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    Adult Educatin Curses
    〔1〕Which curses are suitable fr beginners?
    A.Web Design and Art.
    B puter Studies and Art.
    C.Wdwrk and Web Design.
    D puter Studies and Wdwrk.
    〔2〕Which curse awards students an fficial certificate?
    C.Web Design.
    D puter Studies.
    〔3〕Hw much will a student wh attends nly half f all the Wdwrk lessns pay in ttal?
    Daphne Sares, a bilgist, makes an amazing discvery abut alligatrs. The first time she gt really clse t an alligatr (短吻鳄) was when she was helping t bld dwn an eight-ft American alligatr. It was then that she nticed is face was cvered with little black spts. This led t the discvery f the little black dts.
    She started her study f the black dts. When she read the bks and scientific jurnals, she learned that peple had nticed the dts, but n ne really knew what the dts were fr.
    T find ut the secret she placed electrdes (电极) n nerves cming frm sme f the dts. When the nerves fired, they sent a message t the brain and created a tiny electric current. Just then she heard a small sund ver a ludspeaker. She tired t see if the dts acted like eyes and temperature sensrs, but nthing wrked.
    One day she was careless with drpping a tl int an alligatr's tank. When she put her hand in the tank t get the tl ut, she made small waves in the water. When they reached the alligatr's face, she heard a nise ver the speaker. She then realized that the dts must be sensitive t the changes in pressure when hit by waves f water.
    After that, she is nw studying blind cavefish. She is trying t learn whether they are blind frm birth r lse their sight as they grw up. She is als ding mre research n crcdilians (鳄目). She wants t find ut hw the genes f alligatrs with pressure sensrs nly n their faces differ frm the genes f crcdilians that have pressure sensrs all ver their bdy.
    〔1〕Why did Daphne Sares first get clse t the alligatr?
    A.T bserve its black dts.
    B.T find the secret f its dts.
    C.T help thers t hld it up.
    D.T prevent it frm mving.
    〔2〕What happened when Daphne Sares first put electrdes n the nerves f sme black dts?
    A.A little nise was sent ut.
    B.An electric current created a message.
    C.The nerves were n fire suddenly.
    D.The nerves sensed temperature changes.
    〔3〕Hw did Daphne Sares first find the functin f allgatrs' black dts?
    A.By experiment.
    B.By reference.
    C.By accident.
    D.By cmparisn.
    〔4〕What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A.Cavefish lse sight as they grw up.
    B.Daphne Sares devtes her energy t research wrk.
    C.Alligatr's genes are the same as crcdilian's.
    D.Daphne Sares discvered a new species f alligatr.
    The Silk Rad is arguably the mst famus lng-distance trade rute f the ancient wrld. This passage cnnected Eurpe in the West with China in the East, and allwed the exchange f gds, technlgy, and ideas between the tw civilizatins. Althugh merchants culd make huge prfits travelling the rad, it was nt withut risk.
    The main Silk Rad started in Chang'an (knwn tday as Xi'an), the early Han capital. Travelers cmmencing their jurney frm this city culd take a nrthern rute that wuld take them acrss China's nrthwestern prvinces. After this, they wuld face the Gbi Desert, arguably the greatest danger f the Silk Rad.
    The Gbi Desert, the largest desert in Asia, cnsists mainly f rcky, hard earth. This feature made it easier fr traders t travel acrss, cmpared t sandy deserts like the neighbring Taklamakan Desert. Like ther deserts, the Gbi Desert is dry and ht, and therefre the biggest challenge travelers faced was btaining enugh water fr themselves as well as fr their camels.
    S, rest stps were created alng the rute, allwing travelers t rest, eat and drink. These places als prmted the exchange f gds, and even ideas, amngst the travelers wh stpped there. Usually, the rest stps were placed within a day's jurney f each ther. In this way, travelers culd avid spending t much time in the desert, which wuld make them targets fr rbbers, anther danger f the Silk Rad.
    Once thrugh the Gbi Desert, travelers wuld cntinue their jurney int Iran, Turkey, and finally Eurpe. Whilst this part f the jurney may have been less dangerus, it is nt entirely withut its perils.
    〔1〕The underlined wrd "it" in the first paragraph refers t _____.
    A.making huge prfits
    B.traveling the Silk Rad
    C.exchanging gds and ideas
    D.cnnecting different civilizatins
    〔2〕Why was the Gbi Desert easier t crss than ther deserts?
