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    四川省成都市蓉城名校联盟2021届高三下学期4月第三次联考+英语+答案 试卷
    四川省成都市蓉城名校联盟2021届高三下学期4月第三次联考+英语+答案 试卷01
    四川省成都市蓉城名校联盟2021届高三下学期4月第三次联考+英语+答案 试卷02
    四川省成都市蓉城名校联盟2021届高三下学期4月第三次联考+英语+答案 试卷03
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    这是一份四川省成都市蓉城名校联盟2021届高三下学期4月第三次联考+英语+答案,共19页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What are the children prbably ding?
    A. Making range juice. B. Listening t lud music. C. Cking a meal.
    2. Wh might Allie be?
    A. The speakers' pet. B. The neighbr's turkey. C. The speakers' child.
    3. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A. Trip plans. B. Ticket prices. C. Hliday celebratins.
    4. What seasn is it nw?
    A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.
    5. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At a fast fd restaurant. B. At a butcher shp. C. At a cafe.
    6. Hw ld was the wman when she was allwed t drive by her parents?
    A. 18. B. 21. C. 23.
    7. What mnth was the man brn in?
    A. December. B. Nvember. C. September.
    8. What d we knw abut the camping area?
    A. It's ttally free. B. It's a little cld. C. it's very crwded.
    9. Hw lng was the man ging fr the camping trip?
    A. One night. B. Tw nights. C. Three nights.
    10. What prblem des Rger have with exams?
    A. He isn't clever. B. lie isn't cnfident. C. He desn't wrk hard.
    11. Hw des the man decide t help Rger?
    A. By helping him t stay calm.
    B. By finding an expert fr him.
    C. By giving him sme advice abut his future.
    12. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She is easy t be tired. B. She ften feels nervus. C. She finds exercise relaxing.
    13. Hw des the wman feel abut her jb hunt?
    A. Very excited. B. A little unsatisfied C. Quite angry.
    14. What d we knw abut The Creatr?
    A. It gives less hliday time than ther cmpanies.
    B. It gets a lt f great reviews frm the custmers,
    C. It prvides medical insurance.
    15. What was the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues. B. Classmates. C. Parent and child.
    16. What will the wman prbably d next?
    A. Search nline fr her salary.
    B. Negtiate her salary ffer.
    C. Ask abut her benefits package.
    17. What is the main idea f the talk?
    A. Orders are given t deal with the virus in the UK.
    B. The health service in the UK is lacking.
    C. The crnavirus is spreading in the UK.
    18. Hw d peple in the UK feel abut the annuncement?
    A. Astnished. B. Angry. C. Calm.
    19. Hw many times a day are peple allwed t exercise utdrs?
    A. Three. B. Tw. C. One.
    20. When can peple leave their hmes accrding t the annuncement?
    A. Fr a haircut. B. Fr public gatherings. C. Fr necessary wrk.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Peple wrking frm hme have mre ptins fr making their living abrad than ever befre. Recently new destinatins have launched prgrams t tempt wrkers t abandn their hme ffices fr trpical shres and year-rund sun.
    Remte wrkers must have medical insurance and an annual incme f at least $70, 000. Fees are $500 fr individuals r $750 r higher fr families-t apply.
    Applicants knw within a week if they are apprved.
    Remte wrkers must test negative fr Cvid-19 and quarantine fr 14 days at an accmmdatin f their chice.
    Remte wrkers seeking a "Cvid-safe" place t ride ut the pandemic can cnsider Mauritius.
    There is n fee t apply, thugh applicants need lng-term accmmdatin plans, travel and health insurance and prf f sufficient funds t stay in Mauritius, which is defined as at least $1,500 in mnthly incme.
    The Bahamas
    Peple wh think they may tire f staying n ne island can apply fr the Bahamas Extended Access Travel Stay prgram.
    The new 12-mnth residency permit lets remte wrkers and students live and mve between 16 different islands in the Bahamas.
    Applicatins are prcessed within five days and cst $25 per persn.
    Travelers need a negative Cvid-19 test result.
    All natinalities can apply fr Dubai's new remte wrking prgram, prvided they make $5,000 per mnth.
    At $287 t apply, fees are lwer than mst ther prgrams. Applicants must have health insurance and shw prf f incme.
    Travelers must arrive with a negative PCR (plymerase chain reactin) test taken n mre than 72 hurs befre departing.
    21. Which place charges least fr applicatin?
    A. Mntserrat. B. Mauritius. C. The Bahamas. D. Dubai.
    22. What is special abut The Bahamas?
    A. Travelers have the lngest residency permit. B. Applicants are infrmed f apprval results.
    C. Remte wrkers need n Cvid-19 test taken. D. Students are allwed t apply fr the prgram.
    23. What d all the new destinatins ffer t turists?
    A. First-class service. B. Permanent residency.
    C. Csy envirnment. D. Health insurance.
    A few years ag, fur female muntain grillas(大猩猩)left hme, abandning nt nly their mate-a sick alpha silverback-but their infants(幼崽), which were barely ld enugh t feed themselves. Mst mammals abandned by their mthers risk an early death, and researchers wrried abut the yung grillas.
