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    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    If yu’re traveling t Suth America in summer, yu shuld have Patagnia (at the suthern end f Suth America) high up n yur list f things t d. With this list, I shw yu the best places t visit in Patagnia. The climate dwn there is pretty rugh, especially in the very suth - if yu plan t d hiking r camping, the best time fr a trip is between the end f Nvember and the beginning f March.
    1. Barilche, Argentina
    The fact that Barilche is well cnnected (airprt, direct bus t and frm Buens Aires) makes it the perfect starting pint f a rund trip thrugh Patagnia. But mre than that: the cmbinatin f muntains, lakes and green frests results in its beautiful scenery.
    2. Futaleufú, Chile
    Further dwn suth and a bit harder t access is the small Chilean village Futaleufú which is lcated at the brder t Argentina. The reasn which makes it wrth it: the Futaleufú River is ften referred t as ne f the best white water spts fr rafting in the wrld. The landscape alng the river is unique and, due t its lcatin, still pretty much untuched.
    3. Puert Ri Tranquil, Chile
    If yu want t get there quickly, yu shuld travel thrugh Argentina and crss ver t Chile Chic as this place is als very remte. The reasn t d s: the marble caves in the General Carrera lake.
    4. Trres del Paine, Chile
    Persnally the natinal park Trres del Paine is my number 1 attractin in Patagnia - yu shuld take sme time and d a multi-day trek t experience as much f it as pssible: glaciers, frests, impressive muntain ranges, lagns and rivers.
    21. What is the best time fr hiking in Patagnia?
    A. Octber 1—Nvember 1B. December 25—January 15C. March 5—April 1D. Nvember 5—June 7
    22. Which f the fllwing abut the Futaleufú River is true?
    A. It lies in an easily accessible village.B. It is ignred due t rafting sprts.
    C. It is the best rafting river in the wrld.D. It still has untuched landscapes.
    23. Which place attracts the authr mst in Patagnia?
    A. Barilche.B. Futaleufú.C. Puert Ri Tranquil.D. Trres del Paine.
    Mst teenagers are still trying t find their passin and purpse in life. Hwever, nt Gitanjali Ra. The 15-year-ld sphmre at STEM Schl Highlands Ranch has been cming up with innvative slutins l wrldwide prblems since she was ten. It is, therefre, nt surprising that the yungster was selected frm 5,000 equally impressive nminees—aged 8 t 16—fr TIME Magazine’s first-ever “Kid f the Year.”
    The yung girl, wh knew she wanted t bring change and psitivity t her cmmunity since 3rd grade, was just ten years ld when she heard abut the lead-tainted (含铅的) water in Flint, Michigan, in 2015. After spending tw mnths researching hw the area’s drinking water became plluted, Ra began designing a device called Tethys, which attaches t a cellphne and infrms the resident via an APP if their drinking water cntains traces f the harmful metal. The prttype (模型) earned her the Yung Scientist Challenge Award in 2017. A start-up entrepreneur is wrking with scientists and medical prfessinals t test Tethys’ ptential and hpes the device will be ready fr cmmercial use by 2022.
    In 2019, Ra tk n anther scial issue—piid addictin. The app she designed wn the Pillar Prize at the Innvatin Student Challenge, which helps t catch drug addictin in yung adults befre it’s t late. Ra said. “I wanted t cme up with a way t diagnse such addictin at an early stage s yu can take actin earlier.”
    Mre recently, the teenager has created anther inspiring app. “I stared t hard-cde (编写硬编码) in sme wrds that culd be cnsidered bullying, and then the cmputer search engine tk thse wrds and identified wrds that are similar. Yu type in a wrd r phrase, and it’s able t pick it up if it’s bullying, and it gives yu the ptin t edit it r send it the way it is.” Ra tld editr Angelina in an interview. “The gal is nt t punish. Instead, it gives yu the chance t rethink what yu’re saying s that yu knw what t d next time arund.”
    24. Hw is Gitanjali Ra different frm mst teenagers?
    A. She is trying t find her passin and purpse in life.
    B. She is a sphmre at STEM Schl Highlands Ranch.
    C. She has put frward creative answers t wrldwide prblems.
    D. She applied t be “Kid f the Year” f TIME Magazine.
    25. What can we learn abut Tethys frm Paragraph 2?
    A. It is a device fr residents t research the drinking water.
    B. The traces f the harmful metal will be presented n it.
    C. Its phne APP tells users whether the water is plluted.
    D. A start-up entrepreneur has put Tethys n the market.
    26. What des the underlined expressin “piid addictin” in Paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Internet addictin.B. Drug abuse.C. App innvatin.D. Health diagnsis.