    A.The desert's surface was easier t walk n.
    B.Camels fr transprtatin were easier t find.
    C.It was smaller and culd be crssed in less time.
    D.There were mre natural water surces available.
    〔3〕What can we guess abut the rest stps in the Gbi Desert?
    A.Travelers were ffered free accmmdatin.
    B.They were lcated arund the edges f the desert.
    C.Travelers staying there were ften attacked by criminals.
    D.They were shared by travelers frm different cuntries.
    〔4〕What is the passage mainly abut?
    A.The rigins f the Silk Rad.
    B.The benefits f the Silk Rad.
    C.The difficulties faced by Silk Rad travelers.
    D.The cultural exchanges amng Silk Rad travelers.
    Cattle manure(粪肥) has becme ne f the wrld's greatest envirnmental killers, but ne Dutch artist is using chemistry t turn it int smething that is bth ec-friendly and valuable.
    In recent years, scientists arund the wrld have made great prgress in their attempts t recycle cattle manure, including turning it int natural fertilizer, but Eindhven designer Jalila Essaidi didn't think they were efficient enugh t slve the glbal manure prblem. S she started n her very wn slutin, ne that apprached animal waste as a valuable material that culd be prcessed int useful prducts.
    She started by separating the waste, with the dry manure used t get pure cellulse(纤维素) frm the grass that cws eat. Frm the wet manure, she gt acids used t create a natural liquid plastic which was used t make fiber that are later turned int fabric(material used fr making clthes).
    This new material was named Mestic, frm mest, the Dutch wrd fr manure. Essaidi claim that it has the same functin as plastic frm fssil fuels, but is bi-degradable(可生物降解的). Better yet, the degradability can be dealt with in the lab, making it pssible t create materials that last fr different perids f time depending n their purpse. "This is nt the first time that scientists have been lking fr ways t slve the manure prblem, but it is the first time that manure is being cnsidered as a valuable resurce." the Dutch designer said.
    Last year, Jalila Essaldi partnered with the city f Eindhven t prduce a fashin shw using Mestic-based fabrics. Her Mestic cllectin was s impressive that clthing giant H&M awarded her the Glbal Change Award and a $1millin prize. And cw manure is just the beginning f Jalila Essaldi's experiments with animal waste. "After cws, we'll deal with pigs and ther animals," she said.
    〔1〕Why has the authr written the text?
    A.T suggest practical ways t deal with cattle manure.
    B.T advertise fr sme clthes made by a Dutch cmpany.
    C.T intrduce a designer wh turns cw manure int clthing.
    D.T persuade peple t purchase prducts made frm manure.
    〔2〕Which is the crrect rder f making Mestic-based clthing?
    A.acids →liquid plastic →manure →fabric →fibers →clthing
    B.manure →acids →liquid plastic →fibers →fabric →clthing
    C.liquid plastic →manure →fabric →fibers → acids →clthing
    D.fibers →manure →acids →fabric →liquid plastic →clthing
    〔3〕What d we knw abut Mestic?
    A.Its smell is rather terrible.
    B.It is made frm fssil fuels.
    C.Its name has a Dutch rigin.
    D.It can nly be made in the lab.
    〔4〕What d Jalila Essaidi's wrds in the last paragraph mean?
    A.Smething mre needs t be dne abut cw manure.
    B.She will switch t ther animals waste in the future.
    C.What experiments t d next really puzzles her.
    D.The future f fashinable clthing is ptimistic.
    D we have a mvement signature?
    As humans, we have several qualities that separate us frm ne anther, such as ur fingerprints. ________
    Accrding t a recent study, each persn has a unique mvement signature (鲜明特征). Depending n the persn, these differences can be subtle r prnunced.
    ________ Fr the study, scientists attached electrdes (电极) t muscles in the legs f vlunteers. The vlunteer were then asked t perfrm activities such as walking n walking machines and riding statinary bikes (健身车), which were adjusted accrding t each persn's physical appearance in rder t make sure everyne was judged using the same standards.
    Scientists fed the infrmatin t a cmputer alng with the vlunteer's name. ________Next, the cmputer was fed infrmatin withut the user's name and it culd identity the persn crrectly 99% f the time. The utcmes f the study shwed that each f us des have smething unique abut ur general mvements.
