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    广东省深圳市南山区2020-2021学年九年级(上)期末英语试卷 解析版
    广东省深圳市南山区2020-2021学年九年级(上)期末英语试卷     解析版01
    广东省深圳市南山区2020-2021学年九年级(上)期末英语试卷     解析版02
    广东省深圳市南山区2020-2021学年九年级(上)期末英语试卷     解析版03
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    广东省深圳市南山区2020-2021学年九年级(上)期末英语试卷 解析版

    这是一份广东省深圳市南山区2020-2021学年九年级(上)期末英语试卷 解析版,共33页。试卷主要包含了选出与音标内容相符的正确句子等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    i.选出与音标内容相符的正确句子。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)
    /'menɪ vɒlən'tɪə(r)z dʒɔɪnd ðə sə:tʃ fɒ: ðə gə:l/(  )
    A.Many volunteers joined the research for the girl
    B.Many volunteers joined the search for the girl
    C.Many volunteers joined and went in search of the girl
    /æz ɪz ‘ju:ʒʊəl wɪð ‘tʃɪldrən ðeɪ su:n gɒt taɪəd/(  )
    A.As is usual with children, they soon feel tired.
    B.As is unusual with children, they soon got tired
    C.As is usual with children, they soon got tired
    /ɪt si: mz dʒɒn hæd nəʊ ‘ɪntrəst ɪn ‘tɔ:kɪŋ wɪð ʌs/(  )
    A.It seems John had no idea how to talk with us
    B.It seems John had no interest in talking with us
    C.It seems John lost interest in talking with us.
    /pli:z 'fəʊkəs jɔ:(r) maɪndz ɒn ðə 'fɔ:ləʊɪŋ 'prɒbləm/(  )
    A.Please focus your minds on the following problem
    B.Please fix your minds on the following problem
    C.Please focus your attention on the following problem
    /ðə pə'li:smən kɒt hɪm ænd 'resld hɪm tu ðə graʊnd/(  )
    A.The policeman caught him and wrestled him to the ground.
    B.The policeman caught him and then rested on the ground.
    C.The policeman raced after him and rested on the ground.
    ii.从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)
    6.﹣﹣Are you sure that you've already finished all the tasks?
    ﹣﹣Yes, I am.(  )
    A.satisfied B.certain C.nervous
    7.﹣﹣If you believe in yourself, you can succeed.
    ﹣﹣Thanks a lot!(  )
    A.support B.improve C.trust
    8.﹣﹣How will you celebrate your birthday next month?
    ﹣﹣I'm going to buy me a new pair of sports shoes.(  )
    A.provide me with B.show me around
    C.treat myself to
    9.﹣﹣Sorry to let you down, Miss Chen. I didn't pass the Maths exam.
    ﹣﹣Well, you should spend more time on your studies. Promise you will try harder.(  )
    A.make you disappointed
    B.keep you waiting
    C.make you frightened
    10.﹣﹣I've been waiting for my friend Ben here for over an hour, but he hasn't shown up yet.
    ﹣﹣Maybe something unexpected happened to him.(  )
    A.come along B.passed out
    C.called back
    iii.从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)
    11.﹣﹣Will you go to Lisa's birthday party?
    ﹣﹣Well, she has ______ me,but I have to look after my grandpa in hospital these days.(  )
    A.invented B.invited C.introduced
    12.﹣﹣John did a great job in the basketball game!
    ﹣﹣It's not surprising. Being tall has given him a(n)______ over the other players.(  )
    A.adventure B.victory C.advantage
    13.﹣﹣Keep______ when I take photos of you.
    ﹣﹣OK, what about making this gesture?(  )
    A.gentle B.still C.usual
    14.﹣﹣What did Maggie do after ?
    ﹣﹣She became a primary school teacner in a small town.(  )
    A.business B.exercise C.graduation
    15.﹣﹣If it continues raining, the river will and we all will be flooded.
    ﹣﹣Right. Something must be done to prevent that from happening.(  )
    A.dry up B.run over C.get down
    Ⅱ完形填空(10 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后面所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上讲相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分)
    16.(10分)An 18﹣year﹣old student decided to host a musical concert to raise money because he couldn't afford his college fee. He reached out to the great pianist IgacyJ.Paderewski who asked for $2,000. A(n) (1)   was made and the boy began to prepare for the concert.
    Unfortunately,he had not(2)   to sell enough tickets.With only $1,600,disappointed,he went to Paderewski and explained the situation.He gave Paderewski the $1,600(3)   a ( 支 票 )for the remaining $400 and promised to honour(兑现)the cheque soon.
    "No," said Paderewski."This is not (4)   ". He tore up(撕毁)the cheque,(5)   the$1,600 and told the boy."Keep the money for your fee."
    The small acts of kindness clearly showed Paderewski as a(6)    person. Later he became the Prime Minister of Poland.(7)   he was a great leader, Poland gas got in trouble when the World War began and over 1.5 million people were starving(饥饿 ) .Feeling(8)   ,he reached out to the US Food and ReliefAdministration for help. The head there was a man called Herbert Hoover. Hoover agreed to help and quickly shipped tons of(9)   to Poland.
    Paderewski decided to meet Hoover and personally thank him. When they met,Hoover siad," Mr. Prime minister. You may not remember this.Several years ago. you helped a young(10)   go through college. I was him."
    The world is a wonderful place. What goes around comes around!