    27. What is the gal f the app against cyberbullying?
    A. T give a punishment fr bullying.B. T guide users t send prper wrds.
    C. T withdraw bullying messages.D. T help find mre accurate expressins.
    Hundreds f millins have rlled up their sleeves fr the COVID-19 vaccine, but why haven’t they rlled up their pant legs instead? Why d we get mst shts in ur arms? What s the science behind why we get mst vaccines in ur arm? It’s wrth nting that mst, but nt all, vaccines are given in the muscle. Sme vaccines are given rally. Others arc given just beneath the skin. But why is the muscle s imprtant, and dcs lcatin matter?
    There are imprtant immune cells in muscle tissue. These immune cells recgnize the antigen (抗原), a tiny piece f a virus r bacteria intrduced by the vaccine that stimulates an immune respnse. Thus, muscles make an excellent vaccine administratin site.
    In the ease f the COVID-19 vaccine, the immune cells in the muscle tissue pick up these antigens and present them t the lymph ndes (淋巴结). Injecting the vaccine int muscle tissue keeps the vaccine in a small area, allwing immune cells t sund the alarm t ther immune cells and get t wrk. Once a vaccine is recgnized by the immune cells in the muscle, these cells carry the antigen t lymph vessels, which transprt the antigen-carrying immune cells int the lymph ndes. Lymph ndes, key cmpnents f ur immune system, cntain mre immune cells that recgnize the antigens in vaccines and start the immune prcess f creating antibdies (抗体).
    Muscle tissue als tends t keep vaccine reactins in the lcal area. If certain vaccines are injected int fat tissue, the chance f painful redness r swelling increases because fat tissue has pr bld supply, leading t pr absrptin f sme vaccine cmpnents.
    Anther deciding factr in vaccine administratin lcatin is the size f the muscle. Adults and children aged three and lder tend t receive vaccines in their upper arm. Yunger children receive their vaccines in the middle part f the leg because their arm muscles are smaller and less develped. Cnvenience and scial acceptability shuld als be cnsidered. As is knwn, rlling up yur sleeve is way easier and mre preferred.
    All things cnsidered, when it cmes t the flu sht and the COVID-19 vaccine, fr mst adults and kids, the arm is the preferred vaccinatin rute.
    28. Why d muscles make a gd vaccine administratin site?
    A. Muscles can easily recgnize bacteria.B. Muscle tissue stimulates immune respnse.
    C. Muscle tissue cntains vital immune cells.D. Muscles can prevent reprductin f viruses.
    29. What can be learned frm Paragraph 3?
    A. Lymph vessels perfrm transprting functin.B. Lymph vessels is critical t creating antibdies.
    C. Immune cells can autmatically sund the alarm.D. Immune cells give antigens t lymph vessels.
    30. What culd be a result f injecting vaccines int fat tissue?
    A. Pr bld supply.B. Better absrptin.C. Lcal pain.D. Rapid fat lss.
    31. The passage is mst likely taken frm ______.
    A. an advertisementB. a jurnalC. a speechD. a nvel
    A water-prf drne (无人机) is being used by Australian scientists t cllect the highly-treasured snt (鼻涕) f migrating whales. The snt is rich with fresh DNA, viruses and bacteria, and is cllected by a drne that hvers ver the blwhles f humpback whales as they set ff their annual jurney alng Australia’s east cast.
    Vanessa Pirtta, a marine bilgist at Macquarie University, says that snt indicates the health f the whale. She states, “It is the juicy bilgical mixture that yu see as a humpback whale takes a breath when they surface frm the water. It sunds like sunds f sharp breaths as a whale breathes, because, unlike sharks r ther fish, they are mammals like humans and they have tw penings fr breathing n their back as well. S, as they take a breath, there are a lt f lung bacteria cming ut frm their lungs, which we can cllect t prvide a brief intrductin f whale health.”
    Australian researchers have attached a petri dish that is used in scientific tests t a drne which flies thrugh the whale’s nasal mist (鼻腔喷出雾). Vanessa Pirtta added, “As a whale cmes t take a breath, yu can actually see it cming t the surface n really gd weather days. That is the time—the drne lwers, and the petri dish is then pened and the drne is flwn thrugh the densest part f the whale snt, cllecting the sample in the petri dish. Nw nce this happens the lid is shut and the drne is flwn back t the research vessel and we cllect the sample t later prcess it in the labratry.”
    The research culd help t slve ne f the mysteries f anther magnificent creature f the deep sea—the suthern right whale. Its numbers have recvered n Australia’s west cast since hunting was utlawed but its ppulatin n the eastern seabard remains stubbrnly lw.