    ________ Since this is just a pilt study, scientists will d mre tests t see if the signature changes with age and weight changes. But with a deeper understanding f the science f mvement, dctrs culd pssibly develp mre intricate prsthetics (复杂精细的假肢). ________Whether that's cl r frightening is up t yu t decide.
    A. Hw culd this study be f use t scientists?
    B. What d yu think f the findings f the study?
    C. Vlunteers are expected t write a reprt n the activities.
    D. Is it pssible that we als have unique qualities in ur mvement.
    E. Scientists culd als prgram rbts t cpy humans' mvements mre exactly.
    F. In this way, the cmputer culd learn the unique mvement quality f each persn.
    G. The study was cnducted by inviting peple t take part in a cuple f physical activities.
    I want t d the right thing by the envirnment, and s d yu. But, let's face it: it isn't always 1 .
    The mment ne thinks abut the seriusness f the 2 we face, it is difficult nt t feel prfundly hpeless. Fr example, in rder t 3 this article, I visit The Wrld Cunts ( thewrldcunts ), which ffers all the latest 4 statistics (统计数据), and it was 5 t send me t bed fr the day.
    There's ne thing I find 6 abut trying t be 7 . It is chsing between all the cuntless 8 n ffer. Are bamb tthbrushes better than electric nes? D trains always cause less pllutin than planes? Shuld ne replace ld but perfectly usable smart phnes with 9 and high-tech versins? There is s much 10 ut there t analyse. When I find myself in despair (绝望), I 11 an article by Lren Eiseley in which tw men are walking alng a beach cvered by thusands f 12 , dying starfish. One f the men 13 thrwing individual starfish back int the water. The ther man 14 that as there are s many starfish in truble, his cmpanin's actins will make n 15 . But the first man 16 that it will make a difference t each starfish he manages t 17 .
    It is an ft-repeated stry, but that desn't make it any less 18 . Smene has put it in a nutshell when he said, "it is the greatest f all 19 t d nthing because yu can nly d a little — d what yu 20 ."
    The annual Ice and Snw Sculpture Festival is Harbin's main turist highlight. It is the wrld's biggest winter festival. The ________ (bitter) cld winters are just right fr this festival.
    ________ sets the Harbin festival apart is the scale and size f the sculptures and the ________(beauty) lighting. It is bigger than ________nes in Sappr, Nrway, and Quebec.
    At first, mainly Chinese participated, but in the last decade, it ________(becme) an internatinal festival and ________(cmpete). As the festival grws in internatinal participatin, and as China's ecnmy grws, the size f the snw sculptures and ice architecture exhibits keeps ________(grw). The wrk ging int making thse exhibits is astnishing, and their size and beauty is amazing.
    The lightning ________(effect) n the huge ice sculptures in the Ice and Snw Wrld are technlgically cmplex.
    Officially the festival ________(hld) frm the end f December thrugh February. Opening dates keep changing, and ending dates partly depends ________the weather.
    The Sun Island Scenic Area will be pened frm Dec. 21 t Feb. 28.
    Tday was my father's birthday, s I decided t bake a cake fr him. I didn't knw hw make a cake. I culdn't tell my father because f I wanted t give him a surprise. It was my firstly attempt, s I searched n the Internet and fund much vides there. I chse the best ne. I saw the full vides and started baking. First I cllected all the things which might be needed t bake a cake. And then, I fllwed the steps and finally my cake was ready. Last, I decrated the cake by chclates s that it lked mre delicius. Then I gave the cake t his father and he was really surprising.
