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    2022年中考英语二轮复习专题 - 介词动词短语及专项练习 (有答案)
    2022年中考英语二轮复习专题 - 介词动词短语及专项练习 (有答案)01
    2022年中考英语二轮复习专题 - 介词动词短语及专项练习 (有答案)02
    2022年中考英语二轮复习专题 - 介词动词短语及专项练习 (有答案)03
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    2022年中考英语二轮复习专题 - 介词动词短语及专项练习 (有答案)

    这是一份2022年中考英语二轮复习专题 - 介词动词短语及专项练习 (有答案),共16页。


    一. off 短语
      cut off切断
      keep off让开,不接近
      set off动身
      show off炫耀
      turn off关掉(水龙头,电视)
      see sb. off为某人送行
    二. with 短语
      agree with sb.同意某人的看法
      catch up with赶上
      compare with与...相比
      connect with与...相连
      deal with处理,对付
      help sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人
      make friends with sb.与某人交朋友
      be strict with sb.对某人严格要求
    三. out 短语
      break out(战争等)突然发生,爆发
      carry out开展,执行
      check out检查,结账
      come out出来,出版,发行
      die out消失,灭亡
      find out查明,发现,了解
      give out分发
      hand out分发
      help out帮助解决困难
      let out放出,泄露
      pick out选出
      point out指出;点出
      send out发出,派遣
      sell out卖完
      set out出发,开始
      try out试验
      work out算出,解决
      out of work失业
      out of breath上气不接下气
    四. in 短语
      arrive in到达(某地)
      break in闯入,强行进入,打断
      call in召集
      check in报到,登记
      come in进入,进来
      give in屈服,让步
      join in参加,加入
    let in让...进来,放进
      in all总之
      in a hurry匆忙,很快地
      in a word简而言之 = in short = put simply
      in fact事实上,实际上 = actually
      in time及时,来得及
      in other words换句话说
      in common共同,共有
      in danger处于危险状态
      in peace和平的
      in public当众,公开
      in surprise吃惊,惊讶
      in the end最后,终于
      in order按顺序
      in order to为了
      in order that+从句 为了
    五. on短语
      try on试穿,试试看
      turn on打开(水龙头,电视等)
      call on拜访,访问
      carry on继续下去
      come on来吧,赶快
      depend on依靠
      live on靠...为生
      keep on继续
      hang on(打电话时)不挂断
      hold on等一等
      on duty值日,值班
      on foot走路,步行
      on show展出,在上演
      on time准时
    on the radio通过收音机
    on purpose 有目的地;故意地
    六. to短语
      lead to导致,导向
      next to紧接着,相邻
      come to共计,达到
      belong to属于
      compare to...与...相比
      help oneself to请随便吃(喝)
      pay attention to注意
      point to指向
      according to根据,按照
      refer to提到,涉及,有关
      be used to (doing) sth.习惯(做)某事
      write to sb.给某人写信
      in order to为了
      so as to以便,为的是
    七. of 短语
      a bit of有点儿
    a number of 许多
    amount of 许多;大量
      a kind of一种,一类
      all kinds of各种各样的
      a lot of许多的,大量的
      lots of许多的,大量的
      a pair of一双,一副
      a piece of一块,一张,一片
      hundreds of成百上千的
      thousands of成千上万的
      millions of数以百万计的
      in front of在...前面
      in need of需要,缺少
      instead of代替,而不是
      be proud of以...为骄傲/自豪
      hear of听说
      be made up of由...组成、构成
      run out of用完
      talk of谈论,谈及
      think of想起,考虑,认为
      of course当然
    八. up 短语
      pick up捡起,开车去接
      give up放弃
      wake up醒来
      grow up长大成人,成长
      send up发出,射出
      take up占据(时间,空间等);开始做…
      turn up出现,开大(声音等)
      hurry up赶快,快点儿
      build up建立 = set up
      speed up加快速度
      hang up挂断电话
      ring up打电话给
      call up号召
      clear up整理,收拾
    make up组成;和解,化妆
    九. from 短语
      hear from收到...的来信
      prevent/stop sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做...
