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    高中英语 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans词汇讲解 新人教版选修9 试卷02
    高中英语 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans词汇讲解 新人教版选修9 试卷03
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    高中人教版 (新课标)Unit 2 Sailing the oceans同步达标检测题

    这是一份高中人教版 (新课标)Unit 2 Sailing the oceans同步达标检测题,共10页。

    Sectin 3: Wrds and expressins frm Unit 2
    Sailing the ceans
    nun (pl. -ies)
    1. [U] a kind r frgiving attitude twards sb that yu have the pwer t harm r right t punish humanity: t ask / beg / plead fr mercy They shwed n mercy t their hstages. Gd have mercy n us. The trps are n a mercy missin (= a jurney t help peple) in the war zne. 2. [C, usually sing.] (infrmal) an event r a situatin t be grateful fr, usually because it stps sth unpleasant: It’s a mercy she wasn’t seriusly hurt. His death was a mercy (= because he was in great pain.
    at the mercy f sb/sth nt able t stp sb/sth harming yu because they have pwer r cntrl ver yu: I’m nt ging t put myself at the mercy f the bank. We were at the mercy f the weather.
    leave sb/sth t the mercy / mercies f sb/sth t leave sb/sth in a situatin that may cause them t suffer r t be treated badly: privatized cmpanies left t the mercy f market frces (humrus) I’ll leave yu t the tender mercies f these ladies!
    thrw yurself n sb’s mercy (frmal) t put yurself in a situatin where yu must rely n sb t be kind t yu and nt harm r punish yu
    1. next t r at the side f sth: A plice car pulled up alngside us. a lifebat mred alngside the yacht Much f the land alngside the river is belw sea level. 2. tgether with r at the same time as sth/sb: Traditinal beliefs still flurish alngside a mdern urban lifestyle.
    nun [C, U]
    1. the act f travelling thrugh a place in rder t find ut abut it r lk fr sth in it: the explratin f space il explratin (= searching fr il in the grund)2. an examinatin f sth in rder t find ut abut it: the bk’s explratins f the human mind
    1. t happen r t make sth happen faster r earlier than expected: [v] Inflatin cntinues t accelerate. [vn] Expsure t the sun can accelerate the ageing prcess.2. [v] (f a vehicle r persn) t start t g faster: The runners accelerated smthly arund the bend. The car accelerated t vertake me.
    1. feeling happy and cnfident abut yurself r a particular situatin: At last they were able t feel secure abut the future. She finished the match, secure in the knwledge that she was thrugh t the next rund.
    2. likely t cntinue r be successful fr a lng time; safe: a secure jb / incme It’s nt a very secure way t make a living. The future f the cmpany lks secure.
    3. ~ (against / frm sth) that cannt be affected r harmed by sth: Infrmatin must be stred s that it is secure frm accidental deletin.
    4. guarded and/r made strnger s that it is difficult fr peple t enter r leave: Check that all windws and drs have been made as secure as pssible. a secure unit fr child ffenders The building is secure against intruders.
    5. nt likely t mve, fall dwn, etc.; stable: The aerial desn’t lk very secure t me. It was difficult t maintain a secure fthld n the ice. (figurative) Our relatinship was nw n a mre secure fting.
    1. ~ sth (fr sb/sth)| ~ sb sth (frmal) t btain r achieve sth, especially when this means using a lt f effrt: [vn] t secure a cntract / deal The team managed t secure a place in the finals. She secured 2. 000 vtes. The delegatin has secured the prmise f a ceasefire. [vn, vnn] He secured a place fr himself at law schl. He secured himself a place at law schl.
    2. [vn] ~ sth (t sth) t attach r fasten sth firmly: She secured the rpe firmly t the back f the car. The tables n bard were secured firmly t the flr.
