写作强化3 结构 学案 2022届上海高考英语二轮专题复习
这是一份写作强化3 结构 学案 2022届上海高考英语二轮专题复习,共7页。学案主要包含了课堂精讲,思路点拨,随堂检测等内容,欢迎下载使用。
写作(结构)Part A 文章的结构文章常常由篇首段、主体段和结论段三部分组成。引言段揭示主题,正文部分对主题分点阐述,结论段对全文归纳总结。同时,要遵循一致性和连贯性的原则。1.篇首段目的在于揭示主题,也就是说,引出文中要讨论的核心问题,从而起到统领全文的作用。通常,篇首段由引语句和中心思想句两部分组成。前者目的是引起读者的兴趣,同时使读者对文章要讨论的问题在心理上有所准备。后者向读者交待该文的主题或写作目的。总之,篇首段的作用就是使读者顺利地进入正文。 2.主体段一般由若干段落组成,它们从不同的侧面对文章的主题展开讨论。各段阐述的内容必须与主题一致,有助于说明中心思想,但是只涉及主题的一个方面。主体段一般先写一个过渡句,起到承上启下的作用(有时候过渡句也可以省略) 。然后再写两个分论点,而每个分论点之后一般都有两个细节论证,细节论证可以是作为论据支撑分论点,也可以是对分论点的进一步的阐释。 3.结尾段概括全文的内容,使读者对全文有一个完整、清晰的认识。它往往使用不同的话重新阐述中心思想,从而与篇首段相呼应。 【课堂精讲】(A)下表提供了你所心仪的南、北两所大学的招生信息。通过比较作出选择,并结合个人情况说明理由。 南方大学北方大学学费8000元/年5000元/年招生人数20人10人优惠政策无加20分 【思路点拨】 题目要求是针对自己心仪的两所大学(南方大学和北方大学) ,通过比较做出选择,并说明理由。像这个文章,很显然,其话题 (topic) 就是关于选择南方大学和北方大学的事情,而中心句必然就是“我的选择”的是什么。明白了这一点,本文就很容易开头了,比如可以这么写: Whether to go to the north for college or to enter a southern university has become a practical and significant issue facing the Senior Three students in Shanghai. As for me, after some careful consideration, I have decided to stay in the north for the coming four years’ university life. 接下来,来一个过渡。 My reasons are as follows.接着写第一个原因及其细节支撑: First, in terms of tuition fee, the northern university is preferable as it only charges 5000 yuan a year. By contrast, the southern university is 3000 yuan more expensive. Since I don't come from a rich family and my parents have already been trying their best to put me through high school, I will do what I can to ease their burden. 再写第二个原因及其细节支撑:Second, the northern university has a preferential policy of adding 20 bonus points to my raw score. This will considerably increase my chances of being accepted. However, its southern counterpart doesn't promise any additional points, rendering it unattractive to potential applicants. 最后总结。Although the northern university will only enroll ten students as opposed to twenty students promised by the southern university, I have confidence in myself that I will become one of the lucky ten. (B)以“礼物”为主题写一篇文章,该文章必须包括一下内容:1、你送礼物的对象以及所送的礼物。2、该礼物对他 (她) 可能产生的影响或带来的变化。 【思路点拨】这是一篇议论文,其中心就是分析一下“礼物对一个人的影响”。所以在文章的开头首先应该引出“礼物”这个话题,比如可以这么写:It is universally acknowledged that a good present is of great value to a person and even prone to change his or her life. (1) As for me, one of the most meaningful presents I have given to others is a watch which had been given to Tom, one of my best friends. (2) 此处第(1)句引出了“礼物”这个话题,并且契合文章的主题,即礼物对一个人有着重要意义甚至改变一个人的生活。第(2) 句话则引出了中心句,即礼物是什么,给了谁。 接下来要进行第二段也就是主体段落的写作。首先做一个过渡:I wish that the present will bring him a number of influences.接着写第一个论点及其细节论证:First, hopefully, with the watch, he will pay more attention to punctuality, which is an important merit of a person. In the past, diligent and warm-hearted as he was, he sometimes had no sense of time, which caused him to be late for many things and led to some trouble in work. In the future, the watch will always remind him of the time so that he will be able to do everything on time.再写第二个论点及其细节论证:What’s more, I hope this watch will bring happy memories to him in the future. He used to tell me that he might feel lonely in the future after leaving high school and entering a completely new environment. The gift will surely bring him back to the good old days we gaily spent together and make him feel better when he misses the old friends in high school.最后的总结一般用一句话即可,可以是对全文观点的归纳,也可以顺带提出自己的一个建议或者希望。I do wish that Tom will like this present, which will bring him a profound influence and motivate him to fight for a better future. (C)父母的言传身教在孩子的成长过程中往往起到重要的作用。