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    命题人: 审题人:
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where is the woman?
    A.In Paris. B.In Beijing. C.In New York.
    2.What will the speakers probably do?
    A.Buy a map. B.Drive home. C.Ask for help.
    3.What's the cost for the reservation?
    A.$1. B.$2. C.$15.
    4. What color window does the man prefer?
    A.Green. B.Yellow. C.Dark blue.
    5.what do we know about the man?
    A.He ate all the food. B.He is still hungry. C.He will clean the fridge.
    6. What sport does the woman like best?
    A.Soccer. B.Basketball. C.Tennis.
    7. What are the speakers going to do next?
    A.Watch a game. B.Play tennis. C.Play basketball.
    8. Which subject does the boy do well in?
    A.English. B.History. C.Music.
    9. What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A.Mother and son. B.Teacher and student. C.Classmates.
    10. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A.Family relationships. B.Children's education. C.Weekend plans.
    11. What do the speakers say about their children?
    A.They often help them at home.
    B.They are busy with their schoolwork.
    C.They prefer to stay with their friends.
    12. What does the woman suggest doing next weekend?
    A.Having a barbecue. B.Going to the movies. C. Swimming in a pool.
    13.When does the conversation take place?
    A.Around 10:00. B.Around 10:30. C.Around 12:00.
    14. What is the woman?
    A.An editor. B.A teacher. C.A typist.
    15. What is the woman writing about?
    A.The beautiful Amazon rainforests.
    B. Some newly discovered scenic spot.
    C.Big changes in the Amazon valley.
    16.Where did the woman's articles usually appear?
    A.In News Weekly.
    B.In newspapers' Sunday editions.
    C.In a local evening paper.
    17.Which choice is especially for children?
    A.The Zoo. B.Films at the Museum. C.Captain Good-fellow.
    18. When will people meet to tour the town?
    A.At 9:30 am. B.At 10:00 am. C.At 1:30 pm.
    19. Where can the listeners eat many different food?
    A.At the City Theater. B.In the Central Park. C.At Rose Hall.
    20. How many choices does the speaker provide?
    A.4. B.5. C.6.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分42.5分)
    Mary Engle Pennington was the greatest authority on refrigeration in the early twentieth
    century.Over the course of a 40-year career,Pennington changed the way Americans transported
    and stored food.
    Pennington was born on October 8, 1872. At age 12, her interest in science began when she read a library book on medical chemistry.In 1890,she enrolled in(登记入学)Towne Scientific School.In two years, she completed the requirements for a bachelor's degree. Pennington received her PhD in chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania in 1895. Then she spent two more years at the University of Pennsylvania studying chemical botany.
    In 1901, she founded the Philadelphia Clinical Laboratory, where she conducted bacteriological and chemical research. In 1904, Pennington headed the lab for the Philadelphia Department of Health and Charities. She examined all phases(阶段) of milk production.
    Because of public demand for safer products, the US government passed the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act.Harvey W. Wiley,chief of the Bureau of Chemistry of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), sought to fill the new position of first chief of USDA's new Food Research Laboratory. Wiley knew who he wanted for the job. He persuaded Pennington to take a civil service exam.After receiving the highest score,Pennington was hired.
    While working at the lab as a bacteriological chemist, Pennington developed standards for
    inspecting milk and preserving dairy products. She invented new methods for transporting eggs.
    The Food Research Laboratory set standards for federal laws in the cold-storage industry.
    In 1917,the United States entered World War I. The War Food Administration transported food to troops by railroad cars and needed help keeping the food fresh. They asked Pennington for help. She measured temperatures and investigated the construction of the crude(简陋的) refrigeration methods on hundreds of train cars. After crossing the United States over 500 times, Pennington was able to improve the design and efficiency of refrigerated railway boxcar. For her service during the war, Pennington received a Notable Service Medal in 1919.
    21. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?