    3. [vn] ~ sth (against sth) t prtect sth s that it is safe and difficult t attack r damage: t secure a prperty against intruders The windws were secured with lcks and bars. (figurative) a savings plan that will secure yur child’s future
    A LOAN
    4. [vn] t legally agree t give sb prperty r gds that are wrth the same amunt as the mney that yu have brrwed frm them, if yu are unable t pay the mney back: a lan secured n the huse
    adj. [usually befre nun] dne, chsen, etc. withut sb deciding in advance what is ging t happen, r withut any regular pattern: the randm killing f inncent peple a randm sample / selectin (= in which each thing has an equal chance f being chsen) The infrmatin is prcessed in a randm rder.
    at randm withut deciding in advance what is ging t happen, r withut any regular pattern: She pened the bk at randm (= nt at any particular page) and started reading. The terrrists fired int the crwd at randm. Names were chsen at randm frm a list.
    1. making yu feel embarrassed: There was an awkward silence. I felt awkward because they bviusly wanted t be alne.2. difficult t deal with: Dn’t ask awkward questins. Yu’ve put me in an awkward psitin. an awkward custmer (= a persn wh is difficult t deal with) Please dn’t be awkward abut letting him cme. It makes things awkward fr everyne when yu behave like that.3. nt cnvenient, incnvenient: Have I cme at an awkward time?
    4. difficult r dangerus because f its shape r design: This bx is very awkward fr ne persn t carry. This tl will reach int awkward crners, such as under kitchen units.5. nt mving in an easy way; nt cmfrtable: He tried t dance, but he was t clumsy and awkward. I must have slept in an awkward psitin—I’m aching all ver.
    1. [C, U] ~ (t sb/sth) a thing yu say r write that mentins sb/sth else; the act f mentining sb/sth: The bk is full f references t grwing up in India. She made n reference t her illness but nly t her future plans. the President’s passing reference t (= brief mentin f) the end f the war
    2. [U] the act f lking at sth fr infrmatin: Keep the list f numbers near the phne fr easy reference. I wrte dwn the name f the htel fr future reference (= because it might be useful in the future). The library cntains many ppular wrks f reference (= reference bks).
    3. [U] ~ (t sb/sth) (frmal) the act f asking sb fr help r advice: The emergency nurse can treat minr injuries withut reference t a dctr.
    4. [C] (abbr. ref.) a number, wrd r symbl that shws where sth is n a map, r where yu can find a piece f infrmatin: The map reference is Y4.. Please qute yur reference number when making an enquiry.
    5. [C] a letter written by sb wh knws yu, giving infrmatin abut yur character and abilities, especially t a new emplyer: We will take up references after the interview.
    6. [C] a persn wh agrees t write a reference, fr yu, fr example when yu are applying fr a jb: My previus bss will act as a reference fr me.
    7. [C] a nte in a bk that tells yu where a particular piece f infrmatin cmes frm: There is a list f references at the end f each chapter.
    in / with reference t (frmal) used t say what yu are talking r writing abut: With reference t yur letter f July 22...
    verb [vn] (frmal) t refer t sth; t prvide a bk, etc. with references: Each chapter is referenced, citing literature up t 2004.
    1. clear and accurate; exact: precise details / instructins / measurements Can yu give a mre precise definitin f the wrd? I can be reasnably precise abut the time f the incident. 2. [nly befre nun] used t emphasize that sth happens at a particular time r in a particular way: We were just talking abut her when, at that precise mment, she walked in. Dctrs fund it hard t establish the precise nature f her illness.3. taking care t be exact and accurate, especially abut small details: a skilled and precise wrker small, precise mvements (disapprving) She’s rather prim and precise.
    t be (mre) precise used t shw that yu are giving mre detailed and accurate infrmatin abut sth yu have just mentined: The shelf is abut a metre lng—well, 98cm, t be precise.
    verb (simplifies, simplifying, simplified, simplified) [vn] t make sth easier t d r understand: The applicatin frms have nw been simplified. I hpe his appintment will simplify matters. a simplified versin f the stry fr yung children
    adj. that is easy t carry r t mve: a prtable TV The equipment is lightweight, prtable and easy t stre. (figurative) a prtable lan / pensin (= that can be mved if yu change banks, jbs, etc.) prtable sftware
    nun a small type f machine that is easy t carry, especially a cmputer r a televisin: The kids are upstairs watching the prtable (= televisin).