    32. Which f the fllwing statements abut snt is true?
    A. It helps t knw abut the health f the whale.B. It always carries many deadly lung bacteria.
    C. It can nly be cllected during annual migratins.D. It is a bilgical mixture withut DNA.
    33. What’s the functin f the petri dish?
    A. T lwer the water-prf drne.B. T identify the densest part f the snt.
    C. T gather samples f the snt.D. T prcess snt samples in the lab.
    34. The purpse f writing the last paragraph is ______.
    A. t sum up the entire passageB. t intrduce the endangered species
    C. t shw the applicatin f research.D. t shw the ppulatin changes f whales
    35. Which is the best title f the passage?
    A. Snt Indicates the Health f Whales.B. Snt Cntains Many Lung Bacteria.
    C. Drnes Fly Thrugh Snt f WhalesD. Drnes Mnitr Whale Health in Australia.
    While facing Mnday, mst f us may feel depressed. Hw can we vercme the depressin? Here are the tips fr yu.
    List things yu desire t d
    Instead f fcusing n the dull r difficult tasks that lay ahead f yu, think abut all the gd t cme. 36 A gd place t start is t think f ne thing yu are excited abut fr each categry: at wrk, after wrk, and at the weekend.
    Sleep t energize
    37 Take a nap t energize r get t bed earlier tnight t make up fr lst sleep. It’s wrth taking this int accunt n Sunday t avid a lack f energy n a Mnday mrning.
    Thugh this may seem trivial, dn’t underestimate the pwer f an utfit. In fact, psychlgists cnclude that the strng link between clthing and md suggests we shuld put n clthes that we assciate with happiness, even when feeling lw.
    Set a pleasant schedule
    After a weekend f fun and taking it easy, it might be best t keep Mnday’s schedule a little lighter than ther days. 39 It means that instead f facing the mst cmplicated stuff n a Mnday, put sme time int the easier tasks. Reduce Mnday blues and any anxiety r stress by allwing yurself t d Mnday with mre ease. 40
    A. Wear yur favrite clthes.
    B. Sleep has a tremendus effect n ur md.
    C. What yu are wearing makes a deep impressin n thers.
    D. This desn’t mean sitting arund and drwning in yur blues.
    E. Sleeping t much is harmful either t ur life r t ur career.
    F. Write ut sme things that yu are currently lking frward t.
    G. Putting less pressure n yurself is a gd way t beat the Mnday blues.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    We all strive t accmplish ur gals befre ld age catches up with us—but fr ne San Dieg wman, the lss f her 41 is far frm a barrier.
    Tw days after Thanksgiving Laura Simn turns 106, and she’s still setting gals fr herself. The secret t her lngevity, she says, “is t live as 42 as yu can and t wrk.”
    Simn 43 ne f her biggest gals when she turned 100: She 44 a bk, titled I Am Still Here. Simn’s pr eyesight prevented her frm 45 writing, s she dictated her bk int a tape recrder ver nine years. “I’m very 46 f this bk,” Simn said.
    The bk’s 500 pages are 47 by dzens f black-and white phts. Her paintings are als thrughut the bk. It was nly recently when it was 48 fr her t cntinue that Simn stpped painting. “My paintings cme frm the very depth f my being,” Simn said. “It gives me life and 49 .”
    As fr her recent 50 ? She said she wanted t be in the Library f Cngress. And Simn did mre than 51 it t the Library f Cngress. Her publisher 52 her that she is ne f the ldest 53 authrs with a bk in the natin’s library. “The rest f the authrs are all gne, frm the time f Washingtn. And my bk is with all these great bks,” Simn said, beaming. “ my title says n the bk, I am still here.”
    Psitive attitude abut 54 has gtten Simn far. “Althugh I’m ging t be 106 years ld within the next week, I’m much 55 in spirit and mre active in the depth f my thinking.” Simn said.
    41. A. wealthB. yuthC. healthD. grwth
    42. A. ptimisticallyB. cmfrtablyC. regularlyD. gratefully
    43. A. setB. achievedC. pursuedD. fllwed
    44. A. readB. bughtC. publishedD. gained
    45. A. graduallyB. frequentlyC. physicallyD. quickly
    46. A. tiredB. carefulC. sickD. prud
    47. A. brken upB. cut ffC. brught inD. turned dwn
    48. A. amusingB. difficultC. relaxingD. blind
    49. A. hpeB. mneyC. fdD. pain
    50. A. schedulesB. barriersC. hbbiesD. gals
    51. A. admitB. finishC. realizeD. make
    52. A. advisedB. warnedC. infrmedD. cnvinced
    53. A. livingB. respectableC. generusD. brave
    54. A. wrkB. agingC. successD. writing
    55. A. higherB. tugherC. yungerD. richer
    Wang Yaping, 41, will be the first female “taiknaut”—the term China uses fr its astrnauts— 56 (bard) the Tiangng space statin. She and tw male clleagues, Cmmander Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu, 57 (expect) t set a new space endurance recrd fr China.