    A. Pennington's educational background.
    B. Pennington's pioneering research.
    C. Pennington's working conditions.
    D. Pennington's happy childhood.
    22.What did Wiley think of Pennington?
    A.She was the best chemist.
    B. She was a good cooperator.
    C. She was good at taking exams.
    D. She was qualified as the head of a lab.
    23.What did Pennington mainly do when she worked at the Food Research Laboratory?
    A. She drew up an important act.
    B. She designed the first refrigerated boxcar.
    C. She examined all phases of milk production.
    D.She set standards for the food storage industry.
    24.What made Pennington get a Notable Service Medal?
    A. Her contribution during the war.
    B.Her discovery of rare bacteria.
    C.Her invention of refrigerators.
    D. Her donation to charities.
    Say “Sit” to your dog, and he' ll likely sit on the floor. But would he respond correctly if the
    word were spoken by a stranger, or someone with a thick accent? A new study shows he will,
    suggesting dogs understand spoken words in a clever and complicated way long thought unique to humans.
    Holly Root-Gutteridge, a biologist, and her colleagues ran a test. The researchers filmed 42 dogs of different breeds as they sat with their owners near an audio speaker that played noncommand words with similar sounds, such as “had”, “hid”, and “who'd”。 The words were spoken-not by the dog's owner--but by several strangers, men and women of different ages and with different accents.
    In the video above, the dog Max turns quickly and listens seriously when he hears a woman say“had” for the first time. But as other women with different accents repeat the word, he loses interest, indicating he knows they are all saying the same word. When a speaker says a new word, like “who'd”, Max cheers up again, but his attention flags when a new voice returns to saying “had”。 Together,these reactions suggest dogs recognize words regardless of the speaker-and that they don't need any training to do it, the team reports today in Biology Letters.
    “It's wonderful-and novel-to see research looking at dogs' reactions to words that are not commands or requests,” says Alexandra Horowitz, a researcher at Barnard College in New York City.Because of the nature of the test,however,the scientists cannot show that the dogs “understood” what the words meant, Horowitz points out. “But the work clearly demonstrates that dogs are listening to us,” she says, even when our speech is not about them.
    25. What can we learn from this study?
    A.Dogs can hear some simple words.
    B. Dogs can hear words like humans.
    C. Dogs cannot understand a stranger.
    D.Dogs know their owners' meaning.
    26. What do the researchers do for the dogs in the study?
    A.Record their sounds.
    B.Record their reactions.
    C.Train their hearing ability.
    D.Train their learning ability.
    27. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
    A.The result of the study.
    B.A dog filmed in the study.
    C.An example of the research.
    D.Different reactions of the dogs.
    28. What is Horowitz's attitude towards the study?
    Back in the 20th century,“the future” meant flying cars and food pills. Now, the future is all
    about brain uploads.
    The idea is that, one day, we will be able to change all our memories and thoughts into advanced software programs. Once the human brain can run on a computer, we will live forever. Sounds cooler than a flying car, right? Wrong. If they ever exist, uploads will be hell(地狱)。
    In recent decades, scientists and philosophers have started to take a serious interest in the idea of digital versions of brains. Massive research undertakings like the Human Brain Project aim to “simulate(模拟)the human brain in software.
    There are plenty of medical applications for a brain simulation. Doctors could use it to model diseases or to test treatments. Neurologists could study it to understand how the human brain works. This isn't what people like Google's director of engineering Ray Kurzweil want,though. As he has said in a lot of places, he is looking for upload tech that will make him immortal (不朽的)。
    Let's take Kurzweil seriously and assume that someday, a person- let's call him Boris- will change his own brain into a format suitable for running in devices such as a computer or a robot.
    Now Boris's brain can live forever inside some kind of virtual world like Minecraft,which looks and feels to him like reality. That means his entire universe is dependent on people or companies who run or manage servers, such as Amazon Web Services,to survive.