    参考词汇:生活习惯living habits
    1.(1)考查细节理解。根据Cmputer Studies局部中的“This six-week curse will give yu an understanding f cmputer fundamentals〞可知,这门课程会使你了解计算机根底知识,与Wdwrk局部中的“Learn the basics f wdwrking with simple hands-n prjects t build yur cnfidence and skills.〞可知,这门课程会学习根本的木工与简单的动手工程,可知,这两门课程都是适合新手的根底课程,应选D。
    1.(2)考查细节理解。根据Web Design局部中的“Students cmpleting the curse will receive the Diplma in Advanced Web Design.〞可知,完成课程的学生将获得高级网页设计文凭。所以Web Design课程授予学生官方证书。应选C。
    1.(3)考查细节理解。根据Wdwrk的收费要求Cst:$30 per lessn,Length:12 weeks可知,课程一共持续十二周,每节课30美元。故可知半学期,即六周的课程需要花费6*30=180美元。应选B。
    2.【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Daphne Sares关于短吻鳄的一些研究发现。
    2.(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“The first time she gt really clse t an alligatr (短吻鳄) was when she was helping t bld dwn an eight-ft American alligatr.〞她第一次真正接近短吻鳄是在她帮助击落一只8英尺高的美洲短吻鳄时。可知,在帮助抓住短吻鳄时,她第一次真正接近短吻鳄,应选D。
    2.(2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“T find ut the secret she placed electrdes (电极) n nerves cming frm sme f the dts. When the nerves fired, they sent a message t the brain and created a tiny electric current. Just then she heard a small sund ver a ludspeaker.〞为了发现其中的秘密,她将电极放置在来自这些点的神经上。当神经触发时,它们向大脑发送信息并产生微小的电流。就在这时,她听到扬声器里传来一个小小的声音。可知,当Daphne Sares第一次把电极放置在来自这些黑点的神经上,听到了一个小小的声音,应选A。
    2.(3)考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的“One day she was careless with drpping a tl int an alligatr's tank. … She then realized that the dts must be sensitive t the changes in pressure when hit by waves f water.〞有一天,她不小心把一个工具丢进了鳄鱼的水箱里。当她把手伸进水箱取出工具时,她在水里激起了小浪。当他们走到鳄鱼的脸上时,她听到扬声器里有声音。然后她意识到这些点一定对水波冲击时压力的变化很敏感。可知,Daphne Sare第一次发现鳄鱼的这些黑点的作用是她不小心把一个工具丢进了鳄鱼的水箱的这次,可推断是一次意外事件,应选C。
    2.(4)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“After that, she is nw studying blind cavefish. …She wants t find ut hw the genes f alligatrs with pressure sensrs nly n their faces differ frm the genes f crcdilians that have pressure sensrs all ver their bdy.〞在那之后,她现在正在研究盲穴鱼。她试图了解他们是天生失明还是在成长过程中失明。她也在做更多关于鳄鱼的研究。她想找出只有面部有压力传感器的短吻鳄的基因与全身都有压力传感器的鳄鱼的基因有什么不同。可知,本段描述的都是关于Daphne Sares所做的研究,推断出Daphne Sares致力于研究工作。应选B。
    〔1〕考查代词指代。根据第一段中的“Althugh merchants culd make huge prfits travelling the rad〞可知,尽管穿越丝绸之路的商人可以挣大钱,但穿越丝绸之路并非毫无风险。根据该句表达的含义可推断出it指“穿越丝绸之路〞。应选B。
    〔2〕考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“The Gbi Desert, the largest desert in Asia, cnsists mainly f rcky, hard earth. This feature made it easier fr traders t travel acrss, cmpared t sandy deserts like the neighbring Taklamakan Desert.〞戈壁沙漠是亚洲最大的沙漠,主要由坚硬的岩石构成。与邻近的塔克拉玛干沙漠等沙质沙漠相比,这一特点使商人更容易穿越。可知,戈壁沙漠之所以比其他沙漠容易穿越,是因为戈壁沙漠地表主要是坚硬的岩石,比拟容易走。应选A。
    〔3〕考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的“S, rest stps were created alng the rute, allwing travelers t rest, eat and drink. These places als prmted the exchange f gds, and even ideas, amngst the travelers wh stpped there.〞因此,沿途设立了休息站,让旅客休息、吃饭和喝水。这些地方也促进了停留在那里的旅客之间的货物甚至思想的交流。可推知,丝绸之路沿途驿站是世界各国旅行者共享的。应选D。