    Instead, the scientists gt a heartwarming surprise. The yung grillas' uncle, a male grilla named Kubaha, began t take care f them. He let them sleep in his nest and climb all ver him like a jungle gym.
    Kubaha's willingness t be a fster dad turns ut t be surprisingly cmmn in muntain grillas. An analysis n muntain grillas at the Grilla Fund's Kariske Research Center in Rwanda has revealed that when yung muntain grillas lse their mthers, they d nt have a greater risk f dying r lsing their place in the scial hierarchy because the rest f the grup buffers them frm the lss. The scial grup has evlved t prtect the infants frm the ill effects f lsing their mthers.
    The researchers cnfirmed this assumptin by fcusing n data n 59 grillas between the ages f 2 and 8 wh lst their mthers r were rphaned (成为孤儿)befre they were fully mature. They then cmpared the survival f these animals acrss their lifetimes with the survival f 139 nnrphaned grillas. They als cmpared their reprductive success and scial rank as adults-and tracked wh the infants spent the mst time with.
    Nt nly were the rphaned and mtherless grillas at n greater risk f dying, they als suffered n lng-term effect n their ability t reprduce r n their scial rank, the team reprts tday in eLife.
    The findings suggest such altruistic behavir is nt unique t humans-and that dads play an imprtant rle in primate yungsters' lives, says Duke behaviral eclgist Susan Alberts. "Nnhuman primates ften are really gd dads," she says. "This shws that paternal care ges very deep in ur primate lineage."
    24. What mved the scientists accrding t the first tw paragraphs?
    A. Yung grillas' being abandned. B. Kubaha's caring fr the infants.
    C. Yung grillas' sleeping in uncle's nest. D. Yung grillas' climbing ver their uncle.
    25. What is the life f mtherless grillas like?
    A. Little truble f survival. B. Risk f dying yung.
    C. Lss f scial status. D. Inability t reprduce.
    26. Hw did the researchers test their assumptin abut rphaned grillas?
    A. They fcused n adult grillas' data. B. They cllected nline infrmatin.
    C. They tracked their cmpanins. D. They lived with them.
    27. What des the underlined wrd "altruistic" in the last paragraph prbably mean?
    A. careless B. fearless C. harmless D. selfless
    Sccer legend: They tld me girls culdn't play this game
    Nte: Michelle Akers was a player n the US Wmen's Natinal Teams wh wn Wrld Cup titles in 1991 (where she wn the Glden Bt as tp screr) and 1999.
    (CNN)-In third grade, I shared my dream alng with my favrite ftball with the class, and as I prudly finished my speech, my teacher respnded, "Michelle, girls cannt play ftball" t which I answered, "Yes, I can." I wuldn't let it g, landing myself in the principal's ffice, trying nt t cry. Sn, my mm arrived. "Gd help me nw," I thught…until I heard her say t bth my teacher and the principal, "Nw dare yu tell my daughter what she can r cannt d."
    On Wednesday, all the wrld (myself included) will watch the 2019 US Wmen's Natinal Team-Wmen's Wrld Cup champins. I'm als thinking abut hw they-like I-gt t the place where they lifted that trphy(奖杯). T me, the 2019 Wrld Cup and abve all, this team, has taken the stries and dreams f the USWNT full circle.
    It ges like this: First, yu dream. Next, yu play. Then, yu inspire a legacy.
    S many years ag, I dreamed f being a Pittsburgh Steeler. But many f the players n this 2019 Wrld Champin USA Team sat in stadiums r watched games n TV in 1999 and dreamed f playing fr the USWNT. N ne culd tell them they culdn't-they culd see fr themselves that it was pssible.
    They have nw nt nly wn a Wrld Cup, but have turned their dreams int actin. Dreams f being the best in the wrld. Dreams f equality and equal pprtunity. And the actins t back them up and make them real fr the peple wh cme after them. They are demanding respect and equality frm the pwers that be because they knw what it is t achieve mre than just a trphy.
    That, fr me, is s very pwerful. What this 2019 Wrld Champin team demands fr themselves-and put first in their lives-will be their biggest message f change: Respect. Equal pprtunity. Team and family. Individual chice. Excellence. Int a new era.
    And I am grateful t be celebrating them in their much deserved ticker-tape parade in the Canyn f Heres in NYC.