    Boris is going to be subjected to software updates that could change his thoughts. That isn't the only possible danger. Many other things could also happen if Boris's brain got stuck inside a.
    robot. He could be reprogrammed as a street cleaner, forced to mop Liverpool's gutters for weeks,
    or turned into assembly line arms for a factory that builds Tesla cars.
    After all that, is Boris really himself anymore? There is a Boriseque piece of software that might “live” for a long time, but is it really a continuation of Boris the person? And what kind of rights does Boris's uploaded brain have? He might become the property (财产) of whoever owns the server that runs him.
    Becoming an upload won't allow Boris to live forever. Instead, Boris will die with his body, and a copy of Boris's brain will be stored on a piece of technology.And, of course,technology dies, so immortality isn't guaranteed.
    29. What does the author think if Ray Kurzweil's expectation?
    A. He believes it is a worthy cause.
    B. He is uninterested in discussing it.
    C. He thinks it is way too unrealistic.
    D.He is against it because of its high cost.
    30. What does the underlined phrase “be subjected to” in Paragraph 7 mean?
    A.Be affected by.
    B. Be replaced by.
    C.Be polished by.
    D. Be accompanied by.
    31. What will happen to Boris according to the author?
    A.He will be treated properly
    B.He will achieve immortality.
    C.He will face an uncertain future.
    D.He will take control of technology.
    32. What is the best title for the text?
    A.Will technology die?
    B. What does “the future”mean?
    C.Store your memories forever.
    D. Stop trying to upload your brain.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Accidental Charitable Donations
    You know how you hold on to some stupid kitchen item for like eight years, then decide as you've used it only once to donate it to Goodwill? Then the next week, you find yourself in burning need of that garlic press (压蒜器)。
    Now imagine that garlic press was worth $13,000. 33. Here are three of those stories- some with happy endings, and others where people wish they'd never cleaned out their closets(柜橱)。
    An 80-year-old Illinois man was getting rid of some clothes and decided a suit was unattractive. After he dropped it and other discarded (丢弃的)items off at Goodwill and went home to enjoy his tidy house, the man realized he had made a $13,000 mistake. Not trusting the . banks, he had sewn his entire life savings into the lining of an old suit, the suit he had decided to donated just hours earlier. He immediately returned to the store. 34._
    If you're shopping at a Goodwill store in Illinois, be sure to check the pockets of the clothes, because valuables are lift at second-hand stores in the USA quite often. In 2008, a worker at a store in Glen Carbon discovered $7,500 in cash in a donated shoebox. 35._ His parents had recently died and he had thrown the box in the “to donate" pile without examining its contents.
    36. A bride-to-be in San Diego hollowed out a book to use as a hiding place for jewelry she planned to wear at her upcoming wedding. She also hid about $7,000 along with it. Perhaps on a cleaning spree to make room for wedding gifts, the bride cleared out a bunch of books and donated them to a Salvation Army store. 37 And.fortunately, she managed to get back her missing valuables.
    A. However, it was nowhere to be found.
    B. The man was still looking for it, actually.
    C.She called as soon as she realized her mistake.
    D. Such stories happen at other charity shops, too.
    E. People accidentally give away valuables surprisingly often.
    F. Spokespeople said that finding an amount this large was quite rare.
    G. By examining some bits of paper left in the box, they were able to find the donor.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30.分)
    Although I love baking, I'm afraid of working with dough(面团). Having gained some 38 while cooking regularly during lockdown, I decided to quit my 39 and bake quiche(乳蛋糕). Usually my mother would do the job, but it was time to 40 her apron strings(围裙带). When my spinach and mushroom quiche . 41 _, it looked unattractive, but its taste brought back. decades-old 42 of sneaking into the fridge to break off pieces of buttery crust, crumbs (碎屑) on the floor betraying my attempt to look 43_ the next morning. It made me realize the 44 of cooking beyond mere survival.
