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    江苏省无锡市天一实验中学2022 年第二次中考英语模拟卷(word版含答案)
    江苏省无锡市天一实验中学2022 年第二次中考英语模拟卷(word版含答案)01
    江苏省无锡市天一实验中学2022 年第二次中考英语模拟卷(word版含答案)02
    江苏省无锡市天一实验中学2022 年第二次中考英语模拟卷(word版含答案)03
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    江苏省无锡市天一实验中学2022 年第二次中考英语模拟卷(word版含答案)

    这是一份江苏省无锡市天一实验中学2022 年第二次中考英语模拟卷(word版含答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了单项填空在A,词汇运用,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。


    1. Students should be _________ that any small act like saving water can make a big difference to the environment.
    A. aware B. afraid C. alive D. awake
    2. - I'm sorry, Mr. Li. But my bike was broken on the way.
    - That's all right. But I don't like the persons who always _________ stories.
    A. take up B. make up C. set up D. pick up
    3. There are always students suffering a lot from school bullying(欺凌). Now the government has made laws _________ it, hoping to improve the situation.
    A. over B. through C. against D. beyond
    4. You can't claim(声称) to be kind _________ you are habitually kind - you show kindness without thinking about it.
    A. unless B. if C. when D. though
    5. The _______ of antibiotics (抗生素) in the 20th century has made a great difference to human beings.
    A. trust B. instruction C. method D. discovery
    6. The American guy is a big fan of Chinese Kungfu. _________ , he is also crazy about Beijing Opera as well as other Chinese culture.
    A. Therefore B. Moreover C. However D. Otherwise
    7. A terrible collapse of house happened in Changsha on April 29. People wondered _________ .
    A. how did the government help solve the problem B. that why it happened
    C. how many people are killed in the accident D. what caused the terrible accident
    8. - Dad, I didn't do well in my test. I’m really sorry.
    - At least you worked hard this term! That's _________ , isn't it?
    A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing
    9. Abraham Lincoln tells us that _________ .

    A. quality of life is unimportant B. living longer is important
    C. we should learn to count the years D. we should value life more


    10. -- It's found that drinking carbonated drinks(碳酸饮料) _________ the risk of cancer.
    - No wonder more and more people prefer tea and juice now.
    A. has increased B. increased C. increases D. had increased
    11. -- May I have some wine to drink?
    - No, you _________ . You have to drive home later.
    A. mustn't B. needn't ' C. couldn't D. may not
    12. The price of vegetables has _________ a lot this spring only because the trucks loaded with vegetables can't get off the highway.
    A. Raised B. risen C. grown D. improved
    13. - Mr Smith, would you please teach me how to make a PPT on the computer?
    - Oh you know _________ You have to learn to type first.
    A. It's never too late to learn B. Learn to walk before you run
    C. A good beginning is half done D. The early bird catches the worms
    14. - I'd like to take a week off and enjoy a holiday at the seaside.
    - _________ . I can't manage the work without you.
    A. No wonder. B. Have a good time. C. Forget it. D. Not a clue
    二、完形填空先阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
    In the fall of 1985, I was a bright - eyed girl heading off to Howard University to get a legal career and dreaming of sitting on a Supreme Court(最高法院) bench. Twenty - one years later, I am still a bright - eyed 15 and one with quite a different tale to tell.
    My grandma, a(n) 16 woman, graduated from college at the age of 65. She was the first in our family to reach that goal. But one year after I entered college, she developed cancer. I decided to stop my study to ____17_____ her. It meant that school and my personal dream would have to wait.
    Then I got married with another dream: building my family of adopted(收养的) and biological children. In the next 4 years, we adopted three sons and I gave birth to another boy in 2003. You can 18 how totally busy I became, raising four boys under the age of eight. So I couldn't 19 it back to college. But I never gave up my dream either and I had only one choice: make it work. That meant taking as 20 as one class each term.
    The hardest part was feeling 21 about the time I left the boys. They often wanted me to be at home with them. There certainly were times I wanted to ____22_____. But I knew I should set a(n) 23 for them to follow through the rest of their lives.
    In 2007, I graduated from the University of North Carolina. It took me over 21 years to get my college degree!
    I am not special just single - minded. Challenges look huge and not everything you want arrives

