展开英语晨读美文12-2022届高三英语作文写作素材 美文阅读1 学会拒绝,你才能走得更远If you don't want to do something for somebody, you should manage to say "No." in the first place.如果你不想为一个人做什么事情,你一开始就应该说“不。”The moment you give in, you've given them the impression that they can use your time as long as they try hard enough.你一旦让步,就会让他们以为只要多做些努力就能占用你的时间。No "Let me see."不要说“我看看。”No "Maybe."不要说“可能吧。”Just "No." and a "Sorry." if you want to be polite.直接说“不。”,如果你想表现得礼貌点就加一个“抱歉。”Or you can ask "How much?" if it suits you.或者,如果你觉得可行,也可以问问“你愿意出多少钱?”Time is the most precious thing that we have.时间是我们所拥有的最珍贵的东西。Once you lose a piece of it, you can never get it back.一旦你失去了一段时间,你永远不可能重新得到它。And you have the freedom to decide how to use each piece of it.而你有权利自由支配自己的每一份时间。So if someone want a piece of your time, they have to be worth it, either by being someone you truly care or by providing enough payment.所以,如果有人想动用你的时间,那他们最好配得上它:要么,他们是你真正关心的人;要么,他们愿意付足够多的报酬。Let me say it once again.让我再说一遍。Time is the most precious thing that we have. Learn to refuse when people ask for your time.时间是我们所拥有的最珍贵的东西。当有人想要你的时间的时候,学会拒绝。 美文阅读2 写给自己的一封信Dear Myself,亲爱的自己,Life is scary. One day you wake up feeling like you can take over the world, and the next day you wake up feeling like all you want to do is to lay in bed and hide from everything.生活让人胆寒。一天醒来你还觉得自己能够接管世界,隔天起来你就只想在床上躺着,不理世事。People walk into your life, grab your hand, and lead you the most beautiful path you've known, but sometimes the same people let go of your hand without warning, and you become stranded at a place where you never thought you'ld feel lost.有人走入你的生活,抓着你的手,向你展示已知的美好人生之路。但同样是这个人,在毫无预警的情况下放开你的手,你被困在当下,之前从未想过人生会如此迷惘。Let's be honest, sometimes everything is going so great and it seems like nothing could go wrong , but right when you begin to think that, something so horrible comes crashing down and all of a sudden more problems come ricocheting around you and you just feel so hopeless cause it's so bad...诚然,有时候一切看起来顺风顺水,当你这样认为的时候,一些不好的事情就会接踵而至(福兮祸所伏),一下让你很难接受,万念俱灰。It's so hard to understand why such things happen in life,and I personally wish I had an answer to that "why?" you always ask yourself , but all I can say that is no matter how hard life gets,you have to keep going. The life around you will never stop going on.生活真是让人费解,一念天堂,一念地狱。我真心希望自己能领悟生活为什么会这样。但无论生活怎样艰难,你也只能熬着。生活一直在继续。I'll be honest and say that sometimes I feel a little bit worried and all I can think is "will I be able to keep up? What if everything goes too fast?" But I realized that being scared and living with that burden of running away from problems only slow me down even more.老实说我总是有点担心,我所想的就是“我还能不能坚持?如果一切都这样飞速发展着?”但我意识到,老是这样战战兢兢,回避问题,反而让自己更加落后。And I've come to the point where I believe that because life never stops, I shouldn't stop either. It's okay to take break and to give yourself time to heal, but you cannot give up and you cannot quit.而且关键在于生活不止,追求不息。停下来休息一会儿,或是抽点时间自愈下没有问题,但是你不能放弃,一定不要放弃。Keep positive, fill you heart with gratitude for what you already have, and always remind to humble and true to who you are!你能做的是,保持积极乐观,常怀感恩之心,保持谦卑,活出真我!With Love,Your Soul爱你的,你的灵魂 美文阅读3 艰难,才是生活的常态Through the cold winter wasteland a man trudged, leaning into the harsh wind which spitefully tried to force him back. He was covered from head to toe in layers of thick clothing, layers of protection against the harsh environment. On he fought, searching, searching. He was working so hard. This must be the way.在寒冷的冬季,以为男子在荒地中的前行举步维艰,狂风肆虐几乎要将他吹倒。他从头到脚包裹着厚厚的衣物,用来抵御这恶劣的环境。他不遗余力的寻找着,寻找着,一定有办法。