史和传统。
    2. able ['eɪbl]adj. 能够;有才能的拓展:ability[ə'bɪləti]n. 能力;才能have the ability t d 有做某事的能力She has the ability t finish the wrk by herself.她能够独立完成这项工作。
    2. able ['eɪbl]adj. 能够;有才能的拓展:unable [ʌnˈeɪbl]adj. 不能的,不会的be unable t d sth. 不能够做某事He was unable t wrk ut the math prblem.他解不出这道数学题。
    2. able ['eɪbl]adj. 能够;有才能的拓展:disabled [dɪsˈeɪbld]adj. 残疾的the disabled 残疾人We shuld help the disabled.我们应该帮助残疾人。
    3. abut[ə'baʊt] adv.大约 prep.关于考点:adv. 大约近义词:arund I gt hme abut/arund 6 'clck.我大约6点钟到了家。
    3. abut[ə'baʊt] adv.大约 prep.关于考点:prep. 关于近义词:n Can yu give me sme advice abut/n hw t keep healthy?你能给我一些关于如何保持健康的建议吗?
    3. abut[ə'baʊt] adv.大约 prep.关于拓展:Hw abut/What ...怎么样34. It's nearly lunch time. Hw abut having sme ndles and dumplings? (湖北-黄石)快到吃午饭的时间了,吃点面条和饺子怎么样?
    3. abut[ə'baʊt] adv.大约 prep.关于拓展:talk abut 谈论21. Yu can see the pride in ur faces when we talk abut the great achievements in the past 70 years. (安徽省)当我们谈论过去70年的伟大成就时,你可以看到我们脸上的骄傲。
    3. abut[ə'baʊt] adv.大约 prep.关于拓展:wrry abut 担心Dn't wrry abut yur daughter. She can lk after herself well. (辽宁-辽阳)不要担心你的女儿,她能照顾好自己的。
    4.abve[ə'bʌv] prep. 在……上面 adv. 在上面考点:prep.在……上面 不一定是正上方The plane flew abve the cluds.飞机在云的上方飞行。
    4.abve[ə'bʌv] prep. 在……上面 adv. 在上面拓展:ver [ˈəʊvə(r)]prep. 在……上面正上方There is a bridge ver the river.河上有座桥。
    4.abve[ə'bʌv] prep. 在……上面 adv. 在上面拓展:abve all 最重要的是Abve all, yu shuld learn t be independent. 最重要的是,你应该学会独立。
    5. abrad [ə'brɔːd] adv. 到(在)国外考点1:g abrad 出国30. ---The beautiful lady with glasses ver there lks like ur English teacher. ---It can't be her. She has gne abrad. (湖北-黄石)---那边那位戴眼镜的漂亮女士看起来像我们的英语老师。---不可能是她,她已经出国了。
    5. abrad [ə'brɔːd] adv. 到(在)国外考点2:study abrad 出国留学I decided t study abrad. 我决定出国留学。
    5. abrad [ə'brɔːd] adv. 到(在)国外拓展:abard [əˈbɔ:d]prep. &adv. 在(飞机、船、车)上They went abard the plane. 他们上了飞机。
    6.absent['æbsənt]adj.缺席;不在考点:be absent frm 缺席14. —Simn has been ________ schl fr 2 days. What's wrng with him?—It's said that he has a cld. (辽宁-本溪)A. nervus abut B. thirsty fr C. absent frm D. wrried abut
    6.absent['æbsənt]adj.缺席;不在拓展:absence [ˈæbsəns] n.缺席,缺勤 adj. --- n.silent沉默的---silence沉默distant遥远的---distance遥远;距离patient耐心的---patience耐心
    6.absent['æbsənt]adj.缺席;不在拓展:absence [ˈæbsəns] n.缺席,缺勤 adj. --- n.different不同的---difference差别,差异imprtant重要的---imprtance重要性cnvenient方便的---cnvenience方便,便捷
    7.accept[ək'sept]v.接受(建议、邀请等) receive [rɪˈsi:v] v. 收到考点:accept:主观接受receive:客观上的收到I received an invitatin, but I didn’t want t accept it.我收到了一份邀请,但我没有接受。
    8.accident['æksɪdənt]n. 事故; 意外考点:一场事故an accident交通事故traffic accident
    8.accident['æksɪdənt]n. 事故; 意外拓展:accidental [ˌæksɪˈdentl]adj. 意外的,偶然(发生)的accidentally [ˌæksɪ'dentəlɪ] adv. 偶然地,意外地by accident=by chance= accidentally偶然的
    9.ache[eɪk]v. & n. 疼痛拓展:headache [ˈhedeɪk]n. 头痛 stmachache ['stʌməkeɪk]n. 胃痛;肚子痛tthache [ˈtu:θeɪk] n. 牙痛have a headache/stmachache/tthache头痛/胃痛/牙痛
    9.achieve[ə'tʃiːv]v.达到;完成;成功考点:获得成功achieve success实现梦想achieve ne's dream
    9.achieve[ə'tʃiːv]v.达到;完成;成功拓展:achievement [əˈtʃi:vmənt]n.完成,达到; 成就10. High-speed trains are seen as ne f the new Fur Great ________ f China. (江苏-南通)A. achievements B. agreements C. envirnments D. instruments
    9.achieve[ə'tʃiːv]v.达到;完成;成功拓展: v. n.achieve达到;完成;成功---achievement完成; 成就agree同意;赞同---agreement同意;协议argue争吵;争论---argument 争吵;争论mve移动;活动---mvement移动;运动
    10.acrss[ə'krɒs] prep.横过;穿过 thrugh[θru:] prep.穿过 crss [krɒs]v. 穿过考点1:acrss:平面穿过表示平面的词:street, rad, playgrund, skyPlease be careful when yu g acrss the rad.过马路的时候要小心。
    10.acrss[ə'krɒs] prep.横过;穿过 thrugh[θru:] prep.穿过 crss [krɒs]v. 穿过考点2:thrugh:空间穿过表示空间的词:frest, cave, windwThey walked thrugh the frest.他们穿过了森林。
    10.acrss[ə'krɒs] prep.横过;穿过 thrugh[θru:] prep.穿过 crss [krɒs]v. 穿过考点3:crss=g/walk acrssPlease be careful when yu g acrss the rad.=Please be careful when yu crss the rad.