请结合自身的经历,描述一件印象深刻的事例,并谈谈感受。【思路点拨】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。首先,可对父母的言传身教的影响进行简要描述。 Parents’ words and behaviors have a great influence on their children. Patents are their children’s role models. By observing and communicating, children usually follow their parents’ examples, and form proper values.题目要求结合自身经历,所以,接下来,用一个过渡句引出“我”父母的言传身教。There is no doubt that my parents play an important role in my life and it’s certain that they influence me in many aspects. 然后具体描述事例。I can still remember when I was four, out of interest, I began to play the piano. It was, of course, amusing at first. However, later on I found that I had to spend a lot of time practising if I wanted to play a short piece of music. It was tough and I almost wanted to give up. However, my mother told me, “If you want to play the piano well, perseverance is very important. Remember: ‘no pains, no gains.’” 最后总结,重申父母言传身教的作用。What my mum said that day is still very clear in my mind now. Thanks to her encouragement, I can play the piano excellently and I won’t give up easily. 【随堂检测】 请根据题目要求列出提纲,并写出首段、主体及总结段的关键词句。 有的人认为多给予孩子表扬和鼓励有助于他们的成长,有的人则相信及时指出孩子的缺点并适当惩罚能帮助他们改正错误。你支持哪一种教育方式,请谈谈你的看法和理由。 One possible versionMost of us can remember the days when we made mistakes and punished by our parents in our childhood. By this method of teaching, most of us can find out faults and correct them. Thus, I totally agree with the view that parents should point out children’s mistakes timely and subject them to some punishments when necessary.First of all, all parents in the whole world love their children and want to give them a promising and bright future. The aim of criticism is to help children improve themselves. What’s more, children are too young and naive to correctly deal with most difficulties and troubles. Only when parents and teachers adopt a serious approach and never tolerate the wrong doing of the young, can they avoid making mistakes again and grow up healthily in the right way.It is a pleasant thing to hear others praise you, yet criticism can often bring you the most valuable thing. I regard this educational method as an efficient way to help children improve their performance. Part B 段落处理1.主题句与推展句1. 主题句 主题句(topic sentence) 是表达段落主题的句子。它用以概括段落大意,要求全段其他文字都围绕它展开。请看下例: My mother has passed along to me certain rules for getting along with others. Don’t argue with parents; they will think you don’t love them. Don’t argue with children; they will think themselves victimized. Don’t argue with spouses; they will think you are a tiresome mate. Don’t argue with strangers; they will think you are not friendly. My mother’s rules, in fact, can be summed up in two words: Don’t argue. 主题句中提出的 “certain rules” 指的是什么?展开句中通过四个“Don’t argue—“ 逐一加以交代。从结构来看,这是一个比较典型的段落,它包括了主题句,推展句和结论句(即本段中的末句) 。2.推展句2.1主要推展句 主要推展句(major supporting statement)的主要特点是:围绕段落主题句展开的每一个推展句本身都不要求作进一步的说明或证明,句与句之间的关系是相互独立又是互相连接的。 例1:(主题句) There are several factors affecting climate. (推展句1)One factor is the mount of sunlight received. (推展句2)Altitude, or the height above sea level, also determines climate. (推展句3)The oceans have an effect on the climate of adjacent land. (推展句4)In addition, climate is influenced by the general circulation of the atmosphere. 主题句指出影响气候的几个因素。然后用四个扩展句说明四种因素。第一种是太阳光的接收量,第二种是海拔高度,第三句和第四句分别是海洋和大气环流因素。2.2次要推展句 次要推展句(minor supporting statement)是指对主要推展句作进一步的事实分析和举例说明。它从属于某一个或某几个推展句。