    58 her secnd trip int space, Wang will walk in space, 59 (cnduct) many activities utside the statin as well.
    It is Ye’s first flight, while Zhai flew 13 years ag abard Shenzhu 7 in a missin that lasted just three days. That means that Wang, 60 spent tw weeks in rbit in 2013 abard a previus statin, is 61 (experienced) than the ther tw.
    In 62 interview with China Central Televisin, Wang said 63 (hpeful) f her space adventures t date: “Dreams are like 64 (star) in the universe. They lk far and unreachable, but as lng as we try, we are destined t reach 65 (they).”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 报告的时间和地点;
    2. 报告主要内容;
    3. 欢迎老师同学们来参加。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 通知的首尾已经给出,不计入总词数;
    3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    It was a fine summer mrning, perfect t be utdrs. Tw sisters had been ut mushrm picking, and were n their way hme with heavy baskets full f mushrms. They sang sngs n the way, and played with each ther.
    Sn they reached a pint where they had t crss a railway track. They did nt think twice abut crssing it since there was n train cming, and they culd nt hear any whistle. They slwly climbed the steep railway embankment (路堤), taking care nt l drp the baskets. They were very near the track and the little sister Mary was abut t crss it first when a train whistled in the distance.
    Hearing the train cming, Rse the elder sister quickly ran dwn. She thught that the yung ne was fllwing her. But as she turned back, she was shcked t see her little sister still up there crssing the track. “Cme back here! Run back fast!” she shuted.
    Mary seemed nt t hear the whistle nr her sister’s cry as she was cncentrating n stepping ver the track with her little feet, and hlding n t the basket. Then she tripped and fell n the track, scattering her mushrms arund.
    The engine driver panicked n seeing a girl between the tracks wh was n her hands and knees and he blew the hrn with all his strength. Pr Mary, wh was frightened by the cming danger, frze and didn’t knw what t d. When Rse saw the scene, she screamed at the tp f her vice fr Mary’s attentin. Mary nticed that her sister was nt arund and cried fr help.
    With the train drawing near, the engine driver grew extremely anxius. As hard as he culd, he kept blwing the whistle and started reducing speed. Yet it was nt pssible fr him t stp the heavy train within such a shrt distance.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    第二部分 阅读 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    21. B22. D23. D24. C25. C26. B27. B28. C29. A30. C
    31. B32. A33. C34. C35. D
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    36. F37. B38. A39. D40. G
    第三部分 语言运用 第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    41. B42. A43. B44. C45. C46. D47. A48. B49. A50. D
    51. D52. C53. A54. B55. C
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    56. t bard57. are expected58. On / During59. cnducting60. wh
    61. mre experienced62. an63. hpefully64. stars65. them
    第四部分 第一节(满分15分)One pssible versin:
    Dear teachers and schlmates,
    T raise the awareness f prtecting wild animals, the English Club will hld a lecture in the schl auditrium frm 3 p.m. t 5 p.m. n Friday.
    The lecture will first revlve arund sme typical cases f endangered wild animals being killed withut mercy. It aims t deliver the message t the students and teachers present that destrying them means destrying us human beings because they are an indispensable part f ur ecsystem and play an irreplaceable rle in the balance f nature. Then, sme effective measures taken by the gvernment and individuals will be intrduced with the purpse f appealing fr everyne’s active participatin in prtecting wild animals. Last, there will be an interactive sessin right after the lecture.
    Whever shws interest is welcme t attend it. Hpefully, yu can take an active part in the lecture and give sme valuable advice n wildlife prtectin as well. Fr any inquiries, please feel free t cntact us.
    The English Club
    第二节(满分25分)One pssible versin:
    Rse wuldn’t watch the tragedy happen befre her eyes. She rushed up the embankment staircase, repeating at the tp f her vice “Stay ff the tracks!” Mary, at the sight f Rse’s cming t her rescue, burst int tears f jy. Thugh reducing speed as hard as it culd, the train was still appraching fast. Seeing there was little time t drag her sister ut f danger, Rse jumped ver withut a secnd thught and cvered Mary’s bdy under hers.
    The train rlled ver and finally stpped. Frightened and wrried, the engine driver quickened his pace t see what happened t the little girl. T his great relief, the sisters lied between the rails safe and sund. What a narrw escape! He helped them sit up and cmfrted them. The tw sisters hugged and kissed each ther, tears f jy flwing dwn their cheeks. Never were the tw suls s happily united at that mment. They then cllected all the remaining mushrms and, hand in hand mre tightly than befre, walked back hme.Ntice
    Dear teachers and schlmates,
    The English Club
    Rse wuldn’t watch the tragedy happen befre her eyes.
    The train rlled ver and finally stpped.

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