    20. The bright sunlight cmes int the rm ______the windw.(青海省)A. thrughB. acrssC. past 29. ---Lk, there is a cute bird, Mm.---It flew int ur kitchen _______ the windw just nw, Alex. (四川-凉山州) A. acrss B. thrugh C. abve D. under
    10.acrss[ə'krɒs] prep.横过;穿过 thrugh[θru:] prep.穿过 crss [krɒs]v. 穿过
    4. Light cmes in ______the windw. (黑龙江-绥化)A. acrssB. crssC. thrugh 24. ---Shall I help yu g ______ the street, Grandpa?(河南省) ---N, thanks. I can manage it myself.A. nB. withC. acrssD. alng
    10.acrss[ə'krɒs] prep.横过;穿过 thrugh[θru:] prep.穿过 crss [krɒs]v. 穿过拓展:run acrss=cme acrss (偶然)遇见,碰见I ran acrss ne f my ld friends yesterday afternn.昨天下午,我偶然遇见了一个老朋友。I came acrss sme children playing ftball.我碰到几个踢足球的小孩。
    11.act[ækt]v.扮演;行动 n. 行为;法案拓展:actin ['ækʃn]n. 行动;行为;情节take actin 采取行动We shuld take actin t prtect animals in danger.我们应该保护处于危险中的动物。
    11.act[ækt]v.扮演;行动 n. 行为;法案拓展:actin ['ækʃn]n. 行动;行为;情节Actins speak luder than wrds. 事实胜于雄辩。
    11.act[ækt]v.扮演;行动 n. 行为;法案拓展:active['æktɪv] adj. 活跃的;积极的actively ['æktɪvlɪ] adv. 活跃地;积极地
    11.act[ækt]v.扮演;行动 n. 行为;法案拓展:activity[æk'tɪvəti] n.活动复数形式:activitiesThe purpse f the activity is t raise mney fr a new hspital. (天津市)这次活动的目的是为这家新医院筹备资金。
    11.act[ækt]v.扮演;行动 n. 行为;法案拓展:actr['æktə(r)] n. 演员actress ['æktrəs]n. 女演员一个(女)演员an actr/actress
    11.act[ækt]v.扮演;行动 n. 行为;法案拓展:actr['æktə(r)] n. 演员以-r结尾表示职业的单词:dctr 医生visitr 访问者;参观者inventr 发明家directr 导演prfessr 教授sailr 船员;水手
    11.act[ækt]v.扮演;行动 n. 行为;法案拓展:actr['æktə(r)] n. 演员以-ess结尾关于女性的单词:waitress 女服务员hstess 女主人;女主持人princess 公主gddess 女神
    12.add [æd]v.增加;添加;补充说 考点1:add…t…把……添加到……I’m ging t add sme tmat sauce t the salad, if yu dn’t mind. (江苏-无锡)如果你不介意的话,我要加点番茄汁到沙拉里。
    12.add [æd]v.增加;添加;补充说 考点2:1+1=2If yu add 1 and 1, yu get 2.
    13.address[ə'dres]n.地址 v. 演说;演讲
    14.adult['ædʌlt]n. 成年人考点:一个成年人an adult
    14.advantage[əd'vɑːntɪdʒ]n.优点;有利条件考点:the advantage f …的优势What are the advantages f studying abrad?出国留学的优势是什么?
    14.advantage[əd'vɑːntɪdʒ]n. 优点;有利条件拓展:disadvantage[ˌdɪsədˈvɑ:ntɪdʒ] n. 劣势,短处Bike sharing is very useful in ur daily life althugh it still has sme disadvantages. (四川-乐山)尽管共享单项仍有一些不足,但它在我们的日常生活中很有用。
    14.advantage[əd'vɑːntɪdʒ]n. 优点;有利条件拓展:advantage优点;有利条件---disadvantage 劣势,短处hnest诚实的---dishnest不诚实的agree同意---disagree不同意
    15.advertisement[əd'vɜːtɪsmənt]n. 广告考点:an advertisement缩写:ad
    15.advertisement[əd'vɜːtɪsmənt]n. 广告拓展:advertise [ˈædvətaɪz] v. 做广告advertiser [ˈædvətaɪzə(r)]n. 广告商;登广告者
    15.advertisement[əd'vɜːtɪsmənt]n. 广告拓展:v. n.advertise做广告---advertisement广告achieve达到;成功---achievement完成; 成就agree同意;赞同---agreement同意;协议argue争吵;争论---argument 争吵;争论mve移动;活动---mvement移动;运动
    16. advice[əd'vaɪs]n. 劝告;建议考点:advice 不可数名词2.The prblems are difficult t slve. Please give me _______. (黑龙江-大庆)A. many advice B. sme advice C. an adviceD. sme advices
    16. advice[əd'vaɪs]n. 劝告;建议考点:advice 不可数名词12. ---Hell, Lucy, please give me sme _______n hw t imprve my English!---Yu'd better keep ______ mre English bks. (四川-达州)A. advices; readB. advice; readC. advice; readingD. advices; reading
    16. advice[əd'vaɪs]n. 劝告;建议拓展:advise [ədˈvaɪz] v. 建议advise sb. t d sth. 建议某人做某事I advised him t eat mre vegetables. 我建议他多吃蔬菜。
    16. advice[əd'vaɪs]n. 劝告;建议拓展:advise [ədˈvaɪz] v. 建议advise ding sth. 建议做某事She advised ging t the mvie.她建议去看电影。
    16. advice[əd'vaɪs]n. 劝告;建议拓展:suggest [səˈdʒest] v. 建议suggest ding sth. 建议做某事 Lily suggested ging fr a walk.Lily 建议去散步。
    16. advice[əd'vaɪs]n. 劝告;建议拓展:suggest [səˈdʒest] v. 建议suggestin [səˈdʒestʃən] n. 建议suggestin是可数名词1. The article gives students sme_________ abut hw t stay safe nline. (辽宁-本溪)A. suggestins B. activities C. decisins D. advantages
    17. affrd [ə'fɔːd] v.承担得起(后果);买得起考点:affrd t d sth. 买得起;承担得起We can’t affrd t g abrad this summer hliday.我们负担不起这个暑假出国的费用。
