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    这是一份2021盐城高三下学期5月第三次模拟考试英语含答案(含听力),文件包含英语DOCX、盐城市2021届高三年级第三次模拟考试英语mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共0页, 欢迎下载使用。



    英  语

    (音频下载地址:jsgkxzx@163.com 密码:20082008)



    第一部分 听力(共两节满分30)



    (  )1. Why is the woman flying to New York?

    A. To change her plane.    B. To do business.    C. To have a vacation.

    (  )2. What will the speakers do?

    A. Relax on the beach.    B. Go jet skiing.    C. Ride horses.

    (  )3. What does the man invite the woman to do?

    A. Go jogging.    B. Have a drink.    C. Have dinner.

    (  )4. What does the woman mean?

    A. Ivy is incompetent.        B. Ivy thinks highly of others.

    C. Ivy is brave enough to quit her job.

    (  )5. What does the man ask the woman to do?

    A. Wake up Mary.        B. Ask Mary for some news.

    C. Tell Mary to give him a phone call.




    (  )6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

    A. Watching TV.    B. Reading magazines.    C. Reading newspapers.

    (  )7. Where does the woman usually get the news?

     A. On TV.    B. In magazines.    C. On the Internet.


    (  )8. What did the woman do last night?

    A. She watched a game.     B. She attended a party.     C. She travelled to Madrid.

    (  )9. What does the man say about Barcelona?

    A. They played well as usual.        B. They have a poor goalkeeper.

    C. They could have played better.

    (  )10. What does the man ask the woman to do?

    A. Make a plan on the games.        B. Watch the next game together.

    C. Avoid getting injured in the game.

    听第8段材料回答第 1113 题。

    (  )11. When does the conversation take place?

    A. In spring.    B. In summer.    C. In winter.

    (  )12. What is the woman pleased about?

    A. Collecting stamps.    B. Playing computer games.    C. Doing indoor sports.

    (  )13. Why won't the boy play table tennis?

    A. He is afraid to lose.    B. He finds nobody to play with.

    C. He thinks it boring.

    听第9 段材料回答第1416题。

    (  )14. How does the woman go to work these days?

    A. By bus.    B. By car.    C. By train.

    (  )15. What was the woman two years ago?

    A. A city planner.    B. A company's boss.    C. A landscape gardener.

    (  )16. Why did the woman change her job last year?

    A. To work at home.         B. To start her own business.

    C. To spend more time with her family.


    (  )17. Whom has the government promised to offer help to?

    A. Some farmers.    B. Some pilots.    C. Some children.

    (  )18. Where are the transport workers going on strike?

    A. In Sydney.    B. In Melbourne.    C. In Queensland.

    (  )19. How did the school children feel after the rescue?

    A. Thankful.    B. Angry.    C. Sorry.

    (  )20. What can we learn about the school children?

    A. They attended a musical concert.          B. They enjoyed themselves in the sea.

    C. Their plane was forced to land shortly after take­off.

    第二部分 阅读(共两节满分50)




    2ND DRAFT Critique and Editing Services



    1­Page Inquiry Letter

    Short Story


    Picture Book


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    2ND Draft provides a high­level review of your writing, pointing out reasons why your work may be getting rejected, or may not meet the standards of traditional publication.

    After an evaluation of your submission, one of the professional 2ND Draft critiquers will provide feedback and advice.You'll not only learn what's working in your writing, but what's not, andmost importanthow to fix it.


    I was extremely pleased with the results I got from 2ND Draft. As a new writer, I was dying for some professional advice after finishing my first novel. The critique I received was invaluable.My editor, Terri Valentinesent me a personal letter giving me advice on everything from POV(point of view) faults to grammatical mistakes to ways of making my book more of a page turner. In additionshe left comments, corrections, and suggestions throughout the pages I sent her. I will be forever grateful. Thank you, 2ND Draft—Kim Chavez

    2ND Draft offered me a professional pair of fresh eyes and the shine my manuscript needed. I can now submit my first three chapters without hesitation.”—Lynne Ellis Marino

    For More Information, VISIT www. 2ndDraftShop.com

    (  )21. According to the passage, who might be the potential customers for 2ND Draft?

