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    班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号

    班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What does the woman want to do first?
    A. Go up one floor. B. Go to the bus stop. C. Go to the boy’s classroom.
    2. What does the woman think of the medicine?
    A. It doesn’t work. B. It makes her tired. C. It makes her have no appetite.
    3. How many cookies did John eat?
    A. Three. B. Four. C. Seven.
    4. Where are the speakers?
    A. On the plane. B. At a conference room. C. On the train.
    5. Who might the man be?
    A. A librarian. B. A student. C. A novelist.
    6. What does the woman like about the new design?
    A. The red walls. B. The new piano. C. The new floor.
    7. What does the man want to do at the end?
    A. Have a meal. B. Repair the piano. C. Listen to live music.
    8. What are the speakers doing?
    A. Travelling in France. B. Seeing a movie. C. Attending a party.
    9. Who is the man speaking to?
    A. His sister. B. His friend. C. An actress.
    10. What does the man say about being a salesman?
    A. He didn’t enjoy it. B. He wasn’t good at it. C. He was satisfied with it.
    11. What kind of a person is the man according to the conversation?
    A. Serious. B. Outgoing. C. Careful.
    12. Where will the man work?
    A. In Paris. B. In Chicago. C. In Los Angeles.
    13. How much does one Coke usually cost?
    A. $1. B. $2. C. $6.
    14. Why is the woman using so many special deals?
    A. She only buys items on sale.
    B. She is trying to save money.
    C. She is a regular customer of the store.
    15. What do we know about the man?
    A. He works two jobs.
    B. He can’t help the woman.
    C. He is going to quit his job soon.
    16. What does the man tell the woman to do?
    A. Study business at Harvard.
    B. Come by his company’s office.
    C. Apply for a job at the grocery store.
    17. When did Fred McGill start the competition?
    A. In 2014. B. In 2017. C. In 2018.
    18. How many people took part in the competition this year?
    A. At least 100. B. At least 120. C. At least 200.
    19. Who is the competition intended for?
    A. Students in music school. B. Teens with musical talents. C. Songwriters.
    20. What will the audience do next?
    A. Join the speaker on stage. B. Sing a song together. C. Listen to a song.
    【答案】1-5 CCAAB 6-10 CABAA 11-15 BCBBA 16-20 BACBC

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards
    The Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards recognizes outstanding works that contribute to our understanding of cultural diversity. Awards are given for fiction, poetry and nonfiction. Submissions of books published in 2019 are now closed. For books published this year, the submission period begins September 1 and the deadline is December 31, 2020. The winners are announced in the spring, who will receive $10,000 from the Anisfield-Wolf fund.
    To submit a book for consideration, send five copies with a completed copy of the Entry Form to: 1422 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1300, Cleveland, OH 44115.
    Upon receipt, the books will be forwarded to the jury. All submitted materials become the property of the Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards and will not be returned. No electronic submissions of an author’s work of any kind are accepted.
    •Books must be written in English and published and copyrighted in 2020 to be eligible for the 2021 prize.
    •Awards are given in fiction, poetry and nonfiction.
    •Confirmation of delivery receipt is provided.
    The following are NOT eligible for consideration:
    •Works in progress
    •Electronically published or e-books
    •Self-published works
    21. What is the purpose of Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards?
    A. To promote cultural exchange. B. To collect new books for charities.
    C. To encourage more people to write. D. To advertise the Anisfield-Wolf fund.
    22. What is a requirement for the submission?
    A. Registering on site. B. Sending five copies of a book.
    C. Translating the entry. D. Paying the contest fee.
    23. Which of the following will result in disqualification?
    A. A book written in English. B. An entry published in 2020.
    C. The submission of an unfinished book. D. The provision of the book’s delivery receipt.
    【答案】21-23 ABC
    21. 推理判断题。根据第一段首句“The Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards recognizes outstanding works that contribute to our understanding of cultural diversity.(安斯菲尔德-沃尔夫图书奖表彰那些有助于我们理解文化多样性的杰出作品。)”可知,图书奖的目的是要促进多元文化的了解。故选A。
    22. 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“To submit a book for consideration, send five copies with a completed copy of the Entry Form to…(提交一本书考虑,发送五份副本与一份完整的报名表到……)”可知,参赛的作者需要提供同一本书的五册。故选B。
    23. 细节理解题。根据The following are NOT eligible for consideration中的“Works in progress(在进展中的作品)”可知,提交未完成的作品会导致失去参赛资格。故选C。
    A new study, published this week in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science, reveals that non-human animals’ tears are not so different from our own. The chemical similarities are so great, in fact, that the composition of other species’ tears—and how they're adapted to their environments-may provide insights into better treatments for human eye disease.