    (3)A.instesd of
    B.according to
    C.as well as
    D.except for
    B. available
    Ⅲ、阅读理解(25 分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分)
    17.(5分)Robbie and priscilla love traveling very much. They can travel often because they have a marketing company and can work anywhere online. But when they were traveling, they worried about their cat , Mr.beebles, who they had to leave at home. That's why the couple decided to buy an old school bus and turn it into their dream home in 2017.
    Like most DIY efforts, rebuilding the bus was difficult. They faced problems nearly every step along the way. Among them replacing the broken windows and dealing with serious engine problems were the most difficult for them. In fact, Robbie and Priscilla almost give up.
    Finally, they made it .Though the home is small , it has everything you need to live a comfortable life ﹣﹣ a full﹣sized kitchen, a bathroom with a shower and a bedroom. The bus also has an air conditioner, a fireplace(壁炉) and even solar panels(太阳能电池板) outside the bus to help them save money and energy.
    As soon as the bus was finished, Robbie and Priscilla left their home in Florida on March 21, 2019 ,and left for the East coast. They were on the road for almost 10 months, and visited 137 different cities .
    For the next step , they are planning to go on a 5 five﹣year road trip visiting every state of America.

    (1)Robbie and Priscilla travel often because of   .
    A.their cat
    B.their parents
    C.their school
    D .their hobby
    (2)Who is Mr.Beebles?   
    A.The couple's pet.
    B.Priscilla's husband.
    C.The couple's school bus.
    D.The couple's dream home.
    (3)What does the underlined word"them"in Paragraph 2 refer to?   
    D. Efforts.
    (4)It took the couple about   to finish their dream home.
    A.five years
    B.three years
    C.two years
    D.ten months
    (5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?   
    A.The couple can't take a shower in the dream home.
    B.The couple have visited every state of America in 10 months.
    C.The couple don't know how to save energy in their dream home.
    D.The couple changed the school bus into their home by themselves.

    18.(5分)Former truck driver Chen Xianjun played a final chord (和弦) on the guitar as he and his band﹣ mates ﹣﹣a salesperson, a farmer, and two doctors ﹣﹣ enjoy themselves in the music. Behind them was the photo of a foreigner wearing a warm smile and hugging his guitar. It was 27﹣ years ﹣old Philip Hancock, an Australian teaching English in Chongqing.
    Hancock died in May 2018 in Chongqing because of diabetes. His parents obeyed his wish to donate his organs. Hancock's Liver and kidneys save the lives of three people in the band. And his corneas helped the other two, including Chen see the world again.
    "Last year, Red cross officials suggested we form a band in memory of Hancock. They said Hancock loved music and dreamed of having his own band one day, "Chen said," I'm more than fortunate to be able to do this."
    Over the past year, the five" musicians" have learned different instruments in the studio.
    The Band for One, a fitting name for the group, finally came to Hangzhou on Nov.7 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the implementation(实施) of voluntary organ donations in China.
    "I was nervous before stepping on the stage, but I think we did a great job," Chen said. "All of us now have the ability to carry on with our lives , and I believe that's exactly what Hancock wanted for us."

    (1)How many members are there in the band "The Band for One"?   
    (2)What can we learn from the second paragraph?   
    A.Hancock's parents disagreed with his wish.
    B.Hancock died of liver cancer two years ago.
    C.Chen Xianjun lost his eyes when he was born.
    D.Hancock's kindness helped save several lives
    (3)Why did they choose to form a band?   
    A. They all could play music.
    B.It was Hancock's dream.
    C.It was the easiest choice.
    D.Red Cross Officials could teach them.
    (4)When did China begin to carry out the voluntary organ donation?   
    A .In 2010.
    B. In 2015.
    C.In 2018.
    D.In 2020.
    (5)Which of the following word can best describe Hancock?   
    B. Hard﹣working.
    C. Kind﹣hearted.
    D. Cruel.
    19.(5分)Recently, china's Ministry of Education has asked all public schools to teach students First aid especially CPR as part of children's health education.
    There are as many as 550,000 Sudden cardiac deaths in China every year. About 60 percent of these deaths happen outside hospitals. In November 2019 ,35﹣year﹣ old Taiwan model﹣actor Godfrey Gao dies after he suddenly fell while filming a reality show. Although he was rushed to the hospital, he still died from sudden cardiac arrest. His deaths caused a heated discussion .
    CPR is one of the first and most useful methods of treating cardiac arrest, according to medical experts, most patients will begin to develop brain damage within four to six minutes. after cardiac arrest, and then biological death within a few minutes. However, in China, besides medical workers, the number of people who have received first aid training is only about one percent of the public.
    As early as 1966.,the Us has advised the public to receive CPR training, including police officers, drivers, firefighters, teachers and students of colleges colleges and secondary schools .In europe. Switzerland requires all citizens to be trained in first aid, including cpr. And in Germany, every citizen must be trained before getting a driver's license. Forty percent of people in France are also trained in first aid.
    According to Guo Malong, a doctor in Henan, a CPR lesson can be completed in anything from 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on what's included. Basic first aid lessons can be completed in just 30 minutes, which doesn't cost students too much time, but will make a huge difference to others.