    in your life in one day. Remember: it's the process and little 24 can lead to big dreams.
    15. A. judge(法官) B. student C. housewife D. dreamer
    16. A. generous, … B. common C. amazing D. curious
    17. A. care for B. search for C. push for D. stand for
    18. A. imagine B. hope C. reply D. doubt
    19. A. take B. make C. manage. D. get
    20. A. few B. little C. much D. many
    21. A. satisfied B. lonely C. fantastic D. sorry
    22. A. break out B. go on C. give up D. relax myself
    23. A. leader B. choice C. example D. challenge
    24. A. experiment B. steps C. experiences D. attention

    25. To get to British Museum, people can take the subway to
    A. Southwark B. Russell Square C. Westminster D. Camden Town
    26. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
    A. All of the people can go into Tate Modern without paying.
    B. Children can dance at Sea Life London Aquarium in the evening.
    C. Mary Poppins Returns is on show four times a day at Odeon Cinema.
    D. People can see the sharks, turtles and hundreds of fish at British Museum.
    27. The writings all tell us about _________ .
    A. how much to pay for the activities B. whom to play with in London
    C. what to wear in different places D. where to pay a visit in London
    A heavy storm lasted all night, and then everything became peaceful the next morning: blue
    skies, warm air and a calm inviting sea touching the shore gently. Dad invited me to go with him
    for fishing. I decided to go, though fishing had never been my thing.
    On the road, we could see the terrible destruction on the coast, but the harbour itself was in
    fairly good shape. After all, it was protected by the arms of a bay(海湾) that had only one tiny
    channel to the sea.
    Getting on our boat, we noticed two big humps(脊背) in the distance! On approaching them,
    we found it was a mother whale(鲸) with her baby. We couldn't believe it … there aren't any
    whales along the coast here. The storm must have driven them into the bay, where the water was so
    badly polluted that nothing could survive.
    The little baby whale --- actually as big as our boat ---- was obviously stuck now. The mother
    dived under the water and came up suddenly, making bigger whirlpools(旋i ) and waves.
    "She’s trying to help her baby, but on the wrong side. "my father said.
    At this point, my father moved our boat, headed it towards the baby whale, and pushed it
    gently. With our several gentle pushes, the big hump turned over and disappeared under water. It
    swam up right beside. its mom now! Then they struggled in the desperate attempts to escape, but
    missed the exit and started heading in the wrong direction. So we tried to guide them towards the
    bay channel. Gradually they let us lead them, sometimes rising from the water right beside us to
    As soon as they hit their first part of clean water from the sea, off they swam into the distance.
    Before they left, the mother whale made a wave with her tail, giving us a trusting look in those
    huge eyes!
    Till today, I always look - back fondly to that golden day at sea. . We had been with those
    wonderful animals for almost two hours.
    28. It's clear that _________ .

    A. the writer was not interested in fishing actually.
    B. the storm caused the harbor some terrible destruction.
    C. the baby whale got stuck in some big whirlpools and couldn't move.
    D. the writer was scared to death when seeing two big humps.
    29. What can we mainly learn from the passage?
    A. Mother love is the greatest power in the world.
    B. Saving lives can bring people a sense of happiness.
    C. It's necessary for humans to get along with animals.
    D. It's important to protect our environment.
    30. What's the best title of the passage?
    A. Two Uninvited Guests B. A Rescue(营救) After the Storm
    C. A Mother Whale's Love D The Peaceful Harbour
    Nowadays, one of the great challenges of caring for children is the
    roadblock(路障) caused by the learner driver. Your child is almost an adult,
    but just before the last step, you need to spend 120 of the most stressed
    hours of your life locked with them in a car, their teenage hands behind the
    wheel. You know the phrase behind the wheel? It means driving.
    ① When I decided to teach my first child to drive, I was nervous. I'm not a natural
    teacher, as I am easily bored and quickly get angry. Worse, I'm not a natural driver. I even failed to
    get a license at the first time. I can get from A to B without too much trouble, but once I get there,
    I'm likely to drive into a wall while parking.
    ____② _____ Happily, my first child was a fast, hard - working learner, and always keeping an eye
    on traffic signs. Still, there were enough small mistakes. And by the time it was his younger sister’s
    tum, my nerves were already shot. My daughter was bright and talented, but on the roads, it seemed
    that she was just out of control. Even after hours of professional driving lessons, her every move
    behind the wheel is fresh and unexpected. Even after 40 hours of driving. mistakes happen at times.
    We will be driving along beautifully for 30 minutes, and once I begin to relax, my daughter will sail
    through a red light.
    ③ Even if she passes her test, who can be sure that she won't forget the next red light
    as soon as she's out there on her own? One of my friends has refused to teach her daughter to drive
    as she is "just not responsible enough” to be on the road. A middle - aged friend of mine gave up
    trying to get his license after the eighth failure.
    ④ We often think that everyone should drive, but perhaps there are some people who
    just. shouldn't be behind a wheel. What if my daughter is one of them? Well, I don't know. At least
    not yet. If it’s the end of the world, maybe we can stop driving lessons for a while?