    Previously, scientists had studied closely only the tears of a handful of mammals, including humans, dogs, horses, camels, and monkeys. In the new study, Brazilian veterinarians analyzed the tears of reptiles and birds for the first time , focusing on seven species.
    Tears, which are released from tear tubes, form a film over the eye that’s composed of three ingredients: mucus, waler, and oil. The mucus coats the eyes surface and helps to attach the film to the eye, the water is a natural salty solution containing crucial proteins and minerals, and the oil prevents the eye from drying out.
    Humans are the only known species to produce emotional tears; the expression “crocodile tears,” which refers to a person’s phony display of emotion, comes from the mysterious tendency of crocodiles to release tears as they eat.
    But tears play key roles beyond weeping, notes Lionel Sebbag at Iowa State University, who was not involved in the new research. They help with vision by lubricating and clearing the eye. They also protect the eye against infection and provide nutrition to the cornea, the eye’s clear outer layer, which lacks blood tubes, he says.
    Learning how reptiles and birds' use tears may also inspire new medications for conditions such as dry eye, which occurs when tear tubes don't produce enough oil. The disease, common in cats, dogs, and people, can sometimes lead to blindness.
    24. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
    A. The source of tears. B. The composition of tears.
    C. The classification of tears, D. The definition of tears.
    25. What does the underlined word “phony” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Tricky. B. Regretful. C. Cold. D. False.
    26. Which statement does Lionel Sebbag agree with?
    A. Weeping contributes to eye disease. B. The cornea has rich blood tubes.
    C. Tears oil and clear the eyes. D. More tears mean better vision.
    27. What might be the best title for the text?
    A. Tears, a barrier to eyes B. A better treatment for eye disease
    C. Non-human tears promise new cures D. Other species’ tears are similar to humans’
    【答案】24-27 BDCC
    24. 主旨大意题。根据第三段“Tears, which are released from tear tubes, form a film over the eye that’s composed of three ingredients: mucus, waler, and oil. The mucus coats the eyes surface and helps to attach the film to the eye, the water is a natural salty solution containing crucial proteins and minerals, and the oil prevents the eye from drying out. (眼泪从泪管中释放出来,在眼睛上形成一层薄膜,由三种成分组成:粘液、水和油脂。粘液覆盖了眼睛表面,有助于将眼膜附着在眼睛上。水是一种天然的含盐溶液,含有重要的蛋白质和矿物质,油可以防止眼睛干燥)”可知,第三段主要讲了眼泪的成分。故选B。
    25. 词义猜测题。根据画线词后文“display of emotion, comes from the mysterious tendency of crocodiles to release tears as they eat”可知,鳄鱼进食的时候会流泪,所以“鳄鱼的眼泪”指的是一个人虚假的情感表达。即画线词意思是“虚假的”。A. Tricky狡猾的;B. Regretful后悔的;C. Cold寒冷的;D. False虚假的。故选D。
    26. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“But tears play key roles beyond weeping, notes Lionel Sebbag at Iowa State University, who was not involved in the new research. They help with vision by lubricating and clearing the eye.(但爱荷华州立大学的Lionel Sebbag指出,眼泪在哭泣之外还发挥着关键作用,他没有参与这项新研究。它们通过润滑和清洁眼睛来帮助视力)”可知,C选项“眼泪可以润滑和清洁眼睛”的观点Lionel Sebbag可能同意。故选C。
    27. 主旨大意题。根据第一段“A new study, published this week in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science, reveals that non-human animals’ tears are not so different from our own. The chemical similarities are so great, in fact, that the composition of other species’ tears—and how they’re adapted to their environments-may provide insights into better treatments for human eye disease. (本周发表在《兽医科学前沿》杂志上的一项新研究表明,动物的眼泪与人类的眼泪并没有太大不同。事实上,它们的化学成分非常相似,以至于其他物种的眼泪的组成以及它们如何适应环境,可能为更好地治疗人类眼病提供了思路)”可知,文章主要介绍的是动物的眼泪为治疗人类眼病提供了思路,C选项“动物的眼泪预示着新的治疗方法”最符合文章标题。故选C。
    Many European countries have been making the shift to electric vehicles and Germany has just stated that they plan to ban the sale of vehicles using gasoline and diesel as fuel by 2030.
    The country is also planning to reduce its carbon footprint by 80-95% by 2050, sparking a shift to green energy in the country. Effectively, the ban will include the registration of new cars in the country as they will not allow any gasoline powered vehicle to be registered after 2030. Part of the reason why this ban is being discussed and carried out is that energy officials see that they will not reach their emissions (排放) goals by 2050 if they do not reduce a large portion of vehicle emissions.