    〔4〕考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的“Althugh merchants culd make huge prfits travelling the rad, it was nt withut risk.〞尽管穿越丝绸之路的商人可以挣大钱,但穿越丝绸之路并非毫无风险。结合文章主要说明了丝绸之路危险重重,丝绸之路商人面临的两大挑战一是沿途地理环境恶劣,二是路途可能遭遇的歹徒抢劫。应选C。
    4.(1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“but ne Dutch artist is using chemistry t turn it int smething that is bth ec-friendly and valuable〞但是一位荷兰艺术家正在使用化学方法把它变成一种既环保又有价值的东西。可知,本文的主要目的是要介绍一位设计师用化学方法将牛粪变成有用之物—服装。应选C。
    4.(2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“She started by separating the waste, with the dry manure used t get pure cellulse frm the grass that cws eat. Frm the wet manure, she gt acids used t create a natural liquid plastic which was used t make fiber that are later turned int fabric(material used fr making clthes).〞 她从别离粪便开始,将干粪中的纯纤维素提取出来,这些纤维素来自牛所吃的草。她还从新鲜的粪便中提取出用于制作醋酸纤维素这一天然液体塑料的酸类物质。醋酸纤维素可以用来制作纤维,纤维又是生成布料和生物塑料的原料。可知,制作流程应是manure(牛粪) →acids(酸) →liquid plastic(液体塑料) →fibers(醋酸纤维) →fabric(纤维) →clthing(布料)。应选B。
    4.(3)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“This new material was named Mestic, frm mest, the Dutch wrd fr manure.〞这种新材料被命名为Mestic,来自荷兰语mest,意思是肥料。可知,这个名字起源于荷兰语。应选C。
    4.(4)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“And cw manure is just the beginning f Jalila Essaldi's experiments with animal waste. ‘After cws, we'll deal with pigs and ther animals,’ she said.〞 牛粪只是Jalila Essaldi动物粪便实验的开始。“除了牛,我们还将要处理猪和其他动物的粪便,〞她说。可推知,她想要表达的是在成功将牛粪转变成衣服之后,他们还会继续研究如何将其他动物的粪便转化成为有价值的东西。应选B。
    6.(1)句意:但是,让我们面对现实:这并不总是容易的。A.interesting“有趣的〞;B.easy“容易的〞;C.useful“有用的〞;D.valuable“有价值的〞。根据上文“I want t d the right thing by the envirnment, and s d yu. But〞我想为保护环境做些正确的事,你也一样。以及表示转折关系的But可知,想为保护环境做正确的事情并不总是容易的。应选B。
    6.(2)句意:一想到我们所面临问题的严重性,就很难不感到深深的绝望。A.stress“压力〞;B.prblem“问题〞;C.illness“疾病〞;D.change“变化〞。根据上文“I want t d the right thing by the envirnment〞我想为保护环境做些正确的事,可知,此处是指环境问题。应选B。
    6.(3)句意:例如,为了研究这篇文章,我访问了The Wrld Cunts ( thewrldcunts ),它提供了所有最新的环境统计数据,这足以让我躺下休息一天。A.research“调查,研究〞;B.view“观察〞;C.understand“明白〞;D.print打印。根据“I visit The Wrld Cunts ( thewrldcunts )〞可知,在网站上搜索数据的目的是研究这篇文章。应选A。
    6.(4)句意:例如,为了研究这篇文章,我访问了The Wrld Cunts ( thewrldcunts ),它提供了所有最新的环境统计数据,这足以让我躺下休息一天。A.internatinal“国际的〞;B.histrical“历史的〞;C.envirnment“环境〞;D.advanced“先进的〞。根据上文“I want t d the right thing by the envirnment〞可知,这个网站是关于环境的。应选C。
    6.(5)句意:例如,为了研究这篇文章,我访问了The Wrld Cunts ( thewrldcunts ),它提供了所有最新的环境统计数据,这足以让我躺下休息一天。A.enugh“足够的〞;B.helpful“有帮助的〞;C.pssible“可能的〞;D.necessary“必要的〞。根据“which ffers all the latest envirnment statistics〞可知,此处是指搜索这些数据足以让“我〞休息一天,旨在突出数据之多,工作量之大。应选A。
    6.(6)句意:我发现要想变得更环保,有一件事是最难的。A.strangest“最奇怪的〞;B.greatest“最伟大的〞;C.funniest“最有趣的〞;D.hardest“最难的〞。根据下文“Are bamb tthbrushes better than electric nes? D trains always cause less pllutin than planes?〞竹制牙刷比电动牙刷好吗?火车造成的污染总是比飞机少吗?可知,做出最环保的选择是最困难的事。应选D。
    6.(7)句意:我发现要想变得更环保,有一件事是最难的。A.healthier“更健康的〞;B.greener“更环保的〞;C.cleverer“更聪明的〞;D.strnger“更强壮的〞。根据下文“Are bamb tthbrushes better than electric nes? D trains always cause less pllutin than planes?〞竹制牙刷比电动牙刷好吗?火车造成的污染总是比飞机少吗?可知,此处是指要想变得更环保,做出最环保的选择是最难的。应选B。