    18. afraid[ə'freɪd]adj.害怕;担心考点1:be afraid f sth. 害怕 Cathy is afraid f the dg. She will run away as sn as she sees it. (四川-内江)Cathy害怕狗,她一看到狗就跑了。
    18. afraid[ə'freɪd]adj.害怕;担心考点2:be afraid f ding sth. 害怕...…7. The path was cvered with snw, s we walked very carefully. We were afraid f falling. (四川-徐州)小路被雪覆盖,所以我们走得很小心,我们害怕摔倒。
    19. Africa['æfrɪkə]n.非洲 African['æfrɪkən]adj.非洲的 n. 非洲人拓展:Africa非洲---Africanadj.非洲的 n. 非洲人Asia亚洲---Asianadj.亚洲的 n. 亚洲人Eurpe欧洲---Eurpeanadj.欧洲的 n. 欧洲人Nrth America 北美洲---Nrth Americanadj.北美洲的 n. 北美洲人Suth America 南美洲---Suth Americanadj.南美洲的 n. 南美洲人Oceania 大洋洲 Antarctica 南极洲
    20. after['ɑːftə(r)]prep.在……后 cnj.在……以后考点:after + v-ing 5. Betty felt s tired last night that she immediately fell asleep in bed after lying dwn. (浙江-温州)Betty 昨天晚上太累了,她一在床上很快就睡着了。
    20. after['ɑːftə(r)]prep.在……后 cnj.在……以后考点:after + v-ing 40. After playing ftball fr mre than half an hur, the students tk a few minutes' rest. (甘肃-天水)打了半个多小时篮球后,学生们休息了几分钟。
    20. after['ɑːftə(r)]prep.在……后 cnj.在……以后拓展:after all毕竟He can't understand. After all, he is nly 3 years ld.他听不懂。毕竟,他只有三岁。
    21. afternn[ˌɑːftə'nuːn]n.下午考点1:在上午/下午/晚上in the mrning/afternn/evening
    21. afternn[ˌɑːftə'nuːn]n.下午考点2:当特指某一天的上午、下午、晚上或者mrning/afternn/evening前有形容词修饰时,介词要用n。在星期天的下午n Sunday afternn在一个晴朗的上午n a sunny mrning
    21. afternn[ˌɑːftə'nuːn]n.下午考点2:当特指某一天的上午、下午、晚上或者mrning/afternn/evening前有形容词修饰时,介词要用n。2. I'll be at hme ______ Sunday mrning. Yu can phne me then.(江苏-徐州)A. n B. in C. at D. t
    21. afternn[ˌɑːftə'nuːn]n.下午考点3:今天上午this afternn今天上午this mrning今天晚上this evening/tnight
    21. ---Wuld yu like t g shpping with me after lunch? (山东-菏泽)---I'd lve t, but I ________t g ut this afternn.A. dn't allwB. will allwC. wn't be allwed
    18. Culd yu tell me _______this mrning?(四川-内江)A. what time yu had breakfastB. where have yu beenC. hw did yu get there D. why will yu leave earlier
    22. again[ə'ɡen]adv.再一次;又一次考点:again and again 一再,再三She tld me the stry again and again. 她一遍又一遍地给我讲这个故事。
    23. against[ə'ɡenst]prep. 反对;违反;倚;紧靠考点1:prep. 反对;违反I am against the plan. 我反对这个计划That is against the law.那是违法的。
    23. against[ə'ɡenst]prep.反对;违反;倚;紧靠考点2:prep. 倚;紧靠Please put the sfa against the wall.请把沙发靠前放着。
    23. against[ə'ɡenst]prep.反对;违反;倚;紧靠考点3:8. Ben was helping his mther when the rain began t beat heavily ________the windws. (内蒙古-呼和浩特)A. against B. acrss C. abve D. belw
    24. age[eɪdʒ]n.年龄;时代;老年考点:at the age f 在…岁时He was able t swim at the age f 7.
    24. age[eɪdʒ]n.年龄;时代;老年拓展:aged …岁的Mary has tw children, aged 7 and 4.Mary有两个孩子,一个7岁,一个4岁。
    25. ag[ə'ɡəʊ]adv.以前考点:常用于一般过去时27. His car ____ five years ag, but it lks quite new. (重庆市A卷)A. buysB. bughtC. is bughtD. was bught20. The little by is crying because his ty _____ by smene a mment ag. (黑龙江-绥化)A. was brken B. is brkenC. brke
    25. ag[ə'ɡəʊ]adv.以前拓展:a lng time ag 很久以前The stry happened a lng time ag.这个故事发生在很久之前。
    26. agree[ə'ɡriː]v.同意;赞成考点1:agree t d sth. 同意做某事 She agreed t help me.她同意帮助我。
    26. agree[ə'ɡriː]v.同意;赞成考点2:agree with sb. 同意某人 I agree with yu.我同意你的观点。
    26. agree[ə'ɡriː]v. 同意;赞成拓展:disagree[ˌdɪsəˈgri:]v. 不同意disagree with sb. 不同意某人 I disagree with her abut what we shuld d.在我们应该做什么方面,我和她意见不一致。
    26. agree[ə'ɡriː]v. 同意;赞成拓展:agreement [əˈgri:mənt] n. 协议; 同意reach an agreement达成协议;取得一致意见
    27. air [eə(r)]n.空气;空中考点:air 不可数名词
    27. air [eə(r)]n.空气;空中拓展:常考不可数名词气体:air, xygen液体:water, milk, tea, cffee, juice, sup, il食物:fd, rice, bread, meat, beef其他:time, mney, hmewrk, husewrk, advice, weather,infrmatin, furniture,chalk
    27. air [eə(r)]n.空气;空中考点2:by air / plane 乘坐飞机I will g t Shanghai by air.我将坐飞机去上海。
    27. air [eə(r)]n.空气;空中拓展:airline ['eəlaɪn]n. 航空公司airprt['eəpɔːt]n.航空站;机场
    28. alive [ə'laɪv]adj.活着;有生气 living[ˈlɪvɪŋ] adj. 活着的,活的考点:alive, living都可以做表语I dn't knw if he is alive r dead. 我不知道他是生是死。Are yur grandparents still living?你的祖父母还健在吗?