    The country is still hopeful that it will meet its emissions goals, like reducing emissions by 40% by 2020, but the acceptance of electric cars in the country has not occurred as fast as expected. Other efforts to increase the use of electric vehicles include plans to build over 1 million hybrid (混合的) and electric car battery charging stations across the country. By 2030, Germany plans on having over 6 million charging stations installed.
    According to the International Business Times, electric car sales are expected to increase as Volkswagen is still recovering from its emissions scandal. There are currently around 155,000 registered hybrid and electric vehicles on German roads, dwarfed (使相形见绌) by the 45 million gasoline and diesel cars driving there now.
    As countries continue setting goals of reducing emissions, greater steps need to be taken to have a noticeable effect on the surrounding environment. While the efforts are certainly not in vain, the results of such bans will likely only start to be seen by generations down the line, bettering the world for the future.
    28. The ban is under discussion and in effect partly because ______.
    A. Germans don’t accept electric cars.
    B. vehicle emissions won’t be got rid of.
    C. vehicle emissions prevent emissions goals being reached.
    D. Electric cars may slow down Germany’s economic growth.
    29. What will happen after 2030 according to the ban?
    A. Gasoline powered vehicle can’t be registered.
    B. New cars won’t be allowed to be registered.
    C. Diesel powered vehicle can’t be registered.
    D. Gasoline powered vehicle won’t be allowed to drive.
    30. The future of electric cars will be ______.
    A. impossible B. promising C. impractical D. unpredictable
    31. What is the best title of the passage?
    A. The development of industry B. Germany shifts toward green energy
    C. Environmental protection in Germany D. The ban on the driving of gasoline vehicles
    【答案】28-31 CABB
    28. 细节理解题。本题题干意为:这一禁令正在讨论中,并且正在生效,部分原因是什么?根据文章第二段“Part of the reason why this ban is being discussed and carried out is that energy officials see that they will not reach their emissions(排放)goals by 2050 if they do not reduce a large portion of vehicle emissions.”这项禁令被讨论和实施的部分原因是,能源官员看到,如果他们不减少很大一部分的汽车排放,他们将无法在2050年达到他们的排放目标。可知,很大的一部分的原因是他们将不会达到他们的排放目标。故C项:vehicle emissions prevent emissions goals being reached.汽车排放阻碍了排放目标的实现。符合题意。故答案为C。
    29. 细节理解题。本题题干意为:根据这项禁令,2030年后会发生什么?根据文章第二段“Effectively, the ban will include the registration of new cars in the country as they will not allow any gasoline powered vehicle to be registered after 2030.”(实际上,这项禁令将包括在这个国家的新车登记,因为2030年后将不允许任何以汽油为动力的车辆登记。可知,汽油动力车在2030年后不能登记。)故答案为A。
    30. 推理判断题。本题题干意为:电动汽车的未来将是。根据文章最后一段“While the efforts are certainly not in vain, the results of such bans will likely only start to be seen by generations down the line, bettering the world for the future.”虽然这些努力肯定不会白费,但这种禁令的结果很可能只会在以后几代人中开始看到,从而改善未来的世界。可知电动汽车的未来是很有希望的。故答案为B。
    31. 主旨大意题。本题题干意为:这篇文章最好的标题是什么?第一段提出话题(德国计划在2030年前禁止销售使用汽油和柴油作为燃料的车辆。)并且文章主要围绕这一话题展开,说明了德国转向绿色能源并制定和实施相应的减排目标,可知B项:Germany shifts toward green energy德国转向绿色能源。符合题意。故答案为B。
    When British musician Paul Barton performs in central Thailand lately, his energetic listeners react wildly. Some pull his hair or jump on his piano. Others steal his music papers.
    The behavior is normal, however, because these crowds are truly wild — wild monkeys to be exact. Barton plays often to the animals in Lopburi, an area known for its populations of wild macaque monkeys. The pianist hopes the music shows bring calm to the animals during the coronavirus crisis.
    The disease has caused problems for the monkeys, too. They are hungry. The restrictions on tourism mean fewer people come to see the monkeys and feed them. “We need to make an effort to make sure that they eat properly. And when they eat properly they will be calmer and will not be aggressive,” said Barton, 59, a long-time Thailand resident. Barton has played at four sites in Lopburi, including at an ancient Hindu temple, a store and an old movie theater.
    The macaques quickly surround Barton when he plays Greensleeves, Beethoven’s Fur Elise and Michael Nyman’s Diary of Love. Some of the creatures sit on his chair, while others climb up his body and touch his head. “A wonderful opportunity to see the wild animals just being themselves.” said Barton, from Yorkshire in northern England.