    31. Why does the author mention her own driving story in Paragraph 2?
    A. To explain what makes a good driver.
    B. To explain why her children couldn’t drive well.
    C. To explain why learner drivers cause roadblock.
    D. To explain why she was worrying about teaching driving.
    32. "As much as I expect her to have a license, I find myself wondering if it's a good idea. " can be put in _________ .
    A. ① B. ② C. ③ D. ④
    33. The writer would probably _________ in the following days.
    A. continue to teach her daughter to drive
    B. let her daughter take professional driving lessons
    C. encourage her friend to take the driving test again
    D. advise her daughter to give up her driving lessons
    As someone who's been studying English for many years, you might think you know
    the English language pretty well. But if you overheard a British person say, "A Billy let
    some bees and honey in my sherbet(冰冻果露) last night, "would you understand what he
    meant? Probably not, but many native (本土的) speakers may not know what this person
    was saying either.
    The example above was a sentence that a London taxi driver might say to another
    member of his or her tribe. In plain English, the sentence would be, "A customer
    left some money in my taxi last night".
    So, what exactly is meant by "tribe"? A recent article on the BBC Culture website pointed out that nearly all of us are a part of a tribe. This is a group that defines (定义) who we are and even how we speak. And with each tribe comes its own "secret language", as the
    BBC called it.
    If you work in a certain industry - education, for example - you may use slang (便语)
    words that only other people who work in that industry would understand. Or if you live in a certain city, you might use a slang word to describe a landmark in the city, that only locals would understand.
    These so - called secret languages each have their own fascinating history. In the US, for example, the underground "ballroom"(舞厅) tribe of 1970s and 80s New York City and its language was showed in the 2018 FX show Pose.
    These secret words don't always stay within their tribes, however. Words from many tribes, especially musical cultures such as rap and hip - hop, often enter people’s everyday vocabulary. For example, the phrase "to have beer’ - meaning "to be in a conflict (冲突)" - was made popular by


    US rappers. Today, it’s widely used by native English speakers all over the world.
    As BBC reporter Susie Dent wrote, "We are all surrounded by amazing secret languages, full of history and stories and in - jokes. And one thing is certain: our tribal conversations will never run out. "
    34. The example at the beginning of the text is mainly used _________ .
    A. to prove that English is really hard for people to learn.
    B. to explain to the readers what the meaning of "tribe"is
    C. to teach readers how to communicate with taxi drivers
    D. to show the languages of tribes are hard to understand. .
    35. According to this passage, what does "tribe"refer to?
    A. All members of a family. B. Workers in a certain company
    C. A group or class of people. D. People living in the same city.
    36. What can we know about "secret languages"?
    A. They mostly came from different kinds of musical cultures.
    B. Some words from them are popular in everyday conversation.
    C. They first started in New York City in the 1970s and 1980s.
    D. They have failed to become popular among young people.
    37. What is Dent's attitude towards the future of "secret languages"?
    A. Confident. B. Worried. C. Uninterested. D. Doubtful

    38. The old man was breathing _________ (沉重地) when he was sent to hospital.
    39. After the big fire was put out, nothing _________ (保持不变)in the town.
    40. Children are supposed to pay more attention to road _________ (安全).
    41. You can apply for an _________ (电子的) ID Card in the app “Ling Xi”. It is quite convenient.
    42. This word may have more than one _________ (pronounce). Let's check it.
    43. You can read the books at a time since the two stories are _________ (close) connected.
    44. Jack's father looks very young. He doesn’t seem to be in his _________ (fifty).
    45. Dangerous hackers(黑客) can attack people in an _________ (know) way.
    46. Every time a stupid mistake _________ (make), he is always angry with himself.
    47. Since we _________ (lose) the game, it's no use turning on him and saying it's his fault.