      far from远离
      be different from与...不同
      from time to time不时,偶尔
    十. down短语
      cut down砍倒
      get down下来
      turn down关小,调低
      write down写下,记下
      break down损坏,分解
    up and down上上下下
    set down 放下;记下;制定
    settle down定居;安定下来
    十一. away 短语
      give away分发
      run away逃跑,避开
      throw away扔掉
    right away= right now立刻,马上

    十二. as短语
      as long as只要
      as soon as一...就...
      as far as/so far as(表示程度、范围)据...
      as well ass除...之外,也
      as well也,还有
      as if好像,仿佛
      as usual通常,平常地
      as a result(作为)结果
    regard... as...把...看作...
    (=treat… as= view… as)
      such as例如
    十三. by短语
      by accident偶然
      by air乘飞机
      by bus乘公共汽车
      by train乘火车
      by ship乘船
      by the way顺便说
      pass by经过
    十四. for短语
      pay for...为...付款
      wait for等候,等待
      send for派人去请
      stand for代表,象征
      for example例如
    十五. at/all短语
      arrive at到达(某地)
      knock at敲
      laugh at嘲笑
      all over到处,遍及
      all right行了,好吧,(病)好了
      above all首先,尤为首要的是
      after all毕竟,终究
    十六. no/not短语
      no longer不再
      not any more不再
      not at all一点儿也不
      not only...but also不但...而且...
      not so...as不像...那么...,不如...那么...
    十七. one’s短语
      do one’s best尽某人的最大努力
      earn one’s living谋生
      hold one’s breath屏住呼吸
      keep one’s word守信
      save one’s life挽救某人的生命
      take one’s time从容,慢慢行动
      make up one’s mind下定决心
    十八. 重叠短语
      again and again反复地,再三地
      over and over反复,多次重复
      face to face面对面
      side by side肩并肩,一起
    十九. come短语
      come across(偶然)遇见
      come back回来
      come down落下,下来
      come from来自
      come true变为现实,成为事实
      come up with追上,赶上,想出
      come up走近,发生
    二十. get短语
      get up起床
      get away逃脱,离开
      get back返回,回家
      get down下降
      get in进入,收获
      get off下车
      get on上车
      get through通过,穿过;完成
      get along with与...相处
      get close to接近
      get together聚会
    二十一. go短语
      go ahead进行;前进
      go away走开,离去
      go by走过,经过
      go for a walk去散步
      go off走开;停止运转;(铃声) 突然响起
      go on doing sth.继续做某事
      go on with继续
      go on继续
      go out出去,熄灭
      go over仔细检查,复习
      go through浏览,翻阅 ;经历,经受
    二十二. look短语
      look after照顾
      look ahead向前看,展望未来
      look down upon看不起,轻视
      look for寻找 = seek、search
      look forward to盼望
      look into向...里面看,调查
      look out留神,当心
      look through浏览
      look up查找
    二十三. put短语
      put away收拾
      put down记下
      put off推迟
      put on穿/戴上,上演
      put on weight长胖
      put out扑灭,熄灭
      put up挂起,举起
    二十四. take短语
      take away拿走
      take it easy别着急,别紧张
      take off脱下,起飞
      take out取出
      take place发生
    take the place of取代,代替 =replace
    take part in 参加
    take care of 照顾
    二十五. break短语
    break down破坏;(计划)失败;崩溃;
    break in破门而入,打断
    break out战争爆发,争吵爆发,(火灾)发生
    break through 突破
    break up打碎,拆散,分裂;分手
    break the record打破纪录
    二十六. bring短语
    bring back 归还
    bring ...out 发表,拿出,使…显现
    bring up 抚养,提出
    bring on 引起
    bring in 引来,引进,介绍
    二十七. 其他短语(一)
      had better do最好做
      at times = sometimes 有时
    on time 准时
    in time 及时
    all the time 一直
    in danger 处于危险中
    out of danger 脱离危险
    in hunger 饥饿
    in trouble 处于困境
    in style 时髦
    out of style 不时髦
    in public 公众
    on the phone 用电话交谈
    on the hand (在)一方面
    on the other hand (在)另一方面
    first of all 首先
    in order to 为了
    because of 由于
    instead of 代替
    by the way 顺便说一下
    in the way 挡道
    on the way to… 在…路途上
    more … than 比…多
    fall asleep 入睡
    by mistake 错误地
    by accident / chance 偶然地 意外地
    to one’s surprise 令人惊奇的是
    even though / even if 即使
    set free释放,解放
    feel like doing想要做
    be fit for / be suitable for 适合于…
    be pleased with 对…感到满意
    be covered with 被…覆盖
    be filled with 用…充满 = be full of

    二十八. 其他短语(二)
      each other相互
      rather than而不,非
      a few一些,少量
      a little一点儿,少许
      even if即使,尽管
      even though即使,尽管
      once again再一次
      from now on从今以后
      from then on从那时起
      just now刚才
      right now立即,马上
      after class/school课后
      ever since自从 (到现在)
      the other day前几天,某日


    1、We usually have the first class _______ 8:00 in the morning.