    But, Barton keeps his attention on his performance, even as a small monkey runs over his hands on the instrument. Other monkeys take control of his music papers. “I was surprised to play the piano and find that they were actually eating the music as I was playing it. But,” he added, “I wasn’t going to let those things distract from the project which is to play the music for these wonderful macaques.”
    The monkeys are Barton’s latest animal fans. Past wildlife audiences included elephants living in special protected areas. Barton hopes to raise awareness of the monkeys’ hunger. At the same time, he hopes to study their behavior as they react to classical music.
    32. Why is the author not surprised at Barton’s audience’s rude reaction?
    A. Paul Barton performed badly.
    B. The audience are monkeys in the zoo.
    C. The audience are monkeys in the wild.
    D. The monkeys are infected by the coronavirus.
    33. What can be inferred about the coronavirus?
    A. It caused no trouble for the monkeys.
    B. It affected Thailand’s tourism seriously.
    C. It made wild monkeys live more happily.
    D. It made wild monkeys eat more properly.
    34. What does Barton consider his performance himself?
    A. To be a good opportunity to save wild animals.
    B. To be a good opportunity to restrict wild animals.
    C. To be a good chance to tame wild animals.
    D. To be a good chance to observe wild animals.
    35. What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about?
    A. The past performances of Barton.
    B. Barton’s efforts to protect classical music.
    C. The purpose of Barton’s performance.
    D. Barton’s research on monkeys’ behavior.
    【答案】32-35 CBDC
    32. 推理判断题。根据第二段的“The behavior is normal, however, because these crowds are truly wild — wild monkeys to be exact.(然而,这种行为很正常,因为这些观众是真正的野生群体——确切地说,是野生猴子)”可推断,作者认为这种行为是正常的,对它们的粗鲁行为并不令人吃惊,因为它们是野生猴子。故选C。
    33. 推理判断题。根据第三段的“The disease has caused problems for the monkeys, too. They are hungry. The restrictions on tourism mean fewer people come to see the monkeys and feed them.(这次疫情也给猴子带来了麻烦。没人投喂他们。对旅游业的限制意味着游客和给猴子喂食的人员会减少)”可知,新冠疫情严重影响泰国的旅游业。故选B。
    34. 细节理解题。根据第四段的““A wonderful opportunity to see the wild animals just being themselves.” said Barton, from Yorkshire in northern England.(“这是一个观察野生猴子表现自我的绝佳机会。”来自英格兰北部约克郡的巴顿说)”可知,巴顿认为他自己的表演是观察野生动物的好机会。故选D。
    35. 主旨大意题。根据第五段的内容““I was surprised to play the piano and find that they were actually eating the music as I was playing it. But,” he added, “I wasn’t going to let those things distract from the project which is to play the music for these wonderful macaques.”(“我很惊讶地发现,当我弹奏的时候,它们竟然沉浸在音乐中。但是,”他补充说,“我不会让这些事情影响为这些可爱的猕猴演奏音乐。”)”可推断,本段主要介绍了巴顿表演的目的。故选C。

    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    The Simple Trick Can Help You Sleep
    For those who can’t sleep easily, prepare for the best night’s sleep ever. No more tossing and turning into the early hours of the morning. No more counting sheep on Sunday evenings. And no more lying, wide-eyed, in the dark after waking up in the middle of the night. ___36___ This all-natural solution is called the 4-7-8 method, and yes, it’s as simple as it sounds. First, get settled into a comfortable position on your bed. Then, simply breathe in air through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and then breathe the air out slowly through your mouth for eight more seconds. ___37___
    That’s all there is to it! Don’t believe us? Just ask Harvard-educated medical doctor Andrew Weil, who adopted this exercise from a centuries-long Indian yogi meditation practice. The yogis use this method to achieve a state of complete relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety. Slowing down your breathing forces the rhythm of your heart to slow down, too. ___38___ In other words, it’s a natural way to make you calm for your body and mind.
    “The theory is that by putting certain rhythms on the breath with your voluntary system, gradually these are made into the involuntary nervous system,” he said. ___39___ So it's the regularity of doing this over a period of weeks, months , years that produces the changes that you want.”
    There you go! ___40___ If you’re still tossing and turning, don’t miss these tips from sleep doctors which are almost guaranteed to give you a better night’s sleep.