In the distance he saw what looked like steam rising out of the ground. It rose a few feet and then was quickly whipped away by the biting wind. He altered his course and turned towards the steam, gaining some blessed relief as he turned his chapped face out of the gale.远远地他看见有蒸汽从地下往上冒,只有短短几英尺。接着狂风拖曳着他往回,他改变了方向超蒸汽那里出发,感谢上天他开裂的脸蛋不再曝露在狂风之中。As he got closer, he thought he could make out voices. Their tone was unfamiliar to him - musical, relaxed and warm - their melody enticed him closer. Finally he got close enough to peer through the mist.他渐渐走近,发现自己可以说话了。对方的声音听起来很陌生,但是如同音乐一般让人感觉到放松,温暖。他们的旋律吸引着他不断靠近。最后,在迷雾中他靠近了他们。There before him was a remarkable sight. In the midst of the frozen wasteland, cut into the ground was a large pool. Several people were in the pool, they seemed to be floating easily without any effort. As they saw him approach, a woman called out to him.在旅人面前呈现出一个奇妙的场景。在刺骨寒冷的湿地中,地面上有这么大一个池塘。有不少人在其中,毫不费力地在池中飘来飘去。在旅人靠近之时,一位女士叫住了他。"Come in here. It is lovely and warm. You can just lie back and relax," said the woman.“进来吧,这里温暖舒适。你可以躺下放松。”女士说道。"I can't. There are no steps." The man replied.“我不能,这里都没有台阶。”旅人答道。"Just jump in. It really is lovely in here. Come on. Theoure's plenty of room for another." Another of the floaters joined in the persuasion.“只要跳进来就好了,这里很棒,快点,还有不少位子呢。”池中其他人也附和说道。"But what if I don't like it, how will I get out? The sides are too high to reach up to."“但是如果我不喜欢这里了,怎么出来?边缘太高很难出来。”"Believe me, you won't want to get out. Come on. It is so good in here."“相信我,你不会想要出来的,快点进来,这里真的很好。”But he decided not to jump in. And that was a wise decision.但他没有往下跳。而这是个明治的选择。There are many things and people in life like this pool. They promise you life can be easy.生活中有很多人和事像这个水池一样,他们像你承诺无忧无虑。But in fact, they are traps that you can't come back from.但实际上,他们都是能让你万劫不复的陷阱。Life is hard. Stay wise. And fight.生活是艰难的,请保持睿智,并战斗下去。 美文阅读4 磨难让我成为了更好的自己 Mother Teresa of Calcutta was often quoted as saying: "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much." Over the years I have found myself often feeling the same way. I have had a blessed life, but it has never been an easy one.加尔各答的特蕾莎修女有句经常被引用的话:“我知道上帝不会给我无法完成的事情,我只希望他不要那么信任我。”在过去的几十年中我也有同样的感受,生活虽然蒙福,但却不易。In my 45 years I have had to deal with sickness, injuries, accidents, and pain. I have had to deal with years of poverty and financial struggles. I have had to deal with my sons' mental handicaps, the death of loved ones, and being separated from those I love. I have had to deal with anger, betrayal, confusion, depression and at times even despair.在45年的岁月中我经历了疾病、伤害、事故、痛苦。除了连年的贫困和经济上的窘迫,我还要只顾上智力有障碍的儿子,与所爱之人天人永隔、被迫分离。还要面对悲愤、背叛、困惑、压抑甚至还有时不时的绝望。Like so many before me I have asked the question: Why do bad things happen to good people? It is a question that has been asked throughout the ages. Books have even been written about it.像许多前人一样,我也不禁要问:“为什么好人要遭受这么多的劫难?”这个问题被追问已久,书上也没有答案。When I remember all that I have faced and gone through in this life, I realize that God has used all of it to eventually make me better. With pain came empathy. With grief came healing. With frustration came patience.当我回忆起此生所经历的那些事情,我顿悟到原来上帝这么做是为了最终让我们成为更好的人。痛苦带来同理之心,悲哀带来救助之心,挫折带来静候之心。With struggles came strength. With sorrow came joy. With anger came love. And with despair came trust in God. Every test, challenge, and tragedy eventually led me to greater goodness, greater love, and greater Oneness with our Heavenly Father.化悲愤为力量,苦尽甘来,因恨生爱。绝望中相信上帝的救赎。每一关、每一个挑战,每一个悲剧在上帝的指引下让我更仁慈、博爱,成为更好的人。None of us likes the negative experiences in life. None of us enjoys pain. None of us wants to go through sorrow. May each day here then help you to grow better and more loving.没有人喜欢负面经历,也没有人喜欢痛苦,跟没有人喜欢历经悲伤。愿每天你都能成为更好的自己,更懂得爱。