    nun [usually pl.] a fault in sb’s character, a plan, a system, etc.: She made me aware f my wn shrtcmings. Despite a number f shrtcmings, the prject will still g ahead.
    verb [vn]
    1. t make sth mre mdern by adding new parts, etc.: It’s abut time we updated ur sftware.2. ~ sb (n sth)| ~ sth t give sb the mst recent infrmatin abut sth; t add the mst recent infrmatin t sth bring up t date: I called the ffice t update them n the day’s develpments. Our recrds are regularly updated.
    nun (pl. -ies)
    1. [C] ~ (fr sb/sth) (t d sth)| ~ (t / twards sth) if sb/sth has a particular tendency, they are likely t behave r act in a particular way: t display artistic, etc. tendencies I have a tendency t talk t much when I’m nervus. There is a tendency fr this disease t run in families. She has a strng natural tendency twards cautin. This material has a tendency t shrink when washed.2. [C] ~ (fr sb/sth) (t d sth)| ~ (t / twards sth) a new custm that is starting t develp: There is a grwing tendency amng emplyers t hire casual staff.3. [C+sing./pl. v.] (BrE) a grup within a larger plitical grup, whse views are mre extreme than thse f the rest f the grup: the militant tendency
    1. that can be trusted t d sth well; that yu can rely n; dependable: We are lking fr smene wh is reliable and hard-wrking. a reliable friend My car’s nt as reliable as it used t be.2. that is likely t be crrect r true: Our infrmatin cmes frm a reliable surce. a reliable witness Hw reliable are the lcal weather frecasts? These tests are a reliable indicatr f future perfrmance.
    verb [v]
    1. [usually +adv. / prep.] (f a bird r plane) t fly quickly and suddenly dwnwards, especially in rder t attack sb/sth; dive: The aircraft swped dwn ver the buildings. A hawk swped lw ver the field.2. ~ (n sb/sth) (especially f plice r sldiers) t visit r attack sb/sth suddenly and withut warning: Officers swped n the vehicles as they left the ferry.
    1. an act f mving suddenly and quickly thrugh the air in a dwnward directin, as a bird des dive 2. ~ (n sth/sb) an act f arriving smewhere r attacking sth/sb in a way that is sudden and unexpected: Large quantities f drugs were fund during a plice swp n the star’s New Yrk hme.
    1. ~ (at sth) (f birds) t mve the beak frward quickly and hit r bite sth: [v] A rbin was pecking at crumbs n the grund. Hens pecked arund in the yard. [vn] A bird had pecked a hle in the sack. Vultures had pecked ut the dead gat’s eyes.2. [vn] ~ sb (n sth) (infrmal) t kiss sb lightly and quickly: He pecked her n the cheek as he went ut. She pecked his cheek.
    a / the pecking rder (infrmal, ften humrus) the rder f imprtance in relatin t ne anther amng the members f a grup: New Zealand is at the tp f the pecking rder f rugby natins. t be first in the pecking rder
    peck at sth t eat nly a very small amunt f a meal because yu are nt hungry; pick at: She sat nervusly pecking at her fd.
    1. an rganized jurney with a particular purpse, especially t find ut abut a place that is nt well knwn: t plan / lead / g n an expeditin t the Nrth Ple 2. the peple wh g n an expeditin: Three members f the Everest expeditin were killed.3. (smetimes humrus) a shrt trip that yu make when yu want r need sth: a shpping expeditin
    adj. that must be dne because f a law r a rule: It is cmpulsry fr all mtrcyclists t wear helmets. English is a cmpulsry subject at this level. cmpulsry educatin / schling cmpulsry redundancies
    1. [U] the state f cntinuing t live r exist, ften despite difficulty r danger: the struggle / battle / fight fr survival His nly chance f survival was a heart transplant. Exprting is necessary fr ur ecnmic survival. Cntinued trade in these prducts is a threat t the survival f the species.2. [C] ~ (frm sth) smething that has cntinued t exist frm an earlier time: The ceremny is a survival frm pre-Christian times.