    A. And that comes with time.
    B. Finally , repeat until you fall asleep.
    C. It makes the rest of your body relax.
    D. That enables you to fall asleep more easily.
    E. Here comes the explanation for your sleepless nights.
    F. Once you start sticking to it, you can quit counting sheep for good.
    G. There’s now an easy and expert-approved way to fall asleep in less than a minute.
    【答案】36-40 GBCAF
    36. 根据划线前句“And no more lying, wide-eyed, in the dark after waking up in the middle of the night.(再也不用躺着,睁大眼睛,在半夜醒来后的黑暗中)”可知,对于晚上睡不好觉的问题,作者认为已经找到了解决方案了。G项“现在有一种简单且经专家认可的方法可以让你在一分钟内入睡。”正是为前句暗指的解决方案。同时G项中的“an easy and expert-approved way to fall asleep”指代的后文中提及的“This all-natural solution is called the 4-7-8 method.(这种纯天然的解决方法被称为4-7-8法)”。故选G项。
    37. 根据划线前句提及“Then, simply breathe in air through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and then breathe the air out slowly through your mouth for eight more seconds.(然后,简单地用鼻子吸气4秒,屏住呼吸7秒,然后再用嘴慢慢地呼气8秒)”可知,此处在阐述前文提及的4-7-8助眠法。根据前文已提及“First, …..”和“Then, …..”可知,此处应表示最后一步应该如何做。因此B项“最后,重复直到你睡着。”切题。故选B项。
    38. 根据划线前句提及“Slowing down your breathing forces the rhythm of your heart to slow down, too.(放慢你的呼吸也会迫使你的心跳节奏放慢)”可知,放慢呼吸能让你的心跳节奏也放慢。通过这种方式可以让你全身放松。C项“它使你身体的其他部分放松。”中的It指代前文提及的“放慢呼吸和心跳节奏放慢”,同时C项又是前句的结果。故选C项。
    39. 根据划线后文“So it's the regularity of doing this over a period of weeks, months, years that produces the changes that you want.(因此,在数周,数月,数年的时间内进行此操作的规律性会产生你想要的更改)”可知,进行此助眠法需要时间的练习。因此A项“这是随着时间的推移而来的。”是对后句的内容进行总结,和后句内容构成前后因果关系。故选A项。
    40. 根据划线前句“There you go!(这下你会懂的)”可知,作者建议读者可以试试这种方法来改善自己的睡眠。F项“一旦您开始坚持下去,就可以永远不再数羊了。”再次强调坚持这种助眠法的好处。前后句进一步推荐睡眠有问题的人可以尝试这种助眠法来改善睡眠。故选F项。

    第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    Linda worked as a waitress at the Route 130 diner in Dover, New Hampshire. One Thursday morning around 5:30 am, she was ___41___ two firefighters, Young and Hulling. Quite ___42___, she heard that they had been up all ___43___ putting out a fierce warehouse fire, which took twelve hours to get under control.
    ___44___ Linda decided to honor these two heroes by picking up their ___45___ and writing them a heartfelt message of gratitude. It ___46___, “Your breakfast is on me today. Thank you for all that you do... Fueled by fire and driven by ___47___, what an example you are! Get some rest.”
    This simple act of kindness meant so much to the ___48___ firefighters. The firefighters ___49___ and thanked her before leaving the ___50___.
    To return the young lady’s kindness, upon his arrival home, Hulling posted a Facebook update ___51___ his friends to go eat at the diner, which was quickly ___52___ over 3,000 times.
    However, it was not until afterwards that they realized Linda was ___53___ the one that could use the ___54___. When they found out that Linda was trying to ___55___ money for her paralyzed father to get a wheelchair-accessible van, Young posted with a ___56___ to a GoFundMe page for Linda’s dad, and the support ___57___.
    The total donations reached $60,000 and went beyond Linda’s wildest dreams. She had never ___58___ that her small gesture would be paid in such a ___59___ way. “I’m truly blessed that those two walked through the doors today and ___60___ for the opportunity to be a part of something so positive and uplifting.’’ Linda said on Facebook.