      A. of          B. in        C. on         D. at
    2、What’s this______ English?  It's a watch.
        A.in    B.to    C.for
    3、What will they do               ?
    A. in the future    B. in future       C. future         D. on future
    4、Lucy's pants are the same _______Lingling's. But her sweater is different ________Lingling's.
    A.to;from B.as;with C.with;with D.as;from
    5、She had to sell the house even though it was _________ her own wishes.
    A.above       B.on         C.against              D. for
    6、The robber ran ______the street , jumped ______ a tall wall and ran away. 
    A.through,across     B.across,over         C.over,across     D.across,through
    7、They can buy the pens _____ a very good price
    A. at            B. in              C. for
    8、Do you go to school ____________ bike or __________ foot?
    A. by, by     B. on, on         C. by, on            D. on, by
    9、Come and have a look ! We have T-shirts ______ red and yellow
    A. in        B. for       C. at
    10、Don't stay inside _______such a sunny morning. Let's go out to enjoy the gentle wind and the sweet flowers.
    A. on  B. in  C. from
    11、—Thanks a lot! ______ your help, I can’t do it so well.
       —With pleasure.
    A.With         B.Without          C.Under          D.As
    12、Thanks ________ your help,I finished my report on time.
    A.at  B.to  C.for  D.in
    13、We often have a walk ______ the evening of Saturday.
    A. in    B. at     C. on     D. for
    14、We are waiting ________ the bus stop.
    A. for   B. at   C. on   D. in
    15、The summer vacation is coming. I am leaving _______ China _______ America to spend my holiday
      A. from; for       B. /; for     C. for; /     D. from; to
    16、—What’s the matter ________ Judy?    —She has a cold.
    A. in        B. with       C. at        D. on
    17、You can find your ID card ______the lost and found case.
    A.at    B、in     C、on   D、for
    18、Police confirmed that the murder took place ______ last night.
    A. from 9.30 to 11.30 p.m.        B. between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m.
    C. from 9.30 p.m. until 1.30 p.m. D. about 11 p.m. and 3 a.m.
    19、I’m sorry I took your backpack______.
    A. because mistake    B. with mistake    
    C. by mistake        D. by mistakes
    20、Lucy was born ______ May 1st,1997.
    A.in             B.on           C.at            D.for
    21、He became a famous writer when he was ______ .
    A.inhisfifty    B.inhisfifties     C.infiftyyearsold       D.in fifties
    22、Kay often goes to school _____ her father’s car.
    A. in          B. by               C. at
    23、 Sam often goes to school _____ . He likes walking through the park and enjoy the beautiful flowers.
    A. on foot            B. by bike                C. by subway
    24、I am helping my mother        the housework.
    A in     B to    C with      D on
    25、 He was born ______ the morning of  June, 1987.
    A at    B in   C on   D for
    26、I often go to work ______.