    A. Students who fail to come up with original ideas.

    B. Teachers who need help in marking the papers.

    C. Authors who attempt to publish their own works.

    D. Editors who want their work less time­consuming.

    (  )22. Why is Kim Chavez so grateful for the services?

    A. The services offered both instant and lasting benefits.

    B. His personal letter got wide recognition after it was polished up.

    C. He met up with many new writers and learnt much from them.

    D. The services set patterns for different types of writing to follow.

    (  )23. In which column can we probably find this passage?

    A. Education.    B. Finance.    C. Technology.    D. Advertisement.


    During the COVID­19 pandemic, Julia began her second year as a first­grade teacher in an online classroom. One September afternoon, she received a call from Cynthia, who was having technical difficulties with her granddaughter's tools for online learning.

    Julia immediately knew something was wrong with Cynthia.The two women had spoken many times before, but Julia had never heard she sounded quite like this. Her words were so jumbled that Julia could barely understand her. Julia called her headmaster, Charlie, who convinced her that he would call and check on Cynthia  himself.

    Just like Julia, Charlie could barely understand Cynthia. He suspected she might be having a stroke(中风)—he recognized the signs from when his own father had suffered one. Charlie immediately became concerned that Cynthia's two grandchildren, ages six and eight, were probably home alone with her and scared. Charlie asked his office manager to send an ambulance to the grandmother's home.

    The quick response from Julia and Charlie saved Cynthia's life. She arrived at the hospital in time to get treatment before long­term damage occurred. Thanks to an extended stay in the hospital, she has regained most of the movement throughout her body except for one hand and a region of her mouth.

    I'm proud of the people I work with, that they responded so quickly and that it did make a difference to Cynthia says Julia. I am so pleased to be part of such a caring community.” But the school's crisis response is only one piece of the community's extraordinary efforts to help Cynthia and her granddaughters. Another family with young children took in the two girls.

    Virtual learning has been a challenge across the country, but it's fair to say that it has helped the community grow closer. Many teachers there gave their personal phone numbers to students and families in case they needed extra help. In this case, the exchange was literally life­altering.

    (  )24. Cynthia called Julia in order to ________

    A. complain about the poor contents of online learning

    B. consult about her granddaughter's academic performance

    C. seek some help for lack of certain technical knowledge

    D. volunteer her services as a teacher in an online classroom

    (  )25. The underlined word “jumbled” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “________”

    A. brief    B. unclear    C. gentle    D. impolite

    (  )26. How did Charlie decide that Cynthia might have suffered a stroke?

    A. By recalling his own previous sufferings from the disease.

    B. By using his professional knowledge to form the judgment.

    C. By combining Julia's call with the granddaughters' description.

    D. By identifying the symptoms that a stroke patient may have.

    (  )27. What does the author think of virtual learning?

    A. It has caused much inconvenience to parents.

    B. It will bring about unavoidable leak of privacy.

    C. It has provided more benefits than challenges.

    D. It needs technical guidance to be highly effective.


    Time to load up some popular games: new research indicates pigs possess the mental capability to play video games. The study, published in FrontiersInPsychology, tested the ability of four pigs(Hamlet, Omelette, Ebony and Ivory) to play a simple joystick(操纵杆) game with their nosesmoving a cursor(光标) to four targets on the screen. Although the animals didn't demonstrate the skills to win a round any time soon, they did show an understanding of some elementary games.

    Performing well above chance, the pigs appeared to recognize the movement of the cursor was controlled by the joystick. The fact that they did so well despite a lack of flexible fingers is extraordinary”, according to the researchers.

    It is no small achievement for an animal to grasp the concept that the behaviour they are performing is having an affect elsewhere. That pigs can do this to any degree should give us pause as to what else they are capable of learning and how such learning may impact them said Purdue University's Dr Candace Croney, the study's lead author.

    Researchers also noted that while the pigs could be taught to play the game using food as positive motivation, they also responded well to social interaction. In fact, when the game was made more challenging and the pigs became unwilling to participate in, only oral encouragement by the experimenter would see training continue.

    These findings are the latest to highlight the intelligence of pigs. Not only have they been shown to use mirrors to find hidden food, but studies have also demonstrated how pigs can be taught to come and sit after oral commands.