    41. A. calling B. praising C. serving D. anticipating
    42. A. in private B. in public C. by design D. by coincidence
    43. A. day B. night C. morning D. afternoon
    44. A. Touched B. Shocked C. Excited D. Embarrassed
    45. A. uniform B. money C. check D. breakfast
    46. A. replied B. wrote C. indicated D. read
    47. A. concern B. courage C. confidence D. curiosity
    48. A. worried B. ambitious C. modest D. exhausted
    49. A. showed up B. sat up C. teared up D. stayed up
    50. A. apartment B. station C. restaurant D. warehouse
    51. A. urging B. forcing C. helping D. reminding
    52. A. collected B. examined C. removed D. shared
    53. A. really B. normally C. suddenly D. hardly
    54. A. fire B. help C. diner D. message
    55. A. count B. donate C. change D. raise
    56. A. note B. picture C. link D. click
    57. A. poured in B. spread out C. declined D. doubled
    58. A. promised B. expected C. doubted D. accepted
    59. A. rapid B. generous C. proper D. conventional
    60. A. grateful B. eager C. ready D. greedy
    【答案】41-45 CDBAC 46-50 DBDCC 51-55 ADABD 56-60 CABBA
    41. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个周四,早上大约5点30,她正在为两个消防员——Young and Hulling服务。A. calling叫,打电话;B. praising表扬;C. serving服务;D. anticipating预料。根据前文的“Linda worked as a waitress at the Route 130 diner in Dover, New Hampshire.”可知,Linda的身份是服务员,故此处用“服务”符合语境,故选C项。
    42. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:碰巧,她听说他们熬了一晚上,扑灭了一场凶猛的仓库大火,这场大火用了12个小时才控制住。A. in private私下地;B. in public在公共场合;C. by design故意地;D. by coincidence碰巧。结合上下文可知,此处是指她在为两个消防员服务时,偶然听到他们的对话,故用“碰巧”符合语境,故选D项。
    43. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:碰巧,她听说他们熬了一晚上,扑灭了一场凶猛的仓库大火,这场大火用了12个小时才控制住。A. day白天;B. night夜晚;C. morning早晨;D. afternoon下午。根据前文的“One Thursday morning around 5:30 am”和“which took twelve hours to get under control.”可推测,消防员熬了一整夜——12个小时,才把火扑灭,故选B项。
    44. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:被他们的行为所感动,Linda决定为他们付钱来表达对他们的崇敬,并且写了一封衷心的感谢信。A. Touched感动的;B. Shocked震惊的;C. Excited兴奋的;D. Embarrassed尴尬的。根据下文“and writing them a heartfelt message of gratitude.”可知,Linda被消防员熬夜灭火的行为所感动了,故选A项。
    45. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:被他们的行为所感动,Linda决定为他们付钱来表达对他们的崇敬,并且写了一封衷心的感谢信。A. uniform制服;B. money钱;C. check支票;D. breakfast早饭。根据下文的“Your breakfast is on me today.”可知,Linda决定为他们付账来表达自己的崇敬和感激,pick up one’s check“为……付账”,故选C项。
    46. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:上面写着:“今天你们的早餐由我来付,非常感谢你们所做的一切……你们以火和勇气为动力,你们真是好榜样!好好休息下!”A. replied回答;B. wrote写;C. indicated暗示;D. read读。read可以表达信息、标志、信件上写着什么,故选D项。
    47. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:上面写着:“今天你们的早餐由我来付,非常感谢你们所做的一切……你们以火和勇气为动力,你们真是好榜样!好好休息下!”A. concern担心;B. courage勇气;C. confidence信心;D. curiosity好奇心。结合上下文,此处是指在Linda看来需要极大的勇气才能扑灭猛烈的大火,故选B项。
    48. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个简单的善举对于这些疲惫的消防员来说意义重大。A. worried担心的;B. ambitious有抱负的;C. modest谦逊的;D. exhausted疲惫的。根据前文的“which took twelve hours to get under control.”可知,这场大火用了12小时才扑灭,故推测消防员现在很疲惫,故选D项。
    49. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:消防员流下了感动的泪水,在离开餐馆前由衷地感谢Linda。A. showed up出现;B. sat up坐直;C. teared up流泪;D. stayed up熬夜。结合常识,看了Linda真情实意的感谢信,消防队员被感动了,所以流下了眼泪,故选C项。
    50. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:消防员流下了感动的泪水,在离开餐馆前由衷地感谢Linda。A. apartment公寓;B. station站;C. restaurant餐馆;D. warehouse仓库。根据前文的“Linda worked as a waitress at the Route 130 diner in Dover”可知,Linda在一个餐馆当服务员,故此处用“消防员离开餐馆”符合语境和逻辑,故选C项。
    51. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了回报这个年轻女士的善良,Hulling一到家就在Facebook上更新了消息,大力推荐他的朋友去这家餐馆吃饭,这条消息很快就被分享转发了3000多次。A. urging大力推荐;B. forcing强迫;C. helping帮助;D. reminding提醒。结合句意可知,此处用“大力推荐朋友去餐馆吃饭”符合语境,故选A项。