    6.(8)句意:它是在无数的选择中做出正确的选择。A.suggestin“建议〞;B.prtectin“保护〞;C.chices“选择〞;D.chances“时机〞。根据下文“Are bamb tthbrushes better than electric nes? D trains always cause less pllutin than planes?〞竹制牙刷比电动牙刷好吗?火车造成的污染总是比飞机少吗?可知,此处是指在无数的选择中做出正确的选择。应选C。
    6.(9)句意:我们应该用新的高科技版本取代旧的但完全可用的智能 吗?A.new“新的〞;B.ppular“流行的〞;C.free“自由的〞;D.unique“独特的〞。根据“ld but perfectly usable smart phnes〞可知,此处是指新的高科技版本。应选A。
    6.(10)句意:有太多的信息需要分析。A.instructin“指导〞;B.preparatin“准备〞;C.explanatin“解释〞;D.infrmatin“信息〞。根据“t analyse〞可知,此处是指分析信息。应选D。
    6.(11)句意:当我发现自己陷入绝望时,我想起了洛伦·艾斯利的一篇文章。在这篇文章中,两个人走在一个海滩上,海滩上满是被冲上岸的、濒临死亡的海星。A.cntinue“继续〞;B.receive“收到〞;C plete“完成〞;D.remember“记得〞。根据“When I find myself in despair〞可知,此处是指“我〞想起了洛伦·艾斯利的一篇文章。应选D。
    6.(12)句意:当我发现自己陷入绝望时,我想起了洛伦·艾斯利的一篇文章。在这篇文章中,两个人走在一个海滩上,海滩上满是被冲上岸的、濒临死亡的海星。A.clrful“五彩缤纷的〞;B.made-up“捏造的〞;C.washed-up“冲洗的〞;D mn“普遍的〞。根据“dying starfish〞可知,此处是指被冲上岸的、濒临死亡的海星。应选C。
    6.(14)句意:另一个人指出,既然有这么多海星有麻烦,他同伴的行动不会有什么影响。A.pint ut“指出〞;B.prves“证明〞;C.wrks ut“锻炼〞;D.imagines“想象〞。根据“as there are s many starfish in truble, his cmpanin's actins will make n difference〞可知,此处是指另一个人提出自己的观点,指出他的问题。应选A。
    6.(15)句意:另一个人指出,既然有这么多海星有麻烦,他同伴的行动不会有什么影响。A.prmise“承诺〞;B.difference“不同,影响〞;C.effrt“努力〞;D.secret“秘密〞。根据“there are s many starfish in truble〞可知,此处是指他同伴的行动不会有什么影响。应选B。
    6.(16)句意:但是第一个人答复说,这对他设法拯救的每一只海星都有影响。A.learns“学习〞;B.realizes“意识到〞;C.replies“回复〞;D.accepts“接受〞。根据“it will make a difference t each starfish〞可知,此处是指他对同伴的回复。应选C。
    6.(17)句意:但是第一个人答复说,这对他设法拯救的每一只海星都有影响。A.cntrl“控制〞;B.catch“赶上〞;C.find“发现〞;D.save“拯救〞。根据“thrwing individual starfish back int the water〞可知,他在设法拯救海星,所以是指这对他设法拯救的每一只海星都有影响。应选D。
    6.(19)句意:最大的错误是认为你不会产生多大的影响就什么都不做——做你能做的。A.cause“原因〞;B.challenges“挑战〞;C.mistakes“错误〞;D.pprtunities“时机〞。根据“d nthing〞可知,此处是指什么都不做是最大的错误。应选C。
    6.(20)句意:最大的错误是认为你不会产生多大的影响就什么都不做——做你能做的。A.need“需要〞;B.expect“期待〞;C.want“想要〞;D.can“能够〞。根据上文“it will make a difference t each starfish he manages t save〞可知,此处是指做到你力所能及的。应选D。
    ①句意:我不知道怎么做蛋糕。“疑问词+t d〞为固定结构,这里时hw t d。故在hw后面加t。
    ②句意:我不能告诉我父亲,因为我想给他一个惊喜。because后面加完整的句子,because f后面加短语,名词,代词等,不可以加完整的句子。故将f去掉。
    ⑥句意:我看了完整的视频就开始烤了。根据“the best ne〞可知,此处指代最好的那个视频,使用名词单数形式。故vides改为vide。
    ⑦句意:首先,我收集了烤蛋糕可能需要的所有东西。All修饰先行词the things,需用关系代词that引导定语从句。故which改为that。
    ⑧句意:最后,我用巧克力装饰蛋糕,让它看起来更美味。decrate sth. with固定短语,“用某物装饰〞。故by改为with。
    【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:It is my hnr t be here t share with yu my pinin n hw t develp gd living habits.运用了it作形式主语;
    It is knwn t all that gd living habits are imprtant t ur physical and mental health. 运用了主语从句;Finally, ding exercise is essential. 运用了动名词作主语; Many stresses and negative emtins can be washed away by ding exercise.运用了被动语态;Mtivatin is what gets yu start. 运用了表语从句。Cmputer Studies
    Technlgy is advancing at a rapid pace, and we rely mre and mre n cmputers fr everything frm cking t rganising ur taxes. This six-week curse will give yu an understanding f cmputer fundamentals, including the use f sftware packages (Wrd, Excel and Pwerpint) and hw t use the Internet.