    the survival f the fittest the principle that nly the peple r things that are best adapted t their surrundings will cntinue t exist
    1. [C] smething that happens, especially sth unusual r unpleasant: His bad behaviur was just an islated incident. One particular incident sticks in my mind.2. [C, U] a serius r vilent event, such as a crime, an accident r an attack: There was a shting incident near here last night. The demnstratin passed ff withut incident.3. [C] a disagreement between tw cuntries, ften invlving military frces: a brder / diplmatic incident
    1. [C, U] ~ (frm ... ) the act f leaving a place; an example f this: His sudden departure threw the ffice int chas. Flights shuld be cnfirmed 4.8 hurs befre departure. They had received n news f him since his departure frm the island. 2. [C] a plane, train, etc. leaving a place at a particular time: arrivals and departures All departures are frm Manchester. the departure lunge / time / gate the departures bard 3. [C] ~ (frm sth) an actin that is different frm what is usual r expected: It was a radical departure frm traditin. Their latest single represents a new departure fr the band.
    1. [usually sing.] a ~ (n sth) a sum f mney that is given as the first part f a larger payment: We’ve put dwn a 5.% depsit n the huse. They nrmally ask yu t pay £1.00 (as a) depsit. All depsits are nn-refundable. 2. [usually sing.] a sum f mney that is paid by sb when they rent sth and that is returned t them if they d nt lse r damage the thing they are renting: t pay a depsit They’ll prbably ask yu t leave a depsit.3. a sum f mney that is paid int a bank accunt: Depsits can be made at any branch. 4. (in the British plitical system) the amunt f mney that a candidate in an electin t Parliament has t pay, and that is returned if he/she gets enugh vtes: All the ther candidates lst their depsits.
    verb [vn]
    1. [+adv. / prep.] t put r lay sb/sth dwn in a particular place: She depsited a pile f bks n my desk. (infrmal) I was whisked ff in a taxi and depsited utside the htel.
    2. (especially f a river r a liquid) t leave a layer f sth n the surface f sth, especially gradually and ver a perid f time: Sand was depsited which hardened int sandstne.
    3. t put mney int a bank accunt: Millins were depsited in Swiss bank accunts.
    1. (infrmal, especially BrE) t think sth r have an pinin abut sth: [v (that)] I reckn (that) I’m ging t get that jb. He’ll be famus ne day. What d yu reckn (= d yu agree)? [v] It’s wrth a lt f mney, I reckn. ‘They’ll never find ut.’ ‘Yu reckn?’ (= I think yu may be wrng abut that) 2. be reckned (nt used in the prgressive tenses) t be generally cnsidered t be sth: [vn t inf] Children are reckned t be mre sphisticated nwadays. [vn-n] It was generally reckned a success. [als vn-adj] 3. [v t inf] (BrE, infrmal) t expect t d sth: We reckn t finish by ten. He wasn’t reckning t pay s much.4. ~ sth (at sth) t calculate an amunt, a number, etc.: [vn] I culd see him reckning the cst as I spke. The age f the earth is reckned at abut 4. 6.00 millin years. [v (that)] They reckn (that) their prfits are dwn by at least 2.0%. [vn t inf] The jurney was reckned t take abut tw hurs.
    reckn n sth t expect sth t happen r t rely n sth happening: They hadn’t reckned n a rebellin. [+ -ing] We’d reckned n having gd weather.
    reckn sth up / reckn up sth (especially BrE) t calculate the ttal amunt r number f sth: He reckned up the cst f everything in his mind.
    reckn with sb/sth
    1. [usually passive] t cnsider r treat sb/sth as a serius ppnent, prblem, etc.: They were already a plitical frce t be reckned with.2. (usually used in negative sentences) t cnsider sth as a pssible prblem that yu shuld be prepared fr; take sth int accunt: [+ -ing] I didn’t reckn with getting caught up in s much traffic.
    reckn withut sb/sth (especially BrE) t nt cnsider sb/sth as a pssible prblem that yu shuld be prepared fr; nt take sth int accunt: They had reckned withut the determinatin f the ppsitin.