    (1)How many sudden cardiac happen outside hospital in China every year?   
    A. About 24,750
    B. About 261,250
    C. About 330,000
    D. About 550,000
    (2)The author mentions Godfrey Gao to show   .
    A.how important learning CPR is
    B.how dangerous sudden cardiac arrest is
    C.all age groups may die from cardiac arrest
    D.all kinds of people may have cardiac arrest
    (3)The best time to perform CPR is within   after one's cardiac arrest.
    A.the 4﹣6 minutes
    B. the 6﹣8 minutes
    C. the 8﹣10 minutes
    D. the 10﹣12 minutes
    (4)Which of the following is TRUE?   
    A.0% of the French have had first aid training.
    B.In Germany ,every driver is trained in first aid.
    C.All students must receive CPRtraining in the US.
    D.People in Swizerland don't have receive CPR training.
    (5)What do Guo Malong's words mean in the last paragraph?   
    A.It's easy and possible to teach CPR in school.
    B.Basic first aid lessons will cost too mach time.
    C.It's important to teach students to learn first aid.
    D.Every student should know diffents first aid skills.
    第二节 请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)
    A.Make sure the place is suitable for the activities
    B.Any weekend, evening or night is best.
    C.Sometimes it's just nice for friends to get together
    D.Decide how much you will spend E .Plan your guest list
    F. You have enough time to plan everything
    Sometimes you just need to have a great party.!There's nothing like hosting and seeing all your friends together in the same place. But how do you do it? Here are some ways.
    Decides on a theme
    Try to come up with a theme that might get everyone excited. Write down different fun activities ,types of music ,and others that help you think of possible themes .Or don't have a theme at all.
    Pick a place for your party
    Where are you going to have a party ? With Be a big event? Could you have it at your house or a friends house? Did you have a place in mind, like a restaurant ,Movie theater, or park?
    Decide on the time for your party
    If it's a birthday party, most people try to have the party on that day or, (3)   , So you and your guests don't have school or work the next morning. Most parties are after dinner, but a brunch or afternoon party works ,too.
    This will be partly decided by where you are having the party. Make sure that place is large enough. Also think about whether you want your friends to bring friends or not. That could seriously change how many hands you have to plan four and mouths you have to feed.
    Get the word out
    You can talk of guests in person about the party or just call them. Start talking about the party at least two weeks before , so they don't make plans. And (5)   . Remain them once or twice before the party , too.
    第三节 信息匹配下面的材料 A-F 分别介绍了六个卡通角色,请根据五位同学的兴趣爱好,帮助他们选出最感兴趣的卡通角色,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂照。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)
    21.(5分)A.Peter is the name of a lovely brown rabbits in the movie peter rabbit. It has big eyes and it is very brave. Peter is so popular with children and adults.
    B.Mr. Fuzzypants is the name of the cat in the movie Nine Lives. Rebecca's birthday is coming and she has always wanted a cat. But his father doesn't like cats at all. Anyway,he gets one for Rebecca. Then,something interesting happens.
    C.Adam is the name of a boy in the cartoon movie.The Son Of Bigfoot. One day , Adam goes to the forest to look for his father, who has hidden deep in the forest to protect himself and his family. And then Adam discovers that he has superpower like his father.
    D.Bodi is the name of a dog in the cartoon movie Rock Dog .Bodi dreams of becoming a musician. He is also the next one to protect the village of Snow Mountain. But he has got some trouble.
    E.Miguel is the name of a boy in the movie Coco . Miguel really wants to be a musician, but his family is against it .Anyway, Miguel tries to make his dream come true.
    F.Paddington is the name of beer in the movie Paddington 2 .Aunt Lucy's 100th birthday is coming and Paddington buys a special gift for her. But the gift is lost and Paddington tries to find it.

    (1)   Ma Lu loves watching movies about bears in her free time.
    (2)   Wang Qiang loves carton heroes with superpower. In fact, he dreams of having superpower.
    (3)   Deng Rui is an animal lover and the cat is her favourite.
    (4)   Li Tao was born in the Year of the Rabbit, so he loves movies about rabbits very much
    (5)   Gao Yun doesn't like animals. He loves music and he wants to be a musician in the future. He enjoys movies about music very much
    IV. 语法填空(10 分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分)
    22.(10分)About 470 pilot whales(巨头鲸)have been beached in Tasmania in Australia. This has been the (1)   (large) whale﹣beaching event in Tasmania since 1935. People are working hard(2)   (save) the whales.
    Every year, around 2,000 large sea animals, such as dolphins and whales, die by (3)   (swim) onto a beach or into water that's too shallow(浅的)for(4)   (they) to swim away. This
    (5)   (know)as "beaching". Pilot whales and killer whales are some of the most commonly beached whales.
    Rescue workers are trying to "refloat(使……再浮起)"the whales so they can swim away. The job is (6)   (especial)challenging because the whales are so large. Pilot whales can grow up to 7 meters long and can weigh up to 2,300 kg.
    The rescue teams, numbering about 60 people, include (7)   (volunteer), the police and workers from the Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service.
    So far, around 25 whales have been rescued. Since (8)   rescued whales will return to the place again where others are still in trouble, workers are trying to make sure that rescued whales don't get beached again.
    Dr Carlyon from the rescue team says the cool, wet weather has helped keep the whales alive. He describes the weather as "pretty ugly out there for people on the ground, (9)   as far as the whales go, it's perfect".
    About 90 whales(10)   (die)so far. Rescue efforts are likely to continue for a few more days.
    Ⅴ.书面表达(15 分)
    你的观点: ………
    3.词数:80 左右(开头已经给出,不计入总词数)
    参考词汇: carriage 车厢, standard 标准

    Last Friday, our class had an English open class, in which we discussed the launch of quiet carriages on high﹣speed trains. .