    28. alive [ə'laɪv]adj.活着;有生气 living[ˈlɪvɪŋ] adj. 活着的,活的考点:做定语时,living放在所修饰词的前面,alive放在所修饰词的后面。谁是当今最伟大的作家?Wh is the greatest living writer?Wh is the greatest writer alive?
    28. alive [ə'laɪv]adj.活着;有生气 living[ˈlɪvɪŋ] adj. 活着的,活的3.His grandfather did his best t keep the tree________, but it died in the end. (辽宁-铁岭)A. alive B. asleep C. absent D. awake
    29. all [ɔːl]adj.所有的;全部的 prn.所有;全部 bth[bəʊθ] adj.两者都考点:All the students study hard.所有的学生都努力学习。Bth my father and my mther are dctrs.我的父母都是医生。……和……(两者)都
    29. all [ɔːl]adj.所有的;全部的 prn.所有;全部 bth[bəʊθ] adj.两者都考点:either [ˈaɪðə(r)] prn. (两者之中)任意一个neither [ˈnaɪðə(r)] prn.两者都不
    29. all [ɔːl]adj.所有的;全部的 prn.所有;全部 bth[bəʊθ] adj.两者都考点:either [ˈaɪðə(r)] prn. (两者之中)任意一个或者……或者……;要么……要么……Either yu r he is right.要么你对,要么他对。
    29. all [ɔːl]adj.所有的;全部的 prn.所有;全部 bth[bəʊθ] adj.两者都考点:neither [ˈnaɪðə(r)] prn.两者都不 既不……也不……Neither yu nr he is able t finish the wrk in 2 hurs.你和他都不能再两个小时内完成这项工作。
    29. all [ɔːl]adj.所有的;全部的 prn.所有;全部 bth[bəʊθ] adj.两者都考点:1.--- When wuld yu like t g swimming with me, this Friday r this Saturday? ---___________. I am free nly this Sunday.(江苏-常州)A. Nne B. Bth C. Either D. Neither
    29. all [ɔːl]adj.所有的;全部的 prn.所有;全部 bth[bəʊθ] adj.两者都考点:24. ---Where wuld yu like t g tmrrw, Huanggushu Waterfall r Dragn Palace?---____________ is OK fr me. It's up t yu. (贵州-安顺)A. EitherB. NeitherC. BthD. All
    29. all [ɔːl]adj.所有的;全部的 prn.所有;全部 bth[bəʊθ] adj.两者都考点:11. —What's the weather like in Kunming, Lucy? —It's______ ht ______ cld. S Kunming is called “the Spring City”.(江苏-南通) A. neither; nr B. nt nly; but als C. either; r D. bth; and
    29. all [ɔːl]adj.所有的;全部的 prn.所有;全部 bth[bəʊθ] adj.两者都考点:12.---Chinese gvernment sent tw pandas, Ruyi and Dingding, t Russia several days ag---The relatinship ____ China ____ Russia will be clser than befre, I think. (广西-玉林)A. bth; andB. nt nly; but alsC. either; rD. between; and
    30. allw[ə'laʊ]v.允许;准允考点1:allw sb. t d sth.My parents dn’t allw me t watch TV.我的父母不允许我看电视。
    30. allw[ə'laʊ]v.允许;准允考点1:allw sb. t d sth.32. —Have yu ever heard that China is building a natinwide 5G netwrk? —Right. 5G will allw us ____ English mvies faster than ever. (湖北-咸宁)A. dwnlad B. dwnlads C. t dwnlad D. dwnlading
    30. allw[ə'laʊ]v.允许;准允考点1:allw sb. t d sth.16. My teacher desn't allw us _______ in the classrm. (四川-广元)A. eating B. t eat C. ate
    30. allw[ə'laʊ]v.允许;准允考点2:allw ding sth.They dn’t allw smking in the ffice.他们不允许在办公室吸烟。
    30. allw[ə'laʊ]v.允许;准允拓展:allw sb. t d sth. 允许某人做某事allw ding sth. 允许做某事advise sb. t d sth. 建议某人做某事advise ding sth. 建议做某事
    31. almst['ɔːlməʊst]adv.几乎;差不多35. Ken was_________ late fr schl. The bell rang right after he entered the classrm. (河北省)A. still                        B. always                   C. already                   D. almst
    32. alne[ə'ləʊn]adj. & adv.独自;单独 lnely [ˈləʊnli] adj. 孤独的考点1:alne=n ne’s wn=by neself 独自She has the ability t finish the wrk by herself.=She has the ability t finish the wrk alne/n her wn.