    1. [U, C, usually pl.] ~ (between A and B) a situatin in which peple d nt trust each ther, r feel unfriendly twards each ther, and which may cause them t attack each ther: There is munting tensin alng the brder. internatinal / racial / plitical tensins Family tensins and cnflicts may lead t vilence. The incident has further increased tensin between the tw cuntries.2. [C, U] ~ (between A and B) a situatin in which the fact that there are different needs r interests causes difficulties: There is ften a tensin between the aims f the cmpany and the wishes f the emplyees.3. [U] a feeling f anxiety and stress that makes it impssible t relax: nervus tensin We laughed and that helped ease the tensin. Walking and swimming are excellent fr releasing tensin. a tensin headache 4. [U] the feeling f fear and excitement that is created by a writer r a film/mvie directr: dramatic tensin As the mvie prgresses the tensin builds.5. [U] the state f being stretched tight; the extent t which sth is stretched tight: muscular tensin Adjust the string tensin f yur tennis racket t suit yur style f playing. When knitting, try t keep the same tensin thrughut. Massage can relieve tensin in yur shulders and back.
    verb [vn] (technical) t make a wire, sail, etc. tight and stretched
    1. happening slwly ver a lng perid; nt sudden: a gradual change in the climate Recvery frm the disease is very gradual. 2. (f a slpe) nt steep
    verb (fresaw, freseen ) t think sth is ging t happen in the future; t knw abut sth befre it happens; predict: [vn] We d nt fresee any prblems. The extent f the damage culd nt have been freseen. [v (that)] N ne culd have freseen (that) things wuld turn ut this way. [v wh-] It is impssible t fresee hw life will wrk ut. [als vn -ing]
    1. [U, sing.] the feeling f needing r wanting a drink: He quenched his thirst with a lng drink f cld water. She wke up with a raging thirst and a headache.2. [U] the state f nt having enugh water t drink: Thusands are dying f thirst.3. [sing.] ~ (fr sth) a strng desire fr sth: a thirst fr knwledge
    verb (tre ,trn)
    1. t damage sth by pulling it apart r int pieces r by cutting it n sth sharp; t becme damaged in this way; rip: [vn] I tre my jeans n the fence. I tre a hle in my jeans. He tre the letter in tw. a trn handkerchief [vn-adj] I tre the package pen. I tre pen the package. [v] Careful—the fabric tears very easily.2. [vn] ~ sth in sth t make a hle in sth by frce; rip: The blast tre a hle in the wall.
    3. [vn + adv. / prep.] t remve sth frm sth else by pulling it rughly r vilently; rip: The strm nearly tre the rf ff. I tre anther sheet frm the pad. He tre his clthes ff (= tk them ff quickly and carelessly) and dived int the lake. 4. ~ yurself / sb (frm sb/sth) t pull yurself/sb away by frce frm sb/sth that is hlding yu r them: [vn] She tre herself frm his grasp. [vn-adj] He tre himself free.
    5. [vn] t injure a muscle, etc. by stretching it t much: a trn ligament She tre a calf muscle playing squash.
    6. [v + adv. / prep.] t mve smewhere very quickly r in an excited way: He tre ff dwn the street. A truck tre past the gates.
    7. (in adjectives) very badly affected r damaged by sth: t bring peace t a strife-trn cuntry a strike-trn industry
    tear sb/sth apart, t shreds, t bits, etc. t destry r defeat sb/sth cmpletely r criticize them r it severely: We tre the ther team apart in the secnd half. The critics tre his last mvie t shreds.
    tear at yur heart / tear yur heart ut (frmal) t strngly affect yu in an emtinal way
    tear yur hair (ut) (infrmal) t shw that yu are very angry r anxius abut sth: She’s keeping very calm—anyne else wuld be tearing their hair ut.
