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    命题老师 赵琼慧
    本试卷分第一卷(选择题)、第二卷(非选择题),满分 150 分,考试时间为120分钟。 所有题目的答案都必须写在答题纸上。
    第 I 卷
    第一部分:听力(共两节,每小题 1 分,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1.Hw is the wman ging t attend the cnference?
    A. By taxi. B. By air. C. By bus.
    2.What will the wman d tday?
    A. Attend a meeting.
    B. G t the ffice early.
    C. Cmplete the presentatin.
    3.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At a restaurant. B. At the man's. C. At a stre.
    4.What d we knw abut the exhibitin?
    A. It is crwded n weekends.
    B. It is clsed n weekends.
    C. It is far frm satisfactry.
    5.What meeting is the manager late fr?
    A. A sales meeting.
    B. A prductin meeting.
    C. A risk planning meeting.
    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
    听下面第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
    6.What is the girl ding?
    A. Brrwing a phne.
    B. Asking fr directins.
    C. Welcming new students.
    7.Where can the girl make a call?
    A. The Student Center. B.The Girls' Drmitry. C.The tw-strey building.
    8.Where are the speakers?
    A. At a cafeteria. B. At a ticket ffice. C. At a theater.
    9.Where is the wman prbably frm?
    A. China. B. The USA. C. Japan.
    10.What is the wman?
    A.A stre wner. B. A teacher. C. A librarian.
    11.Why des the man lk tired?
    A. He just did sme sprts.
    B. He has been studying hard.
    C. He wrked vertime in a bkstre.
    12.What is the wman trying t d?
    A. Encurage the man.
    B. Aplgize t the man.
    C. Understand the man.
    13.What can we learn abut the wman's mther?
    A.She has been sick.
    B.She misses her riginal culture.
    C.She lives away frm her kids.
    14.Where des the wman live?
    A. In America. B. In Britain. C. In India.
    15.What des the wman plan t d next year?
    A.Study a new language.
    B.Travel abrad with her parents.
    C.Visit her mther's native cuntry.
    16.What's the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Gd friends. B.Husband and wife. C.Teacher and student.
    17.Hw can peple get t the museum frm Cherfrd?
    A.By plane. B.By bus. C.By train.
    18.Hw lng des the museum keep pen every day in winter?
    A.6 hurs. B.7 hurs. C.9 hurs.
    19.Hw much shuld a yung father with his tw sns pay fr their tickets?
    A.£18. B.£16.5. C.£15.
    20.What makes this year special?
    A.A family ticket. B.An air tur. C.An advanced bking.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 (共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)
    There are many American expressins abut insects - like bees, fr example.
    Yu might say yu were as busy as a bee if yu spent yur weekend cleaning yur huse. In fact, yu als might say yu made a beeline fr smething if yu went there right away. When we g t see a mvie, my friend always makes a beeline fr the place where they sell ppcrn.
    Here is an expressin abut bees that is nt used much any mre, but we like it anyway. If smething was the best f its kind, yu might say it was the bee's knees. Nw, we admit that we d nt knw hw this expressin develped. If fact, we d nt even knw if bees have knees!
    If yur friend cannt stp talking abut smething because she thinks it is imprtant, yu might say she has a bee in her bnnet. If smene asks yu a persnal questin, yu might say "that is nne f yur beeswax." This means nne f yur business.
    Hrnets are bee-like insects that smetimes attack peple. If yu are really angry, yu might say yu are mad as a hrnet. And if yu stir up a hrnet's nest, yu create truble r prblems.
    Butterflies are beautiful insects, but yu wuld nt want t have butterflies in yur stmach. That means t be nervus abut having t d smething, like speaking in frnt f a crwd. Yu wuld als nt want t have ants in yur pants. That is, t be restless and unable t sit still.
    Here are sme expressins abut plain ld bugs, anther wrd fr insects. If a friend keeps asking yu t d smething yu d nt want t d, yu might ask him t leave yu alne r "stp bugging me." A friend als might tell yu again and again t d smething. If s, yu might say he put a bug in yur ear.
    If yu were reading a bk in yur warm bed n a cld winter's day, yu might say yu were snug as a bug in a rug. And, if yu wish smene gd night, yu might say, "sleep tight - dn't let the bed bugs bite."