    32. alne[ə'ləʊn]adj. & adv.独自;单独 lnely [ˈləʊnli] adj. 孤独的考点2:lnely adj. 孤独的alne adv.单独;独自He lives alne, but he desn’t feel lnely.他独自居住,但他不感到孤独。
    32. alne[ə'ləʊn]adj. & adv.独自;单独 lnely [ˈləʊnli] adj. 孤独的It’s a pity that neither my teachers nr parents allw me t swim alne. (湖北-宜昌)真可惜,我的父母和老师都不允许我独自去游泳。15. Betty is ften seen t help the lnely ld man with his husewrk. (贵州-毕节)Betty经常被看到帮助那位孤独的老师做家务。
    33. alng[ə'lɒŋ]adv.(与某人)一道,一起;向前prep.沿着;顺着考点1:get alng (with sb.) (与某人)相处I get alng well with my classmates.我和我的同学相处得很好。
    33. alng[ə'lɒŋ]adv.(与某人)一道,一起;向前prep.沿着;顺着考点2:g/walk alng... 沿着...走Walk alng the street and yu will find the bkstre n yur left.沿着街道走,你会发现书店在你的左手边。
    33. alng[ə'lɒŋ]adv.(与某人)一道,一起;向前prep.沿着;顺着考点2:g/walk alng... 沿着...走27.---Excuse me. Where is the nearest bkstre?---G ________ Center Street and yu' ll find it. (吉林省)A. fr B. alng C. with
    33. alud[ə'laʊd]adv.大声地考点:Please read the text alud first. 请先大声朗读一下课文。
    33. already[ɔːl'redi]adv.已经考点:现在完成时的标志词,用于肯定句I have already read the bk.我已经读过这本书了。
    33. already[ɔːl'redi]adv.已经考点:现在完成时的标志词,用于肯定句The AI textbks have already appeared in Shanghai and sme experts 7._______________ (test) sme f them. (山东-济宁)
    have tested
    34. als['ɔːlsəʊ]adv.也;而且考点1:用于肯定句He is als a student.他也是一个学生。I dn't like the T-shirt very much. Als, it is t much expensive.我不喜欢这件T恤。再说它太贵了。
    34. als['ɔːlsəʊ]adv.也;而且考点2:nt als... 不仅...而且 need nt nly talent but als hard wrk t becme a successful ftball player. (江苏-盐城)你不仅需要天赋,而且需要努力才能成为一名成功的足球运动员。
    34. als['ɔːlsəʊ]adv.也;而且考点2:nt als... 不仅...而且 A break between classes is a gd time fr students t play sprts and talk with their classmates. S it _________helps with students' health, _________imprves their scial skills. (山东-临沂) A. either; r B. neither; nr C. nt nly; but als
    34. als['ɔːlsəʊ]adv.也;而且考点2:nt als... 不仅...而且...,连接两个主语时, 谓语动词要和与其最近的主语保持人称和数的一致,即就近原则。17. Nt nly yu but als I __________ interested in the cartn called Peppa Pig. (四川-广元)A. am B. is C. are
    34. als['ɔːlsəʊ]adv.也;而且考点2:nt als... 不仅...而且...,连接两个主语时, 谓语动词要和与其最近的主语保持人称和数的一致,即就近原则。27. Nt nly Jack but als I ________ crazy abut the ftball match. (新疆)A. am B. is C. are D. be
    34. als['ɔːlsəʊ]adv.也;而且拓展:t[tu:] adv. 也t用于肯定句,句尾This is gd fr ur health t. 这对我们的健康也有好处。
    34. als['ɔːlsəʊ]adv.也;而且拓展:either [ˈaɪðə(r)] adv.(用于否定词组后)也either用于否定句,句尾I can't speak French either.我也不会说法语。
    34. als['ɔːlsəʊ]adv.也;而且17. ---Anny, my mther never gets up late fr my breakfast. What abut yur mther? ---My mther, __________. Mthers in China d mre fr us children. (四川-达州)A. tB. alsC. eitherD. neither
    35. althugh[ɔːl'ðəʊ]cnj.虽然;尽管考点:同义词:thugh,althugh/thugh 不能和but 连用尽管他70多岁了,但是他很健康。Althugh he is ver 70, but he is very fit. ×Althugh he is ver 70, he is very fit. =√He is ver 70, but he is very fit.√
    35. althugh[ɔːl'ðəʊ]cnj.虽然;尽管42. _________ the jurney was tiring, Jeff thught it was wrth bth the time and the mney. (上海)A. As B. Since C. Unless D. Althugh9.Mr. Smith knws a lt abut China _____ he has never been t ur cuntry. (辽宁-铁岭)A. althughB. until C. if D. since18. ______my grandpa is ver 80 years ld, he still lks strng and healthy. (山东-菏泽)A. AlthughB. BecauseC. Unless
    36. always['ɔːlweɪz]adv.总是;一直;(将)永远考点:always=all the timeSuccess always belngs t thse wh have tried their best t make their dreams cme true. (四川-眉山)成功总是属于那些尽力实现梦想的那些人。
    37. America[ə'merɪkə]n.美国;美洲38. American[ə'merɪkən]adj.美国(洲)的; n.美国(洲)人考点:一个美国人an American复数形式:Americans
    37. America[ə'merɪkə]n.美国;美洲38. American[ə'merɪkən]adj.美国(洲)的; n.美国(洲)人拓展:Asia(亚洲): China-Chinese-Chinese中国-中国人(单/复数)Japan-Japanese-Japanese日本-日本人(单/复数)India-Indian-Indians印度--印度人(单/复数)
    37. America[ə'merɪkə]n.美国;美洲38. American[ə'merɪkən]adj.美国(洲)的; n.美国(洲)人拓展:Nrth America(北美洲):America-American-Americans美国-美国人(单/复数)Canada-Canadian-Canadians加拿大-加拿大人(单/复数)
    37. America[ə'merɪkə]n.美国;美洲38. American[ə'merɪkən]adj.美国(洲)的; n.美国(洲)人拓展:Eurpe(欧洲):UK/Britain/England-Englishman-Englishmen英国-英国人(单/复数)France-Frenchman-Frenchmen法国-法国人(单/复数)Germany-German-Germans德国-德国人(单/复数)
    37. America[ə'merɪkə]n.美国;美洲38. American[ə'merɪkən]adj.美国(洲)的; n.美国(洲)人拓展:Eurpe(欧洲):Italy-Italian-Italians意大利-意大利人(单/复数)Greece-Greek-Greeks希腊-希腊人(单/复数)Russia-Russian-Russians俄罗斯-俄罗斯人(单/复数)
    37. America[ə'merɪkə]n.美国;美洲38. American[ə'merɪkən]adj.美国(洲)的; n.美国(洲)人拓展:Africa(非洲):Egypt-Egyptian-Egyptians埃及-埃及人(单/复数)
    37. America[ə'merɪkə]n.美国;美洲38. American[ə'merɪkən]adj.美国(洲)的; n.美国(洲)人加思维导图+规则(中日不变英法变,其他加-s。)
    39. amng[ə'mʌŋ]prep.在……中;……之一考点:amng:3者或3者以上之中34. Fishing is ne f the mst ppular activities amng the middle-aged peple. (广东省)钓鱼是深受中年人最喜欢的活动之一。
    39. amng[ə'mʌŋ]prep.在……中;……之一拓展:between [bɪˈtwi:n]prep. 在(两者)之间;在……中间在...和...之间4.The high-speed train ________Qingda and Beijing travels faster nw. The train ride takes nly abut three hurs. (山东-青岛) A. frmB. amngC. in D. between
    40. ancient['eɪnʃənt]adj.古代的;古老的考点:in ancient times 在古代
    41. and[ænd]cnj.和;又;加上考点1:and=as well as我们学习汉语和英语We learn Chinese and English.=We learn Chinese as well as English.