    i.选出与音标内容相符的正确句子。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)
    /'menɪ vɒlən'tɪə(r)z dʒɔɪnd ðə sə:tʃ fɒ: ðə gə:l/(  )
    A.Many volunteers joined the research for the girl
    B.Many volunteers joined the search for the girl
    C.Many volunteers joined and went in search of the girl
    /æz ɪz ‘ju:ʒʊəl wɪð ‘tʃɪldrən ðeɪ su:n gɒt taɪəd/(  )
    A.As is usual with children, they soon feel tired.
    B.As is unusual with children, they soon got tired
    C.As is usual with children, they soon got tired
    【解答】根据音标可知,As is usual with children, they soon got tired.
    /ɪt si: mz dʒɒn hæd nəʊ ‘ɪntrəst ɪn ‘tɔ:kɪŋ wɪð ʌs/(  )
    A.It seems John had no idea how to talk with us
    B.It seems John had no interest in talking with us
    C.It seems John lost interest in talking with us.
    /pli:z 'fəʊkəs jɔ:(r) maɪndz ɒn ðə 'fɔ:ləʊɪŋ 'prɒbləm/(  )
    A.Please focus your minds on the following problem
    B.Please fix your minds on the following problem
    C.Please focus your attention on the following problem
    /ðə pə'li:smən kɒt hɪm ænd 'resld hɪm tu ðə graʊnd/(  )
    A.The policeman caught him and wrestled him to the ground.
    B.The policeman caught him and then rested on the ground.
    C.The policeman raced after him and rested on the ground.
    【解答】根据音标可知,The policeman caught him and wrestled him to the ground.
    ii.从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)
    6.﹣﹣Are you sure that you've already finished all the tasks?
    ﹣﹣Yes, I am.(  )
    A.satisfied B.certain C.nervous
    7.﹣﹣If you believe in yourself, you can succeed.
    ﹣﹣Thanks a lot!(  )
    A.support B.improve C.trust
    【解答】believe in相信;support支持;improve改善;增进;trust信任。believe in与trust含义相同。
    8.﹣﹣How will you celebrate your birthday next month?
    ﹣﹣I'm going to buy me a new pair of sports shoes.(  )
    A.provide me with B.show me around
    C.treat myself to
    【解答】buy me为我买;provide me with为我提供;show me around带我到处转转;treat myself to招待自己。buy me与treat myself to含义相同。
    9.﹣﹣Sorry to let you down, Miss Chen. I didn't pass the Maths exam.
    ﹣﹣Well, you should spend more time on your studies. Promise you will try harder.(  )
    A.make you disappointed
    B.keep you waiting
    C.make you frightened
    【解答】let you down让你失望;make you disappointed使你失望;keep you waiting让你等待;make you frighteded使你恐惧。let you down与make you disappointed含义相同。
    10.﹣﹣I've been waiting for my friend Ben here for over an hour, but he hasn't shown up yet.
    ﹣﹣Maybe something unexpected happened to him.(  )
    A.come along B.passed out
    C.called back
    【解答】shown up出现;come along出现;一起来;passed out昏倒;called back召唤。shown up与come along含义相同。
    iii.从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)
    11.﹣﹣Will you go to Lisa's birthday party?
    ﹣﹣Well, she has ______ me,but I have to look after my grandpa in hospital these days.(  )
    A.invented B.invited C.introduced
    12.﹣﹣John did a great job in the basketball game!
    ﹣﹣It's not surprising. Being tall has given him a(n)______ over the other players.(  )
    A.adventure B.victory C.advantage
    13.﹣﹣Keep______ when I take photos of you.
    ﹣﹣OK, what about making this gesture?(  )
    A.gentle B.still C.usual
    14.﹣﹣What did Maggie do after ?
    ﹣﹣She became a primary school teacner in a small town.(  )
    A.business B.exercise C.graduation
    15.﹣﹣If it continues raining, the river will and we all will be flooded.
    ﹣﹣Right. Something must be done to prevent that from happening.(  )
    A.dry up B.run over C.get down
    【解答】dry up干涸;run over碾过;溢出;get down下来。根据"继续下雨"可知"河水就会泛滥,我们都会被淹没"。
    Ⅱ完形填空(10 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后面所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上讲相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分)
    16.(10分)An 18﹣year﹣old student decided to host a musical concert to raise money because he couldn't afford his college fee. He reached out to the great pianist IgacyJ.Paderewski who asked for $2,000. A(n) (1) A was made and the boy began to prepare for the concert.
    Unfortunately,he had not(2) B to sell enough tickets.With only $1,600,disappointed,he went to Paderewski and explained the situation.He gave Paderewski the $1,600(3) C a ( 支 票 )for the remaining $400 and promised to honour(兑现)the cheque soon.
    "No," said Paderewski."This is not (4) D ". He tore up(撕毁)the cheque,(5) A the$1,600 and told the boy."Keep the money for your fee."
    The small acts of kindness clearly showed Paderewski as a(6) C  person. Later he became the Prime Minister of Poland.(7) B he was a great leader, Poland gas got in trouble when the World War began and over 1.5 million people were starving(饥饿 ) .Feeling(8) D ,he reached out to the US Food and ReliefAdministration for help. The head there was a man called Herbert Hoover. Hoover agreed to help and quickly shipped tons of(9) A to Poland.
    Paderewski decided to meet Hoover and personally thank him. When they met,Hoover siad," Mr. Prime minister. You may not remember this.Several years ago. you helped a young(10) D go through college. I was him."
    The world is a wonderful place. What goes around comes around!