    21. If yu are ging t give a speech befre a big audience, yu wuld prbably______.
    A. have ants in yur pants B. have a bug in yur ear
    C. have a bee in yur bnnet D. have a butterfly in yur stmach
    22. We can infer frm the article that _________.
    A. bees are ppular insects B. bees fly t a place directly
    C. bees actually have n knees D. bees smetimes refer t babies
    23. What des the passage mainly talk abut?
    A. The varius insects cmmnly seen in America.
    B. The interesting expressins cncerning bugs in America
    C. The different explanatins fr particular idims in America
    D. The amazing richness f English expressins in America.
    Chinese cuisine is widely knwn and enjyed all arund the wrld. Wh desn't lng fr a favrite Chinese dish? But there is ne interesting cncept cncerning Chinese fd which is almst unheard f in the West, and which is becming increasingly ignred by the yuth f the East—the ancient custm f “tnic(滋补品) fd”.
    Tnic fd is fd which is cnsumed t imprve ne's well-being r avid sickness. Fr instance, it was nce the custm fr new mthers t eat a sesame il (芝麻油) ht pt every day fr the first mnth after giving birth. It was believed that this dish wuld benefit the muscles, reduce pain, imprve circulatin, stimulate sweating, and warm the bdy. Sme fds, such as gat meat and spinach, are seen as being "ht", while thers, such as Chinese cabbage and radish, are seen as being "cld". One shuld be careful nt t eat t much f either "ht" r "cld" fd. Hwever, hw much "ht" r "cld" fd ne shuld eat depends n the time f the year, hw the fd is prepared, what it is prepared with, and the individual's health.
    The custm f emplying tnic fd fr a healthier life als influences the catering industry. Chinese herbal medicines, such as wlfberry (枸杞子), can be fund n many a restaurant menu, either added t fruit tea r as a tnic additin t a dish. These herbs attract custmers, such as verwrked ffice staff, in need f a mdest pick-me-up.
    S, whether yu need t bst yur strength with a large helping f chicken sup, r increase yur mental pwers with a serving f pig's brain sup, yu may find that this ancient Chinese custm culd be just the tnic fd yu were lking fr.
    What is the present situatin f tnic fd?
    It is catching less attentin.
    It is well knwn wrldwide.
    It is becming increasingly ppular.
    It is enjyed by many yung peple.
    25. What is believed t benefit new mthers?
    A.Chinese cabbage. B.Fruit tea.C.Sesame il ht pt. D.Pig's brain sup.
    26. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Charm f Chinese Cuisine
    B. The Ppularity f Tnic Fd
    C. An Intrductin t Chinese Tnic Fd
    D. Differences Between Ht Fd and Cld Fd
    A cnference was held with frmer technlgy industry leaders calling fr urgent measures t prtect children frm smartphne addictin .
    Amng thse urging majr changes is Tristan Harris—a frmer high­level emplyee at Ggle. He just launched a grup that will seek t gather and publish evidence f hw digital devices and scial media can harm children and yung peple. Harris says he believes cmpanies like Ggle, Facebk and Apple have a "mral respnsibility" nt t create technlgy prducts that can "hijack hw the mind wrks".
    The cnference where Harris spke was spnsred by Cmmn Sense Media, a child and family activist grup. The rganizatin says research suggests that half f all teenagers feel addicted t their mbile devices, while abut 60 percent f parents believe their kids are addicted.
    The grup als cites a recent study f eighth­graders that fund heavy users f technlgy were 56 percent mre likely t say they are unhappy, while 27 percent mre likely t be depressed. Even Facebk cited research last year suggesting that scial media use can harm mental health when used in certain ways.
    James Steyer is the funder f Cmmn Sense. He says mre than half f schls in the US are already members f the rganizatin. The grup prvides teachers and parents with learning materials intended t help students develp critical thinking skills and balance their digital lives.
    Sme US schls, hwever, have tried t limit r remve technlgy t imprve learning. One f them is in Silicn Valley, the center f the American tech industry.
    The Waldrf Schl f the Peninsula des nt use any cmputers r digital technlgy in its educatin prgrams up t the seventh grade. The schl's website says while Waldrf teachers recgnize the rle technlgy can play in the classrm, it must wait until the student reaches the right develpmental age. Nrmally when students reach high schl, they are allwed t use cmputers and digital tls in the classrm.
    27.What is Facebk, Ggle and Apple's"mral respnsibility"accrding t Tristan Harris?
    A.Preventing children frm chatting n scial media.
    B.Finding a way t get children away frm addictin.
    C.Prviding parents with materials t help their children.
    D.Stpping making prducts that d harm t yung peple.
    28.What des the underlined wrd in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Cntrl. B. Exercise.C. Benefit.D. Entertain.
    29.What d we knw frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A.Waldrf Schl bans technlgy frm its educatin prgrams.
    B.Waldrf Schl limits the use f digital tls in its classrms.
    C.Waldrf Schl pays much attentin t imprving learning.
    D.Waldrf Schl desn't believe that cmputers can imprve learning.