    28. What's the attitude f Michelle's mm twards her dream?
    A. Funny. B. Supprtive. C. Ambiguus. D. Carefree.
    29. What can we infer frm Paragraph 2 abut the 2019 Wmen's Wrld Cup?
    A. Michelle is caching and encuraging the team.
    B. Michelle tgether with her team wn the trphy.
    C. The team carries the same dreams as Michelle's.
    D. The team didn't fail Michelle's great expectatin.
    30. What happened t Michelle during her ftball career?
    A. She set an example t wmen ftball players. B. She wn the Glden Bt in 1999.
    C. She retired frm her team in 2019. D. She recgnized inequality t wmen in ftball.
    31. Which f the fllwing can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Dream, Play and Inspire B. Wman Ftball Develps
    C. Ftball Cunts Mre than Ever D. Equal Playing Field Is Mre than Men's
    In an ecnmy where data is changing hw cmpanies create value-and cmpete-experts predict that using artificial intelligence (AI)at a larger scale will add as much as $15.7 trillin t the glbal ecnmy by 2030. As AI is changing hw cmpanies wrk, many believe that wh des this wrk will change, t-and that rganizatins will begin t replace human emplyees with intelligent machines. This is already happening: intelligent systems are displacing humans in manufacturing, service delivery, recruitment, and the financial industry, cnsequently mving human wrkers twards lwer-paid jbs r making them unemplyed. This trend has led sme t cnclude that in 2040 ur wrkfrce may be ttally unrecgnizable.
    Are humans and machine really in cmpetitin with each ther thugh? The histry f wrk-particularly since the Industrial Revlutin-is the histry f peple transferring their labr t machines. While that began with rte, repetitive physical tasks like weaving, machines have evlved t the pint where they can nw d what we might think f as cmplex cgnitive wrk, such as math equatins, recgnizing language and speech, and writing. Machines thus seem ready t reprduce the wrk f ur minds, and nt just ur bdies. In the 21st century, AI is evlving t be superir t humans in many tasks, which makes that we seem ready t transfer ur intelligence t technlgy. With this latest trend, it seems like there's nthing that can't sn be autmated, meaning that n jb is safe frm being ffladed t machines.
    This visin f the future f wrk has taken the shape f a zer-sum game, in which there can nly be ne winner.
    We believe, hwever, that this view f the rle AI will play in the wrkplace is wrng. The questin f whether AI will replace human wrkers assumes that AI and humans have the same qualities and abilities-but, in reality, they dn't. AI-based machines are fast, mre accurate, and cnsistently ratinal, but they aren't intuitive, emtinal, r culturally sensitive. And, it's exactly these abilities that humans pssess and which make us effective.
    32. Hw des AI influence human life accrding t Paragraph 1?
    A. It increases huge ecnmic csts. B. It dminates cmpany's future.
    C. It makes wrkfrce ttally unnecessary. D. It changes traditinal wrking ways.
    33. What pint have machines evlved t tday?
    A. Ding repetitive wrk. B. Ding physical tasks.
    C. Ding translatin wrk. D. Ding reprducing tasks.
    34. Which sides are invlved in the zer-sum game?
    A. AI-based machine and humans. B. Minds and bdies.
    C. Future and past. D. Imaginatin and Reality.
    35. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. AI plays a vital rle in the wrkplace. B. Human has its wn advantages ver AI.
    C. AI and humans have the same qualities. D. AI is sure t replace humans ne day.
    It is difficult fr teens t see beynd the present. Gal setting challenges them psychlgically, because it invlves having t wait fr a lng time t sec the results. They shuld learn that anything gd is wrth wrking fr and that it is nly ver time and effrt that we see the true results f all f ur hard wrk. 36 Here are a few tips t fllw when teaching yur child t set effective gals.
    37 Ask yur child what is mst imprtant t him. Fr example, if he wants t play n the high schl ftball team but is n little less athletic than he needs t be, a prductive gal might be t imprve his thrw, increase his running speed r gain a few punds. If he wants t make all As, but currently has Bs, brainstrm ways t imprve. The gals kids set shuld always reflect what is mst imprtant t them.
    Be realistic. It is great t dream, but it's better t chse a gal that is achievable than t cntinually strive unattainable gals. Using basic behaviral psychlgy principles, if kids repeatedly try but fail they will lse much f their mtivatin t try. 38
    Cmpete with yurself. 39 Instead, teach them t challenge themselves t d better than they did in the past.
    Mark ff achievements as yu g. Kids shuld realize that each milestne they reach takes them that much clser t their end gal. 40 The little accmplishments we d day by day bring us clser t ur bigger gals.
    A. Cnsider pririties.
    B. Vary the fcus f the gals.
    C. Very few things cme t us immediately.
    D. Kids shuldn't feel they are in a cntest with ther kids.
    E. Gal setting fr teens shuld center n the mst imprtant things.
    F. An imprtant lessn t teach them is that they will reach their gal.
    G. Realistic gals challenge them t reach higher than they have befre.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    Diving in the ceans, marine bilgist Erika Wlsey has seen first-hand hw cral reefs and sea life are being damaged by climate change. It has made her determined t 41 a way fr thers t share her experience-including thse wh can't 42 explre the cean.