    Cooking for 45 is relaxing,but cook every day and you realize the organization, preparation and efficiency required. From 46 cooking one item at a time, I have advanced with varying degrees of 47 to multitasking. I was delighted to put a bunch of fenugreek leaves in different dishes for 48. Fenugreek is one of the most consumed vegetables in India. It made its way into a dough, a vegetable dish with potatoes and an omelet.
    To 49 with our hands is deeply satisfying. It's 50 to microwave or order in food with a click of a button. But to buy your ingredients, store them, cut and chop, knead and stir- each part of the process is a(n) 51 in patience and creativity as a recipe can only guide you so far. It is a(n) 52_ moment when your banana bread turns out just right after one hour of. baking.
    38.A.time B.support C.weight D.courage
    39.A.fear B.habit C.pain D.plan
    40.A.have power over B.make room for C.make fun of D.let go of
    41.A.held out B.broke out C.came out D.set out
    42.A.secrets B.memories C.dreams D.problems
    43.A.wise B.innocent C.special D.positive
    44.A.value B.challenge C.future D.difference
    45.A.show B.experience C.pleasure D.competition
    46.A.eagerly B.frequently C.privately D.laboriously
    47.A.success B.luck C.patience D.dependence
    48.A.variety B.curiosity C.similarity D.popularity
    49.A.eat B.create C.search D.select
    50.A.basic B.important C.simple D.expensive
    51. A.performance B.requirement C.exercise D.guarantee
    52.A.historic B.amusing C.strange D.glorious
    When I finished medical school, I decided I was going to become 53_______ emergency doctor because they have to work with all kinds of people. I did my residency(住院医师实习)in Flushing, Queens. At the end of my residency, I applied 54______ a fellowship in International Emergency Medicine at Columbia,55.___ I am now, and part of that process involved spending around half of the two-year fellowship abroad.
    I did epidemiology (流行病学) in Burundi, Rwanda, and the Congo.That was the first time I'd worked in Africa and it really 56. ___ (strike) me. I worked alongside Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), also 57._____ (know) as Doctors Without Borders, on a couple of projects and loved what they were doing. I support their impartiality (公正). I really appreciate that. 58._(final) I applied to MSF and I 59._(work) on six different missions with them since 2014.
    I was in Guinea a few 60.______(time) during the Ebola outbreaks in 2014 and 2015. I worked in Chad as an epidemiologist for hepatitis E. I worked in Burundi, East Africa, in 2016. I was there just over three months, 61._(train) local doctors to treat wounds and injuries. How do you triage (分诊) ? How do you focus your resources on saving the most lives in the 62._(short) period of time? At the end of the three months, it was pretty cool seeing how much people had learned.
    第四部分 单词拼写(共15小题;每小题0.5分,满分7.5分)
    63.They found something buried____________________(在·······下面)a pile of leaves.
    64. His answer didn't satisfy my__________________(好奇心)
    65.The television________________(改编)of the stage play was very successful.
    66.The article made no____________(提及)to previous research on this subject.
    67.He obtained_____________(许可) from his boss before talking to the press.
    68. Although he is a grown-up, he is still._________(经济上) dependent on his parents without a job to make a living.
    69.Don't allow the computer to________________(控制,支配)your child's life.
    70. Plants draw minerals and other_________________(营养物质)from the soil.
    71.In the southern United States,animal species,including more than 20 types of native ants and
    a butterfly species, are declining and even facing e____________due to imported red fire ants.
    72.Membership of this club is only 1._______________to the chief executive officers.
    73.E________________your child to art and literary works is beneficial for his growth.
    74.Strongly o_____________________to our advice at first, he later took it.
    75.The medical team c_________________of 10 doctors arrived at the hospital.
    76.We had heard so much about the restaurant, but it did not live up to our e_____________
    77.Children under 14 are not allowed to enter unless a_______________by an adult.