    30.Which can be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Cmputer Cmpanies Shuld Live up t Their Mral Respnsibility
    B.Digital Addictin Des Harm t Children's Mental Health
    C.A Cnference Calls fr Actins t Prtect Children frm Digital Addictin
    D.Waldrf Schl Desn't Use Digital Tls in Its Educatin Prgram
    第二节 阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    Everyne faces difficulties frm time t time. It's a natural part f the cycle f life.Yu cannt change events r their utcme.Yu can, hwever, chse the emtin and meaning yu attach t them. Here are a cuple f questins t ask yurself t stay psitive when facing difficulties.
    Am I Still Breathing?
    31 .If yu find yurself highly stressed ut, take 10 minutes, find a quiet space, and just breathe deeply. One f the keys t staying psitive is t be relaxed, and making sure yu're breathing crrectly is the best way t start.
    What Is In My Cntrl?
    Assess yur situatin hnestly, and lk fr thse things yu can cntrl. 32 .This will help yu t feel mre centered, mre fcused, and assist yu in being able t face the challenge.
    What Is The Mst Imprtant Thing I Can D Right Nw?
    Fcusing n and ding the best thing yu can d right nw when in the midst f difficult times helps center yu and relax yur nervus system. It als increases yur cnfidence in yurself that yu can weather this strm. 33 .
    What Can I Learn Frm This?
    34 . As crazy as it sunds, if we can see even the smallest lessn, the smallest purpse in the trial we're facing, it gives it psitive value. It als gives us an utcme t mve twards, whether it's imprved health, mre independence in finances, r fixing a brken relatinship. 35 . Shifting yur belief frm "Why me?" t "What can I learn frm this?" turns the challenge frm just a randm happenstance f bad luck int a prblem t be slved.
    Weigh the advantages and disadvantages.
    Let g f thse yu can't.
    C. With every difficulty cmes a lessn.
    D. If yu are, yu live t fight anther day.
    E. Suffering withut learning smething leads t a feeling f helplessness.
    F. Maintaining yur physical state is a key t maintaining yur mental and emtinal states.
    G. Prgress twards slving a difficult situatin, n matter hw small, will increase yur self-esteem(自尊).
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    When the hst annunced that my chir wn the secnd place f the Wrld Chir Game, I culdn't believe what I heard. All the 36 that we made earn their meaning. Thrugh this unfrgtten experience, I 37 much.
    In the semi-finals, we were suppsed t sing fur sngs. When we played the third sng, I suddenly heard an unexpected 38 —a girl in the alt (女低音) gt quick. The ther students in the alt were 39 by the girl and were getting quicker and quicker. Our chir's leader, Mrs Li nticed it and 40 used her hand t keep time, but she 41 .
    After the sng, the smile n Mrs Li's face 42 and sme f ur members turned and tried t find the persn wh first gt 43 . My mind was blank, but quickly I 44 the nly thing we culd d was t 45 the whle prcess. Then with a smile, Mrs Li became a
    46 again, wh seemed t have ttally frgt what we had dne. We sang the 47
    sng as usual.
    After the cmpetitin, I was 48 . Just because f ne persn's 49 , the whle chir must 50 the fact that we might lse the game. I cried, but then I fund nthing wuld change n matter hw hard we 51 the girl wh played prly. 52 , I apprached her, encuraged her, and practiced the whle meldy with her. In the finals, we gt the medal because f ur 53 perfrmance.
    Never blame a persn when she makes a mistake, but help her t slve the prblem when yu are struggling 54 the same gal. N matter what yu will experience with thers in the future, successes r failures, 55 r tears, these will surely becme yur precius treasure and memry.
    A. talentsB. effrtsC. equipment D. energies
    A. cnsidered B. attemptedC. learned D. cnquered
    A. nise B. screamC. vice D. sigh
    A. driven ut B. led awayC. given ut D. turned dwn
    A. similarly B. riginallyC. particularly D. immediately
    A. failed B. achedC. brke dwn D. tk ver
    A.frze B. functinedC. appeared D. melt
    A.familiar B. wrngC. evident D. slw
    A.cnfirmed B. annuncedC. achieved D. realized
    A.quit B. stpC. cmplete D. end
    A.cnductr B. singerC. dancer D. cmpser
    A.previus B. exactC. first D. last
    A.excited B. disappintedC. inspired D. satisfied
    A.fault B. psitinC. identity D. pinin
    A.deny B. prveC. assume D. affrd
    A.blamed B. encuragedC. struck D. lectured
    A.Otherwise B. TherefreC. Hwever D. Besides
    A.defensiveB. privateC. striking D. rdinary
    A.up B. utC. tward D. in
    55.A.happiness B. reliefC. sadness D. laughter
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15 分)
    Many peple agree that ging t museums 56 (be) a gd way f learning abut ancient treasures. Hwever, thers may find it bring t have time 57 (spend) there. Therefre, hw t make museums and their lifeless cllectins mre appealing is a tugh questin wrth 58 (attach) imprtance t. Luckily, Natinal Treasure, a TV prgram
    59 began t air n Dec. 3, 2017, thrws light n ways t inspire interest in museums and their cllectins.