    41. and[ænd]cnj.和;又;加上考点2:两者都在...…和...…之间
    41. and[ænd]cnj.和;又;加上; 然后;那么;而且16. Bill, stp smking, _______ yu'll get better sn.(贵州-毕节)A. butB. afterC. rD. and32. ---What's the secret f success. Dr. Knw? ---Mre time and effrt, _________ yu’ll make it smeday.(湖北-孝感)A. yetB. rC. andD. but
    41. and[ænd]cnj.和;又;加上; 然后;那么;而且22. Keep trying, ______ yu might surprisingly find hidden abilities within yu. (湖南-长沙)A. butB. andC. r3. ---Can yu cme t the party this weekend?---Srry, I'm ging t take part in a cmpetitin, _____I must prepare fr it. (辽宁-辽阳)A. rB. but C. because D. and
    42. angry['æŋɡri]adj.生气的;愤怒的考点:be angry with sb. 对某人生气My father was angry with me because I failed the exam.我考试不及格,爸爸很生我的气。
    42. angry['æŋɡri]adj.生气的;愤怒的拓展:anger [ˈæŋgə(r)] n. 怒气angrily ['æŋɡrəlɪ]adv. 生气地
    43. animal[ˈænɪml]n.动物考点:一只动物an animal 野生动物wild animals
    44. anther[ə'nʌðə(r)]adj.& prn.又一;再一;另一考点:anther: 3者或3者以上中的另一个This T-shirt is t expensive. Please shw me anther.这件T恤太贵了,请给我看看另一件。
    44. anther[ə'nʌðə(r)]adj.& prn.又一;再一;另一拓展1:the ther 两者之中的另一个I have tw brthers. One is a dctr. The ther is a teacher.我有两个哥哥。一个是医生,另一个是老师。
    44. anther[ə'nʌðə(r)]adj.& prn.又一;再一;另一拓展2:ther:其他的,跟可数名词的复数thers:其他的,后面不跟名词Sme students like English. Other students like Chinese.Sme students like English. Others like Chinese.一些学生喜欢英语,其他的喜欢汉语。
    44. anther[ə'nʌðə(r)]adj.& prn.又一;再一;另一38.—This rm is t small. I’d like t ask fr _______ . —Sure. We have rms available here. (湖北-武汉) A. anther B. the ther C. ne D. it
    44. anther[ə'nʌðə(r)]adj.& prn.又一;再一;另一31. ---Can yu kick the ball t _____end f the ftball field?---It’s hard fr me. I think few galkeepers can make it. (四川-乐山)A. antherB. the therC. ther
    45. answer['ɑːnsə(r)]n.回答;答复;答案 v. 回答;答复考点:n. 答案the answer t the questin 问题的答案v. 回答Can yu answer the questin? 你能回答这个问题吗?
    46. ant[ænt]n.蚂蚁考点:一只蚂蚁an ant
    47. any['eni]prn.任何;一些;任一 adj.任何的;任一的考点:any:一些,用在否定句和疑问句之中There are nt any bks n the desk.桌子上没有书。Are there any bks n the desk?桌子上有书吗?
    47. any['eni]prn.任何;一些;任一 adj.任何的;任一的考点:any:任一的,肯定句He is taller than any ther student in his class.他比班上其他学生中任何一个都高。
    47. any['eni]prn.任何;一些;任一 adj.任何的;任一的拓展:sme:一些,用在肯定句之中There are sme bks n the desk.桌子上有一些书。
    47. any['eni]prn.任何;一些;任一 adj.任何的;任一的拓展:表示请求,希望得到对方的肯定回答,疑问句中用sme。Wuld yu like sme tea?你想喝点茶吗?Can I have sme cffee?我能喝点咖啡吗?
    47. any['eni]prn.任何;一些;任一 adj.任何的;任一的19. ---I dn′t have enugh mney fr the T-shirt.---Dn' t wrry. I can lend ______t yu. (青海省)A. anyB. smeC. many18. We haven't gt _____meat fr dinner. Let's buy_____ chicken. (天津市)A. sme; smeB. sme; anyC. any; anyD. any; sme
    48. anybdy['enibɒdi]prn.任何人;无论谁49. anyne['eniwʌn]prn.任何人;无论谁考点:anybdy=anyne 可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句。Anybdy/Anyne can answer the questin. 任何人都能回答这个问题。There isn't anybdy/anyne in the classrm. 教室里没有人。Is there anybdy/anyne in the classrm? 教室里有人吗?