例2:(主题句) I don’t teach because teaching is easy for me. (主要推展句1) Teaching is the most difficult of the various ways I have attempted to earn my living: mechanic, carpenter, writer. (主要推展句2)For me, teaching is a red-eye, sweaty-palm, sinking-stomach profession. (次要推展句1) Red-eye, because I never feel ready to teach no matter how late I stay up preparing. (次要推展句2) Sweaty-palm, because I’m always nervous before I enter the classroom, sure that I will be found out for the fool that I am. (次要推展句3) Sinking-stomach, because I leave the classroom an hour later convinced that I was even more boring than usual.从属于主要推展句2的三个次要推展句起着解释说明作用,分别解释red-eye, sweaty-palm, sinking-stomach的含义,这就更加形象生动地证明了 “teaching is not easy” 这个主题。过渡与衔接1. 起始段首句常用句式 As the proverb says:"..." 如谚语说:“...” It goes without saying that... 不用说... There is no doubt that... 无疑... This can be expressed as follows... 这可以从以下几点说明... To take... for an example... 以...为例... We have reasons to believe that... 我们有理由相信... Anyway, I agree with the idea of... 不管怎样,我同意... I side with the latter opinion... 我同意后一个观点... 2. 推展段首句常用句式 Another special consideration in this case is that... 对这个问题的另一考虑是... Besides, we should not neglect that... 除此之外,我们还不能忽视... On the other hand,... 另一方面... The main reason that can be seen by everyone is that... 每个人都注意到,最主要的原因是... What is also with noticing is that... 另一个值得注意的是... 3. 结尾段首句常用句式 In a word... 总而言之... In conclusion... 由此得出结论... On account of this we can find that... 由此我们可以知道... The result is depend on... 结果视...而定 Therefore, the findings reveal the following information... 因此,这些发现揭示了以下信息... 【随堂检测】请扩展如下主题句。1. The reasons why modern people are tied up with computers are as follows. One possible versionOn the one hand, there is no denying that the computer is currently the most efficient tool to meet the needs of their work or to entertain themselves. But on the other hand, many people admit that they are too much addicted to computers to maintain face-to-face contact with their friends and colleagues. 2. As far as I am concerned, I am eager to join Sports club because of the following reasons. One possible versionFirst and foremost, not only should we go to all lengths to study hard in order to acquire more and more knowledge, but we also should do exercises to strengthen physical fitness. In the second place, the reason why I prefer Sports club is that doing sports is one of the most useful ways to have a relaxation after studying for a long period. Last but not least, doing sports that are in need of cooperation among students such as football, basketball and volleyball can cultivate our team spirit so that we are aware that union is strength and know the importance of cooperation. All these reasons make me be absorbed in joining Sports club. 3. As a matter of fact, most of us have some symptoms of procrastination. However, in my opinion, we can get rid of it by following these suggestions.One possible versionFirst of all, it’s essential to come to realize that procrastination is totally unnecessary. We can do many things on time on most occasions without any procrastination. Therefore, we have to be determined to eliminate it as much as possible. Second, we should try to find out the reasons why we procrastinate so that we can take actions to eliminate it step by step. Last but not least, it is wise for us to get rid of other disturbances deliberately when we are working or studying, such as QQ and mobile phone. If we can do that, we will find that it will be easier to concentrate on our work or study.