    52. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了回报这个年轻女士的善良,Hulling一到家就在Facebook上更新了消息,大力推荐他的朋友去这家餐馆吃饭,这条消息很快就被分享转发了3000多次。A. collected收集;B. examined检查;C. removed移除;D. shared分享。此处是指网友把Hulling的消息分享转发,故选D项。
    53. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,很快他们意识到Linda才是那个真正需要这个帮助的人。A. really真正地;B. normally正常地;C. suddenly突然地;D. hardly几乎不。根据下文的“they found out that Linda was trying to ___55___ money for her paralyzed father to get a wheelchair-accessible van”可知,Linda正在努力挣钱为她瘫痪的父亲买一个轮椅可以上的去的货车,所以Linda才是那个真正需要帮助的人,故选A项。
    54. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,很快他们意识到Linda才是那个真正需要这个帮助的人。A. fire火;B. help帮助;C. diner餐厅;D. message信息。根据前文的“Your breakfast is on me today.”可知,Linda帮消防员付了早餐的费用,可后来Hulling意识到Linda才是需要帮助的人,故选B项。
    55. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他们发现Linda正在努力筹钱为她瘫痪的父亲购买一个轮椅可以上去的货车时,Young在GoFundMe网站为Linda的爸爸发布了一条连接,此后援助源源不断地过来了。A. count数;B. donate捐赠;C. change改变;D. raise筹集。根据上文的“However, it was not until afterwards that they realized Linda was ___53___ the one that could use the ___54___.”可知,Linda非常需要帮助,故此处用“她努力筹钱给父亲买货车”符合语境,故选D项。
    56. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当他们发现Linda正在努力筹钱为她瘫痪的父亲购买一个轮椅可以上去的货车时,Young在GoFundMe网站为Linda的爸爸发布了一条连接,此后援助源源不断地过来了。A. note笔记;B. picture照片;C. link链接;D. click点击。根据前文的GoFundMe page可知这是一个专门筹钱的网站,在上面发布链接,捐的钱就可以直接到受捐赠人的账户,故选C项。
    57. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:当他们发现Linda正在努力筹钱为她瘫痪的父亲购买一个轮椅可以上去的货车时,Young在GoFundMe网站为Linda的爸爸发布了一条连接,此后援助源源不断地过来了。A. poured in涌入;B. spread out分散;C. declined减少;D. doubled加倍。根据下文的“The total donations reached $60,000 and went beyond Linda’s wildest dreams”可知,捐款的数额远远超过了Linda的想象,故此处用“涌入”表达捐款的量很大,故选A项。
    58. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她从来没有想到她的一个小小的行为会以这样慷慨的方式得到回报。A. promised承诺;B. expected猜想;C. doubted怀疑;D. accepted接受。结合上下文,此处是指Linda没有想到会有这么多人帮助她,捐赠了那么多钱,故选B项。
    59. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她从来没有想到她的一个小小的行为会以这样慷慨的方式得到回报。A. rapid快速的;B. generous慷慨的;C. proper适当的;D. conventional守旧的,传统的。结合上下文,此处是指Linda的一个小小的行为得到了很大的回报,故此处用“慷慨的”符合语境,small和generous是反义词复现,故选B项。
    60. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Linda在Facebook上说:“我真的很幸运,今天那两个人走了进来,而且非常感谢能有机会成为如此积极向上的事情中的一部分。”A. grateful感激的;B. eager渴望的;C. ready准备好的;D. greedy贪婪的。结合上下文此处是指Linda很感激能帮助别人和被别人帮助,grateful和上文的gratitude是同义词复现,故选A项。

    第三部分 英语知识运用
    Originally constructed around 256 BCE by the State of Qin ___61___ an irrigation and flood control system, Dujiangyan is a remarkable example of ancient engineering skill and is still ___62___ use today.
    During the Warring States period, people who lived along the banks of the Min River ___63___(trouble) by annual flooding. Qin governor and irrigation engineer Li Bing investigated the problem thoroughly. He led a fantastic team ___64___(construct) a levee(堤坝) to redirect a part of the river’s flow. Then they decided to cut ___65___ channel through Mount Yulei to let the water flow through it. After the system was finished, no more floods ___66___(occur). What’s more, it made Sichuan one of the most productive agricultural ___67___(region) in China because the redirected water from the Min River could be used for irrigation. If you visit Dujiangyan, you will see an ___68___(usual) construction that looks like a fish’s mouth. This famous attraction, Yuzui, together with two other important parts, namely, Feishayan and Baopingkou, was ___69___(scientific) designed to control the water flow throughout the year.
    ___70___(recognize) as a UNESCO heritage site, Dujiangyan has irrigated farms while preventing floods for over 2,000 years.