    48. anybdy['enibɒdi]prn.任何人;无论谁49. anyne['eniwʌn]prn.任何人;无论谁拓展:smebdy/smeneprn.某人;重要人物用于肯定句everybdy/everyneprn.每人;人人nbdy/n neprn.没有人n.小人物
    48. anybdy['enibɒdi]prn.任何人;无论谁49. anyne['eniwʌn]prn.任何人;无论谁25.Almst ____in ur grup has been t the 2nd Digital China Summit. It's fantastic. (福建省)A. smeneB. everyneC. anyne40.The New Year Cncert was s amazing that _________ left in the middle f it. (上海市)A)everybdy B)anybdy C)nbdy D)smebdy
    48. anybdy['enibɒdi]prn.任何人;无论谁49. anyne['eniwʌn]prn.任何人;无论谁2.---I fund ________ in the rm. Where have they gne?---They've gne t Dave's birthday party. (辽宁-铁岭)A. nbdy B. smebdy C. anybdy D. everybdy5. _________ needs ne r tw clse friends t share his happiness and sadness with. (江苏-盐城)A. SmeneB. N neC. NneD. Everyne
    50. anything['eniθɪŋ]prn.任何事物考点:anything可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句There isn't anything n the desk. 桌子上什么东西都没有。Is there anyting n the desk?桌子上有东西吗?Yu can chse anything yu like. 你可以选择你喜欢的任何东西。
    50. anything['eniθɪŋ]prn.任何事物拓展1:smething['sʌmθɪŋ]prn.某事;某物用于肯定句everything['evriθɪŋ]prn.每件事;一切nthing['nʌθɪŋ]prn.没有一件东西;没有什么
    50. anything['eniθɪŋ]prn.任何事物拓展2:形容词修饰anything, smething, everything, nthing时,形容词要放在这些词的后面。smething interesting有趣的事情
    50. anything['eniθɪŋ]prn.任何事物20.---What did yur sister buy fr yur mther n Mther's Day?--- _______ .She made a card fr her. (广西-贵港)A. NthingB. SmethingC. AnythingD. Everything
    50. anything['eniθɪŋ]prn.任何事物18. ---Is there_______ in tday's mrning news n CCTV-1?---Yes, France Team beat Krea Team by 4:0 in the 8th FIFA Wmen's Wrld Cup in France _______ June 8, 2019. (贵州-安顺)A. anything special; nB. smething special; inC. special smething; nD. anything special; in
    50. anything['eniθɪŋ]prn.任何事物10. Learning is a lifelng jurney because we can learn ____ every day. (黑龙江-哈尔滨)A. nthing newB. new smethingC. smething new28. —D yu lve yur parents? —Yes, f curse. ______in my life is mre imprtant than them. (湖北-随州)A. Smething B. Anything C. Everything D. Nthing
    51. anyway['eniweɪ]adv.而且;尽管;无论如何;不管怎样考点:It's nt my fault, anyway. 不管怎样,这不是我的错。
    52. anywhere['eniweə(r)]adv.在任何地方22. ---Where is Mnica? I can't find her anywhere.---She must be in the library. She lves reading bks when she is free. (四川-乐山)13.---WeChat makes cmmunicatin much easier.--- I can't agree mre. We can keep in tuch with each ther anytime and anywhere. (江苏-盐城)
    53. appear[ə'pɪə(r)]v.出现;似乎考点:appear t d 似乎做某事He appears t be happy every day.他似乎每天都很开心。
    54. apple['æpl]n.苹果考点:一个苹果an appleAn apple a day keeps dctrs away.一天一苹果,医生远离我。
    54. apple['æpl]n.苹果1. “_____apple a day keeps the dctr away” is _____ useful saying. (黑龙江-绥化)A. An; anB. An; a C.A; a
    55. April['eɪprəl]n.四月考点:在四月in April缩写形式 are 24 slar terms in a year. Grain Rain ften starts in April, the furth mnth f the year. (贵州-贵阳)
    55. April['eɪprəl]n.四月拓展:January['dʒænjuəri]n.一月Jan.February['februəri]n.二月Feb.March[mɑːtʃ]n.三月Mar.May[meɪ]n.五月MayJune[dʒuːn]n.六月Jun.
    55. April['eɪprəl]n.四月拓展:July[dʒu'laɪ]n.七月Jul.August['ɔːɡəst]n.八月Aug.September[sep'tembə(r)]n.九月Sep./Sept.Octber[ɒk'təʊbə(r)]n.十月Oct.Nvember[nəʊ'vembə(r)]n.十一月Nv.December[dɪ'sembə(r)]n.十二月Dec.
    56. area['eəriə]n.地域,地区57. arm[ɑːm]n.手臂
    58. army['ɑːmi]n.陆军;陆军部队考点:参军jin the army复数形式:armies
    59. arund[ə'raʊnd]adv.周围;到处;大约prep.围绕考点:adv. 大约近义词:abutI gt hme abut/arund 6 'clck.我大约6点钟到了家。
    59. arund[ə'raʊnd]adv.周围;到处;大约prep.围绕拓展:lk arund环顾四周Befre yu crss the rad, yu'd better lk arund.过马路之前,你最好四处看看。
    60. arrive[ə'raɪv]v.到达;抵达考点1:arrive in:到达大地方arrive in China/Beijing/Asiaarrive at:到达小地方arrive at the airprt/schl
    60. arrive[ə'raɪv]v.到达;抵达考点2:arrive后接here, there, hme等副词时,不能用介词arrive here/there/hme
    60. arrive[ə'raɪv]v.到达;抵达考点3:arrive at/in的近义词:get t, reach你什么时候到达了机场?When did yu arrive at the airprt?=When did yu get t the airprt?When did yu reach the airprt?
    61. art[ɑːt]n.艺术;美术;艺术作品考点1:wrks f art艺术作品
    61. art[ɑːt]n.艺术;美术;艺术作品拓展:artist [ˈɑ:tɪst] n. 艺术家artistic[ɑ:ˈtɪstɪk] adj. 有艺术天赋的
    62. article['ɑːtɪkl]n.文章;物品;冠词考点:一篇文章an article
    62. as[æz]adv.像……一样;如同 cnj.正如;因为 prep.作为;像考点:as +adj./adv.原级+as 用于肯定句、否定句He is as tall as Ben.他和Ben一样高。She speaks English as well as Daisy.她的英语说得和Daisy一样好。
    62. as[æz]adv.像……一样;如同 cnj.正如;因为 prep.作为;像考点:as +adj./adv.原级+as 用于肯定句、否定句He isn't as tall as Ben.他和Ben不一样高。She desn't speak English as well as Daisy.她的英语说得和Daisy不一样好。
    62. as[æz]adv.像……一样;如同 cnj.正如;因为 prep.作为;像26. ---What d yu think f English?---I think English is as ______ as Chinese. (湖南-湘西)A. useful B. mre useful C. the mst useful18. Tina is as ________as her sister, Tara. (湖南-岳阳)A. utging B. mre utging C. the mst utging
    62. as[æz]adv.像……一样;如同 cnj.正如;因为 prep.作为;像拓展1:as well=t 也She likes playing basketball t.=She likes playing basketball as well.她也喜欢打篮球。
    62. as[æz]adv.像……一样;如同 cnj.正如;因为 prep.作为;像拓展2:as well as=and 和我们学习汉语和英语We learn Chinese as well as English.=We learn Chinese and English.