    (3)A.instesd of
    B.according to
    C.as well as
    D.except for
    B. available
    【解答】(1)A 考查名词。A.deal约定;交易,B. rule规则,C.excuse借口,D.offer录取通知书,根据A(n) (1)was made and the boy began to prepare for the concert..达成协议之后,男孩开始为音乐会做准备。故选A。
    (2)B 考查动词。A challenged 挑战,B. managed设法完成;成功做某事,C.chosen选择,D.failed失败,结合Unfortunately,he had not(2)to sell enough tickets.不幸的是,他没有成功卖出足够的票。故选B。
    (3)C 考查介词短语。A. instead of 而不是,B.according to根据,C.as well as 也,D.expect for除了,根据He gave Paderewski the $1,600(3)a ( 支 票 )for the remaining $400 and promised to honour(兑现)the cheque soon.他给了Paderewski 1600美元,以及剩下的4000美元的支票,并承诺很快兑现支票。故选C。
    (4)D 考查形容词。A. believable可信的,B.according to根据,C.comfortable舒服的,D.acceptable 可接受的,结合This is not (4)". He tore up(撕毁)the cheque.这是不能接受的,他撕开了支票。故选D。
    (5)A 考查动词。A.returned归还,B.passed 通过,C.carried运送 ,D.hid躲藏,根据He tore up(撕毁)the cheque,(5)the$1,600 and told the boy."Keep the money for your fee."他撕掉了支票,退还了1600美元,并对男孩说:"把钱留给你。"故选A。
    (6)C 考查形容词。A.common普通的,B.outgoing外向的,C.great伟大的;好的,D.selfish自私的,结合The small acts of kindness clearly showed Paderewski as a(6)person.小小的善举清楚地表明了帕德鲁夫斯基是一个伟大的人。故选C。
    (7)B 考查连词。A. Unless除非,B.Although尽管,C. Because因为,D.If如果,结合he was a great leader, Poland gas got in trouble when the World War began and over 1.5 million people were starving(饥饿) .尽管他是一位伟大的领导人,波兰在第二次世界大战开始时还是遇到了麻烦,超过150万人挨饿。故选B。
    (8)D 考查形容词。A. frightened害怕的,B. peaceful和平的,C.unexpected出乎意料的,D.helpless 无助的,结合Feeling(8),he reached out to the US Food and ReliefAdministration for help.当他感到无助的时候,他向美国福利与救济管理局(Food and Relief Administration)寻求帮助。故选D。
    (9)A 考查名词。A. food食物,B.water水,C.meat肉,D.medicine药,根据Hoover agreed to help and quickly shipped tons of__to Poland.胡佛同意提供帮助,并迅速将大量粮食运往波兰。故选A。
    (10)D 考查名词。A. pianist钢琴家,B.teacher 教师,C.worker工人,D.student学生,根据Several years ago,you helped a young_go through college. I was him.几年前,您帮助一名年轻学生上大学。我就是那名学生。故选D。
    Ⅲ、阅读理解(25 分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分)
    17.(5分)Robbie and priscilla love traveling very much. They can travel often because they have a marketing company and can work anywhere online. But when they were traveling, they worried about their cat , Mr.beebles, who they had to leave at home. That's why the couple decided to buy an old school bus and turn it into their dream home in 2017.
    Like most DIY efforts, rebuilding the bus was difficult. They faced problems nearly every step along the way. Among them replacing the broken windows and dealing with serious engine problems were the most difficult for them. In fact, Robbie and Priscilla almost give up.
    Finally, they made it .Though the home is small , it has everything you need to live a comfortable life ﹣﹣ a full﹣sized kitchen, a bathroom with a shower and a bedroom. The bus also has an air conditioner, a fireplace(壁炉) and even solar panels(太阳能电池板) outside the bus to help them save money and energy.
    As soon as the bus was finished, Robbie and Priscilla left their home in Florida on March 21, 2019 ,and left for the East coast. They were on the road for almost 10 months, and visited 137 different cities .
    For the next step , they are planning to go on a 5 five﹣year road trip visiting every state of America.

    (1)Robbie and Priscilla travel often because of D .
    A.their cat
    B.their parents
    C.their school
    D .their hobby
    (2)Who is Mr.Beebles? A 
    A.The couple's pet.
    B.Priscilla's husband.
    C.The couple's school bus.
    D.The couple's dream home.
    (3)What does the underlined word"them"in Paragraph 2 refer to? B 
    D. Efforts.
    (4)It took the couple about C to finish their dream home.
    A.five years
    B.three years
    C.two years
    D.ten months
    (5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? D 
    A.The couple can't take a shower in the dream home.
    B.The couple have visited every state of America in 10 months.
    C.The couple don't know how to save energy in their dream home.
    D.The couple changed the school bus into their home by themselves.

    【分析】本文介绍了喜欢旅游的Robbie and Priscilla夫妇,克服很多困难将一辆旧校车改装成为他们的房车并打算周游美国的故事。
    【解答】(1)D.细节理解题。根据短文首句信息Robbie and priscilla love traveling very much. 可知,是由于他们的爱好, 故答案为:D.
    (2)A.细节理解题。根据短文信息But when they were traveling, they worried about their cat , Mr.beebles, who they had to leave at home. .可知their cat 和 Mr.beebles是宾语同位语,所以Mr.beebles就是夫妇俩的宠物猫,故答案为:A.
    (3)B.细节推理题。根据短文信息They faced problems nearly every step along the way. Among them replacing the broken windows and dealing with serious engine problems were the most difficult for them. 他们几乎每一步都面临着问题。 其中,更换破碎的窗户和处理严重的发动机问题是他们最困难的。可知them指代的就是他们所面临的problems,故答案为:B.
    (4)C.细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句That's why the couple decided to buy an old school bus and turn it into their dream home in 2017. 以及最后一段的第一句As soon as the bus was finished, Robbie and Priscilla left their home in Florida on March 21, 2019 ,and left for the East coast.可知,从购买到改装成功花时两年,故答案为:C.
    (5)D.细节判断题。根据短文信息 Finally, they made it .Though the home is small , it has everything you need to live a comfortable life ﹣﹣ a full﹣sized kitchen, a bathroom with a shower and a bedroom. The bus also has an air conditioner, a fireplace(壁炉) and even solar panels(太阳能电池板) outside the bus to help them save money and energy.排除答案A,C这对夫妇不能在房车中洗澡;.这对夫妇不知道如何在他们的房车中节约能源;根据They were on the road for almost 10 months, and visited 137 different cities .For the next step , they are planning to go on a 5 five﹣year road trip visiting every state of America.排除答案B,这对夫妇在10个月内访问了美国的每个州。结合(4)的信息分析可知答案D,这对夫妇自己把校车换成了他们的家,是符合短文信息的,故答案为:D.