    (be in) a tearing hurry / rush (especially BrE) (t be) in a very great hurry
    be trn (between A and B) t be unable t decide r chse between tw peple, things r feelings: I was trn between my parents and my friend.
    tear sb ff a strip / tear a strip ff sb (BrE, infrmal) t speak angrily t sb wh has dne sth wrng
    that’s trn it (BrE, infrmal) used t say that sth has happened t spil yur plans—mre at heart, limb, lse adj.
    tear sb apart / tear apart sb t make sb feel very unhappy r wrried; rip sb apart: It tears me apart t think I might have hurt her feelings. His distress tre me apart.
    tear sth apart / tear apart sth
    1. t destry sth vilently, especially by pulling it t pieces: The dgs tre the fx apart. 2. t make peple in a cuntry, an rganizatin r ther place fight r argue with each ther: Racial strife is tearing ur cuntry apart.3. t search a place, making it lk untidy and causing damage: They tre the rm apart, lking fr mney.
    tear at sth t pull r cut sth vilently s that it tears: He tre at the meat with his bare hands.
    tear yurself away (frm sth)/ tear sth away (frm sth) t leave smewhere even thugh yu wuld prefer t stay there; t take sth away frm smewhere: Dinner’s ready, if yu can tear yurself away frm the TV. She was unable t tear her eyes away frm him (= culd nt stp lking at him).
    tear sth dwn / tear dwn sth t pull r knck dwn a building, wall, etc.: They’re tearing dwn these ld huses t build a new ffice blck.
    tear int sb/sth
    1. t attack sb/sth physically r with wrds: The wind tre int him.2. t start ding sth with a lt f energy: They tre int their fd as if they were starving. The band tre int their pening number.
    tear sth up / tear up sth t destry a dcument, etc. by tearing it int pieces; rip sth up: She tre up all the letters he had sent her. (figurative) He accused the leader f tearing up the party’s manifest (= f ignring it).
    nun [U, C] a situatin that is difficult and unpleasant because yu d nt have enugh mney, fd, clthes, etc.: ecnmic / financial, etc. hardship Peple suffered many hardships during that lng winter. The tw men endured great hardship during their trek acrss Antarctica. It was n hardship t walk hme n such a lvely evening.
    1. [C] the details f a persn’s family, educatin, experience etc.: a persn’s family / scial / cultural / educatinal / class backgrund The jb wuld suit smene with a business backgrund. In spite f their very different backgrunds, they immediately became friends.
    2. [C, usually sing., U] the circumstances r past events which help explain why sth is hw it is; infrmatin abut these: the histrical backgrund t the war backgrund infrmatin / knwledge The electins are taking place against a backgrund f vilence. Can yu give me mre backgrund n the cmpany?
    3. [C, usually sing.] the part f a picture, phtgraph r view behind the main bjects, peple, etc.: a phtgraph with trees in the backgrund
    4. [sing.] a psitin in which peple are nt paying attentin t sb/sth r nt as much attentin as they are paying t sb/sth else: He prefers t remain in the backgrund and let his assistant talk t the press. A pian tinkled gently in the backgrund. backgrund music There was a lt f backgrund nise (= that yu culd hear, but were nt listening t).
    5. [C, usually sing.] a clur r design n which sth is painted, drawn, etc.: The name f the cmpany is written in red n a white backgrund.
    in the backgrund (cmputing) (f a cmputer prgram) nt being used at the present time and appearing n the screen behind prgrams that are being used
    1. [v] t make a very lud, deep sund: We heard a lin rar. The gun rared deafeningly. The engine rared t life (= started nisily). The wind was raring in my ears.2. ~ (sth) (ut) t shut sth very ludly: [v] The crwd rared. [vn] The fans rared (ut) their apprval. He rared ut James’s name. [v speech] ‘Stand back,’ he rared.3. [v] ~ (with laughter) t laugh very ludly: He lked s funny, we all rared. It made them rar with laughter.4. [v + adv. / prep.] (f a vehicle r its rider / driver) t mve very fast, making a lt f nise: She put her ft dwn and the car rared away. A grup f yung men n mtrcycles rared past.5. [v] (f a fire) t burn brightly with a lt f flames, heat and nise: A lg fire was raring in the hearth.
    1. a lud deep sund made by an animal, especially a lin, r by sb’s vice: His speech was greeted by a rar f applause. rars f laughter 2. a lud cntinuus nise made by the wind r sea, r by a machine: I culd barely hear abve the rar f traffic. the rar f the Atlantic

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