    62. as[æz]adv.像……一样;如同 cnj.正如;因为 prep.作为;像拓展3:as sn as 一...…就...…I will call yu as sn as I arrive there. 我一到那儿就给你打电话。
    62. as[æz]adv.像……一样;如同 cnj.正如;因为 prep.作为;像拓展3:as sn as 一...…就...…11. The ftball fans cheered _____ they heard the exciting news. (辽宁-葫芦岛)A. even thughB. in rder that C. as sn asD. as lng as
    62. as[æz]adv.像……一样;如同 cnj.正如;因为 prep.作为;像拓展4:as lng as 只要8.Friends are like bks. Yu dn't need a lt f them _____they are gd. (山东-青岛) A. r B. and C. as lng as D. as sn as
    63. ask[ɑːsk]v.问;请求;要求;邀请考点1:ask sb. (nt) t d sth. 要求某人(不)做某事Why nt ask Bb t jin us in the trip t the z tmrrw? (湖北-武汉)为什么不请Bb加入明天的动物园之旅呢?
    63. ask[ɑːsk]v.问;请求;要求;邀请考点1:ask sb. (nt) t d sth. 要求某人(不)做某事I ask them nt t thrw away the rubbish everywhere.我请他们不要把垃圾到处乱扔。
    63. ask[ɑːsk]v.问;请求;要求;邀请考点1:ask sb. fr help 向某人寻求帮助They can ask their teachers and parents fr help. (黑龙江-哈尔滨)他们能够向老师和家长寻求帮助。
    64. asleep[ə'sliːp]adj.睡着的考点:fall asleep=g t sleep 入睡David fell fast asleep while he was reading a newspaper. (海南省)David读报纸时睡着了。
    64. asleep[ə'sliːp]adj.睡着的拓展1:sleep [sliːp]v.& n.睡觉Wuld yu please turn ff the light? I can't sleep well with it n. (江苏-苏州)能把灯关了吗?灯开着我睡不好。
    64. asleep[ə'sliːp]adj.睡着的拓展2:sleepy['sliːpi]adj.困倦的;瞌睡的Ling ling, yu'll feel sleepy tmrrw unless yu g t bed early. (辽宁-本溪)玲玲,如果你不早点睡,你明天会感到困。
    65. at[æt]prep.在(某时间或时刻);在(某处)考点1:在具体的时刻前at 7:20at 6在某一天前用n n Mnday n May 15 在月份、季节、年份前用in in May in winter in 2020
    65. at[æt]prep.在(某时间或时刻);在(某处)5. ---What time d yu usually get up?---________ 7:00. (四川-广元)A. AtB. InC. On
    65. at[æt]prep.在(某时间或时刻);在(某处)考点2:在(某处)at hme 在家里at schl 在学校
    66. attend[ə'tend]v.出席;参加考点:Uncle Sam said he wuld attend my birthday party, but he never shwed up. (江苏-无锡)Sam叔叔说他会来参加我的生日派对,但是他没出现。
    66. attentin[ə'tenʃn]n.注意;注意力;关注考点:pay attentin t sth./ding sth. 注意 pay attentin t what he is saying. 请注意他说的话。
    66. attentin[ə'tenʃn]n.注意;注意力;关注考点:pay attentin t sth./ding sth. 注意 must pay attentin t listening t the teacher carefully in class.你在课堂上必须认真听老师讲。
    67. aunt[ɑːnt] n.伯母;舅母;婶母;姑母;姨母
    68. autumn['ɔːtəm]n.秋天;秋季考点: 在秋季in autumn
    68. autumn['ɔːtəm]n.秋天;秋季拓展1: 秋季fall
    68. autumn['ɔːtəm]n.秋天;秋季拓展2: spring [sprɪŋ]n.春天;春季;泉summer['sʌmə(r)]n.夏天;夏季winter['wɪntə(r)]n.冬天;冬季in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春季/夏季/秋季/冬季
    69. avid[ə'vɔɪd]v.避免;防止;回避考点: 20. We shuld _____ making a nise in the library. (天津市)A. avidB. preferC. practiseD. enjy
    69. avid[ə'vɔɪd]v.避免;防止;回避考点: avid ding sth. 避免做某事27. --- Jimmy, I dn't like my classmate Bb. He is s nisy. ---Oh, s he is. But yu cannt avid ________him. He sits next t yu. (湖北-鄂州)A. meet B. t meet C. meeting D. t meeting
    69. avid[ə'vɔɪd]v.避免;防止;回避考点: avid ding sth. 避免做某事29. ---What time d yu get up in the mrning n schl days?---I get up at 7:00 every mrning t avid __________the early bus.A. missB. missed C. missing D. t miss
    70. awake[ə'weɪk]v. (使)醒来 adj. 醒着考点1: v. (使)醒来wake-wke-wken考点2: stay awake保持清醒
    70. awake[ə'weɪk]v. (使)醒来 adj. 醒着考点2: adj. 醒着stay awake保持清醒
    71. away[ə'weɪ] adv.离开;在(某距离)处拓展:put away收起来run away逃跑give away捐赠thrw away扔掉far away frm 远离keep away frm(使)不接近,远离
    72. awful['ɔːfl] adj.很坏的;极讨厌的考点:I thught he was awful.我觉得他很讨人厌。

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