    18.(5分)Former truck driver Chen Xianjun played a final chord (和弦) on the guitar as he and his band﹣ mates ﹣﹣a salesperson, a farmer, and two doctors ﹣﹣ enjoy themselves in the music. Behind them was the photo of a foreigner wearing a warm smile and hugging his guitar. It was 27﹣ years ﹣old Philip Hancock, an Australian teaching English in Chongqing.
    Hancock died in May 2018 in Chongqing because of diabetes. His parents obeyed his wish to donate his organs. Hancock's Liver and kidneys save the lives of three people in the band. And his corneas helped the other two, including Chen see the world again.
    "Last year, Red cross officials suggested we form a band in memory of Hancock. They said Hancock loved music and dreamed of having his own band one day, "Chen said," I'm more than fortunate to be able to do this."
    Over the past year, the five" musicians" have learned different instruments in the studio.
    The Band for One, a fitting name for the group, finally came to Hangzhou on Nov.7 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the implementation(实施) of voluntary organ donations in China.
    "I was nervous before stepping on the stage, but I think we did a great job," Chen said. "All of us now have the ability to carry on with our lives , and I believe that's exactly what Hancock wanted for us."

    (1)How many members are there in the band "The Band for One"? B 
    (2)What can we learn from the second paragraph? D 
    A.Hancock's parents disagreed with his wish.
    B.Hancock died of liver cancer two years ago.
    C.Chen Xianjun lost his eyes when he was born.
    D.Hancock's kindness helped save several lives
    (3)Why did they choose to form a band? B 
    A. They all could play music.
    B.It was Hancock's dream.
    C.It was the easiest choice.
    D.Red Cross Officials could teach them.
    (4)When did China begin to carry out the voluntary organ donation? A 
    A .In 2010.
    B. In 2015.
    C.In 2018.
    D.In 2020.
    (5)Which of the following word can best describe Hancock? C 
    B. Hard﹣working.
    C. Kind﹣hearted.
    D. Cruel.
    【解答】(1)B,细节理解题.根据Former truck driver Chen Xianjun played a final chord (和弦) on the guitar as he and his band﹣ mates ﹣﹣a salesperson, a farmer, and two doctors ﹣﹣ enjoy themselves in the music. 可知有卡车司机、一个销售人员,一个农民和两个医生共五个人,故选B.
    (2)D,细节理解题.根据Hancock died in May 2018 in Chongqing because of diabetes. His parents obeyed his wish to donate his organs. Hancock's Liver and kidneys save the lives of three people in the band. And his corneas helped the other two, including Chen see the world again.可知,汉考克的肝脏和肾脏拯救了乐队中三个人的生命。 他的角膜帮助了另外两个人,包括陈再次看到世界。所以,汉考克的义举帮助挽救了几条生命,故选D.
    (3)B,细节理解题.根据 "Last year, Red cross officials suggested we form a band in memory of Hancock. They said Hancock loved music and dreamed of having his own band one day, "chen said," 可知是因为汉考克爱音乐,并希望有一支自己的乐队,故选B.
    (4)A,细节理解题.根据The Band for One, a fitting name for the group, finally came to Hangzhou on Nov.7 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the implementation(实施) of voluntary organ donations in China.终于在11月7日来到杭州,以庆祝在中国实施自愿器官捐赠10周年;根据时间倒推10年,所以中国实施自愿器官捐是2010年,赠故选A.
    (5)C,推理判断题.根据Hancock died in May 2018 in Chongqing because of diabetes. His parents obeyed his wish to donate his organs.可知,首先是汉考克自愿捐赠器官去拯救其他人,所以可推知他是一个善良的人,去世后都想着帮助别人,故选C.
    19.(5分)Recently, china's Ministry of Education has asked all public schools to teach students First aid especially CPR as part of children's health education.
    There are as many as 550,000 Sudden cardiac deaths in China every year. About 60 percent of these deaths happen outside hospitals. In November 2019 ,35﹣year﹣ old Taiwan model﹣actor Godfrey Gao dies after he suddenly fell while filming a reality show. Although he was rushed to the hospital, he still died from sudden cardiac arrest. His deaths caused a heated discussion .
    CPR is one of the first and most useful methods of treating cardiac arrest, according to medical experts, most patients will begin to develop brain damage within four to six minutes. after cardiac arrest, and then biological death within a few minutes. However, in China, besides medical workers, the number of people who have received first aid training is only about one percent of the public.
    As early as 1966.,the Us has advised the public to receive CPR training, including police officers, drivers, firefighters, teachers and students of colleges colleges and secondary schools .In europe. Switzerland requires all citizens to be trained in first aid, including cpr. And in Germany, every citizen must be trained before getting a driver's license. Forty percent of people in France are also trained in first aid.
    According to Guo Malong, a doctor in Henan, a CPR lesson can be completed in anything from 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on what's included. Basic first aid lessons can be completed in just 30 minutes, which doesn't cost students too much time, but will make a huge difference to others.