    【答案】61. as 62. in 63. were troubled 64. to construct 65. a
    66. occurred 67. regions 68. unusual 69. scientifically 70. Recognized
    61. 考查介词。句意:都江堰最初是秦国在公元前256年左右作为灌溉和防洪系统修建的,是古代工程技术的一个显著例子,至今仍在使用。根据句意和后文“an irrigation and flood control system”可知,此处应用介词as“作为”和后文名词构成介词短语,符合句意。故填as。
    62. 考查介词。句意:都江堰最初是秦国在公元前256年左右作为灌溉和防洪系统修建的,是古代工程技术的一个显著例子,至今仍在使用。in use“在使用着”是固定介词短语,在句中作表语。故填in。
    63. 考查被动语态。句意:战国时期,闽江沿岸的居民每年都受到洪水的困扰。谓语动词trouble和主语people之间是被动关系,根据时间状语“During the Warring States period”可知,此处描述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时的被动语态,主语people为复数名词,谓语动词用复数,故填were troubled。
    64. 考查非谓语动词。句意:他带领一支队伍建造了一个堤坝,以改变河水的一部分流向。lead sb to do sth“引导某人做某事”是固定短语,不定式作宾语补足语,符合句意。故填to construct。
    65. 考查冠词。句意:然后他们在玉雷山凿了一条水道,让水从山上流过。根据句意可知,后文可数名词channel为泛指概念,应用不定冠词限定,因channel发音以辅音音素开头,故填a。
    66. 考查动词时态。句意:系统完成后,不再发生洪水。根据上文was finished可知,此处描述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故填occurred。
    67. 考查名词复数。句意:更重要的是,它使四川成为中国最高产的农区之一,因为从岷江调水可以用于灌溉。根据前文“one of the most productive agricultural”可知,此处可数名词region应用复数。“one of +形容词最高级+名词复数”是固定表达。故填regions。
    68. 考查形容词反义词。句意:如果你参观都江堰,你会看到一个看起来像鱼嘴的不寻常的建筑。根据语境可知,此处应用usual的反义词unusual作定语修饰名词construction,表示“不同寻常的建筑”。故填unusual。
    69. 考查副词。句意:这个著名的景点,鱼嘴,连同另外两个重要的部分,即飞沙堰和宝平口,被科学地设计来控制全年的水流。修饰被动结构中的动词过去分词designed应用副词。故填scientifically。
    70. 考查非谓语动词。句意:都江堰被联合国教科文组织认定为世界文化遗产,2000多年来一直在灌溉农田,防止洪水。分析可知,非谓语动词recognize和主语之间是被动关系,用其过去分词作状语。句首字母大写,故填Recognized。

    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(10分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    One morning that I was in primary school, I tried cooking for first time. As my parents weren’t in, I have to cook something to eat. I took an egg from the refrigerator, putting some oil in the pan and cracked an egg into it. After a few second, I tried to turn the egg over in case it would get burnt. Unexpectedly, it caught fire. Not known what to do, I screamed but rushed out of the kitchen. After a while, I realized I should put out the fire, so I returned back, only to find something but a black burnt egg. I’ve learned that I can’t be too carefully while cooking.
    1. 考查定语从句关系词。分析句子结构可知,先行词morning在从句中充当时间状语,故应用关系副词when,故将that改为when。
    2. 考查冠词。序数词first前应加定冠词the,故在for后加the。
    3. 考查时态。结合语境可知,“我烹饪”的动作发生在过去之前,故应用过去完成时,其结构为had done,故将have改为had。
    4. 考查动词。分析句子可知,此处用and连接took, put和 cracked三个谓语动词,故put也应用过去时形式,故将putting改为put。
    5. 考查名词的数。second“秒”是可数名词,根据短语a few判断,此处应用复数形式,故将second改为seconds。
    6. 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处是非谓语动词作状语,know和逻辑主语I之间是主动关系,故用现在分词,故将known改为knowing。
    7. 考查并列连词。句意:不知道做什么,我尖叫着,并且冲出了厨房。结合句意可知,此处是顺承关系,故将but改为and。
    8. 考查逻辑关系。return(返回)不能和back搭配,否则意义就重复了,故删除returned后的back。
    9. 考查不定代词。句意:一会之后,我意识到我应该把火灭掉,因此我返回厨房,除了一个烧黑的鸡蛋什么都没发现。结合句意可知,此处应意为“除了烧黑的鸡蛋什么也没有发现”,“没什么”nothing,故将something改为nothing。
    10. 考查形容词。此处应用形容词作表语,故将carefully改为careful。

    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    1. 欢迎他们来中国;
    2. 旅行前的准备;
    Dear Charlie,
    I’m delighted to know you are coming to China with your family during the Chinese Spring Festival, which is a great chance for you to experience Chinese culture personally. Here I am writing to offer you some advice.
    It would be a good idea if you could make some preparations before your travel. First of all, learn some simple Chinese, especially the daily expressions, which makes it easier for you to communicate with the locals wherever you go. Besides, to get yourself familiar with some Chinese local customs and traditions may help you behave properly during your stay. What’s more, you can learn how to use chopsticks beforehand so that you can taste different varieties of Chinese food more conveniently.
    I hope you will find my advice helpful. Wish you a pleasant journey in China.
    Li Hua


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