    第五部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,你校外教 Mr.Smith将就“How to stay safe on line”进行一场英文讲座。请你以校英语俱乐部的名义,用英语写一则通知,邀请同学们踊跃参加。

    Inokid Ladies College has brought success to many girls over the years. Last year, there were two exceptional students. They were called Pinksha and Redsha. Pinksha was popular and admired by everyone. Her beauty was classic. She bought herself clothes and accessories(配饰) from the best shopping malls. However, her interest had always been in what is skin-deep. Books and college did not exist in her mind.
    Redsha,on the contrary, was a brainy girl from a small village. She was always lost in her own thoughts about worldly matters but still cared about her studies, having excellent marks. She had a kind heart, but she had only a few friends. She was always teased about her average looks and round figure but she never bothered.
    Mr.Yellowdish,their class teacher, gave an unexpected test during their class session.Redsha calmed reached for her pencil and answered all the questions with confidence. On that day, Pinksha rushed to the class. She had woken up late again due to attending a party in the previous night.She sat through the test without answering any questions on the examination sheets.
    Ten days later, Mr. Yellowdish walked into the class with a stern(严肃的)expression.Redsha was nervously thinking of her mark. She prayed hard for a high mark despite her hard work. Pinksha was late again! This time Mr. Yellowdish did not go easy on her. He not only criticized Pinksha in front of the whole class, but also announced her failed for the test.
    Two days later, Mr. Yellowdish posted the students' marks on the college's bulletin board (布告栏). Redsha was shocked to see her mark. It was a fail. She was confused and sad. She could not wait until lunchtime to meet Mr. Yellowdish. As she was walking sadly back to the class, Pinksha said, “Now you know how it fails to fail.”
    At lunch, Redsha calmed herself and met Mr. Yellowdish.
    Mr.Yellowdish was angry at what he saw on the monitoring video.

    听力1-5 BCACA 6-10 BCCAA 11-15 CACBC 16-20 BCABB
    阅读理解21-24 ADDA 25--28 BBCA 29-32 CACD
    七选五33-37 EAGDC
    完形填空38-52 DADCB BACDA ABCCD
    53.an 54.for 55.where 56.struck 57.known 58.Finally 59.have worked 60.times 61.training
    单词拼写 63.beneath 64.curiosity 65.adaptation 66.reference 67.permission 68.economically
    69.dominate 70.nutrients 71.extinction 72.limited 73.Exposing 74.opposed 75.consisting
    76.expectations 77.accompanied
    As we all know, our life is becoming more and more dependent on the Internet and along
    with the trend some problems occur concerning online safety. To help students to deal with such
    issues better, a lecture called “How to stay safe online” is going to be delivered by Mr. Smith next
    Friday afternoon in the Great Hall. The lecture will start at 2 pm and will last for 45 minutes. If
    you have any questions about online safety, you can ask Mr. Smith when he finishes his speech.
    Anyone interested in this topic is welcome to attend the lecture.
    The English Club
    At lunch, Redsha calmed herselfand met Mr: Yellowdish. She expiained her situation and requested to recheck her paper. Mr. Yellowdish was sympathetic and found it strange since he knew that Redsha was a brainy girl He agreed to her request. Mr. Yellowdish decided to look into the matter deeply. He scanned through the test papers, recounted Redsha's mark and even cleaned up his messy desk so that he could think clearly. While he was cleaning, he had a great idea. He hurried to the security office to see the monitoring video.
    Mr: Yellowdish was angry at what he saw on the monitoring video. It was Pinksha who stepped quietly into his office the day before. On the video,he saw how she erased Redsha's answers on the examination sheet. Mr. Yellowdish was angry! Then everyone in the class knew
    Pinksha's bad behavior and was disgusted at the way she spoiled Redsha's requtation. Pinksha felt
    very ashamed of herself and learned that a kind heart is more important than a striking appearance.
    Text 1
    W:Will you book a ticket to Paris for me?
    M:Yes,madam.When do you intend to leave Beijing?