    As with any sentient(有感觉力的) beings, how we interact with pigs and what we do to them impacts and matters to them Croney said. We therefore have a moral duty to understand how pigs acquire information, and what they are capable of learning and remembering, because it ultimately offers the potential for how they understand their interactions with us and their environments.”

    (  )28. What can we learn from Paragraphs 1 and 2?

    A. Pigs have the potential to play games well. 

    B. Pigs have noses as flexible as human hands.

    C. Pigs possess the mental ability we didn't know.

    D. Pigs know well about what they are playing.

    (  )29. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

    A. Playing joystick games so well.    B. Realizing the effects of their acts.

    C. Carrying out tasks with their noses.    D. Following human oral commands.

    (  )30. Which of the following can improve the performance of trained pigs?

    A. Less challenging video games.     B. A nice treat before the experiment.

    C. Severe punishment if necessary.     D. Inspiring words from experimenters.

    (  )31. What does the author think of the research findings?

    A. They reflect the needs to interact more with animals.

    B. They offer humans ideas of how to live with animals.

    C. They encourage us to explore how pigs interact with us.

    D. They show us how pigs interact with their environments.


    With the social media freely available, I've realized how easy it is to become a jealous cow. The truth is that however much I remind myself of the many wonderful things I have in my life, there are still moments when I look at those around me and feel bitterly upset by their success.

    It's a horrible thing to admit! In an ideal world, I'd never want to be jealous of another person's achievements and I'd want to celebrate the successes of my friends. But sometimes it's hard, even when we want to. But I don't want to live my life as a jealous cow, and I assume you don't either.

    It's easier to celebrate other people's wins if you celebrate your own. How often do we take the time to enjoy our success rather than instantly move onto the next thing we want to achieve? Last year, I decided to write a book. It was the only professional goal I set for myself and, while it tired me out, I got there. But as soon as it was done, I started planning my next goalmaking the book a success. As I saw other people publishing books, I stopped celebrating and instead began to fear that mine wouldn't compete.

    When I told a friend how I was feeling, she reminded me how much easier it is to clap for someone else when we also clap for ourselves. So, I took myself out for lunch, ordered a glass of wine and wrote myself a congratulations card. When I saw all those other books being written on my social media, I felt proud of each and every one of us who had battled to the end of the word count.

    The other trick for celebrating other people's success is to realize that there is no limit on success. We can make more, which means that while it might seem as if others have everything and we have nothing, the reality is that life turns quickly and our luck could change at any time. If others have achieved those thingswe can too.When we celebrate others, we're acknowledging their achievements but also cheering for ourselves as well as for our hopes and dreams and our belief that we can make them happen. And hopefully, when we do, those people will cheer for us too.

    (  )32. What can we infer from Paragraph 1?

    A. Social media is the source of the author's jealousy.

    B. Frequent successes on social media encourage envy.

    C. It is a pleasure to face others' successes on social media.

    D. People tend to be crazy about immediate success online.

    (  )33. As far as the author is concerned, what should we do after achieving success?

    A. Appreciate what's been done.    B. Show it off on social media.

    C. Reflect on gains and losses.     D. Wait for others' congratulations.

    (  )34. One of the keys to removing jealousy lies in ________

    A. pursuing those achievable goals    B. devoting yourself to the next goal

    C. admitting personal incompetence     D. changing your attitude to success

    (  )35. What is the best title for the passage?

    A. I'm so happy for us!    B. What a considerate friend!

    C. I don't care about it!    D. How selfless you can be!

    第二节(5小题;每小题2.5满分12.5 )


    Preparing for exams? Give yourself the best chance with these study tips, and try not to let the stress get to you! Remember: you've got this.

    Give yourself enough time to study. __36__ While some students do seem to succeed depending on last­minute hard­work, it's widely accepted that this is not the best way. To help sort out your time management, set up a timetable for your study and organize it accordingly.

    Use flow charts and diagrams. __37__ At the start of a topic, challenge yourself to write down everything you already know about a topicand then highlight where the gaps lie. Closer to the exam, simplify your revision notes into one­page diagrams, which can help you to quickly recall everything you need during the exam.