    Thrugh her nn-prfit, The Hydrus, Wlsey is 43 virtual (虚拟的)reality t "bring the 44 t everyne." The San Francisc-based cllective f scientists, filmmakers and divers is taking peple n immersive(沉浸式的)virtual dives t create a (an) 45 f "universal cean sympathy," raising awareness f reef damage and inspiring actin t 46 ur seas.
    As a habitat, cral reefs can be cmparable t the bidiversity f rainfrests, with an estimated 25% f marine species depending n them. 47 , climate change, pllutin and verfishing have 48 arund half the wrld's shallw water cral reefs.
    Tw decades f underwater 49 have given Wlsey, 36, an intimate understanding f the 50 facing reefs. "I've seen first-hand this…change frm a 51 clrful vibrant cral reef, t what 52 a mnscape," Wlsey says.
    It is this experience The Hydrus team 53 t recreate with their award-winning film "Immerse." Intended t be watched with a VR headset, viewers 54 Wlsey fr a nine-minute guided virtual dive n the cral reefs ff the western Pacific Island f Palau.
    Wlsey 55 advances in camera technlgy will allw her 56 t "take mre and mre peple t places in the cean that are underexplred." The VR technlgy 57 nt nly the state ur ceans are in but hw they have a chance t 58 . It is this that Wlsey says peple take away with them after the 59 . "When we g up, we g up with a message f hpe that we bring back t 60 ," she says.
    41. A. change B. find C. learn D. discuss
    42. A. successfully B. vluntarily C. easily D. regularly
    43. A. using B. expecting C. banning D. designing
    44. A. cean B. water C. earth D. camera
    45. A. picture B. system C. atmsphere D. sense
    46. A. watch B. prtect C. crss D. sail
    47. A. Besides B. Instead C. Thus D. Hwever
    48. A. saved B. affected C. destryed D. preserved
    49. A. explratin B. cmmunicatin C. disturbance D. training
    50. A. cmpetitins B. threats C. advantages D. difficulties
    51. A. brken B. sick C. artificial D. healthy
    52. A. turns int B. stands fr C. lks like D. brings ut
    53. A. begin B. happen C. refuse D. pretend
    54. A. prepare B. jin C. watch D. help
    55. A. replies B. hpes C. agrees D. argues
    56. A. class B. family C. audience D. team
    57. A. cntrls B. adjusts C. shws D. ruins
    58. A. recver B. wrsen C. disappear D. rise
    59. A. chance B. behavir C. experience D. lessn
    60. A. air B. water C. fd D. land
    China has landed n the mn three times, and even managed 60 (bring) ne f its rbtic lunar explrers back t Earth. The cuntry's space agency 62 (cmplete) a key step tward landing n Mars n Wednesday when Tianwen-1, the spacecraft 63 (send) last July, began its rbit f the red planet, accrding t state media reprts. By accmplishing this feat, China cmpleted its first 64 (success) jurney t anther planet in ur slar system.
    The spacecraft was als the secnd t arrive at Mars in tw days, 65 (fllw) a United Arab Emirates prbe that began rbiting the neighbring wrld n Tuesday.
    China is expected t try t place a lander and a rbtic rver n the planet later this year. It wuld jin 66 culd by then be a tri f NASA spacecraft studying the Martian surface.
    Tianwen-1 left Earth last summer, taking advantage f a perid 67 Mars and Earth were clsest t each ther during their jurneys arund the sun. That allwed a 68 (relative) shrt transit(凌日)between the tw wrlds. The prbe(探测器)sent back pictures f the red planet 69 a distance f abut 1.3 millin miles.
    But while the 70 (arrive) at Mars was a new milestne fr China's space prgram, a bigger challenge fr the Tianwen-1 missin is a few mnths away.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    We will hld cncert in the schl music hall next week. All British exchange students is welcme t attend the cncert t be perfrmed by a famus rchestra. T ur delighted, the cncert will cver bth classical music and flk music. Artists in the rchestra wuld als play plenty f famus piece, adding their wn styles. In rder t let us feel the beauty f Chinese music but understand Chinese culture, they will shw his wnderful perfrmances. If yu are curius f Chinese music, yu'd better nt miss the mst excellent pprtunity!
    We are lking frward t meet yu in ur schl music hall.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    My meaningful labr


    四川省成都市蓉城名校2023届高三下学期第三次联考英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份四川省成都市蓉城名校2023届高三下学期第三次联考英语试卷(含答案),共15页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,短文改错,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        四川省成都市蓉城名校联盟2021届高三下学期4月第三次联考+英语+答案 试卷
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