    W:Next Monday,May 15th.
    Text 2
    W:Oh,I think we left that road map at home.Do you know how to get to the beach?
    M: No, I don't. Maybe we should stop and ask someone for directions.
    Text 3
    M:I would like to reserve The Hunger Games.
    W: The price of this book is $50. You have to pay 2% of the book price to reserve the book.
    Text 4
    W:Speaking of the window,we need these.How about yellow? Or green?
    M:Well,I suppose these dark blue ones are much better.
    Text 5
    W:Well,you cleaned out the refrigerator this time.
    M: I'm sorry for that, but I was starving.
    Text 6
    M:What time is that soccer game on? I thought it started at noon.
    W: We must have had the wrong time. Oh, well...soccer's not my favorite sport anyway.I much
    prefer basketball.
    M:Oh,really?I thought your favorite sport was tennis. I'm a big fan of basketball, too.
    W:How about a game sometime?
    M:Sure thing!Why don't we go shoot some hoops (投篮) now since the soccer game isn't on?
    W:Excellent idea.Let's go.
    Text 7
    W:You need to try harder in school!
    M:I am doing well in school.
    W: Then why are your marks in science so low?
    M: I don't understand science. That's all.
    W:Is that the same reason you have for math?
    M:Yes,and English,too.
    W:Tell me one single subject you're doing well in.
    M: Well, I'm doing wonderfully in my music class.
    W:What about history?
    M:Only the parts about Woodstock.
    W:That's it! You're grounded! No guitar for a month.
    M:Oh,no,please. That is my everyday' s favorite.
    Text 8
    M: So, how are your children doing?
    W:Good, but they're pretty busy.
    M:Oh,I know.
    W: I don't think families spend enough time together-not like we used to.
    M: That's for sure. We used to do everything with our parents when we were children. We'd go to
    the park, things like that.
    W:Yeah,my dad used to play basketball with us. Now it seems that my children want to do
    everything with their friends.
    M: Oh, I know. Mine too. I can't even get them to go to the movies with us.
    W:Exactly. Well, maybe you can get them to come over to my house next weekend. We could all
    have a barbecue. Children are usually interested if there's food and a pool!
    M: OK, I'll ask. Thanks, Mary.
    Text 9
    M: You are going to wear out the computer's keyboard.
    M:Do you have any idea what time it is?
    W:About 10:00 or 10:30?
    M:It's nearly midnight.
    W:Really? I didn't know it was so late.
    M: Don't you have an early class to teach tomorrow morning?
    W:Yes, at 7 o'clock, my computer class.
    M: Then you ought to go to bed. What are you writing anyway?
    W:An article I hope I can sell.
    M: Oh, another of your newspaper pieces. What's this one about?.
    W:Do you remember that trip I took last month?
    M:The one up to the Amazon?
    W: Well, that's what I'm writing about. The new highway and the changes it's making in the
    Amazon valley.
    M: It should be interesting.
    W: It is. I guess that's why I forgot all about the time.
    M:How many articles have you sold now?
    W: About a dozen so far.
    M: What kind of newspapers are they?
    W: The papers that carry a lot of foreign news. They usually appear in the big Sunday editions
    where they need a lot of background stories to help fill off the space between the ads.
    Text 10
    M: Weekend is coming. There are some choices for you to choose from. The first-Captain Good-fellow.Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances? Captain Good-fellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theater on Saturday morning at 10:00, free.
    The second-Walking Tour of the Town. Forget your worries on Saturday morning. Take a beautiful walk and learn about its history. Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9:30.Wear
    comfortable shoes!
    The third - Films at the Museum. Two European films will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theater. See Broken Window at 1:30. The Workers will be at 3:45. The fourth-International Picnic. Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 5:00 pm.
    Finally,hear “The Zoo”。 “The Zoo”, a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first US concert tomorrow night at 8:00 at Rose Hall, City College.


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