    (1)How many sudden cardiac happen outside hospital in China every year? C 
    A. About 24,750
    B. About 261,250
    C. About 330,000
    D. About 550,000
    (2)The author mentions Godfrey Gao to show B .
    A.how important learning CPR is
    B.how dangerous sudden cardiac arrest is
    C.all age groups may die from cardiac arrest
    D.all kinds of people may have cardiac arrest
    (3)The best time to perform CPR is within A after one's cardiac arrest.
    A.the 4﹣6 minutes
    B. the 6﹣8 minutes
    C. the 8﹣10 minutes
    D. the 10﹣12 minutes
    (4)Which of the following is TRUE? B 
    A.0% of the French have had first aid training.
    B.In Germany ,every driver is trained in first aid.
    C.All students must receive CPRtraining in the US.
    D.People in Swizerland don't have receive CPR training.
    (5)What do Guo Malong's words mean in the last paragraph? A 
    A.It's easy and possible to teach CPR in school.
    B.Basic first aid lessons will cost too mach time.
    C.It's important to teach students to learn first aid.
    D.Every student should know diffents first aid skills.
    【解答】(1)C.推理判断题。根据There are as many as 550,000 Sudden cardiac deaths in China every year. About 60 percent of these deaths happen outside hospitals.可知中国每年有多达55万人死于心脏病。大约60%的死亡发生在医院外,因此可知有550000×60%=330000,故选C。
    (2)B.推理判断题。根据In November 2019 ,35﹣year﹣ old Taiwan model﹣actor Godfrey Gao dies after he suddenly fell while filming a reality show. Although he was rushed to the hospital, he still died from sudden cardiac arrest. His deaths caused a heated discussion .可知2019年11月,35岁的台湾模特演员戈弗雷•高(Godfrey Gao)在拍摄真人秀时突然摔倒身亡。虽然他被紧急送往医院,但仍然死于心脏骤停。他的死引起了热烈的讨论。因此可知尽管戈弗雷•高在发病时被及时送医,但是还是死于心脏骤停。所以能推断出心脏骤停很危险,故选B。
    (3)A.细节理解题。根据most patients will begin to develop brain damage within four to six minutes.可知大多数病人会在4到6分钟内开始出现脑损伤。因此可知最佳的救援时间是最早的4到6分钟内,故选A。
    (4)B.细节判断题。根据And in Germany, every citizen must be trained before getting a driver's license. 可知而在德国,每个公民在拿到驾照前都必须经过培训。因此B选项表述正确,故选B。
    (5)A.推理判断题。根据According to Guo Malong, a doctor in Henan, a CPR lesson can be completed in anything from 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on what's included. Basic first aid lessons can be completed in just 30 minutes, which doesn't cost students too much time, but will make a huge difference to others.可知据河南医生郭马龙介绍,一堂心肺复苏课可以在45分钟到2小时内完成,具体时间取决于内容。基本的急救课程只需30分钟就可以完成,这不会花费学生太多时间,但会给其他人带来巨大的不同。因此可知学校进行CPR教学是很容易的,故选A。
    第二节 请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)
    A.Make sure the place is suitable for the activities
    B.Any weekend, evening or night is best.
    C.Sometimes it's just nice for friends to get together
    D.Decide how much you will spend E .Plan your guest list
    F. You have enough time to plan everything
    Sometimes you just need to have a great party.!There's nothing like hosting and seeing all your friends together in the same place. But how do you do it? Here are some ways.
    Decides on a theme
    Try to come up with a theme that might get everyone excited. Write down different fun activities ,types of music ,and others that help you think of possible themes .Or don't have a theme at all.
    (1) A 
    Pick a place for your party
    Where are you going to have a party ? With Be a big event? Could you have it at your house or a friends house? Did you have a place in mind, like a restaurant ,Movie theater, or park?
    (2) F 
    Decide on the time for your party
    If it's a birthday party, most people try to have the party on that day or, (3) B , So you and your guests don't have school or work the next morning. Most parties are after dinner, but a brunch or afternoon party works ,too.
    (4) E 
    This will be partly decided by where you are having the party. Make sure that place is large enough. Also think about whether you want your friends to bring friends or not. That could seriously change how many hands you have to plan four and mouths you have to feed.
    Get the word out
    You can talk of guests in person about the party or just call them. Start talking about the party at least two weeks before , so they don't make plans. And (5) D . Remain them once or twice before the party , too.
    (1)A.根据后句" Pick a place for your party"可知说的是地点,结合选项,应说确保地点适合活动。故选A。
    (2)F.根据后句"Decide on the time for your party"可知说的是时间,结合选项,应说你有足够的时间计划一切。故选F。
    (3)B.根据后句" So you and your guests don't have school or work the next morning."可知说的是第二天早上,结合选项,应说任何周末、晚上或傍晚都是最好的。故选B。
    (4)E.根据后句"Also think about whether you want your friends to bring friends or not. "可知说的是人员,结合选项,应说计划你的客人名单。故选E。
    (5)D.根据前句"Start talking about the party at least two weeks before , so they don't make plans. "可知提前的准备,结合选项,应说决定你要花多少钱?故选D。
    第三节 信息匹配下面的材料 A-F 分别介绍了六个卡通角色,请根据五位同学的兴趣爱好,帮助他们选出最感兴趣的卡通角色,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂照。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)
    21.(5分)A.Peter is the name of a lovely brown rabbits in the movie peter rabbit. It has big eyes and it is very brave. Peter is so popular with children and adults.
    B.Mr. Fuzzypants is the name of the cat in the movie Nine Lives. Rebecca's birthday is coming and she has always wanted a cat. But his father doesn't like cats at all. Anyway,he gets one for Rebecca. Then,something interesting happens.
    C.Adam is the name of a boy in the cartoon movie.The Son Of Bigfoot. One day , Adam goes to the forest to look for his father, who has hidden deep in the forest to protect himself and his family. And then Adam discovers that he has superpower like his father.
    D.Bodi is the name of a dog in the cartoon movie Rock Dog .Bodi dreams of becoming a musician. He is also the next one to protect the village of Snow Mountain. But he has got some trouble.
    E.Miguel is the name of a boy in the movie Coco . Miguel really wants to be a musician, but his family is against it .Anyway, Miguel tries to make his dream come true.
    F.Paddington is the name of beer in the movie Paddington 2 .Aunt Lucy's 100th birthday is coming and Paddington buys a special gift for her. But the gift is lost and Paddington tries to find it.