    Aiming t make ancient relics t cme alive, the prgram presents treasures thrugh different artistic methds including lts f dramatic 60 (perfrm) and strytelling, which explain the histry behind each cultural relic 61 detail, s that the audience can nt nly understand hw t appreciate the beauty f cultural relics, but als knw the civilizatin and the spirit f Chinese culture. In fact, such prgrams that prmte traditinal ancient relics 62 (becme) ppular in recent years. Fr example, a 2016 dcumentary featuring the Frbidden City's cultural relics and their restrers, called n many cllege students 63 (apply) t wrk as vlunteers there.
    64 is universally accepted that Natinal Treasure has been 65 (success) in encuraging mre peple t visit museums by tuching their hearts.
    写作 (满分40分)
    第一节 用所给词的正确形式填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10 分)
    With strng team spirit, the united band always acted as a whle, _______(aim) fr glry.
    Music, like a beam f sunshine streaming int my dark wrld, brught a feeling f warmth and a sense f ________(satisfy) t me.
    Since the Internet fund its way int rdinary peple's families, peple's way f life _________ (influence) greatly.
    Being nline is n excuse fr yur _______(rude) unless yu want t be a target fr a trll.
    With a quick click, yu can keep yurself _______(update) n all yur favrite tpics.
    The electrnic device is assumed t be ________(benefit) t its users' health.
    The case _______(belng) t Prfessr Smith has multiple functins.
    As we ________(apprach) the entrance t the Hly Garden, a striking statue ppped int ur sight.
    Watch ut fr yur silly behavir. Dn't yu see a camera ________(psitin) in an unnticeable crner?
    _______(absrb) in the rmantic meldy, the talented pianist lst track f time.
    第二节 同义转换(一空一词)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5 分)
    76. It is highly imprtant t make sure that the Internet is accessible t everyne.
    It is f great imprtance t make sure that everyne _______ ______ ______ the Internet.
    With the help f the app, yu will maintain yur fitness.
    The app will help yu get _______ _______.
    Lndn is an ancient prt city with a histry which can be traced back t Rman times.
    As an ancient prt city, Lndn has a histry _______ _______ _______ Rman times.
    The visitrs can feast their eyes n the peaceful landscape f the "Emerald Isle".
    The peaceful landscape f the "Emerald Isle" is ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ f the visitrs.
    Henry had the ability t create riginal cmpsitins at an early age.
    Henry was _________ _________ writing riginal cmpsitins as a little by.
    第三节 应用文写作(满分25分)
    参考词汇:留学生协会 Overseas Student Assciatin
    Text 1
    M: D yu want t share a taxi t the airprt?
    W: Actually I'm nt flying.I'm ging t the cnference by bus.
    Text 2
    M: Hi, Selynn.What are yu wrking n?
    W: Oh, hi, Peter.I'm trying t finish my presentatin fr tmrrw's meeting.I'm way behind.
    Text 3
    W: I really enjy the meal tnight.
    M: I'm glad that yu like it.Let me pay the bill this time.Yu always pay.
    Text 4
    M: Hw lng is the electrnics exhibitin at the cnference center being held?
    W: I think it will last fr five days.
    M: I will avid the busiest days, especially Saturday and Sunday.
    Text 5
    M: Hell! Is the sales manager in his ffice?
    W: Yes, but he's busy with sales meetings nw.
    M: This is Eric.He's 20 minutes late fr a prductin meeting.
    Text 6
    W: Excuse me.⑥Can yu tell me where the Girls' Drmitry is?
    M: The Girls' Drmitry? Let me think.Mm! Just g straight dwn the main rad until yu get t the first traffic circle.Turn right, ⑦and yu will see a tw-strey building.That's the Girls' Drmitry.
    W: Oh, I see.Thanks a lt.By the way, d yu knw where I can make a phne call?
    M: Let me see… Yes.I think there's a phne bth in the Student Center.
    Text 7
    W: Ww! What a lng line!
    M: Dn't wrry.It mves very fast.
    W: Yu're right.The cashier is ding a gd jb.