    Explain your answers to others. Take advantage of your parents and little brothers and sisters around exam time. Explain an answer to a question to them.__38__

    __39__ You may think it's best to study for as many hours as possible. However, this can turn out to be the opposite. Studies have shown that for long­term memory of knowledge, taking regular breaks really helps.

    Plan your exam day. __40__ Don't leave it to the day before to suddenly realize you don't know the way, or what you're supposed to bring. Check all the rules and requirements, and plan your route and journey time. If possible, do a test run of the trip. If not, write down clear directions.

    A. Take regular breaks.

    B. Think about what works for you.

    C. Don't leave it until the last minute.

    D. Avoid developing any study routine.

    E. That will help you to get it clear in your head.

    F. Visual aids can be really helpful when revising.

    G. Get everything ready well in advance of the exam.

    第三部分 语言运用(共两节满分30)



    Today marks World Autism(自闭症) Awareness Day. It's an occasion to help people __41__ the difficulties faced by those with autism, and those who love and care for them. A video shows some of the __42__ a mom with a young autistic child faced on a __43__ trip to the park.

    Kristin Bruynell was at the deserted park with her 5­year­old son, Carter, as part of his birthday __44__. When she noticed a group of middle­schoolers __45__ the park, she was ready to go home, knowing how __46__ her son gets around groups of older kids. __47__ the mom and son had to face it.

    Gavin Mabes, 13, went up to the birthday boy and started chatting to him, __48__ him to play together. Soon, Gavin's friends were joining in and __49__ their support, as well as a performance of Happy Birthday”

    For little Carter this would have been a __50__ come true: all these big kids being kind, gentleand supportive.Yet they wouldn't have known the great __51__ this brought to Carter's momKristin, who was __52__ moved by the teenagers' generosity.This was her son's best birthday __53__ and it was undoubtedly a wonderful moment for her, too.

    Hopefully as more people become __54__ of how a little act of kindness can have such a significant impact on autistic people and their __55__ they'll take the time to offer a hand of friendship to those who need it the most.

    (  )41. A. explain    B. analyze    C. recognize    D. overcome

    (  )42. A. dangers    B. anxieties    C. criticisms    D. emergencies

    (  )43. A. simple    B. tiring    C. hard    D. lonely

    (  )44. A. celebrations    B. parties    C. dinners    D. cards

    (  )45. A. guard    B. leave    C. damage    D. approach

    (  )46. A. relaxed    B. stressed    C. delighted    D. disappointed

    (  )47. A. Besides    B. However    C. Instantly    D. Therefore

    (  )48. A. forcing    B. allowing    C. reminding    D. encouraging

    (  )49. A. accepted    B. obtained    C. offered    D. demanded

    (  )50. A. lie    B. plan    C. suggestion    D. dream

    (  )51. A. joy    B. worry    C. pride    D. respect

    (  )52. A. accidentally    B. hardly    C. freely    D. visibly

    (  )53. A. once    B. ever    C. yet    D. already

    (  )54. A. aware    B. proud    C. ignorant    D. doubtful

    (  )55. A. nurses    B. doctors    C. carers    D. assistants



    The difference between a part­time bookseller and a professional one isn't a clear line in the sand. At one time, a professional bookseller might have been defined as someone __56__ primary occupation was selling books. Changes in both technology and the market __57__(influence) that a little, with the Internet allowing anyone to list books for sale.

    A professional bookseller is an individual who has thoroughly studied how to identify books and __58__(accurate) describe their condition.That knowledge can be gained by years of experience working for another bookseller or as __59__ buyer and collector.

    A professional bookseller __60__(value) their customers even more than the __61__(sale) of individual books. The professional is in the business for the long term. Individual books in their list come and go, __62__ the relationship with their customers gets closer.

    A professional bookseller pairs their knowledge of books with salesmanship__63__(help) communicate the value of a book to potential customers. The ideal description of a book combines an accurate list of important features along with a __64__(detail) description of the condition of the individual copy. There's plenty of room in an online book description for a professional bookseller to stress on the __65__(important) of a particular work.