    48. When the boy realized I _________ (look) at him, he turned away.
    49. What a waste of time it is _________ (listen) to such a speech. It makes no sense.
    50. Happiness is achieved through hard work. So don' t give up. You _________ (pay)back later.
    51. No one knew then that it _________ (take)us a long time to fight against the virus.
    52. My parents are strongly against _________ (lie) to others. They always tell me to be honest.
    53. The man _________ (mistake) a stranger for his friend, which made him really embarrassed
    ( 尴尬 ).
    Dreams and goals are important because they give us a ruler against which to
    measure our progress. But progress, not meeting a goal, is what brings true
    After winning the silver medal in women's single figure skating at Beijing
    2022. Alexandra Trusova was heard 'screaming that - she hated the sport. Even the
    gold medalist, Anna Shcherbakova, said that "this has been what I’ve been working toward every
    day…"You can feel in her words the emptiness in her heart.
    This kind of pressure might be difficult for you to imagine. After all, you probably aren t an
    Olympic athlete. But have you ever connected your happiness to a far - off goal that you could
    achieve only by putting great efforts into it? Maybe it’s finishing a degree or gaining. a certain
    amount of income.
    Researchers have found that satisfaction is brought about hot by big wins, but rather by
    making progress in meaningful work.
    Some researchers have argued that when a goal is the final point for progress, the sudden stop
    is the process of forward can lead to a feeling of emptiness, which is exactly what Shcherbakova
    described in Beijing. This doesn't mean that you should give up all goals, however. You just need
    to understand and pursue them in different ways.
    *Enjoy the journey not the destination. Instead of chasing a goal with a single eye, think more
    on about whether you're getting anything out of your progress right now.
    •Think about the purpose of your goals. Make sure what you want to achieve is helpful for the
    improvement of your living quality by changing. Don't just limp (跟难地移动) across the finish line
    and stop after a difficult challenge.
    •Take one step at a time. Researchers have found that common, 'small achievements help to
    start a cycle of success and happiness much more than rare, big ones. Make sure you can break
    your long - term goals into smaller tasks. Enjoy the daily and weekly achievements that you know
    are leading you down the road to success.


    China dream is a great way to _____________________________________ our country.
    Since you sing so wonderfully, why not ______________________________________ the Singing Club in our school.
    How to protect ourselves when facing danger __________________________________________ .
    Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games _______________________________________ for the

    athletes that they were quite satisfied with it.
    ___________________________________________________________ your courage and wisdom.
    The air crash was on everyone's mind. People were all wondering _________________________________________________ the weather.
    新冠疫情特续不断,有时根据疫情防控要求,同学们没法出门,只能居家。相信同学们 对于居家生活和学习有诸多体验和感受。现在学校正在举办以Live a Healthy Life at Home为 题的征文活动,邀请同学们根据切身体验来聊一聊疫情期间该如何来让自己的生活健康有序 以及这么做的好处。

    1.短文须根据流程图自拟,要求语句通顺、意思连贯、符合题意; 2.方框中提供的信息为非限定性内容,仅供参考;
    3.词数在100个左右,短文开头已在答题卡上给出,不计入总词数; 4.短文必须写在答题卡指定的位置上。
    The other days, I stayed at home and had online classes because of the COYID - 19. Now, I know it's important to live a healthy life at home.
    完形填空:DCAAB ADCCB
    词汇:heavily, remained , safety, electronic, pronunciation , closely, fifties, unknown
    动词填空:is made, have lost, was looking, to listen, will be paid , would take, lying, mistook
    1. to push for the rapid development of
    2. Consider trying out for
    3. Is well worth further discussion
    4. Provided such a high level of service
    5. Whether to carry out the plan depends on
    6. Whether it had anything to do with


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