    M: Tracy, nw it's yur turn.⑧Take ne f the trays, a pair f chpsticks, and a spn.
    W: I am glad t see that everyne uses paper plates here.
    M: Yu knw, a few years ag diseases were widespread here.We used a lt f stuff made frm plastics.
    W: ⑨In the States, we have been using paper plates and cups fr years, because we're cncerned abut the grwing envirnmental prblems.
    M: Peple here als care a lt abut thse prblems.
    Text 8
    W: Seems yu've burned yurself ut, Jack.
    M: Pardn, Prf.I'm afraid I didn't quite catch yu there.
    W: Yu lk tired.Yu must have verwrked yurself.
    M: Yes, I've been hitting the bks.I need t brush up n my English.
    W: S that's what keeps yu s busy recently?
    M: I've been tied up with my studies.Nw what wrries me is English.
    W: Yur English is very gd.
    M: Yu're just saying that t be nice.
    W: N, I'm telling the truth.Everyne understands yu very well.
    M: Thank yu.Smetimes I knw every wrd in an expressin but I really dn't knw what the expressin means.It's the American slang that is hard fr me.
    W: But yu needn't wrry abut that.Try t speak mre.
    Text 9
    M: Hi, Ashia.Is yur mther feeling any better?
    W: N, I am afraid nt.She is very hmesick.She misses her family and friends back in India.
    M: D yu think she will ever mve back t India?
    W: I am nt sure.It's very difficult fr her because my father and my sisters are all here in Califrnia.S she desn't want t leave us.
    M: Des she ever g visit her family in India?
    W: She ges back nce a year t visit her family and friends.But when she is in India, she misses us t.
    M: It must be very hard fr her t always be trn between tw places.
    W: Yes, it is.And I think she is afraid that my sisters and I are becming t Americanized.She's always telling us nt t frget ur Indian culture.S next year my sisters and I are planning n traveling t India with her fr a few mnths, s that we can all experience the culture tgether.
    M: I think that's a wnderful idea.She will be s happy.
    Text 10
    W: This is the Air Museum infrmatin line.In the museum, yu can see 140 ld places.It's ne f the biggest air museums in Eurpe.The museum is 48 miles frm Lndn and is nt far away frm the village f Cherfrd.Yu can get there by car, r if yu cme t the village by train, take the 52 bus frm Cherfrd Statin.In summer, the museum is pen every day frm ten in the mrning t seven in the evening.In winter, it clses earlier, at fur 'clck.A ticket fr adults is 6 punds, and fr children and students it's 4.50 punds.Fr families there's a special ticket which csts 18 punds.This is the Air Museum infrmatin line.This year we have smething extra fr visitrs.Yu can g up in a small plane that was built in 1930 and see the cuntryside frm the air.Yu can nly d this n Sundays and yu shuld bk this trip seven days befre yu cme.
    1~5CCAAB 6~10BAABB 11~15BABAC 16~20ABACB
    21-23 DBB 24-26 ACC 27-30 DABC
    31-35 DBGCE
    第一节、完形填空 (每题2分,满分10分)
    36-40BCCBD 41-45AABDC 46-50ADBAD 51-55ABCCD
    语法填空 (每题1.5分,满分15分)
    is 57. spent 58. attaching 59. which / that 60. perfrmances 61. in 62. have becme 63. t apply 64.it 65. successful
    写作 (满分40分)
    第一节 单句填空
    aiming 67. satisfactin 68. has been influenced 69. rudeness
    updated 71. beneficial 72. belnging 73. apprached 74. psitined 75. Absrbed
    第二节 同义转化
    has access t 77. in shape 78.dating back t 79. a feast fr the eyes 80. capable f
    Dear Mr Smith,
    I’m Li Hua, president f Student Unin in Xinhua High Schl. I am writing t sincerely invite yu t attend the Music Festival t be held by ur schl n 1st December.
    Arranged at ur schl cncert hall, the Festival will feast the eyes f the audience with a variety f talent shws, ranging frm playing varius musical instruments t giving stunning Peking Opera perfrmances. And the tp 10 perfrmers will be awarded special prizes. I think it will be a great pprtunity fr cultural exchange. Thus, I’d like, n behalf f ur schl, t invite yu t attend this event. Als we will be very glad if yu can invite ther members f Overseas Student Assciatin t cme alng with yu.
    We're lking frward t yur attendance/presence.
    Li Hua
    If anyne wuld like t take part in ur Music Fesival, please cntact me befre 20th Nvember.
    All the participants will perfrm t their best ability t win glry fr their classes.

    浙江省绍兴市鲁迅高级中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题: 这是一份浙江省绍兴市鲁迅高级中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题,共12页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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