    第四部分 写作(共两节满分40)

    第一节 应用文写作(满分15)

    假定你是李华是学校广播站 Teen Time 的主持人。一位叫王佳的同学给你来信说她因父母对她保护过度感觉没有自由,十分苦恼。请用英文给她写一封回信,内容包括:

    1. 表示理解;2.  提出建议。


    1. 词数80左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯。

    Dear Wang Jia





    Li Hua

    第二节 读后续写(满分25)


    A boy named Ali had a large and harmonious family, happily living with his sisters, parents and grandmother. His grandmother loved everyone a lot and was respected by all family members. She was very old, yet sometimes she would recall things from her past and share with them. Sometimes they would believe her but at other times they would think that Granny might be mixing up the facts due to her old age.

    One day, when Ali was in school, suddenly while knitting(编织)Granny remembered something and she couldn't contain her emotions so she got up to tell her son—Ali's father. She walked as fast as she could to his room and said, You always asked about my birth date but do you know today is the day when I was born.

    She looked at her son with an excited expression, expecting an immediate response. However, her son wondered how she could remember her date of birth in this old age when she forgot so many other things, so he didn't pay much attention to this. Disappointed at her son's reaction, Granny then went to Ali's mother and Ali's sister, but like Ali's father, nobody believed her.

    Disheartened, she went and sat in the terrace(庭院). When Ali returned from his school, he found his grandmother sitting alone with a sad expression. Ali asked his granny about the matter, but she said there was nothing to worry about. After a lot of persuasion she revealed what was troubling her—nobody seemed to care that it was her birthday today!

    After hearing what Granny said, Ali thought of a plan. Purely by chance, some of Ali's friends were playing nearby so he shared his plan with them.


    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

    2. 续写部分分为两段每段的开头语已为你写好。

    Paragraph 1

    His friends were all willing to help Ali achieve what he planned.________________________________________________________________________




    Paragraph 2

    Ali was so happy to see his granny with tears of joy shining in her eyes.________________________________________________________________________










    15 ABBAC 610 ACBCB 1115 CBABC 1620 CABAC



    2123 CAD 2427 CBDC 2831 CBDC 3235 BADA


    3640 CFEAG



    4145 CBAAD 4650 BBDCD 5155 ADBAC


    56. whose 57. have influenced 58. accurately 59. a 60. values 61. sales 62. but 63. helping

    64. detailed 65. importance



    One possible version

    Dear Wang Jia

    I understand your feelings. Sometimes parents can become overprotectiveafter all, it's their duty to protect their child from harm.

    But don't be unhappy. Instead, try these pieces of advice. First, tell your parents what you think about their protective behaviour. Tell them you fully understand their love for you, but explain the side effects of their overprotectiveness. Second, show your parents how responsible you can be. Make it clear when you need their help and when you don't. I hope you will find my advice helpful.

    I wish you all the best.


    Li Hua


    One possible version

    Paragraph 1

    HisfriendswereallwillingtohelpAliachievewhatheplanned. Ali went to the market and bought a cake, candles and balloons. As he returned home, a couple of his friends were already waiting for him. They all decorated Ali's room together and lit the candles. Then Ali called Granny to his room. As she entered the room, Ali's friends started clapping and singing, Happy birthday to you Granny was surprised to see that these kids managed to arrange such a wonderful little party for her birthday!

    Aliwassohappytoseehisgrannywithtearsofjoyshininginhereyes. He had never seen her smiling this way before. She hugged the kids and cut the cake. Just then, the cheerful noise made other family members come inside the room. All of them were surprised and felt ashamed for not believing Granny at first. Ali's father was also happy and thanked Ali's friends. Everyone praised Ali for being so considerate and innovative for caring about his grandmother and fulfilling her wish.


    Text 1

    W: Are you going to New York for business or pleasure?

    M: Well, basically I'm going on holiday. How about you?

    W: Actually, I'm going to Rio de Janeiro. New York is just a stopover. I'm going to take another plane from there.

    Text 2

    W: Do you want to go jet skiing today? The weather is perfect for it.

    M: I would rather relax on the beach today, Candy. I am still tired from horseback riding yesterday.

    W: Jet skiing is even more fun than horse riding! Come on!

    M: Oh, all right. Let's go.

    Text 3

    M: Hey, Susan. Want to go out for a beer?

    W: Sorry, I can't. I always go jogging after work. And then I need to prepare dinner for my family.