    (1) F Ma Lu loves watching movies about bears in her free time.
    (2) C Wang Qiang loves carton heroes with superpower. In fact, he dreams of having superpower.
    (3) B Deng Rui is an animal lover and the cat is her favourite.
    (4) A Li Tao was born in the Year of the Rabbit, so he loves movies about rabbits very much
    (5) E Gao Yun doesn't like animals. He loves music and he wants to be a musician in the future. He enjoys movies about music very much
    【分析】本文就算了六部(卡通)电影《彼得兔》 《九命》 《大脚的儿子》 《摇滚狗》 《可可》和 《帕丁顿2》的主要情节。
    (1)F.根据Ma Lu loves watching movies about bears in her free time.抓住关键词 movies about bears,关于兔子的电影,可知《帕丁顿2》是讲述有关熊的故,故答案为F.
    (2)C.根据Wang Qiang loves carton heroes with superpower. In fact, he dreams of having superpower.抓住关键词 loves carton heroes with superpower,喜欢具有超能力的英雄;可知 《大脚的儿子》是讲述有关超能力的故事的,故答案为C.
    (3)B.根据Deng Rui is an animal lover and the cat is her favourite.抓住关键词 animal lover and the cat is her favourite,动物爱好者,猫是最爱;可知《九命》 是讲述有关猫的故事的,故答案为B.
    (4)A.根据Li Tao was born in the Year of the Rabbit, so he loves movies about rabbits very much。抓住关键词 loves movies about rabbits,喜欢有关兔子的电影;可知 《彼得兔》是讲述有兔子的故事,故答案为A.
    (5)E.根据Gao Yun doesn't like animals. He loves music and he wants to be a musician in the future. He enjoys movies about music very much.抓住关键信息 doesn't like animals,不喜欢动物;enjoys movies about music very much,非常喜欢关于音乐的电影;可知《可可》是讲述一个具有音乐梦想的小孩的故事,故答案为E.
    IV. 语法填空(10 分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分)
    22.(10分)About 470 pilot whales(巨头鲸)have been beached in Tasmania in Australia. This has been the (1) largest (large) whale﹣beaching event in Tasmania since 1935. People are working hard(2) to save (save) the whales.
    Every year, around 2,000 large sea animals, such as dolphins and whales, die by (3) swimmming (swim) onto a beach or into water that's too shallow(浅的)for(4) them (they) to swim away. This
    (5) is known (know)as "beaching". Pilot whales and killer whales are some of the most commonly beached whales.
    Rescue workers are trying to "refloat(使……再浮起)"the whales so they can swim away. The job is (6) especially (especial)challenging because the whales are so large. Pilot whales can grow up to 7 meters long and can weigh up to 2,300 kg.
    The rescue teams, numbering about 60 people, include (7) volunteers (volunteer), the police and workers from the Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service.
    So far, around 25 whales have been rescued. Since (8) the rescued whales will return to the place again where others are still in trouble, workers are trying to make sure that rescued whales don't get beached again.
    Dr Carlyon from the rescue team says the cool, wet weather has helped keep the whales alive. He describes the weather as "pretty ugly out there for people on the ground, (9) but as far as the whales go, it's perfect".
    About 90 whales(10) have died (die)so far. Rescue efforts are likely to continue for a few more days.
    【解答】(1)largest.考查形容词.根据题干This has been the (1)____(large) whale﹣beaching event in Tasmania since 1935. 提供词是形容词;结合句意自1935年以来最大的一次鲸鱼搁浅事件,所以用其最高级形式填入,故答案为largest.
    (2)to save.考查动词.根据题干 People are working hard(2)___(save) the whales.提供词是动词;结合句意,努力工作去拯救搁浅的鲸鱼,可知拯救鲸鱼是说明努力工作要达到的目的,所以使用动词不定式填入,故答案为to save.
    (3)swimmming.考查动名词.根据题干Every year, around 2,000 large sea animals, such as dolphins and whales, die by (3)____(swim) onto a beach or into water.提供词是动词;空前是介词,所以用动名词形式填入,用作介词宾语,故答案为swimmming.
    (4)them.考查代词.根据题干 That's too shallow(浅的)for(4)____(they) to swim away. 提供词是人称代词;空前是介词,所以用其宾格形式填入,用作介词宾语,故答案为them.
    (5)is known.考查动词.根据题干This(5)____(know)as "beaching".结合句意,这就是被认为的"鲸鱼搁浅事件"。可知句型,be known as,被认为是;所以,用其被动语态,介绍事实,一般现在时态,故答案为is known.
    (6)especially.考查副词.根据题干The job is (6)____(especial)challenging because the whales are so large.提供词是形容词;空后是形容词,所以应该用其副词形式填入,加强语气,故答案为especially.
    (7)volunteers.考查可数名词复数.根据题干The rescue teams, numbering about 60 people, include (7)____(volunteer), the police and workers.提供词是名词;匹配其后并列的名词形式the police and workers ,所以用其复数形式填入,故答案为volunteers.
    (10)have died.考查动词.根据题干About 90 whales(10)____(die)so far.提供词是谓语动词;结合时间短语,so far,到目前为止;现在完成时态的标志,故答案为have died.
    Ⅴ.书面表达(15 分)
    你的观点: ………
    3.词数:80 左右(开头已经给出,不计入总词数)
    参考词汇: carriage 车厢, standard 标准

    Last Friday, our class had an English open class, in which we discussed the launch of quiet carriages on high﹣speed trains. .

    People often talked with each other and made phone calls in high﹣speed railway carriages.
    talk with sb 和某人交谈;make phone calls 打电话
    As for the quiet standard, I thought if we thought about it seriously and comprehensively,it should not be a big problem.
    As for至于…;think about 考虑
    【解答】Last Friday, our class had an English open class, in which we discussed the launch of quiet carriages on high﹣speed trains.
    Some students thought it was a good idea.People often talked with each other and made phone calls in high﹣speed railway carriages.【高分句型一】 And sometimes they even played cards.This made people who wanted to have a rest could't have a good rest.And people who wanted to read or do other things quietly couldn't get that. If silent carriages were set up on the high﹣speed railway, these problems could be solved very well.(赞同的原因)However, other students thought that the idea was not very good, because the quiet standard was difficult to define and implement.(不赞同的原因)
    I thought it was a good idea to let people who needed a quiet environment got that.(自己的意见)If someone wanted to talk with each or call on a mobile phone, they could go to other carriages.As for the quiet standard, I thought if we thought about it seriously and comprehensively,it should not be a big problem.【高分句型二】(自己赞同的理由)


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