    Start: May 2,2021
    Time: Wed 7 pm-9pm
    Length:6 weeks
    Place: Sydney Cllege
    Learn the basics f wdwrking with simple hands-n prjects t build yur cnfidence and skills. Each lessn explres a different area f wdwrking that will prvide yu with the skills needed fr any wdwrking prject. Flexible learning allws yu t chse nly the lessns that interest yu.
    Start: April 15,2021
    Time: Mn 5 pm-7pm
    Cst:$30 per lessn
    Length:12 weeks
    Place: Adult Learning Centre
    Web Design
    Prvides advanced training in sftware, design, and cding fr the weB. Students must have already cmpleted a recgnised basic web design curse r have at least 2 years' relevant wrk experience. Students cmpleting the curse will receive the Diplma in Advanced Web Design.
    Start: June 1,2021
    Time: Weekdays 9 am-4pm
    Length:40 weeks
    Place: University f Technlgy
    This practical curse is intended t help established artists take their creativity further. Frm sketching and clur, t cmpsitin, painting and experimenting with style, yu will study and explre an engaging variety f creative media and subject matter.
    Start: April 21,2021
    Time: Thur 3 pm-6pm
    Length:15 weeks
    Place: City Art
    1. A. interesting
    B. easy
    C. useful
    D. valuable
    2. A. stress
    B. prblem
    C. illness
    D. change
    3. A. research
    B. view
    C. understand
    D. print
    4. A. internatinal
    B. histrical
    C. envirnment
    D. advanced
    5. A. enugh
    B. helpful
    C. pssible
    D. necessary
    6. A. strangest
    B. greatest
    C. funniest
    D. hardest
    7. A. healthier
    B. greener
    C. cleverer
    D. strnger
    8. A. suggestin
    B. prtectin
    C. chices
    D. chances
    9. A. new
    B. ppular
    C. free
    D. unique
    10. A. instructin
    B. preparatin
    C. explanatin
    D. infrmatin
    11. A. cntinue
    B. receive
    C. cmplete
    D. remember
    12. A. clrful
    B. made-up
    C. washed-up
    D. cmmn
    13. A. starts
    B. avids
    C. frgets
    D. minds
    14. A. pint ut
    B. prves
    C. wrks ut
    D. imagines
    15. A. prmise
    B. difference
    C. effrt
    D. secret
    16. A. learns
    B. realizes
    C. replies
    D. accepts
    17. A. cntrl
    B. catch
    C. find
    D. save
    18. A. difficult
    B. true
    C. enjyable
    D. painful
    19. A. cause
    B. challenges
    C. mistakes
    D. pprtunities
    20. A. need
    B. expect
    C. want
    D. can

    江西省鹰潭市2023届高三英语下学期二模试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份江西省鹰潭市2023届高三英语下学期二模试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, Wh is Tmmy?等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023届江西省鹰潭市高三下学期二模英语试题(含答案): 这是一份2023届江西省鹰潭市高三下学期二模英语试题(含答案),共29页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,用单词的适当形式完成短文,短文改错,告知信/通知等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023届江西省鹰潭市高三第一次模拟英语试题及答案(不含听力原文): 这是一份2023届江西省鹰潭市高三第一次模拟英语试题及答案(不含听力原文),共22页。






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