    A. ride my bike   B. by bike    C. by a bike    D. on bike
    27、 It is very kind ______ you to help me with these maths problems because it is very difficult ______ me to work them out.
    A.of;for    B.of;of            C.for;of              D. for; for
    28、Please call me _____ 679-8832.
    A.at         B.with            C.in
    29、—Sorry, sir. But is this umbrella yours?
    —Oh, sorry. I just took it_______. Mine is under the seat.
    A. for yourself  B. by mistake   C. by accident  D. at last
    30、We must be strict _____ ourselves and strict _____ our work.
    A. in; with        B. with; in        C. in; in          D. with; with
    31、This old photo taken in Sichuan reminded her ______ her dead parents in the earthquake.
    A. of      B. on          C. about    D. with
    32、You can find out more information(信息) _________ the radio_______ Saturday morning.
    A. on; /             B. on; on           C. at; on     D. at; in   
    33、Gong Li won an Oscar______ Best Actress ______ her role in this film.
    A. of, for,            B. for, of       C. for, for    D. of , of
    34、 We must be strict     ourselves and be strict     our work.
    A. in, with       B. with, in           C. in, in     D. with, with
    35、—Look! There are so many people by the Gexian Lake.
       —Nobody likes to stay at home ______ a sunny morning.
    A. on            B. in            C. at        D. to
    36、______ the development of industry, litter is everywhere and the air is getting bad .
    A. On           B. For          C. Under        D. With
    37、The party is ______ 5:00 _____ Tuesday afternoon.
    A. at; at            B. on; at         C. on; on        D. at; on
    38、 Xiaogan, Hubei is well known ______ the culture of “Xiao”.
     A. in          B. for             C. as           D. on
    39、G20 Summit this year was held in Hangzhou______September 4th to September 5th .
    A. on       B. in                C. at        D. from
    40、--- Waiter, I ordered beef noodles, but I can’t see any beef in the noodles!
      ---- ______ your glasses and you can see the beef.
    A. Put off           B. Put up        C. Put on        D. Put into


    1、You can’t trust what he said, you should go and _____ for yourself.
    A.look      B.see       C.find     D.study
    2、She has _____ this car for nearly ten years.
    A.buy     B.bought      C.have    D.had
    3、–Do you want _____ the red hat?     --Yes, I do.
    A. buy       B. buys     C. to buy
    4、His mother wants him __________ at home today.
    A. stays   B. stayed     C. staying   D. to stay
    5、As middle school students, we should ______ to protecting our school environment.
    A. make a contribution  B. make a decision  C. make progress
    6、He works hard at his lessons. I often see him ______ books in his classroom.
    A.toread    B.read      C.reading    D.reads
    7、Cats and tigers are animals of the cat family(猫科动物),so cats ______ tigers in many ways.
    A.are similar to  B.are similar from  C.are different from  D.are different to
    8、Don't be afraid ________the difficulties when you learn English.
    A.meet     B.to meet  C.met  D.to meeting
    9、 Are you looking forward ________all over the world?
    A.travel  B.travelling  C.to travelling  D.to travel
    10、I ________ with my foreign friend over the Internet.
    A.report  B.reply  C.communicate  D.answer
    11、—Why do Chinese people like red?
    ----They all think it can       them good luck.
    A.carry    B.bring     C.make     D. take
    12、--What did the teacher ________ just now?
      --He _____ us that Changjiang is the longest river in China.
    A. tell, says   B. ask, said    C. say, told
    13、He      to school by bike but now he      to school on foot .
    A. used to going ; get used to go
    B. used to go ; gets used to going
    C. used to go ; gets used to go
    D. gets used to going ; gets used to go
    14、Now most families have only one child _____ our country’s one-child policy.
    A.so    B.because    C.becausefor  D.thanks to
    15、—Look ! He is very tired.   —Yes .He just finished        his first TV show .
    A. to make     B. making    C. make    D. makes
    16、Sam, you have studied for two hours. Why don’t you stop     a rest.
    A. have       B. has     C. having   D. to have
    17、— What do you like to do in your leisure time? 