    Text 4

    M: I heard that Ivy quit her job again. She was so brave.

    W: She just thinks too high of herself, but can do nothing.

    Text 5

    M: Hello. May I speak to Mary, please?

    W: I'm sorry, she's still in bed. May I take a message?

    M: Yes. This is David. Please tell her to call me back. I have some good news.

    W: OK.

    Text 6

    W: Hey, listen to this. The average American family watches six hours of TV a day.

    M: A day? You're joking.

    W: No, it says so right here in this magazine. Hmm, I guess you're an average American, Jack. When I come over to your place, you always have your TV on.

    M: Come on. Are you saying I'm a couch potato?

    W: Yeah. I really think watching TV is a waste of time.

    M: Well, I disagree. Some programmes are bad, like those soap operas. But what about sports or the news? You watch those sometimes, don't you?

    W: Well, actually, for the news, I prefer the Internet.

    M: Why?

    W: Because it gives you a lot more information.

    Text 7

    M: Did you watch the game between Barcelona and Madrid last night?

    W: No, I went to a party. What's the result?

    M: The score was 33.

    W: Really? I thought Barcelona was going to win. They are a much better team than Madrid.

    M: If Barcelona had played as they normally do, they would have won.

    W: What happened?

    M: Their goalkeeper got injured after the first goal, but he kept on playing anyway.

    W: That explains it. It's a pity I missed it. How many more games are left this season?

    M: Four. The next game starts in a few weeks. Do you want to come over and watch the next game at my place? I'll planning on having a few people over to watch it together.

    W: Sure, that would be great.

    Text 8

    M: Mum, I haven't got anything to do.

    W: Well, Sam, it's snowing heavily, so you can't go outside in such cold weather.

    M: No.

    W: What I don't understand is why you haven't got more hobbies—your friends seem to have lots of different things they like doing, don't they?

    M: That's not... well, anyway, they're just things you do inside, you know, collecting stamps, I mean so boring, or like computer games. I'm just not interested in that kind of thing.

    W: Yes, well, I do understand that, but actually I'm quite pleased about the computer games. There's table tennis: now, you can play that indoors. And you are great at that, aren't you?

    M: Oh Mum, I used to be, but now I'm completely out of practice. I'd lose to anyone.

    W: So maybe you should go and get some practice.

    Text 9

    M: Hey, is that you Joan? I can't believe it!

    W: Johnson! I haven't seen you for ages. It's so good to run into you like this!

    M: That's for sure! So, what are you doing these days? Are you still going to the health club?

    W: Not any more. We've moved to Eastgate.

    M: Eastgate! That's twenty kilometres from here!

    W: Yeah, I know. So I've got a long drive to work these days. But we bought a really big house with a nice garden.

    M: Great! You're a landscape gardener, aren't you? So you'd be working much more in the summer.

    W: Uh huh. But actually I've been working as a city planner for the last year or so.

    M: Oh... Why did you change jobs?

    W: Well... Two years ago I was working so hard that I never had any time to be with my kids. They were growing up really quickly, but I was always driving around from one project to the next. So I was hardly ever spending time at home.

    M: Well, it's better now, I expect. You're working for the city, I suppose.

    W: You mean in the planning department? No, actually I'm running my own company.

    Text 10

    W: This is the 6 o'clock news for Tuesday 25 November. And first the headlines

    The government has promised to help the poor farmers in the northern part of the country who haven't seen rain for nearly two years. And in Sydney a group of school children are successfully rescued from a plane which landed in the sea shortly after take­off. Transport workers are on strike in Melbourne asking for a pay raise. And the strike may spread to other states.

    Now let's focus on the school children. They were travelling in a plane from Sydney to Queensland to take part in a musical concert. They found themselves swimming for the shore when their plane had to land in the sea just three minutes after taking off from Sydney Airport. The pilot managed to bring the aircraft and its 50 passengers down safely in the calm waters of Botany Bay where boats were able to come to the rescue of the children. It was a weekend, and there were hundreds of boats in the bay enjoying the good weather. This undoubtedly helped the rescue operation. The children said they owed their lives to the skill of the pilot. But the pilot replied modestly that it was all part of a day's work. However, all their musical instruments were lost and they never got to play at their concert.


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