     — I enjoy ____ with my friends.
    A. talk B. to talk  C. having talked D. talking
    18、He's very good at English. He spends most of his free time______ new words.
    A. remember   B. remembering  C. remembers  D. remembered
    19、 — Mike, you've got so many beautiful stamps.
    — Yeah. I ____ collect stamps when I was 8 years old.
    A. was used to  B. used to   C. am used to  D. used
    20、You’d better _____ your homework on Sunday, and bring it next Monday.
    A. finishes   B. finish   C. to finish   D. finishing
    21、When Becky ____ after school, she saw her parents in the living-room.
    A. go to home B. go to school C. got home  D. got school
    22、It _______ them two weeks _______ the computer last year.
    A. takes; to work on      B. spends; working on
    C. took; to work on       D. spent; working on
    23、Lambert _____ going to Greece or Spain, but decided on China at last.
    A. thinks about B. is thinking of C. thinks of D.thought about
    24、 You should take more exercise. It’s good ______ your health.
    A. at    B. with    C. for      D. to
    25、—Can you       me your photos after the school show?  —Yes,sure.
    A.tell       B.buy        C. show
    26、I had a little trouble in       English grammar.
     A. learn   B. learned   C. learning   D. to learn
    27、 The monkeys escaped ______ the zoo yesterday evening.
    A. from    B. of  C. on     D. out
    28、I want to listen to the music. Can you         the CD player?
    A.turn on    B.turn off    C.turn up    D.turn down
    29、The Allies(同盟国) ______ the Axes(轴心国) in the second World War.
    A.won     B.defeated    C.hit     D.hurt
    30、If he keeps on working so hard, he’ll ______ under the pressure of work.
    A.breakdown  B.bringdown  C.breakout  D.break into
    31、When it rains, I _____ a taxi to school.
    A. ride   B. take     C. drive
    32、It _____ him an hour to get to the train station.
    A. spends     B. takes      C. costs
    33、She often helps her mother _____ lunch on weekends.
    A. cooks          B. cooking     C. cook
    34、Let’s ________TV.
    A. watch    B. look       C. watches
    35、The salad is great. Let’s ______ some.
    A. watch         B. eat        C.play
    36、—What’s the police station’s telephone number?
    —I can’t remember. Look       in the telephone book , please.
    A. it for    B. it over     C. it up     D. at it
    37、Could you tell me how long do you _________ on your homework every day?
    A. cost    B. spend   C. take       D. pay
    38、Peter’s Chinese was very poor, so he couldn’t make himself ____.
    A.understand B.understood C.understandingD.tounderstand  
    39、The policeman told us ______ in the street.
    A. don't play B. not to play
    C. to not play D. to play
    40、It's necessary for the phubbers(低头族)to   the time they spend on their smart phones.
    A. cut in  B. cut off    C. cut down   D. cut up

    11、B 12、B13、C14、B15、B 16、B 17、B18、B19、C20、B
    31、A32、B33、C34、B35、A36、D 37、D38、B39、D40、C
    1、 B  2、D 3、C4、D5、A6、C  7、A  8、B 9、C 10、C 
    11、B12、C 13、B14、D15、B 16、D17、D18、B19、B20、B
    21、C22、C23、D24、C25、C 26、C27、A28、A29、B  30、A 
    31、B32、B33、C34、 A35、B36、C37、B38、B39、B40、C


    中考英语专项复习 介词 练习: 这是一份中考英语专项复习 介词 练习,共7页。试卷主要包含了单项选择,完形填空,阅读理解等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    中考英语二轮复习专项突破练习专题04 介词和连词(含答案): 这是一份中考英语二轮复习专项突破练习专题04 介词和连词(含答案),共6页。试卷主要包含了常用介词的种类及意义,常用连词的种类及意义,用所给的连词填空,词语运用,完形填空等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    【专项练习】全套专题英语中考考点六:介词专题整理(带答案): 这是一份【专项练习】全套专题英语中考考点六:介词专题整理(带答案),共8页。试卷主要包含了考点解析,中考真题演练等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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